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      • KCI등재

        플로우경험, 관람만족, 태도적 충성도, 재관람의도 간의 구조적 관계 : 프로축구와 프로야구에 따른 조절효과 분석

        하제현,김종백 한국스포츠산업경영학회 2022 한국스포츠산업경영학회지 Vol.27 No.6

        The purpose of this study was to examine the structural relationship among flow experience, spectator satisfaction, attitudinal loyalty, and revisit intention and the moderating effect of professional soccer and professional baseball in the relationship among flow experience, spectator satisfaction, attitudinal loyalty, and revisit intention. In order to accomplish the purpose, the sample was collected from professional soccer and professional spectators with use of convenient sampling method. There were 248(professional soccer) and 240(professional baseball) usable questionnaires for final data analysis. Data were analyzed using SPSSWIN Ver. 27.0 and AMOS 27.0. The results of this study were as follows. First, flow experience positively contributed to spectator satisfaction, attitudinal loyalty, and revisit intention toward professional soccer and professional spectators. Second, spectator satisfaction had an influence on attitudinal loyalty and revisit intention toward professional soccer and professional spectators. Third, attitudinal loyalty didn’t contribute to revisit intention toward professional soccer and professional spectators. Next, the moderating effect of professional soccer and professional baseball was examined in the relationship among flow experience, spectator satisfaction, attitudinal loyalty, and revisit intention. First, there existed the moderating effect of professional soccer and professional baseball in the relationship between flow experience and revisit intention, and professional soccer had a stronger influence than professional baseball. Second, there existed the moderating effect of professional soccer and professional baseball in the relationship between spectator satisfaction and revisit intention, and professional baseball had a stronger influence than professional soccer. Third, there was the positive relationship between attitudinal loyalty and revisit intention toward professional soccer but there was not the relationship between attitudinal loyalty and revisit intention toward professional baseball. There existed the moderating effect of professional soccer and professional baseball in the relationship between attitudinal loyalty and revisit intention, and professional soccer had a stronger influence than professional baseball. 본 연구는 프로축구와 프로야구를 대상으로 관중의 플로우경험, 관람만족, 태도적 충성도, 재관람의도 간의 구조적 영향관계와 변인들 간의 영향관계에서 프로축구와 프로야구에 따른 조절효과를 규명하는 것이 목적이다. 본 연구의 목적을 달성하기 위해 프로축구와 프로야구 관중을 대상으로 편의표본추출법을 활용하여 표본을 추출하였고 프로축구 248부와 프로야구 240부를 최종 자료 분석에 사용하였다. 자료 분석은 SPSS 27.0과 AMOS 27.0을 사용하여 분석하였으며 그 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 프로축구와 프로야구 관중의 플로우경험은 관람만족, 태도적 충성도, 재관람의도에 정(+)적으로 유의한 영향관계가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 프로축구와 프로야구 관중의 관람만족은 태도적 충성도와 재관람의도에 정(+)적으로 유의한 영향관계가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 프로축구와 프로야구 관중의 태도적 충성도는 재과람의도에 통계적으로 유의한 영향관계가 없는 것으로 나타났다. 다음으로 플로우경험, 관람만족, 태도적 충성도, 재관람의도 간의 구조적 영향관계에서 종목에 따른 조절효과를 검증하였고 그 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 플로우경험과 재관람의도와의 영향관계에서 종목에 따른 조절효과가 있는 것으로 나타났으며 프로축구가 프로야구 보다 영향관계가 더 강한 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 관람만족과 재관람의도와의 영향관계에서 종목에 따른 조절효과가 있는 것으로 나타났으며 프로야구가 프로축구 보다 영향관계가 더 강한 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 태도적 충성도와 재관람의도와의 영향관계에서 프로축구는 정(+)적으로 유의한 영향관계가 있지만 프로야구는 아무런 영향관계가 없는 것으로 나타났으며 종목 간의 조절효과는 프로축구가 프로야구 보다 더 강한 것으로 나타났다.

      • KCI등재

        MBC 청룡 팀 선수를 통해서 살펴본 한국 프로야구 출범의 사(史)적인 의미

        김지영 ( Kim Ji-young ) 한국체육사학회 2018 체육사학회지 Vol.23 No.3

        본 연구는 한국 프로야구의 탄생을 경험한 MBC 청룡 선수들의 구술 채록 및 문헌 고찰을 통해서 한국 프로야구 창단의 역사적인 가치를 살펴보는데 목적을 두었으며, 결론은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 한국 프로야구의 출범을 경험했던 MBC 청룡 팀 선수들은 서울연고지에 입단하는 기대감을 가지고 있었다. 하지만 이러한 기대감과는 달리 MBC청룡은 초기 프로 팀으로서 야구팀 운영, 관리, 훈련 환경이나 체계 등의 문제점이 나타났다. 둘째, 한국 프로야구 출범을 알리는 개막식과 개막전은 대중들의 큰 관심과 호응 가운데 이루어졌다. 특히 화려하고 멋진 개막식과 양 팀의 치열했던 개막 경기는 한국 프로야구가 인기스포츠로 급부상되어 현재에 이르는데 기폭적인 계기가 되었다. 특히 한국 프로야구 출범에 있어서 다양한 요인 중에 이러한 MBC청룡 선수들의 노력과 최선이 토대가 된 것을 알 수 있었다. 이러한 연구 참여자들의 구술채록을 통해서 프로야구 선수의 삶을 들여다보는 기회가 되었으며, 한국 프로야구의 출범의 의미를 새롭게 정립할 수 있었다. The purpose of this study is to examine the historical value of Korean professional baseball establishment through the oral records of MBC Blue Dragon players who have experienced the birth of Korean professional baseball and the literature review, and the conclusions are as follows: First, MBC Blue Dragon team players who had experienced the launch of Korean professional baseball had expectation of joining a team located in Seoul. Unlike this expectation, however, MBC Blue Dragon showed problems such as operation and management of baseball team, training environment and system as an early professional team. However, their competence appeared remarkably in the opening game of professional baseball through the training and efforts of the players and leaders of MBC Blue Dragon professional team. Second, the opening ceremony and opening game to announce the launch of Korean professional baseball were held with great interest and response from the public. In particular, the spectacular and wonderful opening ceremony and fierce opening game between both teams became an decisive opportunity for Korean professional baseball to become a popular sport like the present. In particular, it was found that MBC Blue Dragon players’ efforts and best among the various factors became the foundation in the launch of Korean professional baseball. The oral records of these research participants became an opportunity to look into the lives of professional baseball players and to newly establish the meaning of the launch of Korean professional baseball.

      • KCI등재후보

        선수계약과 관련된 구체적인 제도들

        장진수 한국스포츠엔터테인먼트법학회 2009 스포츠와 법 Vol.12 No.4

        Among many professional sports in Korea, the one most loved by people and with the biggest marketshare would be the professional baseball. Even though the popularity sagged temporarily by an ethusiasm for soccer generated during 2002 WorldCup, it has been consistently gaining crowds since its inception in 1982, making a new record every year. Professional baseball is consisted of baseball teams, players, and Korea Baseball Organization, which functions as an association of teams, and the greatest factor in the mobilization of spectators would be players. The purpose of this paper is to examine the policies surrounding the professional baseball, which is closely related to contracts with players. There are four major areas of policy that can be examined, and they are polices regarding reserved player, the free agency, the trading of players and the draft of new players. With the policy regarding reserved players, which is to first prevent the loss of excellent players, there is a reactionary tendency to exclusively belong to a baseball team unlike its intent, therefore it basically infringes on the freedom to choose a career as stated in the Article 15 of the Constitution, and it violates the concept of fairness as stated in the Article 6 of Stipulation Protection Law, and the Article 11 Clause 3 of the same law also restricts contracts with the third party, therefore there are many factors that can nullify this policy. Next, the policy regarding the free agency of players allows qualified players to freely enter into contracts with any team, and it is intended to allow players to free themselves from being reserved for a team by themselves. But it takes a very long time for a player to be qualified for this, and the compensation for a free agent player is normally in excessive amounts, therefore there is a need to revise this. And policy regarding the transfer of players was introduced to balance out the team, and it functions well to allow surplus players to be active in other teams, but due to the contract that gives the inclusive disposition of transfer completely to the user, the player is actually treated as a commodity, therefore this needs to be revised as soon as possible. Lastly, with the policy regarding the draft of new players, there is a positive aspect of preventing excessive competition through bundled negotiation by forming a player selection meeting with new players entering professional teams and representatives from each of those teams. In summary, there is an urgent need to examine various policies around specific examples regarding player contracts and revise them. Especially, in view of excessive authority characterizing professional baseball teams, rules and contract regulations disadvantegeous to players should be revised as soon as possible. 국내에서 행해지고 있는 프로 스포츠 종목 중에서 가장 시장 규모가 크며 국민적으로 많은 사랑을 받고 있는 종목을 살펴보게 되면 프로야구를 들 수 있을 것이다. 물론 2002년의 월드컵 열풍으로 인해 잠시 주춤한 경향이 없지는 않지만 1982년 출범 이래로 꾸준히 관중 수를 늘려가며 매년 관중 동원기록을 갱신하고 있는 실정이다. 프로야구는 구단과 선수 그리고 구단의 협의체 형태인 한국야구위원회로 구성되어 있는데 이 중에 가장 관중의 동원과 관계있는 부분은 역시 선수라고 할 것이다. 본 논문에서는 이러한 프로야구 선수들의 계약과 밀접한 관련을 가지고 있는 프로야구 상의 관련 제도를 살펴보는 것을 목적으로 하고 있다. 이에는 크게 네 가지 제도를 살펴볼 수 있는데, 보류선수제도와 자유계약선수제도(Free Agent) 그리고 선수계약의 양도제도(Trade), 신인선수 선발제도(Draft)가 그것이다. 먼저 우수선수의 누수를 방지하기 위한 보류선수제도의 경우에는 그 목적과 달리 구단에의 전속성이라는 반작용을 가져오는 경향이 있으므로 헌법 제15조 직업선택의 자유를 본질적으로 침해하는 것이며 약관규제법 제6조의 공정성을 잃은 것이며 동법 제11조 제3호의 제3자와의 계약을 체결하는 것을 부당하게 제한하는 조항으로서 무효의 여지가 많다고 할 것이다. 다음으로 자유계약선수제도(Free Agent)는 일정자격 요건을 갖춘 선수는 모든 구단과 자유로이 계약할 수 있게 하는 제도로서 선수 스스로가 자발적으로 보류선수를 벗어나게 하는 목적을 가지고 있다. 그러나 일정 자격을 갖추기 위한 기간이 너무 길게 규정되어 있으며 자유계약선수에 대한 보상 액수가 지나치게 과도한 편이므로 이에 대한 개정이 필요하다 할 것이다. 그리고 팀 전력의 균형화를 위해 도입된 선수계약의 양도제도(Trade)는 잉여선수의 경우에 다른 구단에서 활동할 수 있게 하는 순기능을 가지고 있으나, 선수는 계약체결시에 포괄적인 양도의 처분권을 사용자에게 전적으로 맡긴다는 내용의 계약을 작성함에 따라서 실질적으로 상품과 같이 취급되게 되는 문제점이 있으므로 이에 대한 개정이 시급하다 할 것이다. 마지막으로 신인선수 선발제도(Draft)의 경우에는 신인선수의 쟁탈로 인한 부작용을 막기 위하여 프로팀에 입단할 신인선수를 한데 모아서 구단의 대표들로 선수선발회의를 구성하여 일괄 교섭하는 방식으로서 과열경쟁을 방지할 수 있는 긍정적인 측면이 존재하지만, 선수의 역지명 제도 등을 인정하고 있지 않으므로 선수의 직업선택의 자유를 침해할 소지도 있다고 할 것이다. 결론적으로 선수계약과 관련된 여러 제도들에 대한 구체적인 사례를 고찰하여 이에 대한 개정이 시급하다고 할 것이며, 특히 구단의 권한이 강한 프로야구의 성격에 비추어 볼 때 선수에게 불리한 규약이나 계약서의 내용은 하루빨리 수정되어야 할 것이다.

      • KCI등재후보

        부산지역 대학생들의 프로야구 관람의도 결정요인 연구

        이정기(Lee, Jeong Ki),정은정(Jeong, Eun Jeong) 청운대학교 방송예술연구소 2013 미디어와 공연예술연구 Vol.8 No.3

        이연구는 부산지역 대학생들의 롯데 자이언츠 프로야구 관람의도 결정요인을 규명하고자 했다. 구체적으로 선행연구에 근거하여 구조적 환경 변인으로서 지역정체성 , 프로야구 중계방송 시청빈도 , 그리고 팀(롯데 자이언츠 ) 동일시 , 스폰서 그룹에 대한 태도 변인, 인간의 사회문화적 행위예측에 유용성을 보이는 계획행동이론변인을 통해 프로야구 관람의도 결정요인을 포괄적으로 규명하고자 했다. 연구결과 첫째, 지역 정체성 변인을 구성하는 인지적 통합도와 적극적 관여도는 모두 프로야구 관람의도에 정적인 영향을 미쳤다. 둘째, 프로야구 중계방송 시청정도 역시 프로야구 관람의도에 정적인 영향을 미쳤다. 셋째, 롯데 자이언츠 팀 동일시의 경우 행동적 동일시만 프로야구 관람의도에 정적인 영향을 미쳤다 . 넷째, 롯데 자이언츠스폰서 그룹에 대한 태도는 프로야구 관람의도에 기여하지 못했다. 다섯째, 계획행동이론 변인 중 태도와 주관적 규범은 프로야구 관람의도에 정적인 영향을 미쳤으나 , 인지된 행위통제의 설명력은 도출되지 않았다. The purpose of this study was to clarify the decision factors of university students in Busan to spectate the professional baseball game of Lotte Giants. In concrete, based on the preceding studies, it attempted to comprehensively examine the decision factors to spectate professional baseball through regional identity, number of watching professional baseball game, and team (Lotte Giants) identification, attitude variables toward the sponsor group as structural environmental variables and the variables of the theory of planned behavior that shows usefulness for social and cultural behavior prediction of human beings. As the results of this research, cognitive integration and positive involvement that compose regional identity variables all gave positive influences on the intention to spectate professional baseball. Second, the degree of watching professional baseball relay broadcasting also positively influenced the intention to spectate professional baseball. Third, in case of team identification with Lotte Giants, only the behavioral identification gave positive influences on the intention to spectate professional baseball. Fourth, the attitude to the sponsor group of Lotte Giants did not contribute to the intention to spectate professional baseball. Fifth, among the variables of the theory of planned behavior, attitude and subjective norm positively influenced the intention to spectate professional baseball but the explanation of recognized behavioral control was not derived.

      • KCI우수등재

        스포츠산업,경영 : 프로야구 구단 입장수입규모에 따른 마케팅 차별화 방안

        조용찬(JoYongChan) 한국체육학회 2004 한국체육학회지 Vol.43 No.1

        The purpose of this study is that we grasp a specific of sports marketing classified by professional baseball team search for different marketing strategy which meets each professional team.The object of this study limits to professional baseball among the kinds of sports. There are 108 staffs who work for 8 comtemporary professional baseball team in our research.First of all we confirm that suitable definition to this research is a single dimension with using Croobach’s Alpha. To analyse differences among marketing strategies in professional baseball teams, we use one-way ANOVA. After this test we do Scheffe’s various examination.The object of study are 108 staffs who work for 8 professional baseball teams. We can conclude these followed from the result of study.1) In the case of professional baseball teams, they should solve the problem of places and facilities on which income of teams depends. So they would increase their income and contribute to the society.2) Each professional baseball team should get proper Marketing strategy for place of stadiums and facilities to develop their team and have more fans.3) Professional baseball team and front staffs should set up the long plan than fans can go to the stadium comfortably by public traffic. So they should try to let the audiences watch a game more comfortable and easier than earlier.4) It needs financial help of the big company in order to develope professional baseball. Also front staffs should be managed effectively and they should make a marketing strategy for meeting their own characteristic. Furthermore they should continue to have a communication with fans and fan clubs.To attain this end, they should need the price which meets fans and audiences, facilities, various promotion. And then they should use these components effectively.

      • KCI등재

        OB 베어스가 한국프로야구 발전에 미친 영향 - 1982년부터 1984년까지 -

        김지영 한국체육사학회 2019 체육사학회지 Vol.24 No.3

        본 연구는 한국 프로야구의 탄생을 경험한 OB 베어스 선수들의 구술 채록 및 그들의 행적에 관한 문헌 고찰을 통해서한국 프로야구 창단의 역사적인 가치를 살펴보는데 목적을 두었으며, 결론은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 한국 프로야구 출범에앞 서 OB 베어스는 충청도를 연고지로 삼았으며, 3년 후 서울 이전과 서울의 선수 자원에서 MBC와 2대1로 보장받았다. 둘째, 한국 프로야구 출범 당시 OB 베어스는 한국프로야구 어린이 회원을 최초로 모집하고, 선수들에게는 메리트시스템도입과 최초의 2군 창설, 그리고 전용경기장을 건설하였다. 셋째, 한국 프로야구 출범 당시 OB 베어스는 한국프로야구원년 한국시리즈에서도 모두의 예상을 뛰어 넘고 우승을 차지하며 프로야구가 인기스포츠로 자리 잡을 수 있는 인기 스포츠로 자리 잡을 수 있는 밑거름을 제공하였다. 이러한 연구 참여자들의 구술채록을 통해서 프로야구 선수의 삶을 들여다보는 기회가 되었으며, 한국 프로야구의 출범의 의미를 새롭게 정립할 수 있었다. The purpose of this study was to examine the historical value of the creation of Korean professional baseball through the literature review of the dictation and their track record of OB bears players who experienced the birth of Korean professional baseball. First, OB Bears used Chungcheongdo as a base for Korea’s professional baseball, and after three years, it secured a two-to-one relationship with MBC in pre-Seoul and Seoul’s player resources. Second, when the Korean professional baseball was launched, OB Bears recruited Korean professional baseball children for the first time, and introduced the merit system to the athletes, established the first two forces, and built a dedicated stadium. Third, when Korea’s professional baseball was launched, OB Bears was able to make a leap forward in becoming a popular sport by surpassing everyone’s expectations and winning the championship in the first-ever Korean series. Through the oral extraction of these participants, it was an opportunity to look into the life of professional baseball players and to reestablish the meaning of the launch of professional baseball in Korea.

      • KCI등재

        스포츠산업,경영학 : 한국 프로야구의 단체협상 현안 규명 연구: 델파이 기법을 중심으로

        주종미(JongMiJoo) 한국체육학회 2005 한국체육학회지 Vol.44 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to identify current collective bargaining issues facing the Korea professional baseball and, further, to examine these same issues in Major League Baseball (MLB). In order to help the Korea professional baseball plan for the future, this study was designed to forecast future collective bargaining issues for the Korea professional baseball, particularly those that may prove important during the next decade. In order to accomplish the purpose of this study, three research questions were formulated and tested by the Delphi technique. In conducting the Delphi technique, a survey questionnaire was used as the instrument. Thirty-seven experts, selected by a nominating procedure, responded to the questions. Over the two rounds, the collected data were analyzed by both median and interquartile range to determine the consensus of expert opinion.This study found that Korean experts perceived "the period of free agency, players’ equipment, both medical and rehabilitation service, need of players association, player’s agent system, fairly sharing of profits for the players activities, teams’ requirement to buy disability insurance for players, and players’ requirement to buy disability insurance for themselves" as the most important labor management issues. Most of the experts expected that the various collective bargaining issues of MLB will eventually appear in the bargaining agenda between players and owners of the Korea professional baseball. It was found that the issues believed most important for the near future were annual salary, pensions benefits, minimum salary, and arbitration. Given that these issues were dealt with by the MLB in the 1970’s, this finding was considered evidence that the labor-management relations of the Korea professional baseball are about thirty years behind those of the MLB.This finding suggests, therefore, that the forecasts of the experts related primarily to issues that were important at an earlier period for MLB. This finding provided supporting evidence for the importance of this study, in which the collective bargaining process of MLB can be exemplified as a guideline for the collective bargaining process of Korea professional baseball. If the path of the collective bargaining process of the Korea professional baseball more-or-less follows the path of that of MLB, one can reasonably predict the next set of bargaining issues of the Korea professional baseball by examining the history and strategies of bargaining issues that appeared in MLB.

      • KCI등재

        글로벌과 로컬의 갈등과 융합 접점으로서의 한국 프로야구

        민학수 ( Min Hak Soo ),조성식 ( Cho Seong Sik ) 한국이벤트컨벤션학회 2021 이벤트 컨벤션 연구 Vol.17 No.2

        Purpose - Korean Professional Baseball maintained its steady growth despite the big wave of globalization in baseball. In this line, the object of this research was to explore how the introduction of foreign player system, Korean players advance to overseas leagues, and international baseball events have affected Korean Professional Baseball. Design, data, and methodology - Qualitative research methodology, literature review and in-depth interview with professional baseball experts and journalists, was utilized to achieve the purpose of this study. Review of news articles regards to professional baseball’s globalization was executed. Interviews was executed from Jan 2020 to April 2021. Result - The findings of this study showed that introduction of foreign players system and Korean players advance to overseas leagues have affected in improvement of Korean National Baseball Team’s performances. Korean baseball has a unique cheering culture as many female and young fans come to see baseball stars who have become national heroes due to the nationalism triggered by international competitions. Conclusions - This Study shows that Korean professional baseball has become very popular as its own cheering culture, but some detail aspects such as terms and trend of using data for baseball are becoming similar to those of the Major League.

      • KCI등재

        한국프로야구의 산파, 이용일의 삶

        조준호 한국체육사학회 2018 체육사학회지 Vol.23 No.1

        This study has paid attention to Lee Yong Il who was a baseball player, businessman and an administrator and founded the base of Korean professional baseball. The purpose of this study is to trace his steps in the history of baseball by illuminating his life. The followings are the results of the study. First, Lee Yong Il started baseball due to Yoo Bok Ryong, a national representative baseball player. He played baseball in the College of Commerce in Seoul National University and the Army Baseball Team. Second, after discharging from the army as a major he planned to activate baseball in Gunsan as being appointed as a Director take over as an army general and to become Kang Sung-gum as Vice President and activate Gunsan baseball. He founded the baseball town Gunsan by establishing the baseball teams in a pyramid structure such as 4 elementary schools, 2 middle schools and 1 high school. Third, when he came to Seoul he integrated baseball associations which were scattered as a baseball administrator and searched for the possibility of professional baseball league through Baseball Festival. Finally, he is the accomplice and the midwife who prepared and designed the professional baseball league establishment proposal and put the Korean professional baseball on the steady rock serving for KBO as general secretary for 9 years. 본 연구는 야구선수이자 기업가이며 행정가로, 한국프로야구의 기초를 세운 ‘이용일’에 주목하였다. 연구 목적은 그의 삶을 조명하여 그의 야구사적 발자취를 살펴보고자 했다. 연구의 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 이용일은 국가대표 출신인 유복룡으로 인해 야구에 입문했으며 서울대상대 야구부, 육군야구단을 통해 선수생활을 하였다. 둘째, 이용일은 육군 소령 예편 후 경성고무 상무로 취임하여 군산야구 활성화를 계획한다. 그는 국민학교 4곳, 중학교 2곳, 고등학교 1곳의 피라미드 구조로 야구부를 창설시켜 야구도시 군산을 세웠다. 셋째, 중앙으로 진출한 그는 야구행정가로서 분리되어 있던 야구협회를하나로 통합시켰고 야구대제전을 통해 프로야구의 가능성을 모색한다. 마지막으로 그는 프로야구창립계획서를 작성하여설계하였고 초대 KBO사무총장을 9년간 재직하며 한국프로야구를 반석위에 올린 공로자이자 산파(産婆)다.

      • KCI등재

        프로야구 불문율내용과 사례에 있어서 야구규칙 제도화의 필요성

        조용찬,조승현 한국스포츠엔터테인먼트법학회 2014 스포츠와 법 Vol.17 No.1

        In 2012, professional baseball league recorded a successful attendance that will be written in the books with a record attendance of 7 million spectators. Many events and attractions that are held at the stadium stimulated the interest of spectators and, with the enhanced skills and ability of players, the game content acted as a driving force for attracting many fans to the stadiums. However, minor and major accidents frequently occurred along with the increased popularity of baseball. In light of such accidents, news articles titled the unwritten rule of professional baseball were published through the mass media every day. In professional baseball, an unwritten rule means a game rule that has not been stipulated in express terms which are knowingly accepted and observed by coaches and players. Such tacit rules among coaches and players that have not been established as an express rule by the Korea Baseball Organization may lead to sports injuries and violence on the field resulting in serious injuries threatening the life or body of players. Thus, the gravity of such issue has become further recognized. In particular, the Korea Baseball Organization has a duty of care to prevent accidents that could occur on the field. In review of the rules established by the Korea Baseball Organization and the relevant contents, when considering possible sanctions with respect to sports injuries and violent accidents that occur during sports games, whether the participants have complied with the game rules are looked at first, then penalties such as civil penalties, warnings, sending-offs, bans are ordered by the sanctions committee pursuant to the contents of the violations and whether the violation was intentional. Such order of sanctions is given to conduct the games in a fair and safe manner through well-intentioned competition. The unwritten rules observed by the players on the field are clearly violative of the game rules established by the Korea Baseball Organization. Acts such as throwing a bean ball can even be subject to punishment by law going beyond a violation of the rules. In particular, acts such as throwing a bean ball can constitute a charge of injuring a person under Article 257 of the Criminal Act or an unlawful act under Article 750 of the Civil Act. Further, as the KBO competition guidelines stipulate the restriction of throwing bean balls, a bean ball in whatsoever form should not be permitted on the field. This paper reestablishes and classifies the contents of the unwritten rules of professional baseball as they were reported through the media into categories of sportsmanship, rule violations and unwritten rules. Further, issues related to such unwritten rules were examined based on game rules and a legal backdrop and various accidents and cases of violence and injuries that could occur as a result of such unwritten rules were introduced through cases dealing with unwritten rules that were applied in professional baseball games. As a result, this paper suggests the necessity of establishing a system for baseball rules. 프로야구는 2012년 700만 관중이라는 프로야구 역사에 기록될만한 흥행을 이루었다. 경기장에서 진행되는 다채로운 이벤트와 볼거리는 관중의 흥미를 자극하였으며, 선수들의 기량증가로 인한 경기의 내용은 관중들을 구장으로 불러 모으는 원동력이 되었다. 하지만 프로야구의 흥행만큼 크고 작은 사건사고들이 빈번히 발생하였고, 그 가운데 프로야구 불문율이라는 제목의 기사들이 매스컴을 통해 연일 보도되었다. 프로야구에 있어 불문율이란 경기규칙으로써 명문화되지 않은 내용을 감독, 선수들이 서로 알게 모르게 납득하면서 지키고 있는 규율을 뜻한다. 한국야구위원회에서 명문화하여 규칙으로 제정한 내용이 아닌, 감독, 선수간의 암묵적인 룰이 발생시킬 수 있는 스포츠상해, 그라운드 폭력등이 선수들의 생명과 신체의 심각한 부상을 초래할 수 있기에 그 문제의 심각성이 더욱 대두되어진다. 특히 한국야구위원회는 경기장에서 발생될 수 있는 각종 사고를 미연에 방지해야할 주의의무가 있다. 한국야구위원회가 제정한 경기규칙과 관련된 내용을 살펴보면, 스포츠 경기 중에 발생되는 스포츠상해 및 폭력사건의 제재여부를 판단할 때 우선적으로 경기규칙을 준수하였는지를 참고하고, 규칙위반의 내용과 고의 여부에 따라 제재금, 경고, 퇴장, 출전금지 등의 처벌이 상벌위원회를 통해 부여되는데 이는 선의의 경쟁을 통해 경기가 공정하고 안전하게 진행되기 위함이다. 선수들이 그라운드에서 행하고 있는 불문율은 한구야구위원회에서 제정한 경기규칙에 명백히 위배되는 사항이며, 고의적 빈볼등과 같은 행위는 규칙위반을 넘어 법적제재까지 가해질 수 있다. 특히 빈볼과 같은 행위는 형법 제257조 상해죄, 민법 제750조 불법행위에 해당 될 수 있으며, KBO대회요강 빈불투구의 규제를 명시하고 있기 때문에 어떠한 형태로든지 빈볼은 그라운드 안에서 허용되지 말아야 될 사항이다. 본 논문에서는 매스컴을 통해 보도된 프로야구불문율의 내용을 스포츠맨십, 규칙위반, 불문율로 재정립하여 구분하였으며, 경기규칙과 법적내용을 토대로 불문율의 문제점을 살펴보았고, 프로야구 경기가운데 발생되었던 불문율 사례들을 통해 불문율이 불러올 수 있는 각종 사고 및 폭력, 상해들을 제시하였으며, 이에 따른 야구규칙제도화의 필요성에 대한 제언을 하는 바이다.

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