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      • 국내 청정개발체제 사업의 추진방향

        김민자 아주대학교 산업대학원 2010 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        지구 온난화로 인한 기후변화는 현재 인류에게 위기로 다가오고있다. 온실가스 감축을 위해 국제적으로 1992년 기후변화협약을 체결하여 기후변화에 대한 인류 공동의 노력을 선포하고, 1997에는 교토의정서를 채택함으로써 온실가스 감축을 위한 강제적 의무를 부과하였으며 배출권거래제(ET), 공동이행제도(JI), 청정개발체제(CDM) 등 교토메카니즘이라 불리는 경제적 수단을 도입하였다. 우리나라는 교토의정서의 이행에 대한 준비를 하여야 하고 이를 위한 경제적 수단으로 신・재생에너지 개발 및 보급에 의한 CDM을 활용해야한다. 첫째, 태양광, 풍력발전에 대한 기술의 이전 및 개발이 될 수 있도록 유럽 선진국으로부터 신・재생에너지 관련 양국간 CDM 사업을 유치해야 한다. 둘째, 독자적 CDM을 활용하되 다양한 분야의 사업을 추진하여 에너지 공급의 다양성을 유지하여야 한다. 셋째, 우리나라의 온실가스 감축의무는 개도국간 CDM을 활용하여 경제적으로 CERs를 획득해야 한다. The climate change, as a result of global warming, would be the most serious and urgent issues imposed on human beings. For greenhouse gas reduction, international community proclaimed expression of international joint responsibility on climate change with conclusion of United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in 1992. In 1997, with adoption of Kyoto Protocol, it imposed coercive obligation and introduced economic means, which is called Kyoto Mechanism such as Emission Trading(ET), Joint Implementation(JI) and Clean Development Mechanism(CDM). Korea has to make a practical application of CDM with development and diffusion of new and renewable energy as economic means to prepare implementation of Kyoto Protocol. Fistly, we should attract new and renewable energy-related Bilateral CDM project for solar․wind power technology transfer and development from the developed European countries. Secondly, we should take advantage of the Unilateral CDM, but to promote a wide range of projects to diversify the energy supply. Finally, Korea's greenhouse gas reduction obligations should obtain economical CERs by taking advantage of the South-south CDM.

      • 심리적 주인의식의 발생경로와 종업원태도 및 행동에 미치는 영향

        김민자 충북대학교 2017 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        Recently, a number of organizations including business corporations have shown growing interest in diverse psychological states of their members to strengthen their competitive advantages. One of the states is "Psychological ownership", or psychological state of the organization members who take the organization as their own. Research on psychological ownership has continuously shown that it motivates the employees to exert greater effort to fulfill their responsibilities with a voluntary and active attitudes. In the previous research, psychological ownership has been proved to have a positive effect on employee performance including organizational commitment, job satisfaction, and job performance. However, It has been argued that further research on the role of psychological ownership in various organizational environments and on the processes leading to psychological ownership are strongly suggested. This study focused mainly on the positive psychological state of the members, and attempts to observe the state in three levels of analysis- organizational dimension, job dimension, and individual dimension- following the lead of Pierce and colleagues'. This study also tries to clarify the relationship between customer orientation and organizational citizenship behavior. Finally, it attempts to confirm the mediating effect of psychological ownership consciousness. To test these hypotheses, a questionnaire survey was conducted for 302 bus drivers working in City Bus Transport Companies in Cheongju area, and 283 data were used for empirical analysis. The results are as follows. First, the variables from all of the three levels of analysis - organizational level(participation in decision making), job level(feedback), and individual level (proactivity) have positive effects on psychological ownership. Second, it was confirmed that psychological ownership of the members has a positive effect on customer orientation and organization-oriented organizational citizenship behavior (OCBO) as expected. Third, it is found that psychological ownership plays a complete mediating role in the relationship between participation in decision making and customer orientation, proactivity and organization-oriented organizational citizenship behavior (OCBO). The theoretical implications of this study are as follows. First, this study expaned the previous research to include more preceding factors selected from three levels of analysis-organizational, job level and the individual level as well. Second, this study clarifies the role of psychological ownership consciousness in employee job performance. This study shows that practitioners should be able to elevate employee performance through promoting psychological ownership consciousness among employees. Key words: Psychological Ownership, Participation in Decision Making, Feedback, Proactivity, Customer Orientation, OCBO

      • 커피교육 수강생의 참여동기가 진로결정에 미치는 영향

        김민자 연세대학교 정경·창업대학원 2019 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of participation motivation in coffee education on career decision of students. The subjects of the survey were students who have completed the coffee barista education course or are currently taking the curriculum. The questionnaires were used to collect 200 questionnaires from educational institutions which has a coffee barista training course and except for the unusable questionnaire, 164 questionnaires were finally used. The analytical method was verified by path analysis using correlation analysis and structural equation modeling. As a result of the analysis, the correlation between variables was significant. In the path analysis results, participation motivation in coffee education had a positive effect on entrepreneurship, learning outcome, and educational satisfaction. Learning outcome also had a positive effect on entrepreneurship, career decision, and educational satisfaction. This result showed that participation motivation in coffee education mediated learning outcome. The full mediation effect of a positive effect on entrepreneurship and the full mediation effect of a positive effect on educational satisfaction were confirmed. In addition, entrepreneurship on career decision had a positive effect and educational satisfaction had a positive effect on career decision. This result showed that learning outcome had the full mediation effect of a positive effect on career decision, which is a dependent variable, through entrepreneurship and educational satisfaction. Therefore, this study adopted all hypotheses by using path analysis and both direct and indirect effects and total effect according to research model are significant. In conclusion, we confirmed that participation motivation in coffee education indirectly effected career decision through various variables. 본 연구는 커피교육 참여동기가 교육생의 진로결정에 미치는 효과를 창업의지와, 교육만족도, 학습성과를 중심으로 살펴보았다. 조사대상은 바리스타 교육생을 중심으로 커피 바리스타 교육 과정을 이수하였거나, 현재 교육 과정을 수강 중인 수강생을 대상으로 하였다. 자료 수집은 설문지를 활용하여 커피 바리스타 전문 교육 과정을 가지고 있는 바리스타 학원 등 교육기관을 대상으로 200부의 설문지를 배포하였으며, 최종적으로 설문지 164부 사용되었다. 분석 방법은 상관분석과 구조 방정식을 사용하여 경로분석을 통해 가설을 검증하였다. 분석결과 변수간의 상관관계는 모두 유의한 것으로 나타났으며, 경로 분석결과에서도 커피교육 참여동기는 창업의지와 학습성과 그리고 교육 만족도에 정(+) 영향을 확인하였다. 또한 학습성과는 창업의지와 진로결정 그리고 교육 만족도에 긍정적인 영향을 미쳤다. 이 결과를 통하여 커피교육의 참여동기는 학습성과를 매개로 하여 창업의지에 정(+)의 영향을 미치는 완전매개 효과와 교육 만족도 에 정(+)의 영향을 미치는 완전매개 효과를 확인 할 수 있었다. 또한 창업의지는 진로결정에 정(+)의 영향을 미쳤으며, 교육 만족도도 진로결정에 정(+)의 영향을 미쳤다. 이는 학습성과가 창업의지와 교육 만족도를 매개로 하여 종속변수인 진로결정에 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 완전매개 효과를 보였다. 따라서 본 연구는 경로분석을 이용하여 가설을 검증한 결과 모두 채택되었으며, 연구모형에 따른 직접⋅간접효과 및 총 효과도 모두 유의미한 것으로 나타났다. 결론적으로 커피교육 참여동기가 다양한 변수를 통해 간접적으로 진로결정에도 영향을 미치고 있음을 확인하였다.

      • 감성지향의 Nuno felt 소재가공

        김민자 이화여자대학교 디자인대학원 2002 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        산업의 발달과 경제의 성장에 따른 생활문화의 향상으로 소비자들의 시각도 매우 개성화, 다양화, 고급화되고 있다. 이러한 변화는 섬유산업에도 많은 영향을 주어 기존의 획일화된 디자인에서 벗어나 개개인의 욕구를 충족시키기 위한 감성지향 소재를 개발 시키는 방향으로 발전되어가고 있다. 1980년대 이후 섬유가공은 직물의 성질 유지, 향상 및 단점을 보완하는 예전의 의미에서 벗어나 섬유의 특성과 전혀 다른 성능과 외관효과를 부여하는 가공기술을 중심으로 발달되어 새로운 이미지의 신소재들을 개발하고 있다. 이러한 소재의 가공방법은 원사, 직물, 염색 등 일련의 과정에 첨단기술(high-tech)을 부여하여 점점 다양하게 이루어지며, 새로운 복합기술의 신장으로 계속되는 소재 개발은 소비자의 감성과 욕구를 그대로 반영하기 위해 여러 가지 방향으로 모색되고 있다. 특히 직물 표면의 재질 및 변형가공은 독특한 텍스추어 효과를 표현하고 있으며, 이는 남과 자신을 구분하고자 하는 소비자의 욕구가 다양화되면서 직물 가치를 평가하는데 기능적 차원에 심미적 차원이 적극적으로 추가되고 있음을 시사하고 있다. 이제 소비자들은 마음의 풍요로움을 중시하는 감성시대로 접어들고 있는 것이다. 단지 고급스러운 것을 추구하는 것만이 아니라 가치가 있는 것 즉, 자신의 감성을 고려하는 경향이 짙어지고 있다. 본 연구자는 감성시대라는 시대적 상황을 바탕으로 기술과 공예의 결합에 의해 이루어지는 감성지향의 텍스타일 디자인을 연구하려고 한다. 그리고 이를 통해 기존의 섬유에 가공법을 응용하여 신소재의 개발 가능성을 제시하려고 한다. 이러한 목적을 위한 연구내용은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 감성지향의 신소재에 대해 알아보기 위해 오늘의 텍스타일 디자인에서 보이는 섬유가공방법을 살펴보고 본 연구의 작품 제작에 응용할 가공법을 선택한다. 둘째, 작품제작에 응용할 felt 가공의 일반적인 특성을 알아본다. 셋째, felt 가공의 이해를 바탕으로 복합소재로서의 Nuno felt를 이용하여 새로운 소재와의 축융 결합을 통해 소재 외관의 변형을 한다. 넷째, 표현 기법에서는 원의 이미지를 이용한 꼴라쥬 방식으로 모티브를 표현한다. 이러한 연구과정을 통하여 얻은 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 감성 지향적 신소재의 표현은 섬유 표면의 태·외관 변형을 가져오는 후처리가공방법으로 이루어짐을 알 수 있었다. 이에 작품제작에 있어 기존의 섬유를 활용하면서 물리·화학적 방법만으로 섬유 표면의 변형을 가져올 수 있는 축융가공법을 선택하였다. 둘째, felt 가공은 축융공정에 의해 두께와 질감조절이 용이하며 유연성, 가소성, 점착성등 다양한 물리적 특성을 가지고 있다. 또한 기술과 공예라는 두가지면을 동시에 만족시킨다는 점에서 작품제작에 적절한 가공법이라 할 수 있다. 셋째, 복합소재로서의 Nuno felt는 알칼리, 열, 마찰 정도에 따라 다른 수축률을 보이며 그에 따른 표면 질감 변화를 확인 할 수 있었다. 특히 자연섬유와 합성섬유와의 결합정도를 실험을 통해 알아보았고 그 결과 작품에 용이한 소재로는 자연섬유 울, 면, 실크임을 확인하였다. 이러한 자연소재의 사용으로 환경친화적인 소재로써의 가능성과 앞으로의 발전 방향을 제시할 수 있었다. 넷째, 꼴라쥬 형식의 모티브를 이용한 디자인은 축융 효과가 더해져서 독특한 주름을 만들어 내 텍스추어 위주의 새로운 모티브 표현 양식임을 알 수 있었다. 21세기가 요구하는 감성 지향적 신소재 개발을 위해 Nuno felt 가공법을 응용한 작품 15점과 의류 2점을 제시하여 소비자들의 다양한 욕구를 충족시킴과 동시에 고부가가치로서의 섬유제품 개발에 조금이나마 기여하고자 한다. With the growing industrialization and the growth of economy, it has improved the lifestyles of the consumers; they have become more individualistic, diversified, and upgraded. Such changes have made a big impact on the fiber(textile) industry, it has developed from uniformal style of design to fulfilling the aesthetics and the individualistic preferences. After the 1980's, fiber treatment industry made considerable developments. From maintaining the fabric characteristics, enhancing the defects, and improving the basic quality, it has now become more focused in adding other capabilities and different external appearances - it has been developing totally new image of fibers. Such new treatment methods became more diversified after it went through the steps of original plans, fiber selection, dyeing, and the addition of high-tech application. And to satisfy the aesthetics and the cravings of the consumers, numerous treatment methods are applied in textile development. Especially, with the new fiber surface quality and transformed treatment, it is reflecting uniqueness to the fabric style. And the outcome of consumer demand has added aesthetical beauty as well as the technical abilities of a textile. Currently, the consumers are in the stage of aesthetic centered generation, which is providing more relaxing sprite to the mind; they are not just seeking high quality products, but also seeking after things that have true sense of value and can fulfill their aesthetics. I would like to take this opportunity to research in the field of textile design, combining the technical and the craftsman skills, which is in line with our aesthetic generation. And, from the existing treatment methods, I would like to present a way of possibly developing new materials. This is the research details for the goals stated above: First, in order to learn about the aesthetic oriented new materials, I will look into the present way of producing textile design methods, and then will select the method for the project treatment application. Second, I will research concerning the "felt" treatment method, which will be applied in the project. Third, with the understanding of the "felt" treatment, I will use the composite material "Nuno felt", and will use it with the new material fabric in fulling combination to change the external texture. Fourth, in the technique presentation , the circle image and collage method will be used in expressing the motif. From the above research, the following results will be presented: First, I have found that aesthetic centered new material is produced through the latter processing method, which changes the shape of the outer surface of the material. And, in the production of the material, I have used the existing textile in combination with only the physics and chemical methods; it has resulted in the transformation of the textile surface through the fulling treatment method. Second, the "felt" treatment is affected by the fulling application; it makes it easy for adjusting the thickness and the surface quality of the fabric, it also gives flexibility, plasticity, viscosity and other physics related characteristics. And "felt" satisfies the technological and the craftsmanship aspects of the project - it is the most appropriate method of treatment. Third, as a mixed material, "Nuno felt" has shown different contraction levels as it is affected by the amount of alkali, heat, and friction. And in testing, I have found out the packing affect of the natural fiber and the synthetic fiber; the result was that the best materials for the project were the natural fibers: wool, cotton, and silk. With such natural materials, I have found the environment friendly method of treatment for the future. Fourth, the collage form of motif design has higher fulling affect, it produces unique wrinkles, which is an indication that it is a new expression of texture centered motif. In the 21st century, for the purpose of developing new aesthetic materials, with the application of "Nuno felt" treatment in 15 projects and 2 sets of clothing, I hope it would satisfy the various needs of the consumers and that it would become a high commercial value for the fiber development industry.

      • 白首烏(은조롱, 이엽우피소)의 形態와 RAPD에 의한 識別 및 栽培法 改善

        김민자 忠北大學校 2006 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        These studies were conducted to discriminate Cynanchum wilfordii, C. auriculatum, Metaplexis japonica, and Polygonum multiflorum by morphological characters and RAPD analysis, to examine their agronomic characters, and to investigate the effects of several cultural methods such as sowing method and planting density, diameter of seminal root, and labor-saving cultivation which could affect the growth and yield of C. wilfordii and C. auriculatum. These experiments were conducted at the Chungbuk Agricultural Research & Extension Service from 1997 to 2005. The results obtained were summarized as the follows; 1. Cynanchum wilfordii, C. auriculatum, and Metaplexis japonica(Asclepiadaceae) were easily distinguished from Polygonum multiflorum by twining stem to the left, producing opposite leaves, having laticiferous stems and leaves at cutting cross-sectionally, and lacking lignification of the stem. 2. Four species had different morphological characters of flower; The flower color of Metaplexis japonica was light purple and its petals were revolute. That of Polygonum multiflorum was white and its inflorescence was panicle. C. auriculatum had yellowish white flower and its calyxes were retrorse. C. wilfordii had yellow-green flowers and its calyxes were not retrorse unlike C. auriculatum. Pistil shape observed by dissecting microscope was clearly different in four species. Three species of Asclepiadaceae had 2 carpels and 5 stamens, while Polygonum multiflorum had 3 carpels and 8 stamens. Like number of carpels and stamens, stamen shape was an useful character to distinguish three species of Asclepiadaceae from Polygonum multiflorum. 3. Comparing four species to fruit type, three species of Asclepiadaceae had follicle, while Polygonum multiflorum had achene with three wings. Follicle shape was lanceolate, narrowly lanceolate, and widely lanceolate in C. wilfordii, C. auriculatum, and Metaplexis japonica, respectively. Especially, Metaplexis japonica had follicle surface with verrucae unlike Cynanchum spp. Whereas seed color of four species was dark brown similarly, seed shape and 1,000 seed weight were useful characters to discrimate between three species of Asclepiadaceae and Polygonum multiflorum; seed shape and 1,000 seed weight had flat-obovate seed with coma and 4.0~5.5 g in three species of Asclepiadaceae and triangular-ovate seed and 0.8 g in Polygonum multiflorum, respectively. 4. Shape and color of root were thickened and yellowish brown in C. wilfordii and C. auriculatum. They were thin and long and white in Metaplexis japonica, and fusiform and reddish brown in Polygonum multiflorum. They would be useful characters to distinguish Cynanchum spp., Metaplexis japonica, and Polygonum multiflorum, however, impossible characters to discriminate between C. wilfordii and C. auriculatum. 5. Although it was impossible to distinguish morphologically between C. wilfordii and C. auriculatum with shape and color of root, they were easily discriminated by using RAPD analysis. Four RAPD marker, i.e., OPA9, OPB11, OPB20, OPC14, were useful to discriminate C. wilfordii, C. auriculatum, Metaplexis japonica, and Polygonum multiflorum simultaneously. 6. The dates of emergence, flowering, and seed harvesting were earlier 4, 30, and 24 days in C. wilfordii, respectively, than those in C. auriculatum. Growth of stem and leaves, number of branched roots, and root weight were more vigorous in C. auriculatum than those in C. wilfordii, showing greater 3.5 fold yield of marketable roots. 7. In study of sowing methods and planting densities in black P.E. film mulching of C. wilfordii, yield of marketable roots was greater in seedling transplanting than that in direct sowing. In seedling transplanting, it was 29% higher in 19 plants/㎡ than that in 17 plants/㎡. In direct sowing, 22 plants/㎡, higher planting density compared to the rocommended planting density in non-mulching, was proper planting density in black P.E. film mulching. 8. In cultivation of using supporting crops in C. wilfordii, yield of marketable roots was 919 kg/10a in net support, while that was decreased 22~29% in cultivation of using P. frutescens var. acuta Kudo, Job's tears, and sorghum as the support crop. However, net income was 2~36% higher in cultivation of using support crops than that in net support by cost saving of staking installation and harvest of support crops. 9. To investigate the effect of diameter of seminal root in C. auriculatum, four diameters including 7 mm, 12 mm, 20 mm, and 30 mm were tested. Emergence date and ratio of seedling establishment were earlier and higher with thiner seminal roots than those with thicker seminal roots. However, yield of marketable roots was decreased to 5% lower with thiner seminal roots compared to that of 12 mm, the conventional seminal roots. Net income was higher to 7% with 7 mm seminal root due to cost reduction of seminal roots, while it was lower to 13% and 37% with 20 mm and 30 mm seminal roots compared to that of 12 mm seminal roots. 10. In nonsupporting cultivation of C. auriculatum, three methods, untreated control, top pinching, and cutting of branch-top, were tested to compare with I-type stake. Yield of marketable roots in nonsupporting methods was decreased to 18~23% compared to 1,918 kg/10a of staking cultivation. The yields were not significantly different among nonsupporting methods. However, net income was 8~17% higher in nonsupporting methods than that in staking cultivation becase of cost saving to staking installation.

      • 초등학교 여교감의 지도성에 관한 교사들의 인식

        김민자 경남대학교 교육대학원 2007 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        본 연구는 초등학교 여교감의 지도성에 관한 교사들의 인식을 분석하는데 연구의 목적을 두고, 본 연구의 목적을 달성하기 위하여 다음과 같은 연구문제를 설정하였다. 첫째, 초등학교 교사들은 학교경영에 관한 여교감의 지도성을 어떻게 인식하는가? 둘째, 초등학교 교사들은 교직원 지도에 관한 여교감의 지도성을 어떻게 인식하는가? 셋째, 초등학교 교사들은 교직원 인간관계에 관한 여교감의 지도성을 어떻게 인식하는가? 넷째, 초등학교 교사들은 시설관리지원에 관한 여교감의 지도성을 어떻게 인식하는가? 다섯째, 초등학교 교사들은 학부모 및 대기관 협조에 관한 여교감의 지도성을 어떻게 인식하는가? 여섯째, 초등학교 교사들은 학생지도에 관한 여교감의 지도성을 어떻게 인식하는가? 본 연구를 위한 대상은 초등학교 교사 226명을 설문지법을 사용하여 조사하였다. 본 연구에 사용된 측정도구는 학교 경영면, 교직원 지도면, 교직원 인간관계면, 시설관리 지원면, 학부모 및 기관 협조면, 학생 지도면의 6개영역으로 총 30문항이었다. 모든 분석은 SPSS 10.0 for Windows를 이용하여 분석을 실시하였으며, 여교감의 지도성에 대한 인식을 업무추진 영역별로 알아보기 위하여 빈도분석, 평균, 표준편차로 측정하였으며, 연구대상자의 일반적인 특성인 성별, 직위, 지역, 경력에 따라서 독립표본 t 검정과 일원변량분석을 실시하여 영역별 지도성의 인식을 알아보았다. 이러한 연구과정을 거쳐 나타난 결과는 다음과 같았다. 첫째, 여교감의 업무영역별 지도성에서 전체적으로 여교감의 학교 경영면에서의 지도성을 높게 평가하였으며, 특히 교사들은 여교감이 일과운영이나 직원회를 계획대로 진행 하고 있다는 인식을 매우 높게 가지고 있었다. 둘째, 교사들은 여교감의 교직원 지도면에서 매우 높은 평가를 하였으며, 교감이 교직원이 잘한 일이 있으면 크게 칭찬하거나 격려한다는 인식이 가장 높게 나타났다. 셋째, 교사들은 여교감의 인간관계면에 대해서 긍정한다는 인식이 매우 높게 나타내었으며, 여기에는 교직원들의 길, 흉사에 대해서 적극지원하거나 앞장서서 시범을 보인다는 인식을 교직원들에게 강하게 보여주었다. 넷째, 초등 교사들은 여교감의 시설 관리 지원에 대해서 매우 긍정적인 인식을 보여주었으며 특히 교사들은 여교감이 교무실 시설물의 활용과 조화를 이루도록 매우 관심을 가지고 노력하고 있다고 인식했으며 시설관리의 취약점을 파악하고 지원을 성의껏 하고 있다고 인식하였다. 다섯째, 교사들은 여교감이 학부모 및 대 기관 협조를 매우 잘한다고 인식하였으며, 특히 여교감은 학부모들과 매우 좋은 유대관계를 유지하고 있었다. 여섯째, 여교감의 학생지도면에 대해서 초등 교사들은 매우 좋은 평가를 하고 있었으며, 등하교시 안전지도부터 체력, 영양, 위생지도까지 모든 문항에서 여교감은 학생지도에 적극적이었으며 특히 여교감이 현장학습이나 탐구학습에서 학년별 계획에 의해서 추진하는 사항에 대해서 교사들은 매우 좋은 평가를 하고 있었다. In this study, about the leadership of the female vice-principal, on the perception of the elementary school teachers for knowing. For achieving in this research purpose, the following research problems are established. First, for the elementary school teachers, on the leadership of the female vice-principal about school managing, how do they perceive? Second, for the elementary school teachers, on the leadership of the female vice-principal about guiding the staffs, how do they perceive? Third, for the elementary school teachers, on leadership of the female vice-principal about facilities managing supporting, how do they perceive? Fourth, for the elementary school teachers, on the leadership of the female vice-principal about parents and co-helping other institutions, how do they perceive? As a result of analysis, the following conclusions are obtained. First, on the leadership of the female vice-principal about all of the managing domain, in total, for the female vice-principal, about school managing aspect, staffs guiding aspect, human-relation aspect, facilities managing supporting aspect, parents and co-helping for other institutions, students guiding aspect, for the elementary school teachers, it appears good evaluation. Second, for the elementary school teachers, about the running curriculum and about positive consideration of good and bad affairs of the staffs, on the firm belief on staffs, by improving for the self- regularity job condition, on the leadership of the female vice-principal, it appears higher evaluation. According to all the domain, on the leadership of the female vice-principal about the school management, most of the domain, it appears higher evaluation. Third, about the guiding staffs, human-relation of the staffs, task ability for facilities managing supporting, grasping human ability, for the teachers, it appears higher perception. Also, about the parents and co-helping other institutions, students guidance, for the teachers on the task ability and grasping human ability of the female vice-principal, it appears higher evaluation. Fourth, for the female vice-principal, at the side of human nature, because of kindness, womanly, considerate, characteristic generosity, for the fellow staffs, they have favor, in particular, mother's affection, for the higher interest and consideration about students health and nutrition, health-care guidance, in the tight human-relation in relation to fellow staffs, it appears good response. Like this, for achieving the effective school educational target, for the unit school of female vice-principal, excluding non-effective leadership, in the center of tasks and in harmony with good human-relation by operating the effective leadership, by improving the human-relation between the female vice-principal and ordinary teachers, it can improve the effective school management.

      • 교류분석의 인생태도와 상담기대감의 관계

        김민자 대진대학교 교육대학원 2014 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        The purpose of this study was to identify a relations between expectations of counseling and client's life positions based on the transactional analysis. A total of 300 middle school students in the Pocheon city were participated in the survey. A questionnaire of life position made by KTAA(Korea transactional analysis association) was used and A translated version of E.A.C(Expectations of counseling questionnaire; Tinsley, 1980) by Bak Ae-Seon was used in the study. The collected data were analyzed with SPSS v18.0 The Results of the study are as follows: 77% of students was a type of 'I'm OK-You're OK'. 12% of students was a type of 'I'm not OK-You're OK' . and 7% of students was a type of 'I'm OK-You're not OK'. 4% of students was a type of 'I'm not OK-You're not OK' . A primary concerns was a education matters, but family affairs scored the lowest score. most students wanted academic and career counseling in the education matters. the second-year students and the third-year students were much more than the first-year students on the academic and career counseling. the third-year students showed more interest than the other students on a personal matters. especially, a school-girls were interested in the personal matters rather than boys. A relations between client's attitudes, behaviors and clients' life positions was found to be motivation 2.63, openness 3.50, responsibility 3.46 on the 5-point scale. there was no differences on each life positions. and also there were acceptance 4.84, confrontation 3.58, directiveness 3.52, empathy 3.57, genuineness 4.03, nurturance 3.87, self-disclosure 3.68 on the expectation about counselors' attitudes, behaviors. there was no differences on each life positions except for directiveness. A type of 'I'm not OK-you're OK' scored higher than a type of 'I'm not OK in the directiveness. 본 연구는 내담자의 교류분석에서의 인생태도, 상담자에 대한 기대감 경향은 어떠하며, 인생태도와 상담에 대한 기대감에는 어떤 관계가 있는지 알아보는 데에 목적을 두었다. 연구대상은 경기도 포천시 소재 중학생 1, 2, 3 학년 각각 96명, 74명, 130명 총 300명이며, 2013년 10월1일부터 10월31일까지 1개월간 설문조사를 실시하였다. 측정도구는 인생태도는 한국교류분석협회(KTAA)에서 표준화된 척도로 구성된 설문지를 사용하였으며, 상담기대감은 박애선(1985)이 번안한 Tinsley(1980)의 상담에 대한 내담자의 기대감(E.A.C: Expectation About Counseling Questionnaire) 척도를 사용하여 자료를 수집하였다. 수집된 자료는 SPSS Win.18 프로그램을 사용하여 분석하였다. 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 내담자의 교류분석에서의 인생태도의 전체경향은 민주형은 77%, 의존형 12%, 독단형 7%, 자포자기형 4%였다. 이러한 경향은 의존형을 제외한 민주형, 독단형, 자포자기형은 남학생이 여학생보다 높았다. 전반적으로 전체 대상자의 약 1/4의 학생이 적응적이지 못한 인생태도를 가진 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 상담자 선호에 있어서 남자 상담자보다 여자 상담자를 더 희망했으며, 특히, 여학생은 99%가 여자 상담자를 희망하였다. 상담을 가장 받고 싶어 하는 분야는 교육문제였으며, 가장 낮은 분야는 가정문제였다. 교육 문제 중에서는 진로 문제를 가장 희망하였다. 진로문제는 1학년 보다 2, 3학년이 더 희망하였다. 또한 상담을 희망하는 개인문제는 3학년이 1학년보다 더 희망하였고, 여학생이 남학생보다 더 희망하였다. 셋째, 상담자에게 기대하는 특성 및 행동은 5점 만점에 동기성 요인 2.63점, 개방성 3.50점, 책임성 3.46점으로 각각 나타났다. 이러한 경향은 대상자의 인생태도와는 상관이 없었다. 상담자에 대한 역할 기대에 있어서는 5점 만점에 수용성 요인 4.84점, 직면성 요인 3.58점, 지시성 요인 3.52점, 공감성 요인 3.57점, 솔직성 요인 4.03점, 양육성 요인 3.87점, 자기공개성 요인 3.68점으로 각각 나타났다. 이러한 경향은 조사 대상자인 학생태도 유형과는 대부분 별 상관이 없다. 다만 지시성 요인의 경우만 의존형 인생태도 유형이 독단형 인생태도 유형보다 높았다.

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