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      • KCI등재

        한국전쟁 전 정치범 양산 법계열의 운용과 정치범 인식의 변화

        강성현 ( Sung Hyun Kang ) 수선사학회 2010 史林 Vol.0 No.36

        Once Korean War broke out, there was a huge illegal massacre done by state and the victims had been imprisoned for their political offending record or peoples in preliminary custody because of past record. Now we seek, who they were and why they had to die? The official penology terms define them as “anti-state and immoral left-wing criminal prisoner” and it suggests that this harsh treatment toward them, regarding latent inner enemy in state, was `inevitable` resolution for security of the rear. How this `anti-state` and `immoral` became one compositive phrase like synonyms? Following general semantics, `anti-state` complies with `aberzeugungsverbrechen` bearing religious or political motif of commitment. And `immoral` complies with `heinous criminal` implying inhumane charge-murder, rape. In spite of that, the then judicial authorities were using this compositive phrase, `anti-state and immoral` without any matter, and what made it possible? This issue is to define the historical formation of this compositive phrase, “anti-state and immoral` itself. In other words, we daringly retrace track of `political prisoners; becoming heinous criminal as a whole` in Korean history. And what does `left-wing criminal prisoner` mean accurately? `Left-wing criminal prisoner` might be `betrayers, `red rebel`, `National Security Law violator` or, for general use of this concept, `rebellious element`. However, no one of these terms can clarify their identity. If so, were they strong `holder` of leftism throughout their ideology, thought and activity? Or do they include many `collaborators` throughout those anti-state camp? Rather than above all, this term is neither definable nor fixed one-it is so intangible, insubstantial that `anyone` can be the one of it and the power holder of that time can put a brand on `someone`. And this indeterminacy of the term has a potential. At this point, we see this `branding` was a result of specific judicial procedure. For example, `Proclamation No.2 violator` and `National security law`s violator` shows by its own naming, these criminal were arrested for their `violating` commitment against `the existing public order`. If it is so, now we need to seek what `the existing public order` contains mainly and why they were-what sort of commitment had been legal basis of the `violation` at that time. It is, in truth, this work has to be excavation not only legal statues, also actual applications and managements of the law at that time. From above, to retrace a truth beyond this huge illegal butchery driven by its own state, an identity of the `anti-state and immoral` `left-wing prisoner` is equal work to research laws which had been manufacturing the political prisoners at the period from United States Army Military Government in Korea to Korean government establishment. This work also do examination of `law species`, a certain group of legal articles, making someone into political prisoner regardless his or her individual political faith or motif and of when, how and why those political prisoner became heinous criminal. This paper firstly tries to analyze `law species` which was a mechanism of manufacturing political prisoner-Proclamation No.2 during U.S Military Government in Korea. Also it investigates the establishment and the application of National Security Law after government`s establishment to pursuit facts of the historical formation and transition of political prisoner cognition. With this, this paper covers following related topics during these two period; the conflicting political prisoner cognition and debate throughout various social groups, the transition of political prisoner`s meaning, how this political prisoner cognition drives that massacre to political prisoners in jail just after outburst of war.

      • KCI등재

        김수영 시론의 원점으로서의 포로체험

        윤숙 한국시학회 2019 한국시학연구 Vol.- No.60

        최근에 확인된 김수영의 포로체험 산문들은 김수영 연구에 있어서 김수영이 포로였다는 사실에 주목해야 하는 필요성을 제기해 주었다. 김수영의 포로생활에 관한 정보가 담겨 있는 이 산문들에는 시인의 포로생활에 대한 사실적 정보들이 담겨 있었다. 또한 전쟁과 포로체험에서 비롯된 다양한 시인의 사유가 선명하게 드러나 있었다. 따라서 이 글은 포로였던 김수영에 주목한다. 김수영은 시와 산문을 통해 스스로 포로였던 자신에 대해 모든 것을 해명하고 고백했다. 그러나 그 해명과 고백은 받아들여지지 않았다. 친구의 목소리로 대변되는 사회는 서울로 돌아온 ‘포로였던 김수영’에게 질문을 던졌다. 시인은 그 질문 이면에 숨겨진 사회가 원하고 강요하고 있는 대답의 내용이 무엇인지 잘 알고 있었다. 하지만 시인은 결코 대답할 수 없었다. ‘포로가 된 것’은 스스로가 선택했던 일들이 아니기 때문이다. 그럼에도 불구하고 사회는 끊임없이 사회가 던진 질문에 대한 답변을 시인에게 강요했다. 이와 같은 압박과 마주한 시인은 결국 포로였던 자기 파괴를 진행했다. 그러나 자기 파괴는 실패로 돌아갔고 이러한 실패 앞에서 김수영은 또 다른 시도, 즉 장(場)의 전환을 시도했다. 그 시도는 현실의 장에서 낙인 찍혔던 ‘포로 김수영’ 자신을 ‘시인 김수영’으로 호명하는 것이었다. 이로써 김수영은 반드시 대답해야 하는 자로 정체성이 고정되는 ‘포로 김수영’이 존재하는 현실의 장에서 ‘포로’가 ‘꽃’이 될 수 있는 이상적인 시의 공간, 즉 시적 장으로 전환을 시도했다. 이 시도를 통해 ‘포로 김수영’을 ‘시인 김수영’으로 탈바꿈하고자 한 것이다. 그리고 탈바꿈된 ‘시인 김수영’은 이제 시적 장에서 ‘포로’가 ‘꽃’이 되는 이상적인 공간을 다시 현실과 그 현실이 실현될 수 있는 장으로 재전환시키는 것에 대해 고민했다. 그리고 시인의 눈앞에서 일어난 ‘혁명’과 마주하게 되었다. 이 혁명은 현실에서 벗어날 수 없는 ‘포로 김수영’의 목소리를 혁명을 노래하는 ‘시인 김수영’의 목소리로 전환시킬 것을 더욱 강렬하게 촉발시켰다. 그리고 시적 장에서 다시금 현실의 장으로 재전환시키고자 했던 시인의 목적에 따라 ‘혁명’은 본격적으로 현실의 실현을 ‘시인 김수영’의 목소리로 외칠 수 있도록 만드는 분기점이 되어주었다.. According to the recently confirmed accounts of Kim Soo-young's prisoner experience, it was necessary to pay attention to the fact that he was a prisoner for his research. The prose contains factual information about Kim's life as a prisoner and chronicles the various reasons for the poet's experience of war and captivity. So the article paid attention to Kim Soo-young, who was a prisoner of war. Kim Soo-young explained and confessed everything about himself as a prisoner through poetry and prose, but they were not accepted. The society represented by a friend's voice asked Kim Soo-young, a prisoner, who returned to Seoul. The poet was well aware of what the answers the society behind the question wanted and coerced, but he was never able to answer them. Because "being taken prisoner" was not a choice of his own. Nevertheless, society has forced the poet continuously to answer the questions he asks. The poet, who was a prisoner of this kind, began to destroy himself, but even that failed. After this failure, Kim Soo-young attempts to transform space, which in reality has created an ideal space by naming "Poisoner Kim Soo-young" as "Poet Kim Soo-young." He tried to change his ideas from prisoner to poet in the real world where captive people can be considered as precious as flowers, and by doing so, he tried to change his mind from prisoner to poet. Next, Poet Kim Soo-young faced a revolution after agonizing over returning to reality from a poetic space. The revolution sharply sparked a shift in the voice of "prisoner Kim Soo-young," who cannot escape from reality, into the voice of "poet Kim Soo-young," who sings revolution. Moreover, according to the poet's purpose of changing from the poetic chapter to the real world again, the revolution was a turning point that allowed the voice of poet Kim Soo-young to call for the realization of reality in earnest.

      • KCI등재

        수감자 심리교정을 위한 중국 교도소의 환경색채 디자인 연구 - A교도소 사례분석을 중심으로 -

        오도의,최명식 한국기초조형학회 2016 기초조형학연구 Vol.17 No.3

        With the development of human civilization and social legalization, the function of modification is getting more and more attention to prisoner. As one of significant part in material shape and mental attitude, prisoner’s environmental color is irreplaceable by other factors in prisoner’s psychological treatment, and which is inseparable in correction technology. The research focuses on a case study of A Prison in China, combining different theories as Color Psychology, Artistic Design, Environment Psychology, Prisoner’s Psychological Treatment and Prison Constructing Design etc. Adapting different research methods as field research, questionnaires, documents analysis, cases comparison, experts consulting etc, discussing prison’s environment color design and practice based on treating prisoner’s psychological problems. The first chapter of the paper discusses the subordinate position and existence value of prison’s environment color; the aims and principles of prisoner’s psychological treatment. The second chapter discusses psychological reaction to environmental color and basic principles manifestation of prison’s environmental color design, which also concludes optimized arrangements of prison’s environmental color in prisoner’s psychological treatment. The third chapter compares and analyzes this design’s status both at home and abroad, and raises common problems of environmental color design based on a case study of A prison in China; offers its answering tactics, technical route and concrete contents. In the end, the paper explores the developing tendency of prison’s environmental color design in China. 현대 교도소는 수감자의 교화를 목적으로 인격을 개선하는 방향으로 진행되고 있다. 이에 따라 현대 교도소의 환경색채 분위기에도 그 방향에서 변화가 필요한 시점에 이르렀다. 교도소 환경색채는 Hard Environment인 물리적 형태와 Soft Environment인 심리적 형태로 분류할 수 있고, 수감자의 심리교정을 위한 교도소 내․외부의 환경색채를 의미한다. 본 논문은 색상심리학, 디자인예술학, 환경심리학, 건축디자인 이론을 토대로 중국의 A교도소를 대상으로 한 현장조사, 설문조사, 사례 비교분석 및 전문가 자문 등의 연구방법을 통해 수감자 심리교정에 미치는 교도소 환경색채 디자인 설계 방안을 제공하는데 목적을 두었다. 이를 위해 본 논문에서는 우선 국내․외 연구 데이터를 수집, 분류하고 분석을 통해 교도소 환경색채 디자인의 연구를 위한 자료를 수집하였고, 설문지 리서치, 현장 리서치, 방문취재 등의 방법을 통해 현재 교도소 환경색채에 존재하는 문제를 분석하였으며, 마지막으로 환경색채 디자인 관련 전문가 자문을 기반으로 한 수감자 심리 교정에 효과 있는 환경 색채를 디자인하였다. 그 분석결과 심리학을 기반으로 수감자의 교도소 환경색채를 통한 교화기능을 설명할 수 있었고, 과학적이고 합리적인 환경색채를 사용하여 수감자들의 심리교정에 대한 효율적이고 긍정적인 변화를 이끌어낼 수 있었다.

      • KCI등재

        외국인 수형자 처우의 과제

        박광섭 한국형사정책연구원 2008 형사정책연구 Vol.76 No.-

        Recently, foreigner’s crime is increasing sharply due to increasing number of immigrant and illegal immigrant. Hence, issues on right treatment in prison are rising as foreign prisoner increases. This is because, up to now, institutional and political interests on elevation of legal position and protection of right of prisoner has been focused mainly on domestic prisoner. There are many practical difficulties in treating foreign prisoner. Specifically, there are many obstacles to rational treatment of foreigners such as foreigners’ values, customs, language, culture, religion. These differences would inevitably cause conflict and mistrust between foreign prisoners. At present, there are only two exclusive prisons for foreigners in Korea – Daejeon and Cheonan. Women foreigners are kept in Cheongju Women Correction. Therefore, there are many issues such as poor facilities, high density, and restriction on religion activities. As a result, searching for solution on rational treatment of foreign prisoners is absolutely necessary. The discussion of the solution should cover following points – new construction of exclusive prisons for foreigners, operation by private sector, securing human resources with language skills exclusive for foreign prisoners, operation of education program on Korean culture and language, providing free religious rituals and foreign mass media, set up of department exclusive for foreign prisoners in the Ministry of Justice, improvement of policies on treatment of foreign convicted prisoners, expansion of inter-country transfer of sentenced persons and support system for post-release health, residence, habit, employment. 최근 외국인의 입국 수 및 불법체류자의 증가에 따라 외국인 범죄가 급증하고 있다. 따라서 교도소에서도 외국인 수형자의 증가로 인하여 적절한 처우문제가 제기되고 있다. 그동안 수형자의 법적 지위향상이나 권리보호에 관한 제도나 정책적 관심은 내국인 수형자 중심으로 이루어져 왔기 때문이다. 외국인 수형자에 대한 처우는 현실적으로 어려움이 많다. 특히 외국인의 가치관, 생활풍습, 언어, 문화, 종교, 관행, 의식 등의 차이는 그들에 대한 합리적 처우의 장애가 된다. 이러한 차이는 외국인 수형자 상호간의 불신과 갈등을 조장할 수밖에 없다. 현재 우리나라의 외국인 수행자 전담교도소는 대전과 천안의 교도소 2곳뿐이다. 여성의 경우 청주 여자 교도소에 수용한다. 따라서 열악한 시설환경, 과밀수용, 종교집회 제약 등 다양한 처우상의 문제가 발견되고 있다. 따라서 외국인 수형자에 대한 합리적 처우 방안의 모색이 필요하다. 그 방안도 주로 다음과 같은 내용들을 중심으로 논의하여야 할 것으로 생각한다. 외국인 전담 교도소 신축과 그 운영의 민간위탁, 언어소통이 가능한 외국인 수형자 전담 인력 양성, 한국의 문화와 언어를 이해시키기 위한 교육프로그램 운영, 자유로운 종교의식의 기회제공, 자신들의 문화와 접촉하고 향유할 수 있는 매체제공, 법무부에 외국인 수형자 전담 부서 신설 운영, 외국인 수형자 처우에 관한 각종 규정 정비, 국가 간의 수형자 이송제도의 확대, 출소 후를 대비한 주거, 건강, 취업, 법무 지원제도의 운영 등이다.

      • KCI등재

        한국전쟁 포로와 사진: ‘동양공산주의자’ 인종 프레임과 폭력성 재현

        전갑생 이화여자대학교 이화사학연구소 2018 梨花史學硏究 Vol.0 No.56

        War photographs act like a ‘messenger of collective memory’ in a ‘coverage of war.’ How are the images of prisoners of war who have survived from cruel violence and massacre remembered to us? In a narrative history on prisoners of the Korean War, the non-repatriated prisoners saw a prison camp as a ‘holy place of anti-communism,’ whereas it was recognized by the repatriated prisoners as the setting of an epic on ‘heroes who had resisted imperialism.’ These two prisoner groups of different natures had a completely different memory from each other. A collective memory was transformed into politics of memory. What does the existence of war prisoners really mean? The pictures of prisoners of the Korean War produced by the armed forces of Korea, the United States (navy, army and air forces), the United Kingdom and North Korea show us images of collective memories and transformed places. A photograph of prisoners offers a range of production data like basic information of five W's and one H, camera model and major parts (for example, film) and printing. Produced images hold memory and expansion effects, which vary depending on who classified, used or disposed of them in a which way for what purposes. Photographs of the Korean War have been metaphorically used in a variety of ways for a psychological warfare or politics, according to a nation or certain group's intentions. As a consequence, pictures of war prisoners have sometimes raised conflicts between generations or have been disregarded according to values the nation of the present or past commemorates. Keeping such a critical attitude in mind, this study attempted to find out the angles that soldier photographers had sought from the camera's viewfinder and the ways that an angle was caught on a subject and the subject was expressed. The U.S. Army's ‘criteria for classifying war prisoners’ had been applied in classifying the prisoners of the Korean War. These criteria for classifying prisoners are a racial or violent frame consisting of ‘Orient communists’ and ‘vicious reds/hardcore communists,’ which were suggested by the United Nations Forces and the Korean Army. This frame was valued for its utility in a psychological warfare for politics of memory. Four sequences can be generated from the classification of prisoners. The first scene is in a frame of race and violence. The photographs under the control of the U.S. Army, North Korean People’s Army or Chinese People's Volunteer Army demonstrate a cycle of violence as they were used in distinguishing or discriminating between the East and the West in accordance with slogans or policies such as ‘Orient communists’ and ‘American imperialist invaders.’ This corresponds to a double exposure consisting of race and violence. Such a double exposure is maximized between a prisoner and another, administrators and prisoners, and guards and prisoners in a prison camp or compound. The second scene is about a theory to produce ‘Orient communist’ prisoners. A prisoner who had been watched through a double exposure in the cycle of race and violence became a prisoner of a new category called transformed ‘vicious prisoners,’ which was like a birth of a new species. The pictures of prisoners taken by the photographers of the U.S. Army look as if the ‘vicious prisoners’ were conspiring to seize control of the prison camp by raising a ‘riot.’ The third scene is about ‘potential enemy’ and fellowship. Even though the war prisoners of the North Korean People’s Army and the Chinese People's Volunteer Army were classified into a new category due to the principle of ‘voluntary repatriation’ and there was a ‘sense of fellowship’ between them and the Korean and U.S. Armies pursuant to the policies on war prisoners, they were treated as ‘potential enemies.’ Those people named ‘anticommunist prisoners’ were enemies invented or retrained by intelligence operations by the Korean ...

      • KCI등재

        상습규율위반자 교정시설 적응력향상 프로그램 개발 및 효과에 관한 연구

        이영희 한국교정학회 2009 矯正硏究 Vol.- No.45

        Rehabilitative education means that a series of programative or non-programative educational activities to achieve a successful rehabilitation of prisoner. However, it has special aspects which is more difficult and harder than other educations and we couldn't effectively find out any good result from a few practices for a short period because prisoners respectively have different personalities and we also have so many technical methods required to solve their problems. Therefore, practicable and various education programs focused on the problem making acts of prisoners should be developed in order to have a good effect of rehabilitative education in a prison. in relation to that, korea correctional service has developed and practiced a new intensive education program to deal with high-risk prisoners continuously making troubles in a way of breaking any regulation to maintain diciplinary rule in a prison and committing any crime repeatedly after coming out of prison. With the result of that we have researched some characteristics of habitual prisoners against prison rules through correction psychological test, prisoner's personal file and interview etc., we could extract meaningful characteristics as they have high offensive propensity and low self-esteem. After practicing rehabilitative education to improve self-esteem, there were significant changes against irrational believes of those prisoners and we could anticipate a good effect of correction psychalogistic test just like showing low T-mark. This intensive education program based on the field experience would be dedicative to resolving any psychological problem of habitual prisoners against prison rules and developing any other similar program. 교정교육은 수형자의 성공적인 사회복귀를 위해 이루어지는 일련의 교화활동을 의미한다. 그러나 교정교육은 수형자 개개인이 가지고 있는 문제의 다양성과 문제해결에 요구되는 기법의 다양성 등으로 그 어느 교육보다 어렵고 힘들며 효과 또한 쉽게 나타나지 않는다는 특성을 가지고 있다. 따라서 교정교육이 효과적으로 이루어지기 위해서는 문제행동 특성을 중심으로 실행 가능한 다양한 교육 프로그램이 개발되어야 한다. 이와 관련하여 상습적으로 규율을 위반함으로써 수용질서를 문란하게 하고 출소 후에는 재범을 반복하는 고위험 수형자를 위한 집중 프로그램을 개발, 실시하였다. 교정심리검사, 수용생활 파일, 설문조사 등을 통하여 상습규율위반자 특성을 조사해 본 결과, 이들은 대부분 높은 공격적 성향과 낮은 자존감을 가지고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 자존감향상을 목적으로 하는 교육 프로그램을 실시해 본 결과 비합리적 신념에 유의미한 변화가 있었고 교정심리검사에서도 T점수가 낮아지는 등 효과가 예고되었다. 현장경험을 기초로 개발된 이러한 집중교육 프로그램은 상습규율위반자의 심리적 문제해결과 향후 유사한 프로그램 개발에 많은 기여를 할 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        壬辰倭亂 포로 기억의 敍事化와 그 意味

        장경남 부경역사연구소 2012 지역과 역사 Vol.- No.31

        One of the memoirs in Japanese Invasion of Korea in 1592 is the prisoner. The records of prisoners of war, based on the memoirs of prisoner experience, has included the writings like providing detailed information on Japanese reign with their records to avoid criticism that they lost the chastity as becoming a prisoner. The most scared point of them was the criticism of being surrenderer than hardships of prisoner life, and overcome of the matter was the priority. It contains the voices that they have not lost the chastity in informing every single difficult life style of them through the prisoner practice. “Choicheokjeon” and “Namyunjeon” are the novels subject to the memoirs of prisoners. The focusing element in “Choicheokjeon” is the safe return of Okyoung, the main female character, who was captured as prisoner. Okyoung faced several about-to-death situations if she was in the story of virtuous woman, however she does not die and meet her family in the end. “Choicheokjeon” shows well of the view of commoners on people who came alive from the war, or people who experienced the incident understand their lives rather than leading them to death. The period when “Namyunjeon” is written is the 19th century, when the memories of Japanese Invasion of Korea in 1592 are almost erased, so the memoirs of prisoners would remain as an old story. Because of this, the memoirs of prisonershave moved to reality of the time when compensation on life or become prisoners rather than their unfortunate lives. This is why the criticism on the reality was possible. Moreover, unfortunate lives of prisoners, which is apart from the memories, became an interesting event instead, and was used as a subject together with the popularity of the novel literature.

      • KCI등재
      • 인권적, 생태적 측면에서의 교정사고 대응론

        천정환(Chun Jung Hwan) 한국인권사회복지학회 2016 인권복지연구 Vol.- No.18

        교정복지형주의에서의 교정복지공공재의 생산은 교화라는 교화공공재와 질서유지라는 보안 공공재의 생산으로 이루어진다. 보안 공공재의 생산은 교도소 질서의 안정적 유지와 창조적 교정 질서의 생산을 교정복지 실천기술론의 방법을 통해서 이루어진다. 그러나 교정공공재 독점관료 레짐으로 일관된 한국교정은 질서유지라는 보안 공공재의 생산을 교정복지 실천론이 아닌 법적, 행정적, 보안적, 응보적, 징벌적 관점에서 생산해왔고 그 결과 교정사고는 해마다 증가되어 왔다. 이러한 교정사고의 원인으로 많은 선행연구들은 수용자 개인의 심리적 측면 등 주로 개인적 측면에서만 접근해 교정사고의 또 다른 주요한 원인인 생태적 측면을 간과해 왔다. 따라서 본 논문에서는 많은 선행연구 등이 간과한 생태적 측면을 중심으로 교정사고를 접근하게 되었고 바로 이 점이 기존 논문들과의 차이점이다. The production for the correction social welfare public service in the correction welfare penalty ideology is consist of the correction public service for prisoners and security public service for society, prison and prisoncers. The production for the security public service in prison for the prison stable order and creative order should be achieved throughout correctional practical theory related to the social welfare. But, korean correction for prisoners which is composed of exclusive bureaucratic monopoly regime have produced prison security public service for society and prisoners throughout legal, administrative, retributive method. As a result, correction accidents have been increased every year. But many existing studies and correctional law have approached in the view of the psychological, legal and administrative aspect for the countermeasure of the korean correction accidents. Therefore many existing studies for them have passed over prisoner’s important environment which is inclusive of the prison overcrowding, excessive punishment, infringement of prisoner’s human rights, prison culture and correction public service monopoly regime. Therefore, a good place to start is to assert the countermeasure for the korean correction accidents in the prisoner’s environment which many existing studies have passed over about it.

      • KCI등재

        행형법 전부개정 법률안에 대한 비판적 검토

        박상열 한국교정학회 2007 矯正硏究 Vol.- No.34

        The Korean Penal Execution Act has been revised several times for the purpose of strengthening the ability of adaptation to a society for prisoners. This article has reviewed major issues of the draft for revision and analyzed the propriety of the issues. The paper addresses the issues in sequence of the draft for revision and they are as follows: First of all, it explores an extension of human rights for prisoners, such as the issues of security level of correctional facilities, construction criteria of correctional facilities, duties of the head of prison, freedom of religion in prison, freedom of writing, kinds of protective equipments, kinds of punishments, consideration of minority and the social weak, declaration of presumption of innocence of the convicted, and the principle of sole internment for a person who is sentenced to death etc. In particular, the government has to provide adequate medical facilities for a prisoner's needs Moreover, prison officials may be obligated to provide continuing medical treatment to newly released prisoners until the prisoners are able to obtain medical care on their own. In sum, prison officials should not interfere with a prisoner's exercise of fundamental rights of constitution unless the interference is reasonably related to a legitimate penal interest, nor may prison officials retaliate against a prisoner for exercising such rights. Second, it discusses the issue of extension of external communications and reinforcement of the ability of adaptation to a society. For example, the right of access, the right of use of mails, and telephone communication etc. Third, it deals also with reinforcement of the capacity for administration of internment, such as a legal basis of electronic surveillance system. Lastly, it examines the ways enhancing the efficiency and transparency of correction administration, such as mandatory institutionalization of the corrections committee for consultation, introduction of authority for the delivery of personal belongings, and legalization of interview system with the head of prison and so on.

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