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        역자의 (불)가시성 ―역자 후기를 중심으로

        전현주 한국외국어대학교 통번역연구소 2009 통번역학연구 Vol.12 No.2

        This paper treats the translators’ being and role in the translators’ epilogues of translated texts which have been ignored in the mainstream translation studies. Compared to the source texts, the status of translators and translated texts has been placed as secondary, which leads and forces translators to apply limited translation strategies in the translation process. Although the translators’ epilogue is a permitted space reserved for translators, translators have used the space as a self-restraint device in the expression of their being and translation strategies. In other words, they have not taken advantage of the space properly as a self-expressive device of their being and translation strategy. In this paper, 30 different translators’ epilogues were analyzed, and six ST-oriented and nine TT-oriented factors concerning translators’ (in)visibility were found. Regardless of genre, the factors of summary and comment of the source texts, and the stimulation of reading motivation are relatively important, and the comments of translation theory, translation strategies, and translation responsibility are more frequently found in the epilogues of non-literary works than of literary ones. In contrast, translation strategies and theories occur less often in Kim, Sukhee’s epilogues. Although translators are forced to be invisible by some prominent reasons such as heterogeneity, authorship, the formation of cultural identity, or the text being a bestseller, translators have to try to devote a good deal of space to their positive being and role at least in the translators’ epilogues. There are many positive evidences in the epilogues in which translators have endeavored to give readers the true meaning of the author, and have kept as much as possible. It is also necessary for them to add their statements in some places; otherwise the book cannot be understood. The value of translators’ visibility cannot be overemphasized because it is their unique right.

      • KCI등재

        개항기 번역관의 신설과 운영

        백옥경 서울역사편찬원 2014 서울과 역사 Vol.- No.88

        The main purpose of this study is to examine the background of establishing an official translator system in the period of Port Opening and how to run that system. Since the period of Port Opening, I tried to study the situation to meet the need of times which the system of translator had to be set up and the effort of how much they tried to train competent people in the Western oriented international changing order. In the Eastern Asian order focused on Ming and Qing, Chosun which developed the diplomatic relation got busy to contact with Western countries and had a growing interest in translating and interpreting. Thus the government of Dynasty made a try to establish the education institute like Dongmoonhak(a government school for training official English interpretator) or Yookyoungongwon(the Royal English School) to teach a foreign language and they tried to raise up talented people. Moreover, talent who were trained at this institute were recruited as translator, had a plan to use negotiating the foreign policy. Chosun’s translators appeared around times of turning out Dongmoonhak’s graduates from 1885(the 22th year of Gojong who was Chosun’s King). They were deployed for Western officers, Maritime Customs and diplomatic officers to be appointed in Chosun newly. They spoke English, Russian, Japanese, made a difference from the previous translators. Also, because they belonged to Tongrikoysubtongsangsamuamun (that was the foreign office), but the previous translators belonged to Sayeokwon, they had a difference to play their roles. They translated papers and interpreted basically, and also did a foreign policy. But, Translators were not served as a higher position in the system. They were appointed as from 9th to 5th Pooms which was a lower position, routinized to work for a long-term, even if they had 30 month-term. It could be known that Chosun’s awareness about translating was still lower than now, considering the point that they also was not excepted even if their major were a western language. There were three types of translator to be appointed as an official. The first type was those who graduated from Dongmoonhak or Yookyoungongwon. They studied English and were majorities of translators. The 2nd type was Japanese translators, and was able to do activities of translating with the base of prominen tability of Japanese language. The 3rd type was people who came from the area near to foreign country, those who studied oversea, or those who learned a foreign language to contact with foreigners. By the way, most of translators had experienced the Western culture directly or indirectly. They also had aimed at the Westernization better than their tradition. It was encouraging cases with the point of that time that somebody among Yangban class had entered into the translating job, free from their traditional value. Translators had got to learn a foreign language when they took charge of a foreign policy, or got the opportunity to expand their knowledge through oversea service. Therefore, they had been growing a professional bureaucracy taking charge of diplomacy and modern technology. Besides, some of them introduced scientific technology which was necessary for accepting Western knowledge to Chosun through their translating, sought to Chosun’s civilization, enlightenment, and national prosperity with participating in the activities of Dokribheophoi(Independent Association), contributed to change the traditional order and the system. 본 연구에서는 개항기 번역관의 제도적 설치 배경과 그 운영을 살펴보는데 주목적이 있다. 개항 이래 서양 중심의 국제질서로의 변화 속에서 번역관이 설치되어야 하였던 시대적 요구와 그에 부응하기 위한 통번역 인재 양성 노력을 고찰하고자 하였다. 명, 청 중심의 동아시아 질서 속에서 외교 관계를 전개해 나갔던 조선은 개항 전후 서양과의 접촉이 활발해지면서, 서양 언어의 통역 및 번역에 대한 관심이 커지게 되었다. 따라서 정부는 동문학이나 육영공원과 같은 외국어 교육기관을 설치하여 외국어에 능통한 인재를 양성하고자 하였다. 더불어 이곳에서 양성된 인재들을 번역관으로 충원하여 대외 교섭에 활용하려는 구상을 가지고 있었다. 조선의 번역관은 동문학 졸업생이 배출되는 시기를 전후한 1885년(고종 22)부터 나타난다. 이들은 주로 해관, 해외 주재 공관, 조선에 부임해 온 서양인 고용인들을 위해 배치되었다. 이들은 전공 언어 면에서 영어, 러시아어, 일어를 구사하여, 기존의 역관들과는 차이가 있었다. 또한 역관들이 사역원 소속이었던 데 비해, 근대적 외교기관이었던 통리교섭통상사무아문에 속하여 있었으므로 기대되는 역할에도 차이가 있었음을 알 수 있다. 이들은 문서 번역과 통역을 기본 업무로 하면서, 대외 교섭상의 실무를 담당하였다. 하지만 번역관들은 제도적으로는 그리 높은 대우를 받는 편은 아니었다. 대체로 9~5품의 중하위 관직에 임용되었으며, 30개월의 임기에도 불구하고 장기 근무가 상례화되어 있었다. 이는 서양어 전공이라도 예외가 아니라는 점에서, 여전히 통역이라는 업무에 대한 조선사회의 인식이 매우 낮았음을 보여준다. 번역관에 임용되는 인물들은 크게 세 부류로 나뉘는데, 그중 하나는 동문학이나 육영공원 등의 외국어 교육기관 출신들이었다. 이들은 영어 전공자로서, 번역관 중에 다수를 차지한다. 두 번째는 역관 출신이었다. 이들은 대개 일본어 전공자로, 특출한 일본어 실력을 바탕으로 번역관 활동이 가능하였다. 세 번째는 외국과의 교류 지역 출신, 해외 유학이나 외국인과의 개별 접촉을 통해 외국어를 습득한 인물들이 포함되어 있었다. 그런데 번역관들은 대부분 직간접적으로 서양을 체험한 경험이 있었다. 또한 이들은 전통보다는 서구화를 지향하는 인물들이었다. 특히 양반들 중에서도 전통적 가치체계에 얽매이지 않고 번역관에 진출한 사례가 다수 나타나는 것은, 당시 시대상에 비추어볼 때 매우 고무적인 현상이었다. 번역관들은 대외 실무를 담당하는 과정에서 서양 외국어를 익히거나 해외 근무를 통해 자신들의 견문을 더욱 넓힐 수 있는 기회를 얻었다. 따라서 번역관들은 개항기 이후 서구화 과정 속에서 외교 및 근대적 기술 분야를 담당하는 전문 관료로 성장해 나갔다. 뿐만 아니라 그들 중 일부는 서구 지식의 수용에 필수적인 번역을 통하여 과학 기술을 조선에 소개하거나, 독립협회 활동에 적극 참여하여 문명개화와 부국강병을 추구하며, 전통질서나 체계를 변화시키는 데 기여해 나갔다.

      • KCI등재

        A Study on Translating Performance Differences in ‘That’ between Secondary School Students and AI Translators

        박태자 한국통번역교육학회 2022 통번역교육연구 Vol.20 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to examine the performance differences in translating that functioning differently and having separate meanings in sentences into Korean. To accomplish this purpose, 69 high school second year students as well as three AI translators(Papago, Google Translate, and Kakao i) participated in the study. They translated six sentences having that used as a demonstrative pronoun, a demonstrative adjective, an adverb, a conjunction, a relative pronoun, and a relative adverb. One point was assigned to each sentence, which means that the total score was 6, and the collected data were analyzed using the EXCEL program. One of the findings was that the AI translators outperformed in translating that used as a demonstrative adjective, an adverb, and a relative adverb, while the students performed better in translating that used as a demonstrative pronoun. Another finding was that both the students and the AI translators used varying wording for the same words and expressions in their translations. Given the absorbing findings, it is hoped that this study would be employed as a guide for activating and intensifying translating activities and making use of AI translators in English class.

      • KCI등재

        한국 내 언론사 뉴스 번역사와 기자의 지위에 관한 비교 연구

        홍정민 한국통역번역학회 2014 통역과 번역 Vol.16 No.1

        This study aims at identifying the status of news translators in media organizations operating in South Korea. In a survey on a total of 34 translators and reporters involved in news translation, five indicators of professional status, including education and expertise, visibility,influence, income and identity were compared between these two professional groups to gauge the relative status of news translators. The survey findings show that news translators are provided lesschance of job training than reporters, and if any, types of educationdiffer from those for reporters. This indicates that the organizations provide education expect and require expertise in news reporting forreporters while expertise in text processing for translators, possiblyboth reflecting the dichotomous perception of each professional group,as well as marginalizing and alienating news translators in theorganization. News translators suffer from lower visibility, income and smaller influence than reporters, which in turn indicates their lower status than that of reporters. Based on these findings, this research suggests the same type of education and training programmes, which is focusing on news writing,be provided both to news translators and reporters in an initial attemptto improve the relatively low status of news translators.


        Kang Myoung Sook 한국외국어대학교 통번역연구소 2018 한국외국어대학교 통번역연구소 학술대회 Vol.2018 No.10

        This paper aims to provide a comparative description of the current state of translation profession in Malaysia and Korea which covers an overview of the environment of translators’ practice, together with core elements of translation profession which include remuneration, public recognition, education and training, translators’ association and continuing professional development (CPD). This article draws on interviews and surveys with the participants. This study found that the translation profession in both countries is dominated with female translators. Most translators reported that they are working as part time translator and with non-specialized field for translation work. Respondents from both countries similarly express indifference towards engagement in CPD activities and the public perception on their role. The comparison of the translation profession in Malaysia and Korea against the Model of Professionalization Process for translators revealed that the profession in both countries is at the transition stage between market disorder and consolidation phases. The researcher proposes several suggestions to improve the situation which would contribute to the professionalization of translation profession in Malaysia and Korea in becoming a fullfledged profession.

      • KCI등재

        첸중수(錢鍾書)의 번역가 인식의 의의와 한계

        손지봉 한국통역번역학회 2019 통역과 번역 Vol.21 No.3

        This study set out to investigate Qian Zhongshu's perceptions of translators in his Lin Shu's Translations and shed light on their significance and limitations. Qian Zhongshu was one of the greatest translation theorists during the period of the Republic of China along with Fu Lei. Before him, Lin Shu was considered as the figure of authority on novel translation, but he also received negative evaluations. When Lin Shu's translation was assessed in the style of writing, method, content, and mistranslation, some were positive about his translation, saying that his style of writing was superior and that his method was inevitable. Many others were negative, pointing out that his style of writing was anachronistic, that his method was wrong, that the content was immoral, and that he had many cases of mistranslation. In his Lin Shu's Translations, Qian Zhongshu depicted him as one of the translators with superior force in the style of writing among his contemporary translators. He admitted that there were some cases of mistranslation in Lin Shu's translation, but he argued that they were derived from Lin Shu's intention to overcome the shortcomings of original works. He even maintained that Lin Shu used a desirable method of translation to supplement and overcome the shortcomings of original works. Qian Zhongshu showed limitations in his attempt at making Lin Shu, who was a translator with little regard to original authors and strong consciousness for "Chinese culture as Ti and Western culture as Yong" in Qing Dynasty, a modern model. Qian Zhongshu, however, holds significance in raising the status of translators by showing that translators could be superior to original authors.

      • KCI등재

        번역가의 ‘전문성’ 개념 변화의 필요성 — 디지털 시대 ‘비전문가’ 번역을 중심으로

        김순미 한국통역번역학회 2016 통역과 번역 Vol.18 No.S

        This paper starts from questioning whether it is appropriate to describe a newly emerging group of user-translators as “non-professionals” just because they do not receive formal training in translation. Unlike traditional non-professional translators, these volunteer translators participating in translation of webtoons, free open-source softwares(FOSS), games, educational contents, news articles and subtitles for dramas, have domain knowledge and high level of digital proficiency. They work online in collaboration with other like-minded people with the help of computer aided translation tools and hold online discussion forums on translation related topics. In commercialized cases, quality control and evaluation are done through peer-reviews, voting, and revision by professionals. Through collaboration, discussions, usage of CAT tools and division of works, their lack of professional competence is compensated. With a dramatic increase in the volume of online contents which need linguistic mediation, these volunteers contribute a lot in helping people enjoy the cultural and intellectual contents over language barriers. Considering the strength of these translators characterized by strong interest, genre knowledge, online collaboration, digital literacy, and language proficiency, the term “non-professional” referring to these volunteer translators is not quite appropriate; and the traditional concept of professionalism in the translation community largely based on translation education needs to be reevaluated.

      • KCI등재

        곁텍스트를 통해 본 영화번역가 황석희와 영상번역 생태계

        김순미 한국번역학회 2023 번역학연구 Vol.24 No.3

        While film translators are crucial in bridging cultural and linguistic gaps, their contributions often remain underappreciated within the film industry and academia. This study aims to explore the role and visibility of translator Hwang Seok-hee, one of the most prominent film translators in Korea, focusing on paratexts surrounding him. The study analyzes 78 online newspaper articles on the translator and his translated subtitles collected through Google search. By categorizing the articles by subject and examining paratextual elements, the study aims to reveal how the translator’s visibility and communication with viewers influence the audience’s perception of the translator’s role and the translated film’s overall reception. Furthermore, this research analyzes film industry’s institutional practices and norms, uncovering potential factors contributing to the limited visibility of film translators. It also explores the dynamics between translators, distributors, and audiences, seeking to identify possible barriers that impede translators from gaining due recognition for their contributions. The findings of this study provide insights into the current state of film translation practices and the portrayal of translators in the film industry.

      • KCI등재

        A Study on Translating Performance Difference in the Present Participle and the Gerund between Secondary School Students and AI Translators

        박태자(Park, Tae-Ja) 한국통번역교육학회 2020 통번역교육연구 Vol.18 No.4

        This study aimed to explore the performance differences in translating the present participle and the gerund functioning differently in the sentences into Korean. More specifically, it examined the discernment between the present participle and the gerund, both of which end with - ing. To that end, a total of 66 high school second year students as well as three AI translators (Papago, Google, and Kakao i) participated in the study. They translated six sentences having both the present participle in the present progressive tense and the gerund used as subject and subject complement in the sentences. One point was assigned to each sentence, implying the total score was 6, and the collected data were analyzed using the EXCEL program. One of the findings was that the students outperformed in translating the gerund, while the AI translators performed better in translating the present participle. Another finding was that the students and the AI translators employed varying wording for the same words and expressions in their translations. Another finding was that the types of register were varying in their translations. Given the intriguing findings, this study could be used as a guide for implementing translating activities and utilizing AI translators in English classroom.

      • KCI등재

        The State of the Translation Profession in Malaysia and Korea

        Kang, Myoung-Sook 한국외국어대학교 통번역연구소 2018 통번역학연구 Vol.22 No.4

        This paper aims to provide a comparative description of the current state of translation profession in Malaysia and Korea which covers an overview of the environment of translators’ practice, together with core elements of translation profession which include remuneration, public recognition, education and training, translators’ association and continuing professional development (CPD). This article draws on interviews and surveys with the participants. This study found that the translation profession in both countries is dominated with female translators. Most translators reported that they are working as part time translator and with non-specialized field for translation work. Respondents from both countries similarly express indifference towards engagement in CPD activities and the public perception on their role. The comparison of the translation profession in Malaysia and Korea against the Model of Professionalization Process for translators revealed that the profession in both countries is at the transition stage between market disorder and consolidation phases. The researcher proposes several suggestions to improve the situation which would contribute to the professionalization of translation profession in Malaysia and Korea in becoming a full-fledged profession.

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