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      • 환경변화에 따른 베이비부머 주거생활의 제고방안에 관한 연구

        이수용 남서울대학교 2015 국내석사

        RANK : 247599

        Our country is predicted to become an aged society, since the ratio of over-65 populations is forcast to rise to 14% in 2018. In 2015, the baby boom generation is 52 to 60 years old, and the boomers have begun to take retirement since retirement age in Korea is 60. At this point of their entering to the aged society, their retirement will bring a significant impact not only on economic and social aspects but also on the housing market. Therefore, this study will deduce the causality between influences and variables of the retired boomers' housing choice, and make a suggestion to the housing policy to prepare for aging baby boomers. This study has used the method of literature review that constructs theoretical foundation of house preference in behavioral aspect upon review of preceding research data and also used the method of case study that makes the empirical analysis by conducting situation survey and preference survey on housing choice of retired baby boomers who are living in Jeon-ju. For empirical analysis, SPSS WIN, standard statistical software, was used to conduct frequency analysis, crossover analysis, ANOVA analysis, and correlation analysis. 11.9% of the overall population of Jeon-ju, the case region, is baby boom generation, and 51.1% of them is women, outnumbered men by 2000. According to the empirical analysis of housing choice of retired baby boomers in Jeon-ju, this study drew a conclusion as follows. First, most of the baby boomers are living in a privately owned house, and the largest percentage of housing proportion is apartment, and the most of the housing is medium-sized, and the majority of respondents answered they need 100 million won to 200 million won in preparation for their old age. Most of the respondents answered that they want to continue to reside in their house to the question which asks how they would use their present house in their old age. Second, suburban area was most preferred as a residential area after retirement, followed by urban area. Third, in the aspect of type and size of the residential space after retirement, the majority of the respondents have chosen medium-size (former 21-30 pyeong) for the preferred house size, the first and second floor (lower floor) for the preferred floor, and apartment for the preferred housing type, and they hope to live independently of their children as an old couple. Fourth, the convenience of living was the most important factor when buying a house after retiring. This study has limited the survey to Jeon-ju area, so there were some limitations of the study which could not be compared with housing preferences of baby boomers who are living in several small and medium-sized cities in Jeollabuk-do Province. Since the baby boomers will begin to retire and the aging population will increase in the next few years, the housing policy need to be improved from the former policy which only considered the change of housing demand in connection with the income level to a new policy that reflects proper housing demand of underprivileged group(section 2 of act on support for underprivileged group, disabled persons and age, etc.) such as baby boomers and aged ones. The housing policy for aging baby boomers also should be initiated in line with welfare, healthcare, and employment policies. Role sharing between not only the government agencies but also private and social organizations and cooperation of governance is needed.

      • 집합건물의 효율적인 관리체계에 관한 연구

        이동광 남서울대학교 2017 국내석사

        RANK : 247599

        South Korea has a narrow area of land and a lot of forest. Therefore, limited land had to be efficiently utilized for urban formation. As a result, the buildings became high-rise buildings and formed a form of collective building. Collective building is an important living space for people and the number of collective buildings has grown steadily. In the form of collective buildings, there are apartment houses, shopping mall, efficiency apartment, and multipurpose buildings. At present, the apartment house is the majority of the collective buildings so building management is important. In this study, we will identify the problem of building management and provide improvement plan. Building management is divided into operational management, living management, and maintenance. Thus, building maintenance means functional maintenance and safety of people. However, civil law and collective building laws cause confusion in different management rules. In civil law, preservation, utilization, and improvement are considered concepts of management. On the other hand, if it is not intended to change its uses, it will be regarded as management in the collective building laws. First, we can think about the scope of management, supervisors, their authority, and legal relations. Additionally, we can see the building management team and the resident representative meeting. While the collective building law stipulates that the building management team should manage the building, the housing law regulates that the resident representative meeting should manage the building. However, if one building is corresponding to collective buildings and housing, then building management team and resident representative meeting will coexist. In this case, there is a problem with which a group has authority. Also, we will look at the problems of the individual ownership area and common use area. And we will find out about the problems caused by "Matters not stipulated in this Act may be defined by the Covenant." by the law. If the owner changes, the members of the building management team will also change. As a result, there will be problems due to lack of consistency in management. Therefore, I think it is necessary to clarify the position of the building management team and resident representative meeting on the basis of the collective building law. Also, the government needs to improve the housing laws and construction laws so that it can be managed by government. Moreover, South Korea needs to implement policies to increase the life span of the housing such as advanced countries. And government must operate a system that effectively manages current national resources. Keywords : Condominium Buildings, Aggregate Building Management, Organization Of Aggregate Building Management, Resident representative meeting, Setbuilding law, Housing Law 우리나라는 국토면적이 좁고 국토면적에 비해 임야가 많은 관계로 도시형성에 있어 조방적 이용보다는 한정된 공간을 효율적으로 이용하기 위하여 집약화·고층화로 건물을 공급하다가 보니 집합건물이 다수를 이루게 되었다. 집합건물은 현대인의 삶을 영위하는 생활공간으로 그 수가 양적으로 증가 되었고 형태면에서도 주택 및 상가, 주상복합건물, 공장형 아파트와 오피스텔 등 다양하다. 집합건물중 공동주택이 주거의 대다수를 차지하고 있는 현 시점에서 집합건물의 관리는 중요한 부분이라고 할 수 있다. 본 연구에서는 집합건물의 관리에 있어 문제점을 살펴보고 개선방안을 제시하고자한다. 건물에 대한 관리는 크게 운영관리, 생활관리, 유지관리로 나누어 볼 수 있으며 이는 건물의 기능을 최대한 보존하면서 공동생활의 안전과 삶을 유지하는 생활보장을 의미하기도 한다. 이러한 관리에 관하여 민법과 집합건물법에서는 서로 다른 규정으로 혼란이 일고 있으며 민법에서는 보존, 이용, 개량까지를 관리의 개념으로 보고 있고 집합건물법에서는 용도를 변경하지 않는 한정된 법위까지를 관리로 보고 있다. 먼저 관리의 주체와 권한을 어디까지 부여할 것인가와 법률관계를 어떻게 규율할 것인지에 대한 문제를 생각할 수 있다. 또한 관리기구의 구성으로 관리단과 입주자 대표회의의 구성을 살펴볼 수 있다. 집합건물법에서는 구분소유자로 구성된 단체인 집합건물 관리단이 집합건물을 관리하도록 하고 있고, 주택법에서는 공동주택의 관리에 관한 사항을 규정하여 입주자대표회의가 공동주택을 관리하도록 규정하고 있다. 그러나 하나의 건물이 집합건물이면서 공동주택에 해당하는 경우에 집합건물 관리단과 입주자대표회의라는 두 개의 관리단체가 존재하게 되고 이 경우에는 두 개의 단체 중에 누가 어떠한 관리권한을 행사할 수 있는가 하는 문제가 발생하게 된다. 여기에 관한 문제점을 살펴보기로 한다. 그리고 집합건물의 전유부분과 공용부분에 관한 구별기준인 경계가 명확하지 않아 구조상·이용상 독립성에 의해 구분되어 짐으로 인해 하자 발생 시 생기는 문제점과 관리규약의 문제점으로 “이법에서 규정하지 아니한 사항은 규약으로써 달리 정할 수 있다”. 라고 함으로써 관리규약의 제정을 구분소유자들의 임의에 맡기고 있다 이에 따른 문제점들을 살펴보기로 한다. 소유자가 바뀌면 관리단 구성원도 당연히 바뀌게 되어 자체의 통솔이나 관리가 되지 않아 많은 문제점이 발생하게 되므로 집합건물의 소유 및 관리 등에 관하여 기본법으로 작용하고 있는 집합건물법을 중심으로 집합건물 관리단과 입주자대표회의의 공동주택 관리에 있어 관리주체에 대한 지위를 명확히 할 필요가 있다. 더불어 현 집합건물을 주택법과 건축법 등 관련 법률에 의거 행정기관에서 관리를 할 수 있는 법·제도적 장치의 마련이 우선되어야 한다. 또한 우리나라도 선진국과 같이 공동주택도 수명을 연장하는 관리정책으로의 전환이 필요하고, 현재의 국가자원을 합리적이고 효율적으로 관리할 수 있는 시스템의 구축 및 법률규정과 세부준칙, 집합건물을 체계적이고 효율적으로 관리하기 위한 법· 제도적 장치가 마련되어야 할 것이다. 주제어 : 집합건물, 집합건물관리, 관리단, 입주자대표회의, 집합건물법, 주택법

      • 취약계층을 위한 주거복지차원에서의 공공임대주택 공급·관리제도에 관한 연구

        임숙녀 남서울대학교 2016 국내박사

        RANK : 247599

        공공임대주택이란 정부 또는 공공기관이 공적자금을 투입하여 건설하는 주택으로써 저소득층과 사회적 약자의 주거권을 보장하기 위하여 시장가격 이하의 임대료로 주택을 공급하여 서민의 주거안정을 도모하여 국가의 사회복지정책을 달성하기 위해 공급되는 임대주택을 통칭하는 것이다. 이를 위하여 정부는 국민의 주거안정을 위해 많은 재정을 들여 서민의 주거안정을 위해서 노력한 결과 2014년말 임대주택의 공급현황을 살펴보면 시·도별 임대주택 재고현황은 전체 1,708,716호 중 수도권이 50.8% 869,230호며, 그 중 서울이 374,968호, 경기가 411,407호, 인천이 82,855호를 차지하고 있다. 사업주체별로는 건설사업자가 324,426호, 매입사업자가 358,095호, 지자체가222,128호이며, 한국토지주택공사가 전체 재고의 47.1%인 804,067호를 보유하고 있다. 그러나 주거 빈곤층이 정책에서 소외되고 계층간의 주거 격차가 심하여 아직도 상당수의 취약계층은 최저주거기준 이하의 주택에 거주하고 있고 이를 위한 공공임대주택의 공급도 부족한 현실이다. 또한 이들은 소득에서 주거비가 차지하는 비중도 매우 높아 가계부담으로 작용하고 있어 인간답게 생활하는데 어려움이 있다. 오늘날은 인간답게 생활할 있는 공공임대주택의 공급뿐만 아니라 공공임대주택의 관리차원에서의 인간의 삶의 질을 높일 수 있도록 하는 주거복지정책이 매우 중요하다. 따라서 정부는 취약계층의 주거문제가 사회문제가 될 수 있다는 것을 인식하여 이들을 위한 주거복지실현을 위한 방안을 마련하여야 할 것이다. 주요선진국의 임대주택제도를 살펴보면 주요 선진국의 경우 지속적이고 일관성 있는 임대주택 정책의 추진을 통해 공공은 물론 지자체, 공공기관을 통하여 여러 유형의 입주자를 대상으로 계층의 특성과 요구에 부합하는 다양한 형태의 임대주택을 공급하고 있다. 또한 임대주택 재고가 부족한 시기에는 중앙정부가 주택시장에 광범위하게 개입하여 주택의 양적 확대를 주도하고 주택 재고 문제가 일정부분 해결되면 중앙정부가 직접개입을 축소하고 임대료보조 및 주거비지원 정책 등의 지원수단으로 전환해 나가고 있다. 우리나라는 영구임대주택 , 50년 공공임대주택, 30년․20년․10년 국민임대주택 , 장기전세주택 , 보금자리주택 등 매우 다양하게 공급되고 있고 주거복지차원에서의 관리에도 소홀히 하는 경향이 현실이다. 이러한 제도상의 미비점을 극복하기 위해서는 임대주택에 대한 개념의 재정립이 필요하고, 효과적인 배분을 위한 입주자 선정기준에 있어 현재의 복잡한 입주자 선정 절차와 자격을 단순화하여 수혜대상을 확대할 필요가 있다. 또한 정책의 연속성 부재, 주택 유형별로 상이한 대상계층, 주거소요를 고려하지 않은 공급 및 배분체계, 주택규모 및 단지구성, 주택관리 등의 문제에 대해서도 개선해야 할 것이다. 한편 공공임대주택에 대한 향후 과제로서 임대료체계의 개편 및 관리운영체계 개선, 입주자의 주거복지관리, 지역복지체계연계와 사회 복지적 관리도입, 그리고 합리적인 주거소비의 유도 및 주거조절의 활성화 및 다양한 공공임대주택 건설, 공급방식의 역할을 일부 분담하는 형식이나, 소규모의 수요자 생활권중심의 전략적 개발공급, 원가절감을 위한 역할 분담 등을 들 수 있다. 따라서 정부는 현시점에서 전월세 시장 안정화를 위해 공공임대주택을 확대 공급하여야 하며 도시재생사업의 주도적인 추진 및 민간지원을 확대하는 방향으로 정책을 수립하여야 취약계층의 삶의 질을 높일 수 있는 주거복지를 실현할 수 있는 정책을 마련해야 할 것이다. 주제어 : 취약계층, 공공임대주택, 주거권, 주거복지, 영구임대주택, 국민임대주택, 50년 공공임대주택, 장기전세주택 The public rental housing, in order to ensure the housing rights of low-income and socially vulnerable as housing the government and public institutions to construction to public funds, of the common people by supplying housing in the following rent market price the aim residence stability, it is called a rental housing to be supplied in order to achieve the social welfare policy countries. For this reason, the government, over a lot of finances for the people of the residence stability result of the efforts for the people of the residence stability, looking at the current situation of supply of the end of 2014 rental housing, cities and provinces by rental housing stock status entire 1,708,716, the metropolitan area is No. 50.8% 869,230, in which Seoul is No. 374,968, Kyeonggi No. 411,407, Incheon is accounted for No. 82,855. Business entities another construction operators No. 324,426, purchase operators No. 358,095, is a municipality No. 222,128, Korea Land Housing Corporation owns the No. 804,067 is 47.1% of the total stock. However, housing the poor are marginalized in the policy, disparities in housing between the hierarchy violently, still a considerable number of vulnerable hierarchy are living below the housing minimum dwelling standards, insufficient also supply of public rental housing for the is a reality that there. In addition, the ratio of housing costs of these income account is also very high, and has been acting as the burden of household, there is a difficulty to live like a human being. Not only the supply of public rental housing to live like a human being today, is a very important quality housing welfare policy to ensure that can improve the human life in the management dimension of public rental housing. In short, the government recognizes that there is the weak hierarchy housing problem becomes a social problem, it shall take measures for the realization of these dwellings welfare. If we look at the rental housing system of the major developed countries, the case of the major developed countries, through the promotion of rental housing policy with a continuous and consistent, public as well as local governments, to target multiple types of tenants from public institutions , it has supplied the rental housing of a variety of forms to meet the hierarchy of characteristics and needs. Moreover, at a time when rental housing stock is insufficient, the central government are involved extensively in the housing market and led the quantitative expansion of housing, and the housing inventory problem is a constant part resolution, the central government is are going to switch to the support means, such as a rent subsidy and housing costs support policy by reducing the direct intervention. South Korea permanent rental housing, '50 public rental housing, '30, '20, '10 national rental housing, long-term lease housing, such as roost housing, are very diverse supply, but in the management of a residential welfare dimension, is a real tendency to neglect. In order to overcome the deficiencies on this kind of system, it is necessary to redefine the concept of rental housing, the tenant selection criteria for the effective allocation, the current complex tenants selection procedures and qualifications there is a need to expand the receiving object to be simplified. furthermore, the continuity member, target layer that is suitable for each type of housing policy, supply and distribution system does not take into account the housing demand, the structure of the scale and bottle of house, it will be improved also to issues such as housing management. On the other hand, as the future challenges of public rental housing, reform and improvement of the management operating system of rent system, tenants of residential welfare management, induction of the introduction of the local welfare system cooperation and social welfare management, and reasonable housing consumption and a variety of public rental housing and activation of housing regulation construction, and formats for sharing a part of the role of the supply system, small-scale consumer living strategic supply of development of the center, roles for cost reduction, etc. It can be mentioned. Therefore, the government for charter and rent market stabilization at the moment, leading promotion and vulnerable hierarchy If you do not develop a policy in the direction to expand the private support of urban regeneration business, there must expand the supply of public rental housing it is necessary to prepare a policy that can realize housing welfare that can improve the quality of life. Keyword : The vulnerable, The public rental housing, Housing rights, Housing Welfare, Permanent Rental Housing, National Rental Housing, 50 public rental housing, long-term lease housing

      • 집합건물의 하자담보책임에 관한 연구: 임대주택을 중심으로

        서시진 남서울대학교 복지경영대학원 2022 국내석사

        RANK : 247599

        우리나라 국민의 대부분은 공동주택에 거주하고 있다. 공동주택 중에서도 특히 아파트에 거주하고 있는 실정이다. 이러한 공동주택은 주택건설사업자가 아파트 등을 준공하기 전에 미리 분양하는 방법으로 공동주택을 공급하고 있다. 공동주택은 분양계약에 의해 수분양자가 목적물을 인수한 이후에 하자가 발생한 경우에 분양자에게 하자담보책임을 부담하게 하여야 한다. 집합건물에 관한 하자담보책임은 민법상 매매의 하자와는 달리 특칙으로 정하고 있다. 이는 분양자로 하여금 견고한 건물을 짓도록 유도하고 부실하게 건축된 집합건물의 소유자를 보호하기 위하여 분양자에게 하자담보책임을 질 수 있도록 한 것이다. 공동주택의 시장의 규모가 커지고 공동주택의 보존행위의 중요성이 증대되고 있다. 이러한 연유로 현실적으로 집합건물의 하자의 발생으로 인하여 분쟁이 증가하고 있다. 집합건물에 관련된 법률은 민법, 집합건물법, 주택법, 건축법, 공동주택관리법 등이 있다. 그러나 개별법률은 하자담보책임에 관하여 적용기준이 각각 달라 집합건물의 하자담보책임의 분쟁 해소에 어려움이 있다. 민법에서는 하자담보책임의 내용으로써 하자보수, 손해배상청구, 계약해제에 관하여 규정하고 있으나 집합건물법에서는 계약해제에 관한 규정은 두지 않고 있다. 물론 판례에서는 공동주택에 중대한 하자가 있는 경우에 계약해제권을 인정하고 있다. 특히 공동주택이 임대에서 분양으로 전환된 임대아파트의 경우에 하자담보책임을 인정해야 하는 문제가 있다. 임대 후 분양 전환된 경우 하자담보책임의 제척기간과 기산점을 어떻게 정할 것인가 문제이다. 이러한 경우에도 하자담보책임에 대해서 집합건물법을 준용해야 할 것이다. 따라서 본 논문에서는 위와 같은 문제점을 해결하기 위해서 먼저 집합건물의 하자담보책임의 일반법이라고 할 수 있는 민법의 하자담보책임 규정을 살펴보았다. 민법 제667조는 완성된 목적물에 하자가 있는 때에는 도급인은 수급인에 대하여 상당한 기간을 정하여 그 하자의 보수를 청구할 수 있다. 그리고 도급인은 하자의 보수에 갈음하여 또는 보수와 함께 손해배상을 청구할 수 있다. 이러한 규정은 하자보수청구권과 손해배상청구권을 인정하고 있다. 민법 제668조는 도급인이 완성된 목적물의 하자로 인하여 계약의 목적을 달성할 수 없는 때에는 계약을 해제할 수 있다. 그러나 건물 기타 토지의 공작물에 대하여는 그러하지 아니하다. 여기서는 계약해제권을 인정하고 있다. 따라서 하자담보책임의 내용으로써 하자보수청구권, 손해배상청구권, 계약해제권에 대해서 검토하였다. 그리고 주요 국가의 집합건물에 대한 하자담보책임 제도에 관한 내용을 고찰하여 우리나라에 대한 시사점을 도출하였다. 또한 집합건물의 하자담보책임을 연구하기 위해서 집합건물에 관련된 개별법의 하자담보책임에 관한 규정을 검토하였다. 개별법은 하자담보책임에 대한 규정이 각각 다르다. 따라서 집합건물의 하자담보책임에 대한 합리적인 해결하기 위하여 일원화된 하자의 판단기준을 마련해야 한다. 특히 임대 후 분양 전환된 공동임대주택에 대해서도 집합건물법을 준용하여 하자담보책임을 인정하여야 한다. 따라서 집합건물의 하자담보책임에 대한 문제점을 도출하여 개선방안을 모색하였다. 이로 인하여 집합건물의 구분소유자 및 임대 후 분양 전환된 공공임대주택의 소유자에게 하자보수청구권, 손해배상청구권, 계약해제권을 인정하여 기본적인 권리를 보호해야 할 것이다. 키워드: 집합건물, 하자담보책임, 하자보수청구권, 손해배상청구권, 계약해제권, 분양계약, 공공임대주택, 임대 후 분양전환, 구분소유자, 하자담보책임 제척기간, 하자담보책임 기산점 The majority of people in South Korea live in multi-family housing such as apartments or Villas. In particular, apartment living is the most popular. Apartments in South Korea are supplied by housing construction companies (developers) through “pre-selling” before they are completed. In the event an individual unit of an apartment block is deemed defective after the buyer (apartment owner) has taken over the object (the individual unit of the apartment block), the seller (construction company or developer) must bear the liability for latent defects under the sale contract. Liabilities for the latent defects related to aggregate buildings, condominium buildings or co-housing apartment buildings are stipulated in Special Rules, unlike defects in sales, under the Korean Civil Act. This provision aims to induce sellers to build a solid building and to allow the seller to take responsibility for defects in order to protect the owner of the poorly built individual unit in an aggregate building. The market size for aggregate buildings is growing, and the importance of preserving the monetary value of such housing is increasing. For this reason, in reality, conflicts are also increasing due to the occurrence of latent defects in aggregate buildings. The laws related to aggregate buildings include the Civil Act, the Act On Ownership And Management Of Condominium Buildings, the Housing Act, the Building Act, and the Multi-Family Housing Management Act. However, there are difficulties in resolving disputes about warranties for defects in aggregate buildings because individual laws have different applicable standards for warranties for defects. The Civil Act stipulates on repairs for latent defects, claims for damages, and contract cancellation (rescission) due to latent defects, but the Act On Ownership And Management Of Condominium Buildings does not provide any provision regarding contract cancellation. Of course, the precedent recognizes the right to cancel or rescind the contract if there is a serious defect in individual unit in an aggregate building. Especially in the case of converting rental apartments to condominiums that are sold and owned by individuals, warranties for defects must be acknowledged. Another issue is how to determine the period and the starting point of warranties for defects after rental housing conversion. Even in this case, regarding warranties to defects, the Act On Ownership And Management Of Condominium Buildings should be applied. Therefore, in order to solve the above issues, the provisions of the Civil Act, which can be said to be the general law regarding warranties of defects in aggregate buildings, are reviewed in this paper. According to Article 667 of the Civil Act, “where any defect is found in the completed subject-matter of a work”, “the person who ordered the work may demand the contractor to repair and rectify such defect within a specified period”. However, “the person who has ordered the work may claim compensation in lieu of, or together with, correction of the defect”. According to Article 668 of the Civil Act, “if, by reason of some defect in the finished subject-matter of the work, the purpose of the contract cannot be achieved, the person who ordered the work may rescind the contract: Provided, That this shall not apply to a building or any other structure on land.” Here, the right to cancel a contract is acknowledge. Regarding warranties for defects, a legal right to claim compensation for the cost to repair the allegedly defective unit, a legal right to claim compensation for damage caused by latent defects, and a legal right to cancel a contract have been also reviewed. In addition, systems related to latent defects and warranty or liability in respect of latent defects in aggregate buildings in the world’s “major countries” have been considered, and the implications for South Korea have been drawn. In order to look into warranties for defects in aggregate buildings, the provisions on warranties for defects in the individual laws related to aggregate buildings have been reviewed. Each law has different provisions for warranties for defects. Therefore, in order to rationally resolve warranties for defects in aggregate buildings, it is necessary to prepare a unified standard for judging latent defects. In particular, even for public rental apartments that have been converted to condominiums after being sold and owned by individuals, warranties to defects must be recognized by applying the Act On Ownership And Management Of Condominium Buildings. The issues related to warranties for defects in aggregate buildings have been identified, and improvements have been sought. In order to protect the basic rights of owners of multi-family housing buildings or aggregate buildings, a legal right to claim compensation for damage caused by latent defects, including the cost to repair defects, and the right to cancel a contract should be recognized. Key words: Aggregate buildings, Warranties for defects, A legal right to claim compensation for the cost to repair the allegedly defective unit or component, A legal right to claim compensation for damage caused by latent defects, A legal right to cancel a contract, A contract to purchase, Rental housing, The prescribed period of warranties for defects, The starting point of warranties for defects

      • 산지관리제도의 효율적인 개선방안에 관한 연구 : 산지전용허가제도를 중심으로

        정경모 남서울대학교 2019 국내박사

        RANK : 247599

        우리나라는 좁은 국토에 비하여 많은 산지를 보유하고 있지만 개발에 필요한 토지는 부족한 실정이다. 현재 우리 사회는 빠른 경제적인 발전으로 도시의 확장과 산업의 발전으로 인하여 사회의 많은 변화를 가져오고 있다. 정부나 개발업자들은 개발에 필요한 토지를 확보하기 위하여 비교적 가격이 싼 산지를 확보하여 가용토지의 공급대상으로 산지를 개발하는데 많은 시간과 노력을 투자한다. 지금까지 산지개발은 주로 택지용지나 산업용지 등으로 공급하기 위한 목적으로 개발하였다. 이러한 경우 개별산지마다 전용허가기준에만 적합하다고 판단되면 개발업자들이 어느 산지든 전용허가 신청을 하면 행정청에서는 허가를 거부하지 아니하고 거의 허가를 승인해 주는 실정이었다. 따라서 개별산지마다 산지전용이 되어 개발이 용이하게 되어 산지가 난개발 현상이 발생하여 산지의 기능이 떨어지고 개발된 산지의 주변의 경관이 훼손되는 현상도 발생하게 되었다. 또한 산지개발로 인하여 인근지역과의 상호 토지활용도 떨어지고 개발업자와 인근주민간의 마찰로 민원이 발생하는 경우가 많다. 산지의 개발은 경제적 발전을 위하여 개발도 중요하지만 난개발 및 환경오염을 방지하고 산지개발 주변의 경관을 훼손하지 않는 범위에서 개발하여 종합적으로 서로 조화를 이루어야 할 것이다. 향후 우리나라의 산업의 구조적인 변화와 인구 감소로 인하여 필요한 토지의 절대적수요가 많이 줄어질 것이다. 우리국민들의 경제적 여유와 환경의 변화로 산지에 대한 관심이 건강과 정신적 건강관리로 많은 관심이 변화하고 있다. 이에 따라 산지개발 및 산지관리 방식이 국민의 호응할 수 있는 방법 및 인식으로 변화되어야 할 것이다. 본 연구에서는 먼저 산지관리법령과 산지에 관련된 법령을 검토하고, 현실에서 산지개념의 혼란을 해소하기 위해서 산지의 개념을 정의하였다. 합리적인 산지를 관리하기 위해서 산지관리의 기준이 되는 산지의 구분을 필지단위가 아닌 지역단위로 구분하였다. 산지의 주변과의 조화를 이루게 하여 토지의 효율성과 토지의 기능을 극대화 시키는 방안을 제시하였다. 산지의 기능과 입·목의 상태를 유지하기 위해서는 보전산지의 지정을 효과적으로 보전하기 위하여 지정요건을 개선하고 보전지역에서의 행위제한 규정을 개발이 허용되지 않게 엄격하게 적용할 수 있는 방안도 제시하였다. 산지관리에 있어서 산지관리법과 국토계획법에서 이중적으로 관리하고 있어서 산지관리에 어려움이 있다. 이에 대한 합리적인 산지관리방법을 모색하는 것이 매우 중요하다. 산지개발에 있어서는 난개발을 방지하기 위해서 산지전용허가제와 산지전용협의제가 있다. 그러나 산지전용협의제는 대규모 산지의 개발이 진행되게 하고 산지에 관한 법률들을 무의미하게 하므로 문제를 야기시키는 경우가 있다. 산지전용허가제는 산지전용허가기준을 규정하고 있지만 산지허가기준에 맞으면 불허가처분이 되는 경우가 없고 대부분 허가를 받아 난개발의 우려가 발생한다. 특히 현행법상 산지전용허가기준이 현실적으로 문제되고 있는 표고, 평균경사도, 입·목축적의 비율이 있다. 합리적인 산지전용허가기준을 마련하기 위해서 이에 관한 개선방안을 도출하였다. 현행 관리제도는 산지관리는 「산지관리법」으로 산림자원은 「산림자원의 조성 및 관리에 관한 법률」로 규정되어 있고 산림보호는 「산림보호법」법으로 규정하고 있어 관리·감독기관이 서로 다르게 되어 있어 업무의 효율성이 떨어지고 혼란만을 야기하고 있다. 산지관리에 필요한 기관이 하나로 통합하여 관리가 이루어지면 계획적이고 합리적이며 효율적인 산지관리가로 이루어져 산지의 합리적인 보전과 이용을 통하여 임업의 발전과 산림의 다양한 공익기능의 증진을 도모함으로써 국민경제의 건전한 발전과 국토환경보전에 크게 이바지할 것이다. 앞으로는 산지와 산림을 구분하여 관리하는 제도보다는 산지와 산림을 함께하는 관리제도가 필요하다. 주제어:산지 개발, 국토 계획법, 표고, 환경오염, 경관 훼손, 산지 관리법, 산지전용협의제, 산지전용허가기준 Korea has a lot of mountainous districts compared with its narrow national territory, but the land required for development is insufficient. At present, our society has brought many changes in society due to the expansion of the city and the development of the industry due to rapid economic development. The government or developers invest a lot of time and effort to develop the mountainous districts as the target of available land by securing relatively cheap mountainous districts to secure the mountainous districts needed for development. Up to now, the development of mountainous districts has been developed mainly for the supply of housing site and industrial site. In this case, if it is judged that only the requirements for the permission for conversion of the mountainous districts is suitable for each individual mountainous districts, if the developers apply for a permission for conversion of any kind of mountainous districts, the administrative agency does not refuse permission and approves almost permission. Thus, it became easy to develop individual sites, which resulted in reckless development phenomenon of the mountainous districts, resulting in poor functions of the areas and damaging the landscape around the areas developed. Also, due to the development of mountainous districts, adjacent areas utilization with adjacent areas is decreased, and complaints often arise due to friction between developers and nearby residents. The development of mountainous districts is important for economic development, but it is necessary to develop them in harmony with each other so as to prevent reckless development and environmental pollution and to protect the landscape around mountainous districts development. In the future, the absolute demand for the necessary land will be greatly reduced due to structural changes in the nation's industry and a decrease in population. The nation's interest in mountainous districts is changing into health and mental health care due to the changes in economic margins and the environment. As a result, the methods of mountainous districts development and management should be changed to ways and perceptions that can appeal to the nation. In this study, first, we reviewed the laws and regulations related to mountainous districts management laws and mountainous districts, and defined the concept of mountainous districts to solve confusion of mountainous districts concept in reality. In order to manage a reasonable mountainous districts, the division of the mountainous districts which is the standard of the mountainous districts management is divided into the regional unit instead of the parcel unit. And suggests ways to maximize the efficiency of the land and the functions of the land. In order to maintain the function of the mountainous districts and the state of the standing timber, we have proposed a way to improve the designation requirements to effectively preserve the designation of the preservation area and to strictly apply the restrictions on the behavior in the preservation area. In mountainous districts management, it is difficult to manage the mountainous districts because it is managed in duplicate in the mountainous districts management law and the national land planning law. It is very important to find a reasonable mountainous districts management method. In mountainous districts development, I have. However, there is a case where the consultation for exclusive use of mountainous districts causes development of large-quantity mountainous districts and makes the laws about mountainous districts meaningless. Although the Permission for conversion of the Mountainous districts is regulated for permitting the exclusive use of mountainous districts, there is no case where it is not disqualified if it meets the approval criteria for the mountainous districts. Particularly, there are the elevation, mean slope, and the scale of standing timber, which are real problems in requirements for permission for conversion of the mountainous districts in the current law. In order to establish requirements for permission for conversion of the mountainous districts, improvement plans have been derived. The current management system is defined as the mountainous districts management law, the forest resources are defined by the law on the creation and management of forest resources, and the forest conservation is regulated by the Forest Protection Act. If the necessary institutions for the management of the mountain are integrated and managed, the planned, rational and efficient management of the mountain will be achieved. Through the rational conservation and utilization of the mountain area, the development of forestry and the promotion of various public interest functions of the forest will promote sound development And contribute to the preservation of the environment of the country. In the future, a management system that combines mountainous districts with forests is needed rather than systems that separate mountainous districts from forests. Keywords : Development of mountainous districts, National land planning law, The elevation, Environmental pollution, Damaging the landscape around, Mountainous districts management laws, Consultation for exclusive use of mountainous, Permission for conversion of the Mountainous districts

      • 장기미집행 도시·군계획시설의 해소 및 적정성 제고방안에 관한 연구

        박희원 남서울대학교 2018 국내박사

        RANK : 247599

        도시·군계획시설이란 일반적 정의와 법류적 정의로 구분할 수 있다. 도시·군계획시설의 일반적 정의는 시민의 공동생활과 밀접한 관련이 있은 시설 중 법정 도시계획에 의하여 설치되는 물리적 시설을 말한다. 법률적 정의는 기반시설 중 국토의 계획 및 이용에 관한 법률 제2조 제7호에 따라 도시·군관리계획으로 결정·고시된 시설을 말한다. 이러한 시설은 도시·군관리계획에 의해 정부가 직접 설치하거나 민간이 정부의 지원을 받아 설치 또는 자력으로 설치한다. 도시·군계획시설로 결정·고시되면, 원칙상 개발행위를 할 수 없다. 이로 인하여 국민의 재산권 제한이 되어 국민의 불만으로 분쟁이 발생한다. 특히 문제는 도시·군계획시설로 결정되고 조속히 설치를 하지 아니하고 장기간 집행하지 아니하는 경우이다. 이러한 시설을 장기미집행 도시·군계획시설이라 한다. 장기미집행 도시·군계획시설이란 도시·군계획시설로 결정·고시된 후 10년 이상 사업을 시행하지 않고 방치한 시설을 말한다. 이러한 경우에 더욱더 국민의 재산권이 제한이 되지만 손실보상 규정이 없는 것이 문제된다. 장기미집행 도시·군계획시설이 발생하는 원인은 지방재정이 열악하여 재원확보의 어려움이 주요 요인일 것이다. 그러나 근본적인 원인은 지방자치단체의 의지와 노력의 부족이다. 장기미집행 도시·군계획시설은 장기간 개발행위와 재산권을 제한하하게 되어 국민의 권리침해가 심각하게 된다. 이러한 문제를 해소하기 위해서 매수청구제도와 2020년부터 자동해제제도를 도입하게 되었다. 매수청구제도를 실시하고 있지만 현실적으로 매수를 청구해도 행정청에서 수용하는 경우가 매우 미흡하다. 자동으로 해제가 되더라도 장기미집행 도시·군계획시설부지가 일반부지로 전환되기 때문에 난개발 우려가 발생하고 해제를 원하는 자와 원하지 않은 자 사이에 서로 분쟁이 발생할 우려가 있다. 그래서 해제 후에 해소방안이 중요하다. 본 논문에서는 장기미집행 도시·군계획시설의 현황을 파악하여 문제점을 도출하였다. 이를 토대로 장기미집행 도시·군계획시설의 문제점에 대해서 해소 및 적정성 방안을 제시하였다. 따라서 본 논문의 연구목적은 장기미집행 도시·군계획시설로 인한 국민의 재산권의 제한 대해서 권리구제방안을 제시하여 국민의 재산권 보호를 목적으로 한다. 주제어 : 도시·군관리계획, 기반시설, 도시·군계획시설, 개발행위, 매수청구제도, 일몰제, 국토의 게획 및 이용에 관한 법률, 장기미집행 도시·군계획시설 Urban or Gun planning facilities can be divided into general definitions and legal definitions. General definition of Urban or Gun planning facilities means the physical facilities that are installed according to the urban planning among those that are closely related to communal life of citizens. The legal definition refers to facilities that have been determined and published as urban or Gun management plan according to Article 2 Article 7 of the National Land Planning and utilization Act among infrastructure. These facilities were set up by the government directly according to the urban or military management plan or by the private sector with the support of the government or by themselves. Once determined or announced as an urban or Gun planning facilities, It can not be carried out development actions in principle. As a result, the people's property rights are restricted, resulting in disputes due to the people's dissatisfaction. Particularly problematic were the cases in which the planned urban or Gun planning facilities were decided and did not install immediately and carried out for a long time. These facilities means long-term uncollected urban or Gun planning facilities. Long-term uncollected urban or Gun planning facilities shall mean those that have not been carried out for more than 10 years after they were determined or published as urban or Gun planning facilities. In such a case, the people's property rights are more restrictive but there is no provision for compensation for losses. The main cause of the outbreak of the long-distributed urban or Gun planning facilities would be difficulties in securing funds due to the lack of local finance. But the underlying cause is a lack of will and efforts by local governments. The long-constrained urban or Gun planning facilities were required to limit their development activities and property rights for a long time, the people's violation of their rights became serious. Purchase request in order to address these issues will introduce a system and automatic release system from 2020. Although the government has implemented a purchase request system, it is not enough to be accepted by the administration when it actually makes a purchase request. Even though the land is automatically canceled, the land for the non-collected urban or Gun planning facilities is converted to a general land, creating a problem between those who want to do so and those who do not want to do so. So it is important to do so after lifting. In this paper, the problem was derived by identifying the status of the urban or Gun planning facilities that have not been implemented for a long time. Based on this, the Commission proposed solutions to problems concerning long-term uncollected urban and military planning. Therefore, the purpose of this research paper is to protect the property rights of the people by presenting a measure to protect the rights of the people in limiting property rights due to the uncollected urban or military planning facilities. Keywords : urban or Gun management plan, infrastructure, urban or Gun planning facilities, development activity, Purchase claim system, automatic release system, the National Land Planning and utilization Act, long-term uncollected urban or Gun planning facilities

      • 산지관리제도의 개선방안에 관한 연구 : 산지관리법을 중심으로

        정경모 남서울대학교 대학원 2014 국내석사

        RANK : 247599

        Our society has become rapidly democratization and mutiplication The 21st century is the country's economic development and decentralization promoted by the various functions of forests can be demonstrated by considering the characteristics of regional conservation and development will be done in harmony. In the future, we need to pursue, in the forest management is being reasonably meet the demands of forest development inevitable supply in the forest such as road site, industrial site, housing site and leisure site also have to drive environmentally-friendly development by preventing the development thoughtless for the forest environment. This study established this by research task under critical mind that the amelioration plan is needed about Mountain district Government official system among permit standard specifically for the forest hat is being effective to plan wholesome development of national economy and land environmental preservation through reasonable preservation of mountain district and use. This study set uses a reasonable conservation of a healthy national economy through development and land conservation for producing management system being implemented in the regions of the private standard approval is necessary for the improvement of measures against problem drinking and result in research . The First chapter of the study is arranged background and purpose, research method. The second chapter examines the theoretical reflections on the management of forest, the third chapter is dedicated to the permit system specifically for the forest. In particular, an analysis permit system specifically for the forest through the practice of foreign countries in Germany and Japan, which the developed countries forestry , the fourth chapter is based on the permit system specifically for the forest issues and improvement measures. The fifth chapter provides summary and conclusions delivered. If you look at the main findings are as follows. First of all,, it is necessary to manage As a natural environment-friendly development conservation forest if you want to develop similar functionality with the system incorporates a single law. Japan, as one of the system with similar functionality by integrating it into management would think it will increase the efficiency of the system. If you develop a forest, applied with「 National Land Planning and Utilization Act 」 and 「 Management of Mountainous Districts Act 」. In order that it will be carried out - Poor maintenance with the task of legal provisions at a national land management council efficient management. Secondly, in order to systematically manage the area which Restriction to neighboring area development to administration integrated Urban planning information systems and National land spatial planning It is necessary to build an information system can figure out in advance whether development act or permit system specifically for the forest and Restriction to neighboring area development target. Third, Measures for environmentally-friendly forest development to integration of the permit system specifically for the forest standard and development standard of specific identification. For development standard of the forest district, ancient city limitation for right to sunshine security of mode of life ecology-preservation-region and development area or special standard preparation about natural landscape that can consider special quality of a mountainous district with rape and influence in development need . Fourthly, the permit system specifically for the forest standard should be operate flexible eco-friendly setting standards for the regional situation and characteristic in the region. Fifth, the measurement methods of permit system specifical standard shall be clarified. Altitude limit is desirable that is clearly provision can develop by the bottom of the mountain's foot not the mountain's head can be changed by various shape. Transfer ratio of reserve forest lands should be apply differential Adapted to the characteristics of the areas unfavorable or environment to consider the regional situation and characteristic in the region rather than uniform regulation.

      • 개발제한구역의 지정에 따른 권리구제 방안에 관한 연구

        홍평화 남서울대학교 복지경영대학원 2015 국내석사

        RANK : 247599

        If designated as the limited development district, the behavior in the limited development district is restricted and the right of residents in the district is violated. In order to receive the right relief in this case, residents should choose the cancellation contestation or supplement. If the designation is recognized as the disposition and the disposition is illegal, they can receive the relief by the cancellation contestation, and if the disposition is a legitimate exercise, they can receive the relief by the supplement. However, since the designation of limited development district is decided by the administrative subject with the plan discretion as the city, county management plan unlike the administrative discretion, it is difficult to judge the illegality by the abuse or deviation of discretion and as the nations do not participate in designating the limited development district directly, it is not right to say the designation of the district is all legitimate. When residents would receive the relief by the ongoing relief system cancellation contestation, given the administrative legislation or administrative behavior that the designation of limited development district is illegal, the designation cannot be refuted by the cancellation contestation realistically because of the regulation of the clause 2 of article 107 of the ongoing constitution. Constitutional Court rejected it. Also, if the designation of limited development district is regarded as the legitimate behavior, residents can receive the relief by the compensation for damage. However, in regard to the property right limit, there is no general law provided as the current law but provided as the individual law. Although it is not provided on the individual law or provided, it is realistically hard to receive the relief if there is no regulation on the procedure or method. It is a problem how to receive the relief in this case. Since the regulation of individual law is weak when the right infringement happens about the designation of limited development district, it is difficult to receive the right relief, and Constitutional Court judged it was the problem that lawmakers should enact a new law when the property right is restricted by the designation of limited development district, which was not the pursuit of solution but the evasion of responsibility. If the residents cannot receive the relief when their right is infringed, it is against the constitutionalism and principle of private property system and it can be unconstitutional. Therefore the relief plan will have to be found. To find the relief plan, this thesis should see the designation of limited development district as the administrative legislation first and if it is illegal, it will have to interpret the clause 2, article 107 of the constitution differently and open a way to deal with it as the cancellation contestation as Germany. Also, although the compensation of damage is not stipulated or stipulated, if it is weak the acceptance similar invasion theory or boundary theory, German theories, will have to be accepted to seek for the relief plan on the property right infringement.

      • 한·중 부동산 조세정책의 비교분석에 관한 연구

        유병함 남서울대학교 대학원 2015 국내석사

        RANK : 247599

        China's economy has grown rapidly since its reform and opening-up. For this reason, there has been much interest in real estate, especially in China, followed by strong desire to possess it. In China, private ownership to the land was not recognized. However, since the reform and opening up, land use right, one of the features of land ownership, has come to be recognized. Therefore, interested in investing in real estate has been very strong in China, which has recently resulted in serious problems related to real estate speculation. Rampant real estate speculation would increase the frequency of irregular transactions among the speculators who seek after unearned incomes, which raises the values of real estate, contributing to a boost in prices. This would cause overall chaos in the order of the real estate transactions in China, leading to a loss of motivation among the ordinary people. In this regard, the Chinese government is making its efforts to improve its real estate tax policy to prevent speculation, but the improvement efforts are still incomplete state. Thus, this study seeks to derive ways of making China's real estate tax policy more efficient in an effort to hold in checks real estate speculations in China, by making comparison and analysis between the taxation policies in the two countries (i,e., China and Korea). First, regarding Korea's real estate tax system, this study examined the Acquisition tax, in which acquisition of a certain property such as real estate becomes an object of taxation; Property tax & Comprehensive Real Estate Holding Tax, in which ownership of real estate constitutes an object of taxation; and Transfer Income Tax, in which incomes incurred through an transfer of land, buildings, etc. are subject to taxation. As for China's taxation system, it reviewed Contract Tax (i.e.,契税), the Chinese version of Acquisition Tax, in which the real estate if its ownership is changed, becomes an object of taxation; Stamp Tax (i.e.,印花稅), which is collected from receiving parties as Property Tax after the change or the transfer of property right (over real estate) takes place; Land Value Added Tax (i.e.土地增值税), the Chinese version of Real Estate Transfer Tax, in which, if transferred, the right of using state-owned land as well as buildings or fixtures on land becomes subject to taxation; Corporate Income Tax which is collected on the incomes of the businesses that develop, manage, and administer real estate; Property Tax (i.e.,房產稅), the Chinese version of Possession Tax, which is collected from the owners of the buildings, when profits are incurred from the increased values of, or the lease of those buildings; and City & Town Land Tax (i.e.,城镇土地稅), which is collected on land in cities or towns (i.e.,镇,) purposed to encourage reasonable use of the land, and moderately adjust the gaps in the levels of incomes incurred from the land use in those areas. Also, it mentioned the challenges against China's future tax policies, by deriving common denominators and differences and then by making comparison and analysis between the two countries' systems of Acquisition tax, Transfer Tax, and Possession Tax. In order to overcome these challenges, the kinds of taxes related to real estate should be integrated, the demand and supply of real estate (should be) realigned, the scopes of taxation (should be) defined, and the income of real estate tax (should be) transferred to local government. In addition, in light of a great difference between the regions in China, by-grade jurisdiction of real estate taxation should be established based on real situation of each district.

      • 재개발 재건축에 있어서 기부채납에 관한 연구

        김성수 남서울대학교 복지경영대학원 2016 국내석사

        RANK : 247599

        우리나라는 급격한 경제성장과 산업화로 인구가 도시로 집중하게 되었고, 그 결과 도시의 급속한 성장을 이루었다. 도시의 빠른 성장은 부분별한 도시계획을 초래하게 되었다. 이로 인해 도시기반시설이 취약하고 많은 문제점이 발생하였지만 지방자치단체의 재정상태가 열약하여 도시기반시설의 확충에 소요되는 예산 확보가 어려웠고, 또한 도시기반시설에 필요한 예산 중에서 부지 확보에 소요된 예산 비중이 매우 높고 부지를 매입하고자 하여도 소유주의 동의를 받기가 매우 어려운 관계로 도시기반시설을 계획대로 추진하기가 어려운 설정이었다. 이러한 어려움을 해결하기 위해서 중앙정부와 지방자치단체에서 선택한 방안 중 하나가 “기부채납제도”라 할 수 있다. 중앙정부와 지방자치단체에서는 해당 토지등소유자에게 법 또는 조례를 적용하여 적당한 “인센티브”를 제공하는 방법과 “수요자부담원칙”이라는 명분을 내세워 기부채납제도를 운용하게 되었다. 이러한 기부채납과 무상귀속이라는 제도는 현재까지 모호한 법적 기준과 부담의 과도함으로 인하여 많은 문제점을 발생시키고 있다. 먼저 기부채납과 무상귀속의 대상이 되는 기반시설의 법적 의미가 무엇인지에 대한 규명이 우선되어야 한다. 「국토의 계획 및 이용에 관한 법률」등에서는 유사한 성격의 공적 시설에 대하여 기반시설, 공공시설, 도시계획시설 등의 개념을 사용하고 있으나 「국토의 계획 및 이용에 관한 법률」상 기반시설은 지방자치단체의 공공시설과 구별되며 일정한 물적 형태를 가진 시설중의 하나로 도시형성이나 시민 생활에 필수적이고 계획적인 배치가 필요한 시설이라고 할 수 있다. 기반시설에 대하여 설치와 관리를 국가 또는 지방자치단체의 책임으로 하고 있고 기반시설의 책임을 국가 또는 지방자치단체에 부여하는 것은 책임의 규범적 근거로 고려될 수 있는 생존배려 관념과 헌법상 사회국가의 원리라고 볼 수 있다. 기반시설의 기부채납은 순수한 기부채납과 수익적 행정행위의 부관으로서 부가되는 기부채납, 행정청의 반대급부가 전제가 되는 기부채납으로 분류 할 수 있으며 대법원은 기부채납의 법적 성격에 대하여 행정청의 반대급부가 전제가 되는 기부채납에 대하여는 부담부 증여계약이라고 하고 나머지 기부채납에 대해여는 증여계약이라고 한다. 무상귀속과 기부채납은 자주 혼동되고 있으나 제도의 취지나 법적 근거 및 효과, 즉 인센티브의 제공 여부 등 서로 구별되는 제도이다. 「국토의 계획 및 이용에 관한 법률」은 기부채납에 관한 명시적 규정을 두지 않고 있음은 물론 기부채납의 요건이나 기준에 대하여도 아무런 규정을 두지 않고 있다. 재건축‧재개발 시 기부채납에 관련해서 많은 문제점이 발생하고 있는데도 명확한 기준이 없다. 따라서 기부채납에 따른 국가 책임의 여부를 명확히 할 수 있는 기준마련과 공공시설의 규정문제와 무상귀속의 규정문제 및 기부채납의 규정문제 등을 통하여 무상귀속의 근거가 되는 법률상의 문제점을 해결하고 기부채납의 규정을 명확히 할 수 있는 제도적인 방안이 마련하여야 할 것이다. 주제어 : 기반시설, 기부채납, 무상귀속, 공공시설. Koreans have concentrated on cities because of rapid economic growth and industrialization. As a result, cities grew fast. Rapid growth of cities caused unclear urban planning. So many problems occurred. However, Local governments failed to secure the budget for the city infrastructure due to poor financial conditions. In addition, it is difficult to proceed with the city infrastructure as it is difficult to obtain the consent of the owner. To solve these problems, the measures selected by the government and local governments are contributed acceptance. The central government and local governments used the contributed acceptance to provide incentives by applying the law to the landowner. Contributed acceptance and gratuitous contributions are causing many problems due to vague legal standards and excessive burdens. First, it should clarify the legal standards of the urban infrastructure that are subject to the contributed acceptance and gratuitous contribution. According to the「Act on the Planning and Utilization of the National Territory」, the infrastructure, public facilities, and urban infrastructure are used for public facilities. However, the underlying infrastructure of the 「Act on the Planning and Utilization of the National Territory」is distinct from public facilities and is a facility that is essential to civil life and formation of city. The government's responsibility to install and manage infrastructure is to protect people's livelihood and the principles of social welfare. The contributed acceptance of the infrastructure is classified into a pure contributed acceptance and a profitable contributed acceptance. The Supreme Court argues that profitable contributed acceptances are called conditional donation, and pure contributed acceptance is defined as a donation contract. Both gratuitous contribution and contributed acceptance can be confused, but are differentiated from the intent of the incentives and the purpose of the system. According to the「Act on the Planning and Utilization of the National Territory」, there are no criteria or requirements for contributed acceptance. There are no restrictions on contributed acceptance, although there are many issues regarding contributed acceptance in redevelopment and reconstruction. Therefore, the government should seek a measure to clarify the legal standards of the contributed acceptance and gratuitous contribution. Keywords : infrastructure, contributed acceptance, gratuitous contribution, public facility.

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