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      • KCI등재

        수비드(Sous-Vide) 제품의 선택속성이 구매의도에 미치는 영향

        김수인(Kim Su In),손다경(Son Da Kyung),신명선(Shin Myeong Seon) 한국외식경영학회 2017 외식경영연구 Vol.20 No.3

        이 연구의 목적은 Sous-Vide 제품의 선택속성이 매개변수인 긍정적태도에 의해 어떻게 개인의 태도와 구매의도에 영향을 미치는 가에 대해 조사하고 분석하는 것이다. 결론적으로, 연구모형은 Sous-Vide 조리법을 사용한 제품 내에서 영양성, 안전성, 생산성이 긍정적태도와 소비가치, 구매의도에 유의한 정의 영향을 미치는 것으로 입증되어졌다. 그리고 소비가치 또한 태도와 구매의도에 유의한 정의 영향을 미치는 것으로 입증되어졌다. 그리고 Sous-Vide 조리법을 사용한 제품의 독립변수들과 소비가치와 긍정적태도와 구매의도사이의 관계에서 가설검증 결과로는 통계학적으로 본질성을 제외한 영양성, 안전성, 생산성은 가설로 채택되는 것으로 나타났다. 이 연구에서 만약 Sous-vide 제품의 선택속성이 더 강해진다면 이것이 소비가치가 있다고 판단하여 태도와 구매의도에 유의한 영향을 미칠 수 있을 것으로 사료된다. This study’s purpose is to research and analysis how Sous-Vide selection attribute for purchasing intention. In conclusion, research model was verified that trophism, safety, productivity had significant positive(+) effect on positive attitude, consumption value and purchasing intention. And consumption value had significant positive(+) effect on positive attitude and purchasing intention too. And result of hypothesis verification of Sous-Vide Selection Attribute between positive attitude, consumption value and purchasing intention, trophism, safety, productivity were found on in statistics except essence. In this study, If it would be strengthen the Sous-Vide selection attribute, it can effect positive on positive attitude, consumption value and purchasing intention.

      • KCI등재

        Physicochemical Properties and Volatile Organic Compounds of Dairy Beef Round Subjected to Various Cooking Methods

        정유성,김혜진,김동욱,주범진,주진우,장애라 한국축산식품학회 2023 한국축산식품학회지 Vol.43 No.5

        To evaluate the effect of different cooking methods on the physicochemical quality and volatile organic compounds (VOC) of dairy beef round, twelve beef round pieces were divided into four groups: raw, boiling, microwave, and sous-vide. The sousvide group had a higher pH than the boiling or microwave groups. The boiling group exhibited the highest shear force and CIE L*, followed by the microwave and sous-vide groups (p<0.05). The sous-vide group received higher taste and tenderness scores from panelists (p<0.05) and showed significantly higher levels of aspartic and glutamic acids than the other groups. The sous-vide and microwave groups had the highest oleic acid and polyunsaturated fatty acid levels, respectively. The sous-vide group had significantly higher hypoxanthine and inosine levels than the other groups. However, the microwave group had higher inosine monophosphate levels than the other groups. The sous-vide group had a higher alcohol content, including 1-octen-3-ol, than the other groups. Octanal and nonanal were the most abundant aldehydes in all groups. (R)-(-)-14-methyl-8- hexadecyn-1-ol, p-cresol, and 1-tridecyne were used to distinguish the VOC for each group in the multivariate analysis. Sous-vide could be effective in increasing meat tenderness as well as taste-related free amino acid (aspartic acid and glutamic acid) and fatty acid (oleic acid) levels. Furthermore, specific VOC, including 1-octen-3-ol, 2- ethylhexanal ethylene glycol acetal, and 2-octen-1-ol, (E)-, could be potential markers for distinguishing sous-vide from other cooking methods. Further studies are required to understand the mechanisms underlying the predominant association of these VOC with the sous-vide cooking method.

      • KCI등재

        Sous-Vide 잡채의 앙념 배합 비율에 따른 한국과 중국 소비자 기호도

        전여진(Yeo Jin Jeon),장진아(Jin A Jang),오지은(Ji Eun Oh),손경현(Kyung Hyun Sohn),조미숙(Mi Sook Cho) 한국식품영양과학회 2016 한국식품영양과학회지 Vol.45 No.11

        급격히 성장하고 있는 중국의 외식시장을 겨냥한 한식 외식상품의 개발 및 진출 가능성을 알아보기 위해 sous-vide잡채의 양념 배합 비율에 대한 한국과 중국 소비자의 기호도를 조사하였다. 잡채 시료는 각 재료를 개별 조리한 후 최종단계에서 혼합하는 전통적인 방법 대신 모든 재료를 한꺼번에 진공포장한 후 저온 조리하는 sous-vide 조리법을 적용하여 외식 상품으로 개발하였다. Sous-vide 잡채에 대한 소비자 기호도 조사는 한국인 119명과 중국인 136명을 대상으로 각각 서울과 북경에서 실시하였다. 소비자 기호도조사는 sous-vide 잡채 양념의 간장·설탕, 샐러드유의 배합비를 달리하여 간장·설탕 혼합물의 비율을 저(8%), 중(13%), 고(18%) 3개 수준으로, 샐러드유의 비율을 무(0%), 중(12%), 고(24%) 3개 수준으로 첨가하여 제조한 9개의 잡채시료에 대하여 전반적, 외관, 향미, 짠맛, 단맛, 기름진 맛의 기호도와 구매의향을 알아보았다. 잡채에 대한 소비자조사에서 한국인의 경우 전반적, 외관, 향미, 짠맛, 단맛 기호도 및 구매의향은 샐러드유의 양과 관계없이 간장·설탕 혼합물을 중·고비율로 첨가한 군에서 유의적으로 높은 경향을 보였다(P<0.001). 기름진 맛의 기호도는 간장·설탕 혼합물을 중·고비율, 기름을 무·중비율로 첨가한 군에서 유의적으로 높은 경향을 나타냈다(P<0.001). 중국인의 경우 전반적 기호도, 향미 기호도와 구매의향은 간장·설탕 혼합물이 고비율, 샐러드유가 중·고비율로 첨가된 군에서 유의적으로 높게 나타났다(P<0.001). 짠맛과 단맛 기호도에서는 모두 샐러드유의 양과 관계없이, 짠맛 기호도는 간장·설탕 혼합물을 고비율로 첨가한 군, 단맛 기호도는 간장·설탕 혼합물을 중·고비율로 첨가한 군에서 유의적으로 높게 나타났다(P<0.001). 기름진 맛 기호도는 간장·설탕 혼합물의 비율과 관계없이 샐러드유를 무・중비율로 첨가한 군이 유의적으로 높게 나타났다(P<0.01). 외관 기호도에서는 모든 시료 간에 유의적인 차이가 나타나지 않았다. 대체로 한국인과 중국인 모두 샐러드유량과 관계없이 간장·설탕 혼합물을 중·고비율로 첨가한 군을 선호하는 것으로 나타났다. 특히 한국인은 간장·설탕 혼합물을 저비율로 첨가한 군을 일관적으로 가장 좋아하지 않는다고 답했으며, 중국인은 한국인보다 간장·설탕 혼합물 저·고비율 첨가군을 더 선호하였다. 반면 샐러드유의 첨가비율은 간장・설탕의 첨가비율에 비하여 양 국가소비자의 기호도에 크게 영향을 주지 않는 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구에서는 한국인과 중국인의 한식과 잡채에 대한 인식을 조사하고, 선호하는 잡채 양념의 간장·설탕 및 샐러드유의 양을 찾아내었다. 이 결과를 통해 한식 외식 상품으로서의 잡채 개발을 위한 방향의 제시와 중국시장 진출 가능성을 확인하였다. 본 연구 결과는 한식의 중국 현지화를 위한 외식 상품 개발 시 기초자료로 활용될 수 있을 것으로 생각한다. This study aimed to investigate preferences for sous-vide cooked jabchae between Korean and Chinese consumers according to sauce mixing proportion. To commercialize sous-vide cooked jabchae and localize it for overseas circumstances in the Korean and Chinese markets, consumers’ subjective preferences for sous-vide cooked jabchae were investigated especially in 119 Korean consumers (55 males and 64 females) and 136 Chinese consumers (70 males and 66 females). For jabchae samples, this study set up three different mixture rates of soy sauce and sugar, 8% (LSS), 13% (MSS), and 18% (HSS), and three different salad oil rates, 0% (LO), 12% (MO), and 24% (HO), to propose nine kinds of samples. As a result of consumer preferences, for Koreans, MSS and HSS regardless of oil content were significantly high in overall, appearance, saltiness, sweetness preferences, and purchase intention (P<0.001). In addition, for oiliness preference, LSS, MSS, LO, and MO were significantly high (P<0.001). For Chinese, HSS, MO, and HO were significantly high in overall, flavor preference, and purchase intention (P<0.001). For saltiness and sweetness preference, regardless of oil content, saltiness preference was significantly high in HSS and sweetness in MSS and HSS (P<0.001). For oiliness preference, regardless of content of soy sauce and sugar mixture, LO and MO were significantly higher, and for appearance preference, there was no significant difference among all samples (P<0.01). In general, both Korean and Chinese tended to prefer MS and HO, irrespective of oil content. Especially for Koreans, LSS was the least favorite sample in almost all preference questionnaires. For Chinese, preference scores for LSS and HSS were higher than for Koreans. On the other hand, oil content did not have much effect on consumer preference as compared with contents of soy sauce and sugar mixture.

      • KCI등재

        Sous-vided Restructured Goat Steaks: Process Optimized by Thermal Inactivation of Listeria monocytogenes and Their Quality Characteristics

        Pussadee Tangwatcharin,Supaluk Sorapukdee,Kamonthip Kongsrirat 한국축산식품학회 2019 한국축산식품학회지 Vol.39 No.6

        The thermal-death times of Listeria monocytogenes were determined in inoculated restructured goat steak at 60℃, 65℃, and 70℃ of sous-vide temperatures. Dvalues of L. monocytogenes in inoculated restructured goat steak ranged from 7.27 min at 60℃ to 0.46 min at 70℃. Times need to yield at least a 6 log reduction of L. monocytogenes at their temperatures for this product were 47, 12, and 3 min, respectively. After sous-vide, all microbial counts in non-inoculated samples were not detectable, except the aerobic and anaerobic mesophilie and lactic acid bacteria counts were lower than 2 Log CFU/g. For sous-vided and grilled sous-vided samples, sous-vide loss and surface shrinkage were the lowest in samples sous-vided at 60℃ for 47 min (p<0.05). These samples demonstrated the lowest CIE L*, shear force, hardness, gumminess and chewiness and the highest CIE a* and hue angle (p<0.05). Therefore, sous-vide at 60℃ for 47 min provided convenient ready-to-cook restructured goat steak for microbiology safety and optimization of physicochemical quality.


        Changes in Meat Quality Characteristics of the Sous-vide Cooked Chicken Breast during Refrigerated Storage

        Hong, Go-Eun,Kim, Ji-Han,Ahn, Su-Jin,Lee, Chi-Ho Korean Society for Food Science of Animal Resource 2015 한국축산식품학회지 Vol.35 No.6

        This study was performed to investigate the changes in meat quality characteristics of the sous vide cooked chicken breast during refrigerated storage at 4℃ for 14 d between before and after sous-vide cooking. Cooking loss and shear force were significantly increased, whereas expressible drip was significantly decreased along with reduction in the water holding capacity in both of two groups. Redness of meat juice was significantly (p<0.05) increased during storage, and considerably increased in the refrigerated samples after sous-vide cooked at the 7 to 10 d. The thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) was significantly increased and was higher in the refrigerator stored chicken breast samples after sous-vide cooking. The volatile basic nitrogen (VBN) value was significantly increased in both groups, but the VBN value of the stored raw meat sample before sous-vide cooking was increased at an early storage, while the VBN value of the stored sample after sous-vide cooking was increased gradually in this study. Total viable counts and coliform counts were significantly decreased during storage, and coliforms were not detected after 7 d of storage in both groups. Salmonella spp. was not detected during the whole studied period. The outcome of this research can provide preliminary data that could be used to apply for further study of chicken breast using sous-vide cooking method that could be attractive to consumers.


        Changes in Meat Quality Characteristics of the Sous-vide Cooked Chicken Breast during Refrigerated Storage

        Go Eun Hong,Ji Han Kim,Su Jin Ahn,Chi Ho Lee 한국축산식품학회 2015 한국축산식품학회지 Vol.35 No.6

        This study was performed to investigate the changes in meat quality characteristics of the sous vide cooked chicken breast during refrigerated storage at 4°C for 14 d between before and after sous-vide cooking. Cooking loss and shear force were significantly increased, whereas expressible drip was significantly decreased along with reduction in the water holding capacity in both of two groups. Redness of meat juice was significantly (p<0.05) increased during storage, and considerably increased in the refrigerated samples after sous-vide cooked at the 7 to 10 d. The thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) was significantly increased and was higher in the refrigerator stored chicken breast samples after sous-vide cooking. The volatile basic nitrogen (VBN) value was significantly increased in both groups, but the VBN value of the stored raw meat sample before sous-vide cooking was increased at an early storage, while the VBN value of the stored sample after sous-vide cooking was increased gradually in this study. Total viable counts and coliform counts were significantly decreased during storage, and coliforms were not detected after 7 d of storage in both groups. Salmonella spp. was not detected during the whole studied period. The outcome of this research can provide preliminary data that could be used to apply for further study of chicken breast using sous-vide cooking method that could be attractive to consumers.

      • KCI등재

        Changes in Meat Quality Characteristics of the Sous-vide Cooked Chicken Breast during Refrigerated Storage

        홍고은,김지한,안수진,이치호 한국축산식품학회 2015 한국축산식품학회지 Vol.35 No.6

        This study was performed to investigate the changes in meat quality characteristics of the sous vide cooked chicken breast during refrigerated storage at 4℃ for 14 d between before and after sous-vide cooking. Cooking loss and shear force were significantly increased, whereas expressible drip was significantly decreased along with reduction in the water holding capacity in both of two groups. Redness of meat juice was significantly (p<0.05) increased during storage, and considerably increased in the refrigerated samples after sous-vide cooked at the 7 to 10 d. The thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) was significantly increased and was higher in the refrigerator stored chicken breast samples after sous-vide cooking. The volatile basic nitrogen (VBN) value was significantly increased in both groups, but the VBN value of the stored raw meat sample before sous-vide cooking was increased at an early storage, while the VBN value of the stored sample after sous-vide cooking was increased gradually in this study. Total viable counts and coliform counts were significantly decreased during storage, and coliforms were not detected after 7 d of storage in both groups. Salmonella spp. was not detected during the whole studied period. The outcome of this research can provide preliminary data that could be used to apply for further study of chicken breast using sous-vide cooking method that could be attractive to consumers.

      • KCI등재

        중소규모 생산업체의 수비드 제품 생산을 위한 공정 및 안전성 분석: 한국 HMR 시장 중심으로

        CHOI EUGENE LEE,신원선 한국식품과학회 2020 한국식품과학회지 Vol.52 No.1

        The present study identified the restrictions on the use of sous-vide products in the Korean HMR market for small and medium-sized manufacturing companies. A detailed literature review revealed that the HMR market in Korea is close to saturation. Notably, the technologically advanced products produced using sous-vide seem to display significant potential to overcome market saturation. The sous-vide method differs from conventional cooking techniques and is characterized by maintenance of food texture along with flavor enhancement. However, due to the unfamiliarity of the manufacturers with this method and the unclear food safety regulations, mass food manufacturing companies do not agree on using this method; hence, sous-vide production is usually undertaken by small/medium sized companies catering primarily through online marketing portals. This study highlights the various restrictions to the implementation of sous-vide production, and discusses several practical implications of sous-vide production that would help users of this technique enter the HMR market.


        Effect of Different Storage-Temperature Combinations on Longissimus dorsi Quality upon Sous-vide Processing of Frozen/Thawed Pork

        Da-Som Ji,Ji-Han Kim,Dong-Kyu Yoon,Jung-Ho Kim,Ha-jung Lee,Won-Young Cho,Chi-Ho Lee 한국축산식품학회 2019 한국축산식품학회지 Vol.39 No.2

        This study investigated the effect of storage state (chilled state on sous-vide, CS; frozen state without thawing on sous-vide, FS; and frozen/thawed states on sous-vide, TS) and sous-vide cooking temperature (65°C and 72°C) on the longissimus dorsi muscle quality of pork. FS showed a higher moisture content than that of CS and TS (p<0.001), whereas both FS and CS showed higher expressible moisture loss than that of TS (p<0.001). FS showed a lower cooking loss (p<0.001) than that of CS and TS. FS and TS exhibited significantly higher lipid oxidation than that of CS. Carbonyl and sulfhydryl content were not significantly affected by the storage treatment. FS and TS exhibited lower shear force than that of CS (p<0.001). FS and TS showed higher springiness than that of CS (p<0.001), FS exhibited lower gumminess than that of CS and TS (p<0.01). Sous-vide treatment at 65°C exhibited significantly higher moisture content and lower expressible moisture loss, cooking loss, and total and sarcoplasmic protein than those at 72°C. Shear force and springiness of 65°C-treated groups were lower than those of 72°C-treated groups (p<0.01). Cooking temperature significantly influenced overall acceptability, whereas the storage state did not affect the overall acceptability. These results indicated that meat quality might be improved upon cooking from the frozen or frozen/thawed state using sous-vide when compared with traditional processing.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Sous-vide가열과 열탕가열 조건에 따른 콩나물 머리와 줄기의 조직감 변화에 관한 연구

        이윤주 ( Yun Ju Lee ),정화빈 ( Hwabin Jung ),윤원병 ( Won Byong Yoon ) 한국응용생명화학회 2018 Journal of Applied Biological Chemistry (J. Appl. Vol.61 No.3

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of thermal treatments, such as a sous-vide and a conventional hot water cooking, on the texture changes of soybean sprout. A novel method to measure texture properties of soybean sprout have been determined because of the irregular geometry of soybean sprout. The shape of cotyledon of bean spout was accurately analyzed using an image processing and a geometry model. To minimize the effect of the contact area on the texture measurement, a blade type of probe was selected for the measurement. True stress was evaluated to reflect the shape changes during deformation, and demonstrated that the measurement accurately distinguished the effect of thermal treatment on the texture. Different heating time (i.e., 0, 10, 20, and 30 min) was applied for both sous-vide and conventional cooking. Thermal processing caused hardening of textures for both cotyledon and hypocotyl of soybean sprout. The conventional cooking method showed higher stress values than those of sous-vide cooking. Sprouts cooked by sous-vide released the moisture after thermal processing while sprout cooked by a conventional water bath method could hold the moisture content during thermal processing. The soybean sprouts treated by conventional cooking method showed a higher score in sensory evaluation.

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