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      • Autonomy of the Central American System : A comparative study between the autonomy levels of the organizations of the Central American Integration System

        카르멘 서울대학교 대학원 2024 국내석사

        RANK : 2943

        Autonomy of the Central American Integration System A comparative study between the autonomy levels of the organizations of the Central American Integration System Carmen Elena Padilla Soto Global Public Administration Major Graduate School of Public Administration Seoul National University This study tries to answer the question of what constrains the level of autonomy of an International Organization. Rational choice theory states that when states join or found an international organization, they shape them according to their preferred goals, and in base with their interest, assuming that states are rational agents trying to best achieve their aim and reducing the costs associated with it (Snidal, 2016). As part of the Inter American and Pan American tradition, Latin America has multiple regional organizations seeking to strengthen regional collaboration and cooperation and supporting countries in the development of the continent. In the case of Central America, in 1991 the Central American Integration Systems encompasses over 50 regional organizations, working together under the mandate of the Presidents Meeting of Central America, but maintaining a degree of independence and autonomy. Despite all institutions being part of the same system, each of them has their own institutional design, allowing to some more authority than others. Therefore, this study uses the Central American Integration System as a case study to inquire why states allow more autonomy of will to certain institutions and not all. To answer the research question, the study follows previous literature regarding states delegation, autonomy, and IO authority, proposing that the autonomy is conditioned to the type of regime (democracy level) of its member states, to the extent of states preferentiality, measured by the UN Voting Data base, and the pooling of the state’s decisions and representations within the IOs. 본 연구는 ‘무엇이 국제기구의 자율성을 제약하는가’ 라는 질문에 답하려고 합니다. 합리적 선택 이론에 따르면, 국가가 국제기구에 가입하거나 그것을 설립할 때 국가의 우선 목표와 상호 이익에 따라 국제기구를 구성하며, 국가는 목표를 달성하려고 하며 관련된 비용을 줄이기 위해 노력하는 합리적인 행위자라고 가정합니다(Snidal, 2016). 미주 및 범미 전통의 일부로서 라틴 아메리카에는 대륙의 발전을 위해 국가를 지원하거나, 지역적 협력과 교류를 강화하기 위해 노력하 는여러 지역 기구들이 있습니다. 중앙아메리카의 경우, 1991 년부터 중미통합기구가 50 개이상의 지역 조직을 포괄하는 기구로 기능하지만, 어느 정도의 독립성과 자율성을 유지하고 있습니다. 모든 기관이 동일한 시스템의 일부임에도 불구하고 각 기관은 고유의 조직 및 제도 구성을 갖고 있어 다른 기구보다 더 많은 자율성을 허용합니다. 따라서 이 연구는 중미 통합 시스템의 사례를 바탕으로 국가가 모두가 아닌 특정 기관에 더 많은 자율성을 허용하는 지 질문합니다. 질문에 답하기 위해 이 연구는 국가 위임, 자율성, 국제기구 권한에 관해 기존 문헌을 따르며, 자율성이각 회원국의정권유형(민주주의수준), UN 투표 데이터베이스에 의해 측정된 국가 우선 순위 범위, 국제기구 내에서 국가의 결정 총합과 대의권에 따라 조건화된다고 제안합니다. 연구 결과는다음과같습니다. 첫째, 선호이질성은국제기구의자율성에 부정적인 영향을 미칩니다. 즉, 국가 선호가 분산되어 있으면 조직의 자율성이 감소한다는 의미입니다. 둘째, 의사결정 규칙이 국제기구의 자율성에 큰 영향을 미치며, 만장일치나 합의에 의해 결정이 내려지면 국제 기구의자율성은낮은수준으로나타납니다. 셋째, 중미의 맥락에서 가장 자율적인 조직은 경제통합, 환경과 관련된 조직인 반면, 정치부문과 안보와 관련된 조직은 가장 많은 감시와 국가개입을 받는 조직인 것으로 나타났습니다.

      • 유치원 교사의 자율성 인식에 관한 연구

        최두례 전북대학교 교육대학원 2018 국내석사

        RANK : 2942

        This study has investigated that how the autonomy of kindergarten teacher is guaranteed under organizational culture of kindergarten climate and institution operation as well as the teachers’ autonomy recognized by themselves. The study conducted a depth interview targeting 10 kindergarten teachers to investigate the meaning of teacher autonomy that teachers realize in the education field and analyzed improvement plan for securing their autonomy to establish a foundation which could apply the autonomy of teachers to the education field. The study problem to achieve study purpose is as follows. First, what is the meaning and necessity of kindergarten teachers’ autonomy recognized by themselves? Second, what is the characteristic of teacher autonomy in the institution operation such as kindergarten organization culture and characteristic? Third, what is the feature of teacher autonomy in the education and curriculum of kindergarten? Fourth, what is necessary condition to secure and improve kindergarten teachers’ autonomy? As a study method to solve above study problem, this study conducted a depth interview targeting 10 kindergarten teachers working for public and private kindergarten located in Jeonju-si, Jeollabuk-do and 5 teachers from public kindergarten and 5 teachers from private kindergarten by institution type had been participants in the study to analyze teacher autonomy. The study results are as follows. First, teachers recognized their autonomy subjectivity. They thought the meaning of autonomy is that a teacher could spread its thought in the class without disturbance from institution managers or parents of children and operate it based on the self-determination and leadership of task. Second, it needs urgent review about fundamental understanding and value of teacher autonomy. The teachers has recognized that their autonomy is very important and necessary to teach children and emphasized their difficulty of education activities because their autonomy is not guaranteed smoothly in the education field. Third, the teacher autonomy showed different difference in institute types for operation of kindergarten and the teachers who are not guaranteed the autonomy are under work stress. Fourth, it is a recognition that the teacher autonomy is the largest necessary part in education and curriculum of kindergarten but it is hard to demonstrate. Both private and public had planned their education activities based on the Nuri program. It means that there is a limitation to select educational contents and shows inconvenience that teachers only teach children with given contents. Fifth, guarantee of teacher autonomy is closely connected with a leadership of kindergarten director. Teachers has considered that it is important to be recognized and be respected by kindergarten director who is operating and leading kindergarten for guarantee of teacher autonomy. Sixth, professionalism and responsibility is necessary conditions to guarantee teacher autonomy. According to the result, teachers thought that they have to have professionalism and responsibility to secure their autonomy. The study conclusion based on the study results is as follows. First, the autonomy of teacher is important and necessary element for teachers who lead educational activities. Teachers should consider of children’s developmental feature and interesting as well as operating class initiatively. Teachers should implement the education for children containing own educational philosophy through creative and flexible learning activities without outside interference such as managers or parents of children. Second, the autonomy of teacher should be guaranteed in the kindergarten operation, education, and curriculum. There is significant difference in teacher autonomy by institute type. To guarantee the autonomy of teacher, participation rate of teacher might be high and working environment should be improved. Third, professionalism and responsibility as a teacher should be improved to guarantee the autonomy of teacher. Teachers’ active volition and effort to need responsibility is important to improve professionalism for demonstration of teachers’ autonomy. In addition, teachers should have responsibility and effort to deliver high-quality teaching by showing their flexibility and discretionary power.

      • 학교자치시대에 요구되는 학교장의 직무역량 분석

        김혜란 전북대학교 일반대학원 2023 국내박사

        RANK : 2942

        In this study, the job and job competency of the principal required in the age of school autonomy were analyzed. In order to overcome the limitations of function-oriented competency analysis for the principal’s job, competencies were classified including structural competencies for various member organizations and cultural competencies for improving school culture. In addition, 52 indicators according to the competency were developed to examine and analyze the level of the principal's school autonomy competency. The research questions are as follows: First, what is the principal's job required in the age of school autonomy? Second, what is the job competency of the principal required in the age of school autonomy? Third, what is the level of job competency of school principals in the age of school autonomy? • Does the principal's perception of the current level of performance competency differ according to the background variable? • What is the correlation between the principal's current performance competencies? • What is the difference between the principal's current performance competency level and the future required competency level? In the age of school autonomy, the principal’s job competency was divided into ‘functional-level competency group’, ‘structural-level competency group’ and ‘cultural-level competency group’. The ‘functional-level competency group’ consists of five competencies, including “education activity operation”, “student life management", “personnel management", “budget management" and “facility management," and has 22 sub-action indicators. The ‘structural-level competency group’ includes decision-making structures at various levels, including school organization level and educational administration level, consisting of 6 competencies such as “student autonomy", “parent participation", “teacher autonomy", “community relations", “educational administration relationship", and “school operation committee management" and has 21 sub-action indicators. The ‘cultural-level competency group’ is related to school culture such as community consciousness and principal’s leadership, consisting of 3 competencies such as “vision sharing", “autonomy and responsibility" and “communication and cooperation," and has 9 sub-action indicators. A survey was conducted to analyze the level of job competency of principals in the age of school autonomy using the competencies and behavioral indicators developed in this study and 264 elementary, middle, and high school principals (34.3%) in Jeollabuk-do responded to the survey. The results of the survey are as follows. First, as a result of analyzing the difference in recognition of competency by background variable based on the current degree of performance, 41 indicators of school-level variables, 28 indicators of school establishment type variables, 18 indicators of innovative school operation variables, and 6 indicators of school principal's career variable were statistically significant. Second, as a result of analyzing the correlation between 14 competencies based on the current degree of performance, the correlation coefficient between “personnel management” and “student autonomy” competencies was lower than 0.4, and all other competencies were ‘correlated’ with a correlation coefficient of 0.4 or higher. In particular, as a result of comparing competencies with a correlation coefficient of 0.6 or more, the competency of “teacher autonomy” was ‘highly correlated’ with 7 competencies, especially “vision sharing”, “autonomy and responsibility” and “communication and cooperation” with correlation coefficient 0.7 or higher. Third, as a result of analyzing the current performance level and the future need level, most indicators recognized the future need level higher than the current performance level. In addition, the current performance average and future necessity average of the ‘structural-level competency group’ were the lowest among the three competency groups, and the current level of performance and future level of necessity average’s difference by competency group was also the highest. If you look at the results of the priority of education needs from 1st to 10th, 2 indicators of the ‘functional-level competency group’ and 8 indicators of the ‘structural-level competency group’ were included. If education needs are listed from the high ranking to the fifth place, they are indicators of the ‘structural-level competency group’ and the result was much higher than the priority of education needs of other competency groups. In the graph showing the average of the current level of performance and future level of necessity in quadrants, 14 indicators of ‘structural-level competency group’ and 7 indicators of ‘functional-level competency groups’ were recognized as low current level of performance and low future level of necessity, indicators requiring long-term measures.

      • Four Korean Adult Learners' ESL Learning Beliefs and Learner Autonomy

        오마리아 State University of New York at Buffalo 2002 해외박사

        RANK : 2942

        Learner autonomy, or learners' taking responsibility to direct their learning has recently become a key concept along with learner beliefs in language education. However, few studies have been reported on how ESL learners' autonomy and their learning beliefs interact while one-to-one learner consultation (one of learner autonomy approaches) is applied. To fill the gap in former studies, the current action research study was designed to investigate how four Korean adult learners' ESL learning beliefs and their autonomy interacted. In the study, the informants were assisted by a consultant-researcher biweekly for one 20-week semester regarding their self-claimed learning actions and problems. During the previous semester, an informal ethnographic interview study was conducted with the same four informants as a pilot study, wherein the researcher did not play a consultant role. A research site was a free-of-charge ESL class at a community education center in Western New York. Five data-gathering sources were utilized in this qualitative case study: semi-structured interviews; class observations; open consultations; researcher's reflective journal; and email correspondence. One foremost finding is the productive or less-productive interaction between learner beliefs and learner autonomy. The first two informants' ESL learning beliefs centered on learner control and supported their autonomous learning actions while creating and reshaping learning actions. Whereas, the other two informants' beliefs focused one on becoming "a perfect English speaker" and the other on the "unavoidable" burden of English learning, their beliefs distracted their conscious involvement to reshape their initially established learning actions. Another finding is that the informants' ESL learning beliefs influenced their degrees of openness to utilize a new learning mode (one-to-one consultation). The last finding is that whereas three informants clearly developed their autonomy, one informant's initially low autonomy was promoted at an extremely slow pace in this study. This study brings several implications to learner autonomy theory and practice: learners' out-of-class learning is significantly important; a thorough individual investigation on initial learner beliefs is essential to foster autonomy; and the slow autonomy transformation undertaken in this yearlong study cautions that learner autonomy approaches need to be applied for long, preferably longer than one school year.

      • 코치 중심의 심리적 욕구지지 연수프로그램이 코칭행동과 선수들의 수행동기에 미치는 효과

        김성은 고려대학교 대학원 2014 국내석사

        RANK : 2941

        The present study, grounded in self-determination theory (Deci & Ryan, 1985, 2000; Ryan& Deci, 2002), had a two-fold purpose: 1) to examine the effects of an autonomy support instructional program (ASIP) on motivating styles of coach and 2) to document athletes' benefits of having their autonomy being supported by coach during training. Coaches were randomly assigned into one of two groups-an intervention group or no intervention group. Coaches in eleven schools were received ASIP in three weeks or sessions and coaches in another eleven schools were received no training programs over the course of a semester. To assess the effectiveness of the manipulation, independent t-tests comparing the two groups on 4 aspects of coaches' autonomy support. To assess the athletes' benefits from the coaching training, repeated measures were conducted to test for group differences (two groups) x time (three times) on the dependent variables of motivating styles, need satisfaction for autonomy, need thwarting for autonomy, athletic engagement, and athletic achievement. Results demonstrated that coaches who received ASIP taught their athletes in more autonomy-supportive ways than coaches who did not receive the training program. Specifically, there were significant differences between groups-1) using informational language, 2) providing explanatory rationales, and 3) acknowledging negative feelings and thoughts. Moreover, the ASIP coaches also used greater autonomy support and lesser controlling toward their athletes. Specifically, their motivating style increased in autonomy-support and decreased in control over the semester. On the contrary, the no ASIP coaches' autonomy support remained unchanged and their controlling motivating style decreased over time. For need satisfaction for autonomy, there were statistically significant differences between groups. Athletes in the ASIP group showed greater autonomous motivation than did athletes in the no ASIP group. For need thwarting for autonomy, there were statistically significant differences between groups. Athletes in the ASIP group unchanged autonomous motivation while athletes in the ASIP group increased over time. For athletic achievement, there were statistically significant differences between groups. Athletes in the ASIP group showed greater autonomous motivation than did athletes in the no ASIP group, who unchanged over time. For athletic engagement, there were statistically significant differences between groups. Athletes in the ASIP group showed greater autonomous motivation than did athletes in the no ASIP group, who unchanged over time. Specifically, athletes of coaches in ASIP statistically increased their achievement across the semester, while athletes of coaches in no ASIP maintained stable achievement scores over time. Overall, the autonomy support coaching program helped Korean coaches' support for their athletes' autonomy. Furthermore, the athletes of the coaches who participated in the ASIP displayed noticeably more positive academic benefits. Potential implications and recommendation for further intervention study and future directions are discussed. 본 연구의 목적은 자기결정이론에 근거하여 심리욕구지지프로그램을 검증하는 것이다. 이에 코치의 심리적 욕구지지 프로그램이, 코치행동에 미치는 영향을 살펴보고 코칭행동에 따른 선수들의 자율성 욕구만족 및 좌절 운동성취, 운동만족에 미치는 효과를 살펴보는 것이다. 1) 심리적 욕구지지 연수프로그램에 참여한 코치와 참여하지 않은 코치의 상관관계를 살펴보고, 2) 코치의 욕구지지 연수프로그램에 참여한 선수의 선수들은 참여하지 않은 코치의 선수들과 자기결정성동기 간의 관계를 검증하는데 있다. 구체적으로 심리적 욕구지지방식 내 코치의 선수들의 심리적 욕구만족의 구성 요소인 자율성 욕구만족·욕구좌절, 운동성취, 운동참여에 미치는 영향력을 알아보는 것이다. 전국 유소년 스포츠에 참여하고 있는 25개 팀의 코치를 무선 할당하여 중도 포기한 학교를 제외하고 중재집단 11학교와 통제집단 11학교로 나누어 무선배치 되었으며. 중재 집단 내 지도자들은 ASIP 워크숍을 월1회씩 총 3회에 걸쳐 참여하였다. 선수들의 훈련이 실시되는 4개월간 교수장면에 대한 전문가의 관찰(Rater's Observation)과 코치의 지도행동에 대한 선수들의 인식조사가 실시되었고, 그 효과를 검증하기 위해 통계기법으로는 반복측정 이원분석법을 적용하고 집단 내-간의 차이와 상호작용 효과를 검증을 실시하였다. 그 결과 중재집단의 코치는 더욱더 선수들의 자율성을 지지하고 있으며 학습된 자율성 지지 코칭방식은 시간이 흐름에 따라 유지되고 있다. 반면 통제집단의 코치는 시즌 초반과 후반에도 자율성 지지에 대한 변화가 없다. 통제적 코칭 방식에 대한 상호작용의 효과를 보면 통제적 방식에 대한 학생들의 인식에서 유의한 차이가 있다. 즉, 중재집단의 코치는 덜 통제적으로 코칭을 하고 있으며 시간 흐름에 따라 변화가 없는 것으로 나타났다. 반면, 통제집단의 코치는 시즌 초와 비교하여 변화가 없었으나 전체적으로 시간의 흐름에 따라 덜 통제적으로 변화하는 것으로 나타났다. 코치중심의 욕구지지 연수 프로그램의 효과에 따른 선수들의 동기의 변화에서 첫째, 자율성 욕구만족에 대한 시간흐름에 따른 두 집단 간의 주 효과는 상호작용에서 유의한 차이를 보였다. 하지만 시기에 대한 주 효과는 유의성이 없다. 둘째, 자율성 욕구좌절에 대한 시간흐름에 따른 두 집단의 주 효과는 유의한 차이를 보이지만 상호작용에 대해 유의한 차이가 없었다. 또한 시기에 대한 주 효과도 유의성이 없다. 셋째, 운동성취도에 대한 집단 간의 주 효과는 유의하나 상호작용은 유의한 차이가 없는 것으로 나타났다. 넷째, 운동참여의 대한 두 집단 간의 주 효과의 차이는 유의하나, 상호작용은 유의한 차이가 없는 것으로 나타났다. 결론적으로 욕구지지 연수 프로그램의 참여한 코치의 코칭행동은 시간이 지날수록 유지되며, 선수가 느끼는 자율성 욕구만족을 시켰으며, 욕구좌절을 낮추고, 운동성취와 운동만족에도 긍정적인 영향을 미쳤다. 반면, 프로그램에 참여하지 않는 코치는 욕구지지 코칭행동에 참여하지 않을뿐더러 선수내적 자원을 더욱 발전시키지 못하고 선수가 느끼는 자율성욕구만족보다는 자율성욕구좌절에 영향을 미치며 운동성취와 운동만족에는 부정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 위의 연구결과를 바탕으로 논의가 이루어 졌으며, 스포츠 현장과 연구를 위해 다음과 같은 제언이 이루어졌다. 1) 연구의 대상이 유소년선수로 한정되어 있기 때문에 후속연구에서는 운동경력이 오래된 또는 직업군이 운동선수인 성인 선수들을 대상으로 차이를 분석하여 구체적인 관계 규명이나 차이를 살펴볼 필요가 있다. 2) 선수들로 극한 되어있는 연구를 후속연구에서는 지도자의 심리적 욕구지지 연수프로그램을 통한 심리만족, 업무만족, 삶의 질의 변화에 대한 구체적인 관계규명이나 차이를 살펴볼 필요가 있다. 3) 종단연구 후 심리적 욕구지지 프로그램의 효과와 지속성에 대한 분석이 필요하다. 또한 적용의 효과에 대해 양적인 연구와 함께 질적인 연구가 필요하다.

      • 중국 촌민자치 제도의 변화과정에 관한 연구

        슈즈챠오 전북대학교 대학원 2024 국내석사

        RANK : 2941

        Since the inception of the Chinese village autonomy system in 1982, it has a history of more than 40 years. Presently, the development of rural governance in China faces two major challenges. The first is to choose a path to modernize rural administration, particularly how to reconcile the relationship between state-run administrative systems and the autonomy system and how to improve the relationship between different entities managing rural areas. Secondly, the effective implementation of rural management methods with rural autonomy being an important aspect that cannot be overlooked, regardless of the specific issues raised by rural management. However, the current research within the Chinese academic community on village autonomy is seriously lacking in the analysis from an organizational development perspective. By examining the development process of village autonomy from the perspective of organizational development since 1982, not only can the overall research perspective deficiencies be addressed, but it can also contribute to the construction of the rural governance system. This study takes a new institutionalist perspective and draws on sociological institutional theory to investigate the evolution of the Chinese village autonomy system. This involves examining institutional changes during different periods, identifying the characteristics and issues of the village autonomy system, and discussing the development direction of the village autonomy system. The Chinese village autonomy system can be roughly divided into four periods: The First Period of Institutional Establishment (1982-1997): Preliminary Exploration of village autonomy System. The Second Period of Institutional Construction (1998-2005): Legalization in Autonomy and Establishment of the 'Township Government—village autonomy' System. The Third Period of Institutional Deepening (2006-2016): Increased Organizational and Institutional Levels, Establishment of the "Rural Governance" System. The Fourth Period of Rural Revitalization (2017-2023): Initiating the Construction of a "Pluralistic Governance" System with the Aim of Achieving Effective autonomy. The institutional changes of each period are analyzed in terms of the environmental factors that led to the changes and the specific content of the changes. Environmental factors include political, economic, structural, and socio-cultural factors. The development content is analyzed based on the organizational structure, institutional factors, and political factors, providing an analysis that describes the characteristics and context of the development of the village self-government system. Based on the analysis above, this paper summarizes four existing issues in village autonomy along with corresponding strategies: First, Insufficient Governance Capacity of Grassroots Autonomous Organizations. Strategy: Strengthen talent development and modernize governance methods. Second, Incomplete Legal System Related to village autonomy. Strategy: Improve the legal framework related to village autonomy. Third, Lack of Participation Awareness among Villagers Leading to Poor Autonomous Effects. Strategy: Enhance democratic awareness through education and civic engagement. Fourth, Incomplete Democratic Supervision Mechanism among Villagers. Strategy: Improve the supervision mechanism for democratic governance. At present,China's rural governance is still in the fourth period, and it requires continued development with the goal of achieving effective governance. To accomplish this objective, it is necessary to explore a pluralistic governance system within the context of the era and specific local environments.

      • 신공공관리적 교육개혁의 효과성에 대한 국제 비교 연구 : 책무성과 자율성의 조합 및 영향력을 중심으로

        김은수 연세대학교 대학원 2024 국내박사

        RANK : 2941

        Accountability and autonomy have functioned as the two main axes of education reform based on New Public Management (NPM). NPM-based education reforms have sought to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of education systems through the implementation of accountability and autonomy as policy measures. This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of NPM-based reform measures on educational outcomes by delving into whether the combination of accountability and autonomy, which has been a new global educational policy in recent years, yields a consistent pattern in educational outcomes as promised by NPM. Additionally, the study aims to analyze the impact of accountability and autonomy, as categorized by key features of NPM, on student achievement within individual national contexts. Through this, the current study aims to empirically assess the effectiveness of NPM-based education reforms by illuminating their role in explaining national-level achievements and their impact on students' academic performance. The research questions for this study are included: First, what are the combination patterns of the educational system conditions that achieve above-average mathematics and collaborative problem solving achievements among the countries participating in Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2015? Second, what are the combination patterns of the educational system conditions that achieve basic-level mathematics and collaborative problem solving achievements in PISA 2015? Third, what is the impact of the sub-domains of accountability and autonomy on the student achievement of mathematics and collaborative problem solving across the four selected country (i.e., South Korea, Canada, Germany, and the United States)? Fourth, do the sub-domains of accountability and autonomy in each of the countries moderate the influence of students' economic, social, and cultural status (ESCS) on their achievement of mathematics and collaborative problem solving? The research methods utilized to address these research questions are as follows. First, to identify certain combination patterns at the national level for student achievement in mathematics and collaborative problem solving, Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) was applied. Subsequently, to explore the impact of the sub-domains of accountability and autonomy measures on student achievement in mathematics and collaborative problem solving within the context of individual countries, multilevel modeling was employed for each of the selected countries. To further examine whether the sub-domains of accountability and autonomy moderate the influence of the ESCS on student achievement, interactions between levels were investigated in the multilevel model. As indicated previously, the data used for this analysis was drawn from PISA 2015, which measures both mathematics and collaborative problem solving competencies of students. Key findings are as follows. Firstly, when analyzing education systems solely characterized through the sub-domains of accountability and autonomy, which were key foci in NPM-based education reforms, no discernible pattern of combinations was found that enabled PISA participating countries to meet the above-average achievements in PISA mathematics and collaborative problem solving. In other words, the educational systems achieving above-average accomplishments could not be explained solely by those sub-domains such as managerial accountability, market-oriented accountability, national standardized testing, personnel autonomy, budget autonomy, and autonomy in educational activities. However, when educational equity and shadow education participation, another set of key characteristics of the education systems was added to the analysis, notable patterns emerged. The combinations of educational systems that achieved above-average performance in mathematics and collaborative problem solving were consistently identified. This suggests that while there may be multiple paths to achieve above-average accomplishments in mathematics and collaborative problem solving at the national level, the pathways within a nation to reach these achievements in mathematics and collaborative problem solving do not necessarily need to be different. The derived parsimonious solution was as follows: Educational systems characterized by the absence of personnel autonomy, and the presence of educational equity and shadow education participation were identified in the case of Singapore, South Korea, and Taiwan for mathematics, and Singapore and South Korea for collaborative problem solving. Or, educational systems without national standardized testing but with the presence of educational equity were identified. Canada was the case. In the analysis of necessary conditions, the presence of educational equity emerged as a necessary condition for educational systems to achieve above-average performances in mathematics. This implies that the absence of educational equity precludes above the PISA average achievement in mathematics. At the same time, however, the presence of educational equity alone may not suffice to reach the above-average achievement in mathematics; it may need to be combined with other conditions to achieve this. Secondly, the pattern of educational systems explaining the basic-level student achievement was derived as follows. Specifically, no consistent pattern was found to explain the basic-level mathematics achievement solely through the sub-domains of accountability and autonomy. For collaborative problem solving, the absence of managerial accountability, along with the presence of national standardized testing and autonomy in educational activities, emerged as consistent sufficient conditions. When educational equity and shadow education participation were added, the presence of educational equity consistently explained the basic-level mathematics achievement. In other words, if educational equity exists in an education system, it would achieve the basic-level mathematics accomplishment. For collaborative problem solving, the presence of budget autonomy and educational equity, or the absence of national standardized testing, were identified as parsimonious solutions. Thirdly, for the previously derived patterns, one representative country from each was selected to further explore how the sub-domains of accountability and autonomy influence student achievement within individual national contexts. The analysis revealed no consistent pattern in the effect of these sub-domains on student achievement. This result was anticipated as each country had a different combination of educational system characteristics. In South Korea, market-oriented accountability and budget autonomy showed a positive effect on mathematics achievement. Regarding the achievement of collaborative problem solving, personnel autonomy showed a negative relevance, whereas budget autonomy exhibited a positive relevance. In Canada, autonomy in educational activities had a positive effect on both mathematics and collaborative problem solving achievements. In Germany, budget autonomy showed a significant negative effect on mathematics achievement. In the United States, none of the sub-domains of accountability and autonomy showed a significant impact on either mathematics or collaborative problem solving achievements. Fourthly, the analysis of the interactions between levels in the effect of ESCS and the sub-domains of accountability and autonomy on student achievement revealed significant effects in several countries. In South Korea, autonomy in educational activities was found to enhance the effect of ESCS on mathematics achievement. In Canada, market-oriented accountability significantly amplified the positive effect of ESCS on both mathematics and collaborative problem solving achievements. In Germany, the interaction effects between levels were not significant. In the United States, market-oriented accountability and personnel autonomy were found to strengthen the effect of students' ESCS on achievements in mathematics and collaborative problem solving. These results indicate that while market-oriented accountability showed a positive relation to student achievement in South Korea, it could reinforce the influence of ESCS, i.e., family background, in other contexts, potentially exacerbating educational gaps and undermining educational equity. Similarly, while autonomy in educational activities showed a positive relation to student achievements in Canada and South Korea, it appeared to amplify the effect of family background on mathematics achievement, acting as a mechanism that could undermine educational equity. This study empirically demonstrated that the presence of educational equity is a more crucial condition in explaining students' achievements at the national level than the combination of accountability and autonomy, which can be seen as a core logic of NPM-based education reforms. When educational equity exists, the sub-domains of accountability and autonomy as well as their combinations turn out to play a role in student achievement. The interaction effect between levels in multilevel modeling analysis confirmed that the sub-domains of accountability and autonomy could potentially hinder educational equity. Another important finding was that autonomy in educational activities alone cannot explain national-level achievement, but it emerged as a necessary condition in combination with other conditions, according to the QCA. This indicates that autonomy in educational activities is also a key element in explaining student achievement at the national level. In the multilevel model, autonomy in educational activities showed a positive relation to student achievement in mathematics and collaborative problem solving in the context of Canada. However, in South Korea, it was found to reinforce the influence of family background on mathematics achievement. Thus, the implications of autonomy in educational activities can vary greatly depending on the national context, necessitating careful policy adjustments. In summary, despite examining various combinations of the sub-domains of accountability and autonomy, they did not provide a consistent and sufficient explanation for students' academic (i.e., maths) and non-academic (i.e., collaborative problem solving) achievements. This suggests that the combined policy measures of accountability and autonomy promoted as global best practices by international organizations like the OECD and the World Bank might only be policy slogans or rhetoric without substantial evidence. Rather, this study found that securing equity, a major limitation of NPM, emerged as a sufficient and necessary condition to explain international patterns of positive student achievement. Reflecting on these results, it is suggested that policymakers should refine and re-prioritize policy measures that can achieve substantial educational equity in educational reforms, and researchers should critically scrutinize the evidence and logic embedded in NPM-based reforms. 책무성과 자율성은 신공공관리를 바탕으로 한 교육개혁의 주요한 축으로 기능하여 왔다. 신공공관리적 교육개혁은 책무성과 자율성의 확보를 통해 교육 시스템의 효율성과 효과성을 높이고자 의도하였다. 본 연구는 신공공관리 이후 교육 시스템의 변화에 따른 효과를 평가하고자 하였다. 특히 새로운 글로벌 교육정책이 된 책무성과 자율성의 조합이 교육 시스템의 성과에 대하여 일관된 패턴으로 도출되는지 분석하고자 하였다. 이를 바탕으로 개별 국가 맥락 내에서는 신공공관리적 특성으로 분류한 책무성과 자율성이 학생의 성취에는 어떤 영향을 미치는지 분석하였다. 이를 통해 신공공관리적 교육개혁이 실제로 국가 수준에서의 성취를 설명하는 데 어떤 역할을 하고, 학생들의 학업 성취에 어떤 영향을 미치는지 파악함으로써 교육개혁의 효과성을 실증적으로 평가하였다. 연구의 목적을 달성하기 위해 다음의 네 가지 연구문제를 상정하고 이에 대하여 조사하였다. 첫째, PISA 2015 (Programme for International Student Assessment 2015) 참여국 평균 이상의 수학 및 협력적 문제해결력 성취를 달성하는 교육 시스템 조건들의 조합 패턴은 무엇인가? 둘째, 기초 수준의 수학 및 협력적 문제해결력 성취를 달성하는 교육 시스템 조건들의 조합 패턴은 무엇인가? 셋째, 국가별 학생의 수학 및 협력적 문제해결력 성취에 대한 책무성과 자율성 하위 영역의 영향력은 어떠한가? 넷째, 국가별 책무성과 자율성 하위 영역은 학생의 수학 및 협력적 문제해결력 성취에 대한 학생의 사회·경제·문화적 배경(Economic, social and cultural status, 이하 ESCS)의 영향력을 조절하는가? 연구문제 해결을 위해 활용한 연구방법은 다음과 같다. 국가 수준에서 학생의 수학과 협력적 문제해결력 성취에 대한 일관된 조합 패턴을 찾기 위해 질적비교분석 (Qualitative comparative analysis, 이하 QCA)를 적용하였다. 이후 개별 국가 맥락에서 책무성과 자율성의 하위 영역이 수학과 협력적 문제해결력 성취에 미치는 영향을 탐색하기 위해서는 국가별로 다층모형을 적용하였다. 학생의 성취에 대한 ESCS의 영향을 책무성과 자율성의 하위 영역이 조절하는가를 살펴보기 위해서는 다층모형에서 층위 간 상호작용을 확인하였다. 데이터는 학생들의 수학과 협력적 문제해결력을 함께 측정한 PISA 2015를 사용하였다. 연구 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 교육 시스템을 신공공관리적 교육개혁의 주요 테마였던 책무성과 자율성의 하위 영역만으로 특징지어 분석 시 수학이나 협력적 문제해결력에 대한 평균 이상의 성취를 달성하는 조합 패턴은 드러나지 않았다. 즉 관리적 책무성, 시장적 책무성, 국가수준 표준화시험, 인사 자율성, 예산 자율성, 교육 활동 자율성이라는 개혁 요소만으로는 평균 이상의 성취를 달성하는 교육 시스템을 설명할 수 없다는 것이다. 이에 본 연구에서 선정한 또 다른 교육 시스템의 특징인 교육 형평성과 사교육 참여를 분석에 추가할 경우 패턴이 도출되었다. 수학과 협력적 문제해결력에 대해 평균 이상의 성취를 달성하는 교육 시스템 조합들은 동일하게 도출되었다. 이러한 결과의 의미는 국제적으로는 학생의 우수한 성취를 달성하기 위해서 어떤 한 가지의 경로만 있는 것이 아니라 각각 다른 경로가 있을 수 있으나, 한 국가 내에서는 수학과 협력적 문제해결력이라는 서로 다른 역량을 포함하는 성취를 달성하기 위한 경로가 다를 필요는 없음을 의미한다. 도출된 최소 간결해는 다음과 같았다. 인사 자율성이 부재하며 교육 형평성과 사교육 참여가 존재하는 교육 시스템으로 해당하는 사례 국가는 수학의 경우 싱가포르, 한국, 대만, 협력적 문제해결력의 경우 싱가포르, 한국이었다. 또는 국가수준 표준화시험이 부재하고 교육 형평성이 존재하는 교육 시스템으로 해당 사례 국가는 캐나다였다. 필요조건의 분석에서 수학 평균 이상 성취 달성 교육 시스템의 필요조건으로 교육 형평성의 존재가 도출되었다. 이는 교육 형평성이 부재하다면 수학 평균 이상 성취는 발생하지 않는다는 것이다. 그러나 교육 형평성의 존재만으로는 수학 평균 이상 성취에 도달하지 못할 수 있으며 다른 조건과 조합되어 도달할 수 있다는 의미로 풀이할 수 있다. 둘째, 기초 수준의 학생 성취를 설명하는 교육 시스템 패턴은 다음과 같이 도출되었다. 먼저 책무성과 자율성 하위 영역만으로는 기초 수준의 수학 성취를 설명하는 일관된 패턴이 도출되지 않았다. 협력적 문제해결력에 대해서는 관리적 책무성의 부재와 국가수준 표준화시험과 교육 활동 자율성의 존재가 일관된 충분조건으로 나타났다. 교육 형평성과 사교육 참여를 추가했을 때 수학의 기초 수준 성취를 일관되게 설명하는 패턴은 교육 형평성의 존재로 나타났다. 즉, 교육 형평성이 존재한다면 그 교육 시스템은 기초 수준의 수학 성취를 달성한다는 의미이다. 협력적 문제해결력에 대해서는 예산 자율성과 교육 형평성의 존재, 또는 국가수준 표준화시험의 부재로 나타났다. 셋째, 앞서 도출된 패턴들에 해당하는 사례 국가를 한 개씩 선정하여 개별 국가 맥락 내에서는 책무성과 자율성의 하위 영역이 학생의 성취에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지 파악하였다. 분석 결과 책무성과 자율성 하위 영역의 학생 성취에 대한 영향력에서 일관된 패턴은 발견할 수 없었다. 이러한 결과는 각 국가가 해당하는 교육 시스템 조합이 모두 달랐기에 예상할 수 있는 결과였다. 한국에서는 수학 성취에 대해서 시장적 책무성과 예산 자율성이 정적인 효과를 보였다. 협력적 문제해결력 성취에 대해서는 인사 자율성이 부적인 연관성을, 예산 자율성이 정적인 연관성을 보였다. 캐나다에서는 수학과 협력적 문제해결력 성취에 동일하게 교육 활동 자율성이 정적인 효과를 보였다. 독일에서는 수학 성취도에 대해 예산 자율성이 유의한 부적 효과를 보였다. 미국에서는 수학이나 협력적 문제해결력 성취에 대해 책무성과 자율성 하위 영역 중 어떠한 것도 유의한 효과를 보이지 않았다. 넷째, 학생의 성취에 대한 ESCS와 책무성 및 자율성 하위 영역 간의 층위 간 상호작용 분석 결과 몇몇 국가에서 책무성 및 자율성 하위 영역의 유의한 상호작용 효과가 확인되었다. 먼저 한국에서는 수학 성취도에 대한 ESCS의 영향력을 교육 활동 자율성이 강화하는 것으로 나타났다. 캐나다에서는 수학과 협력적 문제해결력 성취에 대해 시장적 책무성이 정적으로 유의한 ESCS의 효과를 더욱 강화하는 것으로 나타났다. 독일에서는 층위 간 상호작용이 유의하지 않았다. 미국에서는 시장적 책무성과 인사 자율성이 수학 및 협력적 문제해결력 성취에 대한 학생의 ESCS 효과를 더욱 강화하는 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 결과는 한국에서는 학생의 성취에 긍정적인 관련성을 보이던 시장적 책무성이 다른 맥락에서는 학생의 성취에 대한 ESCS, 즉 가정 배경의 영향력을 강화시켜 교육 결과의 격차를 강화해 교육의 형평성을 저해할 수 있음을 보여준다. 교육 활동 자율성에 대해서도 캐나다에서는 학생의 성취도에 정적인 관련성을 보이는 반면, 한국에서는 학생의 수학 성취에 대한 가정 배경의 효과를 더욱 강화시켜 교육 형평성을 저해할 수 있는 기제로 작동함을 알 수 있었다. 본 연구에서는 신공공관리적 교육개혁의 연장선으로 볼 수 있는 책무성과 자율성의 조합보다는 교육 형평성의 존재가 국가 수준에서 학생들의 성취를 설명하는데 더 중요한 요소임을 실증적으로 밝혔다. 교육 형평성이 존재할 때 책무성과 자율성의 하위 영역들 각각, 그리고 조합들 또한 학생의 성취에 대해 역할을 하는 것이다. 다층모형의 층위 간 상호작용을 통해 책무성과 자율성 하위 영역들이 교육 형평성을 저해할 수도 있음을 확인하였다. 교육 활동 자율성의 경우 QCA에서 교육 활동 자율성만으로는 국가 수준의 성취를 설명할 수는 없으나 다른 조건들과의 조합들이 역할을 하기위해서 필요한 조건으로 나타났다. 즉, 국가 수준에서 교육 활동 자율성 또한 학생 성취 설명에 주요한 요소라는 것이다. 다층모형에서 교육 활동 자율성은 캐나다의 맥락 내에서는 학생의 수학과 협력적 문제해결력 성취와 긍정적인 연관성을 보였다. 그런데 한국에서는 학생의 수학 성취에 대한 가정 배경 영향력을 강화하는 기제로 작동함이 밝혀졌다. 따라서 교육 활동 자율성은 국가 맥락에 따라 그 함의가 매우 다를 수 있어 세밀한 정책 조절이 필요함을 시사한다. 결론적으로 책무성과 자율성을 하위 영역으로 나누어 여러 조합들을 살펴보았음에도 학생의 학업적·비학업적 성취에 대한 일관적이고 충분한 설명을 제공하지 못했다. 즉 OECD나 세계은행이 모범사례로 제시하는 일부 신공공관리에 근거한 글로벌 교육정책이 유려한 정책구호에 지나지 않을 수도 있다는 것을 말한다. 본 연구에서는 신공공관리의 주요한 한계였던 형평성의 확보가 학생 성취의 국제적 패턴을 보이는데 충분하고 필요한 조건으로 나타났다. 이러한 결과에 비추어 정책 결정자들은 교육개혁에 있어서 실질적인 형평성을 달성할 수 있는 방안을 우선적으로 고려해야 하며 연구자는 이를 뒷받침할 수 있는 실증적인 분석과 증거, 논증을 강화하는 것이 필요함을 제언하였다.

      • (A) study of digital literacy and learner autonomy in improving reading comprehension at secondary school level

        최희원 韓國外國語大學校 敎育大學院 2019 국내석사

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        The purpose of the study is to examine secondary school students’ readiness for autonomous reading by examining their level of digital literacy, autonomy in reading with digital technology, and perspectives. Even if teens today generally face no difficulties in using digital technology for everyday social and entertainment purposes, the extent to which they can make effective use of it for their own learning has not yet been fully understood. With a total of 275 middle school English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learners in Korea, the research was carried out in a mixed method. Quantitative data was collected through a survey questionnaire and was supplemented by individual and group interviews. Any significant differences between the three middle school grades were analyzed in detail. The results identified more than 90% of the students as digital literates, with a reasonably high level of digital literacy. Presumably due to the widespread use of smartphones and Social Networking Services (SNS) among the teens, the communication sector scored the highest. Still, they seem relatively ignorant about potential safety issues. The rate of autonomous learners using digital technology in reading was also positive at 60.4%, but with a somewhat lower level of autonomy compared to that of digital literacy. Although they appeared to be confident in linguistic skills using digital technology by themselves, the confidence seems to abate once put against the other fellow students. Likewise, students’ digital competence alone does not seem to raise overall learner autonomy in reading with digital technology. More problematic seems to be the students’ negative responses to their interest and motivation in using digital technology for autonomous reading, even at the positive level of digital literacy and learner autonomy. Also, the grade comparison throughout the study has revealed that positive beliefs in the use of digital technology tend to plummet by the third year of middle school. These results request educators that they introduce useful digital resources through a variety of websites, smartphone applications, and more to promote enjoyable reading for the students, especially while they still have positive beliefs. Taking advantage of the vast amount of information and services digital technology provides, students would ultimately stand alone as efficient readers. 본 연구의 목적은 중학생의 디지털 리터러시와 디지털 기술을 활용한 자기주도적 영어 읽기학습에 대한 수준을 알아보고 이에 대한 중학생의 인식을 살펴보는데 있다. 중학교 1-3학년 275명을 대상으로 설문조사와 인터뷰가 진행되었으며 도출된 결과를 기반으로 4차 산업시대가 요구하는 자기주도적 학습 인재 육성을 위한 효과적인 디지털 기술 활용 방법을 모색하고자 한다. 현 한국 중학생들의 경우, 사회적 또는 오락적 목적에서 스마트폰과 컴퓨터를 많이 사용하기 때문에 디지털 기술에 큰 어려움은 겪지 않는 것이 사실이지만 이를 본인의 학습에 있어 활용할 수 있는지에 대한 연구는 충분히 이루어지지 못했다. 본 연구의 결과에서 학생들의 디지털 리터러시는 높은 수준으로 나타났으며 90.2%의 학생들이 디지털 리터러시를 지닌 것으로 나타났다. 커뮤니케이션 항목에 대해서는 높은 자신감을 보인데 비해 보안과 관련된 영역에서는 비교적 낮은 자신감을 보였다. 학생들의 디지털 기술을 활용한 자기주도적 학습 수준은 디지털 리터러시 수준보다는 낮게 나타났으며, 60.4%의 학생들 만이 자기주도적 영어 읽기 능력이 있는 학습자로 분류되었다. 이처럼 디지털 리터러시가 높다고 해서 무조건 디지털 기술을 활용한 자기주도적 영어 읽기 학습을 잘 할 것이라고 보기에는 무리가 있다. 학생들의 디지털 기술을 사용한 자기주도적 영어 읽기 학습 관련 영역 중에서는 언어적 능력 부문에 대한 점수가 가장 높았고 사회적 비교 부문에 대한 점수는 매우 낮게 나타났다. 마지막으로, 인식 조사 결과에 따르면 학생들은 디지털기술의 유용성에 대해서는 긍정적으로 생각하는 반면, 동기부여나 흥미도에 대해서는 부정적인 생각을 지닌 것이 발견되었다. 각각의 결과는 학년별 비교를 통해 자세하게 관찰되었는데, 디지털 기술을 사용한 자기주도적 영어 읽기 학습 능력과 인식에 있어 3학년의 응답이 전반적으로 부정적으로 나타났다. 이와 같은 결과는 교육자들로 하여금 학생들에게 보다 적극적으로 디지털 기술의 이점을 제시해줄 필요가 있음을 보여준다. 본 연구의 결과에서 제시한 다양하고 흥미로운 디지털 기술 컨텐츠 통해 학생들의 읽기 전략에 대한 선택의 폭을 넓혀준다면 관심과 동기가 부여되어 성공적인 자기주도적 영어 읽기 학습자로 거듭나는데 도움을 줄 수 있을 것으로 여겨진다.

      • 관계지향성과 자율지향성, 지식활동 및 지식활동성과 간 관계 : 인지된 조직문화의 조절효과

        조영일 경기대학교 대학원 2017 국내박사

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        본 연구는 인간의 지향성(orientation)이라는 성격특성의 구성개념인 관계지향성과 자율지향성이 조직구성원들의 지식창출활동에는 어떤 영향을 미치며, 조직구성원들에 의해 창출되어 활용되고 있는 조직지식의 품질과 지식사용상의 만족도 등에는 어떤 영향을 미치는지를 알아보고, 이러한 영향관계에 조직문화 특히, 구성원들에 의해 인지된 발전문화와 위계문화가 어떠한 영향을 미치는지 알아보는 것이 목적이다. 연구목적을 달성하기 위해 불성실 응답 설문지 등을 제외하고 최종적으로 387명으로부터 수집된 설문지를 중심으로 SPSS 18.0을 이용하여 측정도구의 신뢰도분석, 요인분석, 상관관계분석 및 회귀분석을 통해 통계적인 검증을 실시하였다. 실증분석을 통해 확인된 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 조직구성원의 관계지향성은 지식창출활동 그리고 지식품질에 정(+)의 영향을 미치는 결과를 확인하였다. 관계지향성향을 띠는 구성원은 지식창출활동에도 긍정적이며, 구성원들이 창출하고 공유 및 활용하는 지식의 품질에 대해 긍정적으로 반응한다는 사실을 확인한 것이다. 이는 관계지향성향의 조직구성원들을 조직의 구조적 상황과 조직의 환경에 맞게 잘 관리하여 상황요인들과 일치시킬 수 있다면 더 높은 지식성과를 창출할 수 있을 것이라는 예측이 가능하게 하는 점이다. 둘째, 조직구성원의 자율지향성은 지식창출활동을 포함하여 지식품질이나 지식만족에 부(-)의 영향을 미치는 것으로 확인되었다. 자율지향성향을 띠는 사람들은 개인적인 자율과 독립적인 사고를 지향하며, 간섭을 회피하려 들고 개인적 목표성취 성향이 강하여 다른 조직구성원들과 유기적인 상호작용에 적극성을 띠지 않을 가능성이 크므로 조직에서는 조직구성원의 지향특성에 따라 인사관리의 방향성을 달리해야 한다는 판단이 가능한 분석결과라 할 수 있다. 따라서 조직의 리더는 자율지향성향의 구성원들에게 최대한 자율성과 독립성을 허용하여 독보적이고 창의적이며 혁신적인 지식을 창출할 수 있도록 배려하되, 다른 구성원들과 유기적인 상호작용을 잘 할 수 있도록 기회를 만들고 관리하는 노력을 기울여야 하며, 관계지향성향의 구성원들에게는 유기적인 대인관계와 적극적 의사소통을 통해 활발한 지식창출활동이 보장될 수 있도록 관리해야 한다는 실무적인 시사점을 내포하고 있다고 할 수 있다. 셋째, 조직구성원의 지식창출활동은 지식품질과 지식만족에 정(+)의 영향을 미치는 것을 확인하였다. 조직구성원들이 가능하면 더욱 새롭고, 가치 있는 지식을 많이 창출할 수 있도록 관리하여 구성원들이 창출해낸 지식을 더욱 활발히 공유하고 활용하게 함으로써 지식품질을 향상시키고 지식에 대한 만족도도 더욱 증가시킬 수 있을 것으로 예측할 수 있다. 넷째, 조직구성원이 인지한 발전문화는 지식창출활동과 지식품질 및 지식만족 간의 정(+)의 관계를 강화하는 결과를 통계적으로 확인하였다. 그러나 발전문화는 관계지향성이나 자율지향성과 지식창출활동 간의 관계를 조절하지는 못하는 것으로 확인되었다. 발전문화가 재량과 유연성을 바탕으로 외부지향적인 방향성을 나타내는 특성 때문에 구성원들의 성격특성을 강제하여 지식창출활동을 이끌지는 않는 것으로 해석된다. 다섯째, 조직구성원이 인지한 위계문화는 관계지향성과 지식창출활동 간의 관계에서 그 영향을 감쇄시키며, 지식창출활동과 지식품질 간의 정(+)의 관계도 강화시키지 못한다는 점을 확인하였으며, 자율지향성과 지식창출활동 간의 부(-)의 관계는 강화시키는 사실을 확인하였다. 규칙과 통제를 앞세우고 내부지향적이며 안정성을 추구하는 위계문화의 특성 때문에 구성원의 성격특성이 관계지향성향이든 아니면 자율지향성향이든 가리지 않고 활발한 지식창출활동에 부정적인 영향을 끼치는 것으로 해석된다. 이러한 결과는 조직구성원이 지식활동을 수행함에 있어서 조직 내에 산재한 많은 다른 구조적요인과 상황요인들이 개인의 특성과 결합하여 나타난 것이라고 추측되므로 향후 연구에서 더욱 다양한 구조적 요인과 상황요인들을 조합하여 조직문화의 영향관계를 탐색할 필요가 있다. 따라서 향후연구에서는 조직구성원의 관계지향성과 자율지향성을 중심으로 조직의 여러 상황변수와 조직행동변수들을 조합하여 인과관계를 실증하는 연구가 폭넓게 진행되어야 할 것으로 보인다. 특히 그 과정에서 조직문화의 조절효과를 실증하는 연구는 매우 의미 있는 연구가 될 것으로 판단된다. Abstract Ph. D. Dissertation Relationship between sociotropy and autonomy, knowledge activity, and knowledge performances: Moderating effects of perceived organizational culture. Cho, Youngil Department of Business Administration Graduate School Kyonggi University Knowledge workers can lead their company to innovations and develop new products and services so that it can create unlimited value and increase performances. However, in the process of knowledge activities, knowledge workers’ organizational behavior and response can vary from each other in demonstrating their knowledge abilities due to their personality traits or orientation. According to Beck et al(2003) and Robins et al.(1994; 1997), theorists and researchers have given considerable attention to the personality orientation which is constructed with sociotropy and autonomy in pathopsychology whereas sociotropy involves interpersonal orientation such as needs for intimacy, affiliation, and dependency while autonomy focuses on needs involving goal achievement and individual autonomy. It is therefore important to grasp and maintain knowledge workers’ orientation, the personality trait, to be congruent with organizational culture and environment because knowledge workers are the core resources of the organization. In this light, even though this personality orientation; sociotropy and autonomy, is relatively new concept in social science, this study tried to verify the effects of these two personality dimensions on knowledge creation activity and knowledge performances, and analysed the effects of knowledge creation on knowledge quality and knowledge satisfaction as knowledge performance. In addition, the moderating effects of perceived development culture and hierarchical culture of organizational culture in between the causal relationship of the above mentioned variables were statistically verified. In this study, SPSS 18.0 was used to analyse data set of 387 valid questionnaires in the various statistical treatment such as reliability of measurement items, factor, corelation and the regression analysis. The research results of this study indicated as follows; First, positive effects of sociotropy on both knowledge quality and knowledge satisfaction were validated. This could be interpreted to support the knowledge creating view of Nonaka(1994) and Nonaka and Konno(1998) explaining that individuals create knowledge through the process of interactions with each other based on interdependence at individual, group and organizational level in their work place. This also has something in common with the summary statement of Ma and Yuen(2010); “the desire to develop and the tendency to maintain social relationships are the major determinants of the knowledge sharing behavior of individual learners.” It is also congruent with the research result of Lee and Lee(2010) explaining that the voluntary sharing of information and knowledge in collective culture, of which characteristics are known as similar to sociotropy, is processed more in an active manner due to vigorous formal and informal communications. Second, negative effects of autonomy on knowledge creation, knowledge quality and knowledge satisfaction was statistically verified. This supports the empirical findings on sociotropy and autonomy by the researchers; Robins et al.(1994), Bielings et al.(2000), Beck et al.(2003), and Mazure and Maciejewski(2003), whereas autonomy involves more negative response than sociotropy in terms of social interactions. This also explains somewhat in common with the point of Paulsen and Hjerto(2010); “When group autonomy is low, an increased cognitive distance does not seem to affect the perception of knowledge transfer of the individual. Conversely, in groups where autonomy is high, an increased cognitive distance seems to be detrimental to the individual’s perception of knowledge transfer.” Furthermore, this result is congruent with the research result of Lee et al.(2013) who presented the empirical analysis result of data from 242 questionnaires collected from upscale hotel employees in Seoul; job autonomy did not statistically affect on knowledge sharing activity of members. Third, the positive relationships between knowledge creation activity and either knowledge quality and knowledge satisfaction were statistically validated. This result is congruent with the empirical research result of Lee et al.(2006) who showed that knowledge creation positively affected on either knowledge quality and knowledge satisfaction. In addition, this supports the result of Becerra-Fernandez and Sabherwal(2001B) who presented that each of knowledge externalization and knowledge combination had a significant positive effect on knowledge satisfaction. Fourth, the reinforcement moderating effect of perceived development culture on the positive relationship between either knowledge creation activity and knowledge quality, or knowledge creation activity and knowledge satisfaction are statistically validated, while the moderating effects of perceived development culture on the relationship between either sociotropy and knowledge creation activity, or autonomy and knowledge creation activity is statistically not valid. This can be interpreted that development culture does not force and lead the employee’s personality to create new knowledges because it focuses on externality, flexibility and discretion. In contrast, this characteristics of development culture may help employees’ voluntary knowledge creation activities Fifth, the reinforcement moderating effect of perceived hierarchical culture on the negative relationship between autonomy and knowledge creation activity was empirically validated, while perceived hierarchical culture did not moderate on the positive relationship between knowledge creation activity and knowledge quality. Furthermore, the perceived hierarchical culture did attenuate the positive relationship between sociotropy and knowledge creation activity. This result can be interpreted that the perceived hierarchical culture that pursues the internal orientation, stability, discipline and control has a negative effect on active knowledge creation activities of employees, whether the personality traits of the members are sociotropy or autonomy. It is assumed that the above results are combined with many other structural factors and contingency factors scattered within the organization in performing knowledge activities. Because organizational performance is a result of different fit and context formed by multiple organizational contingencies(Van de Van and Drazin, 1984), It is important that all of the organizational factors such as member’s personality orientation, organizational culture and knowledge activities including structural factors and even leadership should be organically match one to each other. In the relationship between organizational culture and organizational performance, there are individual differences among organizational members. Therefore, individual-cultural fit that matches the behaviors of organizational members to organizational culture and organizational purpose is important(Ryu and Ahn, 2006). This is because organizational effectiveness is enhanced when a plurality of contingency factors and structural factors including performance characteristics, and the orientations of the members in the organization have to be fitted or contingent internally(Van de Van and Drazin, 1984). In future research, therefore, it is necessary to investigate how the personality orientation of organizational members composed of sociotropy and autonomy affects some behavioral variables and contingency factors of the organization and to find out which prescription is necessary to bring about organizational fit with these factors. Key words: sociotropy, autonomy, knowledge activity, knowledge creation, knowledge performances, knowledge quality, knowledge satisfaction, organizational culture

      • Experimental test of an intervention program to help physical education teachers better support their students' autonomy, positive class functioning, and future physical activity

        천승현 Graduate School, Korea University 2011 국내박사

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        The present study, grounded in self-determination theory (Deci & Ryan, 1985, 2000; Ryan & Deci, 2002), had a two-fold purpose: 1) examine the effects of an autonomy support instructional program (ASIP) on teachers? actual motivating styles and 2) to document students? benefits of having their autonomy supported by teachers in their physical education class. Physical education teachers were randomly assigned into one of two groups?an intervention group or a no intervention group. Ten physical education teachers received ASIP in three waves or sessions of training and eleven physical education teachers received no training program over the course of a semester. To assess the effectiveness of the manipulation, independent t-tests compared the two groups on five aspects of teachers? autonomy support. To assess the student benefits from the teacher training, repeated measures were conducted to test for group differences (condition) x time (three times) on the dependent variables of motivating styles, psychological needs, autonomous motivation, overall engagement, future intention toward physical activity, skill development, and academic achievement. Results demonstrated that physical education teachers who received ASIP taught in more autonomy-supportive ways than teachers who did not receive the training program. Specifically, there were significant differences between groups?1) using informational language, 2) providing explanatory rationales, and 3) acknowledging negative feelings and thoughts. Moreover, physical education teachers in ASIP also used greater autonomy support and lesser controlling toward their students, compared to PE teachers who adopted more controlling in the control group. Specifically, the experimental teachers? motivating style increased in autonomy-support and decreased in control over the semester. On the contrary, the control teachers? autonomy support statistically remained unchanged over the course of a semester, while their controlling motivating style statistically increased over time. Students? overall psychological need satisfaction in the experimental group was greater than that of students of teachers in the control group. Specifically, students? psychological needs, especially the needs for autonomy and competence, statistically increased over the course of a semester. For autonomous motivation, there were statistically significant differences between groups. Students in the experimental group showed greater autonomous motivation than did students in the control group, who decreased over time. For overall engagement, students in the experimental group demonstrated greater engagement than did students in the control group. For future intention toward physical activity, students in the experimental group showed greater future physical activity intention, while students of teachers in the control group remained statistically unchanged and stable across the semester. For skill development, students in the experimental group showed greater increases than did students in the control group. For academic achievement, students in the experimental group showed greater increases than did students in the control group. Specifically, students of teachers in ASIP statistically increased their achievement across the semester, while students of teachers in the control group maintained stable achievement scores over time. In overall, the autonomy support instructional program (ASIP) helped Korean physical education teachers support their students? autonomy. Further, the students of the teachers who participated in the ASIP displayed noticeably more positive academic benefits. Potential implications and recommendation for further intervention study and future directions are discussed. Keyword: ASIP, motivating style, autonomy support, autonomy, psychological needs, autonomous motivation, skill development, overall engagement, academic achievement, and future physical activity

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