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        1950년대 유치진 희곡의 젠더정치와 미완의 사실주의-<한강은 흐른다>(1958)를 중심으로-

        문경연 우리문학회 2018 우리文學硏究 Vol.0 No.60

        This paper examines the gender consciousness of the writer Ryu Chi-jin through <The Han River flows> of Ryu Chi-Jin, who is regarded as a representative work of Korean drama in the 1950s. Attention should be paid to the meaning generated by the physical representation of the work while the dramatic representation of the ‘woman’ that the writer said “pay attention to has failed to distinguish it from the purpose, I want to look at it.” In particular, this paper will examine whether this work, which was intended to distance itself from the “male-oriented intense action play”, has reached its aim through plot analysis. This is a research methodology based on Peter Brooks’ plot theory that “plots are involved in meaning production”. As a result, the master plot of <Han River flows> can be called anti-communism-plot, and the plot itself is gendered. <The Han River flows> narrative of the masculinity expected of violence in order to revive masculinity lost in war, and the self-hatred of the contaminated body (passive aggression and suicide) I have drawn a woman who keeps order. The work was reproduced in a gendered plot of anti-communism-plots in the way that pure women and inferior women were eliminated. At the same time, this work confirms that the slogan of theme’s emphasis and anti -communism, which Oh Young-Jin said, is closed by self - destruction of masculinity and the representation of women is impossible to reproduce. This would have a paradoxical meaning to propel epistemological violence of the gendered plot. 본고는 1950년대 한국 희곡의 대표작으로 평가받는 유치진의 <한강은 흐른다>를 대상으로 작품의 젠더 의식을 고찰하고자 했다. 작품의 신체표상이 발생시키는 의미에 주의하면서, 작가가 주목하겠다고 밝힌 ‘여성’의 극적 재현이 이전 작품들에서 비판받았던 목적성, 선동성과 어떤 식으로 선을 긋고 있는지, 혹은 그 결별에 실패한 것은 아닌지 살펴보려는 것이다. 특히 본고는 “남성 위주의 목적성 짙은 행동극”과는 거리를 두고자 했던 유치진이 과연 그 지향점에 도달했는지를 플롯 분석을 통해 검토하고자 했다. 이는 플롯이 의미생산에 관여한다는 피터 브룩스의 플롯 이론을 비판적으로 지지하면서 동시에 젠더적 관점에서 플롯을 분석하려는 것이다. <한강은 흐른다>는 전쟁으로 상실된 인간성(남성성)을 소생시키기 위해 폭력에 기대는 남성을 서사화하며, 훼손된 신체에 대한 여성의 자기혐오 즉 수동적 공격성과 자살 선택을 통해 가부장 질서가 유지되는 파국을 그려냈다. 반공플롯이 마스터플롯인 이 작품의 결말은 시작과 함께 이미 정해져 있었던 셈이다. 서사의 절정에서 갈등이 해소되고 사건의 내막이 총체적으로 제시되면서 극이 종결되는 젠더화된 플롯을 확인할 수 있었다. 이 작품은 남성의 욕망과 쾌락원칙에 기반한 플롯 패턴을 그려냄으로써 플롯과 젠더의 상관관계를 드러내며, 플롯이 가치중립적이고 보편적인 미학 개념이 아니라 젠더화된 이데올로기적 장치로 활용될 수 있음을 역설하고 있다. 이러한 플롯은 유치진이 이 작품에서 성취하고자 했던 젠더 정치가 미완으로 종결될 수밖에 없는 애초의 이유이기도 할 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        1950년대 유치진 희곡의 젠더정치와 미완의 사실주의

        문경연(Moon, Kyoung-Yeon) 우리문학회 2018 우리文學硏究 Vol.0 No.60

        본고는 1950년대 한국 희곡의 대표작으로 평가받는 유치진의 <한강은 흐른다>를 대상으로 작품의 젠더 의식을 고찰하고자 했다. 작품의 신체표상이 발생시키는 의미에 주의하면서, 작가가 주목하겠다고 밝힌 ‘여성’의 극적 재현이 이전 작품들에서 비판받았던 목적성, 선동성과 어떤 식으로 선을 긋고 있는지, 혹은 그 결별에 실패한 것은 아닌지 살펴보려는 것이다. 특히 본고는 “남성 위주의 목적성 짙은 행동극”과는 거리를 두고자 했던 유치진이 과연 그 지향점에 도달했는지를 플롯 분석을 통해 검토하고자 했다. 이는 플롯이 의미생산에 관여한다는 피터 브룩스의 플롯 이론을 비판적으로 지지하면서 동시에 젠더적 관점에서 플롯을 분석하려는 것이다. <한강은 흐른다>는 전쟁으로 상실된 인간성(남성성)을 소생시키기 위해 폭력에 기대는 남성을 서사화하며, 훼손된 신체에 대한 여성의 자기혐오 즉 수동적 공격성과 자살 선택을 통해 가부장 질서가 유지되는 파국을 그려냈다. 반공플롯이 마스터플롯인 이 작품의 결말은 시작과 함께 이미 정해져 있었던 셈이다. 서사의 절정에서 갈등이 해소되고 사건의 내막이 총체적으로 제시되면서 극이 종결되는 젠더화된 플롯을 확인할 수 있었다. 이 작품은 남성의 욕망과 쾌락원칙에 기반한 플롯 패턴을 그려냄으로써 플롯과 젠더의 상관관계를 드러내며, 플롯이 가치중립적이고 보편적인 미학 개념이 아니라 젠더화된 이데올로기적 장치로 활용될 수 있음을 역설하고 있다. 이러한 플롯은 유치진이 이 작품에서 성취하고자 했던 젠더 정치가 미완으로 종결될 수밖에 없는 애초의 이유이기도 할 것이다. This paper examines the gender consciousness of the writer Ryu Chi-jin through <The Han River flows> of Ryu Chi-Jin, who is regarded as a representative work of Korean drama in the 1950s. Attention should be paid to the meaning generated by the physical representation of the work while the dramatic representation of the ‘woman’ that the writer said “pay attention to has failed to distinguish it from the purpose, I want to look at it.” In particular, this paper will examine whether this work, which was intended to distance itself from the “male-oriented intense action play”, has reached its aim through plot analysis. This is a research methodology based on Peter Brooks’ plot theory that “plots are involved in meaning production”. As a result, the master plot of <Han River flows> can be called anti-communism-plot, and the plot itself is gendered. <The Han River flows> narrative of the masculinity expected of violence in order to revive masculinity lost in war, and the self-hatred of the contaminated body (passive aggression and suicide) I have drawn a woman who keeps order. The work was reproduced in a gendered plot of anti-communism-plots in the way that pure women and inferior women were eliminated. At the same time, this work confirms that the slogan of theme’s emphasis and anti-communism, which Oh Young-Jin said, is closed by self-destruction of masculinity and the representation of women is impossible to reproduce. This would have a paradoxical meaning to propel epistemological violence of the gendered plot.

      • KCI등재

        A Predictive Study on Molecular and Explosive Properties of 1-Aminoimidazole Derivatives

        조수경 대한화학회 2011 Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society Vol.32 No.7

        Molecular structures and chemical properties of 1-aminoimidazole derivatives have been investigated at high levels of density functional theories. Heat of formation, density, explosive performances and impact sensitivities have been estimated at the global minimum of potential energy surface. As more nitro groups are introduced, the explosive performances of 1-aminoimidazole derivatives are enhanced, while the impact sensitivity becomes more sensitive. A two-dimensional plot between explosive performance and impact sensitivity has been utilized to comprehend the technical status of new explosive candidates. Based on locations in the two-dimensional plot, 1-aminodinitroimidzole isomers appears to have a potential to be good candidates for insensitive explosives, and 1-aminotrinitroimidazole may become a powerful explosive molecule whose behavior is quite close to HMX.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        A Predictive Study on Molecular and Explosive Properties of 1-Aminoimidazole Derivatives

        Cho, Soo-Gyeong Korean Chemical Society 2011 Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society Vol.32 No.7

        Molecular structures and chemical properties of 1-aminoimidazole derivatives have been investigated at high levels of density functional theories. Heat of formation, density, explosive performances and impact sensitivities have been estimated at the global minimum of potential energy surface. As more nitro groups are introduced, the explosive performances of 1-aminoimidazole derivatives are enhanced, while the impact sensitivity becomes more sensitive. A two-dimensional plot between explosive performance and impact sensitivity has been utilized to comprehend the technical status of new explosive candidates. Based on locations in the two-dimensional plot, 1-aminodinitroimidzole isomers appears to have a potential to be good candidates for insensitive explosives, and 1-aminotrinitroimidazole may become a powerful explosive molecule whose behavior is quite close to HMX.

      • KCI등재

        Sensitivity of time‐resolved diffraction data to changes in internuclear distances and atomic positions

        Jeong Haeyun,Ki Hosung,Kim Jong Goo,Kim Jungmin,Lee Yunbeom,Ihee Hyotcherl 대한화학회 2022 Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society Vol.43 No.3

        Time-resolved x-ray liquidography (TRXL) is a powerful technique to study molecular structural dynamics in the solution phase. Typically, a TRXL experiment is conducted during limited beamtime at a beamline of a synchrotron or an x-ray free-electron laser, demanding a proper design and careful planning. In this regard, the optimal q range needs to be determined to find the optimal x-ray energy and sample-to-detector distance. For such purpose, here, we present effective ways to quantify the sensitivity of the TRXL data as a function of q to various factors such as the atomic positions, internuclear distances, solvent cage, and bulk solvent. The developed approaches are also applicable to other types of time-resolved diffraction, such as ultrafast electron diffraction.

      • KCI등재

        Liquid petroleum gas sensing performance of polyanilinecarboxymethyl cellulose composite at room temperature

        Y.T. Ravikiran,S. Kotresh,S.C. Vijayakumari,S. Thomas 한국물리학회 2014 Current Applied Physics Vol.14 No.7

        In the present research, liquid petroleum gas (LPG) sensing properties of polyaniline-carboxymethyl cellulose (PANI-CMC) composite have been investigated. For the purpose of investigation, PANI and PANI-CMC composite are synthesized at room temperature by chemical polymerization of aniline without/with CMC. The prepared materials are characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) techniques. Shift in d-space of PANI in the composite as confirmed by its XRD analysis suggests ordered PANI chain arrangement in the composite. Surface morphology and size of the particles are studied by SEM technique. Nature of the material and mechanism of conduction of both PANI and PANI-CMC composite are investigated by studying complex plane impedance plot in the frequency range of 102e106 Hz. Based on structural characterizations and impedance studies, sensitivity of PANI and PANI-CMC composite to LPG at room temperature are tested and compared. Further, to examine the efficiency of the composite as a sensor, its stability, recovery and response time have also been studied with a special focus on its ability to work at room temperature.

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