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      • Enterobactin 유사체의 합성

        劉載哲 군산대학교 2003 국내석사

        RANK : 1839

        Enterobactin analogues I, II, and III were designed based on cyclohexane instead of benzene as spacer in MECAM for development of new Fe(III) sequestering agents. For synthesis of all-trams-1,3,5-trialkyl-2,4,6-triaminomethylcyclohexane derivarives 5 were studied. Starting from 1,3,5-trialkylbenzene, 17 bromo group were introduced into 2,4,6- position using Br2-Fe and followed by transformation into nitrile 18. Benzene group of 18 was reduced to cyclohexane using NaBH4. The resulting three stereo-isomers of cyclohexane were isomerized into most stable single isomer 20 by treating t-BuOK. Stereochmistry of 1,3,5-three alkyl group in 20 were proven to be all-cis and all-equatorial by 'H NMR and "C NMR. However, one of three nitrile was axiall and two other nitriles were equatorial. For the all-traps stereochemistry, CN groups should be transformed into more bulky group such as carboxyl group. The hydrolysis of three CN groups was not accomplished under both of acidic and bacic condition because of steric hinderance. Therefore, partial hydrolysis of CN to amide is under study. In addition, catalytic hydrogenation of 1,3,5-trialkyl-2,4,6-tricarboxylic acid (21) was studied under 100atm HZ to obtain all-cis cyclohexane derivatives. Owing to steric hinderance, the hydrogenation reaction was not realized. However, the hydrogenation reaction should be tried again under higher Hz pressure. For 11, the synthesis of all-traps-1,2,3,4,5,6-hexaaminomethylcyclohexane(40) was studied. All-cis-1,2,3,4,5,6-hexacarboxycyclohexane(23) was isomerized into all-traps stereoisomerisomer by recrystallization after esterification and isomerization using to t-BuOK in toluene. In the LAH reduction of methyl carboxylate of 25, alcohol 41 could not isolated from reaction mixture because of complex formation with Al(III). Several reduction condition of 25 were not successful because of solubility problem. Amidation of 25 using dibenzylamine and subsequent LAH reduction under study to obtain all-traps hexaamine 40.

      • 회절증강 CT법을 이용한 악성 신경아교종 모델의 영상 연구

        유재철 대구가톨릭대학교 대학원 2011 국내석사

        RANK : 1839

        Glioblastoma multiforme(GBM) is the most common malignant brain tumor, accounting for 12-15% of intracranial tumors and one half of primary brain tumors, and it is one of the most malignant brain tumor due to its aggressive biological behavior. In order to detect the true GBM tumor margin including infiltrated tumor components in the peritumoral edema zone Diffraction Enhanced Imaging(DEI) technique was used. The orthotopic brain tumor models were made in Sprague Dawley rats using C6 tumor cell line. The whole brain was taken out as ex vivo model using cardiac perfusion with a fixing agent after confirming apparent evidence of tumor development with peritumoral edema in the brain of model by MR images. DEI-CT was acquired at 35 KeV monochromatic X-ray from Photon Factory Synchrotron facility. The reconstructed 2D/3D images were analyzed, and distinction among necrosis, typical ring-shaped viable tissue, edema and healthy tissue was clearly observed in the tumor region of the frontal lobe in front of caudate nucleus. Interestingly, glomeruloid microvascular proliferation (MVP)-like structures were revealed in a number of speckle-type contrast at 2D reconstruction data, and more realistically at 3D reconstructed image. In addition, DEI-CT images of the normal cerebellum showed more apparent contrast between the white and gray matter than conventional absorption-based CT images.

      • 탁사 최병헌의 신학과 사상 연구

        유재철 협성대학교 신학대학원 2007 국내석사

        RANK : 1839

        지금까지 구한말 서구의 충격이 닥쳐왔던 시대에 태어나서 국내외적으로 말할 수 없이 혼란한 시기에 한 빛을 던지고 간 한국 최초의 신학자 탁사 최병헌의 생애와 사상을 대략 살펴보았는데, 최병헌은 그의 나이 대략 30세까지는 유불선 동양사상에 통달한 학자였으나, 31세 되던 1888년에 아펜젤러와 존스를 만나고 배재학당 한학부 교원으로 취임하면서 개화사상과 서구문명에 관한 많은 서적을 탐독하면서 초기 개화파의 사상에 감명을 받았고 여기서 더 나아가 大道大器의 새로운 길을 열게 된다. 기독교에 입교한(1893년) 후 그의 영혼 속에는 유불선 동양사상과 웨슬리의 신학사상과 애국애족을 바탕으로 한 개화사상의 모든 것을 그리스도의 복음 안에서 다시금 재해석하여, 유교의 내재적 윤리를 가지고 한국의 상황에 맞게 주체적으로 해석하려고 하였으며, 그리하여 신학활동은 물론이고, 사회개혁운동, 민중계몽운동, 민족의 자주독립과 교회의 주권확립운동 등 여러 방면에 걸쳐서 신앙 안에서 적극적인 삶을 살게 되었다. 특별히 그는 한글 보급운동의 선구자였는데, 선비의 후예로서 한 학자임에도 불구하고 민중계몽을 위해 순 한글로 "제국신문"을 창간하였으며, 1898년에 일본 요코하마에 가서 자모활자를 만들어 오기까지 하였고, 또한 성서번역에 참여 하여 많은 사람들이 성서를 쉽게 접할 수 있는 기회를 만들었다. 최병헌의 업적을 살펴보면 그가 종교인으로서 목회활동을 하면서도 어떻게 여러 분야에 걸쳐서 그토록 정력적으로 활동할 수 있었을까 하는 의문을 품지 않을 수 없을 정도로, 그는 진정코 자신이 쓴 논문 "근자득지"라는 말 그대로 몸소 실천하여 본을 보이며 자신의 힘닿는 데까지 최선을 다하여 훌륭한 업적을 남겼음을 알 수 있다. 그는 한국 최초의 신학형성의 선구자였으며, 동시에 비교종교학자였으며, 세계종교와 동양철학 그리고 한국 민족의 종파에 이르기까지 깊은 연구를 한 대학자였다. 특히 유불선에 관한 연구는 당대에 있어서 아마 최고봉에 다달은 석학이라고 말할 수 있는데, 당시에 기독교로 개종한 유교 지성인들 대부분은 최병헌을 제외하고는 거의 유교와 기독교와의 관계를 적극적으로 성실하게 생각하며 신학을 하려하지 않았기 때문에 이러한 신학의 불모지에서 "성산명경"과 "만종일련"을 남겼다는 것은 한국감리교회, 더 나아가 한국 개신교에 있어서 값진 유산이 아닐 수 없다. 최병헌은 한국 신학계에 없어서는 안 될 귀중한 인물이었다. 그는 암울했던 시대에 하나님의 일꾼으로 부름 받고, 사랑하는 민족을 향하여 거침없는 목소리를 높였던 선각자였다. 송길섭 박사는 그의 논문 "탁사 최병헌의 신학사상 연구"에서 최병헌에 대해 다음과 같이 평가하고 있다. "그러면서도 그는 친근한 민중의 벗으로서 그들의 고난에 동참하며 그들의 문제해결에 앞장섰다. 그는 원래 가난 속에서 자랐고 그 가난의 의미를 누구보다도 잘 알고 있었기 때문이었다. 민중의 아픔을 덜어주기 위하여 목회초기에는 그는 사회개혁자로 자처하여 예언자의 목소리를 높였고, 그 이후에도 그 개혁의 열정을 식히지 아니하였다. 그는 "예수교는 유신교"라고 까지 말했다. 동시에 그는 민중의 문제를 생각하면서도 민족의 과제를 도외시하지 아니 하였다. 그에게는 민중이 민족이요 민족이 민중이었기 때문이다. 일제하의 민족을 기독교복음으로 구원하려 했던 민족운동가이기도 했다. 실로 그는 반봉건적 사회개혁자요 한국교회 신학형성의 선구자다." 최병헌은 민족교회를 형성하고 성장시킴으로 일제하의 한국민족을 자유케 하고 구원하려 했던 민족주의자였다. 또한 다산적인 저술가이기며 한국기독교 최고의 독창적 변증가로서 그의 신학사상은 한국 기독교 변증적 학문의 틀을 형성하였다. 기독교 초기 바울의 변증기록들이 성서의 Text가 되었고 초대 교부들의 기독교 변증의 글들은 학문적 깊이를 떠나 기독교 신앙의 기초가 되었듯이 최병헌도 다름 아니다. 지금이야말로 신학자가 아닌 기독교 변증가이며 실천가로서의 최병헌을 다시보고 우리의 신학 사상과 신앙적 실천들을 점검해야할 시기이다. 요즈음의 한국교회는 혼돈의 늪으로 빠져들어 가고 있다. 구한말의 유교나 불교와 같이 무기력한 종교가 되어 가고 있는 것은 아닌지? 여기에서 우리는 다시 한 번 구한말의 상황속의 종교들을 바라보며 새로운 소망을 빛을 기독교에서 발견한 최병헌의 눈을 빌어 교회를 바라보아야 한다. 그리고 변증해야한다. 그 변증 속에 우리도 넣고 다시보자. 그리고 다시 민족에게 희망을 주는 한국교회가 되도록 우리의 교회와 신앙과 신학을 세워보자. 더 나아가 최병헌의 '만종일련'과 '성산명경'은 유, 불, 선 동양사상에 대한 기독교의 응답으로 재해석하고 확대할 필요를 느낀다. 한국과 중국과 일본 삼국은 정신적 종교적 문화적 유산인 유, 불, 선, 을 공유한다. 특히 이데올로기의 문제로 접근하기 어려웠던 중국이 열린다. 이들에게 선교하는 것은 성경을 가져다주는 것 보다, 노래를 가르쳐 주는 것 보다 탁사 최병헌의 변증신학을 그들의 손에 들려주는 것이 동양문화 속에 복음의 꽃을 먼저 피운 한국교회의 고르반 이라는 것을 깨달아야 한다. 아직도 우리에겐 하나의 과제가 남아 있다. 최병헌이 소망하던 한국민족의 복음화와 민족교회의 자주독립과 민족의 독립을 완전히 이루지 못하였다. 이 논문은 여기서 마쳐지는 것이 아니다. 지금 여기에서 일어나 최병헌의 소망이며 한국교회의 책임을 다하러 일어나 "근자득지(近者得志)"해야 하리라 믿는다.

      • 체외에서 이동 매듭과 추가적인 반매듭 증가에 따른 매듭의 최적 유지력에 대한 실험 연구

        유재철 고려대학교 대학원 2004 국내박사

        RANK : 1839

        PURPOSE: To evaluate the optimal number of additional half-hitches for achieving an optimal knot-holding capacity (KHC) of lockable sliding knots. METHODS: Four configurations of arthroscopic knots (Duncan loop, Field knot, Giant knot, and SMC knot) were tested for their knot-holding capacity. For each knot configuration, 6 sequential knots were made including the initial sliding knot and additional 5 knots by augmenting one half-hitch at a time. Each added half hitch were in reversing half-hitches with alternate posts (RHAPs) fashion. For each sequential knot configuration, 12 knots were made by No. 2 braided sutures. On the servo-hydraulic material testing system (Instron 8511, MTS, Minneapolis, MN), cyclic loading, load to clinical failure (3 mm displacement), load to ultimate failure, and mode of failure were measured. Statistical analysis was performed using 2-way ANOVA analysis and regression analysis. RESULTS: Most of the initial loop without additional half-hitch showed dynamic failure with cyclic loading. However, after one additional half-hitch, three (SMC, Field, and Giant) knots resisted the dynamic cyclic load. After 2 additional half-hitches, Duncan loop was secured without slippage from the cyclic loading test. The mean displacement after the end of cyclic loading decreased with each additional half-hitches. Especially, SMC and Giant knot reached plateau to 0.1 mm or less displacement after one additional half-hitch, whereas Field and Duncan loop needed 3 additional half-hitches to reach the plateau. The SMC and Duncan knots needed 1 additional half-hitch to reach greater than 80N at clinical failure, whereas the other 2 knots needed 2 additional half-hitches. For the load exceeding 100N for clinical failure, the SMC knot required 3 additional half-hitches and the other three knots needed 4 additional half-hitches. Addition of more than 3 half-hitches did not increase the load to clinical failure in the SMC knot. However, load to clinical failure increased up to 4 additional half-hitches in the other 3 knots (p<0.05). The load to ultimate failure reached plateau when 3 or more additional half-hitches were made for all knot configurations. As the number of additional half-hitches increased, the mode of failure switched from pure loop failure (slippage) to material failure (breakage). Duncan loop showed poor loop security in that even with 5 additional half-hitches, some failed by slippage (17%). On the other hand, after 3 additional half-hitches, the 3 other knots showed greater than 75% of failure by material breakage mode (SMC and Field 92%, Giant 75%). CONCLUSIONS: Even with its own locking mechanism, lockable sliding knot alone does not withstand the initial dynamic cyclic load. For all tested variables, SMC knot requires a minimum of 2 additional half-hitches. All knots showed a near plateau in knot security with 3 or more additional half-hitches. Duncan knot may need more than 3 additional half-hitches for optimal security.

      • 優先辨濟請求權者의 法的 地位에 관한 硏究 : 强制執行 節次를 中心으로

        유재철 東義大學校 大學院 2001 국내박사

        RANK : 1839

        Abstract : (A)study on the legal status of claimants with preferential rights : placing emphasis on enforcement procedures

      • Patterns of rpoB, rpoC, and pncA mutations in drug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolated from patients in South Korea

        유재철 제주대학교 일반대학원 2017 국내박사

        RANK : 1839

        Background Rifampin (RIF) is one of the primary first-line combination antibiotics indicated for Mycobacterium tuberculosis, which greatly reduces the length of chemotherapy. Pyrazinamide (PZA) is also an antimicrobial agent, especially effective against multi-drug-resistant (MDR) tuberculosis (TB), resistant to isoniazid (INH) and RIF. M. tuberculosis acquires resistance to RIF through mutations in the rpoB gene, while compensatory mutations in the rpoC gene restore the fitness of RIF-resistant M. tuberculosis. M. tuberculosis acquires its resistance to PZA by having mutations in the pncA gene. A total of 93 M. tuberculosis isolates attained from patients were analysed to examine the mutation patterns of rpoB, rpoC, and pncA in South Korea. Methods Antibiotic susceptibility was determined by carrying out bacterial cultures of drug-resistant mycobacterial isolates. Mutations in the rpoB, rpoC and pncA genes were identified by sequencing analysis, while the attributes of mutations were determined by comparing a relevant wild-type DNA sequence with that of a mutant allele. (H37Rv, American Type Culture Collection 25618). Results A drug susceptibility test was performed for the total of 93 M. tuberculosis isolates that had been successfully cultured. Of these 93 isolates that were subjected to drug susceptibility testing (DST), 75 were found to be resistant to multiple drugs. Of these 75 isolates, 20 were MDR-TB; 7 were MDR-Plus; 36 were extensively drugresistant XDR-TB; and 12 were drug-resistant (DR)-TB. A total of 66 cultured M. tuberculosis isolates were found to be RIF-resistant; 40 cultured isolates were found to be PZA-resistant; 39 cultured isolates were found to be both RIF- and PZA-resistant; and 18 were identified as being pan-susceptible (pan-S). Substitutions or multiple-site mutations in the rpoB region were identified in 56 isolates (56/80, 70.0%), of which 91.1% (51/56) were resistant to RIF and 9 distinctive-site mutations were identified. Fifteen (15) different types of rpoC mutations were identified in 24 isolates (24/93, 25.8%), all of which were resistant to both INH and RIF. The mutation rates in MDRand XDR-TB were 37.0% (10/27) and 38.9% (14/36), respectively. Substitutions of a single nucleotide (22/24, 91.7%) or substitutions of multiple-site mutations (2/24, 8.3%) in the rpoC region were identified, and neither deletion nor insertion mutation was detected in any of the isolates. No mutations were identified in the rpoC region of any drug-susceptible strains. Various mutations were identified in the pncA gene in 46 isolates: Nucleotide substitutions, deletions, insertion, multiple-site mutations and 25 different mutation sites were found. Of these various mutations detected in 46 isolates, substitution of a single nucleotide was most common (27/46, 58.7%), followed by multiple-site mutations (4/46, 8.7%) and insertion (4/46, 8.7%). Frameshifts caused by an insertion or a deletion of a single or multiple nucleotides at various sites accounted for 15.2% (7/46) of all mutations. Conclusion Mutations of the rpoB, rpoC and pncA genes are the essential mechanism of RIF and PZA resistance in drug-resistant M. tuberculosis isolates. Detection of rpoB, rpoC and pncA gene mutations can complement in vitro DST and DNA-based diagnosis of RIF and PZA resistance, and is a promising method for the rapid detection of drug resistance.

      • 상완골 간부 골절 불유합의 수술적 치료

        유재철 조선대학교 2010 국내석사

        RANK : 1839

        Purpose: To analyze the cause of humerus shaft fracture nonunion in a retrospective study and describe the treatement method according to the cause. Materials and Methods: 17 cases of humerus shaft fracture nonunion available for more than 1 year follow up, were evaluated using hospital record, radiographic examination. Cause of nonunion and secondary operation method were analyzed with evaluation of bone union Results: Primary operation methods were plate fixation in 13 cases, external fixation in 2 cases, intramedullary nailing in 1 case and screw fixation in 1 case. Causes of nonunion were bone defect due to severe comminuted fracture in 11 cases, faliure of implants in 4 cases and infection in 3 cases. For treatment of nonunion, bone graft was done in all of the cases. 11 cases were operated using plate refixation, in situ bone graft in 4 cases, intramedullary nailing in 1 case and external fixation in 1 case. All of the cases achieved the bone union. Conclusion: In humerus shaft fractures, accurate procedure and appropriate fixator selection should be made to prevent nonunion. In the case of nonunion, rigid fixation and sufficient bone graft is required for satisfying result. Key words: Humerus fracture, Nonunion, Operative treatment

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