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      • 顧客이 知覺한 品質 水準이 顧客 로열티에 미치는 影響 : 移動通信 事業者의 브랜드 名聲度를 中心으로

        양승미 大田大學校 2014 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        This dissertation tries to explore if there have been changes in the customer loyalty determinants in the Korean mobile communications market after smart phones were introduced since 2009 and how brand reputation alters the path coefficients of the structural equation model. According to the outcomes of the analyses, it turns out that perceived quality of device is not a determinant of customer loyalty any more among smart phone users, whereas perceived quality of data service and perceived quality of bundled service appeared as new determinants of customer loyalty in the Korean mobile communications market. This dissertation is unique in that it considers separately perceived quality of data service and perceived quality of bundled services, which have often been included in perceived service quality variable in the existing literature. The reason of subdividing perceived service quality is due to recently changing landscape of the Korean mobile communications industry. As smart phone use increases fast in Korea, data service is becoming a killer application, while the importance of traditional call service is fading away and this dissertation put more emphasis on the effect of data communication on customer loyalty. Brand reputation turns out to be a factor that changes the values of path coefficients explaining the relationship between customer loyalty determinants and customer loyalty. This research classifies the sample into three groups―high brand-reputation group(HBRG), middle brand-reputation group(MBRG), and low brand reputation group(LBRG)―based on three brand reputation indices, SBS CNBC Brand-Share Index, KS-Premium Brand Index, and National Brand Competitiveness Index. For HBRG, perceived quality of customer service, perceived quality of data service, perceived quality of device, and perceived quality of bundled service are statistically significant determinants of customer loyalty, while for MBRG only perceived quality of data service is statistically significant factor. In case of LBRG, perceived quality of call service and perceived quality of bundled service appear to be statistically significant determinants of customer loyalty. LBRG is the only group that has perceived quality of call service as a determinant of customer loyalty, which means that LBRG is a group of customers who are slow in adopting new services. Even though three groups have different determinants of customer loyalty, it should be tested if the differences among three groups are statistically significant. A hypothesis test shows that three groups are not statistically different from each other, so this dissertation tests if each path coefficient is different among the three groups using between constrained and unconstrained structurual equation models. Outcomes show that even though the null hypothesis that three groups have the same coefficients are not rejected, the two path coefficients for perceived quality of data service, perceived quality of device and perceived quality of call service are proved to be statistically different among the three groups. After comparing three groups together, this dissertation implements pair-wise comparisons among the three groups. When HBRG and MBRG are compared, they are not turned out to be statistically different. Therefore, again, each path coefficients are tested to see if two groups have different coefficients. Test results show that only perceived quality of customer service is a statistically significantly different determinant between the two groups. When HBRG and LBRG are compared, it is tested that two groups are statistically different. This mean sthat LBRG is still considering the quality of traditional call service is important in selecting a mobile phone service provider, while HBRG is composed of customers who care about data service more importantly than LBRG. When MBRG and LBRG are compared, it is also shown that two groups are statistically different each other. The difference between MBRG and LBRG is similar to that between HBRG and LBRG. This implies that to induce MBRG customers to change their service providers, mobile service providers need to emphasize good quality of data service, whereas they need to emphasize good quality of call service to steal customers from LBRG. In case of HBRG, customers consider important four factors except call service quality, so competing mobile service providers of SK Telecom in Korea need to put emphasis on good quality of data service, customer service, and bundled service to induce HBRG customers to choose them as mobile service providers. This dissertation is not without limitations. This dissertation does not take into account customer switching barriers and the variables associated with customer retention in the model. However, these factors are becoming more important in the current Korean mobile communications market. Therefore, these factors will be considered in the model of analysis in the future.

      • 무형문화재 태평무 보유자의 예술사 탐색

        양승미 중앙대학교 예술대학원 2008 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        본 연구에서는 무형문화재 태평무 보유자의 예술사 탐색을 다각적이고, 심층적으로 분석하고자 하는데 목적이 있다. 이와 같은 목적을 달성하기 위하여 본 연구에서는 중요무형문화재 제 92호 태평무 보유자를 대상으로 질적 연구를 실시하였다. 자료 수집은 심층면담, 문헌조사, 그리고 서술적 설문조사를 통해 자료 수집을 했으며, 자료수집 과정 중 발견되는 부족한 부분은 재수집하였다. 수집된 자료는 부호화와 항시비교법을 이용하여 분석하였으며, 연구의 신뢰도와 타당도, 그리고 윤리성을 확인하였다. 무형문화재 태평무 보유자의 예술사 탐색은 태평무 보유자의 생애사와 태평무의 예술사로 구분되었다. 본 연구의 연구 방법과 연구과정에서 얻어진 결과를 기반으로 결론을 제시하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 태평무 보유자의 생애사에서는 무용에의 입문과 무용 환경으로 구분되었다. 보유자는 어릴 적 우연한 기회에 자신의 재능을 발견한 후 집안의 반대에도 불구하고 어머니의 도움으로 무용을 지속할 수 있었음을 알 수 있었다. 보유자는 무용에 대한 재능과 소질을 발견한 후에 어머니의 도움으로 무용을 지속할 수 있었다는 점에서 어머니의 영향이 무형문화재 태평무 보유자를 만드는데 있어 중요함을 알 수 있었다. 무용 환경에서는 한성준의 문하에 있으면서 많은 춤들을 전수받았다는 것과 그 당시는 무용과 음악이 공존하는 시대로 무용과 음악을 모두 배울 수 있는 환경이었음을 알 수 있어 훌륭한 예술가를 양성하기 위해서는 무용 환경이 중요한 역할을 한다는 것을 알 수 있었다. 둘째, 태평무의 예술사에서는 태평무의 태동과 태평무 습득과정, 태평무 특징으로 구분되었다. 태평무의 태동을 통해서 과거 한성준의 생존 당시 태평무는 터벌림까지는 왕이 추다가 왕이 뒤에 가서 앉으면 왕비가 나와 춤을 췄음을 알 수 있는데 이러한 태평무의 형태가 한성준의 타계 후 무용협회에서 있었던 공연을 시점으로 두 갈래로 나뉘어 졌음을 알 수 있었다. 이를 통해 현재 추어지고 있는 태평무는 그 형태가 계승되어 내려오면서 변화되어진 것이라는 것을 알 수 있었다. 습득과정에 있어서도 태평무의 발목 춤사위가 어려워 다들 배우기 꺼려했으나 보유자는 그 고통을 이겨내고 태평무를 습득하였다. 이를 통해 보유자는 태평무에 대한 애착이 남달랐다는 것을 느낄 수 있으며, 한성준선생님 또한 여러 가지 춤 가운데 태평무에 대한 애정이 가장 커서 이를 보유자에게 전승시키려 노력하셨다는 점에서 태평무를 후대에 전승시키기 위한 의지가 강했다는 사실을 알 수 있었다. 특징에서는 과거 태평무 춤사위 용어가 존재하고 있었으나 현재까지 보존하지 못한 것을 알 수 있으며, 보유자는 김덕수를 통해 장단을 정리하였음을 알 수 있고 무복에 있어서도 조선시대 왕비의 예복을 재구성한 것으로 장단과 무복에 대한 특징적인 면을 엿볼 수 있어 보유자는 후대에 태평무를 원형 그대로 보존하기 위해 노력하고 있음과 태평무의 예술성을 높이기 위해 노력했음을 알 수 있었다. The aim of this study was to examine the artistic history of the title holder of intangible cultural asset, Taepyeongmu, from various angles and in-depth. For this, the investigator carried out a qualitative research on the title holder of the 92nd important intangible cultural asset of Taepyeongmu. To collect data, the investigator used such techniques as an in-depth interview, literary investigation, and a descriptive questionnaire survey. Collected data were analyzed with encoding and constant comparative method to confirm the reliability, validity, and ethicality of the study. The examination of the artistic history of the title holder of intangible cultural asset Taepyeongmu is classified into the life history of the holder and the artistic history of Taepyeongmu. Study findings are as follows: First, the life history of the holder is divided into the entrance into dancing and the environment of dance. The holder discovered her talent in dancing in the early childhood by accident and carried out her career with her mother's support despite familial opposition. In this vein, the influence of her mother is significant on her being made into the holder. As for the environment of dance, she became a pupil of Han Seong-jun, and was handed down many kinds of dances. At that time, dance and music coexisted and she learned dance and music simultaneously. This fact shows that the environment of dance is important in producing a great artist. Second, the artistic history of Taepyeongmu is divided into the birth, learning process, and characteristics of Taepyeongmu. At that time when Han Seong-jun is still alive, a king dances up to the teobeolim and then a queen continues the dance after the king took a seat. This pattern of Taepyeongmu is divided into two branches with the performance in the Dance Association. Therefore, the present day Taepyeongmu is a variation of traditional one. As to the process of learning, many performers have been reluctant to learn it because its movement of ankle is difficult, but the holder endures the pain and acquires its skills in the end. This fact shows that the holder's attachment to Taepyeongmu is unusual. In addition, Han Seong-jun's love to Taepyeongmu was the greatest among a variety of dances and he had to try to hand it down enthusiastically. In relation to the characteristics of Taepyeongmu, there were some terms of movement, but they are not preserved up to this day. The holder arranged its rhythm through Kim Deok-su. And the costume is the one recomposed from the formal dress of a queen in the Joseon Dynasty. This fact shows that the holder has tried to preserve Taepyeongmu as it was, and enhance its artistry.

      • 발자크의 신비서에 드러난 스베덴보리주의의 문학적 형상화

        양승미 고려대학교 대학원 2016 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        En 1835, Honoré de Balzac (1799-1850) a réuni trois œuvres, Les Proscrits, Louis Lambert et Séraphîta, dans un recueil intitulé Le Livre mystique. Avant l’édition Furne de 1842, Balzac a publié une douzaine de recueils et collections, mais ce Livre mystique retient notre attention plus particulièrement pour trois raisons. Premièrement, le Balzac «réaliste» qui voulait être le «secrétaire» de l’histoire et des mœurs de la société française, nous est bien plus familier que le Balzac «mystique» qui se faisait «voyant»; de fait, le titre même du recueil nous semble étrange. Il y a d’ailleurs provoqué des malentendus parmi certains critiques et écrivains; Sainte-Beuve reprochait à Balzac d’inventer et de rêver, Zola pensait que sa tendance mystique était «la fêlure du génie» et quelques chercheurs n’hésitèrent pas à dire que Le Livre mystique avait été écrit pour une seule raison: déclarer son amour pour Madame Hanska. Il est donc nécessaire de dissiper ces malentendus et d’observer le vrai rôle du Livre mystique dans l’ensemble de La Comédie humaine. Deuxièment, le moment de la parution du Livre mystique a de l’importance pour Balzac. Entre 1835 et 1836, Balzac confirme sa vocation réaliste en publiant Le Père Goriot, et commence à se concentrer plus principalement sur les romans réalistes et moraux que sur les œuvres philosophiques et fantastique. Aussi, ayant achevé la plupart des œuvres philosophiques et fantastiques, il était en train de projeter la publication de la série des Études philosophiques (1835-40) en dizaine de volumes. C’est durant ce projet qu’il choisit de mettre ces trois romans à part, et de les regrouper dans un recueil indépendant, Le Livre mystique. Troisièmement, l’ordre des œuvres dans Le Livre mystique a été maintenu jusqu’à l’édition Furne, où elles on été placées à la toute fin des Études philosophiques. Alors, on peut supposer que le plan philosophique chez Balzac atteint son point culminant dans l’ordre que propose les trois œuvres du Livre mystique, et qu’elles fonctionnent comme la porte qui s’ouvre sur les Études analytiques. I. Balzac, Swedenborg et Le Livre mystique 1. Balzac, le lecteur des mystiques Dans le premier chapitre, nous avons fait un petit résumé des recherches existantes sur la question de savoir si Balzac a vraiment lu des ouvrages de Swedenborg. Depuis que Pauline Bernheim a posé cette question―et a accusé l’auteur d’avoir simplement compilé un abrégé des ouvrages de Swedenborg―ce problème est devenu une des préoccupations récurrentes parmi les balzaciens. Dans la «Préface» du Livre mystique, Balzac pourtant lui-même professe que son intérêt pour le mysticisme a commencé dès son enfance : "Il a fallu s’être passionné dès l’enfance pour ce magnifique système religieux, avoir fait à l’âge de dix-neuf ans, une Séraphîta, avoir rêvé l’être aux deux natures, avoir ébauché la statue, bégayé le poème qui devait occuper toute la vie, pour pouvoir en donner aujourd’hui le sequelette." D’après ce dont s’en souvient sa sœur Laure, on peut apprendre que Balzac s’est intéressé aux mystiques avant qu’il ait commencé sa carrière d’un écrivain sérieux, et qu’il avait dû trouver des ouvrages mystiques dans la bibliothèque de sa mère, qui était aussi passionnée par le mysticisme et l’occultisme du temps. Dans son article Lettres à Charles Nodier du 8 octobre 1832, Balzac se vante d’avoir relié tous les ouvrages de Swedenborg et d’autres mystiques; mais on ne trouve de facture pour une reliure que le 20 février 1833. Peut-être est-ce parce qu'il est difficile de croire Balzac sur parole que les chercheurs se sont méfiés de ses aveux de lecture. Jusqu’au début des années 1950, l’argument de Pauline Bernheim a été généralement accepté par les balzaciens. Mais depuis les années soixante, alors que la recherche sur la partie mystique de Balzac s’animait, des chercheurs comme Pierre Laubriet ont commencé à proposer une perspective différente. Aujourd’hui, Anne-Marie Baron dit qu’elle devait lutter contre l’injustice causée par Bernheim, que même si Balzac s’est reféré aux abrégés, il avait une connaissance profonde sur les doctrines de Swedenborg. Une autre chercheuse, Saori Osuga, nous montre qu’en écrivant les œuvres du Livre mystique, Balzac devait avoir lu directement des ouvrages comme Du Ciel et de ses merveilles, et de l’Enfer ou La Vraie Religion chrétienne. Il faut mentionner que nos connaissances sur Swedenborg et ses doctrines, suivant l’argument d'Osuga, reposent sur ces deux ouvrages de Swedenborg. 2. Le mysticisme au XIXe siècle et Le Livre mystique À la fin du XVIIIe siècle, un nouveau courant du mysticisme est né. Au siècle des Lumières où la raison était la seule manière d’expliquer le monde, certains hommes, au contraire, éprouvèrent les limites de la logique scientifique et voulurent déchiffrer le mystère universel par une voie ésotérique. En contrecoup des Lumières qui ne laissent aucun mythe consolatoire, la «Renaissance de l’irrationnel» est advenue. Ce courant du mysticisme, qui s’étend de 1770 à 1815, est souvent appelé l’illuminisme qui a été entraîné par les théosophes comme Swedenborg, Saint-Martin et Pasqually. L’illuminisme s’entrecroise avec d’autres courants provoqués par la Révolution, et par conséquent, il diffère d’avec le mysticisme traditionnel sur trois points. D’abord, en se mêlant avec le romantisme, le nouveau mysticisme s’est teinté de religion orientale, en particulier, des images de la religion de l’Inde; ensuite, en se vulgarisant, il a fallu qu’il produise certains effets positifs, comme le faisaient le magnétisme animal ou d’autres sciences occultes; enfin, l’ordre social et politique ayant la priorité dans la société française post-révolutionnaire, la société exigeait que la religion mystique ait un un effet éducatif. Balzac confesse à Madame Hanska que sa religion devant Dieu est celle de l’Église mystique, et son alter ego, Louis Lambert, dit aussi qu’il est «revenu à Swedenborg, après avoir fait d’immenses études sur les religions». Que l’auteur choisisse le swedenborgisme comme sa vraie religion n’est pas sans rapport avec les trois natures de l’illuminisme. Premièrement, Balzac voulait montrer «une arche jetée entre le Mysticisme chrétien et le Mysticisme indien», et la doctrine de Swedenborg lui paraît «résume[r] toutes les religions» et «reprend[re] au Magisme, au Brahmaïsme, au Bouddhisme et au Mysticisme chrétien ce que ces quatre grandes religions ont de commun, de réel, de divin». Deuxièmement, Swedenborg était un homme de sciences, considéré comme le précurseur du magnétisme. Étant «[u]n homme dont l’immense portée scientifique est incontestable, qui réunissait en lui la conception, la volonté, l’imagination», Swedenborg était, pour Balzac, le seul prophète qui puisse scientifiquement expliquer la mystique et le mystère universel. Troisièmement, Balzac pensait que la religion était le seul moyen efficace pour l’éducation sociale. Ceci a un double sens: l’un est que les corps religieux peuvent servir à «diminuer la somme du mal et d’augmenter la somme du bien» et donc maintenir l’ordre de la société; l’autre est que la religion mystique peut révéler le sens caché sous l’apparence du monde et ouvrir des horizons nouveaux pour les esprits. Or c’est bien le rôle que joue le swedenborgisme, en particulier sa théorie de Correspondances. II. Le mysticisme «corporisé»: une analyse de Les Proscrits, Louis Lambert et Séraphîta 1. Les personnages «corporisés: la distanciation du swedenborgisme Ce qui manquait au mysticisme, c’était «un corps» et «une forme». Les livres des mystiques étant écrits «sans méthode, sans éloquence», il est presque impossible de comprendre leur «phraséologie». Il faut donc qu’un génie saisisse leur sens et le mette «dans les bornes de la logique» des Français; autrement dit, Balzac pensait que son rôle à propos du mysticisme était de traduire les ouvrages mystiques et de donner un corps à leurs doctrines. Dans ce but, Balzac a organisé Le Livre mystique dans l’ordre qui commence par Les Proscrits, suivi de Louis Lambert et fini par Séraphîta. Dans Les Proscrits, «le péristyle de l’édifice», on peut entendre la première confession de sa foi sur le mysticisme. Le discours du docteur Sigier résume tous les thèmes mystiques qu’on verra en détails dans les deux autres œuvres. Louis Lambert est «le mysticisme pris sur le fait», il nous raconte une «histoire des voyants». Louis, qui souffre entre son corps matériel et son âme, finit par accepter la supériorité du monde spirituel et par devenir lui-même un voyant. Dans Séraphîta, on s’élève du monde spirituel au monde céleste; Séraphîta se dégage de toutes les sensations corporelles pour se transformer en ange et monter au ciel. Si Les Proscrits est le péristyle, avec Séraphîta, on est au chœur de l’édifice sacré. De plus, Balzac a essayé de transmettre la doctrine mystique par la bouche des personnages et des narrateurs de chaque œuvre. Les personnages du Livre mystique incarnent les différentes perspectives sur le mysticisme; et l’auteur a aussi placé des narrateurs qui peuvent soit traduire les paroles visionnaires, soit les équilibrer avec le réel par effet de contrepoids. Dans Les Proscrits, où on peut voir la tradition de la mystique remontant jusqu’à l’époque médiévale, Sigier, Dante et Godefroid incarnent chacun respectivement la science, la poésie et le sentiment du mysticisme. Dans Louis Lambert, un visionnaire fasciné par les doctrines de Swedenborg se heurte au narrateur qui se dit «un homme de science»; le narrateur, tout en faisant entendre les plus importants des pensées de Louis, remarque que quelques fragments et croyances de Louis sont «les plus fau[sses]». Dans Séraphîta, autour de Séraphîta qui révèle le mysticisme pur de tout son être, sont réunis le sceptique Becker, le raisonneur Wilfrid et le croyant Minna. 2. Cosmologie et anthropologie: la déformation balzacienne du swedenborgisme En donnant corps au swedenborgisme par les personnages et narrateurs du Livre mystique, il résulte une distanciation du swedenborgisme, et Balzac comble cette brèche avec ses propres idées mystiques. Ainsi le swedenborgisme dans Le Livre mystique nous apparaît bien transformé ou, si l’on peut dire, déformé par l’auteur lui-même, si bien que l’on peut même dire, par conséquent, que le mysticisme dans ce recueil est celui de Balzac. Dans ce chapitre, il faut nous focaliser sur la doctrine mystique de Balzac, qu’il voulait répandre par cette «métaphysique littéraire». Le Livre mystique étant un texte de syncrétisme, il est presque impossible d’en dégager une doctrine mystique de Balzac à proprement parler; pourtant il y a un système qui sous-tend les trois œuvres du Livre mystique. Nous allons tenter d’analyser ce système de Balzac en deux parties: la cosmologie et l’anthropologie balzaciennes. (1) La cosmologie balzacienne La cosmologie de Balzac part de la même supposition que celle de Swedenborg: Dieu est la source unique du monde. Mais Balzac ne se satisfaisait pas du modèle pré-moderne de Swedenborg, selon lequel la lumière sacrée de dieu et du monde céleste brille jusque sur le monde naturel. Il voulait construire son univers d’une manière matérielle et scientifique, et il énonça pour ce faire une loi de formation universelle, par une source principale, la «substance éthérée» : "Ici-bas, tout est le produit d’une SUBSTANCE ÉTHÉRÉE, base commune de plusieurs phénomènes connus sous les noms impropres d’Électricité, Chaleur, Lumière, Fluide galvanique, magnétique, etc. L’universalité des transmutations de cette Substance constitue ce que l’on appelle vulgairement la Matière." La «matière» ou les choses sont créees lorsque la «substance», issue de la parole de Dieu, les pénétre par un «mouvement» combinatoire par un certain «nombre». Par conséquent, toute création n’est différente d’une autre que par son apparence; leur essence commune, la substance éthérée, leur permet d’être en correspondance avec l’ensemble de l’univers. En s’appuyant sur cette loi de formation universelle, Balzac conçoit une ordre hiérarchique de l’univers en trois mondes―le monde Naturel, le monde Spirituel et le monde Divin. Ces mondes sont bien sous l’influence de la cosmologie de Swedendorg, mais on doit noter que cette structure s’articule selon un principe propre à Balzac. La substance éthérée subit des transmutations innombrables, créant dans le monde Naturel une chaîne des matières inanimée, végétale et animale; au-dessus de l’animal se trouve l’homme, et parmi les hommes apparaît celui qui devient ange et s’élève jusqu’au monde Divin. (2) L’anthropologie balzacienne Les trois mondes de Balzac ressemblent à ceux de Swedenborg, mais ce qui fait la différence entre eux, c’est que Balzac met un soin particulier à construire le monde où l’homme vit. Il l’appelle le «monde des Idées» et ce monde s’étend du bout du monde Naturel jusqu’au dessous du monde Divin. Balzac le divise en trois sphères―la sphère de l’Instinct, la sphère de l’Abstraction et la sphère de la Spécialité. Les hommes, «suivant la perfection de leur être intérieure», correspondent aux sphères différentes du monde des Idées. La sphère de l’Instinct est «la partie la plus faible», dans lequel les hommes «naissent, travaillent et meurent»; Dans la sphère de l’Abstraction, «naissent les lois, les arts, les intérêts», les idées qui posent les fondements des sociétés. Les plus beaux génies de la sphère de l’Abstraction peuvent arriver «aux lumières de la Spécialité»; les «Spécialistes» ont la capabilité de voir les choses «dans leurs ramifications originelles et conséquentielles», c’est-à-dire qu’ils ont perfectionné leur vue intérieure. Ainsi, dans le monde des Idées de Balzac, on peut reconnaître une gradation des intelligences humaines plus détaillée, qui s’étale de près de l’animalité jusqu’aux anges. III. La typologie balzacienne dans Le Livre mystique 1. La théorie des Correspondances et le type balzacien Dans Le Livre mystique, on peut voir la gamme des hommes différenciés les uns des autres selon leur «vie intérieure». De la sphère de l’Instinct à la sphère de la Spécialité, les personnages du Livre mystique s’étalent dans l’ordre hiérarchique, chacun représentant le type que Balzac a voulu représenter selon son anthropologie mystique. Ainsi, à la sphère de l’Instinct appartiennent les hommes matériels comme Tirechair et Jaqueline dans Les Proscrits. Dans la sphère de l’Abstaction demeure un savant sceptique, monsieur Becker. Enfin, beaucoup de personnages du Livre mystique font partie de la sphère de la Spécialité: Dante, Godefroid et Louis Lambert montrent le type des voyants, Wilfrid et Minna celui des prophètes, et Séraphîta incarne le type des «esprits angéliques», l’homme le plus sublime sur Terre. Dans la fameux l’article où il analyse La Chartreuse de Parme de Stendhal, Balzac fait une distinction entre la «littérature des Images» et la «littérature des Idées». Balzac lui-même se classe dans un troisième genre de littérature, celle de l’«Eclectisme», qui a pour but de représenter le monde comme il est, c’est-à-dire, «les images et les idées, l’idées dans l’image ou l’image dans l’idée». Il ajoute que «[l]’idée, devenue Personnage, est d’une plus belle intelligence», et c’est ce que Balzac a voulu faire, non seulement avec les personnages du Livre mystique, mais aussi avec tous les beaux types des Etudes philosophiques. En traitant les idées en types, Balzac s’inspire encore du swedenborgisme, en particulier de la théorie des Correspondances. Selon la doctrine de Swedenborg, «tout le monde naturel correspond au monde spirituel; non seulement le monde naturel en général, mais même dans tous ses individus». Et l’homme, étant «le monde dans une petite forme», comprend le monde naturel et spirituel en lui; l’extérieur de l’homme, qui est son corps, constitue son monde naturel, et l’intérieur de l’homme, qui est son l’esprit, son monde spirituel. L’homme ne fait pas exception au principe de correspondances: tout ce qui est dans son monde naturel correspond à tout ce qui est dans son monde spirituel. Aussi, quand on voit le visage d’un homme, on peut saisir la qualité de ces correspondances, puisque «le visage est nommé l’index de l’esprit». Bref, en créant les types du Livre mystique, Balzac prend soin de faire se correspondre l’image ou l’apparence physique d’un type à l’idée métaphysique qu’il représente. Suivant la hiérarchie que forment les types du Livre mystique, on voit les figures de chaque type en détail, en examinant comment se correspondre leurs idées à leurs images. 2. La typologie verticale de Balzac dans Le Livre mystique Dans le dernier chapitre, nous avons voulu examiner la relation entre le cadre hiérarchique des personnages du Livre mystique et la typologie de Balzac. On dit fréquemment que les personnages de La Comédie humaine sont typés en fonction de leur tempérament, caractère, milieu de vie, classe sociale, etc. Mais, selon ce que dit Balzac-Davin dans l’«Introduction» aux Etudes philosophiques, cette définition ne correspond qu’à un seul des aspects des types balzaciens, les «individualités typisées». L’autre aspect, les «types individualisés», désigne «l’idée devenue Personnage», le type qui se révèle être une pensée de tout son être. La gamme, que l’on a vu dans Le Livre mystique, des hommes différenciés selon leur être intérieur, est un exemple parfait de cet aspect de la typologie verticale, où l’homme se situe par sa position qu’il occupe dans l’existence spirituelle. Cependant, il faut noter que les deux aspects des types balzaciens, les «indivi- dualités typisées» et les «types individualisés», ne visent pas à séparer les types de Balzac en deux groupes dissociés; il n’est pas aussi possible de diviser les types balzaciens, sachant que les types sont entremêlés suivant le principe du «retour du personnage». Les deux axes montrent simplement des perspectives complémentaires, au travers desquelles on voit les types de La Comédie humaine. Par exemple, quand on voit le type du père Goriot dans la perspective des individualités typisées, il est le type d’un «fabricant de vermicelles» qui a réussi à l’époque de la Révolution; mais quand on le voit dans la perspective des types individualisés, il est un homme d’idées qui incarne le «Christ de la Paternité». Par le même principe, Vautrin est à la fois le type d’un forçat et de «toute une nation dégénérée»; Rastiganc est le type le plus vrai d’un homme de province à Paris, et en même temps l’incarnation de «l’ambition jeune»; Balthazar est à la fois le type d’un père négligent et le type de l’homme de passion qui est absorbé par «l’idée de l’Absolu». En somme, les deux perspectives des «individualités typisées» et des «types individualisés» établissent pour chaque personnage de La Comédie humaine une double existence.

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        양승미 이화여자대학교 대학원 2010 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        본 연구는 종래 법령과 조례의 관계로 인식되어 오던 조례제정권 한계의 문제를, 지방자치 및 자치입법에 대한 국가와 지방자치단체의 책무를 강조하는 관점에서, 국가(입법부, 행정부, 사법부)와 지방자치단체가 실질적인 입법권을 분담하는 체계로 재구성하여 검토하는 데에 그 목적이 있다. 지방자치단체의 자치입법으로서의 조례는 의회입법 및 행정입법과의 관계에서 법치주의에 따른 일정한 제약을 갖게 된다. 종래 조례에 대한 논의는 이러한 제약에 집중하여, 지방자치단체가 조례로 규율할 수 있는 대상과 범위가 어디까지인가에 관하여, 지방자치법 제22조 단서의 위헌논의와 함께 법률우위원칙과 법률유보원칙과의 관계 등을 중심으로 하여 왔으며, 한편으로는 행정작용의 대상이 되는 사무배분의 개편(기관위임사무폐지 및 자치사무와 국가사무 이분화)을 통해 실질적 지방자치의 내실화를 위한 자치입법권 확대ㆍ강화를 추진해왔다. 그러나 지방자치 현실을 보면, 지방자치권의 핵심이 되는 자치입법권과 관련하여, 지역공동체의 특수성 및 다양성을 내포하는 조례들이 제정되어야 함에도 이 부분의 발전은 미약했던 것이 사실이다. 가장 큰 원인은 법치주의와의 관계에서 기본권 제한에 대한 헌법의 일반적 법률유보에 기인하는 것으로 생각된다. 이와 연장선상에서, 판례에 의한 국가와 지방자치단체의 입법에서의 역할분담에 대한 해석기준은 엄격하였던 것으로 생각되며, 한편 사무배분과 관련하여서는, 사무배분기준 자체가 세밀하지 못한 한계가 있었고, 사무배분을 강제하는 장치를 마련하지 못했던 것으로 보인다. 이에 본고는 지방자치법이론에 부합하지 못하고 있는 자치현실의 원인을 탐구하는 의도에서 출발하여, 우선적으로, 헌법이 지방자치에 희구하는 바를 염두하여, 헌법의 주요 원리ㆍ원칙을 지방자치 및 자치입법과 관련한 해석에서 적용하고자 하였다. 특히 기능적인 권력분립의 관점에서 자치입법이 실질적인 의미의 입법작용 일부를 담당하고 있음에 주목하여, 국가(또는 중앙정부)의 차원이 아닌 지방자치단체의 차원에서 자치입법에 요청하는 바에 대해서 숙고하였다. 전통적으로 재판도구로서의 행정법의 법리들을 모색하고 고도화하는 일은 행정법학의 중핵이었으며, 행정의 적법성을 담보하고 국민의 기본권을 보호하는 데에 필수적인 역할을 해왔고, 사법부가 갖는 ‘조례형성의 가능성’에 대한 한계 지움의 역할은 매우 중요하고, 핵심적인 사항이다. 다만 이러한 사법부에 의한 법형성은 지방자치에 대해서 헌법이 부여한 가치를 구현하는 데에 사법부 고유한 특성(소극적 작용)에서 일정한 한계를 내포하고 있고, 한편으로 의회입법과 행정입법, 자치입법의 관계로 이루어진 입법분담에서 사법부가 맡아야 하는 역할을 확인하여 준다. 사법부는 입법분담과 관련한 해석기준의 적용에서 보충성의 원칙을 고려하여, 기본권의 보호의 최후의 보루로서 위치를 점해야 할 것이다. 실질적인 지방자치를 위한 자치입법으로서의 조례에 관한 국가입법(행정입법과 의회입법)과의 관계에 대해서, 조례제정권의 한계에 대한 법원의 해석기준만을 검토하는 접근에서 확장하여, 오히려 사법부의 입법분담에서의 바람직한 역할을 기대하면서, 지방자치단체가 자치입법의 확대와 관련하여 직면한 주요 문제에 조례의 대상, 조례의 방식의 측면도 포함시켜, 의회입법과 자치입법 그리고 행정입법과 자치입법의 관계를 ‘잠재적 공익의 형성’으로 이해하고자 하였다. 자치입법권에 대해서는 많은 연구들이 진행되어 왔으므로, 이를 본 연구자의 관점에서 종합하여 이해하고자 하였다. 입법학 및 비교법학 등의 관련 학문의 분석틀에서 착안하여, 입법분담 대상, 입법분담의 방식, 그리고 입법분담의 제한원리로서 법원의 해석기준을 국가와 지방자치단체의 입법분담체계의 요소로 제시하였다. 국가와 지방자치단체의 입법분담이란 실질적인 입법기능이 기능적 권력분립 하에서 국가와 지방자치단체 간에 분담되는 것을 의미한다. 국가와 지방자치단체의 관계를 실질적인 입법기능을 분담하는 체계로 이해하는 것이다. 이러한 분석틀은 비교법적 관점에서도 설명 가능하였고, 조례의 대상 및 방식 그리고 법원에 의한 제한의 구도를 각국이 형성하고 있다고 있음을 확인하였다. 요컨대, 헌법이 추구하는 지방자치의 본질을 염두하면서, 자치현실과 법이론의 간극을 설명하고자, 자치입법에 대한 입법부, 행정부, 사법부의 역할을 기능적 권력분립의 관점에서 연구하였고, 자치입법을 둘러싼 주요 문제인, 국가와 지방자치단체의 입법분담 대상, 입법분담의 방식, 그리고 입법분담의 제한원리로서 법원의 해석기준의 분석틀를 통해 보다 강화된 자치입법을 위한 해석론을 제시하였으며, 보다 효과적이라고 할 수 있는 입법방안도 검토하였다. The core of local autonomy is “autonomous order of a local society.” A legal system, which supports this, must be established and further developed. Strict legalism is required. A step-by-step and systematic approach, which analyzes the meaning of individuals, members of a community, citizens, the nature of autonomy, constitutional guarantee, and normative order ensures harmony between legalism and autonomy, should be taken in discussing ordinances. The agenda of extending lawmaking power by local government, on the basis of the division of the affairs of local government and those of nation, is supplymented by the regulation apportionment. What is the legislation apportionment system of the nation and local government is very important issue. On forward countries such as Germany, United States and Japanese, the circumstance of each of them is different and it is appeared variously to apply the mitigated interpretation of the rule of Reservation of the law, but there are implications for the legislation apportionment system of Korea. The national lawmaking is composed of the assembly -legislation, the administration-lawmaking and local government-lawmaking, so in the regulation apportionment it is important to research the relationship of their lawmakings. The constitutional guarantee of the self-governing system does not mean reducing it to the minimun. And as one of lawmakings, the local government-lawmaking is subject to th basic principles of the constitution law: the democracy, the legalism, the welfare. By the mitigated interpretation of the rule of Reservation of the law and the one of First application of the law, local government-lawmaking will get the possibility as a tool for the material realization of the local self-governing. For the balance of the assembly-legislation and local government-lawmaking, it should be reviewed what the lawmaking object means and whether the local government-lawmaking about the case of restriction on right can be recognized. By the mitigated interpretation of the rule of Reservation of the law and the one of First application of the law, local government-lawmaking will get the possibility as a tool for the material realization of the local self-governing. Strict legalism is required. A step-by-step and systematic approach, which analyzes the meaning of individuals, members of a community, citizens, the nature of autonomy, constitutional guarantee, and normative order ensures harmony between legalism and autonomy, should be taken in discussing ordinances. The constitutional guarantee of the self-governing system does not mean reducing it to the minimum. It is desirable to get the maximun lawmaking power to the local government, except for fundamental rule-outline and essential facts of the fundamental rights, nationalwide regimental issue and so on. By the typical research, the more flexible regulation by the minimum or maximun standard can be.

      • 대학부설 평생교육원 무용프로그램 참여자의 만족도 연구

        양승미 세종대학교 대학원 2009 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        This research executed to look into satisfaction of participation on to be activating currently. So, this researcher executed the actual condition investigation and making up the questions which asks satisfaction of participation about the dancing program at college of Lifelong education in Seoul at 2008 now. Dancing is localized at the activity area of professionals now and we are faced the actual circumstances which the dancing education course is shrinking gradually because of a lack of popularity. The place which dancers stands in this is shrinking and the spectator detention is laborious in the dancing public performance. So, the position of dancers is getting smaller and it is hard to put people on seats. Many people prefer a institute and a private culture center to a college of Lifelong education. Moreover a college of Lifelong education has been decreased a participant gradually and closed even some classes. This researcher have purpose to offer fundamental research data which includes satisfaction of facilities, lectures and efficiency to dancing program participant for efficient development of dance and dance programs in the long view. This research executed making up the questions which asks satisfaction of 205 participations about the dancing program self-administration method at college of Lifelong education in Seoul, and executed the frequency analysis to grasp a population statistics characteristic in a data processing method. This research executed t-test and one-way ANOVA to inspect the different between the variables in a population statistics characteristic and x-square to inspect the different between the variables in a category. And then factor analysis was executed to transform the classified common variables into new factor small size. The last reliability analysis was executed to know internal consistency of los of the questions which organize the index. This research of the satisfaction got the conclusion following result. 1. Female recorded high score than the male at the index of satisfaction of facilities, lectures and efficiency in a contentment according to the sex grouping because of characteristic of the dance. 2. Over the group of 60s people the oldest people recorded high score to the 3.01 at the index of satisfaction of facilities and the group of 20s people who want to get a job recorded high score at the index of satisfaction of lectures and efficiency in a contentment according to the age. 3. The group of graduated people at college recorded high score to the 2.72 at the index of satisfaction of facilities and the group of elementary educated people recorded high score at the index of satisfaction of lectures and efficiency in contentment according to the academic background but there are only negligible difference. 4. The group of experienced people at a dance recorded high score at the index of satisfaction of facilities and the group of none experienced people at a dance recorded high score at the index of satisfaction of lectures and efficiency in contentment according to group experienced at a dance but only the index of satisfaction of lectures is significant value. And this result show the high effectiveness of dance programs. 5. The group of professional education class recorded high score at the index of satisfaction of facilities and the group of general culture course class recorded high score at the index of satisfaction of lectures and efficiency in contentment according to the education course grouping. All of the index are significant. It's own selection that taking a course of a dance for the people who is in the group of general culture course class. So they recorded high score high score at the index of satisfaction. 6. The group of korean traditional dance class recorded high score to the 2.97 and 2.90 at the index of satisfaction of facilities and lectures and the group of missionary dance class recorded high score to the 3.21 at the index of satisfaction of efficiency in contentment according to the type of dance course. 7. There are significant static correlation between the recommendation intention, satisfaction of facilities and satisfaction of lectures. It means that people who feel satisfaction at facilities and lectures have high intent to recommend. Most of people who participate a dance course at college of Lifelong education have been satisfied with their lectures but they don't find evident different at satisfaction of efficiency. And lack of public relations and facilities will be improved and diversity of dance programs would be needed. This researcher thought that the area of education of dance would be tried to develop through many different eyes and supported more time and effort to research succeedingly.

      • 아동생활시설 생활지도원의 직무만족에 영향을 미치는 요인

        양승미 한남대학교 일반대학원 2010 국내석사

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        본 연구는 아동생활시설 생활지도원들이 직무에 어느 정도 만족하며, 어떤 요인들이 직무에 직접적인 영향력을 행사하는지에 대해 알아봄으로써 생활지도원들의 직무만족을 향상시킬 수 있는 기반을 마련하고 아동에게 제공되는 서비스의 질을 향상시키는데 도움을 주기 위한 기초 자료를 제시하는데 의의를 지닌다고 하겠다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 아동생활시설 생활지도원들의 직무만족 수준과 직무만족에 어떤 요인들이 영향을 주는지에 대한 연구를 진행하였다. 대전광역시, 충남, 충북, 인천, 경기, 서울 지역에 소재한 아동생활시설 35개 기관 생활지도원 333명이 응답한 설문지를 기초로 분석하였다. 수집된 자료는 SPSS 12.0 프로그램으로 통계처리 하였으며, 빈도분석, t-test, One-way ANOVA, 상관관계, 회귀분석을 실시하였다. 본 연구의 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 조사대상자의 직무만족도는 5점 만점을 기준으로 3.89점의 높은 만족도를 나타냈다. 따라서 아동생활시설 생활지도원들은 전반적으로 자신의 직무에 만족하고 있는 상태임을 확인할 수 있었다. 둘째, 아동생활시설 생활지도원들의 직무만족에 영향을 주는 요인을 인구사회학적요인, 기관근무환경요인을 통제한 5가지 모델로 회귀분석을 실시한 결과 연령이 많을수록 직무에 만족하고 있었으며, 총직원수가 많을수록, 전체아동수가 적을수록 만족하고 있었다. 인간관계요인에서는 아동과 상급자가 정(+)적인 방향으로 유의미한 영향을 미치고 있었고, 보상체계요인에서는 사회적 인정, 보수, 자기개발기회가 영향을 미치고 있었다. 마지막으로 업무내용과 업무역할도 정(+)적인 방향으로 영향을 미치고 있었다. 결론적으로 본 연구에서는 최근 몇 년 사이 아동생활시설 근무환경에 많은 변화가 있었다는 것에 주목하고, 변화된 근무환경에 따른 아동생활시설 생활지도원들의 직무만족 수준을 알아 본 결과 3.89점으로 만족하고 있었으며, 생활지도원들의 직무만족에 영향을 미치는 요인으로는 연령, 총직원수, 전체아동수, 아동, 상급자, 사회적 인정, 보수, 자기개발기회, 업무내용, 업무역할 등이 유의미한 차이를 보이는 것으로 나타났다. The purpose of this study is to provide quality services to the children by improving the work environment of the life counselors through analysis about their job satisfaction and the determinants affecting them. A survey questionnaire was distributed to 333 life counselors who worked at 33 children living facilities located at Daejeon metropolitan city, Chuncheonggnam-do, Chuncheonggbuk-do, Incheon metropolitan city, Gyeonggi-do, Seoul metropolitan city. In order to test the hypotheses for this study, the SPSS 12.0 statistic program was used for statistical processing, particularly for frequency analysis, t-test, One-way ANOVA, correlation analysis and regression analysis. The results of this study can be summarized as follows: First, job satisfaction got 3.89 out of 5. It shows that the satisfaction level is high. Second, in order to determine the affection of factors, it studied regression through 5 models with demographic and social variables, work environment variables controled. According the result of this study, as the age and the number of co-workers increases, the satisfaction increases, while they were less satisfied with many children. With reference to human relation variables, children and senior effect significantly the satisfaction in a passive way. As for compensation system variables, getting respect in social, pay, opportunity for train also effect. Finally, the roles and the contents work effect in a passive way. In conclusion, this study emphasizes that the work environment of the children living facilities have been changed a lot for recent few years. And it shows job satisfaction of life counselors got 3.89. Many factors such as age, the number of co-works and children, children, senior, respect in social, pay, opportunity for train, the roles and the contents of work represent significant differences.

      • 약용식물로부터 protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B 저해 물질의 분리 및 동정

        양승미 慶尙大學校 2006 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        Protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B (PTP 1B), insulin negative regulator has a role of insulin signaling control by dephosphorylation of tyrosyl residuces of insulin receptor (IR) and IR substrates (IRs). Inhibition of PTP 1B activity could be a novel way of treating type 2 diabetes and obesity. Whereas chemical synthetic inhibitors on PTP 1B has been intensively, there was a few studies on PTP 1B inhibitors derived from medicinal plant. In the course of screening program to search for PTP 1B inhibitor from medicinal plants, Symplocos paniculat Miq. (Symplocaceae), Myristica fragrans Houtt. (Myristicaceae) and Sophora flavescens Ait. (Leguminosae) were selected among 200 medicinal plants. Methanol extracts of th three medicinal plants showed over 70% of PTP 1B inhibitory activity at their concentration of 30 μg/ml. Bioassay-guided fractionation of methanol extract from the leaves and stems of Symplocos paniculata Miq (Symplocaceae) resulted in the isolation of three ursane type triterpenes, ursolic acid (1), corosolic acid (2) and 2α,3α,19α,23-tetrahydroxyurs-12-en-28-oic acid (3). Compound 1, 2 and 3 inhibited PTP 1B with IC_(50) values of 3.8± 0.5 μM, 7.2±0.8 μM and 42.1±1.5 μM, respectively. Kinetic studies suggest that compound 1 is a competitive inhibitor of PTP 1B with Ki value of 2.0 μM, while compound 2 is a mixed type inhibitor. Bioassay-guided fractionation of methanol extract of the aril of Myristica fragrans Houtt. (Myristicaceae) resulted in the isolation of two lignan-type compounds, meso-dihydroguaiaretic acid (4) and otobaphenol (5). Compound 4 and 5 inhibited PTP 1B with IC50 values of 19.5±0.3 μM and 48.9±0.5 μM, respectively. Kinetic studies suggest that compound 4 was identified as be non-competitive inhibitor of PTP 1B. Bioassay-guided fractionation of methanol extract of the leaves and stems of Sophora flavescens Ait. (Leguminosae) resulted in the isolation of four flavonoids-type compounds, kushenol A (6), sophraflavanone G (7), kurarinone (8) and kuraridin (9). Compound 6, 7, 8 and 9 inhibited PTP 1B with IC50 values of 6.5±0.3 μM, 17.6± 0.2 μM, 32.2±0.3 μM, 9.5±0.4 μM and 4.5±0.5 μM, respectively. Kinetic studies suggest that compound 6 and 9 were observed to be non-competitive inhibitors of PTP 1B. The in vivo inhibition activity of its isolated compounds was confirmed by using 32D^(IR) cell overexpressing IR. Treatment of the cells with compound 4 and 7 resulted in dose-dependent increase of the insulin-induced tyrosine phosphrylation levels of IR in comparison with the control. To investigate other biological activities of compound 1, compound 2, compound 4, compound 7 and compound 9 were observed to induce DNA fragmentation of HL-60 cell when it was treated at the concentration 25㎍./mL.

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