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      • 地方行政區域 改編에 關한 硏究 : 南北 統一以後를 中心으로

        김재봉 明知大學校 地方自治大學院 1999 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        해방 후 우리나라는 우리의 의도와 관계없이 남과 북으로 분단되는 비극적인 상황을 맞이하였다 분단 반세기가 지난 지금, 남한은 그동안 수차례의 경제개발계획과 국토개발로 국민생활은 비약적으로 향상되었고 도시화가 급속히 진전되면서 경제권·생활권과 행정권의 불일치 그리고 자치단체간의 불균형 문제등 전면적인 행정구역개편의 필요성이 있었음에도 부분적 단편적인 구역개편을 실시하여 왔다 한편 분한은 수십차례의 구역개편이 주민의 편의성이나 지역개발을 통한 주민복지증진과는 거리가 먼 김일성 일당 독재체제 유지를 위한 정치적 목적하에서 행정구역개편을 추진하여 왔다 통일의 분위기가 그 어느때 보다 무르익는 지금, 통일이 되면 북한지방에도 지방자치를 실시하여야 할 것이고 이렇게 되면 지방자치 실시를 위한 전면적인 행정구역개편의 필요성이 대두될 것이다 본 연구는 이러한 배경하에서 통일후의 합리적인 지방행정구역 개편방안을 제시하는데 그 목적을 두었다 이를 위해서 제2장 이론적 고찰에서는 지방행정구역의 의의와 특성을 살펴보았고 행정구역개편의 접근방법과 구역개편에 관한 일반적 기준을 고찰하여 보았다 그리고 행정구역개편의 제반 당위적 기준들과 남북행정구역 개편상의 문제점과 특징 그리고 실태 비교 등을 통해 통일 후 합리적인 구역개편 방안을 마련하기 위해 분석의 틀을 구축하여 연구를 진행시켰다 제3장에서는 우리나라 지방행정구역의 연혁을 정리하였다 통일신라 시대부터 고려, 조선시대를 거쳐 현재까지의 주요개편과정을 시대별로 종합·정리하여 보았고 또한 계층별 변천과정을 아울러 고찰하여 보았다 제4장에서는 남북한 행정구역개편의 실태와 특징들을 개편사례를 통해 알아보고 이에 따른 장단점을 살펴보았다 특히 구역개편에 영향을 미치는 요인으로 경제개발계획과 국토개발이 구역개편에 어떠한 영향을 미치고 행정계층과의 관계는 어떠한 지에 대하여 인구변동과 시, 군행정계층의 변동추이 비교를 통해 심층분석하였다 제5장에서는 남북한 행정구역의 현황과 실태를 행정계층별 주요지표를 통해 비교하여 보았다 남북한 현행 행정구역을 계층별, 관할 구역별로 알아보고 행정계층별로 인구, 면적등 주요지표 비교를 통하여 남한내의 지방자치단체간 불균형 현상과 남북간의 차이점을 분석하였다 제6장에서는 지금까지의 비교분석 결과를 토대로 지방행정 구역개편시 중점을 두어야 할 사항으로 무엇이 있는지를 알아보았다 제7장 요약 및 결론에서는 제6장 개편의 기본방향을 토대로 행정계층별 개편방안을 제시하였다 또한 남북분단이라는 특수 상황하에서 본 연구의 한계점을 인식하고 아래와 같은 점을 강조하면서 본 연구를 마무리 지었다 첫째 통일후 합리적인 지방행정 구역개편은 기존의 유용한 이론과 함께 남북의 현실적 요인과 미래의 환경변화 요인 등을 충분히 고려한 우리실정에 맞는 대안을 마련하여야 한다는 점이고 둘째 북한주민의 의사와 관계없는 일방적인 개편방안은 민족의 화합과 단결을 통한 진정한 내적 통일을 달성하는데 저해요인으로 작용할 것이란 점을 충분히 감안하고 접근하여야 한다는 점을 강조하였다

      • 禪宗禪과 禪書에 關한 硏究 : 禪宗美學으로 본 禪書法 淺探

        김재봉 水原大學校 2015 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        Confucianism of Confucius and Mencius, Taoism of Taoist, and Buddhism of Buddha can be referred to as major Chinese ideologies, which had been formed in the mainland China and spreaded in the whole Asian countries including Korean and Japan. However, only the first two were prevailing before the period of Jin Dynasty, in which China hadn't ushered in Buddhism yet. Not until the Jin Dynasty era came after the fall of Three Kingdom Period did the three ancient philosophies were in balance while breaking the ideological polarization with the introduction of Buddhism. With the two existing prevailing ideologies, Buddhism, as a sort of foreign religious culture, was weak in the beginning but started to firmly set in since its fundamental belief was in line with the underlying Taoism idea of 'Is Not(無)' and the basic Zen idea of 'Empty (空)'. Apart from its religious level, Buddhist learning as esthetics exerted great influence on the development of Chinese literature and art in two aspects. One aspect is form, which can be referred to as workmanship, and the other is content, which basically means mind and history. In this thesis I am to examine how the mind system of Buddhist learning affected the esthetic structure of art study. To be specific, I'll study on how the basic discipline of Zen sect Buddhist as well as its esthetic affected calligraphic esthetics, and examine metaphysical esthetic views by scrutinizing common ground between religion and calligraphy. On the premise that Zen(禪) and art share the same purpose of 'realization (悟)', this thesis proves that both Zen and art as well as the concepts of 'realization(悟)' in both fields are in the same line of ideas and thoughts in that despite different methods they employ in the form of buddhahood, or zen 'realization', and artistic realization respectively Zen offers an artist artistic inspiration, while art serves Zen in a way to convey 'realization'. After the Zen from India was localized in China, Chinese Buddhism, characterized as human, popular and realization-oriented, settled into and brought harmony in many respects in China such as culture, art, lifestyle, and customs, all of which were deeply rooted in Confucianism and Taoism. The mutual interchange between Confucianism and Buddhism paved the way for the birth of Sung Confucianism (宋明理學), and the convergence of Buddhism Confucianism, and Taoism formed a basis for the esthetics of Zen sect in art, which expresses human life. In this thesis, I also mention the 'three outstanding talents (三絶), referred to as poetry, calligraphy, and painting, as art mediums in Zen sect esthetics. Traditionally these three talents were regarded as crucial methods of realization from a religious point of view, and thereby serving literary men as a great anchor by offering a way out from ideological and political pressure since they pursued a life free from worldly care. This study, focused on Zen calligraphy, defines the term Zen calligraphy and describe how it developed as a creative method. As a result, this leads to a conclusion that Calligraphy and Buddhist learning share the same value in a sense that they liberate spirits of creation in that Calligraphy is based on minds and focused on self-discovery and self-expression, while Buddhist learning is in pursuit of meditative state of mind where one can eventually forget the existence of oneself and objects, as a Buddhist motto goes, "Mind is Buddha." Following this logic, human beings can replace unreality of gods from a religious perspective. Besides, from an artistic point of view this can be viewed as a sort of artistic realization, which pursues self-realization and self-expression. In his book 《Various fishermen (雜篇 漁父)》, Chuang-Tzu (莊子) said that sincerity(眞) means being devoted, without which it is impossible to make others moved. This is the case in arts in that artistic creation should be focused to render inner feelings beyond its format. Art should aim at expressing creatures in nature and aspire to natural dignity or value, which can eventually elevate it to more metaphysical level. As a result, attaining the stage of art means finding enlightenment of nature. Just as everything is anonymous in nature, everything is formless in Zen. Thus, namelessness grants freedom of mind so does formlessness. Consequently, Zen sect esthetics is rather esthetic psychology than esthetics as well as is more of religion than philosophy. Nonetheless, Zen is a way to learn the nature of human beings by means of complete concentration. In addition, both Zen sect aesthetics and art can reach esthetic idea of realization as long as they open up the way of wisdom by becoming free from any forms of suppression.

      • 유기산과 EDTA를 이용한 중금속 오염토양 세척 처리

        김재봉 경북대학교 대학원 2020 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        By inducing the extraction by heavy metal acid and chelating reaction using organic acid such as citric acid, 1) there is no deformation of the soil structure, 2) it is harmless to the ecology after washing, and 3) it can be used to effectively remove heavy metals. The study was conducted and an on-site demonstration experiment was conducted to derive the appropriate washing conditions and to evaluate the washing efficiency for the conditions. For heavy metal contaminated soil washing using organic acid and EDTA, use high-concentration complex heavy metal contaminated soil for continuous washing and analysis of residual heavy metal concentration in contaminated soil according to detergent type and detergent concentration to evaluate efficiency, and analyze SM&T before and after washing. Soil washing experiment for Pb-contaminated soil and Pb/Zn complex contaminated soil was performed by conducting a field-applied experiment on the appropriate cleanser derived from lab-scale experiments and actual on-site contaminated soil. And washing concentrations to perform additional experiments. Among cleaning agents, NTA showed high cleaning ability for all heavy metals except As and Pb. EDTA showed excellent cleaning ability against As and Pb, and citric acid and malic acid are high cleaning agents. The washing ability is lower than that of EDTA and NTA, and the washing ability of Pb is relatively low. After washing, the relationship between the residual concentration (qe) in soil and the heavy metal concentration (Ce) in the washing agent during repeated washing was analyzed by applying a biphasic desorption model. The cleaning agents with excellent washing performance by type of washing agent were in the order of Malic acid <Oxalic acid <Citric acid <Acetic acid. EDTA showed similar behavior to malic acid. In general, EDTA and NTA among washing agents showed excellent washing ability, but NTA showed a variation in washing ability according to metals. As a result of SM &T analysis for evaluating removal efficiency of heavy metals by washing concentration, Pb decreased to a certain level in organic acids except acetic acid, but citric acid increased. In addition, as a result of examining the washing ability by examining the ratio of the existence of each bond type in the soil, it seems that washing with organic acids is effective for Pb and Cu, and it is determined that the washing ability with organic acids is poor. It was thought to be necessary. In the case of high concentration Pb single contaminated soil, when citric acid (0.025 M) was used as a washing agent, the washing efficiency increased as the washing agent concentration increased, and EDTA (0.025 M) showed improved washing efficiency compared to citric acid at the same washing agent concentration. Pb removal efficiency was more than 50% at 1.525 hours or more at a washing time of 0.025 M. The washing time for the Pb/Zn complex soil was considered to be 1.0 to 1.5 hours, and the concentrations of Pb and Zn in the soil after washing were 35% and 40% for Pb and Zn in 0.025 M citric acid. When washing with 0.015 M citric acid, the washing efficiency increased with increasing L/S in soils with particle size <2.0mm and 0.075 ~ 2.0mm, and showed the best results in 5 and 10. The washing efficiency according to the washing method (1 hour–2nd washing / 2 hours-1st washing) is judged to be a suitable condition for washing efficiency by reducing the washing time in half and increasing the number of washing times for the same washing time. As a result of comparison of washing efficiency by organic acid, Hcit> Hcit / Nacit> Na-cit was found, and as a result of applying 0.4M Hcit, Pb was about 75% and Zn was 80% or more. However, the washing efficiency of Na-cit was less than 10%. In the organic acid washing, the washing efficiency was greatly influenced by the pH fluctuation according to the amount of the detergent injection. In conclusion, 0.4 M Hcit was found to be the most effective detergent concentration, but 0.1 M was selected as the optimal washing concentration in consideration of economic efficiency and efficiency. As a result of evaluating the washing efficiency according to the high-liquid ratio and the washing method, the washing time was found to be 30 minutes in the range of 3 to 5 high-liquid ratios, and repeat washing was repeated twice every 30 minutes at 0.1M Hcit and once every 1 hour washing. Similar washing efficiency was shown, but in other cases, repeated washing showed better washing efficiency. Therefore, it is considered to be advantageous to perform repeated washing.

      • 모래지반에서 수평하중을 받는 조합경사말뚝의 거동특성

        김재봉 慶尙大學校 2015 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        The pile foundation should be considered in the design of foundation of structure that is constructed at the ground with weak bearing capacity. Such as foundation of offshore structure, bridge abutment and pier, pylon foundation of cable bridge and foundation of wind turbine structure are subjected to the wind force, tidal force, wave force and eccentric earth pressure, and the loading direction of these force is frequently changed. Most of pile foundation is designed as limited batter pile or vertical pile with flexural rigidity in the conservative sense. It is mainly due to the difficulties of theoretical approach to consider the loading direction that is continuously changed. The purpose of this study is to identify the characteristics of better piles under lateral load in sand by test. The test was performed by changing batter angle with lateral load direction to study 48 conditions of batter-combined pile. The conclusion is summarized as follow: 1. Lateral resistance ratio to obtain the lateral resistance is slowly increased when the loading direction is less than 30 degree, while it is dramatically increased when the loading direction reaches from 30 to 60 degree and it is decreased when the loading direction is greater than 60o 2. Lateral resistance ratio is generally increased with the increase of batter angle. Especially, it is mostly increased when batter angle is zero and less increased when batter angle is 90 degree. 3. Distribution ratio of lateral resistance is mostly increased when loading direction is 0 degree and It is mostly decreased when the loading direction is 90 degree. 4. The bending moment by change of the batter angle in combined pile is generally increased as the increase of batter angle in front piles as well as rear piles.  Change of the batter angle is significantly effected to the change of bending moment. The location of maximum bending moment is moved to upper position as the increase of the batter angle. 5. The batter pile is more effective than vertical pile when loading direction is frequently changed. Thus, the larger batter angle gives better performance; however, the maximum batter angle is limited as 30 degree due to the workability.  Even loading direction is the most efficient at 60 degree; the proper loading direction is recommended as 45 degree due to the change of loading direction.

      • 두개외 두경부 영역의 동정맥 기형에 대한 임상적 고찰

        김재봉 경북대학교 대학원 2015 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        Background: Among cases of vascular anomalies, arteriovenous malformation(AVM) of the extra-cranial head and neck region show low incidence; hence, studies regarding the causative factors of onset, diagnostic criteria, clinical aspects, treatment methods, and outcomes are still lacking. As such, in this study, we aimed to share our diagnostic and treatment experiences in 60 patients diagnosed at the vascular malformation center and plastic surgery outpatient department of our hospital within the past 15 years and to understand the treatments’ effect. Patients and Methods: We included 60 patients diagnosed with AVM in the extra-cranial head and neck area at the vascular malformation center and plastic surgery outpatient department of our hospital between January 1999 and September 2014 in order to investigate diagnostic methods, distributions and locations of lesions, clinical stage, and treatment methods by retrospectively assessing the medical records of the patients. Result: Of the patients with vascular anomalies, only 3.7% were diagnosed with AVM of the extra-cranial head and neck areas. No sex-related differences were observed, and the mean age at the time of diagnosis was 27.6 ± 14.24 years. As for the distribution and location of lesions, the left (26 patients, 43%) and middle regions (37 patients, 62%) were the most frequent locations. And as for the staging, stage II disease had the largest distribution (28 patients, 47%). Sclerotherapy, embolization and surgical resection were performed as treatment methods, and about 42 patients (70%) showed improvements. Discussion: The diagnosis and treatment of AVM without established criteria regarding causative factors of onset, progression of the disease, and diagnosis and treatments, should be approached organically depending on the case by gathering opinions from specialists in each department based on the medical history, physical and imaging examination results of the patients.

      • 강화된 Cefradine과 Gentamicim 안약의 유효성과 안정성에 대한 연구

        김재봉 全南大學校 1993 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        강화된 점안액 Cefradine(CR, 63mg/ml)과 Gentamicin sulfate(GM, 13.6mg/ml)의 보관방법과 제조후 경과된 시간에 따라 그 유효성과 안정성에 대한 연구를 하였다. 강화된 안약의 세균억제 능력을 알아보기 위해 Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus)와 Pseudomonas aeruginosa (P. aeruginosa) 및 Escherichia coli (E. coli)에 대한 최소발육억제농도(Minimum Inhibitory Concentration)의 측정 및 물리적성질의 변화여부를 알아보기 위해 pH와 탁도를 보관방법 및 제조 후 경과된 시간에 따라 4주간에 걸쳐 비교 분석하였다. 그 결과 25℃에 보관한 CR은 보관 1주일 후부터 E. coli와 S. aureus에 대한 항균력이 감소하였으며 262nm에서의 흡광도 및 pH의 감소가 관찰되어 유효성과 안정성에 의미있는 변화를 보였고 4℃에 보관한 CR과 25℃에 보관한 GM은 유효성과 안정성에 있어 시간이 경과함에따라 적은 변화를 보였으나 통계학적인 차이는 없었고 4℃에 보관한 GM은 검사기간 4주 동안 안정된 결과를 볼수 있었다. The questions concerning storage temperature and duration of the fortified cefradine and gentamicin ophthalmic antibiotic solutions are raised. The aim of the current study is to evaluate the influence of fortified ophthalmic antibiotic solutions on its biological and physical properties according to the storage temperature and duration. The changes of pH, absorbance spectra of gentamicin and cefradine calibrated to 256nm, 262nm respectively, and anti-micirobial activity of cefradine(63mg/ml) and gentamicin sulfate (13.6mg/ml) using broth dilution method, agar well diffusion method were examined, over a four-week period. In the antibiotic susceptiblity tests using the broth dilution method, there seems to be little change in regarding gentamicin, or cefradine stored at 4˚C, and gentamicin stored at 25˚C , but the stock of cefradine stored at 25˚C started to lose it's antibiotic activity as time goes by. In absorption studies, the stock of cefradine stored at 4˚C and 25˚C showed a decrease in optical density from the first and second week respectively. In pH studies, the gentamicin group maintained a relatively constant pH as a weak acid for the duration of the experiment, regardless to storage temperature. The cefradine 4˚C group remained weak alkali throughout the study, whereas the 25˚C group showed a steady decrease from the first week and was nearly neutral at the end of the study. In summary, there was no difference between the potency of fortified GM solutions stored at 4˚C and that at 25˚C for 4 weeks. The cefradine stored at 25˚C exhibited significant changes in both its potency and stability after the seventh day of storage. The cefradine stored at 4˚C exhibited changes in its absorbance spectra day by day and potency after 14th day.

      • Bernard Malamud의 The Fixer 硏究

        김재봉 東亞大學校 大學院 1987 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        This thesis aims at examining the hero's search for a new life and his learning and spiritual growth through suffering and ordeal and at finding out an underlying mythic pattern, a father-son relationship, by analyzing Bernard Malamud's fourth novel. The Fixer, which has been known as his greatest. The Fixer deals with a poor, unlucky Jew who suffers in an absurd and unjust society. This novel is based on an actual historical incident, the infamous Mendel Beiliss case which occurred in 1911 in Tsarist Russia. But, though the facts of its plot are rather close to those of Beiliss case, the details of characterization are mostly Malamud's invention. To change his fate as a born loser, somewhat schlemiel and to seek a better life, the protagonist, a Jewish handyman Yakov Bok escapes from the prison-like shtetl, his native village for Kiev, a city of anti-semites. In his search for a new satisfying life, Yakov foolishly conceals his Jewish identity and denies their God. He shaved his raddish beard, a Jewish symbol, threw a bag containing prayer things into the cold river and changed his name to a Russian. All these denials of Jewishness bring disaster. He is arrested and charged with murdering a Christian boy to use his blood for religious rites. Ironically, in trying to flee from the limitations that his Jewishness imposes on him, Yakov falls in an endless suffering and isolation. But the imprisonment awakens Yakov to what a real new life is. Yakov endures brutalities and inhumanities patiently for two and a half years in solitary confinement before trial. He experiences beatings, hunger, poisoning, numbing cold, insanity and humiliating personal search six times a day. Inside the prison, however, Yakov gradually learns Spinoza's idea of freedom, the historical and political situation of Russia and the role of religion. Yakov also realizes that he can make his suffering meaningful, so by refusing to confess and betray Russian Jewry, he accepts responsibility for the Jewish community and becomes actively involved in the fate of his people. He suffers for all Jews. Furthermore, he also accepts his unfaithful wife and her child as his own. It is this activity that leads Yakov to his greatest spiritual growth. A mythic archetype, the relationship of a young son and an old father, is underlying the story and its variations attract readers to the novel's theme. Early in the novel, the important father-son pair are Yakov Bok and Shmual, Yakov's father-in-law who shows unchanging fatherly love. After his incarceration, Yakov finds a paternal image in the rational and humane magistrate Bibikov, who seeks to defend Yakov as well as instruct him. And, at the end of the novel, Yakov recognizes his last spiritual father in the Tsar and symbolically shoots him to death through hallucination, so he becomes the new leader of corrupted Russia. Yakov has suffered, learned and changed. A humble repairman becomes a public man who mentally defeats his oppressors by enduring intolerable suffering and taking responsibility for all his people. As he usually does, Malamud creates Jews as a symbol of modern man situated in spiritual crisis. In this sense, the suffering protagonist, Yakov Bok shows us a way to humanity, love and hope even in the worst situation.

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