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      • KCI등재

        한국에서의 홍보 : 산업과 교육

        김원석 ( Won Suk Kim ) 한국PR학회 2002 PR연구 Vol.6 No.2

        Recently, there has been growing interest in public relations as a profession and college-level public relations education in Korea. The skills and techniques employed in the United States public relations have grown increasingly sophisticated in the past few decades, but the practive of public relations in Korea is still in the formative stage. Therefore, this study seeks to provide a descriptive overview of the contemporary Korea public relations industry and education. First of all, before reviewing Korean public relations practive, understand social, political and economic(SPE) contexts in KOrea according to Dr. Culbertson`s SPE Model. And briefly review about Public Relations history in Korea. The public relatiosn industry consists of three different key actors : public relations agencies, public relations media and public relations clients. Public relations industry : the structure and practice in Korea resembles the Japaneses system rather than that in the United States. Most of the public relations market is dominated by several major advertising agency-related public relatiosn divisions. All of these agencies are located within in-house advertising aencies supporting Korean Chaebols. And some leading independent public relations agencies have formed strategic alliances with western multinaitonal public relations firms. Korea had several major television and radio networks. They include the state-owned KBS and ten commercial broadcasters which encompass MBC and the SBS. The cable television services were operated by 29 program providers(PP) and 77 station operators(SO)`. Several satellite broadcasting services also starte in October 2001. In addition, Korea has 112 daily newspapers including those serving specialized audiences along with 1,999 weekly magazines, 2,319 monthly magazines and 1,245 magazines of other types. According to a survey by Kim, Korea haces several problems in public relatiosn education. First, most universities have focused on advertising education, even if their units are called Department of Advertising and Public Relations. Second, it is needed for unified organization is needed to integrate all public relations related organizations. There are several organizations representing their own interests. Third, committee is needed to define the body of knowledge in public relations. Really, there are a lack of qualified professors, textbooks and teaching materials, including relevant public relations cases.

      • KCI등재

        문장 간의 관계성에 관한 고찰

        정종수 ( Jong Su Jung ),신아영 ( A Young Shin ) 한국텍스트언어학회 2012 텍스트언어학 Vol.32 No.-

        Studies on the relations among the sentences up until now have focused only on those of main and supporting sentences, but these would be difficult to explain the connection within the paragraphs. For this reason, it would be necessary to do research on the connection relations between sentences. Besides, if further studies on the connection relations between preceding sentences and follow-up sentences were conducted, it would help people conduct writing easily. The study applied Kant`s relations theory into the sentences and divided the relations between sentences into inclusion relations, dependency relations and relative relations. Inclusion relations referred to the relations, in which a sentence was included in another sentence, and they were made up of word inclusion relations and proposition inclusion relations. Dependency relations signified that a sentence was dependent upon another sentence and they were made up of the case that the preceding sentences were the results and the case that the follow-up sentences were the results (the relations of reason, condition, background, concession and addition). Relative relations indicated that a sentence was equally connected with another sentence and they consisted of enumeration relations and paradigmatic relations.

      • Industrial Relations in the Automobile and Steel industries

        Akira Suzuki 동아대학교 동아시아연구원 2003 동아시아 : 비교와 전망 Vol.1 No.

        This review article examines research trends in the study of industrial relations since the 1980s on Japan's automobile and steel industries. Among studies on automobile industry's industrial relations, those studies that focus on workplace -level industrial relations suggest that the labor unions do not negotiate with management as representatives of the workers. Those studies that focus on corporate-level industrial relations, on the other hand, indicate a certain amount of labor union "voice" to management, although its significance and influence on management is greatly debated among researchers. Studies on steel industry's industrial relations focus on three issues: the response of labor and management to the changes in the economic environment surrounding the industry since the Oil Shock, the worker consciousness, and the postwar history of industrial relations/ labor movements. The article shows that, as in the case of studies on automobile industrys industrial relations, researchers differ in their evaluations of labor union "voice" to management as steel companies heavily rationalized their operations in the 1970s and 1980s. 이 논문은 1980년 이후 일본 자동차 철강 산업에서의 노사관계를 주제로 한 기존 연구의 흐름을 검토하고 있다. 필자는 자동차 산업의 노사관계를 다룬 연구 중 생산현장수준에 초점을 둔 연구는 노동조합이 노동자의 대표로서 협상력을 제대로 발휘하지 못 하였 다고 논의한다. 한편 조합 수준의 노사관계에 초점을 둔 연구는 노동조합이 사업경영에 상당한 정도의 목소리를 내었다고 논의하고 있다. 물론 노동조합의 영향력의 정도에 대해서는 연구자들 사이에 열띤 논의가 이루어졌다. 철강 산업에서 노사관계에 대한 연구는 크게 오일 쇼크 이후 경제 환경의 변화에 대한 노동자와 사용자의 대응, 노동자 의식, 그리고 노사관계와 노동운동의 역사와 같은 세 쟁점을 중심으로 이루어졌다. 자동차 산업에 대한 연구에서와 같이 1970년대와 1980년대 이후 철강 산업이 크게 합리화 되면서 노동조합이 사업경영에 미친 영향에 대해서도 상이한 입장이 존재한다고 논의 하고있다.

      • 북핵 관련 남북한, 미국의 3자관계와 대북정책 방향

        박종철 연세대학교 통일연구원 2009 통일연구 Vol.13 No.1

        After the inauguration of the Obama administration, negotiations on North Korea's nuclear development and U.S.-North Korean relations will proceed according to the following five stages. The first stage is to implement the October 3 statement based on the September 19 statement of the six-party talks. In the second stage, North Korea will accept the abandonment of her nuclear program, inspection of nuclear activities, improvement of human rights in return for diplomatic normalization between Washington and Pyongyang. In the fourth stage, North Korea will dismantle her nuclear programs and surrender her nuclear materials and nuclear weapons together with the holding of a summit meeting between Washington and Pyongyang. This meeting will be accompanied by aid to North Korea from international financial institutions. In the fifth and final stage, North Korea will fully abandon nuclear materials and nuclear weapons and a new peace treaty on the Korean peninsula will be concluded. In sum, despite many difficulties, the U.S.-North Korean negotiations are able to proceed to the second stage. However, from the third stage, the U.S.-North Korean negotiations will face difficulties concerning the abandonment of nuclear weapons, diplomatic normalization, and the reform of North Korea's system. South Korea's first challenge is to link the nuclear problem and inter-Korean relations. One option is to partially link the two issues, improving inter-Korean relations in accordance with progress in the nuclear negotiations. It is undesirable and impractical to set up denuclearization as the precondition of inter-Korean relations. Likewise, it is also impractical to separate inter-Korean relations from the denuclearization process. South Korea's second challenge is how to harmonize inter-Korean relations with those of U.S.-North Korean relations. South Korea concerns herself with the possibility of improving the U.S.-North Korean relations in the face of the continuing stalemate in inter-Korean relations. This will reduce Seoul's position in its relations with the U.S. and North Korea and curtail her freedom of maneuver and initiative in handling general Korean peninsula issues. To prevent this situation, U.S.-South Korean coordination is necessary. South Korea and the U.S. should consult at various government levels and utilize their diverse contacts through both the 1.5 track and civilian track. Washington and Seoul should have common positions about the denuclearization process, security guarantees for North Korea, economic compensation, and so on. Considering this situation, South Korea's policy towards North Korea should be one of selective engagement. This is to maintain the basic outline of engagement while arranging economic aid and cooperation in accordance with the progress of n egotiations with t he N orth a nd t he c hanges i n North Korea's position. The policy of selective engagement values principle and universal standards while managing the Korean peninsula situation and improving inter-Korean relations. In order to encourage or elicit a positive response from the North, the following measures need to be considered. First, formal and informal high-level contacts between Seoul and Pyongyang are advisable. High-level inter-Korean meetings will discuss Seoul's North Korea policy, a new framework of inter-Korean relations, denuclearization, and other pending issues. Second, the two Koreas should take steps towards confidence building measures to create a favorable environment for inter-Korean dialogue. Third, the two documents of the inter-Korean summit meetings, the 6.15 statement and the 10.4 statement, should be given greater prominence. The two Koreas should discuss the implementation process in detail considering feasibility, economic resources, and popular support. Fourth, humanitarian aid can be a starting point to resume an inter-Korean dialogue. Fifth, policies for establishing a peace regime on the Korean peninsula should be prepared.

      • KCI등재

        PR 실무자와 기자의 언론관계에 관한 상호 인식 비교 연구

        신호창 ( Ho Chang Shin ),김미현 ( Mi Hyun Kim ) 한국PR학회 2002 PR연구 Vol.6 No.1

        Media relations to take deep effect to audience is the highest priority for public relations practitioners to increase the high contact with their public. Indeed, this process remains the misunderstanding and prejudice between journalists and PR practitioners. This study is attempt to compare the perception based on the pre-study done by Ho-Chang Shin in 1994. Questionnaires were sent to 200 journalists and 200 public relations practitioners and 102 journalists(response rate=51.0%) and 127(63.5%) practitioners were replied. Here are the findings : First, the field of media relations consists mainly of obtaining publicity is considered important by journalist and public relations practitioner. And they think that the negative factor such as treats including dining or restriction of press release is not important. This result shows the different thing compared to the pre-study. Second, public relations practitioners and journalists disagree regarding the point of view of media relations. Practitioners perceive journalists a specialized and high-responsibility man. but journalist has lower respects about themselves than practitioner perceive them. The two group reported different perception of public relations` view. It is found that practitioner has more positive thinking on the public relations` view than journalist. In the correlations, practitioners` and journalists` perception on each other shows significant difference. PR practitioner recognize journalist as a partner at a same level. But journalist consider PR practitioner and information source. Third, practitioner and journalist have similarity on their ethical value. If its degree is low, it is possible that activities such as treat, presents and request to correct news to enhance relationship between two groups. Fourth, in media relations, practitioners are tends to corporate with journalists for company`s positive image. And they also react objectively to the crisis. But journalist is reluctant to agree the various activities of PR practitioners in media relations. Fifth, the result here for media relations model of Korea compared to pre-study can be suggested as follows : ① journalist-oriented, ② media coverage, ③ information distortion, ④ information management, and ⑤ positive public relations.

      • KCI등재

        PR의 사회적 역할에 대한 탐색적 연구: PR실무자, PR교육자, 일반인의 인식을 중심으로

        이현승 ( Hyun Seung Lee ),조삼섭 ( Sam Sup Jo ) 한국PR학회 2006 PR연구 Vol.10 No.2

        The word of public relations has been widely used in many parts of society, and in fact the concept is too broad and ambiguous to make its definition. Despite growth of public relations industry, it has been perceived by its function and becomes harder to seek its social meaning of existence. Therefore, this study is to discuss public relations`s ultimate value by revealing perspective on various social roles of public relations practitioners, public relations instructors, and the general public and difference in such understanding among them. This study theoretically examines what role public relations can play socially through its paradigm approach and from its symmetry-asymmetry worldview. Positively to understand its current and ideal social roles, the study classifies its target groups into public relations practitioners, public relations instructors, and the general public, and draws up a questionnaire based on classification of its social role suggested by James E. Grunig and Jon White. Public relations practitioners, public relations instructors, and general public are with one voice to some extent that present public relations has been used to maximize commercial profit by influencing sales and returns to corporate and customers and in justification for those who wield influence over government and economy. However, they also agree that ideal public relations should be made a change in a way that it promotes public good, mutual understanding of both organization and the public, lively discussion on various social issues, and desirable change to organization and society.

      • The Study on China-EU Relations from the Perspective of the French Institute of International Relations

        Liu Mingyi,Pu Jiaqi,Pu Jing 아시아사회과학학회 2021 Jornal of Asia Social Science Vol.4 No.2

        In 2019, the European Commission published its Strategic Outlook, which described China as a partner, economic competitor and systemic rival (European Commission, 2019). As Europe struggles with the survival crisis caused by the COVID- 19 epidemic, the complexity of its relationship with China is fully revealed. The year 2020 marks the 45th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the European Union, which was originally an important year for China-EU relations. Sudden epidemics disrupted the established diplomatic schedules of China and the EU, and many political, economic, trade and cultural cooperation agendas were temporarily postponed. At the same time, the original differences between the two sides are becoming more and more complicated with different understandings and responses to the epidemic situation. The epidemic poses a challenge to both sides’ ability to respond to public health emergencies, and at the same time, it also poses a major test to the political mutual trust between the two sides. How to promote the healthy development of China-EU relations has become a topic for scholars to think about. France is an important driving force for European integration and plays an important role in European affairs. France’s perception of China-EU relations influences the attitude towards the interaction between China and Europe, and think tank is an important way to understand a country’s policies. Therefore, we can learn about France’s interpretation of China-EU relations through the relevant reports of the French Institute of International Relations, the most famous think tank in France, and the strategic interests of Europe in France’s eyes will help us to promote the development of China-EU relations.

      • KCI우수등재

        행정의 정치적 환경(정치-행정 관계)

        이송호 한국행정학회 2016 韓國行政學報 Vol.50 No.5

        This study is an effort to review studies conducted in Korea during last sixty years on politico-administrative relations, to identify trends and characteristics of these studies, to evaluate their contribution to theory building, and finally to provide suggestions for this venture. There viewed studies were collected from major journals in political science and public administration, journals of major universities, and editorials of the Korea Institute of Legislative Studies. A total of 103 studies were collected and analyzed. Concerning research area, scholars have over time expanded their areas of focus from National Assembly– government relations to ruling party–government relations, president–minister relations, president–bureaucrat relations, minister–bureaucrat relations, and recently legislator– bureaucrat relations. Nevertheless, most energy has been concentrated on National Assembly–government relations. As for research theme, scholars have focused on the relative power of both sides and its determinants. Patterns of interaction, strategies of influence, and other themes remain to be studied. Methodologies have been diversified and become more sophisticated over time. Nevertheless, dominant is the traditional qualitative method, which relies on existing literature, simple statistical data, and subjective judgement. Case study and modern qualitative methods, which rely on interview and observation, need to be used for grasping real situations in depth for theorization. As of now, these studies cannot be evaluated as academically mature. They have probed for causes or identified determinants via subjective judgement or statistical correlation analysis, but have fallen short of theorizing them systematically. For more advancement, more challenging efforts are needed for carving new concepts and theorizing their relationships. 이 글은 지난 60년간 국내 학계에서 정치와 행정 관계, 좀 더 구체적으로는 정치인과 행정인, 국회와 행정부, 정당과 행정부, 대통령과 장관, 대통령과 관료, 장관과 관료, 국회의원과 장관 간의 상호관계에 관한 연구문헌들을 검토 분석하여 시대별 분야별 연구 경향과 특징을 확인하고 각 분야별로 학문적 성숙도를 평가한 후 향후 학문발전을 위한 방향을 모색해 보려는 시도이다. 검토문헌들의 출처는 행정학과 정치학 분야 주요 학술지, 각 대학의 논문집, 한국의회발전연구회의 연구논문집, 각종 편집서 등이다. 학술지와 각 대학 논문집에 실린 연구논문들은 KISS와 DBpia에서 수집했고, 편집서에 실린 관련 논문들은 국회도서관 소장 서적을 조사하여 수집했다. 이렇게 최종 선정하여 검토한 연구문헌은총 103편이다. 검토결과, 연구분야는 시간의 흐름에 따라 계속 확대되어 왔음에도 불구하고, 연구가 행정부-국회 관계에 집중되었고 나머지 분야 연구는 이제 진행중이거나 시작단계에 있다. 연구대상도 다양한 측면들이 연구되어 왔으나, 양자간 상대적 영향력과 그 요인분석에 집중되어 있고 아직도 상호작용의 패턴과 유형, 영향력 행사의전략 등 연구되어야할 대상들이 많이 남아 있다. 연구방법론도 다양화되고 정교해지고 있으나 아직도 기존 문헌과 간단한 통계 및 주관적 판단에 의존하는 전통적 방법론에 크게 의존하고 있다. 현장을 깊이있게 들여다볼 수 있는 현대적 질적 분석이나 사례분석이 크게 부족하다. 학문적 성숙도를 보면, 현상에 대한 이론화에 있어서, 원인・요인 연구가 상당히 축적되어 있으나 단순히 다수요인・원인을 지적하거나 통계적 상관관계 분석에 머물고 있을 뿐 다수 원인들과 하나의 결과를 연결하는 이론화 시도가 거의 없다. 제도에 대한 연구에 있어서도 외국에서 도입한 현장제도의 분석과 평가는 많으나, 기존제도들의 일반화, 새로운 제도의 개발 등은 거의 시도되고 있지 않다. 따라서 전반적으로 학문적 발전이 상당한 수준에 이르렀다고 평가하기는 어렵다. 향후 행정학의 궁극적 목적인 개념구축과 이론화, 기존제도(수단)의 일반화와 새로운 제도(수단)의 개발 등을 우회길이 아닌 지름길로 과감하게 시도해 볼 필요가 있다.

      • KCI등재

        일반인들의 Public Relations의 개념과 기능에 대한 인식 연구

        조삼섭 한국소통학회 2021 한국소통학보 Vol.20 No.1

        본 연구는 일반인들이 PR에 대하여 가진 일반적인 이미지나 목적을 설문조사를 통 하여 탐색하였다. 본 연구는 설문을 기존 이론이나 정의에 의한 폐쇄형 문항대신에 개 방형으로 질문하여 될 수 있으면 일반인들이 가진 인식을 실제적으로 탐색하였다. 조사 결과, 일반인들은 PR에 대하여 가지는 뉘앙스나 이미지는 대부분 자기PR 혹은 광고를 가장 먼저 떠올리고, 포장하기, 기업 이미지 제고, 설득을 떠올리는 것으로 나타났다. 조사결과 응답자들은 광고와 PR을 거의 동일시 하였고, 광고와 PR에 대하여 거의 구 분을 하고 있지 않았다. 일반인들은 PR을 널리 알리는 기능적인 역할에 주목하여 광고 와 PR은 거의 동일한 역할로 인식하고 있었다. 이 같은 결과는 일반인들이 가진 PR에 대한인지나, 지식은 이론에서 정의하는 것과 는 많이 다름을 나타낸다. PR의 이론적 정의에서 강조하는 요소로 볼 수 있는 쌍방향 성, 상호 호혜성, 조직-공중 관계성과 같은 근본적인 개념과는 상당히 거리가 있는 결 과로 볼 수 있다. 이같이 일반인이 가진 이미지와 인식은 향후에 PR이 국내에서 학문적 논의를 진행 해나가는데 부정적인 요소로 작용할 가능성이 크다고 할 수 있다. 학회차원에서는 각 대학의 학과명칭이나, 학과 커리큘럼, 정부, 기업의 홍보담당 관리자 명칭에 대하여 제 고할 수 있는 공론장을 활성화 시킬 필요가 있고 장기적으로 홍보, PR, 커뮤니케이션, 공중관계학의 정확한 개념적 정의를 학계에서는 마련해야 할 필요성을 제기하고 있다. The study examined the general public’s perception on public relations image and its purpose. The study explored the public’s perception using open-ended questions instead of closed questionnaire to explore natural image on public relations. The results showed that public perceive as image making, self-promotion, packaging, management of corporate image, and persuasion when it comes to public relations. The most respondents equated advertising with public relations, did not distinguish them. Most perceived that the advertising and public’s role are the same in terms of function. The results suggest that general public’s perception on public relations differ from the theoretical definition in academia. The theoretical words such as two-way communication, control mutuality, organization-public relationship in public relations seem to be quite different from public’s perception. The public’s present perception on public relations seems to hinder the theoretical advancement on public relations in Korea. The study suggests that Korean public relations academia needs to activate open discussion on college department name, public relations curriculum, name of public relations professionals. Furthermore, the public relations scholars need to elaborate public relations definition, difference between public relations and Hong-Bo, organization-public relationship in Korea.

      • KCI등재

        Dynamics in Northeast Asian Regional Order: Explaining Korea-Japan-U.S. Relations Right After Nixon Doctrine, 1969-1971

        윤태룡 한국동북아학회 2013 한국동북아논총 Vol.18 No.2

        This study purports to analyze the dynamics of Korea-Japan-U.S. relations right after the Nixon Doctrine (1969-1971) and to define the nature of the Korea-Japan relations in the context of the macro-trends of continuously enlarged cooperation after 1965 Korea-Japan diplomatic Normalization. The reason for my efforts to redefine the nature of Korea-Japan relations especially during this period of 1969-1971 is that, in my view, Victor Cha's study overemphasizes the role of U.S. influence on Korea-Japan relations by solely focusing on the causal links between the U.S. disengagement policy and the so-called exceptionally cooperative Korea-Japan relations. According to the logic of Cha's 'quasi-alliance model,' the high level of cooperation in Korea-Japan relations is mainly caused by these two states' abandonment fears regarding the United States, which are traced to the indirect or unintended consequences of the U.S. disengagement policy. However, though we witness the increased cooperation in Korea-Japan relations in this period of 1969-1971, this does not constitute a particularly peculiar and new trend, but a part of consistently macro-trend of expanding cooperation in the whole period of 1965-1971 of Korea-Japan relations including this period of 1969-1971 which is overused by those who emphasize the importance of indirect effect of the U.S. disengagement. Of course, this study does not deny the fact that there is an advancement in Korea-Japan relations in this period of 1969-1971. However, there has been not only a continuation of expanding trade and political relations, but also a conflictive aspect, evidencing the mixture of cooperation/frictions at the same time in the history of the bilateral relations. This means that though we cannot ignore the U.S. factor in grasping the dynamics in Korea-Japan relations, we should also take into account not only the common interest (such as, economic cooperation), but also the fundamental conflict of interests traced back to historical animosity between the two states.

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