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        인기도 기반의 온라인 추천 뉴스 기사와 전문 편집인 기반의 지면 뉴스 기사의 유사성과 중요도 비교

        서길수,이성원,서응교,강혜빈,이승원,이은곤 한국경영정보학회 2014 Asia Pacific Journal of Information Systems Vol.24 No.2

        As mobile devices that can be connected to the Internet have spread and networking has become possible whenever/wherever, the Internet has become central in the dissemination and consumption of news. Accordingly, the ways news is gathered, disseminated, and consumed have changed greatly. In the traditional news media such as magazines and newspapers, expert editors determined what events were worthy of deploying their staffs or freelancers to cover and what stories from newswires or other sources would be printed. Furthermore, they determined how these stories would be displayed in their publications in terms of page placement, space allocation, type sizes, photographs, and other graphic elements. In turn, readersnews consumersjudged the importance of news not only by its subject and content, but also through subsidiary information such as its location and how it was displayed. Their judgments reflected their acceptance of an assumption that these expert editors had the knowledge and ability not only to serve as gatekeepers in determining what news was valuable and important but also how to rank its value and importance. As such, news assembled, dispensed, and consumed in this manner can be said to be expert-based recommended news. However, in the era of Internet news, the role of expert editors as gatekeepers has been greatly diminished. Many Internet news sites offer a huge volume of news on diverse topics from many media companies, thereby eliminating in many cases the gatekeeper role of expert editors. One result has been to turn news users from passive receptacles into activists who search for news that reflects their interests or tastes. To solve the problem of an overload of information and enhance the efficiency of news users’ searches, Internet news sites have introduced numerous recommendation techniques. Recommendations based on popularity constitute one of the most frequently used of these techniques. This popularity-based approach shows a list of those news items that have been read and shared by many people, based on users’ behavior such as clicks, evaluations, and sharing. ”most-viewed list,” ”most-replied list,” and ”real-time issue” found on news sites belong to this system. Given that collective intelligence serves as the premise of these popularity-based recommendations, popularity-based news recommendations would be considered highly important because stories that have been read and shared by many people are presumably more likely to be better than those preferred by only a few people. However, these recommendations may reflect a popularity bias because stories judged likely to be more popular have been placed where they will be most noticeable. As a result, such stories are more likely to be continuously exposed and included in popularity-based recommended news lists. Popular news stories cannot be said to be necessarily those that are most important to readers. Given that many people use popularity-based recommended news and that the popularity-based recommendation approach greatly affects patterns of news use, a review of whether popularity-based news recommendations actually reflect important news can be said to be an indispensable procedure. Therefore, in this study, popularity-based news recommendations of an Internet news portal was compared with top placements of news in printed newspapers, and news users’ judgments of which stories were personally and socially important were analyzed. The study was conducted in two stages. In the first stage, content analyses were used to compare the content of the popularity-based news recommendations of an Internet news site with those of the expert-based news recommendations of printed newspapers. Five days of news stories were collected. ”most-viewed list” of the Naver portal site were used as the popularity-based recommendations; the expert-based recommendations were represented by the top pieces of news from five major daily newsp...


        Haesung Whang,Ting Zhang,Eunju Ko,Ik Choi 글로벌지식마케팅경영학회 2014 Global Marketing Conference Vol.2014 No.7

        The world has changed dramatically, and the concern with regard to environmental and social impacts of economic activity have become hot issues that have been extensively discussed. Many marketers are applying sustainability as the part of their CSR and consumers are becoming more involved in ethical value of sustainable issues. However, yet, most people still perceive sustainable products as “alternatives” due to various reasons like price, design or simply unfamiliarity with the brand (Niinimaki, 2010). In a current situation where more and more brands are coming to the market offering the variety of choice of sustainable product, brand popularity can be a signal, or cue that help consumers to decide those of unfamiliar sustainable brand because brand popularity can influence the evaluation and decision in the sense that consumers perceive popular brand not only as trustworthy, but also superior to others (Dean, 1999).In terms of brand popularity, “popular” brands tend to acquire more favorable evaluations and larger user shares with, rather than without the popularity component. However, with such characteristics, brand popularity concept can be used within a cue utilization theory, which suggests that products consist of an array of cues (extrinsic and intrinsic) that serves as indicators of quality for consumers when they make decisions related to the product (Olsen, 1972), delivering brand popularity by extrinsic cue through advertising. In addition, the signaling theory suggests that when brand is ranked as popular, consumers assume there are trust and confidence behind the brand, which reduce their level of uncertainty (Dean, 1999). As such, while it has been argued that this cue could be useful as it provides a certain value to consumers and influence their opinion about the brand and, consequently, purchase decision, up to now, there are little studies that use the brand popularity concept as extrinsic cue.Along with the issue of brand popularity, although different consumers around the world make their decisions based on their own mental or physiological orientation, and the difference among consumer behavior has been widely studied and reported, yet, most of sustainable marketing campaigns are made in the similar fashion, without adapting them to specific traits of consumers in different countries. However, in order for sustainable The world has changed dramatically, and the concern with regard to environmental and social impacts of economic activity have become hot issues that have been extensively discussed. Many marketers are applying sustainability as the part of their CSR and consumers are becoming more involved in ethical value of sustainable issues. However, yet, most people still perceive sustainable products as “alternatives” due to various reasons like price, design or simply unfamiliarity with the brand (Niinimaki, 2010). In a current situation where more and more brands are coming to the market offering the variety of choice of sustainable product, brand popularity can be a signal, or cue that help consumers to decide those of unfamiliar sustainable brand because brand popularity can influence the evaluation and decision in the sense that consumers perceive popular brand not only as trustworthy, but also superior to others (Dean, 1999). In terms of brand popularity, “popular” brands tend to acquire more favorable evaluations and larger user shares with, rather than without the popularity component. However, with such characteristics, brand popularity concept can be used within a cue utilization theory, which suggests that products consist of an array of cues (extrinsic and intrinsic) that serves as indicators of quality for consumers when they make decisions related to the product (Olsen, 1972), delivering brand popularity by extrinsic cue through advertising. In addition, the signaling theory suggests that when brand is ranked as popular, consumers assume there are trust and confidence behind the brand, which reduce their level of uncertainty (Dean, 1999). As such, while it has been argued that this cue could be useful as it provides a certain value to consumers and influence their opinion about the brand and, consequently, purchase decision, up to now, there are little studies that use the brand popularity concept as extrinsic cue. Along with the issue of brand popularity, although different consumers around the world make their decisions based on their own mental or physiological orientation, and the difference among consumer behavior has been widely studied and reported, yet, most of sustainable marketing campaigns are made in the similar fashion, without adapting them to specific traits of consumers in different countries. However, in order for sustainable brand to become main stream it is important to understand how the traits of consumers from other countries differ. Thus, it is important to understand the cultural difference in terms of marketing.Therefore, this study adapts brand popularity concept as an extrinsic cue that serves as a certain indicator for consumers (Dean, 1999) and consumer decision making styles as mental characteristics for shopping orientation (Sproles & Kendall, 1986) in order to see cross-cultural difference in consumers’ perception of sustainability brand among 3 countries: Korea, China and Russia. Choice of countries is not only resulting from the difference in behavior and attitudes towards sustainable consumption of Greendex (National Geographic & Globescan, 2013), but also, the difference among countries even when belonging as a part of Asia. Thus this study investigates overall consumers’ decision making style among three countries of South Korea, China, and Russia to find the effect of brand popularity on brand evaluation. Additionally, the moderating effect of fashion leadership and sustainability involvement was preceded. From this, it aims to provide implication for positioning and marketing sustainable brand in accordance to the difference consumer segmentation. A study was designed to determine which dimensions of consumer style inventory of country are most frequently associated in accordance to countries and whether brand popularity had affect on purchase intention of sustainable brand. The hypotheses were tested with a data set developed form field survey. The study was conducted cross-nationally in Korea, China, and Russia using online and offline survey. The survey questionnaire reflected a quasi-experimental design. The between-subjects design employed consisted of two between-subject factors of brand popularity and consumer decision-making style. The factor brand popularity had two levels: one provided with a brand popularity ranking as an extrinsic cue and one without. The resultant questionnaire was pretest by natives before distributing. No discrepancies among the surveys were reported. The consumer decision making style had three levels of Korea, China, and Russia. The questionnaire was pretest by 30 fashion marketing researchers before distributing. Of the 376 samples collected, 6 were returned incomplete. An additional 18 samples were deleted for further analysis as the answers were unusable. In total 352 samples – 113, 121 and 118 samples from Korea, China and Russia respectively – were subjected for final analysis.A one-way MANOVA revealed a significant multivariate main effect for consumer decision making style of the nation (Pillai’s trace = .23, F (10, 676) = 9, p <. 000). Given the significance of the overall test, the univariate main effects were examined. Significant univariate main effects for consumer decision making style of nation were obtained for quality (F = 6.95, p <.01), for uniqueness (F =7.54 , p <.01), for favorability (F =6.94 , p <.01), and for purchase intension (F =4.33 , p <.05). Significant nation pairwise differences were obtained in popularity among Korea, China, and Russia. In case of Korea, the effect of brand popularity yielded significantly higher mean score when it was presented. However, for China, the effect of brand popularity was significant as well (Pillai’s trace = .10, F (5, 114) = 2.45, p <. 05). Meanwhile, the outcome of Russia had different aspect to the prior two countries with no significant difference at all. The t-test provides evidence to support the claim that the effect of brand popularity differs according to the consumer decision making style of nations. Participants were placed into high or low fashion leader groups on the basis of previously obtained attitude. The group was divided according to the mean value (?X = 2.98). Significant nation pairwise differences were obtained in fashion leadership among Korea, China, and Russia. In case of Korea, the effect of fashion leadership was not shown significant. However for China, the effect of fashion leadership was significant (Pillai’s trace = .31, F (5, 114) = 10.27, p <. 001). Russia also had dramatic effect of fashion leadership (Pillai’s trace = .12, F (5, 110) = 3.03). Significant nation pairwise differences were obtained in sustainability involvement among Korea, China, and Russia. The significant dependent variables appear differed by nations. In case of Korea, the effect of sustainability involvement was significant (Pillai’s trace = .17, F (5, 105) = 4.33, p <. 01). Similarly, the effect of sustainability involvement in China was significant (Pillai’s trace = .20, F (5, 114) = 5.82, p <. 001). The result of Russian was not significant. This study examines the overall effect of brand popularity and consumer decision making styles among three countries: South Korea, China, and Russia on customer evaluation of sustainable brand with the moderate role of fashion leadership and sustainability involvement. This study found that the effect of brand popularity differs according to the consumer decision making style of nations, fashion leadership, and sustainability involvement. Thus, consumer culture should be considered when applying such communication strategy. The result revealed that first hypothesis that brand popularity will affect consumer evaluation on the sustainable brand was denied. This can be explained due to the experimental condition of this study where it applied a virtual brand and the virtual institutions for evaluation. However, in more specific, this can be described as due to the cross national method of this study. The previous studies only focus on proceeding study in one country (Kim & Chung,1997; Rao & Monroe, 1988). It was found that Koreans tend to be more recreational, impulsive, confused by overchoice, brand conscious, and habitual whereas China brand conscious, impulsive, and less confused by overchoice. Russia was scored significantly low on all above mentioned criteria. The moderating effect of consumer decision making style of nation was investigated. The result indicated significant difference of consumer decision making style of nation. Whereas Korean had positive effect of brand popularity on brand evaluation when presented, China showed negative influence, and Russia had no significant impact. This can be due to the Korean consumers’ tendency to value trust and reputation. Individual Korean consumers tend to buy products of large we The third hypothesis of fashion leadership negatively affecting the effect of brand popularity was also partially supported. The significant dependent variables appear differed by nations. In case of Korea, the effect of fashion leadership did not shown significant, yet China and Russia did. However, while China had positive effect of brand popularity, especially to those with high fashion leadership, Russia had negative effect of brand popularity. The difference on consumer decision making style in between high and low fashion leadership groups was investigated. For Korea, involved subjects were significantly more novelty conscious, hedonic shopper, habitual. In case of China, involved subjects were significantly more perfectionism, brand conscious, novelty conscious, impulsive, confused by overchoice, and habitual Lastly, for Russia, involved subjects were significantly less brand conscious novelty conscious, hedonic, impulsive, and habitual. The result of Korea can be inferred as the high trend sensitivity of Koreans. With less difference in consumer decision making style in between high fashion leaders and low fashion leaders, compared to the other two countries, the effect may have not been clearly shown. The result of China and Russia can be interpreted as that the Chinese fashion leaders being more brand conscious caused higher result when the brand popularity was provided. Yet, in Russian fashion leaders who are less brand conscious and less impulsive may have affected the rigid attitude towards the well-known sustainable brand. Lastly, the effect of sustainability involvement was examined. In case of Korea, the effect of sustainability involvement was significant. Similarly, the effect of sustainability involvement in China was significant. The result of Russian was not significant. high and low fashion leadership groups differed in their decision making style by nation. For Korea, involved subjects were significantly more novelty conscious, hedonic shopper, and more habitual. In case of China, involved subjects were significantly more perfectionist, brand conscious, novelty conscious, hedonic, impulsive, confused by overchoice, and habitual. Lastly, for Russia, involved subjects were significantly more perfectionist. The difference of the result can be explained through the distinctive culture of each country along with the result of the consumer decision making style of the highly involved groups from each country. Koreans, as mentioned above, the effect popularity cue works stronger than other countries. The tendency of preferring products with powerful brand name would have affected the result as expected. However in case of China, along with that Chinese having suspicious perception on institutional documents, significantly being brand apathy may also explain the result. In addition, Russia overall had a high score of sustainability, which can relate to the fact that although slight decrease in its Greendex recently, it has been ranked for several years now, the sustainability value itself may have worked as a intrinsic value of the brand rather than brand popularity cue.ll-known companies rather than small and unfamiliar ones (Kim & Zhang, 2009). The result of China can be explained with Chinese consumers’ characteristics of having suspicious perception on transparency of the enterprise information (Brandvista, 2013). Especially distrust on official data or the governmental exists. With Russians result, this finding are supported by several previous research that suggests that new brands coming to Russian market at the very high speed and disappears quickly due to complexity of the market, thus consumers don’t have time to strongly attach to one brand (Peskova, 2007).


        Minjung Park,Jungmin Yoo 글로벌지식마케팅경영학회 2016 Global Marketing Conference Vol.2016 No.7

        Background and Purpose of Study: Social commerce refers to a form of electronic commerce based on Social Networking Service (SNS) and has grown substantially since the advent of Groupon in 2008. The growth of social commerce was accelerated with the increased popularity of SNS, where consumers share product information and reviews and the information is spread to others through SNS in real time (KB financial group, 2015). Social commerce can be divided into three types: (1) online group buying, (2) online shopping linked with the SNS, and (3) online shopping in SNS. The first type of social commerce is the most common type in Korea and the current study conducted an experiment based on the online group buying format. In the group buying social commerce, consumers gather together to purchase a product with a cheaper price. Placing a large order facilitates price promotion, (Yuan, & Lin, 2004) and buyers benefit from the cheaper price through the group buying (Zeng, Huang, & Dou, 2009). Group buying websites provides consumers with two types of information: time left for the promotion (time pressure) and the number of product sold (product popularity), and the overall purpose of this study is to examine the effects of time pressure, product popularity and website reputation on purchase intention. Hypotheses Development: Consumers make a purchase on social commerce websites because they can get a product with a cheaper price through group buying. Thus, this study is based on the assumption that all products are under price promotion. According to prospect theory, consumers are more likely to be sensitive to losses than gains. Consumers initially perceive a price promotion as a potential gain, but as the expiration approaches, they are more likely to perceive the promotion as a potential loss, which consequently increase purchase intention (Inman & McAlister, 1994). Also, a statement indicating product popularity, such as ‘the best-selling item’ increases purchase intention (Jeong & Kwon, 2012). Signaling theory provides a useful insight into understanding the effects of website reputation. Since consumers use a website reputation as an indicator of quality (Kirmani & Rao, 2000), they generally respond more positively to well-known websites than unknown websites (Shamdasani, Stanaland, & Tan, 2001). Therefore, based on the literature review, the following hypotheses are developed.H1: High time pressure has a greater impact on purchase intention than low time pressure. H2: High product popularity has a greater impact on purchase intention than low product popularity. H3: Well-known website has a greater impact on purchase intention than unknown website. H4: The effect of time pressure on purchase intention differs as a function of product popularity. H5: The effect of time pressure on purchase intention differs as a function of website reputation. H6: The effect of product popularity on purchase intention differs as a function of website reputation. Method: This study’s design is a 2 (time pressure: high vs. low) x 2 (popularity: high vs. low) x 2 (website reputation: well-known vs. unknown) between-subjects factorial design. This study includes three pretests: (1) to select high versus low time pressure, (2) to select the number of product purchased (product popularity), and (3) to select well-known and unknown social commerce websites. Based on the results of the pretests, eight mock websites simulating social commerce websites were developed for the main experiment. The data were collected via a research company. Invitation emails with a URL were sent to potential participants, and they were guided to shop the website and answer the questionnaire. The measure of purchase intention was adopted from the existing literature with adequate reliabilities (Cronbach’s alpha >.70), and the scale items used a 7-point scale. Manipulation checks showed that manipulations of time pressure, product popularity, and website reputation were successful. Results: A total of 453 female online shoppers participated in the online experiment. An exploratory factor analysis revealed one factor of purchase intention, and the reliability.93, indicating adequate internal consistency of the scale. Hypotheses were tested using analysis of variance (ANOVA). The results showed main effects for product popularity [F (1, 445) = 10.34, p < .05] and website reputation [F (1, 445) = 72.03, p < .05] on purchase intention, supporting H2 and H3. With regard to H4 to H6 predicting interaction effects, ANOVAs showed significant interaction effects of time pressure by product popularity [F (1, 445) = 5.53, p < .05], time pressure and website reputation [F (1, 445) = 4.59, p < .05], and product popularity and website reputation [F (1, 445) = 9.15, p < .05] on purchase intention. Thus, H4 to H6 were supported. Conclusions and Discussion: The study offers academic and managerial implications. The findings of the study provide empirical support for the signaling theory and prospect theory. The results suggest that high popularity and high reputation are significant factors influencing purchase intention. When consumers perceive a product as being popular on a social commerce website, they have greater purchase intention than when they do not perceive the product popularity. Also, when consumers shop on a well-known social commerce website, they have greater purchase intention than when they shop on an unknown website. When the product popularity is high, high time pressure is an important factor enhancing purchase intention. When a website is well-known, high time pressure increased purchase intention. However, when a website is unknown, high product popularity increased purchase intention. These findings of the study contribute to the literature in social commerce. Based on the website reputation, social commerce websites need to incorporate appropriate marketing tactics, such as time pressure and product popularity to increase consumers’ purchase intention.

      • KCI등재

        초등학생의 인기에 대한 변화신념이 공격성에 미치는 영향: 긍정적 갈등해결전략을 매개로

        이소희 ( So Hee Lee ),신태섭 ( Tae Seob Shin ) 한국초등교육학회 2013 초등교육연구 Vol.26 No.3

        The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of implicit self-theories of popularity on elementary school students`s aggression mediated by conflict resolution strategies. Applying Dweck`s implicit self-theories, this study explores implicit self-theories of popularity. Implicit self-theories of popularity consists of entity belief and incremental belief of popularity. Entity theorists believe their popularity is fixed and can not change, whereas incremental theorists believe their popularity is changeable and can be cultivated. Findings suggest that entity belief of popularity does not have a statistically significant direct effect on positive conflict resolution strategies. Entity belief of popularity, however, has a statistically significant positive effect on aggression. Incremental belief of popularity has a statistically significant positive effect on positive conflict resolution strategies. Incremental belief of popularity, however, does not have a statistically significant direct effect on aggression. Positive conflict resolution strategies have a statistically significant negative effect on aggression. Sobel`s z-test suggests that Incremental belief of popularity has a statistically significant indirect effect on aggression mediated by positive conflict resolution strategies. Incremental belief of popularity increases positive conflict resolution strategies and consequently the increased positive conflict resolution strategies decrease aggression. This study extends Dweck``s implicit self-theories to a social domain such as popularity. This result implies that an intervention on students` belief regarding popularity can have a positive effect on reducing aggressive behaviors of elementary school students.

      • KCI등재

        東廂記에 나타난 通俗性의 양상

        김향남(Kim, Hyang-nam) 한국언어문학회 2018 한국언어문학 Vol.106 No.-

        「Dongsanggi(東廂記)」is a play about the forced marriage by the king or emperor and tells about a special wedding story organized by a state for old bachelors and old maids. This story that aroused the public’s interest was recorded by the royal orders and Lee Ok(1760~1815) created a play, a totally new genre, based on the story. Although 「Dongsanggi」 is written in classical Chinese, it greatly accepts people’s slang, proverb, curse, and song for fun and interest based on the fact of wedding, reflects the manners of the times, and is adhered closely to public emotion. In this sense, it is necessary to review in association with ‘popularity’. If popularity means enjoying easily and widely among people, 「Dongsanggi」 may be discussed in three features. First is the popularity of the main character. The main characters of classical narratives are mostly heros or heroins with strong ideology or stereotype. However, it was greatly changed in the late of the Joseon Dynasty. With several characters including women and the middle and lower classes received, the prospect of writing was expanded and materialized. Characters in 「Dongsanggi」 are the common people including Kim, Huijip, the head of a village, a deputy, a village young man, and a young servant. In order words, they are all common and ordinary people. The world in 「Dongsanggi」 is the common people’s space where most people live and the world of reality telling by their natural voices. The reality obtained by it increases interestand rouses new fun, resulting in strong popularity. Second is the popularity of using materials. One flow of literature in the late of the Joseon Dynasty was to get rid of the area of classics which expresses the world view of Confucianism. It avoided theoretical, scientific, and ideological things and preferred popular materials found in the actual feeling of life. The main material of 「Dongsanggi」 is main character’s wedding and a town scene. The main character who cannot marry because of poverty solemnizes a blessed marriage, goods which brighten the wedding are listed in detail, and the ritual of groom-hazing is unfolded. A popularity-oriented intention to share and communicate with many people is hold in this ordinary and non-ordinary story(material). The final is the popularity of language expression. A play is characterized by developing accidents through lines. In order words, it should strengthen the operation of language that the audience can easily understand and communicate, that is, the popularity of expression. The lines of a play should be directly delivered to and understood by the audience and performed by actors. Unlike a novel, the lines should be concise and interesting and the ways to express should use usual speaking. Although 「Dongsanggi」 is created for reading and not for performance, it commands vernacular Chinese that writes ordinary spoken language in letters. It also commands a totally new style which completely destroys the formality of classics in choosing grammar or vocabulary such as borrowed characters of Korean onomatopoeia or interjection and writing proverbs or common phrases using Chinese characters. A command of such ordinary and common language may result in the opening of the way of popularity. 「Dongsanggi」 is exceptional in both an external form of a play and an internal form of character, material, and expression. The exception is the fruit of efforts that try to truly do literature of ‘now-here’ and not transcendental literature. It is the feature of ‘popularity’ that tries to approach more people by closely and deeply adhering to people’s life and what 「Dongsanggi」 pursues.

      • KCI우수등재

        스포츠동아리 참가 중학생의 인기도연결망과 또래지위 스트레스 및 공격성의 관계

        권순신(KwonSunSin),김경식(KimKyungSik) 한국체육학회 2018 한국체육학회지 Vol.57 No.4

        본 연구의 목적은 스포츠동아리 참가 중학생의 인기도 연결망과 또래지위 스트레스 및 공격성의 관계를 규명하는 데 그 목적이 있다. 즉, 스포츠동아리에 참가하고 있는 중학생의 인기도 연결망 구조 및 인기도 결정요인을 분석한 다음 연결망 중앙성과 또래지위 스트레스 및 공격성의 관계를 규명하기 위해 수행되었다. 본 연구에서는 2017년 현재 충청남도 C시에 소재하고 있는 중학교 스포츠동아리에 소속된 학생을 연구대상자로 선정하였다. 표집된 사례 수는 총 77명이다. 본 연구는 인기도 결정요인을 파악하기 위해 이름만들기질문지를 사용하여 설문조사를 실시 하였으며 또래지위 스트레스 및 공격성과 관련된 설문지의 타당도는 전문가 회의를 통하여 검증하였다. 자료처리는 넷마이너(NetMiner)를 활용하여 인기도 연결망 구조 및 중앙성을 분석하였고, SPSS를 활용하여 인기도에 영향을 미치는 변수와 또래지위 스트레스 및 공격성간의 상관관계를 분석하였다. 위와 같은 연구방법 및 절차를 통하여 도출한 결론은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 스포츠동아리 참가 중학생의 인기도 연결망에서는 소수의 스타가 존재하였으며, 이들은 운동을 잘하고 착하다는 평판을 받는 학생들이다. 둘째, 스포츠동아리 참가 중학생의 인기도 결정요인은 사회측정적 인기도와 지각된 인기도에서 운동능력이 인기도를 결정하는 중요한 요인임을 알 수 있었다. 셋째, 인기도 연결망 및 인기도 결정요인은 또래지위 스트레스 및 공격성에 부적영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 즉, 운동을 잘하는 학생 연결망과 좋아하는 학생 연결망은 또래지위 스트레스에 부적영향을 미치며, 매력있는 학생 연결망은 공격성에 부적영향을 미쳤다. The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between the popularity network and peer status stress and aggression of middle school students participating in sports clubs. In other words, this study was carried out to investigate the relationship between network centrality and peer status stress & aggression in middle school students participating in sports clubs after analyzing the network structure and popularity determinants. In this study, students belonging to a middle school sports club in C city of Chungcheongnam - do in 2017 were selected as research subjects. A total of 77 cases were sampled. The purpose of this study was to investigate the determinants of popularity by using name - making questionnaires and the validity of the questionnaires related to peer status stress and aggressiveness were verified through expert meetings. We analyzed the network structure and centralization of popularity by using NetMiner, and analyzed the correlation between the variables that affect the popularity and the peer status stress and aggression using SPSS. The conclusions drawn from the above research methods and procedures are as follows. First, there were a few stars in the popularity network of middle school students participating in sports clubs, they are reputed to be good and good at sports. Second, the determinants of the popularity of middle school students participating in sports clubs were found to be the determinants of popularity in sociometric and perceived popularity. Third, popularity network and popularity determinants influence negatively on peer status stress and aggression. In other words, A student network that likes exercise and a sporting student network have negative effect on peer position stress, and attractive student network has negative influence on aggression.

      • KCI우수등재

        학교스포츠클럽 참가 중학생의 인기도 연결망과 학교생활적응의 관계

        권순신(KwonSunSin),김경식(KimKyungSik) 한국체육학회 2019 한국체육학회지 Vol.58 No.2

        본 연구의 목적은 학교스포츠클럽에 참가하고 있는 중학생의 인기도 연결망 구조 및 인기도 결정요인을 분석하고 연결망 중앙성과 학교생할적응의 관계를 규명하기 위해 수행되었다. 본 연구에서는 2018년 충청남도 C시에 소재하고 있는 W중학교 학교스포츠클럽에 소속된 학생을 연구대상자로 선정하였다. 표집 된 사례 수는 방송댄스 17명, 플로어볼 15명, 배드민턴 15명, 농구 16명, 티볼 17명으로 총 80명이다. 본 연구는 실명을 지명하는 설문조사를 실시하였다. 자료처리는 NetMiner를 이용한 인기도 연결망 구조 분석과 SPSS를 활용한 인기도 및 인기도 결정요인과 학교생활적응의 상관관계 분석을 실시하였다. 결론은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 학교스포츠클럽 참가 중학생의 인기도 연결망은 단일 네트워크로 나타났으며, 다수의 학생이 소수의 학생을 지목하는 연결망 구조를 보인다. 둘째, 학교스포츠클럽 참가 중학생의 인기도 연결망에서 학생 지명요인은 사회측정적 인기도의 경우 친함, 운동능력, 착해서 그리고 지각된 인기도는 운동능력, 착함, 친함 등의 순이다. 특히, 운동능력은 인기도와 의미 있는 관계가 있다. 셋째, 지각된 인기도 연결망은 학교생활적응과 관계가 있다. 즉, 가장 인기 있는 학생 연결망의 활동중앙성이 높을수록 생활적응, 그리고 매개중앙성이 높을수록 교사적응, 수업적응, 친구적응, 생활적응 또한 높다. It is implemented to analyze the structure of popularity network of middle school students participating in the school sports club and their popularity determining elements in order to find out the relation between network’s centrality and school life adaptability. In this study, students belonging to W middle school sports club located in C city of Chungcheongnam - do in 2018 were selected as research subjects. A total of 80 people were sampled, 17 from broadcast dances, 15 from floor balls, 15 from badminton, 16 from basketball, and 17 from Tee ball. In order to determine the determinants of the popularity, this study conducted a questionnaire survey using name making questionnaire. In addition, the correlation between popularity and popularity determinants and school adaptability was analyzed using SPSS. The conclusion is as follows. First, the popularity of the middle school students participating in the school sports club is represented by a single network, and a network structure in which a large number of students designate a small number of students is shown. Second, the student designating elements in the popularity network of the middle school students participating in the school sports club include friendliness, athletic capacity, and kindness, with respect of the sociometrical popularity. In addition, the perceived popularity is the athletic capacity, kindness, and friendliness, the order of significance. Especially, the athletic capacity is significantly related to the popularity. Third, perceived popularity networks are related to school life adaptation. In other words, the more active the center of activity of the most popular student network is, the more adaptable it is to life. The higher the mediation center, the higher the teacher adaptation, the class adaptation, the friend adaptation, and the life adaptation. Also, the higher the mediation center Betweenness Centrality, the higher the teacher adaptation, class adaptation, friend adaptation and life adaptation.

      • 어머니양육태도와 유아의 친사회적행동 및 인기도의 관계

        정경화 培材大學校 人文科學硏究所 2011 人文論叢 Vol.28 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to illustrate the following: Mother’s child-rearing attitude and pro-social behavior of young children, Mother’s child-rearing attitude and relationship to popularity, and the pro-social behavior of young children in terms of popularity. The subjects for this inquiry are as follows : 1. Is there any correlation between mother’s child-rearing attitude and the prosocial behavior of the child? 2. Is there any correlation between mother’s child-rearing attitude and the child’ popularity? 3. Is there any correlation between prosocial behavior of the child and the child’s popularity? The subjects of those studies include the S private kindergarten, 90children of ages 5 in Daejeon metro city and an established kindergarten an annex of y primary school, 50 children and their mothers in the area of Chung-chong Bukdo Young-dong Woop. The measuring instrument of those studies include the surveys of Mother’s Mrs Hun Suk KIM, Mrs Won Young LEE, Mrs Chan Ok PARK, Mrs Young Hee NOR which tested the adaptation, extraction of pro-social behavior of young children and the rating of a population sample of the same age. Analysis of the collection materials rein forces t-verification of SPSS win, correlative analysis. The results of those studies are as follows: First, a Mother’s child-rearing attitude only affects the child’s development to a minor degree rather than a major one in terms of the pro-social behavior of young children. The other elements affect th pro-social behavior of young children. The affection – a hostile feeling level r=.194 P< .05 of a low rank mother’s child-rearing action shows a relation of valance personal emotion from the pro-social behavior of young children. This result affects the pro-social behavior of young children during the period that the mother expresses affection or hostile feeling toward the child and as a result the child displays personal emotion accommodation behavior. Second, Mother’s child-rearing attitude doesn’t match the relation of popularity. This phenomenon brought about a different result from the previous research in which it was stated that the social behavior of children could be predicted from the Mother’s child-rearing action effect in which the mother provided a satisfactory role and the parent’s affection was expressed toward the children in an open way. Third, children’s popularity relation with pro-social behavior of young children level r=.269 P< .01. Children’s popularity relation and pro-social behavior of young children matches of a low rank of correlative in case of kindergarten adaptation r=.199, personal emotion accommodation behavior r=.233 both of them valence of level P< .05. also in the case of interpersonal relation formation valence r= .299 P< .01. The conclusion of those studies is as follows; First, Mother's affection in a child-reading attitude doesn't relate to the personal emotional behavior of young children. This research requires the continued study of children's pro-social behavior which can't be excluded due to the limited questionnaire method of measurement for Mother's affection in a child-reading attitude and pro-social behavior. It was shown that the children are able to act a typical manner as a result of the teacher's expectation of pro-social behavior. In the case of the new research it can be predicted that the Mother's affection in a child-rearing attitude is related to the pre-social behavior of young children. Further research will based upon the mother's affection in a child-reading attitude with children's perception and testing of children's pro-social behavior within a limited set of conditions in which it can be observed that it in turn affects their pro-social behavior. In terms of the low relation part of affection-hostility, children adapt in the social environment and are able to express their personal emotion to accommodate their pro-social behavior. Second, Mother's child-rearing attitude determines the child's popularity. Within this historical research was a limited questionnaire method measuring the Mother's affection in a child-rearing attitude, the way in which the typical family educates their children at an institute of early education and finally the participation of women in public affairs which effects the time spent in child care. However, based on this research, popularity can be related to the Mother's affection in a child-rearing attitude within the children's preception and a test of children's observation which in turn affects that factor. Third, Pro-social behavior. Those children adapt well in the kindergarten environment and other social activities in which they are able to express their interpersonal relation formation and personal emotion accommodation behavior which subsequently has an effect upon their popularity.

      • KCI등재

        20세기 전반기 대중가요계의 ‘대중성’ 담론과 민요수용 문제

        최은숙(Choi Eun-sook) 한국어문학회 2008 語文學 Vol.0 No.101

        This paper examined the recognition of the people in the period in which Korean folk songs were formed, the first half of the 20th century, and the actual influence of such recognition on the production and distribution of popular songs through problems of ‘acceptance of folk songs’. First of all, to take a good look at the aspects of ‘popularity’ discourse, this paper studied discussions of, recognition of contemporary intellectuals about the masses and, requirement of popularity. The masses were recognized as both of one-sided users of popular songs and positive users who voluntarily select them. Considering the fact that the recognition about the masses tended to be similar to the former, the change in recognition of the masses as positive users can be said the one to be noted in the course of contemporary popularity. Meanwhile, in the popular songs world at that times, discussions about popularity were being actively made. In relation to the popularity requirement that the then-current people thought, ‘common interest’, ‘wuimuje’ etc. and ‘topicality’ and ‘a way of life’ are being stressed together. Popularity being connected to the life of the masses and topicality could become an important means of applying folk songs to the contemporary popular songs. How the above discourse acts on the production and distribution of actual popular songs? In respect of that, a problem of acceptance of folk songs by popular songs was noted. A folk song was a form of song newly discovered, obtaining a variety of meanings at that time. In the popular song world at those days, folk songs were noted as a subject capable of satisfying the life of the masses. Especially by accepting folk songs, the efforts of the persons who produced popular song and more stressed popularity could be confirmed. The means for the connection and acceptance of popular and folk songs was the very ‘popularity’ popular songs have. The problems of popularity of the popular song world in the first half of the 20th century are points which must be necessarily checked in relation to its identity, because the then-current period was one in which Korean popular songs were formed. The discussion of this paper may have significance as a process of such a check. Also, this prepared a room allowing new evaluation of new folk songs by noting its popularity in relation to production of new folk songs.

      • KCI등재

        인기있는 아동은 마음읽기를 잘 하나?

        김혜리,이숙희 한국심리학회 산하 한국발달심리학회 2005 한국심리학회지 발달 Vol.18 No.1

        The present study examined the hypothesis that children's theory of mind ability is related to their peer popularity. Fifty-one preschool children between the age of 4 and 6, and 67 second grade children completed a peer rating task to assess peer popularity. In addition, children were tested on six different false belief tasks. Teachers were asked to rate children's aggressive behavior, conventional social behavior, and intentional social behavior requiring theory of mind. Preschool children's popularity scores were significantly related to the theory of mind scores, the ratings of aggressive, conventional social, and intentional social behavior. In contrast, second grade children's popularity scores were related to the ratings of conventional social, and intentional social behavior, but not to the theory of mind scores. For the preschoolers group, the aggressive behavior was the best predictor of children's popularity, but for the second graders group it was the intentional social behavior. In addition, for the total group of children, the intentional social behavior was the best predictor of peer popularity. The pattern of results suggest that it is not the theory of mind ability itself that has impact on peer popularity. Rather, the social skills to put theory of mind ability to practical use is more important. 본 연구는 마음을 이해하는 능력이 또래 인기도에 정적인 영향을 미치는지 알아보기 위해 수행되었다. 만 5세의 유치원 아동 51명과 만 8세의 초등 2학년 아동 67명이 연구에 참여하였다. 각 아동의 마음이해 능력은 세 종류의 틀린 믿음에 대한 이해를 묻는 마음과제를 실시하여 측정하였고, 또래 인기도, 공격성, 마음이해 관련 사회행동 및 관습관련 사회행동을 평가하였다. 유치원 아동의 경우, 인기도는 마음이론 과제수행, 관습관련 사회행동, 그리고 마음이해 관련 사회행동과 정적 상관관계를, 공격성과 부적 상관관계를 보였다. 이에 반해 2학년 아동의 경우는 관습관련 사회행동과 마음이해 관련 사회행동만 정적 상관관계를 보였다. 유치원 아동의 인기도를 예측하는 변인은 공격성이었으며, 2학년 아동의 인기도를 예측하는 변인은 성별, 공격성, 그리고 마음관련 사회행동이었다. 그러나 전체 아동의 인기도를 예측하는 변인은 공격성과 마음이해 관련 사회행동이었다. 마음이론 과제수행이 인기도를 예측하지 못하였으나 마음이해 관련 사회행동이 인기도를 예측한 것은 마음이해 능력 자체보다 그 능력을 사회적으로 활용하는 기술이 중요한 것임을 시사한다.

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