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      • KCI등재후보

        장애근로자 이직의 유형과 요인에 관한 이론적 고찰

        박석돈(Suk-don Park),조주현(Joo-hyun Cho),한미현(Mi-hyun Han) 한국직업재활학회 2004 職業再活硏究 Vol.14 No.1

        성공적인 직업재활을 위해서 현재 장애근로자들의 이직에 영향을 미치는 요인에 대해 살펴보는 것은 중요하다고 볼 수 있다. 장애근로자들의 이직이 긍정적인 영향 보다는 부정적인 영향을 많이 받기 때문에 사후지도 서비스를 제공함에 있어서 이직에 영향을 미치는 요인은 중요한 단서를 제공할 수 있다. 따라서 본 연구는 이직에 대한 전반적인 개괄과 국ㆍ내외 선행연구를 이론적 고찰을 통해 살펴보았고 장애근로자의 이직에 영향을 미치는 요인을 연령, 근속기간, 직업적성, 성격특성 등과 관련된 개인적인 요인과 직무내용에 대한 반응, 과업 반복성, 직무 자율성 및 책임 등의 직무관련 요인, 취업기호, 지역사회지원, 계속적인 지원 등과 관련된 환경적인 요인의 세 요인으로 나누어 살펴보았다. This study was examined the concepts and functions of separation to workers with disability. Also the study examined the types and model of the separation, and factors influencing separation. The concept of separation can be defined broadly as the movement of labor among localities, among industries and among classes in the same workplace. Concept of narrowly is separation of workers. The function of separation can be explained in the functional aspect and distinctional aspect. But it has been many researched based on the negative effects of separation. Separations can be classified largely into voluntary. Voluntary separation was workers make decisions, and involuntary separations are to led by organizations. There are three separation-related models, which are economic model based on cost-benefit analysis, psychological model focused on workers cognitive evaluation of the environment of the labor market, and sociological model that combines the psychological model with structural dimensions related to work environment. Factors that affect separation of workers with disability are personal characteristics such as age, length of service, occupational aptitude and personality, job-related factors such as response to job contents, task repetition, job autonomy and responsibility, and environmental factors such as employment practice, support from local community and continuous support. Therefore, it is meaningful to identify factors of separation for workers with disability.

      • KCI등재


        费安玲,王进 한중법학회 2021 中國法硏究 Vol.46 No.-

        팩토링은 기본 계약을 전제로 하는 2차 거래이다. 팩토링은 기본 계약의 협 상, 체결 및 이행에 영향을 줄 수 없으므로 기본 채권 이행 시 권리의 분리성이 발현된다. 팩토링회사의 자금제공을 받기 위해서는 기본 채권 외관에 대한 팩 토링회사의 신뢰이익을 보장해야 한다. 기존 일부 사법실무에서 팩토링회사는 침해행위 책임에 기하여 허위채권 채무자에게 권리를 주장할 수밖에 없었는데, 이는 차선책으로서 「민법전」 시행 후 그 의미가 퇴색될 것이다. 팩토링회사의 기본 채권 심사의무는 형식심사에 국한되며 내부규범을 의무 기준으로 삼아서 는 안 된다. 채무자가 팩토링회사에 채무 확인을 할 경우, 팩토링회사의 채권 원시증거에 대한 심사의무는 면제되어야 한다. 채권양도 행위 발효 후 일부 종 권리는 팩토링회사에 양도될 수 없게 되며 이는 채권자에게 보유된다. 채권자 가 해당 보유권리 행사 시 팩토링회사의 신뢰이익을 침해해서는 안 되며, 「민 법전」은 기본 계약 당사자가 협의로 계약을 변경하는 것은 정당한 조건을 전제 로 하여야 한다고 규정하였는데, 해당 정당한 조건에 내용변경의 제한, 즉 내용변경이 등가 유상의 거래원칙에 부합되도록 해야 할 것이다. 한편, 채무자는 팩토링 계약 당사자가 아니므로 채권 양도는 채무자 권리에 실질적인 감손을 초래해서는 안 되며, 따라서 팩토링회사의 신뢰 범위 내에서 채무자 권리를 제 한해야 할 것이다. Factorer is a secondary transaction on top of the underlying contract. As the factorer cannot influence the negotiation, conclusion and performance of the underlying contract, the factorer shows the separation of rights when exercising the underlying creditor's rights. In order for the factorer to be able to provide financing at ease, the factorer's reliance interest in the appearance of the underlying claim should be protected. In the past part of judicial practice, the factorer had to take tort liability as the basis of claim right when claiming the right against the debtor of false creditor's rights, which was the next best way of relief, and should be relegated to a tributary after the implementation of the Civil Code. The obligation of the factorer to examine the underlying claims is limited to the formal examination, and the internal norms of the factorer should not be taken as the obligation standard. In the case of a debtor confirming the debt to the factorer, the factorer should be exempted from the obligation to examine the original evidence of the creditor's right. After become effective of creditor's rights transfer, some from right does not transfer to factorer, left in the creditors, on the one hand, left creditors to exercise rights should not damage the interests of the trust of factorer people, Civil Code provisions in basic contract party change in negotiation contract on the premise of proper conditions, the proper condition here should increase the limitation on the content change, That is, the content of the change in line with the equivalent paid trading principle. On the other hand, since the debtor is not a party to the factorer contract, the assignment of creditor's right shall not cause substantial derogation from the rights of the debtor, so the limitation of the rights of the debtor should be based on the scope of the trustworthiness reliance interest of the factorer.

      • KCI등재후보

        Maternal Separation Impairs Memory Function through Suppressing Synaptic Plasticity in Rat Pups

        최영웅,백형환,김대영,정선영,김태운,서진희,성윤희,김창주 대한스트레스학회 2012 스트레스硏究 Vol.20 No.2

        Maternal separation during the early postnatal period is a stressful state that can disturb postnatal brain development, which induces cognitive and behavioral impairment. In this study, we investigated the effect of maternal separation on memory function in relation to synaptic plasticity in the brain of rat pups. On postnatal day 14, the rat pups were divided into one of two groups: the maternal care group and the maternal separation group (n=8 in each group). The rat pups in the maternal care group were housed with their respective mothers under standard conditions, while the rat pups in the maternal separation groups were separated from their dams and housed individually. The maternal separation started on postnatal day 15 and was continued for 10 consecutive days. To evaluate memory function of the rat pups, step-down avoidance task was performed. Expressions of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), its receptor tyrosine kinase (TrkB), and phosphorylated synapsin (p-synapsin) were determined by western blot analysis. In the present results, latency in the step-down avoidance task was decreased in the rat pups of the maternal separation group. Expressions of BDNF, TrkB, and p-synapsin in the hippocampus were decreased in the rat pups of the maternal separation group. These results suggest that maternal separation impaired memory function with suppressing BDNF, TrkB, and p-synapsin expressions in the hippocampus. Maternal separation-induced memory impairment in the rat pups can be ascribed to the decreased synaptic plasticity through suppression of p-synapsin expression in the hippocampus.

      • KCI등재

        Maternal Separation Impairs Memory Function through Suppressing Synaptic Plasticity in Rat Pups

        Young-Woong Choi,Hyung-Hwan Baik,Dae-Young Kim,Sun-Young Jung,Tae-Woon Kim,Jin-Hee Seo,Yun-Hee Sung,Chang-Ju Kim 대한스트레스학회 2012 스트레스硏究 Vol.20 No.2

        신생아기는 발달과정에 중요한 시기이며, 모성분리는 생후 뇌의 발달에 지장을 초래하여 인지력 및 행동장애를 유발시키는 심각한 스트레스로 작용한다. 본 연구에서는 어미 쥐의 분리가 새끼 쥐의 기억력에 미치는 영향을 신경 가소성과 관련시켜 연구하였다. 생후 14일째, 새끼 쥐는 어미 쥐의 보호를 받는 군과 어미 쥐와 분리된 군으로 나누었다 (각군 8마리씩). 어미 쥐의 분리는 생후 15일째 시작하여 10일 동안 지속되었다. 기억력을 검사하기 위하여 step-down avoidance task를 실시하였으며, brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF)와 이의 수용체 tyrosine kinase (TrkB), 그리고 phosphorylated synapsin (p-synpasin)의 발현을 western blot으로 측정하였다. 본 실험 결과, 어미 쥐와 분리된 새끼쥐는 step-down avoidance task에서 latency가 감소하였고, 해마의 BDNF, TrkB, 그리고 p-synpasin의 발현이 억제되었다. 본 연구에서 어미 쥐와의 분리는 새끼 쥐의 해마에서 p-synpasin의 발현을 억제함으로써 해마의 신경가소성이 감소되어 기억력 감퇴를 초래하는 것으로 나타났다. Maternal separation during the early postnatal period is a stressful state that can disturb postnatal brain development, which induces cognitive and behavioral impairment. In this study, we investigated the effect of maternal separation on memory function in relation to synaptic plasticity in the brain of rat pups. On postnatal day 14, the rat pups were divided into one of two groups: the maternal care group and the maternal separation group (n=8 in each group). The rat pups in the maternal care group were housed with their respective mothers under standard conditions, while the rat pups in the maternal separation groups were separated from their dams and housed individually. The maternal separation started on postnatal day 15 and was continued for 10 consecutive days. To evaluate memory function of the rat pups, step-down avoidance task was performed. Expressions of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), its receptor tyrosine kinase (TrkB), and phosphorylated synapsin (p-synapsin) were determined by western blot analysis. In the present results, latency in the step-down avoidance task was decreased in the rat pups of the maternal separation group. Expressions of BDNF, TrkB, and p-synapsin in the hippocampus were decreased in the rat pups of the maternal separation group. These results suggest that maternal separation impaired memory function with suppressing BDNF, TrkB, and p-synapsin expressions in the hippocampus. Maternal separation-induced memory impairment in the rat pups can be ascribed to the decreased synaptic plasticity through suppression of p-synapsin expression in the hippocampus. (Korean J Str Res 2012;20:97∼103)

      • KCI등재

        북한집단주의 정치사회화의 심리적 요인에 관한 연구

        이현주 ( Hyun Joo Lee ) 북한연구학회 2011 북한연구학회보 Vol.15 No.2

        In this study, the ``mandatory`` and ``voluntary`` characteristics of North Korean collectivism are investigated based on the theory of socialism formation and the hegemony theory by Gramsci, for the purpose to analyze characteristic factors resulted from North Korean collectivist life style. Also, cognitive, internalizing, and psychological factors are drawn from established socialistic-psychological studies as characteristic factors of North Korean collectivism. 30 in-depth interviews with inhabitants from North Korea and analyzing works of 1000 different short autobiographies by other defectors since 1990 are carried out for the most proper formation of the research questionnaire against North Korean defectors, and for the analysis of 302 questionnaires collected, each factor above is measured in indexes and the correlation in between the factors is provided. North Korean regime has formulated cognitive, internalizing and psychological factors of North Korean collectivism through political socialization, social control, socialistic distribution economy, and the collectivism is suggested to support and maintain its system through the co-relation between its factors. In particular, with an analysis that North Korean defectors show increasing separation anxiety in their psychological separation from its system, the psychological factors of North Korean collectivism are presented to work on maintaining its system.

      • KCI등재

        Application of Debye–Huckel and Bronsted-Bjerrum theory to mass transfer rate in supported liquid membrane; effect of ionic strength on separation factor, an analysis through case studies

        Swain Basudev,Sarangi Kadambini,Park Jay Ryang,Lee Chan Gi 한국자원공학회 2022 Geosystem engineering Vol.25 No.6

        The Debye–Huckel and Bronsted-Bjerrum theory has been applied to supported liquid membrane process to understand the effect of ionic strength on separation factor. The effect of ionic strength due to different salts and their concentration on the separation factor of Cu(II) and Zn(II) by supported liquid membrane using Di-2 ethyl-hexyl phosphoric acid (D2EHPA) as a mobile carrier has been studied. For those studies, different salts, i.e., NaCl, NaNO3, NaClO3, Na2SO4, and CH3COONa, have been used. A mathematical model for the dependency of separation factor of Cu(II) and Zn(II) on ionic strength considering Debye–Huckel theory and Bronsted–Bjerrum theory has been developed. Experiments were carried out using a batch-type permeator of micro-porous polypropylene thin sheet as the solid support for the liquid membrane in the presence of different ionic strength of anions. The calculated separation factor is well agreed with the obtained results within 95% confidence interval.

      • KCI등재

        Audio Source Separation Based on Residual Reprojection

        조충상,김재우,이상근 한국전자통신연구원 2015 ETRI Journal Vol.37 No.4

        This paper describes an audio source separation that is based on nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF) and expectation maximization (EM). For stable and high-performance separation, an effective auxiliary source separation that extracts source residuals and reprojects them onto proper sources is proposed by taking into account an ambiguous region among sources and a source’s refinement. Specifically, an additional NMF (model) is designed for the ambiguous region — whose elements are not easily represented by any existing or predefined NMFs of the sources. The residual signal can be extracted by inserting the aforementioned model into the NMF-EM-based audio separation. Then, it is refined by the weighted parameters of the separation and reprojected onto the separated sources. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed scheme (outlined above) is more stable and outperforms existing algorithms by, on average, 4.4 dB in terms of the source distortion ratio.

      • Principal Stress Separation using a Combination of Photoelasticity and Thermoelastic Stress Analysis under Biaxial Stress

        Akira Shimanoto,Hiroshi Ohkawara,Sung-Mo Yang 대한기계학회 2004 대한기계학회 춘추학술대회 Vol.2004 No.10

        Today, the stress measurement methods by thermography and by photoelasticity are widely used as the methods of making stress distribution visible. However, it is difficult to separate principal stresses by one of the methods because only the difference of the principal stresses is measured in photoelasticity, and only the sum of the principal stresses is measured in thermograpy. Therefore, the inverse analysis problem must be solved for separating the principal stress in the thermoelastic method and the shear difference integration method must be used for the photoelastic method. Although there are some reports of the principal stresses separation under uniaxial stress by combining two methods, the research under the biaxial stress is hardly reported due to the difficulty in experiments. In this research, the principal stresses under biaxial stress are separated by the combined method. Moreover, it is verified that the thermoelastic stress measurement method is effective to evaluate the stress concentration factor.

      • Blend membranes by using PVA/chitosan and crosslinking with TEOS for pervaporation separation of water-Acetic acid mixtures

        ( Chaudhari Shivshankar Subhash ),권용성,곽삼탁,문명준,손민영,박유인,송혜림,남승은 한국공업화학회 2016 한국공업화학회 연구논문 초록집 Vol.2016 No.0

        The membranes were prepared by the poly (vinyl alcohol)/chitosan blending and crosslinked with tetraethyl ortho silicate is reported. The resulting membrane was characterized by FTIR spectroscopy, swelling studies, X-ray diffraction and contact angle testing, Scanning electron microscopy and was finally applied in the pervaporation separation of water acetic mixture. From the FTIR spectra of membranes it was confirmed that the crosslinking reaction between PVA and TEOS successfully occurred. Membrane swelling studies were done at 400C for different water/AA mixtures, swelling degree values were increased with increased in chitosan addition in to polymer matrix. The membrane was applied for the pervaporation separation of water acetic mixture, it was observed that, the membrane showed increased flux with chitosan addition in comparison to pristine PVA/TEOS membrane and with comparatively decreased in separation factor.

      • 한국방사성폐기물학회

        Youngho Sihn,Chan Woo Park,In-Ho Yoon,Hee-Man Yang,Ilgook Kim 한국방사성폐기물학회 2022 한국방사성폐기물학회 학술논문요약집 Vol.20 No.1

        Detritiation of low-level tritiated water has become global issue after Fukushima accident. Several attempts have been made to reduce the radioactivity of Fukushima tritiated water below legal limit of nuclear plant effluents (~104 Bq·L?1). Various technologies such as water distillation, electrolysis, and catalytic exchange were tested to treat the tritiated water, however, those demand enormous expense to achieve the goal due to low process efficiency. It highlights that the performance enhancement of current technologies is necessary to improve economic feasibility. We have quantitatively evaluated the separation performance of various polymers toward low-level tritium (~105 Bq·L?1) through batch experiments. The polystyrene with grafted by 20 types of functional groups (Tris (2-aminoethyl) amine, dimethylaminomethyl, isocyanate, mercaptomethyl, aminomethyl, hydroxymethyl, triphenylphosphine, morpholine, 2-chlorotrityl amine, 4-(dimethylamino) pyridine, poly (vinyl chloride) carboxylated, poly (4-vinyl pyridine), p-toluenesulfonic acid, p-toluenesulfonyl hydrazide, piperidine, acetyl polystyrene, 2-chlorotrityl chloride, piperazine, diethylene triamine, poly (vinyl chloride)) were suspended in HTO solution (initial activity = 4.7 × 105 Bq·L?1). After the equilibration, the suspension was filtered using 3 kDa membrane filter and the activity in filtrates were quantified by LSC (HIDEX-300 SL). The results demonstrate the detritiation efficiency and separation factors of functional groups toward tritium. Carboxylic group (COOH) showed the most reactive performance as detritiation efficiency of ~4%. Compared to other functional groups, styrene sulfonyl groups including sulfonyl amide (SNH2) and sulfonyl hydrazide (SNHNH2) revealed promising performance for tritium separation as separation factor of 10.97 and 3.85, respectively. However, sulfonyl hydroxide (SOH) which is known as reactive functional group to tritium exchange showed the poor performance (detritiation efficiency: 0.68%; separation factor: 3.02). This study could suggest the promising functional groups for detritiation of low-level tritiated water which can be utilized to enhance the performance of current technologies. For example, reactive functional groups can be grafted on the surface of packing material within distillation tower resulting in the increasing detritiation efficiency.

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