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      • 공항 여객터미널의 서비스스케이프가 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 : 인천국제공항을 중심으로

        박규선 韓國航空大學校 2016 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        공항 여객터미널의 서비스스케이프가 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 - 인천국제공항을 중심으로 - 인천국제공항은 개항 이후 동북아 허브공항으로 자리매김하기 위해 많은 노력을 기울여 왔다. 경쟁공항들과의 비교우위 선점을 위해 항공사 유치 및 신규노선 확대전략과 함께 허브화 경쟁력 지수 중의 하나인 환승객 증대를 위해 다양한 마케팅 전략을 강화하여 왔다. 본 연구에서는 공항 면세점 매출과 환승객 증대를 위해 공항 여객터미널의 면세점과 환승편의시설의 서비스스케이프 구성요소들이 여객에 미치는 영향관계를 분석한 후 서비스스케이프를 개선하는 방안을 제시하고자 한다. 본 연구의 결과는 향후 다양한 공항시설의 서비스스케이프에 대한 기초연구로 활용될 수 있을 뿐만 아니라 공항 면세점과 환승편의시설의 서비스스케이프 개선에 따른 면세점 매출 증대와 환승객 증가에도 기여할 수 있을 것으로 본다.

      • 시각장애인의 맨손체조 동작 특징 분석

        박규선 조선대학교 교육대학원 2016 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        ABSTRACT An Analysis of the Movement Characteristics in the Performance of Free Gymnastics among Persons with Visual Impairments Kyu-Seon bark Advisor: Prof. Young-il Kim, Ed.D. Major in Special Education Graduate School of Education, Chosun University The purpose of this study was to analyze the movement characteristics in the performance of Kukmin Gymnastics by individuals with visual impairments. A total of 12 individuals were recruited to participate in this study; they were all identified as have level 1 of visual impairments in accordnace with the guideline of the formal disability determination. Each participant was asked to perform the Kukmin Gymnastic and the researcher videotaped the performance. Their performance was measured using three- or five-point Likert scale to evaluate their flexibility, coordination, orientation, balance, and lateral contrast. Data were analyzed individually and as a group. The results indicated that they showed the average level of flexibility, coordination, and lateral contrast but had difficulty reorienting to the original direction, remaining balanced during the performance involving legs.

      • 사무자동화의 활성화 방안에 관한 연구

        박규선 경성대학교 교육대학원 1995 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        Recently, most companies are facing new circumstances within the business environment such as internationalization, localization, open door policies and other trends. With the emergent of these business trends, enterprises must diversify so they can not only, compete against each other but also maintain their present status. Therefore, to confront the changes in the business climate, the corporate sector is attempting to pursue the various forms of Office Automation for the purpose of increasing productivity and management information in order to cope with rapid changes in the business environment. For the purpose of curtailing expenditures and improving office productivity, Office Automation was first introduced in the early 1980s. Since the 1990s, it has been implemented in more office settings, pursuing an overall Office Automation environment. Plans for improving productivity have been discussed among various business groups from every aspect, but interests in office productivity through Office Automation have recently caused developed countries to make mid and long-term plans for an overhaul in their Office Automation systems and actively promote them. Although the introduction of Office Automation into Korea appeared in the 1980s, mainly as single-function equipment, Office Automation has grown into a Comprehensive functioning system due to the rapid developments in information technology, low prices and high efficiency. The objective of this study is to analyze Comprehensive Office Automation by evaluating certain problems identify in different case studies of Office Automation and suggesting methods of implementation. As shown in the fellowing case study, the implementation of a Comprehensive Office Automation in established Japanese companies as a mid and long-term plans have been a great concern and desire of top management. Recently, Korean enterprises have Introduce new Office Automation systems, that are based on a Client-Server System within a PC environment. Due to this overhaul, office productivity has improved which enabled management to rationally and effectively deal with the information to decrease their expenses. However, there are some general problems within Korea's Office Automation settings. The following are some of the Office Automation related problems that must be dealt with ; First, some of the internal problems within companies are the necessity for professional trained staff, a weak Office Automation department and the roles of people in charge of the Office Automation, the standardization of the Office Automation system and the minimal support from management and other related factors. Additionally, job tasks of the different office duties are not appropriately assigned. Second, the external problems of companies are insufficient governmental support and the selection process for the appropriate hardware and software on account of the rapid technological development. In order to solve these problems, corporations have to meet the new challenges objectively. It's to the companies' advantage to implement Office Automation through the following start-up suggestions; First, Office Automation start-up should be introduced and implemented through a systematic approach. The present and future anticipated circumstances of a company should be evaluated. To obtain this type of data, a need assessment study should be carried out to understand the company's needs and requirements. After the completion of the assessment, an appropriate Office Automation system should be implemented. Afterwards, the orgainzation should make an effort to enhance the Office Automation system's image, standardize their office affairs, select an executing plan and review the executed method. Filially, they should evaluate whether the developed Office Automation system was implemented according to the plan and if there are any deviations from the original plan or problems with the set-up condition. Second, managerial support and continuous training should be provided. For Office Automation initiation, managers and the overall staff should participate and positively support the program willingly after comprehending the importance and necessity of the system. Continuous trainings sessions related to the Office Automation should be offered. This education program should not be terminated after the system is in full operation but be rather objective and future-oriented. Thired, the government should render effective Office Automation support. Despite Office Automation systems being implemented by the business sector, from a total economical point of view, government support policies should follow. For this, there should be some form of control over the Office Automation drive through the guidance of a consulting organization for business and accordingly positive supportive policies for businesses related to the software industry and other affiliated fields. Fourth, user-friendly hardware and software should be selected. To carry out this task, each organizational unit should evaluate their office affairs by frequently referring to the users' opinions before selecting the hardware and software which should be oriented for users who have no professional knowledge, to be accessed easily and conveniently. Especially, when hardware and software are selected, a user-friendly interface should be the main consideration. After the user-oriented hardware and software are selected, the most important factors are developing the changed environment and standardization. The change among the different equipment should be considered sufficiently, and standardization among the equipments should be achieved.

      • 건축물 먹매김 시공 자동화 로봇 개발 및 성능 분석

        박규선 조선대학교 대학원 2024 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        The layout work of building structures is a task that requires high precision to form the main structure in the correct position. However, layout work is greatly affected by the operator's skill level, and productivity can be reduced due to lack of accuracy, detection limits, information loss, and errors. To solve these problems, automation of the entire layout work and introduction of information technology are necessary. For this purpose, automation of layout work using construction robots can be an effective means of doing this. Accordingly, the need for automated layout has been recognized at home and abroad, and related technology development has been continuously carried out. However, most automated equipment has limitations when operating in an building structures environment, as it is performed on buildings with finished floors to ensure precision. Accordingly, in this study, we developed a prototype of an automated layout robot that operates for building structures environment. The developed robot largely consists of a driving part, a marking part, a sensing part, and a control part, and was designed considering the layout work environment.Driving performance was satisfactory, but there were some errors, and marking performance was accurate, but marking quality was disappointing. The sensing unit and control unit operated normally, and the need for improvement in some driving methods and marking quality was confirmed. This study can be applied to domestic construction sites to improve layout work accuracy, quality uniformity, and work productivity, We increase the efficiency of inspection by digitizing layout work process information. In addition, the economic feasibility of automated robots was analyzed based on the results of a comparative analysis of productivity between conventional and automated methods. If the automated layout robot developed through this study is put into practical use, possible problems that may arise in layout work can be resolved. It is expected that it will also be possible to reduce work input costs by improving work productivity and ensuring uniformity of quality.

      • 易學의 中和論 硏究 : 易理와 量子物理의 共通性을 中心으로

        박규선 동방문화대학원대학교 2024 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        This paper explores the proposition of "易與天地準" (I Ching is in perfect accordance with Heaven and Earth) as a premise of the Book of Changes, which is a model based on the observation of objects, to understand the characteristics of objects and the interactions of opposition and correspondence known as Yin and Yang. Additionally, it examines the correlation between the hexagrams(卦) and the principles of objects and numbers from the perspective of modern physics, specifically the concept of Qi(氣) and Quantum Field(場), while seeking a logical framework of coexistence from the perspective of the philosophical concept of Zhonghe-theory(中和論) in I Ching. The concept of Zhonghe(中和), which is created through various interactions of opposition and correspondence between Yin and Yang, is considered a fundamental topic in I Ching that explain the principles of hexagram formation. Modern physics also reveals the existence of symmetries between Yin and Yang at the origin of all things, where the interactions give rise to the creation of myriad phenomena. The concept of Quantum Field in modern physics is similar to the philosophical explanation of Qi in Eastern philosophy. Qi and Quantum Field can be seen as the meeting point between philosophy and science, where the field of quantum physics connects the entire universe, just as Qi connects all things in a philosophical sense. Therefore, to understand the physical field, it is necessary to incorporate the philosophical explanation of Qi to grasp its extensibility more easily. This study explores the mutual relationship between objects and the representation of these relationships through hexagrams, not through abstract divination methods but through mathematical approaches in modern mathematics. It aims to seek a framework of coexistence from a humanistic perspective. The subtle differences of magnitude, length, and strength within Yin and Yang give rise to various manifestations of Yin and Yang, resulting in the formation of myriad phenomena with different identities. This paper examines the correlation between hexagrams and objects through the process of harmonious generation of Yin and Yang, which possess contrasting qualities, and explores the logic of coexistence among diversities. Yin and Yang, the fundamental elements constituting everything, engage in continuous interaction without annihilating each other, recognizing the opposing counterpart as essential and mutually dependent. Through mutual stimulation and integration, they generate new transformations. From the perspective of "一陰一陽之謂道" (The Way is the alternation of Yin and Yang), this study examines the process of generation through the opposition and interaction of Yin and Yang, hexagrams, objects, and numbers, and explores the logic leading to universal harmony, known as "大和" (Great Harmony), through the physical and humanistic diversities generated by Zhonghe. The Doctrine of the Mean(中庸) states, "When achieving Zhonghe, Heaven and Earth find their positions, and all things are nurtured within it". It considers the pursuit of Zhonghe as the highest virtue of the universe and the ultimate goal of all things. The Book of Changes also affirms this, stating, "When Heaven and Earth are established, I Ching is carried out in their midst". It indicates that the opposition and interaction of Yin and Yang ultimately aim for Zhonghe. The process of forming the eight trigrams(八卦) symbolizes the formation of Heaven(天), Earth(地), and all things(人). The Book of Changes merely represents the interaction among Heaven, Earth, and all things through the overlapping of the eight trigrams. Whether in mathematics, ethics, or modern physics, the fundamental interaction of Yin and Yang does not stray from the concept of Zhonghe. The concept of Zhonghe-theory in Yin and Yang, which this paper discusses, refers to the logical coherence among the hexagrams, objects, and the numerical relationships that constitute them. Through the correlation between these hexagrams, objects, and numbers, the paper explores the humanistic logic of coexistence in the process where the interaction of Yin and Yang, characterized by opposition and reconciliation, leads to Zhonghe. 본 논문은 “易은 천지자연과 똑 같다(易與天地準).”라는 󰡔周易󰡕의 명제를 전제로 사물을 본떠 만든 卦로써 物象을 이해하고, 氣로 통칭되는 음양의 對立과 對待라는 상호작용에 관하여 탐구하였다. 그리고 卦와 物과 數의 상관관계를 氣와 場(Quantum Field)이라는 현대물리학적 관점에서 살펴보고, 易學의 中和論的 관점에서 現代的 상호공존의 논리를 모색하고자 하였다. 음양의 대립과 대대를 통한 다양한 상호작용이 만들어내는 中和는 괘의 생성원리를 다루는 역학에서 가장 중요한 화두라 할 수 있다. 현대물리학에서도 만물의 근원에는 음양의 대칭성이 존재하며, 상호작용을 통해 萬物萬象이 생성하고 있음을 밝히고 있다. 현대물리학의 場(Quantum Field)의 개념은 동양철학의 氣(energy)에 대한 설명과 유사하다. 氣와 場은 철학과 과학이 소통을 위해 만나는 접점이라 할 수 있다. 양자물리학으로서의 場은 氣의 철학적 의미에 기대어 전 우주를 그물망으로 연결한다. 그러므로 물리학적 場을 이해하기 위해서는 철학적 氣의 설명이 함께 수반되어야 그 확장성을 더욱 쉽게 이해할 수가 있다. 본 연구는 物象과 이를 표상한 卦象의 상호관계성을 추상적인 서법(筮法)의 수가 아닌 현대 수학의 수리를 통해 그 접점을 모색하고, 인문적 관점에서의 중화를 탐구하였다. 음양의 大小ㆍ長短ㆍ强弱이라는 미묘한 차이에 의해 생성되는 다양한 음양의 편재(偏在)는 다양한 양태의 상호작용을 일으키며 다양한 중화를 세움으로써 서로 다른 특성(identity)을 가진 萬物萬象을 형성한다. 본 논문은 상반된 성질인 음양의 중화생성과정을 통해 卦와 物의 상관관계를 살펴보고 다양성 간의 상호공존 논리를 모색하고자 하였다. 만물을 구성하는 기본적인 요소인 음양은 서로 다투면서도 서로를 멸하지 않고, 대립자를 필수적 상대자로 인정하고 상호의존하면서 交感과 交合을 통해 새로운 변화를 창출한다. 한번 陰하면 한번 陽하는 ‘一陰一陽之謂道’의 관점에서 陰陽, 卦象, 物象, 그리고 數의 대립과 상호작용으로 中和가 生成되어가는 과정을 살펴보고, 다양한 中和가 만들어내는 물리적 다양성과 인문적 다양성을 통해 우주적 조화인 大和에 이르는 논리를 탐구하였다. 中庸 1章에서는 ‘中和에 이르면 천지가 제자리를 잡고 만물이 (그 안에서) 길러진다(致中和, 天地位焉, 萬物育焉).’라고 하여 致中和를 우주 만물의 최고 덕목으로 삼았으며, 󰡔周易󰡕 「繫辭傳上」 7章에서는 ‘천지가 자리를 잡으면 易이 그 中和를 실행한다(天地設立 而易行乎其中矣).’라고 하여 陰陽二氣의 대립과 상호작용은 궁극적으로 中和를 지향하고 있음을 밝히고 있다. 八卦가 형성되는 과정도 결국은 하늘(天)과 땅(地)과 만물(人)이 형성되는 과정을 표상한 것으로서, 易이란 八卦를 상ㆍ하로 중첩하여 천지인 만물의 상호작용을 드러낸 것에 불과한 것이다. 상수학이든 의리학이든, 또는 현대물리학이든 근본적으로 陰陽二氣의 상호작용성이 낳는 中和를 벗어나지 않는다고 할 수 있다. 본 논문에서 다루고자 하는 음양의 中和論은 卦象과 物象, 그리고 이들을 이루고 있는 수리적 논리성이다. 그리고 이러한 卦와 物, 그리고 이에 내재한 數理的 공통성을 통해 ‘대립과 화해’라는 陰陽二氣의 상호작용이 中和에 이르는 과정에서 드러나는 인문적 상호공존 논리를 탐구하였다.

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