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      • 心理健康教育心理学赋能高校心理健康教育发展研究

        杨萍(Ping Yang) YIXIN 출판사 2024 Education Reform and Teaching Research Vol.1 No.2

        The main means for universities to implement mental health education and build a sychological education system include offering mental health education courses, implementing psychological education practice activities, providing psychological counseling services and psychological treatment interventions, etc. However, in the current practice of psychological education in universities, there are practical problems such as insufficient understanding of the concept of psychological health education, imperfect construction of teaching staff, and imperfect construction of educational collaboration mechanisms, which have affected the implementation effect of psychological health education. In this regard, universities should deepen their understanding and pay attention to the psychology of mental health education, provide scientific guidance for the practice of psychological education in schools from a systematic and professional perspective, optimize the existing model of psychological health education, and actively promote the construction of a psychological education system to help universities achieve the fundamental educational task of moral education. 高校实施心理健康教育、构建心理育人体系的主要手段包括开设心理健康教育课程、实施心理育人实践活动、提供心理咨询服务与心理治疗干预等。但在现阶段高校心理育人教育实践中,却面临着心理健康教育理念认识不足、师资队伍建设不完善、教育协同机制建设不完善等现实问题,并影响了心理健康教育的实施效果。对此,高校应深化理解并关注心理健康教育心理学,从系统化、专业化视角为学校心理育人教育实践提供科学指导,优化现有心理健康教育模式,并积极推动心理育人体系建设,助力高校立德树人根本教育任务实现。

      • Effects of Spouses’ Education on Self-Rated Health

        Minhye Kim,Eun-Jin Choi 한국사회학회 2016 한국사회학회 사회학대회 논문집 Vol.2016 No.6

        This paper examines the significance of spouses’ education on self-rated health among Korean female elderly residing in Seoul (aged 50-69) and analyzes if there are gendered effects. In other words, the present research argues that given patriarchal culture among elderly population in Korea, it is more likely that females are more strongly affected by their spouses’ educational level than their own. Subsequently, three possible mechanisms are explored in terms of lifestyle (lifestyle hypothesis), psychological state (psychological spill-over hypothesis), and income (economic resource hypothesis). The dataset is from a project, Social Capital and Its Impact on Health Promoting Behavior, by the Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs(KIHASA) in 2012. The dataset if representative of the non-institutionalized Seoul citizens in their 50s and 60s and, for this paper, only married females were included, which is 692 respondents. The results show that the effects of wives’ own education on self-rated good health were not statistically significant whereas husbands’ education had significant effects on wives’ self-rated good health. This result affirms the male dominance hypothesis in that male spouses’ education exerts bigger impacts on their wives’ health than the wives’ own educational level. As for mechanism, lifestyle factors, i.e. BMI, regular exercise, and drinking were not important in predicting wives’ good self-rated health. Moreover, the combined lifestyle factors did not change the significance of husbands’ education on wives’ health. This suggests that the hypothesis on the role of lifestyle is not upheld in this study. Next, regarding psychological spill-over hypothesis, the effect of husbands’ secondary versus tertiary education turned insignificant after Geriatric Depression Scale and life satisfaction are entered in analysis. This suggests that those whose husband graduated from middle and high school may have lower self-rated health as compared to those whose husband achieved higher degrees in vocational college and university, via the mediation of greater depressive symptoms and reduced life satisfaction. Lastly, the effects of husbands’ primary and secondary education, as compared to tertiary level, turned insignificant when household income is taken into consideration. This suggests those in the two lower brackets in terms of spouses’ education (i.e., primary and secondary) may experience lower self-rated health due to lower household income than those who belong to the highest bracket in terms of spouses’ education (tertiary). This supports the hypothesis stating the mediating effects of income in comprehending the effects of husbands’ education on wives’ health status. The strong influence of husbands’ education on elderly wives’ health suggests that elderly citizens in Seoul are exposed to rather patriarchal culture where varied aspects of wives’ life may be determined by husbands’ SES. With regard to mechanism, the findings suggest that household income functions more strongly than other factors such as lifestyle and psychological conditions.

      • The Researches of Mental Health Education on the College Students in China

        Rui Xue,Lei Songlin 서울행정학회 2007 서울행정학회 학술대회 발표논문집 Vol.- No.-

        The college students are at the youth period of their life, and their physical growth is almost complete. However, their mental development has not hit the mature state yet. A series of problems is destined to emerge in the college students' mental health field due to the conflicts arising from the unbalanced mental development and physical growth. The college student's mental health's education was paid attention to over a long period of time by scholars. Since 80's in 20 centuries, the researches on college student's mental health education had already got into a booming development period. In recent ten years, there were some results of college students' mental health standard, mental health status, method and mode of mental health education. However, there were also some problems in research on Chinese college students' mental health education. Theoretical level was too low to instruct practice; the difference of district was distinctly and the whole level was on the low side; the professional level was relative low and operation was short of criterion; the passive trend was distinctly and the research couldn't develop roundly. From now on, the researches on college student's mental health education will carry out more widely, completely and will set up perfect theories systems to guide empirical exploration. The researches will carry out more deeply to push forward the researches on college student's mental health education roundly and the scholars will summarize results of the researches on college students' mental health to carry on the pointed education. The researchers will adopt multi ways and continue exploring the developmental education mode; establishing education system and innovate Long Acting mechanism of college student's mental health's education.

      • 직장인의 멘탈헬스 증진을 위한 "고객맞춤식 뇌교육 기반 명상프로그램" 개발연구: K사 생산직을 대상으로

        박순녀 ( Soon Yeo Park ),유성모 ( Seong Mo Yoo ) 국제뇌교육종합대학원대학교 뇌교육연구소 2013 뇌교육연구 Vol.12 No.-

        본 연구는 K사 생산직을 대상으로 직장인의 멘탈헬스 증진을 위한 ‘고객맞춤식 뇌교육 기반 명상프로그램 개발을 목적으로 하고 있다. 직장교육의 목표가 조직성과라는 것을 토대로 먼저 조직성과에 영향을 미치는 멘탈헬스 핵심요인을 파악하였고, 그 결과를 근거로 K사 생산직을 위한 고객맞춤식 뇌교육 기반 명상 프로그램’을 개발하였다. 문헌고찰과 선행연구결과를 토대로 조직성과에 영향을 미치는 직장인의 멘탈헬스 핵심요인으로는 ‘긍정심리자본’, ‘심리적 웰빙’ ‘삶의 만족도’가 선정되었고, 이 3가지 핵심요인의 향상을 통해 직장인의 멘탈헬스 증진을 가져올 수 있도록 프로그램을 개발하였다. 프로그램 개발과정에서는 우선적으로 기업 및 관공서의 교육요구분석을 통해 직장인의 멘탈헬스 증진을 위한 ‘뇌 교육 기반 명상프로그램’의 모듈들을 개발하였고 이를 기초로 K사 생산직을 대상으로 한 ‘고객맞춤식 뇌교육 기반 명상프로그램’을 개발하였다. 프로그램의 완성도를 높이기 위해 3번에 걸친 파일럿 프로그램 실시 후 K사 맞춤형 명상프로 그램을 확정하였다. 프로그램의 평가는 Tyler의 목표중심 평가모형에 따라 만족도를 통한 주관적 효과평가와 ‘긍정심리자본 심리적 웰빙, 삶의 만족도’에 대한 객 관적 효과평가를 동시에 실시할 여|정이다. 본 연구는 기업마다 요청하는 중점 요구가 다른 현실을 적극 수용한 ‘고객맞 춤식 뇌교육 기반 명상프로그램’ 개발을 목적으로 K사 생산직 교육의 중점목표인 멘탈헬스 증진을 위한 맞춤형 직장교육 프로그램 개발단계를 서술하였다. 본 연구는 조직인적자원개발의 새로운 패러다임으로써 추후 대한민국의 기업과 관공서의 인적자원개발에 큰 활용도가 있을 것으로 기대된다. The purpose of this research is to develop customized meditation program based on brain education to improve mental health of employees. Organizational achievement is found to be the main goal of a company``s educational program for employees based on needs assessment of human resource department staffs. Three core factors of mental health effecting on the achievement of organization are found and ``customized meditation program based on brain education`` is developed for manufacturing workers of Company K. Three core factors of employees`` mental health effecting on the achievement of organization are found to be ``positive psychological capital``, ``psychological well-being`` and ``life satisfaction`` based on the literature study. The program was developed to bring the improvement of employees`` mental health by focusing on the improvement of those three core factors. In the process of the development of program, firstly, several modules of ``meditation program based on brain education`` are developed for the improvement of employees`` mental health. Secondly, the ``customized meditation program based on brain education`` for manufacturing workers of Company K are developed based on those modules. Finally, after three pilot trials, the customized meditation program based on brain education is determined. For the evaluation of program, subjective evaluation of effects on satisfaction and objective evaluation of effects on positive psychological capital, psychological well-being and life satisfaction are conducted according to Tyler``s goal-oriented evaluation model. This research described developmental process of customized educational program for the improvement of mental health. This research should be greatly utilized to develop human resources of Korean companies and governments as a new paradigm of organizational human resource development in the future.

      • KCI등재

        기본적 심리욕구만족에 따른 성취목표성향과 정신건강의 관계

        장민희 ( Jang¸ Min-hee ),박생렬 ( Park¸ Saeng-ryeol ) 한국융합과학회 2023 한국융합과학회지 Vol.12 No.6

        연구목적 본 연구는 청소년을 대상으로 체육수업 성취목표성향(과제성향, 자아성향)과 행복감, 삶의 만족의 관계에서 기본적 심리욕구만족의 매개효과를 검증하고자 하였다. 연구방법 본 연구를 위해 체육수업에 참여하는 중·고등학생(n=469)을 대상으로 성취목표성향, 행복감, 삶의 만족, 기본적 심리욕구만족을 측정하여 매개분석을 수행하였다. 결과 과제성향과 행복감, 삶의 만족 간의 직접효과와 기본적 심리욕구만족이 매개한 간접효과는 모두 정적으로 유의하여 부분매개효과가 나타났다. 자아성향과 행복감 간의 직접효과는 통계적으로 유의하지 않았으나, 기본적 심리욕구만족이 매개했을 때 간접효과가 정적으로 유의하여 완전매개효과가 나타났다. 또한, 자아성향과 삶의 만족의 관계에서 간접적인 영향력이 정적으로 유의하여 기본적 심리욕구만족의 매개효과가 나타났다. 결론 체육교사는 기본적 심리욕구가 만족될 수 있는 분위기를 형성하여 지도하는 것이 중요할 것이다. Purpose The purpose of this study was to investigate the mediating effects of basic psychological needs satisfaction between achievement goal orientation and happiness, life satisfaction in physical education. Methods In total, 469 middle and high school students were recruited. Achievement goal orientation, happiness, life satisfaction, and basic psychological needs satisfaction were assessed using questionnaires. Subsequently, mediation analyses were performed. Result Basic psychological needs satisfaction showed a significant partial mediating effect between task orientation and happiness. Basic psychological needs satisfaction showed a significant partial mediating effect between task orientation and life satisfaction. Basic psychological needs satisfaction showed a significant complete mediating effect between ego orientation and happiness. Basic psychological needs satisfaction showed a significant mediating effect between ego orientation and life satisfaction. Conclusion The findings of this study indicate that both achievement goal orientation and basic psychological needs are important factors in enhancing happiness and life satisfaction. Autonomy-supportive climates in physical education can be taken into account to improve happiness and life satisfaction of adolescents.

      • KCI등재

        대학생의 웰니스를 위한 건강관심도, 교양체육수업재미요인, 심리적 행복감의 관계

        김범준 한국웰니스학회 2015 한국웰니스학회지 Vol.10 No.1

        본 연구는 교양체육수업참여 대학생을 대상으로 건강관심도와 교양체육수업재미요인 및 심리적 행복감의 관계를 규명함으로써 성인으로의 과도기에 있는 대학생들이 교양체육수업의 수강을 통해 건강하고 행복한 대학생활을 영위함은 물론 평생체육을 도모 할 수 있는 기초자료를 제공하는데 목적이 있다. 본 연구목적을 달성하기 위하여 실기교양체육수업을 수강한 경험이 있는 서울, 경기, 강원, 충청도 지역의 대학생들을 연구대상으로 271명의 자료를 통해 SPSS 18.0과 AMOS 18.0을 이용하여 빈도분석, 탐색적 요인분석, 확인적 요인분석, 신뢰도분석, 상관관계분석을 실시하였고 구조방정식모형(SEM)을 통하여 변인간의 인과적 관계를 규명 하였다. 본 연구에서 도출된 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 건강관심도는 심리적 행복감에 영향을 미치지 않는 것으로 나타났다. 둘 째, 건강관심도와 심리적 행복감의 관계에서 교양체육수업재미요인은 매개하는 것으로 나타났다. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship model of health concern, cultural physical education’s enjoyment factor, psychological well-being for college students attended physical education. To achieve the goal of this study,??a total 371 surveys collected from university in Seoul, Kyuggi, Chung-Chang, and Kangwoon areas were utilized for analyzing. frequency analysis, exploratory factor analysis, reliability analysis, confirmatory factor analysis and structural equating modeling were conducted using SPSS 18.0 and AMOS 18.0. Main findings were as follows: First, health concern had not effect on psychological well-being. Second cultural physical education’s enjoyment factor mediated the relationship between health??concern and psychological well-being.

      • KCI등재

        상담자 교육에서의 마음챙김 적용

        심지은,윤호균 한국건강심리학회 2008 한국심리학회지 건강 Vol.13 No.2

        본 연구는 근래 들어 심리학적 구성개념으로서 주목 받고 있는 마음챙김을 상담자에게 요구되는 인성적 자질로 보고 마음챙김을 상담자 교육 연구에 적용하고자 하였다. 이를 위해 마음챙김이 심리치료 영역에서 어떻게 적용되고 있으며 그 주요기제는 무엇인지 살펴보았다. 그리고 마음챙김이 상담자의 공감 및 역전이 관리 능력과 갖는 관련성을 검토하였다. 이어서 마음챙김이 상담자의 심리적 소진을 예방하고 심리적 건강을 촉진하며 전문 상담자로서의 발달과 교육을 위해 지속적으로 훈련되어야 할 주의양식임을 제시하였다. 마지막으로 마음챙김이 상담자의 인성적 자질로 수용되기 위해 필요한 향후의 과제들에 대하여 논의하였다. Mindfulness has lately attracted considerable attention as a psychological construct. The purpose of this study is to propose mindfulness on counselor education. This article explores the possibility of applications of mindfulness in psychotherapy field and addresses principal mechanisms of mindfulness. And relationships between mindfulness and counselor factors were reviewed. Among counselor factors empathy and countertransference were highlighted. In addition, this article suggests that mindfulness protects counselors from psychological burnout and promotes psychological health, so that it needs to be trained continually for the professional counselor education. Finally, ways to acknowledge mindfulness as a counselor's attitude were discussed.

      • KCI등재후보

        한국사회의 위기와 국민의 정신건강 : 정신보건 상담사의 역할

        연문희 한국효학회 2015 효학연구 Vol.0 No.21

        지난 반세기동안 ‘잘 살아보자’고 외치던 우리 국민은 상호신뢰, 이해와 협력, 배려와 사랑, 생명존중 보다는 돈벌이와 출세를 위해서 일중심 사회를 만들어왔다. 그 부작용으로 형성된 심리사회 문화적 요인들, 즉 ‘생산성 경쟁사회’, ‘물질만능주의’, ‘생명경시풍조’, ‘결과만 중요시하는 사회’, ‘가족관계의 와해’, ‘대중매체의 선동’, ‘신뢰가 없는 사회’, 그리고 ‘인성교육의 실패’ 등은 우리 사회에 위기를 가져왔고, 국민 정신건강에 악 영향을 미치게 되었다. OECD 국가 중에서 가장 높은 자살률, 학교 및 군대의 집단 따돌림과 폭력, 높은 이혼율, 성 범죄 등 각종 범죄, 정신병원 입원환자의 증가 등은 높은 스트레스와 심리적 고통 그리고 정신병리에 그 원인이 있다고 판단됨으로 우리 국민의 정신건강에 위험신호가 왔음을 보여주는 증거들이다. 물질주의적 가치와 목표를 선호하고, 경쟁을 일삼는 삶의 형태는 개인의 자율성, 유능감, 절친한 인간관계에 방해가 되어 심리적 안녕을 해친다는 종단적 실증연구 (Kasser, 2014)결과를 인용하여 내재적 가치와 목표가 정신건강에 필수조건임을 논하고 있다. 가정과 학교에서 의식적 무의식적으로 점수따기 경쟁, 돈벌기 경쟁, 출세하기 경쟁 등을 일삼도록 유도함으로써 비인간적인 경쟁에 몰린 아동 청소년 국민은 정신건강이 악화될 수밖에 없다. 자기초월, 행복, 생동감, 마음의 평화, 우정, 사랑 등 자기실현적 가치를 우선시하지 않으면 우울, 불안, 행동장애 등 정신병리가 높아짐으로 가정, 학교, 종교기관을 통한 가치관 교육의 필요성을 강조하였다. 결론적으로 정신보건 상담사들은 다음과 같은 점에서 국민정신건강 증진에 크게 이바지 할 수 있다고 본다. 첫째, 정신보건 상담사들은 어린시절부터 노후에 이르기까지 건강하고 행복하게 성장발달하도록 어린이, 청소년, 결혼 및 부부, 장년, 노인상담을 통해서 온 국민의 정신건강 교육과 상담에 참여할 수 있도록 교육과 수련을 받아왔다. 둘째, 관련학회에서 국민 정신건강 증진에 필요한 정신보건 상담사들을 교육훈련 배출하여 자격증을 수여해왔으므로 정부가 이를 쉽게 활용할 수 있다. 셋째, 정신병에 대한 일반인들의 선입견과 편견 때문에 정신질환을 경험한 사람의 겨우 15% 정도만 의료서비스를 받고 있는 것이 우리의 현실이다. 국가가 현재 각종 상담센터에서 활동하고 있는 정신보건 상담사들의 역량을 인정하고 정신보건 전문요원으로 수용하여 법적지위를 주는 것은 정신질환의 확산을 예방하고, 국민정신건강 증진과 국민통합에도 일조하는 결과를 가져 올 것이다. 끝으로 고비용 저효율적인 병원입원치료보다 상담사들의 상담활동이 국민 정신건강 증진에 더 효율적임을 외국의 예에서 배워야 한다. Over the past half century, the slogan of let's level up the standard of living in Korea has led us to workaholic society rather than the society of mutual trust, understanding and cooperation, care and love, or respect for life. The socio-psychological cultural side-effects have brought about productivity competition, materialism, disrespect of human life, results oriented society, collapse of family system, propaganda of the media, trustless society, and inhuman education which have negative impact on the mental health. The highest rate of suicide and divorce among OECD countries, collective outcast and violence of students and soldiers, the increase in sexual, violent crime, and mental health inpatients alone show a warning sign of national mental health. According to Kasser's empirical research(2014), the preference of materialistic values and goals, and competitive life style bar individual's autonomy, competence, and intimate relationship which have a harmful effect on wellbeing. Therefore it is discussed that intrinsic values and goals are the necessary conditions of mental health. The competition of academic scores in school, money making, ambitions for success in the society have driven Koreans to inhumane rivalry against each other, which have had a bad impact on mental health. The self actualizing values such as self-transcendence, happiness, vitality, inner peace, friendship, and love should be emphasized. Otherwise the pathology of depression, anxiety, or behavior disorder would be hiked. Therefore, the importance of value education is stressed on through families, schools, and churches. In conclusion, psychotherapists will be able to contribute to promotion of national mental health as follows. Firstly, psychotherapists are educated and trained to counsel clients from early childhood to elders. Secondly, if and when the government approves the certificates of psychotherapists granted by the related psychological societies, the government can make use of the psychotherapists already prepared. Thirdly, an easy access to psychological counseling will promotion to national mental health, because koreans try to avoid medical treatment or hospitalization in psychiatric hospital owing to prejudice and bias against mental illness. Lastly, it will be beneficial for us to learn from the advanced countries that counseling service for mild and moderately mild patients is more cost-effective than the intervention in psychiatric hospitals.

      • Policies and Practices for Promoting Multicultural Awareness of Indigenous Early Childhood Education in Indonesia

        Aliah B. Purwakania Hasan,Eny Suwarni 육아정책연구소 2012 International Journal of Child Care and Education Vol.6 No.1

        Unlike other countries where indigenous people constitute the minority groups, in Indonesia majority of the population (about 95%) are natives (pribumi). There are over 300 ethnic groups in Indonesia who live side by side and in some cases form blurred inter-ethnic boundaries. In addition, Indonesia has unique indigenous Early Childhood Education model that is different from other countries. Indigenous Early Childhood Education in Indonesia is stated in the national laws and government regulations local contents curriculum in education. Local contents defined as educational programs, substances and media transfers, which are related with the natural, social and cultural environments and the needs of regional development being taught to students. The objective of this paper is to describe the implementation Indigenous Early Childhood Education for promoting the physical, intellectual, social, emotional growth of young children aged under three years in Indonesia. The paper also intends to explain the barriers encountered and recommend remedial measures.

      • KCI등재

        개념적 은유를 활용한 도덕교육 방안 연구 - 정서·심리적 건강을 중심으로 -

        권재은 ( Kwon Jae-eun ) 한국윤리교육학회 2021 윤리교육연구 Vol.- No.62

        본 연구는 학생들의 정서·심리적 건강을 위해 개념적 은유를 활용한 도덕교육 방안을 제안한다. 개념적 은유는 근원영역으로부터 목표영역으로의 은유적 사상이 나타나고 의미를 함축함과 동시에 부각과 은폐의 특징을 갖는다. 이와 같은 개념적 은유는 정서 인식 및 표현, 정서 조절, 정서 형성을 돕는다. 은유는 정서를 명료하게 인식하고 정서에 대한 다양한 표현을 가능하게 하며 반추 사고를 살피어 심리적 균형을 유지하고, 새로운 정서를 활성화한다. 개념적 은유를 활용한 도덕교육 방안은 학생들이 정서에 관심을 기울이고 이를 능동적으로 관리할 수 있게 한다. This study proposes a moral education method using conceptual metaphors for students' emotional and psychological health. Conceptual metaphors appear as metaphorical mappings from the source domain to the target domain, and have metaphorical implications and characteristics of highlighting and hiding. This conceptual metaphor contributes to emotion recognition, emotion expression, emotion regulation, and emotion formation. Conceptual metaphors make it possible to recognize emotions clearly and to express one's emotions in a rich and varied manner. In addition, it helps to maintain psychological balance by examining rumination, and activates emotions through new metaphors. A moral education method that uses conceptual metaphors helps students to pay attention to emotions and actively manage them.

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