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      • 전통 여성교육 연구 : 한.중 여성교훈서를 중심으로

        김광옥 경희대학교 2011 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        여성교훈서란 전근대 사회에서 여성 교육을 목적으로 사용하던 교훈서를 총칭하는 말이다. 여성 교육은 전통 시대에 남성의 교육과 같이 교육기관을 통해 이루어지지 못했고, 가정 내에서 부덕 함양을 위해 비제도적으로 행해지는 것이 전부였다. 그러나 전통 사회에서도 여성교훈서를 통해 체계적으로 여성을 교육하려는 노력이 있었다. 조선 전기에는 국가적인 차원에서 여성의 교화를 위해 보급에 앞장섰으며 중국의 여성교훈서를 통해 학습시키고자 하였고 소혜왕후가 『내훈』을 지은 것을 필두로 조선 중기부터는 일반 사대부 가정에서 여성교훈서를 간행하게 되었다. 본 연구는 한국과 중국의 대표적인 여성교훈서를 비교 연구하는 방법으로 개별 여성교훈서의 특징과 독창성, 의의 등을 파악하고 전통 여성교육의 특징을 살펴보고자 하였다. 여성교훈서가 여성의 부덕 함양과 교화를 목적으로 쓰여진 점을 간과할 수는 없지만 교훈서의 내용 안에 진보적인 여성관과 여성 교육의 필요성을 역설한 점을 찾아본 것이 본 연구의 의의라 할 수 있다. 전통 여성교육의 특징을 여성교훈서를 분석하여 살펴본 결과는 다음과 같다. 모든 여성교훈서에서 부덕을 강조하며 여성교육의 중요성을 인식하였으나 남성이 저술한 여성교훈서에서는 기초적인 교육 단계에서 머물러야 한다고 주장했고, 여성이 저술한 여성교훈서는 여성 교육 필요성을 더욱 강조한 것을 알 수 있었다. 또한 중국의 여성교훈서에서 여성의 낮은 지위를 강조한 반면, 한국의 여성교훈서에서는 남성에게 종속되어 무조건적으로 몸을 낮춰야 하는 여성상을 강조하지 않았다. 자녀교육의 중요성에 대해서는 모든 여성교훈서에서 강조하고 있었으며 한국의 여성교훈서에서 태교의 중요성에 대해 자세히 언급하고 있는 점이 특징적이었다. 가정경영에 대해서는 조선 후기 여성교훈서에서 가장 여실히 나타나고 있었다. 조선 전기에 가부장제 도입으로 인한 유교적 질서를 구현하려 했다면, 조선 후기에는 한층 더 확장된 부덕을 강조하였으며 현명한 여성을 길러내어 가정 질서의 확립과 가정의 부귀를 도모하려 했다는 점을 밝혀내었다. 전통 여성교육은 여성을 교육시켜 사회로 진출시키려는 목적이 아닌 가정의 유지와 화목을 위한 수단이 되었던 점이 한계라 할 수 있다. 그러나 실제로 남성에게 절대적으로 복종해야 하는 삶을 교육시킨 것이 아니라 여성 교육의 필요성을 주창하였다는 점에 큰 의미가 있다. 본 연구를 통해 전통 사회의 여성교육이 가정 내에 얽매여있는 여성이 아닌 국가의 큰일을 해낼 수 있는 인물을 길러내려고 했다는 점을 밝힌 것이 가장 큰 의의라 할 수 있다. “Woman didactic literatures” is a general term for instructions used for women’s education in pre-modern. Unlike men’s education, women’s education for womanly virtues was not fulfilled through educational organizations, but informally performed at home with woman didactic literatures which helps women’s education formulates its own educational systems. For that reason, in the early period of Chosun Dynasty, the government tried to distribute Chinese woman didactic literatures to enlighten women, and from the beginning of “NaeHoon” written by SoHye Queen first in the nation, in middle period of Chosun Dynasty, Chosun’s nobles started to publish their own woman didactic literatures. The paper has a purpose of understanding traditional women’s education with the studies of characteristics, originality, and significance of woman didactic literatures by comparing Korean major woman didactic literatures with Chinese ones. Although woman didactic literatures were written mainly for womanly virtues, the progressive view of women’s roles and the needs for women’s education also were presented in the literatures. The findings of the studies relating to traditional women’s education with woman didactic literatures are concluded as followed. All the woman didactic literatures emphasized womanly virtues and recognized the needs for women’s education. However, the literatures written by male writers insisted the education remain in the basic level, on the contrary, the literatures written by female writers put more emphasis on the necessities of women’s education. Furthermore, although in the Chinese literature it is argued that women have low social status, in the Korean literature an aspect of subordinate women to men was not insisted. Moreover, it is also found that the necessities of children education were emphasized in all the woman didactic literature, and in the Korean literature the needs for antennal training was described in more detail than any other. Housekeeping was well demonstrated in the woman didactic literature written in the late period of Chosun Dynasty. In the early period, the literature showed the embodiment of Confucianism by introducing a paterfamilias-system. In the late period, however, it explained the extended womanly virtues that could raise wise female helping establish household rules and contributes to riches and honors of the household. The traditional women’s education had a limit that it was not for women’s advances to society, but only a measure to maintain harmony of household. However, it is a meaningful finding that the education emphasized the needs for women’s education rather than absolute subordinations to men. The main significance of the study is that the tradition women’s education put more value to raising the women who would be able to perform a meritorious deed for the country, not only restricted within the household chores.

      • 주요섭 소설 속의 서발턴 연구

        김광옥 숭실대학교 대학원 2013 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        Ju Yo Seob set in the novel the hero of the common people, to explore the bottom of society people's history, culture, living conditions and resistance struggle. Concerned about the Subaltern and the subaltern of different social consciousness. Characters in the novel, or they emigrated, or from the "Promised Land" was released by forced separation from family members, living a refugee life. Novels depicting turpitude country and struggling with death compatriots. These people dominated by the colonial discourse. These populations most oppressed women. In addition to their domination by colonial discourse, but also by the patriarchal domination of gender discrimination. Writer Ju Yo Seob long lived in the United States, Japan and other overseas. He combined with his own experience, analysis of plebeian character, trying to reveal this historical period of social problems. In this thesis, the theory of the common people after the study of colonialism as the main object of study, elaborated Ju Yo Seob novel characters and character traits, focuses on the character's identity and their common people "speak" means and channels. For the study was to investigate the above-mentioned problems, this paper to borrow discrete and Gaja Terry • Spivak plebeian theory. Therefore, the aim of this thesis can be broadly summarized as two points: First, the analysis of Ju Yo Seob novel characters and character traits, focuses on the character of the plebeian status. Second, the writer Ju Yo Seob know plebeian no right to speak, to know the common people under colonial domination discourse can not become the main language. He "listen" to everyday voices, concerns plebeian awareness and trying to make plebeian strata of consciousness be reproduced. Based on the above ideas, this paper system is as follows: First, in the second chapter in the section analysis of the Ju Yo Seob plebeian character type. Plebeian character of the novel is divided into the bottom of society as laborers, discrete displaced persons and disappeared in the hustle and bustle of the patriarchal discourse of women groups. In the third chapter part, through detailed analysis of the identity of plebeian character, "listen" under the domination of the colonial discourse of everyday voices were obliterated. In any narrative they are unlikely to become a hero. Therefore, Ju Yo Seob effort to write the voice of the subaltern of his novels. Its purpose is to restore the history of the dominant position of the subaltern . 본 연구는 주요섭 문학을 ‘서발턴의 양상’에 주목해서 연구하였다. 주요섭은 근대의 대표적인 문학가로, 자신이 주변적 인물이었고, 허구의 세계 속에서 근대 불합리한 현실을 탈구축하려는 망명인이자, 젠더화된 서발턴에게 말 걸기를 멈추지 않았던 지식인이기도 했다. 그의 소설 속에는 다양한 서발턴들이 등장한다. 최하계층계급노동자-인력거꾼, 사창가에서 몸파는 창녀, 디아스포라인, 신분적으로 가장 낮은 하인(대부분 여성)등등. 이들을 단순히 식민지 가난한 우리 민족이란 말로 묶어버릴 수는 없다. 이들의 이질적인 차이에 입각한 재현의 문제를 살펴보는 것은 이들을 둘러싸고 있는 중층적인 지배담론을 해체하고 저항지점을 되살려내려는 시도였다. 본 논문에서는 스피박의 서발턴 개념을 차용해서 주요섭 문학을 집중 조명하는데 노력했다. 우선 서발턴들을 유형화하여 각 유형들의 억압받는 양상, 억압에 대한 대응, 나아가 그 내면에 숨어져 있는 자본착취, 인식소적폭력 등등을 연구해 보았다. 다음, 스피박의 ‘서발턴은 말할 수 있는가’라는 질문을 변형해 “하층계급노동자, 디아스포라인, 젠더화된 여성은 말할 수 있는가?’라는 질문을 만들었을 때 여기에 대한 답을 ‘있다/없다’로 단언하는 것은 쉽지 않다는 것을 알 수 있다. 서발턴들에게는 스스로 말할 수 있는 통로가 갖추어져 있지 않다. 통로가 없는 그들은 침묵할 수 밖에 없다. 그런데 침묵이 단일한 의미로 귀결되는 것이 아닌 자기방어, 또한 저항을 의미하기도 한다. 침묵은 식민지 시대를 고통스럽게 살아야 했던 서발턴들의 삶의 깊이를 잴 수 있는 도구가 될 수 있다. 주요섭 문학의 의의가 바로 디아스포라적 현실에 처한 서발턴 인물들과 젠더화된 서발턴 인물들의 침묵을 작가가 ‘말걸기’를 시도하면서 침묵을 최대한 객관적으로 문학에 담으려고 시도한데 있지 않은가 싶다. 그래서 주요섭 소설 속의 서발턴 인물들의 성격을 살펴보고 그들의 ‘목소리’를 밝혀내는데 어느 정도 의의가 있을것이라고 생각된다.

      • 장거리, 고분기 광가입자망을 위한 프레임 재생 방식의 WDM/TDMA 하이브리드 PON 링크 연구

        김광옥 忠南大學校 大學院 2014 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        TDMA-PON is being extensively utilized for providing a gigabit bandwidth to end users. Current TDMA-PON technology is divided into an Ethernet PON (E-PON) and a gigabit-capable PON (G-PON) according to the transmission protocol. However, it can support only a maximum physical distance of 20 km on a 64-way split, due to a limitation of link budget. Recently, many network operators require a high link budget to support a 64-way split on the transmission reach of over 50 km, and would like to combine a metro network with an optical access network by consolidating their central offices (COs) through an long-reach PON solution. It is possible to provide significant cost savings by reducing the amount of electronic equipment and real estate required at a local exchange. Moreover, the long-reach PON solution can support broadband service to small towns, suburbs, and rural areas without a new central offices. In addition, operators hope to apply generalized WDM technology to the feeder fiber as a means of increasing their link capacity. For this purpose, ITU-T G.984.6 and IEEE802.3bk working group was standardized to increase the overall fiber length and the splitting ratio of a legacy TDMA-PON. In this paper, we proposed the cost-effective WDM/TDMA hybrid PON structure providing the long-reach transmission, higher split ratios, and high-volume link capacity with no modification of a legacy TDMA-PON. It can apply the various commercial WDM technologies at feeder section with central office terminal (COT) and frame-level remote terminal (RT). The COT mainly provides a wavelength conversion based on a 2R-based signal regeneration between a legacy TDMA-PON OLT and WDM at the same local site. On the other hand, the RT mainly provides wavelength conversion and upstream burst-to-continuous mode conversion through 3R-based frame-level signal regeneration function between WDM and legacy TDMA-PON ONUs. We experimentally demonstrate also the feasibility and performance of this WDM/TDMA hybrid PON link using a commercialized TDMA-PON equipments. In this paper, we confirm that the proposed WDM/TDMA hybrid PON can support a 128-way split over a 60 km transmission distance per a single WDM channel through an increased link budget of about 59 dB. We also confirm that the proposed solution satisfy a PLR of 10-10 at the downstream and upstream transmission. The proposed WDM/TDMA hybrid PON has been considered as a near-term next-generation PON solution, and can configure an energy-efficient access network environment by eliminating the majority of central offices. It is also expected to provide flexibility for the practical deployment of a long-reach TDMA-PON in an optical access network design. We think that this solution can easily apply to the environment of Giga internet service as a cost-effective method.

      • 幕末維新期薩摩藩の硏究

        김광옥 一橋大學 1993 해외박사

        RANK : 247631

        명치유신 변혁의 과정에서 중심적인 역할을 수행했으면서도 연구가 부진했던 사쓰마한(薩摩藩)의 경제정책을 분석한 연구이다. 특히 명치유신에 동원된 자금이나 외국과의 무역관계를 중점 分析하여 명치유신 이해를 새로이 한 연구논문이다. 논문의 장별 구성은 다음과 같다. 1. 사쓰마한 내의 상품생산구조 2. 사쓰마한의 해운업 3. 사쓰마한의 무역구조 4. 사쓰마한의 화폐정책 Roman Haubenstock-Ramati(Feb.27th 1919 in Cracow, Poland-March 3rd 1994 in Vienna, Austria) established the term "musical graphics" with the organisation of the first exhibition of his musical graphics in Donaueschingen, Germany 1959 It should be clear that his graphic art were not the basis of the so-called free and spontaneous Improvisations. To interpret such graphics, Haubenstock-Ramati demands musicians to reflect on formal progress of musik. The interpretor should, according to Haubenstock-Ramati, seek order in disorder("to perform? to realise? in doubt, never!"). My dissertation consists of two parts: Part 1 describes the important aspects of aubenstock-Ramati's musical form, especially the >mobile<, the variable form and >always something different and yet always the same< - phenomenon. Part 2 is an analysis of his vocal compositions. Both parts beginn with a general introduction to the historical compositional situation in the post-serial-phase In both topics(Music and Abstract Painting, the musicality of Language in Literature) the ineraction and the dissipation of boundaries of each art form: Music, Painting, Literature, are outlined within.

      • 婦人癌 檢診 서비스의 改善方案 硏究

        김광옥 湖南大學校 行政大學院 2001 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        최근 우리나라는 행정의 운영을 고객중심 또는 고객지향적으로 하려는 움직임이 일고 있다. 이를 단적으로 설명하고 있는 것이 이른 바 �행정�洲 헌장�� 제정과 운영이다. 보건의료서비스에서도 국민의 생활수준과 의식수준의 향상으로 보다 질 높은 서비스를 요구하고 있으며, 최근 의약분쟁으로 의료서비스에 대한 국민의 불만은 더욱 가중되고 있다. 보건의료서비스는 그 특성상 생산과 유통, 소비가 분리되지 않기 때문에 의료서비스 이용은 보건의료 시설이 있는 곳에서 이용될 수밖에 없다. 따라서 보건의료 서비스의 개선은 의료자원의 지역적인 균등확보와 자원의 효율적 활용의 토대 위에서만 가능하다. 이러한 특성으로 만성질환의 하나인 암 질환에 대한 서비스는 일반 질환과는 달라야 한다. 암 질환은 국가적으로 사망과 질병상태로 인한 인적자원의 유실과 생산성 감소 등의 경제적 손실을 초래할 뿐만 아니라 개인적인 차원에서도 환자와 가족들의 정신적, 물질적 피해가 매우 크다. 따라서 암 질환의 예방 및 적절한 관리를 위해서는 경제적인 요소뿐만 아니라 의료 제공자들의 관심과 환자의 이해, 지역사회의 참여, 교육, 인구 구조의 변화 등 보건의료체계 제반 측면과 사회 환경적 변화에 대한 고려가 중요하다. 실질적인 암 예방 및 검진사업은 각 지역에서 활용할 수 있는 보건의료 시설, 보건의료인력, 지역사회 주민의 보건의료와 관련된 의식 및 형태, 행정력 등의 특성을 고려한 지역사회에 적합한 현실적인 정책개발이 있어야 한다. 각 지방자치단체에서는 암 예방 및 조기 검진사업을 연차적으로 확대 시행하고 있으나 지역주민들의 참여가 부족하거나 행정기관의 의료서비스에 대해 만족을 느끼지 못한다면 그 효과를 거둘 수 없다. 따라서 본 연구는 암 예방 및 검진사업을 시행하고 있는 함평군내 행정기관이 제공하는 의료서비스에 대한 설문조사를 통하여 지역주민들의 만족 도를 조사하였다. 지역주민들이 느끼는 서비스에 대한 지각수준과 기대수준의 측정은 SERVQUAL 척도를 사용하여 5개 차원으로 분류 시행하였으며, 기대서비스와 지각서비스간의 갭을 해소하는 방법을 통해 주민들의 만족도를 증진시키는 개선방안을 모색한 결과 기대치는 높은 반면 지각수준은 낮게 나와 암 검진 사업에 대한 서비스 개선이 절실히 필요한 것으로 나타났다. 암 검진 서비스에 대한 개선방안으로는 이동검진차량에 의한 검진을 시행하고 있어 신뢰감이 낮으므로 현대적 최신 의료장비를 갖춘 이동검진차량의 도입과 지역주민이 납득할 수 있도록 이동검진차량의 성능의 우수성에 대한 설명과 홍보가 필요하다. 행정기관에서도 의료서비스는 베푸는 것이 아니라 지역주민들의 당연한 권리로 인식하여 직원들에 대한 철저한 서비스 교육을 통한 서비스 정신을 함양시킬 수 있도록 하여야 한다. 타지역 검진기관에 일률적으로 의뢰하여 시행하고 있는 현행 집단검진제도에 대해서도 우수한 현대적 의료장비를 갖춘 지역병원과 연계하여 암검진을 받을 수 있도록 하는 등 지역실정에 적합한 정책개발이 필요하다. Recently there has been a movement in Korea toward consumer-friendly or consumer-oriented administrative services. A representative example of this has been the introduction and adoption of the so-called Administrative Services Oath. Even in the area of health and medical services, rising standards of living and raised consumer awareness are leading to demands for higher quality service, and the recently introduced prescription drug plan is only serving to further fuel consumers' general dissatisfaction with the quality of medical services. Because of their intrinsic qualities, the production, distribution, and consumption of health and medical services cannot be separated and therefore, the use of medical service can only take place at a site where medical facilities are provided. Therefore improvement of health and medical services can only be achieved from a foundation of equitable access to health care in different regions and efficient use of resources. Because of this, the medical service for cancer, a chronic disease, must differ from ordinary medical service. Cancer results not only in personal loss in the form of psychological and financial strain on the patient and her family but also in the loss of social welfare in terms of human resources and reduction in productivity due to shortened lifespan and attendant treatment costs. Therefore for prevention and appropriate treatment of cancer, considerations concerning the health and medical system and changes in social environment are important; these include the attention of the care providers, patient's interest, community participation, education, and change in demographics in addition to physical resources. The actual process of preventing and screening for cancer should be based on development of practical regional policies in light of available health and medical facilities and personnel, attitude of the local population toward health care, and administrative support in the region. Although cancer prevention and early screening programs are being expanded every year by regional governments, low participation rate and dissatisfaction toward medical service will reduce their effectiveness. In this study, a survey of the citizens who live in Hampyong-goon was conducted to assess their satisfaction level concerning the medical services provided by Hampyong-goon government which also provides cancer prevention and screening services. Perception and expectation levels of the surveyed citizens were measured in five categories using the SERVQUAL index. The aim is to improve the satisfaction of the citizens by closing the gap between their expectations and actual perception of the medical service quality. The survey revealed that the actually perceived level of service was far lower than what they expected, indicating an urgent need to improve the service quality. One of the implemented measures intended to improve the cancer screening program is the use of a mobile screening center. But this has failed to win the trust of its users. Mobile screening centers equipped with state-of-the-art equipment and a public relations campaign informing the public about their benefits and superior capabilities are required. Also a staff training program designed to cultivate a client-friendly attitude must be established, making sure that even government medical services are not viewed as a privilege but as a basic right. Finally, development of regional policies suited to each region's circumstances is needed. Regional policies appropriate to each region's circumstances should be adopted; for example, the current practice of offering a uniform screening process following consultations with other regional administrative bodies should be improved to ensure that citizens would receive cancer screening at regional hospitals equipped with superior modern facilities.

      • Torpedo Ladle Car 용접구조의 피로수명 평가 및 피로수명 연장 방안

        김광옥 목포대학교 대학원 2013 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        지금까지 TLC에 대한 연구는 용선운송 시 탈선 대한 연구나 운송작업의 효율성을 높이기 위한 연구들이 꾸준히 진행되어 왔다. 고급강 제조를 위한 과정으로 용선예비처리작업의 중요성이 인식되어지면서, 용선예비처리작업을 수행할 때나 용선을 운송할 때 쓰이는 TLC의 구조적 안정성에 대해 연구할 필요성이 있다. 특히, 용선예비처리과정에서 불순물제거를 위한 Lancing 작업 중에 TLC에 많은 충격이 가해지면서 대차 용접부의 피로균열을 발생시키고 있다. 이에 따라 본 논문에서는 용선예비처리작업 시에 발생하는 변형량을 실험을 통해 측정하였고, 유한요소해석을 기반으로 한, TLC 대차의 구조해석을 통해 충격량을 산정하였다. 산정된 충격량으로 대차의 피로수명을 평가하였으며, 대차를 개선하여 피로수명을 연장하였다. Research on the TLC has been progressed steadily to improve efficiency of transportation or derailment during transportation nowdays. In order to manufacture high quality steels, Hot Metal Pretreatment Station(HMPS) is important to recognize. Therefore, there is a need to study about structural stability of TLC that is operated for transportation of molten iron or HMPS. Especially, Lancing that removes impurities during HMPS is generating loads and fatigue crack of weld joints of main bridge. So, in this study, the test was carried out to investigate the deformation of main bridge of TLC during HMPS. And, structure analysis of main bridge was carried out based on Finite Element Method(FEM) to estimate loading. Estimated loading has been used to assess the fatigue life, and main bridge model has been advanced to extend fatigue life.

      • 國民學校 美術科 鑑賞指導의 實態와 改善方案

        김광옥 東亞大學校 敎育大學院 1991 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        The object of this study is to provide information for an effective appreciation supervision of art works and also to make contribution to the normalization of fine art education at Korean elementary schools both by looking at general problem areas of the actual conditions of appreciation education at sampled elementary schools and by analysing them. For the purpose questionnaires were distributed to and interviews were made with 320 teachers of 39 schools who were selected by stratified random sampling about the degree of their interest on fine arts education, their understanding on appreciation supervision, actual conditions of appreciation education, environmental preparation for the appreciation of art works, etc., and the results were analysed a percentage method. The evaluation of the survey may be summarized as the followings. 1. A large majority of the teachers were not confident of fine arts education in spite that they had higher esthetic senses than ordinary people. This may be attributed to the lack of systematic theory of fine arts education and teaching experience on the subject. 2. The teachers' degree of their understanding and interest on the appreciation supervision appeared to be low in general but, it was higher among experienced teachers. This may be resulted from problematic curriculums of Korean Teachers' College. 3. The survey also revealed that the appreciation supervision was not actively practised due to inexperience of young teachers in their twenties and thirties and the lack of art works and materials available to the experienced teachers in their forties and fifties. The schools should be provided with diversified art works and other materials ever all fields of fine arts as the most desirable appreciation supervision is to let the students themselves try to see, feel, think of and enjoy those works. 4. It we summarise the suggestions made by the teachers for an effective appreciation supervision there should be efforts to provide training opportunity to upgrade the quality of teachers, develop appreciation materials and their spread, install exclusive facility for working and displaying of fine arts and expand spot learning opportunity, etc. It must be an important question for the contemporary education faces with that teachers should make every effort to narrow down the gap between intelligence and sensitivity in students, and eventually the two should become one, which in turn means to maintain the balance between thinking and feeling of things.

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