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      • KCI등재

        동물플랑크톤의 서식 특성에 따른 분류와 먹이망: 상위포식자의 에너지원으로서 부착성 동물플랑크톤의 중요성

        최종윤 ( Jong Yun Choi ),나긍환 ( Geung Hwan La ),정광석 ( Kwang Seuk Jeong ),김성기 ( Seong Ki Kim ),장광현 ( Kwang Hyeon Chang ),주기재 ( Gea Jae Joo ) 한국하천호수학회(구 한국육수학회) 2012 생태와 환경 Vol.45 No.4

        We conducted a comprehensive monitoring for freshwater food web in a wetland system (Jangcheok Lake), from May to October, 2011. Monthly sampling for zooplankton, fish as well as organic matters, was implemented. In order to understand the food web structure and energy flow, we applied stable isotope analysis to the collected samples, based on δ13C and δ15N values of epiphytic particulate organic matter(EPOM) and particulate organic matter (POM), epiphytic and planktonic zooplankton, fish (Lepomis macrochirus). In the study site, epiphytic and planktonic zooplankton was 24 and 30 species, respectively, and coincidence species between epiphytic and planktonic zooplankton were 20 species. Epiphytic zooplankton were more abundant during the spring and early summer (May to July); however, planktonic zooplankton were more abundant during the autumn (September to October) season. Stable isotope analysis revealed that fish and epiphytic zooplankton had seasonal variations on their food sources. EPOM largely contributed epiphytic zooplankton in spring (May), but increasing contribution of POM in autumn (September) was detected. However, planktonic zooplankton depended on only POM in both seasons. Fish utilized both epiphytic and planktonic zooplankton, but small sized (1~~3 cm), fish preferred epiphytic zooplankton, where as larger sized (4~~7 cm) fish tended to consume planktonic zooplankton, and epiphytic zooplankton had important role in energy transfer. This pattern was clear when results of spring and autumn stable isotope analysis were compared. From the results of this study, we confirmed that wetlands ecosystem supported various epiphytic and planktonic zooplankton species, they depend on other food items, respectively. L. macrochirus also showed a difference of food source according to the body size, they depend on seasonal density change of zooplankton. In particular, epiphytic zooplankton was very important for growth and development of young fish in the spring.

      • 제주도 주변해역의 동물플랑크톤에 관한 연구현황

        서해립,서호영 濟州大學校海洋硏究所 1993 해양과환경연구소 연구논문집 Vol.17 No.-

        제주도 주변해역에 출현하는 동물플랑크톤의 생물량과 종조성의 시·공간적 변동에 대한 연구를 검토하였다. 동물플랑크톤의 평균 생물량은 근해(50-100㎎/㎥)보다 연안(<50㎎/㎥)이 낮았다. 연안에서 동물플랑크톤의 생물량은 태평양 아열대해역의 생물량과 비슷하였다. 연안의 총 동물플랑크톤(>0.09㎜)에서 몸이 큰 동물플랑크톤(>0.33㎜)이 차지하는 비율이 컸다. 작은 동물플랑크톤(0.09-<0.33㎜)의 생물량은 10-15㎎/㎥이었다. 제주도 연안의 chl.-a농도는우리나라 다른 연안역에 비해 낮았다. Go et al.(1989)이 보고한 것처럼 연안 동물플랑크톤이 높은 생물량에 대한 생산량의 비를 나타낸다면, 저서환경으로부터의 추가적 에너지흐름 경로가 존재할 수 있다. 저서조류기원의 데트리터스는 연안 동물플랑크톤의 중요한영양 공급원이 될 수도 있다고 여겨진다. 또 식물플랑크톤과 데트리터스 소비자로서 연안 동물플랑크톤의 역할을 평가하기 위해서는 몸이 작은 동물플랑크톤과 저서-표영성 동물플랑크톤에 관한 보다 많은 분류 및 생태학적 정보가 필요하다. We reviewed recent studies on estimating the spatio-temporal variability in biomass and species composition of zooplankton around Cheju Island. The average estimated biomass of zooplankton was lower in inshore (〈50 ㎎/㎡), compared to offshore (50-100 ㎎/㎡). The biomass of inshore zooplankton was similar to that of the subtropical Pacific. The large zooplankton (〉 represented a greater portion of total (〉0.09㎜) inshore zooplankton biomass. The average biomass of small zooplankton (0.09-〈0.33㎜) ranged 10-15㎎/㎡. The low concentration of chl. -a appeared in inshore (〈1㎍/1), compared to the other Korean coastal waters (3-6㎍/1). High P/B ratio of inshore zooplankton previously reported by Go et al. (1989) implies the presence of an additional pathway of energy flow from benthic environment. It is assumed that detritus originated from benthic algae may be a significant source of food for inshore zooplankton. In addition, more taxonomical and ecological information on small (0.09-0.33㎜) zooplankton and bentho-pelagic zooplankton is needed to assess the role of inshore zooplankton as consumers of phytoplankton and/or detritus.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Distribution and Abundance of Zooplankton in the Bransfield Strait and the Western Weddell Sea during Austral Summer

        Lee, Won-Cheol,Kim, Su-Am,Kang, Sung-Ho,Bang, Hyun-Woo,Lee, Kang-Hyun,Kwak, Inn-Sil Korea Institute of Ocean ScienceTechnology 2004 Ocean and Polar Research Vol.26 No.4

        Zooplankton community was surveyed during the Seventh Korea Antarctic Research Program, from 28 December 1993 to 11 January 1994. Zooplankton samples were collected at 40 stations from the waters around the South Shetland Islands with a Bongo net and a MOCNESS. A total of 14 taxa of zooplankton were identified. Zooplankton abundances varied at each station as well as with the sampling gears. Zooplankton abundances were higher in the Western Weddell Sea than those in the Bransfield strait. Zooplankton collected with MOCNESS showed a different vertical distribution depending on its depths at selected stations. Copepods were the major components of zooplankton contributing 72.84% (mesh size $333{\mu}m$) and 68.36% (mesh size $505{\mu}m$) of total zooplankton abundance from the Bongo samples. Salps were the second most abundant group comprising 7.92% $(333{\mu}m)$ and 11.99% $(505{\mu}m)$ of total zooplankton abundance. Euphausiids, chaetognaths, polychaetes, pteropods and ostracods occurred more than 1% of total zooplankton. Copepods were not abundant at stations salps and euphausiids were dominant. Salpa thompsoni, Euphausia superba, Calanoides acutus, Metridia gerlachei and Calanus propinquus were dominant depending on the stations. The hierarchical UPGMA cluster analysis of dissimilarities between sampling stations is displayed with clusters identified similar habitats. Copepods rarely appeared in the clusters 4 and 5, and they appeared a ffw in the cluster 3 (or salps were numerous), while copepods were abundant in the clusters 1 and 2. As in the results of cluster analysis, the distributions of dominant taxa have a well identified correspondence to the geological positions included physical factors.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Detecting response patterns of zooplankton to environmental parameters in shallow freshwater wetlands: discovery of the role of macrophytes as microhabitat for epiphytic zooplankton

        Choi, Jong-Yun,Kim, Seong-Ki,Jeng, Kwang-Seuk,Joo, Gea-Jae The Ecological Society of Korea 2015 Journal of Ecology and Environment Vol.38 No.2

        Freshwater macrophytes improve the structural heterogeneity of microhabitats in water, often providing an important habitat for zooplankton. Some studies have focused on the overall influence of macrophytes on zooplankton, but the effects of macrophyte in relation to different habitat characteristics of zooplankton (e.g., epiphytic and pelagic) have not been intensively studied. We hypothesized that different habitat structures (i.e., macrophyte habitat) would strongly affect zooplankton distribution. We investigated zooplankton density and diversity, macrophyte characteristics (dry weight and species number), and environmental parameters in 40 shallow wetlands in South Korea. Patterns in the data were analyzed using a self-organizing map (SOM), which extracts information through competitive and adaptive properties. A total of 20 variables (11 environmental parameters and 9 zooplankton groups) were patterned onto the SOM. Based on a U-matrix, 3 clusters were identified from the model. Zooplankton assemblages were positively related to macrophyte characteristics (i.e., dry weight and species number). In particular, epiphytic species (i.e., epiphytic rotifers and cladocerans) exhibited a clear relationship with macrophyte characteristics, while large biomass and greater numbers of macrophyte species supported high zooplankton assemblages. Consequently, habitat heterogeneity in the macrophyte bed was recognized as an important factor to determine zooplankton distribution, particularly in epiphytic species. The results indicate that macrophytes are critical for heterogeneity in lentic freshwater ecosystems, and the inclusion of diverse plant species in wetland construction or restoration schemes is expected to generate ecologically healthy food webs.

      • KCI등재

        Detecting response patterns of zooplankton to environmental parameters in shallow freshwater wetlands: discovery of the role of macrophytes as microhabitat for epiphytic zooplankton

        최종윤,김성기,정광석,주기재 한국생태학회 2015 Journal of Ecology and Environment Vol.38 No.2

        Freshwater macrophytes improve the structural heterogeneity of microhabitats in water, often providing an important habitat for zooplankton. Some studies have focused on the overall influence of macrophytes on zooplankton, but the ef¬fects of macrophyte in relation to different habitat characteristics of zooplankton (e.g., epiphytic and pelagic) have not been intensively studied. We hypothesized that different habitat structures (i.e., macrophyte habitat) would strongly af¬fect zooplankton distribution. We investigated zooplankton density and diversity, macrophyte characteristics (dry weight and species number), and environmental parameters in 40 shallow wetlands in South Korea. Patterns in the data were analyzed using a self-organizing map (SOM), which extracts information through competitive and adaptive properties. A total of 20 variables (11 environmental parameters and 9 zooplankton groups) were patterned onto the SOM. Based on a U-matrix, 3 clusters were identified from the model. Zooplankton assemblages were positively related to macrophyte characteristics (i.e., dry weight and species number). In particular, epiphytic species (i.e., epiphytic rotifers and cladocer¬ans) exhibited a clear relationship with macrophyte characteristics, while large biomass and greater numbers of macro-phyte species supported high zooplankton assemblages. Consequently, habitat heterogeneity in the macrophyte bed was recognized as an important factor to determine zooplankton distribution, particularly in epiphytic species. The results indicate that macrophytes are critical for heterogeneity in lentic freshwater ecosystems, and the inclusion of diverse plant species in wetland construction or restoration schemes is expected to generate ecologically healthy food webs.

      • KCI등재후보

        여름철 얕은 저수지의 중앙과 연안에서 동물플랑크톤 군집의 서식지 선택

        정현기 ( Hyun Gi Jeong ),서정관 ( Jung Kwan Seo ),이혜진 ( Hae Jin Lee ),이원철 ( Won Choel Lee ),이재관 ( Jaek Wan Lee ) 한국환경생물학회 2010 환경생물 : 환경생물학회지 Vol.28 No.4

        The Abundance of zooplankton was studied in the pelagic and the littoral zone in four shallow reservoirs along with the Nakdong river basin of S. Korea. In the pelagic zone, there was a higher zooplankton density (477.5±312.4 ind. L-1) than in the littoral zone during our study period (t=2.337, p?0.05). Overall, Rotifers were the most abundant group in the studied reservoirs. However, there are no significant correlations between the pelagic and the littoral zone in physical and chemical parameters. In the pelagic and the littoral zone, zooplankton density usually increased with increasing density of aquatic plants in the littoral zone. However, this study showed different trends. Although macrophyte abundance was higher in the littoral zone than in the pelagic zone, zooplankton abundance was higher in pelagic zone. Moreover, when macrophytes (Trapa japonica and Spirodela plyrhiza) covered the complete water surface of the reservoir, zooplankton abundance was higher. It appears that comparisons between the pelagic and the littoral zone give important cues on the selection of habitats by zooplankton. It is assumed that a higher density of aquatic plants does not always imply a higher density of zooplankton in the littoral zone. Furthermore, when the water surface was covered with aquatic plants, the zooplankton communities showed the highest density in the pelagic zone. These results imply that habitat selection of the zooplankton community (Rotifers) is influenced by aquatic plant density with an associated decrease in predation pressure during summer.

      • KCI등재

        남부지역 소형 관개용 못들에서의(둠벙) 동물플랑크톤 군집특성 조사 및 평가

        김항아 ( Hang Ah Kim ),최종윤 ( Jong Yoon Choi ),김성기 ( Seong Gi Kim ),도윤호 ( Yuno Do ),주기재 ( Gea Jae Joo ),김동균 ( Dong Kyun Kim ),김현우 ( Hyun Woo Kim ) 한국하천호수학회(구 한국육수학회) 2012 생태와 환경 Vol.45 No.4

        This study demonstrates the investigation of zooplankton communities (e.g. rotifers, cladocerans and copepods) and environmentally related driving factors (e.g. elevation, area size, water depth, types of dike construction, and bottom substrates). We hypothesized that zooplankton community structure and composition would be influenced by ambient driving forces in different scales of the irrigation ponds (Dumbeong). A total of 66 zooplankton species/groups (56 rotifers, 9 cladocerans, 1 copepods) were found and identified at 45 Dumbeong of Goseong region (i.e. Goseong-gun) in 2011. The rotifers occupied 84.9% of the total zooplankton abundance. We could categorize a clear separation of zooplankton communities into 4 different patterns based on cluster analysis. Zooplankton diversities in Dumbeongs were lower than those in natural ponds or wetlands. In addition, community structure of zooplankton was also simpler and had a broken stick distribution based on SHE analysis. Species composition in each Dumbeong was not significantly discriminated each other. The result of canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) pinpointed that significant influential variables upon zooplankton community were dissolved oxygen percent saturation, pH, and Dumbeong`s material. This study indicated that morphological type of the Dumbeong and its water quality could determine the community structure of zooplankton. Furthermore, the connectivity between ambient habitats and materials could be necessary to be rigorously considered in respect to producing the Dumbeongs to subsidize alternative habitats for wetland ecosystem in freshwater landscape.


        Seasonal variation in the biochemical compositions of phytoplankton and zooplankton communities in the southwestern East/Japan Sea

        Jo, N.,Kang, J.J.,Park, W.G.,Lee, B.R.,Yun, M.S.,Lee, J.H.,Kim, S.M.,Lee, D.,Joo, H.,Lee, J.H.,Ahn, S.H.,Lee, S.H. Pergamon Press 2017 Deep-sea research. Part II, Topical studies in oce Vol.143 No.-

        The macromolecular composition of phytoplankton communities and the proximate composition of zooplankton communities were measured monthly in the southwestern East/Japan Sea from April to November 2014 in order to identify seasonal changes in, and relationships among, the biochemical compositions in both phytoplankton and zooplankton. The carbohydrate content of phytoplankton was highest in June, whereas the protein content was highest in August and lipids were highest in April. Overall, carbohydrates were dominant (53.2 +/- 12.5%) in the macromolecular composition of phytoplankton during the study period. This composition is believed to result from the dominance of diatoms and/or nutrient-depleted conditions. In comparison, the protein level of zooplankton was highest in November, whereas lipids were slightly higher in May than other months. Overall, proteins were the dominant organic compounds (47.9+/-8.6% DW) in zooplankton communities, whereas lipids were minor components (5.5+/-0.6% DW). The high protein content of zooplankton might be related to the abundance of copepods, whereas the low lipid content might be due to a relatively high primary production that could provide a sufficient food supply for zooplankton so that they do not require high lipid storage. A significant positive correlation (r=0.971, n=7, p<0.01) was found between the lipid compositions of phytoplankton and zooplankton during our study period with a time lag, which is consistent with the findings from previous studies. More detailed studies on the biochemical composition of phytoplankton and zooplankton are needed to better understand the East/Japan Sea ecosystem's response to the many environmental changes associated with global warming.

      • KCI등재

        수생식물이 발달된 습지에서 동물플랑크톤 군집 분포: 수생식물의 밀도 및 종류가 부착성 윤충류와 지각류에게 미치는 영향

        최종윤,나긍환,김성기,정광석,주기재 한국하천호수학회(구 한국육수학회) 2013 생태와 환경 Vol.46 No.1

        We monitored 32 wetlands in order to investigate the influence of aquatic plants on zooplankton density and diversity in the littoral zone in Gyeongsangnam-do from May to June in 2011. A total of 65 zooplankton species were identified in the study sites. Among them, the diversity of epiphytic zooplankton were higher (40 species) than planktonic zooplankton. Littoral zones of all wetlands were covered by various aquatic plants, and influenced the epiphytic zooplankton assemblages. Based on the data from 1×1 (m) quadrat sampling, epiphytic and planktonic rotifer density showed no significant relationships with macrophyte cover. However, the epiphytic cladocerans density significantly increased under high aquatic plant cover (r2=0.39, p?0.05, n=32). Types of aquatic plants strongly influenced epiphytic zooplankton density. Upo and Jangcheok are locations which have well developed Phragmites communis and Ceratophyllum demersum communities in the littoral zone, and a higher density of epiphytic zooplankton was recorded on the surface of C. demersum. Especially, rotifers such as Lepadella, Monostyla and Testudinella showed obvious differences (One-way ANOVA, p?0.05 for all three species). This result suggests that epiphytic zooplankton have a substrate preference for larger surface areas, likely for adherence, on C. dimersum. In conclusion, the complex structure of the littoral plant community is expected to provide diverse refuge and microhabitats to epiphytic zooplankton.

      • KCI등재

        Seasonal variation of the zooplankton community of Gamak Bay, Korea

        Moon, Seong Yong,Kim, Hee Yong,Oh, Hyun Ju Korean Society of Environmental Biology 2020 환경생물 : 환경생물학회지 Vol.38 No.2

        The seasonal variation in the zooplankton community and hydrographic conditions were examined in three regions (inner, central, and outer regions) of Gamak Bay, Korea. Zooplankton samples were collected over a period of 12 months from January to December 2006. The hydrographical parameters of temperature, salinity, chlorophyll-a concentrations, dissolved oxygen, and chemical oxygen demand were measured. The total zooplankton density varied from 411 to 58,485 ind. m<sup>-3</sup>, with peaks in early summer. A total of 65 taxa accounted for approximately 86.9% of the annual mean zooplankton density: Noctiluca scintillans (30.9%) Paracalanus parvus s. l.(24.3%), Acartia omorii(11.9 %), Eurytemora pacifica (5.7%), cladocerans (4.1%), cirriped larvae (3.8%), Oithona similis (3.7%), and Pseudevedne tergestina(2.5%). Copepods dominated numerically throughout the year and comprised 54.3% of the total zooplankton. Most of the dominant copepods showed a well-defined seasonal pattern. The density and diversity of zooplankton in Gamak Bay were influenced by the hydrographic environment that was subject to significant spatial and temporal variations. Multivariate statistics showed that seasonal temperature was the most significant predictor of zooplankton taxa, density, and diversity, as well as the density of dominant taxa. Our results suggest that fluctuations in the zooplankton populations, particularly copepods, followed progressive increments in the temperature and COD concentrations.

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