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      • 황-요오드 수소 제조 공정에서 전기투석법을 이용한 HI 농축 특성

        李丙宇 忠南大學校 大學院 2012 국내석사

        RANK : 1839

        The present work explores the performance and operation limit of electrodialysis cell for HI concentration in sulfur iodine thermochemical hydrogen production process, For this purpose, the electrodialysis cell was assembled with NafionⓇ117 as a PEM membrane and two activated carbon electrodes. HIX solution was prepared with composition of HI: I2: H2O = 1: 0.5 ~ 2.5: 5.2 in molar ratio. The cell and its peripheral apparatus were placed in the specially designed convective oven in order to uniformly maintain the operation temperature. As operation temperature increased, the amount of water transport from anode to cathode increased, thus reducing HI molarity in catholyte. Meanwhile, the current efficiency was constant as about 90 %, irrespective of temperature change. The cell voltage increased with initial I2 mole ratio as well as anolyte to catholyte mole ratio. Moreover the cell voltage overshot took place within 10 h cell operation, which is due to the I2 precipitation inside the cell. From the analysis of I2 mole ratio in the anolyte, it is noted that operation limit (in I2 mole ratio) of the electrodialysis cell, arising from was measured to be 3.2, which is much lower than bulk solubility limit of 4.7. The effect of carbon electrode porosity on the electrodialysis experiment was studied. As the real porosity of carbon electrode increased, the time of operation limit increased in this electrodialysis experiment. When sulfuric acid was added in the HIX solution, the mole ratio of I2 and H2O increased and the concentration of HI decreased because of the side reaction between HI and sulfuric acid. The precipitated particles were found in the HIX solution when this electrodialysis experiment was finished. The precipitated particles were confirmed as sulfur compounds by using EDX.

      • 이공계열 신입생의 물리 기초능력 차이 연구

        이병우 순천대학교 교육대학원 2013 국내석사

        RANK : 1839

        The study science and engineering students to evaluate the ability of the physical basis of information from the survey were analyzed. Overall average of student, gender differences, differences from high school to the family, college proficiency in the area of scientific inquiry in the physical presence of the selected subjects were analyzed according to the difference information. As a result, the overall average can see that the two generally low. Compared to gender than male students can see that a marginally better. Science department compared to high school and you will probably come from department of liberal arts, junior college and certificate examination can be seen that good order. University of proficiency in the area of scientific inquiry in physics courses for selected physics courses were selected for a high score. In this way, a lot of students lack basic skills physics can be seen. From the 7th national curriculum was introduced to select the center of high school physics curriculum subjects have not been a popular choice. In addition, due to the reduced class without learning physics classes, students admitted to the college of science department of physics at the base of the lack of studies majors are struggling. This in order to increase students' understanding of physics of physical students organized according to the level that will be effective. And the physical basis of open courses is a great way to take.

      • 鐵筋콘크리트 構造物의 耐久性 診斷 및 評價에 관한 硏究

        이병우 漢陽大學校 産業大學院 2001 국내석사

        RANK : 1839

        최근 철근콘크리트 구조물의 내구성에 대한 관심고조와 더불어 이에 대한 많은 연구가 진행되고 있는 실정이다. 콘크리트 구조물의 내구성 평가는 유지관리에 있어서 중요한 것으로 정기적인 내구성의 진단과 장기적인 성능저하의 진행예측 및 보수․보강의 시기 및 공법의 선정 등을 판단하는 일이다. 본 연구는 콘크리트 구조물의 내구성을 평가하기 위한 절차 수립을 목적으로 콘크리트의 다양한 성능저하 메커니즘을 규명하고 콘크리트 구조물의 내구성 저하 요인을 조사, 분석함은 물론, 콘크리트 구조물의 내구성 평가를 위한 평가 항목 및 절차를 제시하고 현장 적용실험을 실시한 결과를 토대로 다음과 같은 결론을 도출하였다. 첫째, 국․내외 문헌고찰을 토대로 콘크리트 구조물에 발생되는 주요 성능저하 매커니즘을 염해, 중성화, 동결융해, 알칼리골재반응, 화학적 침식으로 분류하였다. 둘째, 콘크리트 구조물의 내구성 평가를 효율적이고 합리적인 수행하기 위햐여 내구성진단의 수행과 그 절차에 대한 개념을 정립하고 내구성 평가 등급을 제시하였다. 셋째, 내구성 진단의 절차 및 평가방법의 효용성 검토를 위하여 철근이 부식된 실구조물을 대상으로 적용성을 검토하였으며, 제시된 방법에 의하여 성능저하의 형태 및 원인을 규명하였으며, 보수면적 등에 대한 합리적인 결과를 도출하였다. 넷째, 콘크리트 내구성 평가절차의 체계가 확립되지 않은 관계로 보다 많은 적량적인 자료의 확보에 어려움이 존재하였으나, 제시된 평가절차에 따라 내구성평가의 자료가 축적된다면 구조물의 유지관리 및 수명연장에 기여할 것으로 생각된다.

      • 치주지지가 감소된 상태에서 섬유강화형 포스트로 수복한 치아의 실패양상 분석

        이병우 江陵大學校 大學院 2003 국내석사

        RANK : 1839

        Fiber-reinforced posts have lower modulus of elasticity than titanium post or cast post-core. With this similar elasticity to that of dentin, fiber-reinforced posts have been known to have a tendency to reduce the risk of root fracture. However, there were few studies on the teeth restored with fiber-reinforced posts under the condition of reduced periodontal support. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the fracture strength and failure mode of endodontically treated teeth restored with fiber-reinforced posts and titanium posts under the condition of reduced periodontal support. Extracted human maxillary incisor roots were divided into 3 groups (group 1 : carbon fiber post, group 2 : glass fiber post, and group 3 : titanium alloy post). After coronectomy and endodontic treatment, teeth were restored with each post systems and resin core according to the manufacturer's recommendation. Then, teeth with simulated periodontal ligament were embedded in the acrylic resin blocks at the level of 4 ㎜ below the cemento-enamel junction. Each specimen was exposed to 10^(5) load cycles with average 30 N force in 36.5 ℃ water using a computer-controlled chewing simulator. Loads were applied at 45° angle to the long axis of the teeth. After cyclic loading, teeth were subjected to a compressive load until failure at a crosshead speed of 0.5 ㎜/min. Fracture strength (N) and failure mode were examined. The fracture strength was analyzed with one-way ANOVA and the Scheffe adjustment at the 95% significance level. The results were as follows. 1. There was no statistically significant difference in the mean fracture strength among the groups (P> .05). 2. Carbon fiber post and glass fiber post group showed less root fracture tendency than control group. 3. All specimens with root fractures showed fracture lines above the level of acrylic resin block, except for only one specimen in group 3.

      • 宅地開發地區 管理를 위한 地區單位計劃 樹立過程에 관한 硏究 : 公共部門 役割을 中心으로

        이병우 서울市立大學校 2005 국내석사

        RANK : 1839

        한국전쟁이후 급격한 도시화와 산업화 과정을 겪으면서 대도시에는 필연적으로 주택부족현상이 나타나게 되었고, 이에 대응하여 정부는 도시지역의 심각한 주택난 해소를 위하여 1980년 택지개발촉진법을 제정 시행함으로써 택지공급을 원활히 할 수 있는 기반을 마련하였으며, 서울의 개포지구와 고덕택지개발지구가 제일먼저 13~27평형의 저층아파트와 단독주택지로 개발되었다. 이 논문은 택지개발지구 관리를 위한 관리수단으로 지구단위계획을 수립하는 과정에서 계획참여자의 역할에 따라 계획이 빠르게 결정되기도 하고 지연되기도 하므로 택지개발지구 지구단위계획 수립과정을 분석·종합·정리하여 공공부문의 역할과 개선방안 제시에 주안점을 두었다. 최근 5년째 진행되고 있는 고덕택지개발지구 지구단위계획 수립과정에서 공공부문의 역할에 한계가 있다는 전제하에 다음과 같은 방법으로 연구를 진행하였다. 제2장에서는 택지개발지구와 지구단위계획제도의 도입과 전개과정을 중심으로 계획수립과정상 참여주체의 역할을 중점적인 관점으로 보았고 일반적인 관점에서 독일의 지구상세계획과 고덕택지개발지구의 지구단위계획수립 실태와 행정조직과 계획참여자를 살펴보고 택지개발지구 지구단위계획 수립과정상의 문제점을 제기하였다. 제3장에서는 택지개발지구 관리를 위한 지구단위계획을 수립중인 고덕택지 지구단위계획구역을 사례지로 선정하여 수립과정상 관련된 계획참여자를 역할 별로 설정하여 개략적인 현황과 계획 추진경위를 중심으로 진행과정(Process)을 분석하였다. 제4장에서는 계획수립 단계별로 계획참여자가 어떤 역할을 하였으며 각과정에서 문제점을 분석하였으며 계획수립 주체간의 역할 관계에 주안점을 두었다. 특히 공공부문의 역할에 대하여 문제점을 제기하고 개선방향을 제시하였다. 이상과 같은 연구과정을 통해 다음과 같은 연구결과를 도출하였다. 첫째, 서울시는 도시전체의 관리자로서 법규의 원칙과 형평성을 지키며 역할을 충실히 수행하지만 계획 결정과정이 경직되어 주택시장의 흐름에 유연하게 대처할 수 없었다. 둘째, 자치구는 민선시대의 지역관리자로서 지역주민의 의사를 배척할 수 없어 계획수립의 입안권자로서 공공성 있는 계획수립에 애로사항이 있다. 셋째, 지역주민은 지구단위계획과관련된 이해당자사로서 자신들의 재산가치를 최대한 높이기 위해 계획수립 내용에 개입하여 지구단위계획의 입안과정의 흐름에 장애가 되었다. 넷째, 계획가는 지구단위계획수립에 있어 양면성을 띄게 된다. 넷째, 계획가는 초기에는 법규,원칙,형평성을 유지하며 계획 수립을 하지만 시간이 경과되면서 지역주민과 공공부문(자치구, 서울시)의 의견을 조율해야 되는 입장에 서게 된다. 계획수립단계에서는 지역주민과 자치구의 요구를 들어야 하며, 결정과정에서는 서울시의 요구대로 계획을 수정하는 모순적 역할을 할 수 밖에 없다. 이러한 연구결과를 바탕으로 지구단위계획 수립과정에서 주요역할을 하는 공공부문에 다음과 같이 제언하고자 한다. 첫째, 서울시는 택지개발지구와 같은 광범위한 도시관리 차원의 지구단위계획은 서울시에서 직접 입안·결정하도록 하여야 한다. 현재와 같이 전체를 자치구에서 입안하고 서울시에서 결정하는 제도하에서는 도시계획 업무를 전문화 시킬 수가 없다. 둘째, 지구단위계획구역내 특별계획구역의 세부개발계획 수립과 규모가 작은 10,000㎡이하의 일반 지구단위계획은 자치구에 위임하여야 하겠다. 셋째, 자치구에서는 사전기획단계를 운영하여야 한다. 넷째, 자치구에서는 도시계획업무 담당조직을 강화·정비할 필요가 있다. 도시계획부서를 강화하고 인력을 전문화하여 지역발전의 원동력이 되도록 분위기를 만들어 가도록 할 필요가 있다. 연구대상의 측면에서 바라볼 때 택지개발지구와 같은 대규모 지구단위계획수립과정을 중점적으로 분석하여 서울시에서 직접 입안하여 결정할 때 시간도 절약하고 행정력의 낭비를 막고, 우수한 계획이 수립될 것으로 공공부문의 개선방향을 제시하였다. 연구 내용적인 측면에서 바라볼 때 광범위한 고덕택지개발지구의 단계별 수립과정을 계획 수립주체 역할의 문제점을 분석하여 향후 택지개발지구 지구단위계획수립시 공공부문의 시행착오 재발방지를 위해 미약하나마 제도개선방향을 제시하였다. Since Korean War, the phenomenon of housing shortage had been one of serious urban problems and also had been an unpredictable product of the rapid industrialization and modernization. In addition to these side effects driven by fast urbanization, the government made and performed the Law for the Stimulation of Land(so called in Korea 'Taekji') Development in order to produce the sufficient land for housing supply. As the result, Gaepo district land and Goduk district land in Seoul Metropolitan area was developed for the sites of low-rise apartments and single houses. Twenty years later, the residents in the clusters of low-rise apartments performed some actions for housing redevelopment organizing the residents committee for the reconstruction of the sites. Furthermore they neglect the obligation of apartment maintenance with intent to pass the safety inspection test. They even have evacuated the residents in the apartment as a way of pressing the municipal governor. And such actions resulted in the enaction the new laws such as the Law for Land Planning and Usage, the Law for Management of Housing and City and the Law for Housing. The residents in the clusters of law-rise apartments also elected the representer of the residents committee who can acquire the maximum profit in planning their district from the local government and talked over the matter of reconstruction with the city governor and municipal governor trying to take a turn favorable for their own interests. However the local government has a different point of view while regarding the District Unit Plan(so called in Korea 'Jigu Danwi') for land development district as the urban management planning based upon its original objectives which was made in 1980s. In this context, this paper focuses on the public sector's role in planning land development district with the District Unit Plan which heavily depends on participants' role and responsibility. This paper researches and analyzes the planning establishment process and proposes desirable public sector's role. The process of planning establishment process in Goduk land development district which has been delayed for five years is uncovered in forth chapter of this thesis. This research is proceeded as follows; First, the general approach to the planning establishment process and elements in planning are introduced. Land development district and District Unit Plan is imposed on the process for the case study of Goduk land development district. We especially investigate each participant's role and the system of public adminstration in planning process. The difference between German's B-Plan and District Unit Plan and the implication is unrevealed. Second, we analyze main factors of Goduk District Unit Planning establishment process and what were the important responsibilities in establishing the stage of the plan. The relationship between each participants is mostly mentioned in third chapter. Third, the weakness of public sector's engagement in planning establishment process is mainly concerned in forth chapter. We induce policy proposals from the faced problems in recent days which public sector confronted in the case study of Goduk District Unit Plan. From this point of view, I propose planning policy implementation strategy especially for District Unit Plan of land development district as follows; First, the establishment of District Unit Planning for the wide range districts such as land development districts should be conducted by Seoul Metropolitan Government in its whole process. Municipal government could not proceed the planning establishment according to Seoul Metropolitan Government's policy direction, because the municipal governor could not ignore his voter's interests regarding to the next election. Second, urban planning division of the municipal government needs to have a prior consultation in the planning establishment process. And also the urban planning division has to manage a citizen committee that every residents in planning district can take part in the planning process, which means each stage of the planning can be practiced with transparency. Third, urban planning division should be strengthened synthetically and men power also obviously needs to be amplified. Connection and partnership with urban professionals can make planning process more reliable to citizens. Forth, general District Unit Planing establishment process for land development district takes longer periods and mostly this is derived from public sector's slacked discipline. Skillful civil servants in urban planning field are brought to the municipal government.

      • 주관 증후군에서 소 피부 절개에 의한 척골신경 단순 감압술

        이병우 경북대학교 일반대학원 2007 국내석사

        RANK : 1839

        Purpose : Cubital tunnel syndrome is the most frequently occurring compression neuropathy in the upper limb next to carpal tunnel syndrome. Operative management includes simple decompression; medial epicondylectomy; and anterior transposition. Recent minimal invasive technique has prompted us to gain clinical experience with simple in situ decompression with minimal skin incision. Materials and Methods : Ninty six consecutive cubital tunnel syndrome were treated using minimal skin incision technique. The mean age of the patients was 50.9 (range: 14-80) years and average follow up period was 25 months (range : 12-60 months). The cause of cubital tunnel syndrome was idiopathic in 66 cases, and osteoarthritis in 16, trauma in 7, rheumatoid arthritis in four, cubitus valgus deformity in two, ganglion in one. The severity of ulnar neuropathy was classified based on McGowan classification; There were 20 in grade Ⅰ, 69 grade Ⅱ and 7 grade Ⅲ. Preoperative nerve conduction study by inching method, which revealed motor conduction delay around the medial epicondyle. Postoperative outcome was evaluated by Messina classification. Results : All operations were carried out in day surgery unit under local anesthetics. All patients returned to their previous work level in average 2 weeks time. Postoperation patients' satisfaction by Messina classification was excellent in 35 cases, good in 43, fair in 16, and poor in 2. Overall satisfactory results were recorded over 83% of the patients of McGowan stage Ⅰand Ⅱ but three out of seven patients of McGowan stage Ⅲ. There were 2 case of hematoma as postoperative complication. Conclusion : This procedure is comparably effective alternative which involves less trauma, morbidity and rehabilitation time with good surgical outcomes especially in mild & moderate degrees. Minimal skin incision is a safe and effective method to treat patients with cubital tunnel syndrome.

      • 녹차 함유 신령버섯균사체 배양물의 ROS 세포 iNOS 발현 억제 효과

        이병우 경상대학교 대학원 2008 국내석사

        RANK : 1839

        This study was performed to enhance the inhibitory activity of the green tea by means of the submerged-liquid culture of Agricus blazei Murill (AB). The AB was incubated in the basal medium containing soybean flakes by means of a conventional submerged-liquid culture method. The crude catechin extracted from freeze-dried green tea (designated GTC) was added to the basal medium at a concentration of 0.1, 0.3, 0.5%. Three days after incubation of AB in 300 ㎖ volume in a temperature-controlled shaking incubator (25℃), mycelia was removed from the culturate by centrifugation (5C, 5000 rpm, 20 in), and the aqueous portion was concentrated to use as test samples. The effects of samples on cytotoxicity, the production of NO, and expression of iNOS gene were measured for ROS 17/2.8 cells. The inhibition rate of NO by control, 0.1% GTC +control, 0.1% GTC+Basal media (BM), 0.3% GTC+control, 0.3% GTC+BM, 0.5% GTC+control, 0.5% GTC+BM, and GTC treatments was 14.8±1.3, 34.4±1.9, 17.3±2.1, 22.4±1.3, 19.7±1.7, 30.3±1.7, 27.9±1.3, and 22.0±1.5 uM, respectively, The expression of iNOS was closely related to the results of the NO production by test samples. These results revealed that the extract of the liquid culture of AB suppresses the production of NO and the expression of iNOS in ROS 17/2.8 cells, and suggested that 0.1% GTC+control might be a useful source to suppress NO production.

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