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      • KCI등재

        1829년 <명정전진찬도>의 산선시위(繖扇侍衛) 복식 유형

        이경희(Lee Kyung-Hee),이은주(Lee Eun-Joo) 한복문화학회 2016 韓服文化 Vol.19 No.2

        The results of an examination of the concept of Sanseon-siwi(繖扇侍衛), the size of Sanseon-siwi in ordinary days and the costume types of Sanseon-siwi in <Myeongjeongjeon Jinchando(明政殿進饌圖)> in 1829 are as follows. First, the king’s Sanseon in ordinary days included Cheongseon(靑扇), Hongyangsan(紅陽傘), Gyoryonggi(交龍旗) and Duk(纛), and was the minimum Uijang(儀仗) that symbolized the authority of the king. As for Sanseon(繖扇), Yungbok(戎服) was worn as the Duk, military uniform was worn as the Gyoryonggi, and the remainder was worn the Heukdallyeong(黑團領). Second, Siwi(侍衛) refers to bodyguards for the king, the queen, the grand royal queen and the queen mother, and the scale varied depending on the status and the characteristics of events. Third, the positions related to the king’s Siwi on ordinary days included Byeolgunjik(別軍職), Siwibyeolgam(侍衛別監), Owidochongbu Dangsang(五衛都摠府堂上), Byeongjo Dangsang(兵曹堂上), Owijang(五衛將), Owidochongbu Nangcheong(五衛都摠府郎廳), Byeongjo Nangcheong(兵曹郎廳), Seonjeongwan(宣傳官), Mugyeom(武兼) and Muyebyeolgam(武藝別監). Fourth, Byeorungeom(別雲劍) was added to the interior of Jeongjeon(正殿), and Hyeopryeongun(挾輦軍) was further added to a royal carriage procession. Fifth, the costume types of Sanseon-siwi are classified into Heukdallyeong, Yungbok and military uniform. Each costume was divided into Dangsanggwan(堂上官) and Danghagwan(堂下官) according to position, and soldiers wore Yungbok and a military uniform. Sixth, Sugi(手旗) refers to a small flag planted in Donggae(筒箇) worn by Byeongjopanseo(兵曹判書), Byeolgunjik Dangsang(別軍職堂上) and Geumgunbyeoljang(禁軍別將).

      • KCI등재후보

        고려초기 侍衛軍의 樣相과 禁軍의 성립

        宋寅州 대구사학회 2004 대구사학 Vol.76 No.-

        This study has examined general features of such royal forces as Naegun, Bokgap, and Siwi Gunjol (royal guard soldiers), and further traced the time of the formation of Geumgun, the core royal army in the early Koryo period. Before the full-scale establishment of culture and institutions, it was Naegun and Siwi Gunjol that took charge of guarding the king at a short distance. With King Gwangjongs strengthening of regal power, royal forces were greatly reinforced by the enlargement of their size. At that time, the people in provinces who had a fine appearance were selected to become royal armed forces. During the reign of King Gyeongjong, there was an attempt to gradually reduce the armys size. Then, on the recommendation of Choi Seung-no, King Seongjong reshuffled royal forces on a large scale. Generally speaking, a royal armed force was necessary to strengthen regal power. Thus Chois recommendation to reduce the size of royal troops and King Seongjongs acceptance of his advice were to make them an elite corps and finally institutionalize them as kings own forces. The period of King Seongjongs reign witnessed the restructure of the royal army as Geumgun. In sum, Koryos Geumgun was institutionally established during the reign of King Seongjong.

      • KCI등재

        ‘ㅸ’의 음가론

        이동석 국어사학회 2013 국어사연구 Vol.0 No.17

        ‘ㅸ’은 초성 17자에 포함되어 있지 않지만, 『訓民正音』 ‘예의’에 순경음에 대한 규정이 있고, ‘제자해’에 음가에 대한 구체적인 설명이 있다. ‘ㅸ’의 음가에 대해서는 그동안 많은 논의가 있었으나, 양순유성마찰음 / /로 보는 것이 일반적인 견해다. 그러나 초성 17자에 포함되지 못하고 사용 시기가 20년을 넘지 못하며 각자병서, ‘ㅭ’과 같은 인위적인 표기와 비슷한 시기에 폐기된 것을 볼 때 인위적인 표기였을 가능성이 매우 높다. 순경음에 대한 제자해의 음가 설명이 한자음을 대상으로 하는 ‘飜譯老乞大朴通事 凡例’에서의 설명과 유사한 것을 보면 ‘ㅸ’의 음가는 /w/일 가능성이 높다. 『鷄林類事』, 『朝鮮館譯語』와 같은 차자표기 자료에서도 ‘ㅸ’의 존재를 발견할 수 없으며, ‘ㅸ’을 포함하는 대부분의 단어가 복합어로 분석된다는 점에서도 ‘ㅸ’을 기저 음소로 보기는 어렵다. 음운론적으로는 ‘ㅂ’과 ‘ㅸ’이 상보적 분포를 이루지 못하므로 ‘ㅸ’을 변이음으로 볼 수 없고, 또한 ‘ㅸ’이 ‘ㅂ’과 최소대립쌍을 이루지 못하므로 ‘ㅸ’을 음소로 보기도 어렵다. 오히려 ‘쉽다’의 파생부사가 ‘쉬’가 아닌 ‘수’로 나타나는 점, ‘*샙 + -이’의 구성이 ‘*새’가 아닌 ‘사’로 표기되는 점 등은 ‘ㅸ’이 /w/의 음가를 가질 때에만 설명이 가능하므로, ‘ㅸ’은 기저의 /p/가 [w]로 약화된 현상에 대한 인식을 반영하는 인위적인 표기라고 할 수 있다. ‘ㅸ’ doesn’t belong to onset characters, but there are the explanation of sungjeong-um in ‘yeui’ and ‘jejahae’. This character had been used for fifteen years and thereafter changed to ‘ㅗ’, ‘ㅜ’ or vanished. ‘ㅸ’ has been studied for a long time, but the phonetic value of ‘ㅸ’ has not been decided yet. It is general theory that the phonetic value of ‘ㅸ’ is voiced bilabial fricative / /. But It is likely for ‘ㅸ’ to be artificial character, because it had been used for fifteen years. While not part of onset characters, ‘ㅸ’ had been used in native word notation. It also raise the posobillity of artificial character. In terms of the phonetic value, as it is similar for two descriptions, Jejahae and Beonyeok-Nogeoltai-Paktongsa-Beomlye, it is likely for the phonetic value of ‘ㅸ’ to be same, in the case of native word and sound of chinese characters. Then it is almost certainly that the phonetic value of ‘ㅸ’ is /w/. In terms of phonology, as the complementary distribution of ‘ㅂ’ and ‘ㅸ’ isn’t established, it is impossible for ‘ㅸ’ to be allophone. As the minimal pair of ‘ㅂ’ and ‘ㅸ’ isn’t established, also it is impossible for ‘ㅸ’ to be phoneme. In addition, there are some grounds to assure that the phonetic value of ‘ㅸ’ is /w/. First, the derivational adverb of ‘suipta’ isn’t ‘suibi’ but ‘subi’. Second, the combination of ‘sap’ and ‘-i’ isn’t ‘sabi’ but ‘*saibi’. These are evidence that the phonetic value of ‘ㅸ’ is /w/.

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