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        류운 ( Liu Yun ) 중국어문연구회 2018 中國語文論叢 Vol.0 No.85

        This study focuses on the superimposed prepositions in modern Chinese, like “自從”, “自打”, “打從”, “從打”, “由打”. These prepositions is a special category of parallel superimposed prepositions in modern times Chinese. They are composed by monosyllabic prepositions with same or similar semantic meanings. These monosyllabic prepositions merge together and complement each other, so as to become a new category of disyllable prepositions with same semantic meaning. Chapter Two conducts a comparative analysis on superimposed prepositions and their superpositions on synchronic plane. Comparative analysis mainly takes three perspectives as below: first, the uses of prepositions are summarized from the perspective of semantic function. According to the semantic feature of the prepositions introducing the objects, we can categorize the prepositions into 4 types: a) time start, b) place start, c) scope start, d) origin. In each type of preposition, superimposed prepositions and monosyllabic prepositions have huge difference in the choice of object and VP. Second, the features of each preposition’s word order in sentence are analyzed, The syntactic position of preposition. The analysis focuses on the differences of before superposition and after superposition and also where these differences stem from. Finally, the topic function of superimposed prepositions is discussed. Almost all the superimposed prepositions can be place at the beginning of a sentence as a sub-clause or a preposition guide to introduce the objects followed, but they can’t be the topic in all the circumstance. Chapter Three explores the morpheme’s order within the superimposed prepositions based on the diachronic level. The morphemes’ order in a superimposed preposition are not random arrangement, but based on certain principle. Morphemes are mainly arranged in two ways: fixed order and temporary order, which is influenced by syntax, semantics, rhythm, etc. Fixed order is mainly decided by the lexicalization and part of speech. Temporary order is influenced greatly by the semantic meaning, and meeting the requirement of rhythm and avoiding repetition also influence the temporary order.

      • KCI등재


        LIUYUN 중국어문연구회 2018 中國語文論叢 Vol.0 No.85

        This study focuses on the superimposed prepositions in modern Chinese, like “自从”, “自打”, “打从”, “从打”, “由打”. These prepositions is a special category of parallel superimposed prepositions in modern times Chinese. They are composed by monosyllabic prepositions with same or similar semantic meanings. These monosyllabic prepositions merge together and complement each other, so as to become a new category of disyllable prepositions with same semantic meaning. Chapter Two conducts a comparative analysis on superimposed prepositions and their superpositions on synchronic plane. Comparative analysis mainly takes three perspectives as below: first, the uses of prepositions are summarized from the perspective of semantic function. According to the semantic feature of the prepositions introducing the objects, we can categorize the prepositions into 4 types: a) time start, b) place start, c) scope start, d) origin. In each type of preposition, superimposed prepositions and monosyllabic prepositions have huge difference in the choice of object and VP. Second, the features of each preposition’s word order in sentence are analyzed, The syntactic position of preposition. The analysis focuses on the differences of before superposition and after superposition and also where these differences stem from. Finally, the topic function of superimposed prepositions is discussed. Almost all the superimposed prepositions can be place at the beginning of a sentence as a sub-clause or a preposition guide to introduce the objects followed, but they can’t be the topic in all the circumstance. Chapter Three explores the morpheme’s order within the superimposed prepositions based on the diachronic level. The morphemes’ order in a superimposed preposition are not random arrangement, but based on certain principle. Morphemes are mainly arranged in two ways: fixed order and temporary order, which is influenced by syntax, semantics, rhythm, etc. Fixed order is mainly decided by the lexicalization and part of speech. Temporary order is influenced greatly by the semantic meaning, and meeting the requirement of rhythm and avoiding repetition also influence the temporary order.

      • KCI등재

        현대 러시아어에서 전치사: “전치사 + 명사” 구절전치사에 관한 연구

        표상용 한국슬라브․유라시아학회 2019 슬라브학보 Vol.34 No.3

        This paper studies the formation of complex prepositions and the mechanism of degree to which a noun in the phrasal preposition may be considered as grammaticalized. It has been pointed out that grammaticalization is very active in modern Russian within prepositional system and this paper explains the degree of grammaticalization by means of function and form of the phrase prepositions. The main aim of this study is to show the meaning change process of noun and primary prepositions and grammaticalization mechanism of noun into prepositions in the form of the phrase prepositions [primary preposition + noun] in Modern Russian. The analysis reveals that formation of phrasal prepositions are accompanied by a grammaticalization process of noun and also examines the desemanticalisation of the core Noun and the primary preposition within the phrase preposition. The meaning change process of noun in phrasal prepositions: full lexical meaning → nominal modifier with partially emptied meaning → prepositional use with primary preposition expressing relations to the modificand. The analysis of corresponding constructions in modern Russian some nouns demonstrate more advanced in grammaticalization process than others, and some are still evolving. This paper approaches phrase prepositions as prepositional-nominal set expressions, grammaticalizations and analytic tendency in modern Russian. It investigates the overall prepositional-nominal set expressions system of modern Russian from a grammaticalization and analytic tendency perspective in modern Russian. It suggests that grammaticalization, lexeme formation and analytic tendency of modern Russian must be considered as a connected processes, not distinctive. In the paper we can identify the grammaticalization channels peculiar to prepositional units and enlighten the active grammaticalization process and the increasing analytic structure in the area which very significant for paying attention to considerable changes in modern Russian prepositions as a category. 현대러시아어서 구절전치사는 양적으로 증가하고 있다. 이에 대해서 [본원전치사 +명사] 형태의 구절전치사를 의미적으로 조명한다. 언어의 보편적 현상인 문법화, 그리고 현대 러시아어의 특징인 분석적 경향에 촛점을 맞추어 분석하고 있다.

      • KCI등재

        스페인어 전치사 por와 para 연구 및 교수학습 제안

        양승관 서울대학교 라틴아메리카연구소 2012 이베로아메리카硏究 Vol.23 No.2

        One of the challenges that students are facing in the process of learning Spanish is the use of prepositions, por and para. Both prepositions are very similar, so they pose some problems for Korean students when learning Spanish. Most of the manuals and Spanish grammar textbooks do not, in fact, provide a clear and practical solution regarding the problems that the trainees face in Spanish class. The explanations are limited to an overview of prepositions and their general uses. Moreover, these manuals and grammar textbooks do not show any relationships between the prepositions, por and para. Therefore, Korean students may be confused in the use of both prepositions. In other words, most manuals and Spanish grammar textbooks do not handle the difficuties Korean students have when using the prepositions, por and para. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to provide educational activities focused on form so that students can make clear distinctions between por and para, and then, research the acquisition of prepositions through the explicit teaching methods of grammar. 한국인 학습자들이 스페인어를 습득하는 과정에서 직면하게 되는 어려운 문법적 사항들 중 하나가 전치사이다. 특히, 전치사 por와 para를 구분하여 사용하는 데 많은 어려움을 겪고 있다. 전치사를 습득하기 어려운 이유는 모국어인 한국어에 전치사에 상응하는 형태가 없고 따라서 그 형태나 개념에 잘 주목하지 못하기 때문이다. 또한 학습자들이 접하게 되는 국내외 스페인어 기본 문법서에 나타난 전치사 관련 설명이 명확하지 않아 실제 교실 수업에서 학습자들에게 큰 도움이 되지 못하고 있기 때문이다. 최근 대부분의 교재들은 의사소통 중심의 교수법을 따르고 있어서 형태 중심의 문법적 설명이 매우 부족한 실정이다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 스페인어 전치사들 중에서 특히 한국인 학습자들이 혼란을 겪고 있는 por와 para의 습득 문제와 형태 중심의 교수 효과에 대해 조사해 보려고 한다. 학습자들이 전치사용법에 주의 집중하는데 있어서 형태에 근거한 학습의 필요성을 살펴보고, 전치사 por와 para 사이의 차이를 학습자들이 명확히 구분할 수 있도록 교육적인 활동 방안을 제공하는 것이 목적이다. 스페인어 전치사 교수에 문법적인 지도를 하는 것이 언어 습득에 효과적인지의 문제, 그리고 어떻게 학습자들에게 문법 교수를 해야 하는지에 대해 논의해 보겠다. 이를 위해 첫 번째로, 의미 중심의 교수법과 형태 중심의 교수법에 대해 살펴보겠다. 두 번째로, 국내외 교재에 나타난 전치사 por와 para의 설명에 대해 비판적으로 검토하겠다. 세 번째로, 형태에 근거한 전치사 por와 para의 교수 내용 및 절차에 대해 제안해 보겠다. 네 번째로, 형태 중심의 스페인어 전치사 교수 전후 실험 결과를 비교 분석해 보겠다.

      • KCI등재

        페르시아어 전치사 분류에 대한 고찰

        곽새라 ( Sae Ra Kwak ) 한국외국어대학교 중동연구소 2011 중동연구 Vol.30 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to investigate why Persian prepositions do not have a consistent and exclusive list. We introduce the former classifications and try to find the problem with the criteria that the classifications had. To solve the problems and suggest a new and exclusive list of prepositions, this study focuses on the definition of prepositions and the syntactic behavior of them. Since some words or phrases which formerly classified as prepositions have lexical functions, not grammatical functions, and have the same features as nouns have, we exclude these lexical items from the list of the Persian prepositions. Only purely grammatical items are included into the list. In this way, we can prevent prepositions from being over-generated, and follow the universal rule for prepositions, which denotes that prepositions are grammatical category and closed class.

      • KCI등재

        초등학교 영어교육에서 코퍼스 분석을 통한 전치사 교육

        이효진(Lee, Hyojin),민덕기(Min, Deok-Gi) 한국초등영어교육학회 2016 초등영어교육 Vol.22 No.1

        This study investigated the use of prepositions in English corpora for elementary school students. For the purpose, corpora were collected from Anthony Browne’s picture books, English children’s literature, graphic novels, fantasy movies, and English textbooks for Korean elementary school students. After analyzing ten most frequent prepositions from each corpus in terms of the frequency, five most frequently used prepositions such as to, for, in, at, about were compared among corpora to find out the features of uses of them. Also, of and by were analyzed as they were one of the most frequent prepositions in English corpora but used rarely in elementary English textbooks. The findings indicated that there were differences between the elementary English textbooks and the rest of corpora in terms of the use of prepositions. Prepositions in the textbooks were clear with only one or two core meanings. Also, prepositions were suggested artificially in the English textbooks for educational purposes, so the frequency and the use of certain prepositions appeared differently from other corpora. This study suggests that even though prepositions are function words, they can be taught effectively using lexical pattern taken out of diverse children’s media using corpus program such as AntConc, which could encourage authentic use of language in the elementary school.

      • KCI등재

        한국 대학생들의 글에 사용된 영어 전치사의 특성

        원명옥 팬코리아영어교육학회 2022 영어교육연구 Vol.34 No.4

        This study aims at exploring the overall features of prepositions used in English passages written by Korean university learners. Data for analysis and comparison were collected from three different sources - the learners’ writings, internet articles and passages written by native speakers of English, and children’s stories. Prepositions were analyzed in terms of the type, frequency, ratio to the total words and usages. Results indicated that both groups of learners and native speakers used 25 types of prepositions alike when the stories showed 48 types. The ratio of the prepositions was 5-7 percent in the learners’ writings, while 9-10 percent in the native speakers’ writings. Preposition of was most frequently used and then in, with, to had a high frequency in that order. Also, the learners tend to overuse a particular usage for a preposition. Finally, considerable differences among individuals were found in the learners as well as the native speakers. It is suggested that features of prepositions used in the learners’ writings can be an indicator showing their English proficiency level.

      • KCI등재

        한국인 영어 학습자의 영어 자동사구 종결성 해석에 관한 연구: 전치사 유형을 중심으로

        최정인,장경철 한국영어학회 2018 영어학 Vol.18 No.4

        Choi, Jeungin and Kyungchul Chang. 2018. A study of the interpretation of English intransitive verb phrase telicity by Korean English learners: Focus on the types of prepositions. Korean Journal of English Language and Linguistics 18-4, 515-540. This study aims to investigate how native speakers and Korean learners of English interpret English verb phrase telicity, focusing on the types of English prepositions. 91 Korean learners of English and 11 native speakers participated in this study. Experimental tasks were conducted for both native English speakers and Korean learners of English (beginner and advanced). The results of this study showed how Korean learners of English and native speakers differentiate among English intransitive verb phrase telicity according to the prepositional types and indicated that actual (behavioral) interpretations of telicity are meaningfully influenced by the different types of prepositions for both native speakers and Korean learners of English. Especially Korean learners of English who are in the beginner group had more difficulty in acquiring English intransitive verb phrase telicity by bounded prepositions. Also, the result showed how native speakers interpret English verb phrases depending on the types of prepositions in their real life. Discussion of the findings is compared to those of relevant studies for pedagogical implications and directions of further studies.

      • KCI등재

        현대중국어 여격 전치사 "위(爲)", "방(幇)", "체(替)", "급(給)"에 대한 코퍼스 기반 비교 분석

        김윤정 ( Yoon Jeong Kim ) 한국중국언어학회 2011 중국언어연구 Vol.0 No.36

        The purpose of this paper is to find ways to distinguish Chinese dative prepositions ``wei(爲)``, ``bang(幇)``, ``ti(替)`` and ``gei(給)``by illustrating their actual usages and the differences of their functions through a comparative analysis based on the modern Chinese corpus. There are some prepositional groups whose members share a common meaning in modern Chinese. This paper will suggest ``synonymity`` for the members of each prepositional group, that is, the members of each prepositional group share a common meaning, but at the same time, they also represent their unique features individually. ``Synonymity`` usually appears in content word categories while the functional words, such as prepositions, are often polysemous, so the synonymity of prepositions will provide an interesting, in terms of the diversity of characteristics, of functional words. In connection with the synonymity of prepositions, this paper will discuss that lexical meaning acts as a standard of distinguishing synoymous prepositions. For the discussion about the influence of lexical meaning on the functional words, it will be suggested that there are some Chinese prepositions used as dative markers, such as ``wei(爲)``, ``bang(幇)``, ``ti(替)`` and ``gei(給)``, and show how to distinguish them by their lexical meaning. This paper is formed around the following discussions: (1) to investigate the frequency in use of ``wei(爲)``, ``bang(幇)``, ``ti(替)`` and ``gei(給)`` based on the modern Chinese corpus (2) to compare the features of wei(爲)/bang(幇)/ti(替)/gei(給)-constructions through comparing the types of their predicates and the semantic features of their predicates (3) to compare the semantic structure of wei(爲)/bang(幇)/ti(替)/gei(給)-constructions based on the real doers of the action represented by predicates (4) to discuss discourse functions of wei/bang(幇)/ti(替)/gei(給)-constructions from the perspective of polite strategy.

      • KCI등재

        A Study on the Acquisition of English Prepositions by Japanese EFL Learners: Influence of Prototypicality, Semantic Relations, Familiarity, and L2 Proficiency

        Zuyang Jerrie Zhang,Remi Murao 아시아테플 2024 The Journal of Asia TEFL Vol.21 No.1

        Previous studies have generally stated that L2 learners have difficulty mastering English prepositions with less prototypical meanings, while some studies have shown the opposite. This suggests that prototypicality may not necessarily be the only influence on learning English prepositions. The current study examined the acquisition of prepositions in, on, and at by Japanese EFL learners and further explored the impact of prototypicality, L2 proficiency, semantic relations (temporal, spatial, and abstract usages), and familiarity on prepositional knowledge. The results showed that L2 competence is essential to obtain prepositions in abstract usages. In addition, a negative correlation was found between prototypicality and accuracy. There was also a significant interaction between prototypicality and familiarity, where the lower the prototypicality, the greater the influence of familiarity on acquisition accuracy. A higher level of familiarity compensates for the difficulty of the extension meanings brought to them by the prepositions, which occurs in different L2 proficiency groups. The error patterns found in the study not only can help teachers understand the complex extensions acquired by Japanese EFL learners but also provide a clear view of the difficulty encountered in the process of acquiring English prepositions.

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