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      • 체육수업 형태가 남자 중학생의 신체조성, 성장관련인자 및 정신건강에 미치는 영향

        채수덕 嶺南大學校 2012 국내박사

        RANK : 248639

        본 연구는 남자 중학교 2학년 학생을 대상으로 12주 동안 체육수업 형태가 신체조성(키, 몸무게, 체지방률), 성장관련인자(성장판, GH호르몬, IGF-1호르몬) 및 정신건강(강박, 불안, 예민성, 우울, 적대감)에 어떠한 영향을 미치는가를 규명하여 학교체육의 새로운 모델과 방향을 설정하고 체육수업에 활용하고자 하는데 목적이 있다. 연구의 대상은 특별한 운동 경험이 없고, 의학적 검사를 통하여 특이성 질병이 없으며, 건강상태가 양호한 학생들을 대상으로 단순무선할당방법을 이용하여 개인운동집단 12명, 단체운동집단 12명, 통제집단 12명으로 분류하여 집단을 선정하였다. 운동프로그램은 개인운동집단과 단체운동집단으로 구분하여 실시하였으며, 운동빈도는 주 3회, 운동시간은 일일 45분간, 총 12주간 실시하였다. 본 연구의 자료처치는 SPSS Version 19.0K 통계프로그램을 이용하여 각 집단 간의 평균과 표준편차를 종속변인별로 구하여 비교하였다. 집단 간의 평균비교는 사전검사 측정값을 공변인으로 하여 사후검사 측정값을 서로 비교하는 공분산분석(Analysis of Convariance)으로 분석하였고, 등분산 검증결과 등분산이 가정되면 일원변량분산분석(One way ANOVA)을 실시하여 집단 간의 유의한 차이를 검증하였다. 모든 통계적 유의수준은 p<.05로 설정하였다. 이상의 연구절차와 방법을 통해 도출한 결론은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 신체조성의 변화에서 키는 단체집단과 개인집단 순으로 통제 집단에 비해 유의하게 증가(p<.05)하였고, 체지방률은 개인집단과 단체집단 순으로 감소(p<.001)하였으며, 통제집단은 다소 증가하였다. 그리고 체중은 집단 간 유의한 차이가 나타나지 않았다. 둘째, 성장관련인자의 변화에서 성장판의 너비는 단체집단과 개인집단 순으로 통제집단에 비해 유의하게 감소(p<.001)하였으며, GH와 IGF-1의 분비량은 단체집단과 개인집단이 통제집단에 비해 유의하게 증가(p<.001)하였다. 셋째, 정신건강의 변화에서 강박, 불안, 예민성, 우울, 적대감 5개영역 모두에서 단체운동집단과 개인운동집단 순으로 통제집단에 비해 감소(p<.001)하였다. 이상의 결론을 종합해보면, 성장기에 있는 남자 중학생들은 체육수업시간에 어떠한 형태의 운동을 하는가에 따라 신체조성, 성장관련인자, 정신건강을 긍정적인 측면으로 승화시켜 청소년들의 올바른 삶과 질을 개선할 수 있을 것으로 판단된다. Ph. D. Dissertation How the Types of Physical Education Class Influences on Middle School Boys' Body Composition, Growth Relation Factors and Mental Health Su deok Chae Depatment of Physical Education Graduate School Yeungnam University (Under the Direction of Dr. Kiyong Park) Abstract This study aims to investigate how types of physical education class have effects on the body Composition(height, weight, body fat percentage), the Factors Relation to growth(growth plate, growth hormone; GH, insulin-like growth factor-1; IGF-I) and mental health(obsession, anxiety, sensitivity, depression, hostility) of second grader boys in middle school to establish the direction of a new class model in school, and to make the best use of physical education class. The subjects of this study are healthy students who don't have any special exercise experiences or medical diseases based on medical checkup, whom I divided into three groups : individual exercise group of 12, collective exercise group of 12, and controlled group of 12. The exercise programs are done to each group : individual exercise group and collective exercise group for 45 minutes a day, three times a week, for 12 weeks. The data processing of this study is done by comparing the average and standard deviation of each group using SPSS version 19.0K statistical research program. The meaningful difference among the comparison of each group average is verified by analysis of covariance which is a measure of how much the preliminary examination feature and post examination feature change, and then by a way ANOVA about equal variance. The level of significance of every statistic is p<.05. The conclusion deducted by this research is as follows. First, in body Composition, the height of individual and collective groups increased more(p<.o5) than that of the controlled group, body fat percentage decreased more(p<.011) in the individual and the collective groups, but increased a little in the controlled group. Weight didn't show the difference among the groups. Second, in the Factors Relation to growth, the width of growth plate decreased more (p<.001) in the collective and individual groups than in the controlled group, and the secretion rate of GH hormone and IGF-I hormone increased more(p<.001) in the collective and individual groups than in the controlled group. Third, in mental health, all five elements of obsession, anxiety, sensitivity, depression, hostility decreased more (p<.001) in the collective and individual groups than in the controlled group. Putting all these results together, it can be possible for middle school boys in their growth period to make the best use of physical education class, and to improve their lives in body Composition the Factors Relation to growth, and mental health.

      • 노인복지에 대한 기독교인의 의식 및 교회의 참여실태 : 청주지역 기독교인을 중심으로

        채수덕 청주대학교 사회복지·행정대학원 2005 국내석사

        RANK : 248639

        In modern society, older people issue became very much serious social issue. In particular, most of old men could not take proper action to be exposed to poverty, disease, role loss and loneliness, etc. when the national economy was quickly developed at industrialized society and economic and social structure and traditional ethics and values rapidly changed because of urbanization and nuclear family. The church and the Christians should make efforts a lot and pay attention to inspect older people welfare issues that the government and society could not take action and to take the lead in older people culture. This study examined Christians' consciousness on older people's welfare and the actual conditions of participation of churches focusing on Christians at Cheongju to promote churches' older people welfare effectively and to give basic material for help. The findings were as follows: Firstly, the Christians thought that older people issues were considerably serious, and they wanted that the churches would be responsible for the issues by active involvement: However, being different from high consciousness and interest in older people welfare, the churches did not pay attention to older people's welfare policy enough and did not exchange information properly, and their volunteer activities and cash support remained low. The consciousness and practice on older people's welfare were different to indicate estrangement between normative cognition and behavior. Therefore, the churches should have mission and responsible consciousness of the times to meet older people's welfare activities at community and to actively solve older people's problems at aging society. Secondly, the Christians thought that should have the department that could manage older people systematically and a part of the church facilities should be opened to allow older people to make use of them freely for rest. And, the Christians thought that advertisement, preach, invitation lecture and bulletin board notice, etc were the most desirable public relations. To promote older people welfare of the churches, the department for older people welfare should be organized and the church facilities should be opened. Thirdly, the resources that could promote older people's welfare were important in order of human resources, physical resources, financial resources, facility resources and organizational resources, etc. Volunteers and cash supporters occupied the largest share at the welfare of older people, and a majority of the Christians wanted to participate in collection of contributions to get financial resources, and cash support, Flea market and supporter's group, etc., were used to attain physical resources. Despite of having human resources, physical resources, financial resources, facility resources and organizational resources, etc, the churches could not make use of those resources for older people's welfare properly. In other words, the church resources were not widely and deeply used for older people who were socially weak. Therefore, to promote older people welfare, the church resources should be actively used. Fourthly, the Christians said that they should get help from experts to give motives of older people welfare activities and to construct connection network with community and to develop and use human resources effectively and to develop and evaluate programs. To promote older people welfare of the churches, the ones who were majored in social welfare should take care of the activities and the experts should be recruited. Fifthly, the Christians affirmatively cognized combined activities for older people welfare. To promote older people welfare of the churches, close combination with other churches and the community was required. When the churches needed help or did difficult business, they should actively combine with not only other churches but also community welfare centers to manage older people's welfare well. Sixthly, the Christians said that older people welfare through the churches was aimed at putting faith of neighbor love in practice, realizing inherent duties of the churches and promoting welfare of community. And, the Christians thought that older people were objects of pastoral duties and the churches should participate in older people issues because older people issues were serious and religious circles were demanded to participate in the issues. And, the churches could supply programs in order of economic support, telephone call and consultation, hospice, volunteer service and education for community care for the elderly, opened facilities, management of old folk's home and medical service benefits, etc. The promotion of older people welfare through churches had big problems in order of low response of the Christians and insufficient finance, poor facilities, no expert, and insufficient organization system, etc. When the churches promoted older people's welfare activities, the Christians cognized that older people issues were serious and the churches were required to participate in the issues: To elevate response of the Christians and promote older people welfare of the churches, older people welfare activities should be focused on love of neighbor as well as inherent duties of the churches.

      • 노인공원 계획 및 활성화를 위한 기초연구

        채수덕 고려대학교 생명환경과학대학원 2014 국내석사

        RANK : 248639

        ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to draw the conception of space which should be considered in plans of senior parks by researching the reason the elderly visit public places, and the culture formed by their own specific cultural propensity. The research spatial scope includes Tapgol Park and Jongmyo Park in Jongno-gu Seoul, where cluster phenomenon of the elderly has remained, and two parks in Seoul converted to elderly-friendly parks. The content extent is as follows. First, addressing social environment the elderly face in modern society and the following consequences, the research was conducted on tendency for the elderly to gather in public places and on places they prefer. Second, examining some cases converted to elderly-friendly parks, implications in them were drawn and presented some planning to vitalize parks for the aged. The planning and guidelines to activate the senior parks of this study are as follows: 1. It is desirable to reflect low fertility and population aging and convert gradually some existing children's parks into ones for the aged, and to remodel neighborhood parks for the disadvantaged as well as the elderly. 2. There are nine location requirements for the aged park, which are reflected in seniors' tendency and actual demand: (1) Easy accessibility, (2) Being centrally situated to feel vitality of city, (3) Admission free, (4) Large green space (5) Inexpensive comforts in and around parks, (6) Availability of intergenerational facilities, (7) Security of space for colorful events that make the elderly feel a sense of belonging and interesting, (8) Arrangement for programs linked with social support, and (9) Being located in flatland. 3. In the aged parks, make silver zone for only the elderly and prepare programs designed to allow each generation to share social interchange around a walkway. 4. Establish a park self-governing unit composed of the elderly and make it do basic tasks for park management, and lead the elderly themselves to care the alienated relying on shared background, the aged park. For new seniors or pre-elderly, it is necessary to find ways to achieve self-realization through volunteer work in a park and create healthy old people culture. 5. As cultures possessed internally even within elderly groups can be different, make sure to prepare programs to accept different cultural behaviors. 6. It is necessary to concentrate on welfare services through strategies of unifying social support system and proper authorities based on parks, and try to develop public services such as health care, supporting senior citizens who live alone, administrative work advice, job creation for the aged, supply and settlement of healthy leisure culture, and so on.

      • Imagery and construction of conceptual knowledge in computer experiments with period doubling

        채수덕 University of Warwick 2003 해외박사

        RANK : 248623

        This research has been done on university students, focusing on visual imagery and the construction of conceptual knowledge using the concept of geometric convergence in computer experiments with period doubling. The research is aimed to discover what kind of imagery students formed in order to construct the concept of period doubling when symbolic, numeric and graphic information was available as a result of an experiment. Several questons based on the ideas analysis described in Chapter 3 were addressed in relation to graphical obstacles, concept images for period doubling, the limit of the sequence of period doubling parameter values λ_n, and mathematical thinking processes as period doubling parameter λvaries. The six hypotheses were addressed in Chapters 5, 6, 7, and 8 in accordance with the questions: 1. Students are likely to consider that a fixed point for the given function f(x) is where the funtion f(x) meets the line y=x, rather than a point on the x-axis. 2. For 1<λ<3, the students see the behaviour of an orbit in a dynamic way as a process converging to a non-zero fixed point rather than the object that is the fixed point produced by the process. 3. For λ=3, a student may consider that the iteration tends to a tiny cycle rather than converging to a limit very slowly. Many students notice the phenomenon of the first period doubling bifurcation from convergence to a point to an orbit of period 2 when λincreases through 3. 4. For λ>3, the Students seem to focus on the 'final state' of an orbit as an embodied object acting as a base object. 5. The students consider period doubling: · statically as an embodied object, represented by simply showing a single state in the form of the 'final state' of an orbit as a base object, · dynamically as a process of change from one state to the next on embodied objects, or · encapsulated as a concept of period doubling represented by the bifurcation tree or a diagram of the onging period doubling process using visual imagery. 6. There is a tendency for students to connect the visual 'final state' of orbits of x=f(x) iteration with the numeric input data and then link the numeric data with the related symbolic theory as a result of computer experiments with period doubling. Empirical evidence is presented to support the above hypotheses. Students were found to focus more on the visual process, the dynamic picture of iteration rather than the symbolic formulae for the iteration, having the graphic representation as an embodiment. Several kinds of concept images as embodied objects acting as base objects for λ>3 are found, including those related to an oscillator-generated image, previous experience, and the theoretical bifurcation tree, Students' concept images for period doubling are classified into three categories based on the findings: (a) embodied object as a base object, (b) process of change from one state to the next, (c) encapsulated object. Students' responses are analysed from graphic, numeric, and symbolic points of view. We come to the conclusion that students develop conceptual links between symbolic theory and the visual and numeric aspects of a computer experiment with respect to the existence of the limit of period doubling parameter values, using the idea of geometric convergence. After all, the empirical evidence suggests that cognitive development occurs with many students by providing students environments in which conceptual knowledge of period doubling is constructed through the connection between the visual orbits, numeric data and the related symbolic theory.

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