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        북한 급변사태와 남북연합: 통일과정적 접근

        김근식 ( Keun Sik Kim ) 북한연구학회 2009 북한연구학회보 Vol.13 No.2

        The principles of unification that should be aimed for are `progressiveness,` which stresses the improvement of the quality of life in both South and North Korea, and `dynamics` which excludes pursuing a mechanized sequence and following a fixed path in the unification process. Based on these principles, peaceful coexistence and a gradual path towards peaceful unification triggered by North Korea`s own change is ideal; however, despite this hope, the possibility of the North Korean regime collapsing and unexpected contingencies arising always exists. In fact, a desirable path towards achieving gradual peaceful unification and unification by absorption after North Korea`s collapse can coexist as possible paths to unification. It is more realistic to say after the prolonged process of peaceful unification, the actual process of unification will go through the final stages of the absorption phase after the sudden regime collapse of North Korea. After the sudden collapse of North Korea, there is a high possibility that the unification process will be carried out rapidly including the uncontrolled. However, if the dynamics of the unification process becomes excessive, the possibility of progressiveness being undermined cannot be excluded. Whether the process of peaceful unification is gradual or it takes place rapidly through reunification by absorption as a result of a contingency, it is important to control the excessive dynamics of the unification process and to guide and prepare for a desirable unification through systematic engagement. Thus, a Korean Commonwealth is valuable due to these reasons. In order to reach an equal agreement between South and North Korea after the possible contingencies in the North, the Korean Commonwealth is still a useful device in the unification process. The requirements for the Korean commonwealth in times of possible contingencies in the North are as follows. First, to arrange emergency management and to perform organization ability while becoming a powerful institutional device that allows the admission of the unification process led by Korea. Second, due to the fundamental consultative organization of the Korean Commonwealth, South Korea will be able to intervene without resistance from the North Korean elites and citizens. Third, the improper intervention by China and the United States can be prevented and Korean Commonwealth can function as an internal self-determining system for the peninsula. Lastly, the Korean Commonwealth is based on equal reciprocity it will be possible to secure the legitimacy of unification and to make decisions. In conclusion, the Korean Commonwealth could be a useful institutional device that guarantees the principles of dynamics and progressiveness while leading the unification process in the event of a contingency situation in North Korea.

      • KCI등재

        통일과정에서의 선거제도에 대한 연구

        정구진 강원대학교 비교법학연구소 2022 江原法學 Vol.66 No.-

        The Korean constitution states that democratic values need to be maintained in the process of Korean unification. And it also clearly states that the process needs to be peacefully carried out. With such conditions, the electoral system in the Korean peninsula is very important to the Korean unification process. Therefore, studies on the electoral system integration during the unification process needs to be realistic and insightful. In this study, we use the 3 level unification process, which is the South Korean government’s official unification policy, to analyze the integration process. During the system integration process, the normative and constitutional principles and values need to be kept in mind as well as the South and North Korean residents’ social cohesion. The electoral system specific elements also needs to be considered as well as the South and North Korean electoral system and the reality of it. Considering all these factors, A process for north Korean residents to express their opinions need to be set up, a proper electoral system needs to be set up in the north Korean area before unification and the electoral system in unified Korea should not be based just on the population and location, and there needs to be a transition period before unification. The union level of the unification policy is most definitely different from north Korea’s unification policy. And the union level of the unification policy can be divided in 4 steps. A proper electoral system in north Korea should be set up at least on step 1 or 2, and a south-north union congress need to be installed in step 3. The parliamentary system in unified Korea should be bicameral system and specific measures for the north Korean residents should be implemented for a short span of time immediately after unification. 대한민국 헌법은 제4조에서 ‘자유민주적 기본질서에 입각한 평화적 통일정책’에 대한 내용을 정하고 있다. 따라서 남북통일 과정과 통일국가의 법률체계는 민주적 기본질서와 국제평화주의를 기초로 해야 한다. 이를 위해서는 통일과정과 통일국가에서 남북한 주민이 주권을 행사할 수 있는 경로인 선거제도가 중요하고, 그에 대한 실효성과 현실성 있는 연구가 이뤄질 필요가 있다. 이를 위해서 본 연구는 선거법제 통합에 대한 이론과 내용을 검토한 후, 남한정부의 공식적인 통일방안인 「한민족공동체 건설을 위한 3단계 통일방안」에 따라 통일이 되는 경우를 전제하여 통일과정에서 필요한 법제도와 법정책적인 내용을 연구대상으로 한다. 남북통일 과정에서 법제도 통합과정과 결과에서 준수되어야 할 규범적 가치와 원리, 남북한 주민 간의 사회통합적인 측면, 선거법제 통합의 특수성과 남북한 선거법제와 선거에 대한 법현실을 고려했을 때 통일 과정에서는 남북한 주민 간에 동질성을 통한 연대성이 일정 수준으로 형성하기 전에는 북한주민들의 의사가 국정운영에 반영될 수 있는 장치가 마련되어야 하고, 통일이 되기 전까지 북한에서도 북한주민들이 자유롭게 의사를 표현할 수 있는 선거제도가 마련되어야 하며, 인구나 지역만을 기준으로 선거법제를 구성해서는 안 될 뿐 아니라 선거법제를 통합하는 과정에서는 남북연합과 같은 과도기가 필요할 것으로 판단된다. 남북연합의 경우 북한이 제시한 낮은 수준의 연방제와 같은 것이라는 견해가 제시되지만, 북한의 통치체제와 법률체계를 종합적으로 고려했을 때 그와 같은 해석은 받아들이기가 힘들다. 그리고 남북연합단계는 오랜 기간에 거쳐서 창설단계, 기관화 단계, 남북공동체 단계, 통일 준비 단계로 구분할 수 있는데, 북한에서는 늦어도 기관화 단계에서 제대로 된 선거가 이뤄질 필요가 있고 남북공동체 단계에서는 남북연합의회를 통해서 민주적 정당성을 갖춘 통일을 준비할 필요가 있다. 그리고 통일국가에서는 양원제 의회제도를 도입하고, 잠정적으로나마 북한주민에게만 피선거권에 대한 특례를 인정하는 것이 바람직할 것으로 판단된다.

      • KCI등재

        통일교육에서 창의성 신장 기법의 활용

        오기성 평화문제연구소 2009 統一問題硏究 Vol.21 No.2

        한반도에서의 통일은 분단 상태를 유지해왔던 남북한이 단순히 하나로 되는 것(reunification)을 의미하지 않는다. 우리가 지향하는 통일은 미래 지향적이고 창조적 과정으로서 새로운 통일(newunification)이 되어야 한다. 창조적 과정으로서 통일을 성공적으로 달성하기 위해서는 통일교육에서 학습자의 창의적인 사고와 성향, 실천 능력이 중요시 된다. 이러한 관점에서 본 연구는 학교 통 일교육에서 창의성 신장 기법을 활용할 수 있는 방안을 탐색하고자 하였다. 학교 통일교육에서 창의성 신장 기법을 활용할 경우 통일 준비를 보다 철저하게 할 수 있으며, 학습자들의 창조적 사고 및 실천 능력을 증진시키고, 통일교육 내용이 가지고 있는 복합성에 부합하는 종합적 접근을 시도할 수있으며, 통일 이후 발생할 수 있는 여러 갈등을 창조적으로 해결하는데 기여할 수 있을 것이다. 이러한 점에서 이 연구는 학교 통일교육에서 의미 있다고 판단되는 창의성 신장 기법을 제시하고, 이에 대한 대표적 사례로서 브레인라이팅, 여섯가지 사고모, 스캠퍼, PMI를 활용한 통일교육 방안을 제시하였다. We should notice that unification in North-South Korea is not reunification but new unification process. So unification has its own peculiarity, that is, unification as a creative process in the future-oriented perspective. For the achievement of this unification as a creative process, unification education lays emphasis on creative thinking, affective disposition, practice ability. From this perspective, the purpose of this paper is to study unification education using a creativity increase techniques. As using a creativity increase techniques in education for unification at school, unification education contributes to intensive preparations for unification as a creative process, the promotion of creative thinking and practice ability, complex approach of unification education content, creative settlement on the conflicts of post-unity society. Based on these points, this study gives examples that apply creativity increase techniques in unification education at school; for example, brain-writing, six thinking hats, SCAMPER, PMI.

      • KCI등재

        통일교육의 창의·인성교육적 접근

        오기성 사단법인 한국평화연구학회 2013 평화학연구 Vol.14 No.3

        Our unification is not mere reunification but new unification process. So unification has its own peculiarity, that is, unification as a creative process in the future-oriented perspective. From this viewpoint, creativity and character education approach is useful in studying unification education for the achievement of this unification as a creative process. Because creativity should live in harmony with character in a whole unification education. From this perspective, the purpose of this paper is to clarify the validity of creativity and character education approach to unification education. The advantages of creativity and character education approach to unification education are contribution to intensive preparations for unification as a creative process, the promotion of creative thinking and practice ability, complex approach of unification education content, creative settlement on the conflicts the post-unity society. However, this approach does have its disadvantages. Especially there is lack of effective elements of character such as thrust, sympathy, and passion for unification in this approach. Therefore, to recover from these problems, creativity and character education approach to unification education shouldn't overlook these points. After solving these problems, unification education can works toward education for the ability to relate to others and the sense of sympathy. 우리가 추구하는 통일은 남북이 단순히 하나로 되는 것을 의미하지 않는다. 우리가 지향하는 통일은 미래 지향적이고 창조적 과정으로서 새로운 통일(new unification)이 되어야 한다. 이러한 점에서 창의․인성교육적 접근은 창조적 과정으로서 통일을 성공적으로 달성하기 위한 통일교육을 탐구하는데 유용하다. 온전한 통일교육을 위해서 창의성은 인성과 조화를 이루어야 하기 때문이다. 이러한 관점을 기초로 본 연구는 통일교육에 대한 창의․인성교육적 접근이 지니는 함의를 살펴보고자 하였다. 통일교육에 대한 창의․인성교육적 접근은 통일 준비를 보다 철저하게 할 수 있으며, 학습자들의 창조적 사고 및 실천 능력을 증진시키고, 통일교육 내용이 가지고 있는 복합성에 부합하는 종합적 접근을 시도할 수 있으며, 통일 이후 발생할 수 있는 여러 갈등을 창조적으로 해결하는데 기여할 수 있다. 그러나 이러한 접근은 단점을 지니고 있다. 특히 창의․인성교육적 접근은 인성의 정의적 요소들, 예컨대 신뢰, 공감, 통일에의 열정 등과 같은 요소들이 결핍되어 있다. 따라서 창의․인성교육적 접근은 이러한 점들을 간과해서는 안된다. 정의적 요소들이 보완된 후에야 통일교육은 타인과 관계를 맺는 능력과 공감능력을 키우는 교육을 위해 기여할 수 있다.

      • KCI등재후보

        연합과 연방: 통일방안의 폐쇄성과 통일과정의 개방성 - 6·15 공동선헌 2항을 중심으로

        김근식 경남대학교 극동문제연구소 2003 한국과 국제정치 Vol.19 No.4

        One of the confrontations within the South upon policy towards the North is how to interpret the Article 2 in South-North Joint Declaration. Debates upon this problem up to now have been among extremist views analyzing confederation’ and ‘federation’ only by the perspective of unification formula. On the one hand, the Article 2 has been interpreted as that the North revised its unification formula, on the other hand, as that the South yielded to the North’s unification formula. To interpret the Article 2 on view of unification formula can not make South-North agreement because of substantial difference of confederation and federation, and ideological lock-out of unification formula itself resulted from pecu- liar South-North relationship. This article argues that if we make constructive products, the Article 2 should be interpreted not by the view of ‘unification ormula’ but by the dynamic view of ‘unification process.’ Thus, it can be interpreted as that South-North abandoned rapid and inordinate, institutional unification and they agreed on ‘unification as process’ realizing peaceful co-existence and mutual approval of their regimes. That is, the Article 2 made South- North agree not on unification formula but on the principle of unification process. If dynamics and openness of unification process is considered as above, the difference of confederation and federation may not be important and this problem would be solved without difficulty as actual unification process makes its way.

      • KCI등재후보

        한반도 통일과정의 정치동학 : 독일ㆍ예맨 사례의 시사점

        김근식(Keun Sik Kim) 경희대학교 인류사회재건연구원 2010 OUGHTOPIA Vol.25 No.3

        실제의 한반도 통일과정은 결코 미리 그려진 통일방안이나 예정된 경로로 진행되지 않는다. 또한 실제의 통일은 결코 합의에 의한 대등통일을 허락하지 않는다. 통일이 시작되는 순간 이후 통일과정은 가장 냉정하고 냉혹한 힘의 관계를 반영하게 된다. 따라서 우리는 통일과정의 원칙으로 ‘역동성’ 즉 힘의 우위 세력이 주도하는 구심력의 급속한 통합을 현실적으로 인정하면서도 그 과정과 결과가 분단시대보다 나은 삶의 질을 가져온다는 ‘진보성’의 원칙을 훼손하는 것은 막는 것이어야 한다. 독일의 통일과정은 동독주민의 급속한 통합 요구에 밀려 급격한 흡수통일로 귀결되었다는 점에서 역동성의 극적인 사례를 보여줬고, 예맨의 경우는 통일합의 후 재분열과 무력통일이라는 참담한 역동성을 보여주면서 진보성을 훼손한 극단적 사례를 보여줬다. 결국 한반도식 통일과정이 역동성의 현실을 받아들이면서 동시에 진보성의 원칙을 견지하려면 본격적인 통일과정 진입 전에 되도록 오랜 평화공존과 화해협력의 준비과정과 남북의 상호 민주화를 필요조건으로 한다. The actual process of unification of Korean peninsula will not unfold as intended from the previously drawn plans. The actual unification also will not permit for an equal unification to take place based on mutual agreement. With the onset of unification, its process will reflect the most cold and harsh realities of power relations. Therefore, it is critical to stop damaging the 'progressiveness' principles that argues the process and results of unification will raise the quality of life more than now, as a divided nation. However, one must also keep in mind and acknowledge that 'dynamism' as the principle of actual unification process where more powerful state will take the lead for a speedy unification with a centripetal force. The unification process of Germany exemplifies the case of dynamism, from undergoing rapid unification by absorption from the demands of the East Germans. The Yemen's case illustratedthe gruesome dynamism of forceful unification and re-division after the unification agreement, showing the most extreme case of breakdown of progressiveness. In result, for Korean unification to adopt the principles of progressiveness while accepting the realities of dynamism of the unification process, requires as precondition of preparing for peaceful coexistence, reconciliation and cooperation as well as mutual democratization of the North and South long before undergoing the process of the full-fledged unification.

      • KCI등재

        대북정책과 통일정책의 상관성: 과정으로서의 통일과 결과로서의 통일의 관계

        김연철 ( Yeon Chul Kim ) 북한연구학회 2011 북한연구학회보 Vol.15 No.1

        This Paper aims at explaining the relationship between ``Unification Policy as the process`` and ``Unification Policy as the result``. Two policy are contradictory to each other. While emphasis on the final regime of Unification, it has a negative effect to the present North Korean policy. West Germany`s Ostpolitik and Engagement Policy are the peace management policy by reconciliation and cooperation. This paper emphasizes the positive effect of coexistence policy. Only Coexistence would allow the mutual exchange and cooperation. What`s the problem of Unification Policy as the result`` without the contents of unification process? First, it means the increase the Unification cost. Second, because of the antagonistic mutual identity, it would make even further away from Unification. Third, the fault assumption would miss the opportunity of negotiation. The Purpose of ``Unification policy as the process`` is the realization of ``de facto unification`` through the peaceful coexistence and mutual cooperation. This concept have developed as the mutual agreement through the article 2 of June 15th North -South Korea Joint Declaration. We need to develop the institutional level of the Korean Common Wealth as an interim unification system.

      • KCI등재후보

        통일교육의 역할과 효과에 대한 문제점과 개선방향 연구

        박광득 한국통일전략학회 2014 통일전략 Vol.14 No.1

        남북한이 분단되어 있는 한국의 현실에서 통일교육이라는 것은 매우 중요한 의미를 함축하고 있다고 할 수 있다. 통일이 민족의 숙명이라고 한다면 이에 대한 준비를 하여야 하는 것이 당연한 진리라고 할 수 있다. 통일에 대한 다각적인 준비가 바로 통일교육이라고 할 수 있다. 통일교육에 대해서는 통일부와 교과부에서 지정한 교재를 통하여 학교 및 시민 통일교육이 실시되고 있는 것은 주지의 사실이다. 그러나 통일교육의 역할과 효과에 대한 연구는 미진한 것이 사실이다. 통일을 준비하는 측면에서 이에 대한 연구는 완전한 통일을 위한 우리의 과제라고 할 수 있다. 본 논문에서는 통일교육은 어떤 역할을 하여야 하는가에 대한 당위적 역할론을 국가관, 북한관, 통일관으로 구분하여 분석하였고, 통일교육의 효과에 대해서는 객관적인 효과보다는 통일교육의 효과에 장애가 되는 부정적인 측면을 제시함으로써 통일교육의 극대화를 위한 방안을 역설적으로 제시하였다. 마지막으로 통일교육을 위한 개선하여야 할 부분에 대한 지적과 함께 발전 방안을 제시하였다. 결론에서는 우리가 생각하고 있는 통일은 어떠한 것인가에 대한 개념적인 정리와 함께 통일은 어떻게 하여야 할 것인가에 대한 고민을 주관적인 추론으로 분석하였다. Unification education has important implications on the situation of the two Koreas. If nations unification is the fate, should preparing for the unification should be a natural logic. So ready for unification is just unification education. Unification education is a Ministry of Unification and Ministry of Education published textbook through the has progressed school and civic Unification education. A study on the role and effect of unification education yet needed many problem and studies. In this study, in terms of preparing for unification is our issues and improvement directions for the complete unification. In this paper, we first relates to role of unification education separated by a description the established role of 'view of states', the established role of 'view of North Korea', the established role of 'view of unification'. Effect of unification education analyzed factors that hinder effective than objective effects. Second, the negative effects of unification education overcome maximize the effectiveness of the unified education. Finally, proposed the challenges for the development of a unification education and make out What is a conceptual unification.

      • KCI등재

        2022 개정 도덕과 교육과정에서의 초등 통일교육 학습과정에 관한 연구

        박찬석,조인호 한국통일교육학회 2022 통일교육연구 Vol.19 No.2

        Elementary unification education in moral Education Curriculum should include background knowledge, reinforcement of the will for unification through textbooks, and teaching and learning that accept sound unification discussions in the learning process. Therefore, it is said that elementary moral and unification education in 2022 should reflect important basic knowledge that strengthens unification and basically grasps the post-division situation. Practically, elementary morality and unification education seeks to grasp the basic unification discussion and the influence of important teaching and learning in morality education in the political, economic and social changes of North and South Korea. In this sense, today’s elementary morality and unification education will have to find ways to improve in the new 2022 revised curriculum, including the goals and contents of unification education based on the current situation. In this sense, morality and unification education from this point of view should be oriented toward the learning process and should enable elementary school students to develop sound views on unification, peace, and security.

      • KCI등재

        독일통일 과정에서의 민사법,상사법 통합과 그 시사점

        김경욱 ( Kyeng Wook Kim ),김정환 ( Jung Hwan Kim ) 안암법학회 2013 안암 법학 Vol.0 No.42

        Although it may not be possible to predict when the unification of South and North Korea will take place, it is a task that must be achieved. Successful unification will require effective integration of two states` legal systems to establish the foundation of social structure. Yet, as prolonged division has resulted in vast difference between the two Koreas in many aspects including laws, it can be argued that thorough preparation is imperative for successful integration of two legal systems. This study aims to explore effective plans for integrating legal systems of South and North Korea by examining the precedent of judicial integration that took place during the German unification. More specifically, this study focuses on the integration of two German states` civil law and commercial law in order to consider its implications for South Korea in preparation of unification. Moreover, structural analysis of integration process of civil law as well as Civil Procedural Law, Bankruptcy Law and Commercial Law was conducted. Korea`s unification must take place according to the principles of liberal democracy indicated within the Constitution of Republic of Korea. Hence, the integration model of German judicial system may provide specific suggestions for South Korea as East Germany adopted West Germany`s law in principle while it also acknowledged exceptional circumstances and allowed transient continuity of East Germany`s law during the unification process. Furthermore, since South Korea`s legal system is modeled after Germany`s and North Korea has the legal system founded upon socialist ideology as East Germany did, circumstantial application of law per individual legal properties demonstrated by Germany can provide significant implications for South Korea. Through such precedent study, South Korea can develop an integration model that suits its distinctive situation and needs, hence minimize confusion in judicial system that may occur during the unification. As a result, South Korea will be in more prepared position for unification than Germany was in. This paper concludes by emphasizing the importance of thorough preparation at the national level for this process.

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