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      • KCI우수등재

        Acquisition of the Mapping between the Causation Type and the Causative Form in Korean

        Jinsun Choe 한국언어학회 2014 언어 Vol.39 No.3

        This paper investigates whether the two kinds of causatives in Korean (morphological and syntactic) encode causation to different degrees of directness, and at what age children acquire these properties. A Truth-Value Judgment Task was used to test twenty Korean-speaking adults and thirty-seven Korean-speaking children. The results showed that both adults and children usually accepted the syntactic causative with both direct and indirect causation. As for the morphological causative, however, both adults and children accepted it most of the time with direct causation. Further analysis by verb type showed that children"s adult-like behavior was limited to only occur with certain high frequency verbs like mek-ta "eat" and ip-ta "wear", suggesting that there are developmental stages children go through in acquiring the adult-like mapping between the causative form and the causative type.

      • KCI등재

        Korean-speaking Adults` and Children`s Interpretation of Causatives

        최진선 ( Jin Sun Choe ) 대한언어학회 2014 언어학 Vol.22 No.1

        This study investigates whether two Korean causative types (morphological and syntactic) have the same entailment properties in adult and child Korean. A Truth Value Judgment Task (Crain & Thornton, 1998) was conducted with sixteen adults and showed that the entailment relation is required for the morphological causative. Twenty-five children participated in the same task and behaved similarly to adults in that they rejected the morphological causative when the caused event did not occur. On the other hand, it was revealed that some children were sensitive to the type of causation depicted in the task. They showed a tendency to link the morphological causative only when it was associated with direct causation, but not with indirect causation. This observed difference between adults and children may be explained by the Iconicity Principle (Haiman, 1983), which predicts the morphological causative to be associated with direct causation, and the syntactic causative with indirect causation.

      • KCI등재

        한국어와 튀르키예어의 사동 범주 대조 연구(Ⅰ)-기본동사의 형태적 사동을 중심으로-

        김성주 국제언어문학회 2023 國際言語文學 Vol.- No.54

        This paper compares the types of causative constructions at the historical stage of Korean and Turkic languages with the derivative phenomena of the morphological causative of the 100 basic verbs of modern Korean and modern Turkish language. The types of modern Korean include lexical, morphological, syntactic and NPsiki- causatives, while the latter includes lexical, morphological and syntactic causatives. Looking at the morphological causative derivation of 100 basic verbs in modern Korean and Turkish language, 48 in Korean and 92 in Turkish can be formed as morphological causative verbs. Ancient Korean has morphological and syntactic causatives, Pre-modern Korean has morphological and syntactic causatives and modern Korean has lexical, morphological, syntactic and NPsiki- causatives. In the case of Turkish language, ancient and Ottoman Turkic languages have only morphological causative, but modern Turkish has all lexical, morphological, and syntactic causatives, however the most powerful causative is still morphological one. 이 글은 한국어와 튀르키예어의 역사적 단계에서 사동문의 유형과 현대 한국어와 현대 튀르키예어의 기본 동사의 형태적 사동의 파생 상황을 비교한 논문이다. 현대 한국어 사동의 유형은 고유어 동사의 경우 어휘적 사동, 형태적 사동, 통사적 사동이 있고, ‘하다’ 동사의 경우 어휘적 사동, 통사적 사동, ‘(-)시키다’ 사동이 있다. 현대 튀르키예어 사동의 유형은 어휘적 사동, 형태적 사동, 통사적 사동이 있다. 현대 한국어와 현대 튀르키예어의 100개의 기본 동사의 형태적 사동 파생 상황을 살펴보면 한국어는 48개, 튀르키예어는 92개의 파생 사동소 형성이 가능하다. 고대 한국어는 형태적 사동, 중세한국어는 형태적 사동과 통사적 사동, 근대한국어는 형태적 사동, 통사적 사동, (-)시키다 사동이, 현대 한국어는 어휘적 사동, 형태적 사동, 통사적 사동, ‘(-)시키다’ 사동이 있다. 튀르키예어의 경우 고대 튀르크어와 오스만 튀르크어는 형태적 사동만 있고, 현대 튀르키예어는 어휘적 사동, 형태적 사동, 통사적 사동이 모두 존재하지만, 고대 튀르크어, 오스만 튀르크어, 현대 튀르키예어를 통틀어 가장 강력한 사동 형식은 여전히 형태적 사동이다.

      • KCI등재

        한ㆍ일어 사동의 비교연구 – 한국어 장형사동을 중심으로 -

        유수연 동북아시아문화학회 2017 동북아 문화연구 Vol.1 No.53

        The purpose of this paper is to examine the characteristics of causative in Korean and Japanese by analyzing Korean and Japanese causative both in Korean-Japanese and Japanese-Korean translation data. Especially, focusing on the syntactic causative ‘-key hada’ in korean. For analysis, first the syntactic causative in korean and the Japanese corresponding to Korean syntactic causative was selected. And a causative proper use was divided into manipulation, compulsion, permission, and direction. In addition, ‘-key hada’ verb was classified into the main verb, the helping verb, and the pro-verb. The results are presented as follows: the Japanese corresponding to Korean syntactic causative includes transitive verb use, causative passive, and other constructs similar to causative, i.e., ようにする(youni suru), and ように命じる(youi meiziru). In the case of manipulation, there existed inanimate subject which was personified. There existed two types of adjectival causative, i.e., causation and non-causation in Korean. Accordingly, the corresponding difference was shown in the Japanese translation. In the case of ‘-key hay cuda’ which was a combined form of syntactic causative and dative verbs, there existed a use without causative meaning. This use was translated into ‘てくれる’(te kureru) and the use with causative meaning was represented by ‘てあげる’(te ageru) in Japanese. There existed a difference between compulsion and directions. Directions in the syntactic causative in korean represented a state change of causee, whereas the compulsion did not. Regarding non-causative sentences which were combined to the verbs of reference meaning, i. e., ‘ように 命じる’, extended use of the verbs was observed with appearance of the verb ‘言う’. Furthermore, imperative forms were revealed to be considered as peripheral causative.

      • KCI등재

        한·일어 사동의 비교연구

        유수연(兪樹延) 동북아시아문화학회 2017 동북아 문화연구 Vol.1 No.53

        The purpose of this paper is to examine the characteristics of causative in Korean and Japanese by analyzing Korean and Japanese causative both in Korean-Japanese and Japanese-Korean translation data. Especially, focusing on the syntactic causative ‘-key hada’ in korean. For analysis, first the syntactic causative in korean and the Japanese corresponding to Korean syntactic causative was selected. And a causative proper use was divided into manipulation, compulsion, permission, and direction. In addition, ‘-key hada’ verb was classified into the main verb, the helping verb, and the pro-verb. The results are presented as follows: the Japanese corresponding to Korean syntactic causative includes transitive verb use, causative passive, and other constructs similar to causative, i.e., ようにする(youni suru), and ように命じる(youi meiziru). In the case of manipulation, there existed inanimate subject which was personified. There existed two types of adjectival causative, i.e., causation and non-causation in Korean. Accordingly, the corresponding difference was shown in the Japanese translation. In the case of ‘-key hay cuda’ which was a combined form of syntactic causative and dative verbs, there existed a use without causative meaning. This use was translated into ‘てくれる’(te kureru) and the use with causative meaning was represented by ‘てあげる’(te ageru) in Japanese. There existed a difference between compulsion and directions. Directions in the syntactic causative in korean represented a state change of causee, whereas the compulsion did not. Regarding non-causative sentences which were combined to the verbs of reference meaning, i. e., ‘よう に 命じる’, extended use of the verbs was observed with appearance of the verb ‘言う’. Furthermore, imperative forms were revealed to be considered as peripheral causative.

      • KCI등재후보

        The -ke ha Causative Construction in Korean - Causative or Not?: A Crosslinguistic Perspective

        JaeJuneSong 사단법인 한국언어학회 2002 언어학 Vol.0 No.32

        The Korean -ke ha causative construction has a property that cannot be regarded as characterisitic of causative constructions: the use of the purposive marker(or the presence of a subordinate purpose clause). This raises a question as to whether or not the consturction should be regarded as causative. In this paper, I will demonstrate that the Korean -ke ha type (or, more generally, the PURP type) of causative construction is widely attested in the languages of the world. I will further substantiate the existence of this type of causative construction by using data (i) from languages which use purposive elements in leiu of lexical verbs of cause in order to express causation, (ii) from lanuages which have purposeve elements fossilized in their morphological causative verbs, and (iii) also from languages in which causative affixes bear a strong resemblance to purposive elements.

      • KCI등재

        한국어와 중국어의 사동구조 대조 -사동화 내포 구조를 중심으로-

        왕녕박 ( Wang Ning-bo ),박소영 ( Park So-young ) 서강대학교 언어정보연구소 2016 언어와 정보 사회 Vol.29 No.-

        This paper presents a comparative syntactic analysis of Korean and Chinese causatives, based on Pylkkanen(2002)`s parametric theory on causatives. Both languages are identified as voice-splitting languages, in which a Cause head, responsible for introducing a causing event, projects independently from a Voice head introducing an external argument. Also, Korean and Chinese have three types of causatives, which vary depending on the sizes of clauses that can be embedded by a Cause head, namely, a root phrase, a vP, and a phasal VoiceP structure. The presented analysis can be supported by evidence from the retainability of idiomatic interpretations of idioms depending on voice alternations.

      • KCI등재

        ‘(X)시키다’ 사동 실현 방법 분류에 대한 재고찰-‘-시키다’는 형태적 사동이고 ‘시키다’는 어휘적 사동인가?-

        김건희 한국어의미학회 2023 한국어 의미학 Vol.81 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to re-examine the causative type classification of ‘(X)sikita’ causatives. In recent studies, ‘-sikita’ is classified as morphological causative and ‘sikita’ is classified as lexical causative, furthermore, lexical causative type is excluded in causative type classification. But ‘-sikita’ and ‘sikita’ are identical causative type. They are equal points like these, first ‘the sameness of valency’ which is the syntactic condition of causatives, second the separation or combination possibility of X and ‘sikita’, third the sameness of the basic counterpart of causative verb, ‘hata’, fourth the identical controllity of causee such as animacy and case marker. In particular, ‘-sikita’ is not causative affix in the viewpoints of the functional, derivational and formal difference with general causative affix, both the ‘-sikita’ and ‘sikita’ involve suppletion, there being no formal similarity between the basic verb and the causative counterpart, therefore ‘-sikita’ and ‘sikita’ are typical generic causative verb in lexical causative type.

      • KCI등재

        한국어 사동 유형으로서의 ‘(-)시키-’ 사동

        김성주 한민족문화학회 2019 한민족문화연구 Vol.67 No.-

        ‘(-)Siki-’ causative construction is a type of Korean causative construction that fulfills both formal and semantic characteristics of general causative construction. It has been classified as a type of Korean causative construction since Choi(1937). However, it has not been recognized as a type of Korean causative construction in Lee & Im(1983) and Nam & Ko(1985/2014) as well as Nam et al.(2019). In addition, relatively recent Korean grammar books such as Ku et al.(2015) and Yoo et al.(2018) have handled it in a smaller way compared to the ‘-i-’ causative. From the viewpoint of the formal typology of causative construction, the (-)siki- causative construction belongs to the middle category between the morphological and the syntactic causative. When divided into on direct and indirect causation, on one hand in the semantic point of view of the causative construction, the ‘-siki-’ causative construction can be interpreted either in direct or indirect causation, but is closer to the direct causation than the indirect one. From the point of view of manipulative and directive causation, it can be basically interpreted as both of them. The modern Korean causative construction is largely classified according to whether the basic verb is a native or Sino-Korean verb. In most Korean grammar books, the type of Korean causative construction is divided into the morphological and syntactic causative construction. However, ‘-i-’ causative constructions are used in the morphological one of the Korean language, and ‘-siki-’ causative constructions are used in the case of Sino- Korean verbs. ‘(-)시키-’ 구문은 사동문의 형식적 특성과 의미적 특성을 모두 지니고 있는 한국어의 사동문이며, 내용을 완비한 최초의 근대적 한국어 문법서라 할 수 있는 최현배(1937)에서부터 한국어 사동의 유형으로 분류되었다. 그러나 이익섭․임홍빈(1983), 남기심․고영근(1985/2014)과 같이 영향력 있는 한국어 문법서 중에서는 ‘(-)시키-’ 사동을 인정하지 않고 있으며, 이러한 경향은 최근의 남기심 외(2019)에서도 유지되고 있다. 또한 비교적 최근의 한국어 문법서라 할 수 있는 구본관 외(2015), 유현경 외(2018)에서도 ‘(-)시키-’ 사동은 형태적 사동에 비해 상대적으로 소략하게 다루어지고 있다. 범언어의 사동을 어휘적 사동, 형태적 사동, 통사적 사동으로 나눌 때, ‘(-)시키-’ 사동은 형태적 사동과 통사적 사동의 중간 범주에 속한다. 의미의 관점에서 사동을 직접 사동과 간접 사동으로, 또는 조작적 사동과 지시적 사동으로 나눌 때, ‘(-)시키-’ 사동은 주로 직접 사동으로 해석되고, 조작적 사동과 지시적 사동의 관점에서는 조작적 사동과 지시적 사동 양쪽으로 해석된다. 현대 한국어 사동은 원동사가 고유어 동사인가 한자어 동사인가에 따라서 크게 구분되는데, 대부분의 문법서에서 한국어의 사동 유형은 형태적 사동과 통사적 사동으로 분류된다. 그런데 한국어의 사동은 고유어 동사인 경우 형태적 사동문이 사용되고, 한자어 동사인 경우에 ‘(-)시키-’ 사동문이 사용되며, 통사적 사동은 양자에 모두 사용된다. 즉 ‘(-)시키-’ 사동은 주로 ‘한자어+하-’ 동사의 어근을 사동으로 표현하는 데 사용된다.

      • KCI등재

        한 중 사동법 대조 연구 - 한국어 어휘적 방법과 중국어 통사적 방법을 중심으로

        유석,김건희 한국중원언어학회 2023 언어학연구 Vol.- No.67

        The purpose of this study is to examine the correspondences between the korean lexical causative and the chinese syntactical causative. In the previous Contrastive studies of causatives in Korean and Chinese, the correspondences between the korean lexical causative and the chinese syntactical causative are mainly dealt with, but the research results never coincide and the research based on the chinese causative sentences are not made. In fact, the chinese syntactical causative verbs have primary verbal meaning beside causativeness, therefore the chinese causative verbs are different from the korean syntactical causative ‘hata’ in ‘-ge hata’. This study re-analyze the issues in the korean causatives and the chinese causatives and contrast the korean lexical causative ‘sikita’ and the chinese causative sentences based on the animacy of causer and causee. In order to examine the correspondence between the korean ‘sikita’ lexical causative and the chinese syntactical causatives, we perform contrastive analysis based on the four animacy type [±animacay] of causer and causee. In conclusion, there is confirmed that the differences of construction but the similarities of meaning between the korean ‘sikita’ lexical causative and the chinese syntactical causatives.

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