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      • 轉移金屬 觸媒에 의한 디아조화합물 분해반응의 동력학적 연구

        김창남 동아대학교 1996 국내박사

        RANK : 247647

        The photolytic chemical dynamics of various diazo compounds have been studied in the presence of several transition metal catalysts using p-substituted-phenylmethyl diazoacetates which are obtained freshly. The thermal cyclization reactions of the diazo compounds are investigated in the case of siloxy and sulfonyl radicals being bonded next site each other. The results for the photolytic reactions of p-substituted phenyl -methyl diazoacetate and the thermal reactions of arylstdfonyl- siloxydiazo compounds are summarized as follows. 1. P-substituted phenylmethylacetate carbenes are produced after irradiation of p-substituted phenylmethyl diazoacetate, and then the electrons of carbene are converted to a triplet state. Soon after intersystem crossing the triplet state of carbene is arisen to the more excited state by the irradiation of powerful laser beam. 2. The fluorescence spectra are emitted that the higher excited triplet state electrons fall down to the lower triplet state electrons. 3. The life-times of p-substituted phenylmethylacetate carbenes are not influenced by the substituent effect. This means that the HOMO-LUMO interaction contributes to the transition state at the moment of the reaction of p-substituted phenyl- methylacetate carbene with the quencher (1-alkyne). 4. The order of magnitude for the catalytic influence of transition metal is Rh_(2)(5-R-MEPY)_(4)>Rh_(2)(pfb)_(4)>Rh_(2)(5-S-MEPY)_(4)> Rh_(2)(tac)_(4). The interaction between non-bonded electrons appears high at the transition state. The negative charge on the ligand in the transition metal complex interacts strongly to stimulate the cyclization reaction. 5. The cyclization reaction is almost not observed in the cases of using Cu(OAc)_(2) and Zn(OAc)_(2). This is caused by a little interactions between triplet-triplet carbene and d-orbital of Zn or Cu atom. 6. The more substituent(X) becomes electron withdrawing, the more the frontier molecular orbital energy(Δε) becomes smaller. It shows k_(ST)≫k_(TS) in the case of a small Δε, however k_(ST)<k_(TS) or k_(ST)=k_(TS) in the case of a large Δε. 7. The reactivity and yield for the thermal decomposition of arylsulfonylsiloxydiazo compounds are almost not influenced by the substituent effect. This result seems that the sulfonyl radical is very bulky compared with other caboxylic radicals. This is resulted in that the electron inductive effect for carbene is caused by a little influence.

      • 남농 허건의 조형사상에 대한 고찰

        김창남 호남대학교 대학원 2013 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        소치 허련을 시작으로 현대 호남화단의 뿌리가 내려진지 200여년의 시간이 흘렀다. 그 사이 미산 허형, 남농 허건, 임인 허림, 임전 허문, 허진으로 이어진 운림산방의 화맥은 문하의 많은 제자들을 배출하며 호남화단의 두터운 화맥을 형성하였다. 이에 본 논문에서는 호남화단의 큰 분수령이 된 남농을 한 축으로 하여 남종화가 운림산방의 가계를 통해 어떻게 이어져 왔는지를 살펴보았고 그 이후 현재까지 남농의 후학들에 의해 어떻게 이어지고 있는지를 살펴보았다. 그동안 남농 허건에 대해 연구되어진 관련 책과 논문들을 종합적으로 살펴보면서 남종화법을 바탕으로 자연환경을 실재적으로 인식하고 조형한 남농 작품의 의미와 가치를 고찰하고자 하였다. 남농 허건은 남종화의 화맥을 바탕으로 자신만의 독특한 화풍을 구현해냈는데 신남화와 송수법 등 독창적인 작품 세계를 확립해 나아갔다. 그리고 남농의 문하에서 배출된 많은 작가들도 현재에까지 이어지며 남종화의 계승과 더불어 자신만의 화법으로의 변화, 발전을 계속하였다. The mordern Honam circle of painting started by Sochi-Huryun has been root for the past 200 years. During that period, Ullim Hermitage led to Misan-Huhyung, Namnong- Hugun, Yimin- Hulim, Yimjun-Humoon, Hujin and produced many followers. In this paper, it looked how the NamJongHwa of the Honam circle of painting has been inherited and developed by Ullim Hermitage which has been a watershed of the Honam circle of painting. NamNong, who has succeeded traditional style of NamJongHwa has developed his own ingenious painting form. He has pursued new formativeness, fine skills and restrained technique. His many followers have pursued a new subject.

      • 항균성 PMMA 나노섬유/ PET laminate 필터의 제조 및 평가

        김창남 경북대학교 대학원 2008 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        Polymer solution above a critical concentration is generally required for making a uniform diameter nanofibers by electrospinning. Pre-filters are regularly used in removing particulate contaminants that may cause a deleterious effect on both ultrafiltration and nanofiltration. In view of increasing bacterial resistance to antibiotics and antiseptics, silver coating may be an effective strategy to prevent the device from infections. In this study, the antibacterial nanofibrous scaffolds were achieved by electrospinning the blend of solution PMMA/silver. As the results, the average diameter of PMMA/silver nanofibers was in the range of 200 ∼ 400 nm. The surfaces of nanofibers were characterized using SEM, TEM. The presence of silver in PMMA nanofibers was confirmed by EDS, TEM, ICP and UV-vis Spectra. The antibacterial activities of nanofibrous mats were confirmed by using the static vial method against Staphylococcus aureus and Klebsiella pneumoniae. The result of PMMA nanofiber mats containing 1000ppm of silver showed a significantly high growth inhibition rate compared to PMMA nanofiber control. In addition, PMMA nanofibers containing 2000ppm silver showed a significantly high inhibition zone compared to PMMA nanofiber control. The results obtained in this study could be summarized as follows. 1. The average diameter of the fibers prepared using blend solution of PMMA/silver was ranged from 200~400nm. 2. The presence of silver in PMMA nanofibers was confirmed by EDS,TEM, ICP and UV-vis Spectra. 3. PMMA nanofibers containing 1000ppm silver showed a significant antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aures and Klebsiella pneumoniae. 4. PMMA nanofibers containing 2000ppm silver showed a significant inhibition zone against Staphylococcus aures and Klebsiella pneumoniae. 5. The electrospun PMMA/silver nanofiber mats showed high antibacterial activity and biocompatibility when compare to PMMA fiber mat. 6. PMMA laminated filter showed 65% efficiency and 99.5% dust-spot efficiency.

      • 탐진댐 건설 관련 주민운동에 대한 언론보도의 硏究

        김창남 광주대학교 언론홍보대학원 2001 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        이 논문은 탐진댐 반대운동이 일어난 배경, 운동의 전개과정, 운동을 이끌었던 동인들, 이 운동에 대해 언론의 역할과 문제점이 무엇인가를 살펴보는 것이다. 댐 반대운동의 공간적인 배경이 된 장흥군은 사회간접시설이 낙후되고 지역경제의 자생력이 많이 침해받은 상테에 이르러, '국토의 균형적 발전' 이라는 차원에서 지역개발사업이 절실히 요구되어 온 곳이었다. 이러한 상황에서 정부는 이곳에 핵발전소와 핵폐기장 예정지로 선정하는 한편으로, 탐진댐 건설계획마저 추진하기에 이른다. 정부의 이러한 댐 계획의 밀실행정은 누적된 주민들의 불만을 고조시켰고, 드디어 주민들은 '댐 건설은 수몰민을 낳고 간접 피해지역의 농작물에 피해를 주며, 천혜의 생태계를 훼손한다.' 고 주장하며 댐반대운동을 전개하기에 이른다. 이리하여 장흥주민들은 탐진댐 계획이 가시화 되던 96년 1월 초에 군의회 사영 정의장, 장흥군 재향군인회 박종화회장, 유치면 군의원 문준일의원 등이 공동대표가 된 범국민적인 '탐진댐 반대 공동투쟁위원회'(이하 공투위)를 결성하고, 각 읍면 번영회를 중심으로 읍면 별 조직을 구성하면서 본격적으로 댐 반대운동을 전개하기에 이른다. 그러나 공투위의 댐 반대운동은 적절한 시기를 놓친 것으로, 이미 그 동안 수자원공사는 큰 문제없이 속속 일사천리로 댐 건설 계획을 추진하여, 이제 댐건설은 누구도 거스릴 수 없는 대세가 된 상황이었다. 환경영향평가서 초안 공람과 환경영향평가서 공술인 모임을 계기로 광주전남 환경연합 측의 간접적인 지원이 이루어지면서 댐 반대운동은 새로운 국면을 맞이한다. 환경영향평가서 초안의 부실문제를 비롯해 탐진댐 위치의 부적절성, 생태계파괴 등 환경문제를 댐 반대운동의 정당성을 운동의 전면에 내세울 수 있었던 것이다. 이러한 댐 반대운동에 맞선 수자원공사 측은 댐 예정지역 고시 이전에 수몰지역 물건조사를 실시하는 등 더욱 강한 댐 건설 의지를 실천해 갔고, 이런 가운데 외부로부터 더 이상의 지지와 지원을 받아들이지 못한 가운데 이탈자가 많아지면서 댐 예정지역 고시일 96년 12월 30일을 시점으로 해체과정을 밟고 이후부터의 댐 반대운동은 대응형의 댐 반대운동, 즉 유치수몰주민만의 보상을 둘러싼 생존권적 댐 반대운동으로 방향선회를 하게 된다. 이 운동이 성공하지 못한 것은 조직의 활동측면에서 내부적 동인과 정치적 기회구조 및 통제조직등 외부적인 동인으로 나누어볼 수 있다. 내부적인 동인으로는 첫째, 댐 반대운동의 성격이 저항형의 그것을 끝까지 고수하지 못하였다는 점이다. 둘째, 주민들이 분열되면서 공동체적인 유대성마저 위협받으면서 운동조직의 유대성이 뿌리내리지 못했고, 기존 지역의 조직들과의 연대도 이루어지지 않았다. 셋째, 조직의 유대성을 지속적으로 확보해가면서 주민들의 참여의식을 제고시켜갈 수 있는 다채로운 프로그램(행사)도 없었다. 넷째, 정치적인 기호구조를 이용하기 위한 다양한 전략전술도 제대로 구사되지 못했다. 다섯째, 지원동원에도 한계가 있어 내부적으로 수익적 지지층이 적었고, 외부적으로도 '양심적인 지지층'이 허약해 나중에는 운동자원 동원에 한계를 보여주었다. 운동 외적인 동인으로는 첫째, 당시의 군수가 만선군수임에도 확고한 지지표명을 하지 않았고, 운동의 지지세력이 거의 없다시피 했다. 특히 시민단체와 언론, 전문가 집단은 쟁점의 공론화와 대안 제시 역할을 해주어 강력한 외부 지지세력이 돼주어야 하는데, 당시로는 지역신문인 장흥신문만이 이 역할을 떠맡고 있을 뿐, 대부분의 언론은 댐 반대운동을 외면하고 침묵함으로써, 탐진댐 댐 반대운동은 '운동의 인지도 확산'이나 '댐 반대 운동의 정당성 확보'마저 역부족이었다. 댐 반대운동 중 후기 댐 반대운동의 초점은 단연 영농비 현실화와 일괄보상 등 보상이 주제였다. 후기운동은 전군민이 참여한 전기(초ㆍ중기) 운동과는 달리, 지원의 동원도 동류의식을 가지 수몰민으로 한정되었을 뿐만 아니라 보상이라는 현실적이고 단일한 주제로 이�Y 내적 유대성도 강하고, 조직도 탄탄했으며, 전기운동의 경험을 살린 지도층이 외부 운동전문가를 참여시킴으로써 용담댐 경우만큼은 못하지만 어느 만큼 상승된 보상비와 일괄보상을 타결하는 절반의 성공을 거두기도 했다. 이상에서 본 바와 같이, 탐진댐 반대 댐 반대운동은 정치, 사회적으로 매우 불리한 상황인데다 강력하고 효율적인 조직운동을 전개하지 못함으로써 댐 건설 반대는 실패하고 보상마저 절반의 성공에 그치고 마는 운동이 되고 말았다. 운동의 내적 동인과 외적동인은 서로 '상호 허약작용'을 했다고 볼 수 있는데, 특히 댐 주체 측의 치밀하고 지능적인 방해공작은 애초부터 운동의 실패 가능성을 예견하게 했으며, 갈수록 이반되는 민심은 더욱 댐 반대운동의 불가능을 점치게 하여 불안한 많은 주민들이 댐공사 주체 측의 회유에 포섭되고 만 결과를 빚기도 했다. 이 논문을 통해서 주장할 수 있는 것은, 성공적인 댐 반대운동을 위해서는 첫째, 누적된 불만은 갑자기 폭발적으로 형성되어야 하고(조직력과 내적 유대성이 강화될 수 있다) 둘째, 체계적인 조직이 필요하며, 셋째 지역이기주의를 극복하기 위한 언론을 통한 운동의 명분성, 정당성을 확보하고 운동의 인지성을 제고하여 폭넓은 지지세력(시민단체, 전문가 그룹 등)을 확보할 수 있어야 하며, 넷째, 다양한 동원전략과 내적 유대성 강화를 제고시킬 수 있어야 하며, 다섯째, 정치적 환경은 댐 반대운동 성패의 관거이 되므로 정치적으로 유리한 환경조성을 위한 전력전술이 필요하며, 여섯째, 주체 측의 직간접적인 방해공작을 극복할 수 있는 전략이 필요하며, 일곱째, 댐 반대운동의 정당성의 논리개발도 절대적으로 필요하다는 것이다. (주제어) 탐진댐, 댐 반대운동, 운동조직, 운동의 동인, 자원동원, 언론보도 With a focus on the press report and arguments for and against Tamjin Dam in Jang-Heung This paper attempts to see how the local inhabitants group action was taken against construction of Tamjin Dam, what its motivation was, and what problems existed in having the group action opinion herd. Jangheung-gun, South Jeolla Province was a remote area where social overhead capitals were mostly dilapidated and the local economy had little hope for improvement. The region was in dire need of development in terms of an objective for balanced development of national land. Under such situation, the Government selected the area as a site for construction of the dam. In the process of formulating their plan, the Government did not give the inhabitants an opportunity to voice their opinions. The residents started a group action concering the Government's plan for construction, making it clear, when they read the plan, that they opposed construction of a dam in their area. They said, they did not want to leave their hometown, left them by their ancestors. for construction of a dam, that the dam would do damage to neighboring fields istead of helping and that the area's scenic beauty and ecological system would also be harmed. The inhabitants of Jangheung-gun formed the Joint Committee Against the Tamjin Dam in early January 1996 and started publicizing their position concerning construction of the dam, in full swing. However, such a movement by the residents was considered to be too late. as the Korea Water Resource Corp. (KWRC). the party primarily responsiblefor carrying out the construction project, had already taken substantial steps towards constructioin and it was unthinkable to cancel the project. Notwithstanding. the inhabitants' movement had an opportunity to gain momentum with the disclosure of the draft of environmental impact assessment and indirect support provided from Korean Federation for Environment Movement, Gwangju and South Jeolla Province. They persuasively pointed out the inaccuracy of the draft. impropriety of selection of the area as a site for construction of a dam, and problems possibly caused by destruction of the ecological system. The KWRC, however, turned a deaf car to the residents' protestes and went ahead on make preparations for the construction of the dam. Frustrated at not being able to make their opinions heard, the inhabitants' movement was dissolved. December 30. 1996(the day of official notice for construction ofthe dam) was a turning point. From that time on, the residents focused their attention on the matter of pecuniary compensation for their properties affected by the dam. The failure of Jangheung-gun inhabitants' movement against construction of the dam can be attributed to two factors: i.e. internal and external factors. Looking at internal factors, their will was not strong enough to make their opposition heard. come what might. Second, their bondage was not strong enough to keep the long-lasting local community intact and they could not form solidarity with various existing organizations in the region. Third. they could not organize systematic resistance. Fourth. they did not have a strategy to make influential politicians listen to their opinion. Fifth, they showed clear limitation in the ability for mobilization of available resources. Turning to external factors, the gun(county) -governor remained uncommitted to the residents' though he was na elected officail. Secondly, no press media or civic groups paid attention to what the residents were saying, with exception of the Jangheung Daily. Therefore. the residents were equipped with no substantial means to get their movement recognized across the nation or to get their opinions regarded as persuasive. In the later stage of the group action, the main concern was focused on pecuniary compensation for properties affected by the construction of the dam, instead of the things pointed out in the beginning, with participants dwindled to those who properties would be affected. One bright side though, was that participants showed stronger solidarity in the later stage, apparently due to the realistic need for higher pecuniary compensation. Those well experienced in that kind of movement were also brought in from outside. It is true the inhabitants harvested considerable results in their demand for higher pecuniary compensation, in consequence of their group action taken in the later stage. As stated abve, Jangheung-gun inhabitant's movement against construction of a dam in their area ended in failure due to the very unfavorable political and social situation and inability of systematic movement organization. Both internal and external factors surrounding the matter were simply unfavorable to the inhabitants' movement. which appeared to pale beside the powerful and systematic obstruction on the part of the KWRC that insisted on the need for balanced development of national lands. This case shows that, for an inhabitant-led movement to be successful, there should be a sufficient sense of solidarity to organize a systematic and powerful opinion or resistance, first, Second, such a movement should be based on a justifiable cause not confined to narrow-minded regionalism and persuasive enough to make press media listen to what they have to say to secure sufficient supporter groups. Third, there should be strong leadership that can mobilize a sufficient sense of bondage and bolster the internal solidarity. Fourth, they must know how to make influential politicians listen to their opinions. Fifth, participants must be of one voice not to be swayed by various outside obstructions.

      • 國家動員行政에 관한 硏究

        김창남 水原大學校 行政大學院 2002 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        It seems that one of the greatest responsibilities of the nation consists in the protection of the life and property of the people in the light of the spirit of the Constitution that prescribes the dignity and value of man. Therefore, the emergency measures to keep the happiness and safety of the people may be considered one of the most fundamental and important domains. In Particular, it is regrettable that nations that emphasize their national interests today are weakened in their consciousness of national security and emergency measures due partly to the generation of the new peaceful coexistence order as well as to seeming bare possibility of war outbreaks. However, in modern times the concept of security is being shifted from a conventional military-centered to a comprehensive one, including nonmilitary fields. In addition to it, demand for emergency measures against disasters is on the increase besides wartime. Thus it is likely to be intractable with the present emergency countermeasure system not merely to effectively cope with the needs of the times but also captivate national sympathy. With this in view, this study aimed at inquiring into the question as to what concept and role the national mobilization system should pursue today and focused on how we could effectively achieve a national mobilization system that could meet the essence of national mobilization such as rapidity, durability and appropriateness. And then countermeasures fit the situation of the nation were proposed in comparison with those of advanced countries. First, laws and ordinances relative to national mobilization in Korea are dualized into those for ordinary times and those for wartime. It is required to integrate them into one. Moreover, the systematic arrangements, of mobilization orders and procedures, the coverage of mobilization, the classification of mobilization, preparations of mobilization, relations with other laws would contribute to the consciousness and vitalization of national mobilization to keep pace with the needs of the futuristic national defence environment. Second, in the Korean mobilization system inferiorities are shown out of its diversification of the mobilization leadership, authorities of the headquarters, a lack of abilities of the substructure, etc., as compared with that of foreign nations. Therefore, it is recommended to found a unified system that can maximize its combining and synergic effects in order to efficiently cope not merely with wartime but with ordinary times needs. Third, It would be hard for us to expect to overcome crises or triumphs without incessant support in preparedness for the time of national crises or time of war. It is prescribed that materials for wartime should be reserved with those for a range of three months. However, no other concrete specifications were presented of food, energy and the security of metal with high dependency upon overseas countries, notwithstanding a sharp increase of demand for resources. In consequence, it is needed to enact laws relative to the security of proper quantities of, the reserve of strategic materials, control over the using of the materials, etc. Furthermore, the complement of the related laws and regulations is required to be followed to guarantee the production and supply of materials in time of war in the enterprises designated as those of concentrative management. As long as the threat of war exists in the Korean peninsula, the government should incessantly complement and revise the related laws and regulations in order to effectively overcome crises by having a new approach to the national mobilization administration.

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