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      • 공정능력을 고려한 체결구 부품의 위치공차 최적화 방법 연구 : A Study on the Optimization of Position Tolerance of Fasteners Considering Process Capability

        이상현 금오공과대학교 대학원 2007 국내석사

        RANK : 247647

        A Study on the Optimization of Position Tolerance of Fasteners Considering Process Capability Sang Hyun Lee Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Graduate School Kumoh National Institute of Technology Abstract Designers have to consider voice of customer, process capability, manufacturing standards & condition, manufacturing method, characteristics of products to decide tolerances. Especially, in case of position of hole and pin, designers have to consider process capability to decide tolerances . The traditional position tolerances used in a drawing are theoretical values which are allocated to position under the worst case assembling condition that both hole and pin are the maximum material condition(MMC). However, When the process capability is high, more exact product size can be produced under stable manufacturing condition. larger clearance of hole and pin can be allocated. In this point of view, manufacturer could increase the yield by allocating larger position tolerance than theoretical position tolerance of hole and pin considering process capability. 공정능력을 고려한 체결구 부품의 위치공차 최적화 방법 연구 이상현 금오공과대학교 대학원 산업시스템 공학과 Abstract 설계자는 공차 설정 시 고객의 요구, 제조자의 프로세스 능력, 가공기준 및 가공조건, 가공방법, 제품의 용도 및 특성을 고려해야 한다. 특히 Hole과 Pin의 경우 공정능력을 고려하여 위치공차를 설정해야 할 것이다. 현재 도면에 사용하고 있는 전통적인 이론적 위치공차값은 Hole과 Pin이 모두 MMC인 조립이 최악의 상태일 경우의 여유를 위치공차로 할당한 이론적인 값이다. 하지만, 우리는 본 연구를 통하여 공정능력이 높을수록 안정된 생산으로 인해 제품의 Size공차는 목표값에 가깝게 생산될 수 있고, Hole과 Pin사이의 여유가 더욱 증가할 수 있다. 이로 인해, 생산자는 공정능력을 고려하여 Hole과 Pin의 위치공차를 이론적인 위치공차보다 더 큰 위치공차 할당을 통하여 수율을 증가시키는 것이 가능하다.

      • F.Holderlin 愛國主義 思想의 認識論的 體系와 그 敎育學的 接近

        이상현 동아대학교 1997 국내박사

        RANK : 247647

        In dieser Arbeit wird versucht, Betrachtung u¨ber die Analyse des Vaterlandsliebe zu seiner Dichtung Von F. Ho¨lderlin anzustellen, vor allem u¨ber die Begegnungen als Zusammenhangsmo¨glichkeit zwisenen diesen Begriff und Pa¨dagogie. Der Mensch als Existentiales Sein steht in Beziehung zu den anderen Ezistentiell. Das Sein des Menschen F. Ho¨lderlin ist also das Vaterlandsliebe. Der Mensch befindet sich nicht allein in dieser Weit. Er ist das Vaterlandsliebe das nicht nur auf das Ding, sondern auch auf die Begegnungen mit anderen Beziehung hat. Mit einem Wort bedeutet die Weit fu¨r M. Herdegger "die Weit der Sinns". Die Bedeutung der Begegnungen fu¨r F. Ho¨lderlin ist in den Begegnungen als die Padagogische Zusammenhangsmo¨glichkeit mit dem Begriff Vaterlandsliebe zu seiner Dichtung von F. Ho¨lderlin nicht die Beziehung mit anderen, sondern nur sich selbst, d. h. die Begegnungen mit dem gigenen selbst. Das Bedeutet an, dassdie in bisher gegenstandlicher Dimension gehahdelten Pa¨dagogischen Bagegnungen wirklich in rein subjektiver Dimension gemacht werden, in der fur die Verwirklichung des Selbstsowohl die Erzieher als die Nierzieher gegeneinander nicht gegensta¨ndlich machen und nicht gemacht werd das ist sog. "Die Existentialen Begegnungen". Die Erziehung hat die wahre Bedeutung erst, wenn sie in Ezistentialen Begegnungen in Erfu¨llung gebracht wird also mussen wir die Begegnungen mit dem Selbst als Vaterlandsliebe zu seiner Dichtung von F. Ho¨derlin in dem Dasein als die Voraussetzung fu¨r die Existentiale Begegnungen betrachten, damit ko¨nnen wir die Begegnungen in der Erziehung noch tiefer untersuchen.

      • 환경조각으로서의 확대된 오브제에 관한 연구 : 클래스 올덴버그를 중심으로

        이상현 강원대학교 교육대학원 2009 국내석사

        RANK : 247647

        본 논문은 팝아트의 대표적인 작가 클래스 올덴버그의 작품 전반에 나타나는 오브제에 대한 특징과 이것이 확대되어 도시환경 속에서 공공조각으로 변모하기까지의 전개과정 및 이에 따르는 문제점에 관한 연구이다. 올덴버그는 드로잉, 소프트 조각, 해프닝, 모뉴먼트라는 다양한 작품을 보여준 작가로서 우리의 일상 속에서 생활과 밀접한 오브제를 확대라는 형태의 변화를 통해 평범함 속에서 의미를 부여함과 동시에 관객들에게 신선한 경악과 해학을 불러일으키게 했다. 그는 자신의 작품의 소재로 일상 생활 속의 오브제를 사용하였고 이로 인해 우리가 일상에서 잊고 있었던 하찮고 보잘 것 없는 사물에 대한 소중함을 일깨워 주었다. 또한 그것이 삶 속에서 예술의 일부가 된다는 것을 보여주기 위해 많은 노력을 하였다. 올덴버그는 그의 확대되어 대형 조각화 된 오브제를 건축과 연결시켜 기존의 영웅적인 기념비 조각의 개념을 벗어나 일반 대중과 함께 공유할 수 있는 공공조각을 제작하였다. 하지만 올덴버그의 조각은 물질문명의 소비 지향적 오브제를 도시 공간에 가져다 놓음으로써 진부한 오브제가 다시 진부해질 수 있는 공공미술로써의 한계점도 아울러 드러내게 된다. 본 연구에서는 대량생산과 소비사회를 직접적으로 보여주는 입장에서 표현하였던 작품들과 자본주의의 문제점을 그 만의 방식으로 해석하여 작업을 통해 비판한 작품, 그리고 건축적 크기로 확대시킨 환경조각으로서의 작품에 관한 전반적인 내용과 문제점을 분석하였다. 도시 속에서의 공공미술은 일반대중을 위한 미술이다. 올덴버그의 작품 중에서 확대된 오브제로서의 공공미술의 역할을 수행하는 작품들은 전시장 속 미술이라는 형태에서 벗어나 미술의 영역을 확장하고 대중과 미술을 좀 더 가깝게 하기 위한 역할을 하였다. 하지만 대중과의 적극적인 참여를 위해 만들어진 작품 중에서 도시환경과의 부조화로 인해 대중과의 소통을 이루지 못하는 작품들에 대해서 그것에 관한 문제점을 장소성의 측면에서 또한 연구하였다. 이와 같은 점을 바탕으로 문제점을 분석해 본 결과, 환경조각은 단순히 기념비적, 장식적 조형물이 아닌 공공의 장소에 지역적 의미가 부여되어 세워지는 공공의 자산이고, 소유물이므로 단지 작가의 주관적인 판단으로 다른 요소를 고려하지 않은 채 작품이 세워져서는 안 될 것이다. 그러나 우리의 일상생활과 예술을 접목시키고자 하는 많은 시도가 생겨나는 오늘날에 있어 이미 삶 속에 예술을 끌어들인 팝 아트의 중심작가 클레스 올덴버그의 작품이 갖는 순기능적인 가치는 변함이 없을 것이다. 오브제를 대상으로 하여 물성의 변화를 주었던 초기의 소프트 조각에서 시작하여 그것을 거대한 크기로 확대한 오브제로서의 대형조각에 이르기까지 그가 계획하고 실행했던 바는 다름 아닌 일상의 삶과 예술, 그 둘 사이를 보다 가깝게 하려했던 것이었으며, 도시 공간속에 설치된 자신의 작품들을 통해 예술작품이 일반대중에게 한걸음 더 가까이 다가갈 수 있는 가능성을 실천하여 보여주었다 할 것이다. This thesis is designed to examine 'the enlarged obje`ct of environmental sculpture' in C. T. Oldenburg's work, whose name is well known for 'pop art', a genre of modern fine arts, and to figure out a possibility whether it matches with the great shapes of metropolitan area. By applying various works such as drawing, soft sculpture, happening, monument through which he enlarged ordinary object to impose special meaning on it, C. T. Oldenburg invoked astonishment with jest in which people felt. By using ordinary object as a work material, he reminded us of how we can impose a meaning on mediocre stuff, through which he wanted to show that art is a part of our life. He connected this concept with big shapes to make a public sculpture, that all kinds of people enjoy, that is also quite different with monumental sculpture of heros, without losing historical elements of the spot. Yet his work also shows a limit that because of re-applying a consumption-seeking object into city life, we, urban people, sometimes feel boring when we watch it as a public art. For this research, I chose some works such as comparing art between artificially duplicated food and expressions depicting large quantity of production & consumption; critic work to show a problem of capitalism; and art work as an environmental sculpture that is enlarged size of his own painting. Public art is just for the public, however, it also functions for the public to come closer to the fine art expanding its definition that goes beyond existed art work in the exhibition, but in spite of this motive, some of his works are unfortunately incompatible with metropolitan environment, that's why I tried to examine it. Albeit he used a far bigger size of shape than a reality, as a result they captured visitor's heart with a single look from soft sculpture to big sculpture project, he & his works expanded communication space with people. Though there are many pros & cons about this viewpoint, at any rate, I hope my research can be a stepping stone for further studies in this area, so called environmental sculpture.

      • 대화면 LCD Backlight를 위한 전류평형 다채널 LED 구동회로에 관한 연구

        李相賢 國民大學校 大學院 2010 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        최근 저전력 소모와 얇은 두께, 무 수은, 다양한 색 표현력, 빠른 응답 속도 등의 다양한 장점을 가진 LED(Light Emitting Diode)를 광원으로 이용하는 LCD(Liquid Crystal Display) TV가 큰 주목을 받고 있다. 이러한 LCD TV의 화면을 균등한 휘 도로 표현하기 위해 기존의 구동회로는 다 채널의 LED를 정 전류로 제어하는 DC/DC 컨버터가 각각 적용되었고, 이는 원가 상승 및 효율 저하의 원인이 되었다. 이를 해결하기 위하여 본 논문에서는 각 LED 채널에 적용되는 DC/DC 컨버터 없이 트랜스포머와 커 패시터를 이용하여 모든 LED 채널의 정 전류 제어가 가능한 고효율•저 가격 형 구동회로를 제안하고, 이에 대한 이론적 해석을 제시한다. 최종적으로 제안 회로를 46“ LCD TV 백라이트에 적용하여 그 실험 결과를 바탕으로 제안 회로의 타당성을 검증한다.

      • Lattice-Boltzmann Method를 이용한 미세입자 거동해석

        이상현 한양대학교 대학원 2010 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        본 논문은 Lattice-Boltzmann Method을 포러스 매체에 대해 기존의 해석방법과의 비교해석이 수행되었다. LBM기법의 적용의 경우, Reynolds 수, Prandtl 수, 다공도, 고체 입자의 배열과 모양, 고체와 유체의 열전도계수 비등을 고려되었다. 또한 다공질 구조를 통해 압력에 대한 주기적 초기 조건은 다양한 Reynolds 수를 통해 계산된다. 재구성된 분포함수를 이용하여, 거시적인 물량인, 속도, 압력 등을 계산하고, 수렴 여부를 확인 후 수렴 조건을 만족하지 않으면 분포함수를 다시 각각의 방향으로 진행시킴으로서 지속적인 충돌과 진행의 반복을 하면서 제시된 문제인 LBM과 기존 Poiseuille가 제안한 해석식과 비교되었다. 기존 Poiseuille의 제안식과 비교하여, 방향 벡터에 따른 수렴횟수가 변화됨이 확인되었고, 밀도의 의한 수렴 변화는 기존해석 식과의 비교에서 확인되지 않았다. 이는 기존 해석식과 비교를 위한 완화 는 기존 수학식을 따랐기 때문으로 보인다. 기존 해석시과 비교하여 전산해석에서 오는 경제성이 확인된다. 그러나 중앙부 벽면에서의 변위오차가 확인되었다. 이는 입자의 개수에 따른 정확성에서 오는 모델오차로 보이며, 또한 초기속도의 영향에 따른 수럼성의 차이가 확인되었다. 이는 초기 입자의 방향벡터의 영향이 최종 수렴성에 영향이 미치는 것으로 확인되었다. 또한 Reynolds 수, Prandtl 수, 다공도, 고체 입자의 배열과 모양, 고체와 유체의 열전도계수 비등은 기존 해석식의 값과 동일한 값이 이용되었으나, 이러한 매개변수의 경우 민감도가 낮음이 확인되었다. The Velocity and pressure as the macro-quantity ar calculated using the re-construction distribution after it is certified the convergence whether or not. If the condition of convergence was not satisfied, a distribution function is reperformed the each directions as the continuous collision and the iteration of progress. It is comparison with a Poiseuille's proposed analytical equation about the proposed LBM test. In comparison with the Poiseuille's proposed equation, it seems that the number of convergence is variable about the direction of vector. but the variation of convergence about the particle density is not certified. It is seems that the relaxation is followed the existing mathematical equation for the comparison of an analytical equation. The economy of calculation is verified because of the computational analytical skill in comparison of an existing equation. but the error of displacement is certified at the center of boundary. This is considered as the model error from the difference of element number. And the discrepancy of convergence is defined as the effect of the initial velocity. It is seems that the effect of the first particle direction vector has an effect on the effect of final convergence. These values are used the same values of an existing analytical equation(Reynold's number, Prandtl's number, porosity, the arrangements and shapes of solid particle, the ratio of thermal conduction for the solid and fluid etc.) but these values have a low sensitivities.

      • 태계(KI3)․음곡(KI10) 자침, 전침 및 레이저침이 Cisplatin 유발 급성신부전 흰쥐에 미치는 영향

        이상현 동신대학교 대학원 2017 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        Objective : The purpose of this study was to verify the effects of acupuncture, electro-acupuncture and laser acupuncture at the acupoints of KI3 · KI10 on cisplatin-induced acute renal failure in rats. Methods : Acute renal failure in rats was induced by injecting cisplatin. Thereafter, the experimental groups were divided into four groups of acupuncture(MAT), electro-acupuncture(EAT), laser acupuncture(LAT) and consecutive electro-acupuncture and laser acupuncture(EAT+LAT). Four types of acupuncture were done for each group at the corresponding acupoints of KI3 · KI10 located on Boot Lesser Yin Kidney meridian for six days. Whenever they were treated, we observed Bax, Bcl-2, Bax/Bcl-2 ratio and COX-2 activity. We also observed cytokines like interleukin-1β, interleukin-6, tumor necrosis factor-α and interleukin-10. We also observed BUN, creatinine and albumin for evaluating renal function. We also observed the weight of body and kidney. We also observed hematological changes. Results : Bax was decreased significantly in the all experimental groups compared with that of the control group. Bcl-2 was increased significantly in the EAT group compared with that of the control group. Bax/Bcl-2 ratio was decreased significantly in the MAT, EAT and EAT+LAT groups compared with that of the control group. COX-2 was decreased significantly in the MAT, EAT and EAT+LAT groups compared with that of the control group. IL-1β and TNF-α were decreased significantly in the LAT and EAT+LAT groups compared with those of the control group. IL-6 was decreased significantly in the all experimental groups compared with that of the control group. IL-10 was increased significantly in the MAT and EAT+LAT groups compared with that of the control group. BUN in the blood serum was decreased significantly in the MAT, EAT and LAT groups compared with that of the control group, but creatinine and albumin in the blood serum had no significant changes compared with those of the control group. We also confirmed an inhibitory effect of body’s weight decreases in the MAT and EAT groups compared with that of the control group, and an inhibitory effect of kidney’s weight increases in the MAT, EAT and LAT groups compared with that of the control group. Conclusions : These results suggest that the acupuncture, electro-acupuncture and laser acupuncture at the points of KI3 · KI10 should exert anti-apoptotic and anti-inflammatory effects on the model of acute renal failure.

      • 관상동맥 경화반의 파열을 동반한 당뇨병성 급성 심근경색증 환자의 동맥경화반의 특징과 임상경과

        이상현 전남대학교 대학원 2011 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        Background : Plaque rupture (PR) and subsequent thrombus formation is the most important mechanism leading to an acute myocardial infarction (AMI). Previous pathological studies showed diabetic patients had a larger content of lipid-rich atheroma and macrophage infiltration compared with non-diabetic patients. This is consistent with a greater probability of coronary plaque rupture in diabetic patients. However, data on the intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) findings in diabetic patients with AMI with plaque rupture are lacking. The aim of this study was to assess the impact of diabetes mellitus on IVUS findings in 224 AMI patients (116 ST segment elevation and 108 non-ST segment elevation MI; 94 diabetic and 130 nondiabetic patients) with plaque ruptures. Method : IVUS findings included ruptured plaque (a cavity that communicated with the lumen with an overlying residual fibrous cap fragment), multiple ruptured plaques (different plaque ruptures separated by a >5-mm length of artery containing smooth lumen contours), and a thrombus (discrete intraluminal filling defects). The incidences of no-reflow, stent thrombosis, and 12 month-major adverse cardiac events(MACEs) including death, MI, target vessel revascularization were observed. Results : Baseline high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) levels were significantly higher in diabetic patients compared with non-diabetic patients (5.6±2.8 mg/dl vs. 3.4±2.0 mg/dl, p=0.008). The presence of multiple PR (62% vs. 31%, p<0.001) and thrombus (74% vs. 54%, p=0.002) were more common in diabetic patients compared with non-diabetic patients. Plaque cavity was significantly larger (2.8±1.8 mm2 vs. 2.1±1.2 mm2, p=0.040) and ruptured plaque length was significantly longer (3.3±1.9 mm vs. 2.3±1.1 mm, p=0.028) in diabetic patients compared with non-diabetic patients. hs-CRP levels were significantly higher in patients with multiple PR compared with patients without multiple PR (6.1±3.8 mg/dl vs. 1.6±2.8 mg/dl, p=0.001) and also was significantly higher in patients with IVUS-detected thrombus compared with patients without thrombus (4.1±3.8 mg/dl vs. 1.7±1.4 mg/dl, p=0.018). By multivariate anlaysis, diabetes mellitus (HR: 3.123, 95% CI: 1.212-7.644, p=0.017), multiple PR (HR: 6.321, 95% CI: 2.623-14.180, p<0.001), and IVUS-detected thrombus (HR: 3.218, 95% CI: 1.144-8.902, p=0.026) were the independent predictors of hs-CRP elevation >0.5 mg/dl, and diabetes mellitus (HR: 2.990, 95% CI: 1.301-6.882, p=0.020) and hs-CRP (HR: 1.110, 95% CI: 1.002-1.226, p=0.040) were the independent predictors of multiple PR. The composite of no-reflow and acute stent thrombosis was occurred more frequently in diabetic patients compared with non-diabetic patients (22% vs. 11%, p=0.019). There was no significant difference in 12-month MACE between both groups (17% vs. 11%, p=0.18). Conclusion : Diabetic AMI patients with IVUS-evident PR have more plaque vulnerability (more frequent multiple PR and more thrombus) and have higher inflammatory status indicated by an elevated hs-CRP and higher incidences of acute complications after stenting compared with non-diabetic AMI patients with PR.

      • 경기도 공공시설의 정비현황에 관한 연구 : 시설 수와 연면적을 중심으로

        이상현 한경대학교 2014 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        Korea did not start to industrialize until 1960s, and as a result achieved a significant amount of economic development, improvement and “quality of life”. However, problems such as transportation, pollution, lack of public facilities and youth problems arose. It isn’t too much to say that the economic development that started in the 1960s focused on the city’s quantitative development until the 1980s. Nevertheless, after the begin of the 90s, when the city’s quantitative development was somewhat sufficed, interests in qualitative development increased along with in quantitative one.This way, as the citizens’ levels of income, consciousness, cultural and economic life improve, they are increasingly requiring more various and better types of services. City’s public facilities, as spatial entities that produce and supply public services, directly or indirectly support not only citizens’ daily life, but also aspects required in industrial and social activities. Since the positioning of public facilities double citizens’ mental comfort and satisfaction, it is important in the lives of local citizens. Like this, legal standards have been set about facility supply due to the importance of it, but the standards aren’t clear, and the supply aspects are very different in each city, and thus the problems about public facilities are constantly being debated. Therefore, from now on, it is vital that the city actively cope with the increasing social demand of the city’s public facility and search for a practical political measure that provides comfort and pleasantness for citizens and yet induces continual growth of the city. Hereupon, this research, using Gyeonggi-do as its subject, contemplates the maintenance status of each region, according to the size of area per population. First, about the number of public facilities in each region of Gyeonggi-do, the maintenance status of each region in Gyeonggi-do was compared and analyzed, estimating the area of the number of usable public facilities per 10 thousand people. Second, about the facility’s total floor area of public facilities in each region of Gyeonggi-do, the maintenance status of each region in Gyeonggi-do was compared and analyzed, estimating the usable area of the public facilities per 100 thousand people. Third, about the number of public facilities and the facility’s total floor area of public facilities in each region of Gyeonggi-do, the regions above and below average was figured, and the maintenance status was compared and analyzed by regional groups. After having analyzed the conditions of the public facilities of each region, the followings became clear. First, looking at the result of statistics about the facilities in each region of Gyeonggi-do, more than half of the regions do not quite reach average, and more regions also do not reach average in total floor area. That is, excluding the two regions with the greatest numerical deviation from the conclusion, more than half of the regions don’t quite reach the average in the number of public facilities and floor area. Second, with the cross analyzing the number of public facilities and floor area of each region in Gyeonggi-do, while there are several regions that have both exceeding the average, several ones don’t reach average in either aspects. The largest difference appears in park. This research is not limited to the facilities of a certain region, but is about the whole of Gyeonggi-do, and compared and analyzed the current number of public facilities and the total floor area per number of people. So, there are cases where the number of public facilities or floor area was omitted or included in both numerically upper and lower groups. Therefore, from now on, it is critical that more accurate regional data about the maintenance status of public facilities be collected. In addition, it would be desirable to have cities other than Gyeonggi-do be continually researched and further to make the comparison and analysis of the public facilities’ conditions between different cities become available.

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