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      • 유아환경교육 프로그램이 유아의 정서지능에 미치는 영향

        김지숙 한국국제대학교 대학원 2012 국내석사

        RANK : 247583

        This study is to look into an effect of early childhood environmental education program on young children`s emotional intelligence with attention to the fact that early childhood environmental education program enriches young children`s emotion. The study focuses on providing basic data for desirable early childhood environmental education by suggesting some of qualitative plans for early childhood environmental education program. The author tried to provide basic data useful to appropriate educational contents that might cause change in young children`s emotional intelligence through 'perception of own self-emotion, perception of others' emotion, perception and expression of own self-emotion, emotion control and impulse control, relationship with teacher, relationship with peer group' which are the subelements that effect on young children`s emotional intellectual development. The research subjects set to achieve these study purpose are as follows. How the early childhood environmental education program effects young children`s emotional intelligence? 1) How the early childhood environmental education program effects young children's 'perception of own self-emotion'? 2) How the early childhood environmental education program effects young children's 'perception of others' emotion'? 3) How the early childhood environmental education program effects young children's 'perception and expression of own self-emotion'? 4) How the early childhood environmental education program effects young children's 'emotion control and impulse controln'? 5) How the early childhood environmental education program effects young children's 'relationship with teacher'? 6) How the early childhood environmental education program effects young children's 'relationship with peer group'? This study targeted at 40 young children invited from 80 of full 3 years old attending child care center A and child care center B located in Jinju city, Kyongnam. Young children in control group and experimental group selected for research comprise children of similar standard of living beyond the middle class. Experimental tool used is 'Children's Emotional Intelligence Rating Scales for Teachers' by Kim, Kyoung-Hee(1999). 'Children's Emotional Intelligence Rating Scales for Teachers' comprises 50 questions total with 6 subelements and each question describes 2 mutual opposite statements. Which require to assess the coincident degree of young children's behavior into the measure of 5 scores based on teacher's usual observation on young children. Early childhood environmental education program has been conducted 14 times total with twice implements of 7 subjects(plant, animal, water, soil, air, green growth and energy, and waste and resources recycling) for 14 weeks during May 13th to July 29th 2011. After program was implemented, test has been carried out during Aug. 1st to Aug. 5th 2011 for experimental group and control group in order to know whether the early childhood environmental education program has significant effect on young children's emotional intelligence. To achieve it, we have done comparative analysis on each group's test result through t verification. SPSS 13.0 program was used for data processing for statistical verification. The result of these research is summed up as follows. Young children with experience of environmental education program showed significant higher emotional intellectual development compared with young children without the experience of environmental education program as a result of the experiment for emotional intellectual development. Also young children with experience of environmental education program showed significant higher developmental level compared with the opposite group regarding the subelements of emotional development which are perception of own self-emotion, perception of others' emotion, perception and expression of own self-emotion, emotion control and impulse control, relationship with teacher, relationship with peer group. Specifically, young children which took part in the Ecology Experience Activity showed significant higher level of development about all areas of general emotonal development(t=20.56, p<.001), 'perception of own self-emotion(t=12.55, p<.001), perception of others' emotion(t=12.21, p<.001), perception and expression of own self-emotion(t=14.97 , p<.001), emotion control and impulse control(t= 10.64, p<.001), relationship with teacher(t=11.61 , p<.001), relationship with peer group(t=11.40 , p<.001) than the other young children. In conclusion, it has shown that early childhood environmental education program has positive effect on young children's emotional intellectual development. Policies need to be made to provide early childhood environmental education program as an educational measure based on this research in order to improve young children's emotional intellectual development in the field of early childhood education. Also, a suggestion is that programs in organic connection with educational institution, home, and the community in the surrounding environment and life of young children need to be developed that could activate programs for early childhood environmental education.

      • 유아교사의 외모에 관한 연구

        이명숙 한국국제대학교 대학원 2010 국내석사

        RANK : 247583

        본 연구는 유아의 정서 발달에 영향을 미칠 수 있는 유아 교사의 외모에 대하여 현재 유아교육기관에서 근무하고 있는 유아교사와 예비 교사를 대상으로 선호하는 유아교사의 외모 상을 조사하여 교사의 자질 향상을 위한 기초 자료로 활용하고자 하였다. 교사의 외모와 관련된 선행 연구 사례 및 결과를 확인하기 위해 국내외 학술지, 논문, 보고서 등의 문헌 조사를 거쳐, 연구 방향을 설정하였고 유아(예비)교사를 대상으로 설문조사를 실시하였다. 수집된 자료에 대한 내용분석을 실시하였으며 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 유아교사 본인의 외모에 대해 90%이상 불만이 없는 것으로 나타났으며, 교사로서 외모에 대한 요인은 62.6%가 중요하다고 생각하고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 이상적인 신체조건(체형, 키)을 묻는 질문에는 예비교사와 현 유아교사 모두 표준체형과 표준키(155cm~164cm)를 선호하는 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 선호하는 외모는 응답자의 80% 이상이 인상이 좋고 표정이 밝은 교사를 선택하였으며, 화장 및 헤어스타일과 관련된 질문에는 78.3%가 전체적으로 연한 화장을, 43.9%가 웨이브가 있는 묶은 머리를 선호하는 것으로 나타났다. 그리고 안경 착용 여부는 상관없다는 입장이었으며, 약한 염색과 단순한 액세서리를 착용하는 것은 무난하다는 의견이었다. 옷차림은 자유복에 모양이 있는 앞치마를 착용한 의상, 덧버선 종류의 신발 착용을 가장 선호하는 것으로 나타났다. 넷째, 성형에 대해서는 응답자의 34.6%가 성형경험이 있다고 답하였으며, 유아의 호감을 높이기 위한 목적의 성형수술에 대한 의지를 조사한 결과는 성형경험이 있는 표본에서는 56.78%, 성형경험이 없는 표본에서는 30.91%의 응답자들이 의지가 있다고 답하였다. 유아교사의 외모는 유아의 인성형성에 큰 영향을 미치게 되며, 교사 자신의 외모, 체형에 대한 만족도가 커짐으로 인해 자존감을 높이는데도 도움을 줄 수 있을 것으로 생각된다. This study intends to research and analyze the early childhood teacher's appearance preferred by themselves that it may affect emotional development of early childhood. To sample survey, the current and preservice early childhood teachers were asked to complete questionnaires. The results of the research and analysis will be used as basic materials for improving the quality of the early childhood teacher. In order to confirm the results of previous research related to teacher's appearance, the review & investigation process for the previous research, papers, reports and etc. were performed. And then, based on those activities and review results of materials, the direction of this study was set. In succession, the questionnaire was used to conduct a survey of the thought about the personal appearance on the current and preservice early childhood teachers. Through a sample survey on the current and preservice early childhood teachers, the following results could be obtained. 1. Survey respondents were asked whether they are satisfied with their appearance and how important is the early childhood teacher's appearance. The answer was as follows: The majority(90%) about their appearance said 'no complaints'. Asked about the importance of appearance, they said 'important' by 62.6% of respondents. 2. To answer the question, 'do you think what body type is the best condition?' It was 'standard body type and height(155 cm ~164 cm)' that most respondents were to choose. 3. Survey respondents(more than 80%) considered that the early childhood teacher's best appearance is a good look and bright impression, overall light makeup(78.3%), a ponytail wave(43.9%) and not a pretty face. They had opinion, 'do not care' about wearing glasses in addition to the weak hair coloring and wearing simple accessory. Their favorite outfit was casual wear with stylish aprons and shoes feature outer socks. 4. From the survey results, 34.6% of respondents had cosmetic experience. As they were asked if they could do plastic surgery so as to promote child's closeness, 56.78%(cosmetic experienced sample) and 30.91%(cosmetic inexperienced sample) of respondent had expressed that they had such intentions. Through this study, we know that the early childhood teacher's body and appearance are important factors in improving the child's emotions and physical intimacy. as well the efforts to create their ideal appearance will increase satisfaction and pride of early childhood teachers themselves. Limitations Because the survey has limitations in Jinju area. the results of study could not represent the opinion of teachers in the entire area. Moreover, in the questionnaire, men and women were note separated as well as the survey didn't consider the hierarchical characteristics. For this reason, survey data is limited. Therefore, for more reliable study result, the various aspects and elements should be reflected to the subsequent studies.

      • 보육시설 평가인증에 따른 교사의 직무만족도와 질적향상만족도에 관한 연구 : 진주지역 민간 보육시설을 중심으로

        김회경 한국국제대학교 대학원 2010 국내석사

        RANK : 247583

        본 연구는 평가인증을 받은 보육시설에서 근무하고 있는 교사들과 평가인증을 받지 않은 보육시설에서 근무하고 있는 교사들의 직무만족도를 비교분석하여 평가인증제를 통한 교사의 자질 향상의 발전적인 방안을 제시할 수 있는 기초자료를 제공하는데 연구의 목적이 있다. 이에 본 연구에서는 보육시설에서 근무하는 교사를 대상으로 직무만족도와 질적 향상 만족도를 조사하여, 보육시설의 평가인증을 받은 시설과 인증을 받지 않은 보육시설에서 근무하는 직무만족도와 질적 향상 만족도를 알아보았으며, 그에 따른 두 집단 간의 차이를 비교분석 하였다. 이에 따른 본 연구결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 평가인증에 따른 보육시설 교사의 직무만족도에 있어서는 공통적으로 보수, 업무량, 평가, 사회적 인정 면에서 불만족 하는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 평가인증여부에 따라 교사의 직무만족도와 질적 향상 만족도를 조사한 결과 모든 요인에서 평가인증을 받은 기관이 높게 나타났으며 통계적으로 유의한 차이가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 시설규모별, 교사연령별, 담당 프로그램별에 따른 교사의 직무만족도와 질적 향상 만족도에 대하여 평가인증시설과 비 인증시설에 따라 비교분석한 결과 모두 평가인증시설이 비 인증시설보다 직무만족도와 질적 만족도가 높은 것으로 나타났다. 이와 같은 결과는 평가인증을 받은 보육시설의 교사들이 평가인증을 받지 않은 보육시설의 교사보다 직무만족도와 질적 향상 만족도가 높다는 것을 나타내므로 평가인증의 여부가 교사의 만족도에 영향을 미치는 것을 알 수 있었다. 하지만 이 결과는 비평가인증 보육시설의 교사와의 비교분석 평가로서 보육시설 교사의 직무만족도만 보았을 때에는 보수, 업무량, 평가, 사회적 인정 면에서 불만족 하는 것으로 나타났기 때문에 보육시설의 평가인증 여부를 떠나 교사들의 직무만족도를 높이기 위한 정책적으로나 사회적으로 보완해야 할 필요성이 있다고 생각되어 진다. The purpose of this study is to lay ground work to improve the quality of teachers through accreditation systems by doing a Comparative analysis on the job satisfaction of teachers at the accredited facilities and non-accredited facilities. This study shows a comparative analysison on teachers' satisfaction of job and quality improvement and difference at between the accredited facilities and non-accredited facilities. The result from this study can be summarized as follows; First, the job satisfaction of child care teachers at accredited facilities was very low in aspects of wages, workload, evaluation and social reputation. Second, in a survey of teachers' satisfaction of job and quality improvement caused by accreditation systems, the result of teachers at accredited facilities was higher than that of those at non-accredited facilities in all aspects and the difference was clear statistically. Third, according to the result of a Comparative analysis on teachers' satisfaction of job and quality improvement caused by accreditation systems, teachers' satisfaction at accredited facilities was higher than That at non-accredited facilities in aspects of the facility size, the age of teachers and types of programs. The result of this study showed that accreditation had an effect on teachers' satisfaction because child care teachers’ satisfaction of job and quality improvement at accredited facilities was higher than that at non-accredited facilities. However, this result is considered that the accreditation needs to be improved in policy and society to increase the job satisfaction of child care teachers in that the job satisfaction of child care teachers working at accredited facilities was very low in aspects of wages, workload, evaluation and social reputation.

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