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      • 한국과 세계의 문화 교류를 중심으로 구성한 고등학교 한국사 글쓰기 수업 방안 연구

        박웅 서강대학교 교육대학원 2013 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        In spite of the opening of the era of globalization, the education of Korean history in high school diachronically approached the history and culture of Korea isolated from the world, but did not synchronically understand them related to the world. Thus, students could not but have difficulties in understanding well how Korea and the world exchanged and communicated in Korean history and with what status and role Korea acted in the world history. Thus, this study aims at the first-year high school students’ in-depth learning of diverse and vibrant cultural exchanges between Korea and the world in the time of after school activities, recognizing the interrelationships between Korean history and the world history anew, and through historic writing class, preparing opportunities for them to form open historical view on Korean history and the world history and world view. To achieve this goal, the following research contents and methods were established: First, it investigated the principle of mutual relevance, inter-regional approach, and multi-culturalism and examined theoretical background for integrated awareness of Korean history and the world history. Second, based on these discussions, with the topic of 'meeting of the South Korea and the world,' after school activities with a total of 5 class hours mixing the teacher-centered expository lesson and the historic writing lesson for the students were designed. Class was targeted 203 female students in 6 classes of the first grade in B high school in Incheon. Third, for classes No. 1 to 3, an expository lesson for the students to identify the basic concept of the cultural exchanges between Korean history and the world history were carried out while for classes 4 to 5, a historical writing lesson for the students to deepen their recognition and to form open historical view and the world view on history and the world history was carried out. Fourth, after the application of the class, based on 2 class hours of historic writing home-study materials, the results of study were analyzed in depth. The writing prepared by the 3 classes for which the lesson was executed (A to C classes: lesson executed classes) in their home-study materials and that prepared by the 3 classes for which no lesson was executed (D to F classes: comparison class) in their home-study materials were compared to closely examine the change of recognition before and after class. Analyzing the result of execution of the designed lesson, differences in perception and perspective of the students in the lesson executed classes and the students of the comparison classes could be drawn out as follows: First, to the question asking the first topic of the historic writing lesson, 'the proper relationship between Korean traditional culture and globalization,' compared to the students in the comparison classes who chose a number of positions to 'ethnic centered globalization' and 'globalization based on the open nationalist,' those in the lesson executed class emphasized 'understanding of the traditional culture-based cosmopolitanism.' In addition, the students in the lesson executed classes, compared to the students in the comparison classes, understood 'formation and development process of Korean traditional culture through the exchange with the world' more clearly, and insisted on 'the need for active exchanges of Korea and the world.' Second, it was found that also in the second topic of the historic writing lesson, 'what is the true meeting in our age?,' the students in the lesson executed classes, compared to the students in the comparison classes, understood the fact of the cultural exchange of Korea and the world more, and recognized Korean history in balance based on the understanding of the cultural exchange of Korea and the world while formed a more open world view. Third, the differences in perception and perspective about history of the lesson executed classes and the comparison classes somewhat led to the differences of perception and perspective about meeting of Korea and the world in the 21st century. Many students in the lesson executed class presenting the task of 'the understanding and respect for other cultures' in the topic of 'the priority task for preferred communication between Korea and the world in the 21st century' had a stronger recognition of aiming at the world view of coexistence than the students in the comparison classes. It was just 5 class hours of after school activities, but the differences in the perception of history about the cultural exchange of Korea and the world by the students in the lesson executed classes and the students in the comparison classes were clearly identified. However, in this study, teachers had very great practical difficulties in class progress with the hardship of securing class hours due to tight class progress, lack of textbooks on the cultural exchange of Korea and the world, and the absolute lack of relevant supplementary materials, etc. Thus, without the overall improvement such as reforming the current Korean history curriculum, securing regular class hours, improving textbook description, and producing related supplementary materials, etc., it will be difficult to solve these limitations of class fundamentally. Through this study, as the necessity of class on the cultural exchange of Korea and the world was clearly confirmed, it is judged that additional classroom research and academic discussion should continuously be carried out. 세계화 시대의 개막에도 불구하고, 현재 고등학교 한국사 교육은 한국의 역사와 문화를 세계와 고립시켜 통시적으로 접근하였을 뿐 세계와 관련 속에서 공시적으로 이해하는데 이르지 못하였다. 그러므로 학생들은 한국사 속에서 한국과 세계가 어떻게 교류하고 소통했는지, 또 세계사 속에서 한국이 어떤 지위와 역할을 가지고 활동했는지 제대로 이해하기 어려울 수밖에 없었다. 이에 본 연구는 고등학교 1학년 학생들이 방과 후 수업 시간에 한국과 세계의 다양하고 활발한 문화 교류에 대해 심도 있게 학습하면서 한국사와 세계사의 상호 관련성을 새롭게 인식하는 한편, 역사 글쓰기 수업을 통해 한국사와 세계사에 대한 열린 역사관과 세계관을 형성하는 계기를 마련하는 데 목적을 두고 있다. 이러한 연구의 목적을 달성하기 위해 다음과 같은 연구 내용과 방법을 설정하였다. 첫째, 상호 관련성의 원리와 간지역적 접근, 다문화주의에 대해 살펴보고 한국사와 세계사의 통합적인 인식을 위한 이론적 배경을 검토하였다. 둘째, 이러한 논의를 바탕으로 '한국과 세계의 만남'이란 주제를 가지고 교사 중심의 설명식 수업과 학생 참여의 역사 글쓰기 수업을 혼합한 총 5차시의 방과 후 수업을 설계하였다. 수업은 인천시 소재 B 고등학교 1학년 6학급 남학생 203명을 대상으로 하였다. 셋째, 1~3차시 수업은 학생들의 한국사와 세계사의 문화 교류에 대한 기본적인 개념 파악을 위해 설명식 수업을 진행하고, 4~5차시 수업은 한국사와 세계사에 대한 인식 심화 및 열린 역사관 ․ 세계관 형성을 위해 학생 참여의 역사 글쓰기 수업을 실행하였다. 넷째, 수업을 적용한 후 2차시 분량의 역사 글쓰기 학습지를 토대로 연구 결과를 심층적으로 분석하였다. 수업을 실행한 3개 학급(A~C반: 수업 실행반) 학습지에 작성한 학생들의 글과 수업을 실행하지 않은 3개 학급(D~F반: 비교반) 학습지에 작성한 학생들의 글을 상호 비교하여 수업 전후의 인식 변화를 면밀히 살펴보았다. 설계한 수업을 실행한 결과를 분석하여 수업 실행반 학생들과 비교반 학생들의 인식과 관점의 차이를 다음과 같이 도출할 수 있었다. 첫째, 역사 글쓰기 수업의 첫 주제인 '한국의 전통 문화와 세계화의 적절한 관계'를 묻는 질문에서 '민족 전통 중심의 세계화'와 '개방적 민족주의에 기초한 세계화'에 대한 입장을 상당수 선택한 비교반 학생들에 비해 수업 실행반 학생들은 '세계 시민주의에 입각한 전통 문화 이해'를 강조하였다. 또 수업 실행반 학생들은 비교반 학생들에 비해 '세계와의 교류를 통한 한국 전통 문화의 형성과 발전 과정'에 대해 더욱 명확하게 이해하고 있었으며, '한국과 세계의 적극적인 교류의 필요성'을 주장하였다. 둘째, 역사 글쓰기 수업의 두 번째 주제인 '우리 시대의 진정한 만남이란 무엇인가?'에서도 수업 실행반 학생들은 비교반 학생들에 비해 한국과 세계의 문화 교류에 대한 사실 이해도가 더 높았으며, 한국과 세계의 문화 교류에 대한 이해를 바탕으로 한국사를 균형 있게 인식하는 한편 보다 개방적인 세계관을 형성하고 있음을 파악할 수 있었다. 셋째, 이러한 수업 실행반과 비교반의 역사 인식과 관점의 차이는 21세기 현재 한국과 세계의 만남에 대한 인식과 관점의 차이로 일정부분이 이어졌다. '21세기 한국과 세계의 바람직한 소통을 위한 최우선 과제'로 많은수업 실행반 학생들은 '다른 문화에 대한 이해 및 존중' 등의 과제를 제시하며 상호 공존의 세계관을 지향하려는 인식이 비교반 학생들에 비해 강하였다. 불과 5차시 방과 후 수업에 그쳤지만, 수업 실행반 학생들과 비교반 학생들의 한국과 세계의 문화 교류에 대한 역사 인식과 세계관의 차이는 명확히 확인되었다. 그러나 본 연구는 촉박한 수업 진도로 인한 수업 시수의 확보의 곤란, 한국과 세계의 문화 교류에 대한 교과서 서술의 미비, 관련 부교재의 절대적 부족 등으로 인해 교사의 수업 진행에 현실적 어려움이 매우 컸다. 그러므로 현 한국사 교육 과정의 개편과 정규 수업 시수 확보, 교과서 서술의 개선, 관련 부교재 제작 등의 전반적인 개선이 이루어지 않고서는 본 수업의 한계점을 근본적으로 해결하기 어려울 것이다. 본 연구를 통해 한국과 세계의 문화 교류에 대한 수업의 필요성이 분명히 확인된 바, 이에 대한 추가적인 수업 연구와 학문적 논의가 꾸준히 진행되어야 할 것으로 판단된다.

      • B2B 전자상거래를 위한 글로벌 워크플로우 모델링 시스템의 설계 및 구현

        박웅 경기대학교 대학원 2002 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        네트워크 환경과 인터넷 발전으로 전자상거래시장의 증가가 향후 지속적으로 유지될 것이라는 예측이 보편화되고 있고, 이에 대응한 변화가 일국 또는 지역의 차원이 아니라 글로벌(global)하게 진행되고 있다[2,5]. 또한, 전자상거래는 B2C 에서 B2B/B2E 로 변화하는 상황에서 기존의 독립형 워크플로우 관리 시스템만으로 분산된 B2B/B2E 간의 전자상거래를 효율적으로 지원하기에는 많은 문제점 있다. 각각의 워크플로우 관리 시스템 간에 조직 데이터, 관련데이터, 어플리케이션 및 어플리케이션 데이터, 비즈니스 프로세스 흐름 등이 다르기 때문에 분산된 워크플로우 관리 시스템 간의 상호 운용에 한계성을 나타내고 있다. 본 연구에서는 위와 같은 문제점을 극복하기 위해 B2B 전자상거래를 위한 글로벌 워크플로우 모델링 시스템을 설계하였으며, 비즈니스 프로세스 정의에 필요한 조직, 어플리케이션, 관련데이터, 프로세스 흐름 등을 각각의 에이전트로 구분하여 관리 및 저장하고, 사용자의 편의를 위해서 GUI 기반 및 드래그 앤 드롭 기능으로 구현하였다. 본 연구에 워크플로우 모델링 시스템은 점점 복잡해지는 비즈니스 프로세스를 사용자 누구나 쉽게 정의할 수 있도록 하였으며, 정의된 비즈니스 프로세스는 각각의 워크플로우 관리 시스템의 엔진에서 Wf-XML 액세스하여 실행되므로서 분산된 워크플로우 관리 시스템 간의 상호 운용성을 증대 시킬 수 있다. 그리고, B2B 전자상거래 중 SCM 분야에 적용시키고자 한다. This thesis describes about design and implementation of a global workflow definition and modeling system that is targeting on the workflow management systems for electronic business processes, especially business-to-business (B2B) processes, which have been recently associated with electronic commerce, supply-chain management, electronic logistics fields, as well. Generally speaking, the workflow activities associated with a B2B process used to be deployed over several organizations that are involved in a collaborative and actual business model for e-commerce. This is why the system developed in the thesis is named "Global workflow definition and modeling system". Once a global workflow model for e-Commerce, as an example, is defined by the system, a set of activities in the model is disseminated into several organizations over the internet through Wf-XML transformation procedures. The global workflow definition and modeling system consists of four major components - Organization modeler, Relevant modeler, Application programs modeler, and Workflow modeler. As the most important requirement out of the system-level requirements, it is strongly implemented to achieve the sprit of best-easy-to-use in defining and modeling workflows. One of the most distinguished graphical user interface features is the drag-and-drop that can be conveniently used so as for workflow designers to operate on the system without any additional guidance. The global workflow definition and modeling system in the thesis might be the first foot-step toward not only realizing cross-organizational workflow management systems that have been issued in the workflow literature in recent, but also maximizing the usability of workflow technology in deploying and embodying the large scale, paperless, and process-oriented office automation in the near future.

      • 정부출연연구기관의 협력적 R&D에 관한 세 가지 에세이: 영향요인, 기술혁신성과, 재정지원정책을 중심으로

        박웅 忠南大學校 大學院 2019 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        This dissertation consists of three essays on the topic related to collaborative R&D of the government-funded research institutes(GFRIs). These essays are empirical studies focused on the three issues of affecting factors in the respect of relationship, technology innovation performance, and R&D funding policy.   The first essay, “Analysis of the Influence Factors on R&D Collaboration between GFRIs and SMEs” is presented in Chapter Ⅱ. In this essay, to identify the driving factors of the R&D cooperation, we examined the influence factors based on the survey data of 1,200 SMEs in the ICT sector. According to the results, the important factors for forming R&D collaboration are R&D capability by means of R&D workforce, preference for open innovation(inside-out, outside-in), and trust relationship. We also discuss implication the roles of GRRIs for encouraging private-public R&D collaboration. The second essay, “Analysis of the Effects on Technology Innovation Performance of Private-Public R&D Collaboration of ICT SMEs” is presended in chapter Ⅲ. This essay estimated the effect of internal R&D investment and private-public R&D cooperation on technology innovation of ICT SMEs based on the survey. Building on previous literatures, the essay established and tested a research model using binary logistic regression analysis. First, internal R&D investment and preferences for open innovation demonstrated the strengthening of R&D cooperation with GFRIs. Second, internal R&D investment and R&D cooperation showed a positive effect on both product and process innovation performance. Therefore, internal R&D capability and taking advantage of R&D collaboration are needed to achieve technology innovation for SMEs. This essay also discuss implications for encouraging private-public R&D collaboration. The third essay, “A study on the Effects of the Government’s R&D Funding Policy Change on GFRIs’ R&D characteristics and performance : Focused on Emergent Behavior Arising out of the R&D System of GFRIs” is presented in Chapter Ⅳ. This essay examined the discontinuous change arising out of the R&D system of GFRIs according to changes of R&D funding policies. Focused on sudden stampeding for government funding in research funding sources of GFRIs, we analyzed GFRIs excessive competition for government projects to secure funding and the resulting inefficiency based on complex system theory. We first found power law distribution appeared in variations of government funding as a result of activities to win government R&D projects. This means the same mechanism applies to all variations. In other words, excessive competition for government projects is due to the self-organizing phenomenon by adaptive interactions of individual researchers for securing research funding, not PBS or characteristics of GFRIs. Second, we found the changes research funding sources of GFRIs had an adverse effect on the characteristics of R&D activities and also a negative effect on the R&D outcomes as a result of self-organization. Therefore, this essay suggests that the policy for efficient R&D investment focus on not a direct control and management of the research results, but rather creating conditions for the effective relationship(interactions) of researchers.

      • 중학교 체육교과서에 구현된 교과역량의 내용 및 교수·학습방법 분석

        박웅 인천대학교 일반대학원 2018 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        The purpose of this study is to examine the competency of the middle school Physical Education (PE) textbook which was developed based on 2015 revised PE curriculum, to analyze the type of teaching and learning method by figuring out validity of the activity details and also to analyze types of teaching and learning method. It was suggested that the PE competency was specified and suggested in the middle school PE textbook with achievement standards and expected ability (function). Thus, the study examines how they are reflected and how they will be taught in order to understand 4 capabilities in the 2015 PE curriculum (health management ability, physical training ability, play performance ability and physical expression ability). For this purpose, the analytic framework was developed based on the 2015 PE curriculum. As for details, achievement standards and frequency of expected ability (function) were checked and the activity types were classified into cardiac impulse, cognition and affective area. As for the teaching and learning method, in the 6 capabilities of teaching and learning direction suggested in the curriculum, data were collected and analyzed based on 5 classes (by level, self-directed, PE other than regular course, customized and integrated) except for competency empowerment class. The results are as follows. Firstly, health care ability is closely related to health and safety area, but the contents were focused on cognitive aspect and indirect experience activities which failed to give a balanced description. As for health area, it suggested activities that analyze and understand concept of physical strength through physical activities and to practice programs, but it lacked activities that plan programs and that keep physical activities steadily. As for safety area, it had almost no delivery of contents through physical activity, and the delivered details were also apparently short. The teaching and learning method in health area reflected direction and caution suggested at the curriculum faithfully. Yet, as for safety area, it reflected preventive method and responsive method only. Both areas failed to contain the direction required by teachers in the textbook. Secondly, physical training ability is closely related to challenge area. It suggested cognitive, affective and indirect experience activities integrally focusing on cardiac impulse and direct experience activities. However, it had severe frequency deviation per section, and it suggested appreciation, analysis and solution insufficiently. The teaching and learning method also faithfully reflects direction and caution of the curriculum. But, it seems that activities related to everyday life needs to be suggested more. Thirdly, play performance ability is closely related to competition area. It suggested cognitive, affective and indirect experience activities integrally focusing on cardiac impulse and direct experience activities. However, it lacked communication and cooperation between team members which are features in a team sports. The teaching and learning method also faithfully reflects direction and caution of the curriculum. And it also suggested the teaching and learning method which teachers think to fit. Fourthly, physical expression ability is closely related to expression area, which suggested balanced description in terms of learning area, achievement standards and contents per area and expected ability (function). The teaching and learning method also faithfully reflects direction and caution of the curriculum. And it also suggested the teaching and learning method which teachers think to fit. 이 연구는 2015 개정 체육과 교육과정에 기초하여 개발된 중학교 체육교과서를 성취기준 및 기능에 근거하여 교과역량의 빈도를 살펴보고, 활동유형을 분석해 타당도를 파악하였으며 교수·학습 방법의 유형을 분석하였다. 체육 교과역량이 중학교 체육 교과서에 성취기준 및 기능으로 구체화되었기 때문에 어떻게 반영되어 있는지, 얼마나 반영되어 있는지, 어떻게 가르칠 것인지 살펴봄으로써, 2015 체육과 교육과정에서 강조하는 교과역량을 이해하고자 하였다. 연구방법은 분석틀을 구성하여 성취기준과 기능의 빈도를 확인하였고 활동유형을 분석하여 심동, 인지, 정의적 영역으로 범주화 하였다. 교수·학습방법은 교육과정에서 제시하는 교수학습방향 6가지 중 역량을 함양한 수업을 제외한 5가지(수준별, 자기 주도적, 정과 외 체육수업, 맞춤형, 통합식) 수업을 기준으로 자료를 수집하고 분석하였다. 그 결과 다음과 같은 결론을 얻을 수 있었다. 첫째, 건강관리능력은 건강, 안전영역과 관련이 많은 역량으로 내용이 인지적 측면과 간접체험활동에 집중되어 균형 있게 제시되지 못하였다. 건강영역의 경우 신체활동을 통해 체력의 개념을 이해, 분석하고 수준을 판단하며 프로그램을 실천할 수 있는 활동이 잘 제시되었지만 프로그램을 계획하거나 운동을 꾸준히 유지할 수 있는 활동은 부족하였다. 안전영역은 신체활동을 통한 내용 전달이 거의 이루어지지 않았고 전달되는 내용 역시 현저히 부족하였다. 건강영역의 교수·학습방법은 교육과정에서 제시하는 방향 및 유의사항을 충실하게 반영하였으나 안전영역의 경우 예방법과 대처 방안을 숙지하는 차원에서만 제시되고 있었다. 두 영역 모두 교사가 요구하는 방향은 교과서에 담고 있지 못했다. 둘째, 신체수련능력은 도전영역과 관련이 많은 역량으로 심동적 측면과 직접체험활동을 중심으로 인지, 정의, 간접체험활동을 통합적으로 제시하고 있었다. 다만 중영역별 빈도 편차가 심하였고 감상하기와 분석하고 해결하는 활동이 적게 제시된 것으로 나타났다. 교수·학습방법 역시 교육과정에서 제시하는 방향 및 유의사항을 충실하게 반영하고 있었다. 일상생활과 연계된 활동의 제시는 더 필요해 보였다. 셋째, 경기수행능력은 경쟁영역과 관련이 많은 역량으로 심동적 측면과 직접체험활동을 중심으로 인지, 정의, 간접체험활동을 통합적으로 제시하고 있었다. 팀 스포츠가 특징인 경쟁영역에서 팀원 간 의사소통하고 협력하는 내용이 부족하였다. 교수·학습방법은 교육과정에서 제시하는 방향 및 유의사항을 충실하게 반영하고 있었고 교사가 적합하다고 생각하는 교수·학습방법 역시 적절하게 제시하고 있었다. 넷째, 신체표현능력은 표현영역과 관련이 많은 역량으로 학습영역, 중영역별 성취기준과 내용, 기능 등 모든 측면에서 균형 있게 제시하고 있었다. 교수·학습방법 역시 교육과정에서 제시하는 방향 및 유의사항을 충실히 반영하고 있었고 교사가 적합하다고 생각하는 교수·학습방법도 적절하게 제시하고 있었다.

      • 호텔패키지 상품 선택속성에 관한 실증적 연구 : 경주지역 특급호텔을 중심으로

        박웅 慶州大學校 大學院 2003 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        The industrialized society has seen the abrupt changes in life styles, seeking not for wealth-oriented but for quality life itself. And under the situations of hard and various competition hotel has to find out the preferences and habits of customers to project the marketing strategy. But it is asserted that many of hotel packages have not met the customer's demand because of the slow-down activity in the research of hotel rooms and facilities. Recently, hotel packages as destination of vacation are more and more popular with people and hotel packages are very important because they often have used as a strategic marketing tools during the low-demand period. The purpose of this study is to provide basic clue of efficient marketing strategy for hotel package products by identifying the preferences of consumer according to statistical characteristics of population and habits. For this, this study researched the practical condition of 2002' packages of 5 deluxe hotels in Gyeongju. In the theoretic part, merchandising and sales promotion highlights are considered to be supported by the data of industry during the past few years in Korea. In the empirical part, selected attributes are analyzed by correlation, factor analysis and ANOVA to find out which attributes are contributed to the consumers hotel selection according to their preference. The results of analysis can be summarized as follows: First, the purpose of travel of the sample is mainly leisure and recreation Second, the sources of hotel selection information are from advertising, friends and relatives, and hotel brochure. The latter, however, is revealed to be relatively less effective. Third, summer and winter are two major seasons of hotel package demand. However, many samples answer fall is other season they prefer. Fourth, non-user group especially is interested in the hotel package product comparing to the experienced group. Fifth, female is more interested in the atmospheric factor while male is more interested in the rooms division factor. This phenomenon can be explained by the fact that family convenience factor is important. Sixth, younger age group of 20s - 30s has shown more preference to the hotel package product. Seventh, the higher education level and the higher income level have shown more preference to the hotel package product. In conclusion, the hotel choice decision attributes were influenced by statistical characteristics of population and travel habits. These results state that marketer of hotel has to find the target market when packages were projected to be made. Consequently, to attract a number of customers, it is reasonable that marketing strategy of hotel packages should be specified on the various aspects such as price, services, package combination and so on. It could be very useful to set a better marketing strategy throughout the comparing analysis of users and non-users of hotel package as well as analysis of summer and winter season.

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