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      • 초등수학영재들의 자기주도적 학습 능력을 위한 독립연구

        전보영,이광호 한국교원대학교 뇌기반교육연구소 2013 Brain & Learning Vol.3 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to verify that self-directed learning for talented elementary students in math is effectⅣe and to analyze what the characteristics of self-directed learning for talented elementary students in the process of performing the independent study is by applying independent study program for self-directed learning ability for the characteristics of the talented elementary students in math and producing output as a result. The foⅡowing research issues has established for the purposes of this study. 1. Is the independent study is effectⅣe to improve the ability of self-directed learning for talented elementary students in math? 2. What is the characteristic of self-directed learning for talented elementary students in math in an independent study process? An independent research procedures were established in reviewing literature to know factors that are related to self-directed learning in the class model related with self-directed learning and reviewing common points that the traditional scholars proposed in the process of independent study. In addition, the case study was conducted to find the ability of self-directed learning for talented elementary students in math as a research methode for problem solving and to find the characteristic of self-directed learning during performing independent research studies. The analysis of the results of this study according to the coⅡected data is as foⅡows. First, the performing procedure in an independent study was directed by nine steps such as the introduction of an independent study, subject selection, create a research question, literature review, data coⅡection, research and selection methods, a plan of products, the announce of products, and evaluation. Of course, this procedure can be available to reform or modify depending on the students research complement. Second, in the ability of self-directed learning for talented elementary students in math, before researching independent study, the average score of the degree of preparing lessons for self-directed learning is approximately 189.89, and the average score of the degree of preparing lessons for self-directed learning is approximately 201.75. In other words, self-directed learning skiⅡs before and after an independent study has a significant difference in a significant level 0.05. to perform an independent study performed of the It is considered that viewing aⅡ the theory mentioned above this independent study influences self-directed learning positⅣely for talented elementary students in math. Third, the talented elementary students in math performed mathematical independent study on the base of attitudes to perform study by their own way. In the course of the independent study they present the trend to learn by their own way for the openness for learning opportunities and affection and enthusiasm for learning, were satisfied with the vigorous knowledge desire, enjoyed the research, and felt mathematical accomplishment. Researches on gifted education should be made more actⅣely to improve self-directed learning skiⅡs for talented elementary students in math to make talented elementary students to grow competent people with self-directed learning skiⅡs while performing independent study courses a system has to be established that special knowledge should be offered to specialists to answer the questions. Professional training programs have to be provided about the procedure of independent study and producing products for coaching teachers and the public space has to be provided to open the procedure of independent study course and to express the outputs.

      • KCI등재

        학교에서의 자기주도학습 구현을 위한 실천적 모형 개발 연구

        배영주 ( Young Ju Bae ) 한국교육과정학회 2008 교육과정연구 Vol.26 No.3

        Self-directed learning has been recognized as an new potentiality to let the people adapt themselves to the rapid changeable world successfully because self-directed learning means the learner`s control for their whole learning process. In this point, it is natural that not a few scholars should make their efforts to extend self-directed learning`s domains over school learning of children. However it has rarely been implemented in elementary schools for various reasons and it is still obscure for it to have applicability in children`s school learning situation. There are two reasons in here. First, self-directed learning was originally intended for adult learning which performed voluntarily outside of school. So in order to be realized in school situation, it needs to be adjusted for children and school learning situation. But it is hard to find any related trial or serious research of it. Second, which is more radical reason, there are lots of misunderstanding about self-directed learning, and that is giving rise to serious confusion in the models of self-directed learning. It is surely need to inquire and make clear the meaning of self-directed learning. The purpose of this study is to make the meaning and processes of self-directed learning clear, and develop a model for self-directed learning for elementary school environment. In order to achieve the goal of the study, existing self-directed learning models for outside of school were analysed, and the characteristics of schooling were examined. After that, many various self-directed learning activities were founded and evaluated. As a result, a practical self-directed school model was produced and the adequacy and reliability of this model were tested through 3 experts` review meeting.

      • KCI등재

        AI 영어 말하기 앱 활용 자기주도학습이 학습자들의 자기주도학습 능력과 영어 말하기 성취에 미치는 효과

        진승희 글로벌영어교육학회 2022 Studies in English education Vol.27 No.3

        The current study investigated the effects of self-directed learning through implementing Artificial Intelligence (AI)-integrated smartphone speaking application (app) into an EFL classroom on undergraduate learners’ self-directed learning ability and speaking skills. A total of 76 students participated in this study and they were assigned to an experimental group 1 (n=26), an experimental group 2 (n=25) and a control group (n=25). Over a semester, the experimental group 1 engaged in self-directed learning through AI speaking apps and the experimental group 2 participated in AI speaking app-assisted language learning without self-directed learning while the control group participated in traditional speaking activities without the aid of AI speaking apps and self-directed learning. To collect data for this study, 1) a pre- and post-questionnaire on self-directed learning abilities and 2) a pre- and post-test on speaking skills were administered for each group. The results showed that self-directed learning through AI speaking app was effective in increasing the participants’ self-directed learning ability and speaking proficiency. However, the other two groups show no significant improvement in their self-directed learning abilities. This study suggests that self-directed learning through AI speaking apps offers many opportunities to practice speaking and is useful to develop students’ self-directed leaning abilities and speaking skills.

      • KCI등재

        자기주도학습 개념과 신자유주의

        목영해(Mok, Young Hai) 한국교육사상학회 (구 한국교육사상연구회) 2020 敎育思想硏究 Vol.34 No.2

        한국교육계에서 매우 널리 쓰이고 있는 용어인 ‘자기주도학습’의 개념은 신자유주의의 것이다. 이 주장의 근거는 다음의 넷이다. 첫째 ‘자기주도학습’은 신자유주의 지향의 평생교육학계에서 생성되어 학교교육학계로 전해진 용어이다. 둘째, 자기주도학습은 신자유주의 교육이념에 입각하여 작성된 국가수준 교육과정이 제시하는 교수학습법이다. 셋째, 자기주도학습의 인식론적 토대인 급진적 구성주의가 신자유주의와 밀접한 관련이 있다. 넷째, 자기주도학습에 입각하여 학교교육이 이루어진 이후 학생들의 학업관련 정서가 신자유주의적 자기주도학습이 이루어진 성인교육의 결과와 동일한 내용의 부정적 특성을 보이고 있다. 자기주도학습법이 신자유주의의 것임으로 인하여, 이 학습법에 입각한 학습활동은 자기착취적, 자기고갈적으로 진행된다. 따라서 자기주도학습이 자기착취 활동으로 귀결되지 않고, 교육적 이상으로서의 자기활동 학습이 되도록 하기 위해서는, 이 활동이 협동학습의 기반 위에서 이루어지게 해야 한다. The purpose of this study is to figure out a relationship of self directed learning with Neo-liberalism . ‘The self directed learning’ is the most popular word in the Korea educational society these days. The self directed learning is a concept as the ‘Neo-liberalism , and grounds for this assertion are as follow: First, the word of self directed learning was emersed out in the life-long education society. But the ‘self directed learning in the life-long education society was connected with the Neo-Liberalism in the 1980 s, and the self directed learning was deteriorated and changed to what is self-exhausted that is called self-develop. and then the self directed learning that was deteriorated has implanted into the schooling society. Second, Korea government educational policy such as ‘the 5.31 Educational Revolution Plan’ and ‘nationwide curriculum’ have been orienting to the Neo-Liberalism since 1995. But the 5.31 plan and the curriculum have been recommending the self directed learning as a teaching & learning method for good schooling. Third, a radical constructivism have been a foundation for Korea nationwide curriculum since the 7th nationwide curriculum, and the radical constructivism as a relativism is involved with the Neo-liberalism. Forth, schooling with the self directed learning have resulted in student’ self-exhaust and self-destroyed, and feathers of the result is similar with feathers of the self directed learning activity on life-long education that deteriorated with Neo-liberalism. Educators have to try to eliminate out aspect of Neo-liberalism. on the self directed learning. Cooperative learning is a effective way to overcome the un-educational aspect of the self directed learning and to enhance the educational aspect.

      • KCI등재

        SSI 온라인 토론 수업이 고등학생의 자기주도 학습능력에 미치는 효과- 의학 동아리 적용 사례를 중심으로 -

        박선민,차희영 한국생물교육학회 2022 생물교육 Vol.50 No.3

        The purpose of this study is to develop an SSI online discussion class program using smart devices and apply it to high school students to identify changes in self- directed learning ability and present strategies to activate the program. The effect of SSI online debate classes on self-directed learning ability was verified for 10 female students of the medical club in the second year of high school. Changes in individual self-directed learning ability were measured. Quantitative analysis was performed by measuring the pre-test and post-test of self-directed learning ability. And a qualitative analysis was conducted based on the class activity sheet and self-report. Through the class, the differences and characteristics of each student's self-directed learning ability were analyzed and classified into three groups. First, Group A has a higher self-directed learning ability than the overall preliminary average (158.9). Group A confirmed the improvement of self-directed learning ability through the SSI online discussion class program. Second, there was Group B with no significant change as the self- directed learning ability was much higher than the overall pre-average and the overall post-average. Group B had a very high scientific achievement compared to other groups and originally had a high self-directed learning ability regardless of the program. Third, study participant C slightly improved his self-directed learning ability due to the developed program. However, the pre and post scores were lower than the overall pre-average (158.9). Participant C of the study was found to have significantly lower self-directed learning ability and science achievement than other students. Through the SSI online discussion class program, self-directed learning ability has increased a little, but it is regrettable that it has not received much help. It is necessary to develop an efficacious discussion class program for students with poor learning skills like participant C, and science education should also consider how to manage these students.

      • KCI등재

        자기주도학습의 의미 이해를 통한 실천적 방향 탐색

        최유선(Choi, YuSeon),손은령(Son, EunYoung) 학습자중심교과교육학회 2017 학습자중심교과교육연구 Vol.17 No.23

        자기주도성은 세계화와 정보화 사회를 살아가는 학습자들이 갖추어야 할 핵심역량으로 강조되며 또 요구되고 있다. 따라서 학습자의 자기주도성을 중시하는 자기주도학습에 대한 바른 이해는 우리나라의 교육이 나아가야 할 방향제시가 될 것이다. 이에 자기주도학습과 관련한 선행연구들을 통해 자기주도학습이 어떻게 이해되는지 분석하였다. 먼저 우리나라에서 특히 혼용되는 자기주도학습과 자기조절학습의 개념에 대해 알아보았으며, 다음으로 단위 학교에서의 자기주도학습을 이해하고자 국 가수준 교육과정과 학교현장에 대해서 살펴보았다. 그 결과, 자기주도학습과 자기조절학습은 등장배경과 접근함은 다르나 구성요인이 유사하여 혼용되는 경향이 있었고, 자기주도학습을 하기 위해서는 자기조절의 핵심과정을 거쳐야 하므로 자기주도 학습이 더 큰 관점에서 자기조절학습을 포함시킬 수 있다고 여겨진다. 또 단위 학교의 교육과정과 학교현장의 자기주도학습은 어떤 목표를 이루기 위한 수단적인 것만이 아니라 자기주도학습이 목적 그 자체가 되어 실행되고 연구되어야 한다는 것이 다. 이에 본 연구는 앞으로의 자기주도학습에 대한 실천적 방향으로 교사들의 역할이 중요함과 이를 위한 다양한 접근의 필요성을 논의하였다. Self-directedness is emphasized and demanded as a core competency for learners living in a globalized and informatized society. Therefore, the correct understanding of the self - directed learning that emphasizes the learner s self - initiative will be a direction for the education of our society to move forward. Therefore, we analyzed how self - directed learning is understood through previous studies related to self - directed learning. First, I discussed the concept of self - directed learning and self - regulated learning, which are mixed-used in Korea. Next, I looked at national level curriculum and school site to understand self - directed learning in unitary school. As a result, self-directed learning and self-regulated learning tend to be mixed with each other due to the similarity of constitutional factors, although the background and approach are different. Also, since self-directed learning requires a core process of self-regulation, the term ‘self-regulated learning’ is considered to be included in self-directed learning in a bigger angle. In addition, the self - directed learning of the unitary school curriculum and the school site is not merely a means to achieve any goal, while it should be studied as the purpose itself.. Therefore, this study discussed the importance of teachers role in the future direction of self - directed learning and the necessity of various approaches for this.

      • 자기주도 학습에 대한 학생 가정배경의 영향력 분석

        안우환(An Wo Hwan) 한국교육포럼(아시아태평양교육학회) 2010 韓國敎育論壇 Vol.9 No.3

        이 연구는 자기주도적인 학습자가 요구되는 현대 사회에서 자기주도 학습에 영향을 미치는 학생 가정배경의 영향력 정도를 알아보고자 수행되었다. 연구결과 자기주도 학습에 대한 학생 가정배경의 전체적인 영향력은 57.2%로 드러났고, 학생 가정배경의 모든 변수들이 유의미하게 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 특히, 부의 학력이나 가구주 직업, 종교유무 등의 변수를 제외한 나머지 변수들은 유의도 0.1%에서 상당한 영향력을 주는 변수로 나타났다. 정상가족 학생의 경우 6점정도 그 반대의 경우보다 자기주도 학습에 더 높은 점수를 받을 경향이 있는 것으로 나타났으며, 모의 학력이나 가족구조는 일관되게 학생의 자기주도 학습에 영향을 미치는 중요한 변수로 밝혀졌다. 향후 가족해체 즉, 이혼가족 및 사별가족 자녀의 자기주도 학습과 학업성취와의 영향 관계에 대하여 보다 심층적으로 탐색하는 연구가 요망된다. The purpose of this study is to search effects of students' family background on self-directed learning. Personal and professional success is seen to depend increasingly on continued learning and development throughout one's lifetime. The development of self-directed learning skills has become one of the primary aims of adult education in the last few decades. self-directed learners are proactive and take the initiative in learning rather than passively waiting to be taught as reactive learners. Their learning is more meaningful and purposeful, with greater motivation resulting in longer retention. They are more responsible in their own lives, having benefited from the self-disciplining process of their learning. All individuals are capable of self-directed learning but the degree of development varies due to their individual differences. It is important that both educators and learners have a clear understanding of the concept and nature of self-directed learning skills for its further development. Families are a primary source of self-directed learning for young people, especially in relation to their education. Scales items consist of that self-rating scale of self-directed learning(Williamson & Naskar, 2007) and student background. Using 6 elementary schools, fifth and sixth student were sampled. The final subjects were 785. The result of the full sample showed that all variable influenced self-directed learning. The influence of family background of the student self-directed learning was 57.2%. Family background variables that most gives an effect to student self-directed learning are birth rank. The family background attributes exert a significant influence on students' self-directed learning.

      • KCI등재후보

        우리나라 성인들의 자기주도 학습 활성화를 위한 과제

        장미옥(Chang, Mi-Ok) 한국교육사상연구회 2007 敎育思想硏究 Vol.21 No.1

        이 연구는 우리 사회에서 성인들의 자기주도 학습을 활성화하기 위한 과제를 찾아보고자 하는데 목적이 있다. 자기주도 학습의 개념과 등장 배경, 미국에서 자기주도 학습에 관한 선행연구 고찰과 대학의 노인교육 사례를 검토하였다. 연구결과 자기주도 학습은 인간의 잠재성 개발을 강조하는 인본주의 성인교육 철학에서 출발하였으며 지식사회와 평생학습사회의 도래에 의해 사회적으로 요구되는 학습방법이었다. 자기주도 학습의 학문적 발상지인 미국에서 다양한 각도의 연구가 이루어졌다. 이를 요약하면 자기주도 학습은 인본주의에 뿌리를 내리지 못하고 실행과정에서 전통학습방법을 적용하는 모순을 가지고 있다. 초기의 학자들이 주장한 학습자의 인적특성은 자기주도 학습이 보편화되는 걸림돌로 작용하고 있었다. 자기주도성을 향상시키기 위한 단계교수모형도 연구되었다. 미국대학의 노인교육에서 자기주도 학습이 가장 잘 이루어지고 있었는데 자발적인 학습동기를 가진 노인들이 스터디그룹속에서 동료학습으로 지적탐구활동을 하고 있었다. 미국의 경우가 우리에게 주는 시사점은 우리나라에서도 기초연구에서 사례분석등 다양한 각도의 연구가 필요하며, 활성화를 위해서는 우선 노인교육에 주력해야 한다는 것이다. 연구자가 제시한 활성화를 위한 선행과제는 첫째, 성인교육관련자의 재교육의 필요성, 둘째, 성인학습자의 긍정적 인식과 실행의지. 셋째, 기존의 강의와 자기주도 학습을 병행하는 블랜디드 러닝도입, 넷째, 대학의 역할 강조 다섯째, 노년층에서부터 자기주도 학습실행, 여섯째, 학자들의 자기주도 학습에 관한 사례연구와 재개념화로 학문적 이론정립이다. The purpose of this study is to suggest activation tasks of self-directed learning for adults. The paper reviewed philosophical background of self-directed learning and the concepts of self-directed learning that defined from scholars. Also researches studied in America were reviewed because self-directed learning emerged in there. As results of the study, self-directed learning emerged from humanist philosophy of adult education and andragogy. Self-directed learning is purposeful learning with learner-centeredness because learner himself or herself has responsibility to plan, implement, and evaluate. Therefore, to conduct self-directed learning, leaners need to have competence to manage interpersonal sources and learning materials from resources, self-control ability, learning and thinking ability. Learning contract was introduced to conduct self-directed learning but, it is not complete method to improve educational effect. For the implement of self-directed learning elder education programs in colleges and universites in America explored as the field of self-directed learning. The paper found implications with these reviews and suggested tasks to activate self-directed learning for adults in Korea as follows; 1) People who are related adult edcuation need to re-educate about the change of education paradigm. 2) Adult educators should have positive cognition and will to implement in adult participation education 3) Self-directed learning should be conducted in parallel with the lectures in forms of blended learning. 4) Colleges and university should take a role for self-directed learning as colleges in America. 5) To activate self-directed learning elders are very suitable for. 6) Scholars in adult education need to find out successful story in self-directed learning and establish new order in self-directed learning.

      • KCI등재

        자기주도학습과 관련변인 분석

        김성은(Kim Sung-Eun) 한국비서학회 2006 비서·사무경영연구 Vol.15 No.2

        지식기반 사회에 대처방안으로 학습자 스스로 능동적으로 문제를 해결하고 창의 적 생산을 하는 자기주도학습(Self- Directed Learning)이 강조되고 있다. 또한 개별 학습자가 학습에 자기주도성을 가지고 참여할 때 학습 효과가 높아져 교육의 목적 달성도 용이해질 것이다 본 연구는 자기주도학습 및 비서직 역량보유 수준의 실태를 파악하고 자기주도학습에 영향을 미치는 변인들을 분석한다, 한편, 직무역량(job competency)은 취업 후 직무를 통해서 개발되기 이전에 먼저 대학의 전공 교육 시스템을 통해 구축되어야 한다. 따라서 직무역량을 최대한으로 개발하기 위해서는 개별학습자의 자기주도 학습이 높아야 한다는 명제하에 자기주도학습의 비서직 역량에 대한 영향력을 파악 한다 본 연구결과는 다음과 같다 첫째, 개인적 특성인 자아존중감이 높고 통제위치가 내재적인 학생들의 자기주도 학습 수준이 높았다 둘째, 조직적 특성(학습 환경적 특성)인 지원적 분위기, 교수설계에 대한 인식이 긍정적일수록 자기주도학습이 높은 것으로 확인된 반면, 물리적 교육환경은 영향력 이 유의하지 않은 것으로 나타났다 셋째, 자기주도학습의 효과성 검증차원에서 실시한 비서직 역량보유수준에 대한 영향력은 정적~(positive) 것으로 밝혀졌다 본 연구는 학습자의 자기주도학습에 대한 이론적 토대를 마련하는데 필요한 실증 적 정보를 제공하며 나아가 자기주도학습을 향상시키기 위해 어떠한 노력을 기울여 야 하는지에 대한 시사점을 마련한다 Changes in modern society and conversion of paradigm in learning require learners' active attitude and this requirement emphasizes Self-Directed Learning. Job competency should be established through college education system before it is developed through professional job career The study measures the level of Self-Directed Learning and secretarial job competency Under the proposition that Self-Directed Learning should antecede in order to achieve the educational goal, theoretically detects the variables which affect on Self-Directed Learning and statistically prove effects. Also this study tries to verify the importance of Self-Directed Learning by affirming the relationship between self-directed learning and job competency level which was developed through college educational system. The results are as follows: First, those students who have high self-esteem level and internal locus of control have high self-directed learning level Second, the more positive on supportive climate and instructional design, the higher level of self-directed learning we can expect, However, it shows that the physical educational environments are not influential Third, it shows that the influence on the self-directed learning to office professionals' competency level is positive The purpose of this study is to supply fundamental materials for the improvement of self-directed learning by increasing knowledge about the factors prompting self-directed learning and by suggesting strategies to improve the self-directed learning and job competency

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