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      • 삼육 외국어 학원의 선교에 관한 일 연구

        정태봉 삼육대학교 신학대학원 1999 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        본 논문의 목적은 삼육 외국어학원의 선교에 관한 것을 살펴보는데 있다. 1969년 9월 22일 한국연합회 선교부에 의하여 세워진 삼육 외국어학원은 지식층과 도시인들을 위하여 복음전파의 목적으로 세워졌다.처음부터 1997년까지 3명의 외국인 원장,2명의 한국인 원장이 봉사하였으며 그 이름은 Dean Hubbard, M. T. Bascom, D. L. Scofield, 한상우, 강예식 목사였다. 학원의 토요일 종교적 모임은 1971년 2월 13일에 시작되었으며,교회는 1972년 5월 22일에 처음으로 조직되었다. 학원의 현황을 간단히 살펴보면 1997년 말 150명의 외국인 교사들이 수고하고 있으며,당해 년도 매 학기 등록생수 약 1만 5천 명이 전국에 흩어져 있는 22개의 분원에서 외국어를 공부하며 복음에 접하고 있다.수업은 1주일에 5일 수업이며 아침 반과 저녁 반으로 나누어 진행된다.6단계의 영어 코스로 나누어 지는데 매 단계는 2개월의 시간을 요구하며,이는 1년의 기간을 필요로 한다.교수재료는 반복된 구두훈련과 어학실습실을 통한 연습으로 이루어진다.교과서는 You Too Can Speak English와 발음을 위한 부교재인 PronunciationBook과 반복연습을 위한arts and Pictures Book을 사용한다. Bibleclass,MissionWeek& ChapelDay와 성경통신과목,개인성경교수,선교적인 출판물,주말 특별활동,예배를 선교의 도구로 사용하며 구도자들은 성경반과 전도회를 통한 결심자와 청년회 혹은 개인적인 접촉으로 교회에 들어온 사람이다.구도자들은 목회자들과 교사들과의 성경교수를 통하여 신실한 재림교인으로 남는다.1990년부터 1997년 10월말까지 2,061명이 삼육 외국어학원을 통하여 침례를 받았다.이처럼 현재 삼육 외국어학원의 지도자들은 학원을 지도하고 분원들이 잘 성장하도록 돕는다.또한 학원은 안정적인 재원과 많은 학생과 좋은 명성을 가지고 있다.그리고 최근에는 주니어 영어학원 개설로 어린이 영어 학원의 아이들뿐만 아니라 자모들도 복음의 대상으로 삼고 다양한 회화 프로그램 준비와 취미반의 개설로 영혼 구원까지 이끌도록 노력하고 있다. 그러나 삼육 외국어학원은 어려움도 안고 있는데,먼저 학원 목회자의 의무는 매우 무거우며 목양과 행정의 이중적인 의무들을 부담해야 하는 과도한 부담과 학원수의 증가로 인한 교사 수급문제와 우수한 교사의 확보 그리고 시설의 초현대화와 선교방법에 있어 문화적 차이의 극복이 대두되고 있다. 선교적인 문제로는 교사들의 소명의식의 저하와 성경교수 능력의 부족,그리고 기성교인들이 교회의 선교사업에 거의 활동하지 않는 것이다. 이러한 사실은 우리에게 좀더 적극적인 선교의 자세를 요구하며 다양한 복음의 방법을 함께 추구해 나갈 것을 요구한다.또한 분원장인 목사의 직무가 행정과 목회의 균형을 요구하는 것으로 이는 매우 과중하므로 행정과 목회의 분업화도 이루어야될 숙제이며 이는 모든 학원에 행정적인 사무장제도를 두어 분원장과 목회자가 목양과 양육 그리고 선교에 더욱 역점을 둘 수 있어야 할 것을 제안하였다. 학원선교에 대한 몇 가지 긍정적 요인과 문제점들을 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1)삼육외국어 학원의 행정과 운영은 본원에 의하여 주도되며 잘 정착된 행정 구조의 의하여 분원은 운영되므로 안정된 재정과 충분한 학생수,그리고 좋은 평판을 유지한다. 2)삼육외국의 학원의 반복훈련에 의한 교수 방법은 한국인을 위한 효과적인 교수 방법이다. 3)성경교수 재료로 사용되는 성경통신 과목들은 학생들에게 너무 교리적이라는 평판을 들으나 개인 성경교수에 효과적인 재료이다. 4)원목들의 임무가 매우 무겁다.그들은 개인 혹은 그룹의 성경교수 이외에 통역,교인관리,행적적 의무를 감당한다. 5)삼육외국어 학원이 직면한 또 다른 문제점들은 우수한 교사의 수급과 교사들의 선교적 열성의 결여와 문화적 격차이다. 6)교인들이 일반적으로 교회의 선교사업에 동참하지 못하고 있다.

      • 한국 보훈정책의 개선방안에 관한 연구

        정태봉 경희대학교 행정대학원 2002 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        Since 1960s, the military rewarded system have developed with rapid progress of national economy, the numbers of rewarded objects and the sum of compensation paying to them have increasing gradually, but a great raise of compensation for active rewarded benefit have approached in a limited point. So the objects of this study was to observe the realities of rewarded welfare programs, check the problems compared with welfare desire and life conditions applying in new circumstances, and focus to improve rewarded policy for the welfare demand satisfaction of military rewarded objects which grow old. This study compared and investigated service concepts and records survey which managing in local government, the wire and wireless interview, foreign rewarded policy, and records of old age welfare services in other studies. The results of this study were as followings ; The first, we have to apply the preventive health promotion program than treatment-oriented program, epoch-making research and investment, and construct medical welfare towns which coexist with medical welfare services. The second, we have to create special services which expand recuperation facilities and secure special manpower managing welfare facilities, focus on the facilities welfare and in-home welfare for region and family at the same time, make use civil parts for efficient services supply, and try to develop package programs for active management of welfare sanitariums around the noted places. The third, planning to support recreation programs in the welfare halls for injured soldiers and policemen, recommending to open old age calss in the rewarded halls, and conducting the programs connected with communities were the one of method for members th make good use of their recreation. The above all method is accompanied with much budgets, but the government have to treat rewarded objects with respects to live comfortable and honorable life, appeal them to national peoples with national interests and supporting budgets. At the present time, the rewarded welfare system comes to a new turning point. It is the time that restructs new paradime according to the demand of new rewarded welfare with the national projects of creative welfare policy. Now the temporary, extraordinary welfare system is useless in the twenty first century. The old age rewarded objects want welfare policy besides material compensation from country. Forwards we try to develop the selective, special welfare services for them. Admiring sacrifice spirits for our homeland defence and keeping their remaining lives to be comfortable, we have to improve rewarded welfare policy with being systematizing and organizing.

      • Fringe-Field 구동형 새로운 반투과형 수평 배향 액정 디스플레이

        정태봉 全北大學校 大學院 2004 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        We have designed transflective liquid crystal display (LCD) associated with in-plane switching of a LC director driven by fringefield, unlike other LCD mode. Reflective area consists of a λ/2 compensation film and a LC cell with retardation value (dΔn) of λ/4 with their optic axes making an angle of 15˚ and 75˚ against polarizer, respectively. In the transmissive area, top and bottom polarizers are parallel each other, an LC has a dΔn of λ/2, and another λ/2 compensation film is inserted between the LC cell and bottom polarizer. With the configuration, both devices show dark state initially. When an incident light is 550nm, the device shows wide-viewing-angle characteristics such that in both areas the contrast ratio larger than 5 exists up to 55˚ of polar angle in all directions.

      • Study Cafe & Community 복합 공간 계획에 관한 연구 : 학업, 취업, 창업자들을 위한 모임 공간 중심으로

        정태봉 홍익대학교 건축도시대학원 2015 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        Together with the development of the internet, more and more gatherings and meetings are being held including club events of university students, study groups, on-line/off-line communities, seminars, and training sessions. However, there is a huge shortage in the number of available space where people can get together to carry out activities. Classrooms and coffee shop study rooms can be used as a study space for students or off-site meetings, but there is time constraint in using classrooms and there are just not enough cafes with study rooms. It is difficult to achieve the intended purpose when business meetings and English study sessions are held in restaurants, drinking establishments and coffee shops. Against this backdrop, it was decided to conduct a study on planning a study café and special space dedicated to meetings/gatherings that fully understands such needs and to create an environment that is ideal for people to achieve their purpose and deliver value. In reality, there are not enough establishments that provide space dedicated specifically to studying, working, and meetings, while on the other hand there is an increasing demand for such special purpose places. This is why a space that can satisfy the need and demand of consumers was planned. A special space tailored to meetings/gatherings is defined as space that can serve a wide spectrum of events - space necessary for companies to hold seminars, lectures, workshop, give presentations, down to smaller sized gatherings such as community or study group meetings, school reunions. Of course a single individual may rent out space just for oneself. Fixed line/wireless internet and beverages can be used, and the space is equipped with various OA equipments such as fax machines and printers. It provides a space to truly concentrate on work for someone who may want to do so in a quiet place. Moreover, it provides space for lectures or space where a large number of people can gather together. It is for people who would like an independent space, mostly the new generation. In terms of demographics, the users are mostly in their 20s and 30s. There are increasingly more club, study group meetings and external activities by students, meeting and gatherings by office workers, and gatherings by housewives in the area of foreign language, photography, film and education. Space for such needs is provided by cafes, study rooms, multi-purpose rooms, room cafes and cultural centers. Although consumes of all age groups would have a need to rent out such space, in reality the main segment is those in their 20s and 30s. The demand for such spaces to meet the diverse demand of people is on the rise. The end users for the dedicated space has been chosen to be people in their 20s and 30s, early in their adulthood, as teenagers mainly study at school, library, private study rooms, and those in their 40s have a lower demand to rent out space. And within those aged 20s~30s, the main target are students who are studying for various reasons including English and for employment, and office workers who need to hold club or community gatherings, work meetings. Geographically, the target location is Gangnam Station where many office buildings are located and is the transportation of hub of all universities in the greater Seoul area. In short, it was deemed appropriate to target an area adjacent to universities, preparatory schools, high-rise buildings, companies that all would have a high demand for renting space, and the age bracket 20s-30s. The space should provide a comfortable place that boosts appetite for knowledge through a relaxing atmosphere and interior like a café and break away from the conventional dry and stiff interior of exiting study rooms. The meeting space provider can build a unique design image through tight and systematic customer management and unique strengths that make it stand out from traditional coffee shops. This is a plan on study cafés and meeting spaces that will provide the opportunity to form an even larger community by facilitating exchanges between communities with common aspects, rather than each gathering focusing on studying, employment, start-ups will simply leave after using the space. 최근 대학생들의 동아리 모임, 스터디 그룹, 세미나, 교육행사, 온/오프라인의 커뮤니티와 모임이 인터넷의 발달과 함께 많아지고 있다. 하지만 막상 사람이 모여서 활동을 할 공간은 생각보다 부족한 현실이다. 학생들이 스터디를 하기위한 공간이나, 대외활동을 위한 회의 등을 위해 필요한 공간은 학교 내 강의실, 카페 스터디 룸 등이 있지만, 학교 강의실은 시간적 제약과 카페 스터디 룸은 그 수가 터무니없이 부족한 현실이다. 술집, 밥집, 카페에서 경영모임을 하고, 영어 스터디를 하고 하다보면, 원래 목적을 이루기가 쉽지 않다. 이에 목적을 이해해 주고, 우리의 목적과 가치를 실현시켜줄 수 있는 환경을 구축하기 위해 스터디카페 및 전문 모임 공간 계획 연구를 진행 하게 되었다. 이처럼 늘어나는 전문모임공간이나 업무나 스터디를 전문으로 할 수 있는 공간은 부족한 현실이다. 이에 현재의 공간에 대한 수요가 늘고 있는 이러한 환경과 수요자들의 니즈를 파악하여 만족시킬 수 있는 공간을 계획하였다. 전문모임공간 이란 기업의 세미나와 강연, 워크숍, 프레젠테이션 등에서부터 작게는 각종 커뮤니티나 스터디 모임, 동창회 등에 필요한 공간을 제공한다. 물론 한 사람이 자신만의 공간을 빌릴 수도 있다. 유·무선 인터넷과 음료도 제공되며, 팩스와 프린터기 등 각종 OA기기가 구비돼 있다. 보다 조용한 공간에서 집중해 업무를 처리하고 싶을 때 집중업무공간을 제공한다. 더욱더 나아가 강연이나 다수의 사람들이 모임을 가질 수 있는 공간도 제공한다. 개인적인 성향이 강한 신세대를 중심으로 독립된 공간을 갖는 사람들을 위한 공간이다. 주로 20대 30대 소비자 들이 주 이용층이다. 학생들의 동아리, 대외활동과 스터디 모임의 장소, 회사원들의 미팅, 모임 장소와 최근 외국어·사진·영화·교육 등 다양한 분야에 걸쳐 주부들의 학습 모임도 늘고 있다. 이런 공간을 제공하는 곳은 카페, 스터디룸, 멀티방, 룸 카페, 문화센터 등이 있다. 물론 다른 연령층의 소비자들도 공간대여를 필요로 하고 원하지만, 20, 30대의 수요층 보다는 아주 작은 현실이다. 현재의 공간들은 사람들의 다양한 수요를 만족할 수 있는 공간의 필요성이 커지고 있는 추세이다. 10대는 학교나 독서실, 도서관 위주로 공부를 하고 40대 이후로는 따로 시간을 내서 공간을 필요로 하는 수요가 적기 때문에 주로 공간을 필요로 하는 청장년층인 20-30대를 실수요자로 선정하였다. 그리고 20~30대 중에서 취업이나 영어 등 다양한 스터디를 하는 학생들과, 동아리나 대외활동 모임, 회의나 모임이 필요한 직장인들을 주 타겟으로 정하였다. 지역적인 면에서 오피스가가 밀집되어 있고 모든 수도권 대학들의 교통 중심지인 강남역을 사이트로 정하였다. 즉 공간대여에 대한 수요가 많을 것이라 예상되는 대학가, 학원가, 고층빌딩, 회사 등의 20-30대를 대상으로 한 targeting이 적절하다고 생각하였다. 기존의 스터디룸의 딱딱한 인테리어에서 벗어나며 감성적인 카페같이 편안한 인테리어를 통해 동호회, 스터디, 모임 등에 편안하며 지적욕구를 채울 수 있는 장소를 제공한다. 또한 철저하고 계획적인 고객관리와 보통의 커피전문점 과는 다르게 차별화된 강점들로 감성적 디자인 이미지를 구축 할 수 있을 것이다. 나아가 학업, 취업, 창업을 준비하고 있는 하나하나의 모임이 공간을 쓰고 떠나가는 것이 아닌 공통분모가 있는 모임들 간의 교류를 통해 하나의 더 큰 커뮤니티로 성장할 수 있는 계기를 마련해주는 스터디카페 모임전문공간 계획이 될 것이다.

      • 요한복음서의 제자도에 관한 연구 : 베드로와 사랑하는 제자를 중심으로

        정태봉 湖西大學校 2008 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        This thesis is aimed that, first, it reorganizes with historical criticism and social-scientific criticism of identification in history, and that through it illuminates with newly as a narrative criticism about the premier place of Peter and beloved disciple, and then that through it presents united one ideal discipleship paradigm by appearing two disciple, and therefore that it makes clear the theological meaning and origin of discipleship of The Gospel According to John. In the first chapter, for understanding The Gospel According to John, Produce of history, we illuminate historical criticism, and also for understanding disagreeable structure between communities which is appearing in The Gospel According to John I reorganized the Johannine community by the social-scientific criticism. And also centering Peter and beloved disciple those who are appearing with comparison, contrast at the text, with the one of literature method, narrative criticism I study The Gospel According to John which has literary formation and then I presented the necessity of disciple study. For these, in the study history, the existing scholars have only proceeded centering disciple who loves this discipleship study in The Gospel According to John and also I emphasize the functional side to discipleship, so that the understanding of discipleship in The Gospel According to John was pointed out the side which had overlooked the above problem which had been Peter's premier places. Therefore through the existing historical criticism and at the same time literary criticism, through the comparison, contrast the two disciples in The Gospel According to John. It was very important thing that, in the Johannine community is facing place of the life, speaker or author of connotation was clarified if was discipleship mode as a true discipleship paradigm with centering Peter and beloved disciple. In the second chapter, for newly illuminating the record motive of The Gospel According to John and identification of Johannine community, I've studied centering around the dualism structure of author of The Gospel According to John in the book, and I've confirmed that the Johannine community did not separate with other Christianity community in the world of dualistic structure and that the Johannine community only separated with the world, and had symbolically the representation of church. We can be known, in The Gospel According to John, author's dualistic structure takes thoroughly space with central system in The Gospel According to John. The study of with each other different community in The Gospel According to John can be divided with in author's dualism structure, until now the divided study which scholars have contended is opposed to The Gospel According to John author's dualism structure, and it was cleared that the all christians did not divided who believed in Jesus in The Gospel According to John. I only demonstrated that the Johannine community is divided with world and I made plainly clear the method of demonstration through literary device such as symbols and irony. The Johannine community was separated with world and was as the unity community which showed oneness in world and which called by God. This Johannine community's aim of oneness was the unity path which could be known God by world. In the third chapter, the terminological disciple meaning who is reporting in The Gospel According to John is applying and is confirming thing through the proposition text of discipleship which is presenting by Jesus. We can be known that these are abundantly obtained missional fruits as obeying of love commandment in Jesus. I considered that how coincides Peter and Beloved disciple with the discipleship proposition in The Gospel According to John, the beloved disciple who is appearing with anonymous in The Gospel According to John, He is a disciple who is confirmed by call and confession from early service of Jesus and he, who is together Jesus from early passion of Jesus to final as the discipleship paradigm of Johannine community. Peter also shows Johannine community the true discipleship shape as the co-exist at the site of passion with Jesus to the end as interspersed by confession of the Messiah, Jesus as a called person who likes beloved disciple in the early service of Jesus. These two disciple's discipleship models are as the paradigm coincides the discipleship proposition in The Gospel According to John, the two disciples are the people who live in Jesus and they obey to die for His love commandment, and they follow Him. Jesus missional fruit shows the true shape of discipleship to the Johannine community with the discipleship paradigm as a ideal model that is abundantly obtained. Therefore the real discipleship which is appearing in The Gospel According to John is focused on Peter and beloved disciple, I can be known. In the fourth chapter, I examine concentrically the related texts and Peter and beloved disciple's premier place in The Gospel According to John and analyze the text which compares and contrasts the two disciples, there are intentions which are speaker or intentional author's one, that is to say, the shape of true discipleship for Johannine community not the relative standing of ideal discipleship in The Gospel According to John but two disciples are complementary, supplementarily, and harmoniously agree with each other, I confirmed. I affirmed that Peter and beloved disciple has closely relationship each other not competitive but throughly rigorous through the comparison, contrast text that is appear ed by Peter and beloved disciple at the same time, and they are supplementarily and harmoniously. Therefore Peter and beloved disciple appear the text, I showed that they are very important to understand the discipleship paradigm in the premier place and harmonious sides. In the fifth chapter, two disciples show the tension, in the discipleship such as 'already' and 'not yet' of denial and ignorance by them, they enter the way of discipleship through the calling and confession of the Messiah in The Gospel According to John where appears discipleship theology by Peter and beloved disciple. But two disciples follow soundly Him by Jesus, and tell us what is the discipleship paradigm of Johannine community in their 'Sitz im Leben' through show Johannine community the ideal discipleship which is given pastoral commitment. The true discipleship is secured the blamelessness and goes through the calling and course of confession, after all, two disciple's discipleship has the ideal discipleship after Jesus' resurrection. So Peter's and beloved disciple's discipleship tension bears ultimate fruit by Jesus' restoration and completion, and by Jesus, two disciple's completion of pastoral commitment and blameless following, that is to say, discipleship paradigm is reflected to Johannine community through Peter and beloved disciple, we can be known.

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