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      • Determinants of Healthcare Utilisation among the elderly in Malaysia

        ( Noor`ain Mohamad Yunus ),( Noor Hazilah Abdul Manaf(phd) ),( Azura Omar(phd) ) 한국품질경영학회 2015 한국품질경영학회 학술대회 Vol.2015 No.2

        Purpose: Ageing is a truly important global phenomenon that is proceeding at a very fast pace in many parts of the developing world. Consequently, this trend will demand larger proportion of financial resources to be allocated for healthcare services in the future. Therefore, this study will be conducted to investigate the determinants of utilisation of healthcare services for the elderly. Design/methodology/approach: This paper which is based on literature review, presents the theoretical and empirical literature on determinants of healthcare utilisation and the outcome of healthcare utilisation towards the elderly. Findings: Drawing from past literature review, the authors argue that individual characteristics, psychosocial characteristics and health literacy contribute to the utilisation of healthcare resources of the elderly. Furthermore, the researchers has discussed the impact of healthcare utilisation towards the outcomes, namely perceived health status and patient satisfaction of the elderly. Originality/value: This paper will build up upon the present knowledge by exploring the contributing factors of utilisation of healthcare services among the elderly. This paper is valuable for researchers interested in the field of healthcare utilisation.

      • KCI등재

        무대에서 이미지 구성에 관한 연구

        김균형(KIM Gyunhyeong) 프랑스학회 2010 프랑스학연구 Vol.54 No.-

        Les eléments visuels sont très importants pour bien constnllre un spectacle, et pour que le public puisse le comprenclre en construisant ses images propres par rapport au spectac1e. Un spectacle théâtral n'est pas fait que seul par des é1éments visuels. Il y a bien entendu d'autres senses de l’homme qui comprennent des é1éments qui concement le son. Par l’harmonie de tous ces éléments, un spectacle peut aboutir son but final que souhaite le metteur en scène ou l’auteur ou bien d' autre designer. Le p1us important parmi des éléments visuels est le décor, car le public, entrant dans le théâtre, le rencontre tout d’aboard, et celui - ci reste comme celà jusqua ce que tout le public sorte du théâtre. Par là, sorte I'importance du metteur- en- scène. Car la création et l’utilisation de toutes les images sur la scène sont son affaire. Dans celles- ci sont compris les mouvements de 1'acteur. Par I'intervention de l'acteur, le metteur-en- scène crée des images c1ifférentes sur la scène. Le metteur en scène fait le codage avec tous les éléments qui I’entrourent. Dans le procès de codage, on ne peut pas dire qu'il y a des règ1es prècis à suivre. Le metteur en scène, se b머ançant entre 1’art et le public, exprime ses idées qu' il souhaite extérioriser. Son travail n' est pas basé sur la logique, mais sur l’intuition et la sensation qu'il intervient pendant la répetition. La selection et l’utilisation des accéssoires se procèdent de la même mnaière. lls s'estalent sur la scène par l’opération du metteur- en- scène. Mais le plus impαtant dans 1e décor de "Notre- Dame de Paris" , n'est pas le décor lui-même, c'est son utilisation. Jusqu'à aujourd'hui rare spectacles utilisaient le décor comme le fait dans "Notre-Dame de Paris". Le décor de la scène était p1us ou moins le "décor" littéralement. Mais dans le spectac1e, le décor n' est pas décor, mais c' est la place sur elle l' action se déploie. Le décor de "Notre-Dame de Paris" est continuellement utilisé par les acteurs. Cette utilisation est unique dans le spectacle Cette utilisation est appliquée égaJement sur les accéssoires. Toutes les accésoires qui sont utilisés dans le spectac1e sont manipules de la même maniere que le décor. Elles ne restent pas tranquiles, mais se déplacent sans cesse. L’utilisation active de décor et des accessoires est la caractèristique la plus marquante dans le spectacle de "Notre-Dame de Paris."

      • 프랑스어 상호·상표에 대한 인식실태와 교실에서의 활용교육에 관한 연구

        허진영 대구대학교 인문과학연구소 2008 人文科學硏究 Vol.31 No.-

        Nous observont souvent les mots français utilisés comme noms d'entreprise ou de produits dans la vie coréene. Cependant les Coréens ne connaissent pas bien le sens et la prononciation de ces mots français. Pour combler cette lacune, nous avons essayé de savoir ce que les étudiants coréens se souviennent 25 mots français supposés tels que Tous les jours, Mon ami, La neige, Elle. Cette ê̂nquete nous amène aux faits suivants: En premier lieu, les femmes se rappellent plus de mots que les hommes. En deuxième lieu, nous ne demandons cet exercice qu'aux étudiants de l'Université de Daegu. C'est la raison pour laquelle, nos items et nos informants sont limités et nous ne prétendons pas que nos faits soient de nature absolue et durable. Mais notre étude est l'un des premiers essais pour mettre à profit dans l'enseignement des mots français utilisés comme noms d'entreprise ou de produits dans la vie coréene. Notamment, du point de vue de l'enseignement des mots français, nous pouvons proposer en cours non seulement les expressions en langue française utilisées, mais aussi nous servir de ce lexique comme support de conversation quotidienne simple. L'enseignant montrera aussi les différences phonologiques, les erreurs, l'intégration ou l'absence des articles, les problèmes de trancription qui apparaissent dans ce corpus.

      • KCI등재

        어린이 문화유산 교육 활용을 위한 역사 거리 선정 평가에 관한 연구 -중국 후베이성(湖北省) 우한시(武汉市) 역사 거리를 중심으로

        소미,이 민 한국전시산업융합연구원 2024 한국과학예술융합학회 Vol.42 No.1

        Cultural heritage education for children can help them understand their cultural heritage, stimulate their interest in traditional culture, and foster a sense of historic identity and cultural literacy. Historic districts are an important component of cultural heritage spaces and can be seen as places where many cultural heritage resources are gathered, making them highly relevant for children's daily activities and learning. Through the establishment of an evaluation system for the utilisation of historical streets for children's cultural heritage education, this study aims to systematically analyse and evaluate relevant alternatives to select the most suitable historic districts for the purpose of children's cultural heritage education. Additionally, the evaluation method model established in this study will serve as a theoretical basis for future related studies. In this study, firstly the evaluation method and process for the utilisation of historic districts were established through a literature review. Following that, the evaluation criteria and indicators were determined based on the objectives of children's cultural heritage education, and the weighting of the evaluation criteria was analysed using the Delphi Method. Subsequently, an evaluation model based on Multi-Criteria Decision Making was constructed. Finally, five historic districts in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China were selected to conduct an empirical study. The research results and specific contents of this study are as follows. Firstly, the overall flow of the preliminary evaluation of the utilisation of historic districts is established. Secondly, the factors influencing the utilisation of historic districts for children's cultural heritage education comprise historical value, cultural diversity, environmental quality, spatial flexibility, and accessibility. Amongst these, historical value and cultural diversity are the most significant determinants. Third, establish an evaluation system for the utilisation of historic districts for children's cultural heritage education and cooperate with experts in various fields to conduct qualitative and quantitative evaluations involving various actors. Fourth, conduct evaluation and research on the historic districts of Wuhan City and select the historic districts of Jianghan Road and Zhongshan Avenue as the most suitable alternatives. The results of this study provide a theoretical basis and practical guidance for the evaluation of the utilisation of historic districts for children's cultural heritage education, and are significant in realising the sustainable development of historic districts.

      • KCI등재

        Awareness as Correlate of Undergraduate Students’ Utilisation of Library Software in Universities in South-West, Nigeria

        Odunola, Oluwole Akanmu,Tella, Adeyinka,Oyetola, Solomon Olusegun 건국대학교 지식콘텐츠연구소 2024 International Journal of Knowledge Content Develop Vol.14 No.2

        This study investigated the awareness and utilisation of library software by undergraduate students in universities in South-west Nigeria. The descriptive research design of the ex post facto was adopted using a sample of 1,527 selected from the total population of 239,048 undergraduate students in the universities. A questionnaire was used to collect the data. The finding of the study revealed that the extent of utilisation of library software by undergraduate students was high. Also, the majority of undergraduate students utilised library software in the university libraries between two to three times a week. Similarly, the findings show that awareness had an influence on the utilisation of library software by undergraduate students in the universities (r = 0.563, N = 1333, P < 0.05). The study concluded that awareness influenced the utilisation of library software by undergraduate students in universities. The study, therefore, recommends that the importance of the awareness of library software should be emphasized in the library to enhance its utilisation by the students in the university libraries.

      • Improvement Strategy for the Level of BIM Utilisation in the Australian Construction Industry

        Ki Pyung Kim,Jayden Matheson,Joel Newton,Jarrad Wills KINFORMS 2021 Management Review Vol.16 No.2

        Despite the various BIM guidelines and frameworks, the current BIM utilisation level in the Australian construction industry is low. To identify the current perceived BIM benefits among the design and construction professionals as well as investigate essential supports for BIM utilisation level improvement, the research conducted a questionnaire survey and several semi-constructed interviews among 45 design and construction professionals. The research identified that BIM is currently perceived as a useful tool enabling design and construction professionals to perform their tasks productively. While BIM is recognised as useful, there are concerns related to data security and access management and interoperability. Discipline-specific BIM guideline and standard and BIM Training are identified as crucial supports to improve BIM utilisation level in the design and construction industry. This research disclosed the importance of the BIM utilisation level improvement across the supply chain of a construction project. The findings will provide fundamental explanations of the way to improve BIM utilisation level in the Australian construction industry.

      • KCI등재

        재정관리체계의 구성요인이 발생주의 국가회계제도의 실행성과에 미치는 영향

        박성동,윤태화 한국공인회계사회 2014 회계·세무와 감사 연구 Vol.56 No.3

        우리나라는 국가재정의 종합적이고 중장기적인 관리를 도모하고 재정운영의 선진화를 모색하기 위해 2009 회계연도부터 국가 재정부문에 발생주의 방식의 국가회계제도를 도입하였다. 국가 재정운영에 도입된 발생주의 회계제도라는 혁신적인 변화시스템이 차질없이 정착되고 발전하기 위해서는 재정관리적 요인에 대한 분석을 통해 국가재정의 혁신적 변화과정을 성공적으로 관리하고 확산시켜 나갈 필요가 있다. 이에 따라 본 연구는 2011 회계연도부터 본격적으로 실행된 발생주의 국가회계제도가 국가재정 전반에 정착되고 발전되도록 하기 위하여 발생주의 국가회계제도의 실행성과에 영향을 미칠 수 있는 다양한 재정관리체계의 구성요인의 중요성을 분석하였다. 이를 위해 발생주의 국가회계제도의 실행단계에서 국가 재정관리체계를 구성하고 재정운용과정에 참가하는 운영기관 및 전문가 집단의 인적역량, 구조・기술적, 행동적, 제도적 특성변수를 파악하여 동 요인이 국가회계제도의 실행성과에 미치는 영향을 검증하였다. 발생주의 국가회계제도의 실행성과 변수로는 동 제도의 수용도와 활용도라는 두 가지 변수를 선정하였다. 본 연구의 실증분석의 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 발생주의 국가회계제도의 수용도에는 행동적 요인이 유의적인 正의 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 세부요인으로는 재정정보시스템의 기술능력(구조・기술적 요인), 고위공무원의 관심과 지원(행동적 요인), 국가회계재정통계센터 직원의 업무전문성(인적역량 요인), 국가회계재정통계센터의 홍보 및 소통(행동적 요인)이 국가회계제도의 수용도에 유의적인 正의 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 발생주의 국가회계제도의 활용도에는 재정관리체계의 구성요인 중 행동적 요인이 유의적인 正의 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 세부요인으로 분석하면 고위공무원의 관심과 지원(행동적 요인), 국회 예결위의 관심과 지원(행동적 요인), 중앙관서 회계공무원의 업무전문성(인적역량 요인)이 국가회계제도의 활용도에 유의적인 正의 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 재정관리체계의 제도적 요인(예산지원, 감사시스템, 회계교육시스템)은 발생주의 국가회계제도의 수용도와 활용도에 전반적으로 유의적인 영향을 미치지 못하는 것으로 나타났다. 넷째, 발생주의 국가회계제도에 대한 수용도는 활용도에 유의적인 正의 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타나, 수용도를 높이는 변수가 궁극적으로 활용도를 제고하는 것으로 판단된다. 이러한 실증분석 결과를 토대로 본 연구는 정부기관, 국회, 학계 및 연구계, 회계전문가 등 재정관리 체계의 구성원들에게 다음과 같은 점들을 시사해 주고 있다. 첫째, 발생주의 국가회계제도에 대한 수용도를 높이기 위해서는 재정정보시스템의 고도화 등 기술능력을 지속적으로 향상시켜 나가야 할 것이다. 둘째, 발생주의 국가회계제도의 수용도와 활용도를 높이기 위해서는 발생주의 국가회계제도에 대한 고위공무원의 관심과 지원이 필수적이라 할 수 있다. 셋째, 발생주의 국가회계제도의 수용도를 높이기 위해서는 국가회계재정통계센터 직원들이 국가회계 및 재정분야에 업무전문성을 갖고 관련기관과 적극적으로 소통하고 홍보하여야 할 것이다. 넷째, 국회 예결위의 국회의원과 보좌관들이 재무제표의 결산심의 과정에서 상당한 관심을 갖고 중앙관서 회계 ... In Korea, accrual government accounting system was adopted in the fiscal sector of central government from 2009 fiscal year in order to promote a comprehensive and long-term management in public finance sector and seek the advanced fiscal operation. It is the innovative change to introduce and implement the accrual government accounting system in the fiscal sector of the Korean government. The fiscal operation could be managed comprehensively and systematically through the accrual government accounting and national resources could be allocated strategically through the performance management of fiscal project. So it is necessary to manage and spread the innovative changing process successfully through analysing the factors in the public financial management system in order to settle and develop the accrual government accounting system in the fiscal sector. This study analysed the importance of several factors in the fiscal management system affecting the implementing performance of the accrual government accounting system implemented fully from the 2011 fiscal year. To proceed this study, two variables of the acceptance and the utilisation of accrual government accounting system were selected as the implementing performance variables to accomplish the objectives of accrual government accounting system in Korea. Also, the diverse variables concerning the personal, structural-technical, behavioral and institutional characteristics in the implementing stage of the accrual government accounting were identified and these factors affecting the implementing performance of accrual accounting were verified statistically. The results of empirical analysis in this study are as follows. First, the behavioral factors in the public financial management system have a significant positive effect on the acceptance of the accrual accounting system. Analysing the detailed factors, the technical ability of fiscal information system (structural-technical factor), the attention and support of high level public officers (behavioral factor), operational expertise of personnel in the National Accounting Standard Centre (personal factor), strategy of publicity & communication of the National Accounting Standard Centre (behavioral factor) have a significant positive effect on the acceptance of the accrual accounting system. Secondly, the behavioral factors in the public financial management system have also a significant positive effect on the utilisation of accrual government accounting system. Analysing the detailed factors, the attention and supports of high level public officers (behavioral factor), the attention and supports of the Committee of Budget & Account in the National Assembly (behavioral factor), the operational expertise of public officials in charge of accrual government accounting in the Ministry, Offices etc. have a significant positive effect on the utilisation of the accrual government accounting system. Thirdly, the acceptance of accrual government accounting system has a significant positive effect on the utilisation of accrual government accounting system. This means that even though diverse factors in the public financial management system have a complicated effect on the utilisation of the accrual government accounting system, the factors which can improve the acceptance of the accrual accounting system have a positive effect on the utilisation of the accrual accounting system indirectly. Therefore this study suggests the following implications to the members of the public financial management system such as the government institutions, National Assembly, academic world & research institutions and accounting professionals etc. First, in order to enhance the acceptance of accrual government accounting system, it is necessary to improve the technical competency of fiscal information system which makes the accrual accounting system operate in the public sector through upgrading and supplementing the function of fiscal...

      • KCI등재

        The Utilisation of ICTs For Knowledge Management In A Zimbabwean Urban District Council

        Kundai Oliver Shadwell SAI,Prabhakar Rontala SUBRAMANIAM 한국유통과학회 2022 The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business( Vol.13 No.2

        Purpose: This study established the state of the utilisation of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in Zimbabwean urban district councils to manage municipal knowledge. The way municipal knowledge and service delivery information are managed influences the usefulness and accessibility of the information to the various stakeholders. The effective management of this information thus determines the quality of decisions made by Zimbabwean urban councils. Research design, data and methodology: The study adopted a single case study design, employing a purely qualitative research approach. The purposive sampling technique was used to select key informants who participated in the study. Collected data were analysed using thematic content analysis. Results: The findings revealed that the Masvingo City Council was not fully utilising ICTs to manage service delivery knowledge. It has been at a minimum level in cases where they have been used. Conclusions: This research contributes to the Zimbabwean local government body of knowledge, providing the evidence needed to form a basis for future research, focusing on knowledge management and information technology utilisation in municipal organisations. The researchers recommended that Masvingo City Council direct more resources towards improving the existing ICT infrastructure and employee training programmes to improve the management of the organisation s knowledge.

      • KCI등재

        고령 1인가구의 디지털 활용역량이 삶의 만족에 미치는 영향: 사회적 자본의 매개효과

        김주리 동의대학교 지방자치연구소 2023 공공정책연구 Vol.40 No.2

        This study aims to analyse the structural relations between digital utilisation capacity, social capital and life satisfaction among elderly single households. From the raw data of the 2021 Digital Divide Survey, 339 people aged 55 or older who responded as a single household were selected as the analysis sample. For the analysis, a structural equation model(SEM) was applied, and the main results were obtained as follows. First, the digital utilisation capacity directly increased bonding and bridging social capital, and life satisfaction respectively. Second, each bonding and bridging social capital showed a significant and positive association with life satisfaction. Finally, a significant mediating effect of social capital was confirmed in the association between digital utilisation capacity and life satisfaction. Based on these results, it is emphasised that programmes of informatisation education for the elderly needs to be strengthened, by which can bring about beneficial social effects.

      • KCI등재후보

        The Fractional Utilisation of Maximal Oxygen Consumption during Execution of Ground Strokes and Simulated Match in 14 to 18 years Malaysian Singles Tennis Players

        ( Syahrul Ridhwan ),( Asok Kumar Ghosh ),( Chen Chee Keong ) 체육과학연구원 2010 International Journal of Applied Sports Sciences Vol.22 No.2

        The purpose of the present study was to determine the fractional utilisation of maximum oxygen uptake capacity (% VO2max) during execution of ground strokes and tennis match play. Ten male Malaysian state-level tennis players participated in this study. Age, height, weight and VO2max of the players were 15.3 + 1.2 years, 164.0 + 7.4 cm, 52.3 + 11.5 kg and 51.7 + 7.3 ml·kg-1·min-1 respectively. This study was conducted in 3 phases: laboratory test (Phase I), on-court test (Phase II) and simulated match (Phase III). Fraction of VO2max during execution of forehand and backhand strokes were 71.6 + 10.9% and 72.3 + 8.8% respectively, whereas tennis match play demanded 69.3 + 9.8% of VO2max. Execution of forehand and backhand strokes led to a blood lactate concentration of approximately 6 mmol·L-1, indicating the involvement of anaerobic glycolysis. On the other hand, due to the intermittent nature of the game and the work-rest ratio of 1:2.2, the post-match blood lactate was found to be 3.21 + 0.2 mmol·L-1, reflecting an aerobic dominance in the game. The mean match heart rate (154.3 + 15.4 beats·min-1) was lower than mean anaerobic threshold heart rate (164.7 + 5.7 beats·min-1), signifying a lower blood lactate level less than 4.0 mmol·L-1 in a tennis match. It This might be due to the fact that long rest pauses caused removal of blood lactate as well as recovery of heart rate. Video analysis of the matches revealed that the players executed more forehand strokes (P<0.001) than the backhand strokes. Since similar heart rate and VO2 responses were observed for forehand and backhand strokes, it is suggested that the players should train themselves equally on both ground strokes. During the longest rally, mean heart rate of the players was 174.9 + 3.1 beats·min-1, which corresponded to 84.5 + 2.2% of VO2max. In addition, rallies per game, mean rally duration and strokes per rally were found to be 5.7 + 2.4, 4.5 + 1.5 seconds and 2.8 + 0.8 shots, respectively. Hence, it is concluded that the Malaysian state-level tennis players possessed a moderately good aerobic capacity. This can be improved to the international standard through endurance and intermittent type of training. Improvement in VO2max may enhance the playing intensity of the match as well a better recovery in the rest pauses and also delay the onset of fatigue during a match. From video match analysis and heart rate VO2 relationship, it is suggested that the players should also improve the alactic anaerobic component through short bursts of repeated movements of 5-8 seconds durations.

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