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      • KCI등재

        러시아어 다의어 의미확장 연구

        이용권(Lee Yong Kwon) 한국노어노문학회 2011 노어노문학 Vol.23 No.2

        다의어의 구조를 다의어의 최초의 기본 의미에서 이 의미와 관련 있는 여러 개의 의미들이 어떤 형태로든 연결되어 있다고 가정할 때, 다의의 기반이 되는 단의적 범주가 정의적 자질에 의하여 형성되었다는 논리에는 인지주의자들도 수긍한다. 그리고 최초의 단의적 범주가 다의적 범주로 확장되는 과정에서 다의어가 형성되었다고 가정 할 때 이 과정에서도 고전이론의 핵심인 추상화의 원리에 의하여 도식이 형성되었다고 가정하는 것이 보다 객관적인 이론이 될 수 있다. 다의어를 가족닮음의 개념으로 설명하는데 많은 유익이 있지만 실험에 의한 귀납적 체험주의는 객관적인 추상화의 논리를 도입하지 않고는 범주를 대표할 수 있는 심적 표상으로 인정될 수 없다. 망모형 이론의 원형 PT가 체험주의에 근거하고 있고, Langacker가 이 모형에서 사용한 추상성의 개념도 추상적 객관주의에 토대를 두고 있지 않기 때문에 한계가 있다. 이를 극복하기 위하여 신체화 과정과 각 단계별로 다의어 의미의 도식이 형성되는 과정을 구분해야 한다. 지금까지 다의어 연구에서 범주화의 고전이론과 인지주의는 각각 서로 다른 관점에서 연구되었지만 이 두 가지 관점이 상호보완될 때 심적 표상의 객관성을 부여받을 수 있다. 바로 이 원리에 의하여 러시아어 신체어휘 рука, нога, голова, рот 등 다섯 개의 다의어 의미 확장구조를 분석하였다. 상기 분석을 통하여 다의어는 단의적 범주의 기본 의미가 신체적 과정의 원리에 따라서 확산되는 구조로 규정할 수 있고, 확산되는 각 단계에서 형성되는 도식은 바로 다음 단계를 위한 기반이 되고 이와 같은 과정은 연쇄적으로 계속될 수 있다. This study aims at meaning extension of polysemy in russian. The difference of the view-point of polysemy between classical and cognitive linguistics comes from the difference of the viewpoint of category. The classical linguistics tries to define the features of polysemy with classical theory. So it tries to find the core meaning of polysemy. But if numbers of meanings of polysemy are increasing, it is difficult to find the defining feature. Therefore, it is so hard to explain the polysemy with core meaning structure. However, the classical theory of categorization should not be denied in the analysis of polysemy. The classical theory of categorization should be applied in the process of forming the first basic meaning of the mono-semic category, and the meaning of each step of the extension of polysemy. According to the claim of cognitive linguistics, there are many benefits to explain the polysemy with the concept of family resemblance. However, it is hard to explain the meaning extension of polysemy and the difference between polysemy and homonyms with meaning chain structure, which does not assume the relationship between basic meaning and extension meanings. The inductive experimentalism by experiments can not be recognized as mental representations representing category objectively, since it does not introduce an objective logic of abstraction. So in this study by modifying the network model theory of R.W. Langacker(1999) we replaced the concept of prototype by the basic meaning of monosemic category which is formed by the principles of abstraction. And we presupposed that the central meanings also were formed by the principle of abstraction in the process of meaning extension. The researchers of classical theory and cognitive linguistics have different perspectives in the study of polysemy. In this study, however, we presented that the objectivity of mental representations can be guaranteed only when two points of view are complemented each other. We analysed meaning extension structure of polysemy, ‘ruka’, ‘noga’, ‘golova’, ‘lico’, and ‘rot’ by this principle. Through the above analysis we argue that the basic meaning of mono-semic category expands as polysemy by the principle of embodiment and that the schema at each step is based on the following step and this process can continue subsequently.

      • KCI우수등재

        다의적 모호성의 광고효과에 관한 연구

        이두희(Doo Hee Lee),이현정(Hyun Jung Lee),류강석(Gang Seog Ryu) 한국경영학회 2005 經營學硏究 Vol.34 No.1

        It has long been argued that the simpler and clearer the advertising message is, the more effective it will be. More recently, however, some scholars began to report that rather abstract and ambiguous advertisements can be as or more effective. Moreover, in practice, quite a number of advertisements are found to employ the latter approach. Thus, in this paper, we attempt to examine the effects of visual polysemy in advertising (i.e., a type of ambiguity) on consumers’attitude toward the ad and the brand, and propose two moderating factors in this relationship: cognitive resources and product type.Consistent with the literature on semiotics, we conceptualize ambiguity or polysemy as being present when a word or message is associated with multiple meanings, which would lead to different interpretations depending on the recipient or situation. It has been suggested that polysemy used in communication can generate positive responses from the audience for various reasons. First, when a consumer is exposed to a message with polysemy, she is likely to experience a certain degree of arousal initially, resulting in positive emotions (arousal boost). Then, if the consumer successfully comprehends or interprets the meanings of the message, her initial arousal will be reduced. This will give her feelings of pleasure (arousal jag). Second, a consumer should concentrate her cognitive resources on the task when attempting to interpret a polysemous message. This, in turn, is likely to prevent her from coming up with counter arguments or negative thoughts about the advertisement, which will facilitates her to form favorable attitudes toward it.The proposed effects of polysemy have rarely been tested empirically. In marketing, an exception was found in McQuarrie and Mick (1992), which investigated how consumers would respond to polysemy included in the ad headline and its resonance with a pictorial body. Our paper is to replicate their findings in the context of visual polysemy, and to identify factors that may moderate the effects of polysemy. We propose, first, cognitive resources available to a consumer as a potential moderator, based on the fact that polysemy requires a substantial amount of cognitive efforts from the consumer to be successfully processed and comprehended. That is, a message with polysemy is expected to be effective only when a consumer has a high likelihood of elaboration. In our study, the elaboration likelihood is determined by an amount of cognitive resources available to her when a consumer is processing the message. This prediction is consistent with the resource matching theory, which suggests that consumers show more favorable responses when the amount of cognitive resources required to process a stimulus matches to that available to them. Thus, H1 posits that the effects of visual polysemy in advertising will be moderated by the amount of cognitive resources available to a consumer.The type of products is proposed as the second moderating factor. It is well known that consumers tend to undergo different psychological processes depending on whether they are dealing with utilitarian or hedonic products. The evaluation process for utilitarian products tends to be more cognitively driven, and thus consumers focus primarily on the objective and tangible attributes of the product. These characteristics imply that ad messages should be presented in a clear and objective fashion so as to elicit better responses. On the other hand, the evaluation process for hedonic products tends to be highly subjective and affect-driven, primarily based on aesthetics, taste, and sensory experience, and on how well the product communicates its desired meanings. Therefore, the ambiguity and abstractness of ad messages are suitable for stimulating the subjective and diverse nature of the hedonic processing. Moreover, pleasures that a consumer would feel while attempting to interpret polysemous messages may serve as part of positive consumpti

      • KCI등재

        다의어의 통사·의미적 활용과 분석

        양용준(Yang, Yong-Joon) 신영어영문학회 2016 신영어영문학 Vol.65 No.-

        The purpose of this paper is to survey the syntactic & semantic use and analysis of polysemy. Polysemy contains many related meanings in a vocabulary and sentence structures. Polysemy is related to semantics but it is related to syntax, too. Some sentence structures have various meanings in a special situation. At that time, the sentence has a polysemous structure. Lakoff(1987: 416) insisted that there is one lexical item with a family of related senses in a polysemy. And Tylor(1989: 99) said that polysemy is an association of two or more related senses with a single linguistic form. There are five causes of occurrence in a polysemy. Firstly, it is ‘shifts in application’. Secondly, it is ‘specialization in a social milieu’. Thirdly, it is ‘figurative language’. Fourthly, it is ‘a homonym reinterpreted’. Fifthly, it is ‘foreign influence’. That is to say, polysemy is related to syntax as well as semantics. In conclusion, polysemy is treated in a vocabulary as well as a sentence structure equally.

      • KCI등재

        고유명의 다의성에 대하여 -기관, 기업, 장소를 중심으로-

        김나현 한국어의미학회 2021 한국어 의미학 Vol.74 No.-

        Kim Na-Hyeon, 2021. The polysemy of Proper Names-Focusing on Organization, Company, and Place-. Korean Semantics, 74. The objective of this study is to present the distinction standard by examining the category of proper nouns with polysemy. Contrary to the researches on the polysemy of common nouns that have been relatively discussed a lot, this thesis discussed the polysemy of proper nouns. By limiting the subjects to ‘institution, company, and place’ out of proper nouns with polysemy, this study discussed the semantic category of each of them, and then presented the semantic distinction standard of proper nouns with polysemy. The meanings of proper nouns with polysemy could be easily distinguished through contexts or appropriate predicate. In case when there is no context or predicate, however, it is not sometimes possible to choose a meaning out of many meanings. Thus, this thesis presented the semantic distinction standard of proper nouns with polysemy. This study argued that it should be distinguished through context or appropriate predicate. In case when it is not possible to be distinguished, the priority should be applied to the overall meaning that could include the partial meaning of proper noun. This study could be helpful for establishing the foothold for constructing precise data, and also to be helpful for the clear analysis of entity name.

      • KCI등재

        한국어사전의 동음어, 다의어 처리에 대한 소고

        양명희 ( Yang Myung-hee ) 반교어문학회 2017 泮橋語文硏究 Vol.0 No.46

        이 연구는 사전마다 다르게 처리된 동음어, 다의어의 유형을 살펴보고 그 기준이 무엇이며 동음어와 다의어의 구분을 어떻게 하는 것이 좋을지를 논의하는 것을 목적으로 하였다. 이를 위해 국어대사전, 외국인을 위한 학습사전, 대역사전 들을 대상으로 사전 표제어의 동음어, 다의어 처리 기준을 분석한바 어원, 의미적 기준, 문법적 기준 외에도 관련어, 대역어 등이 영향이 미침을 살펴보았다. 의미적 기준은 주관적 판단이 개입되며, 문법적 특징에 따른 기준은 자립명사의 분류사적 용법, 품사 통용, 보조용언, 접미사 등에 대한 국어학적 이론에 따라 처리가 달랐다. 또한 사전 이용자와 사전 편찬의 목적에 따라서도 동음어와 다의어 처리가 다른데, 본고에서는 사전의 종류에 따라 동음어, 다의어 구분기준을 달리하는 것을 제안하였다. The purpose of this study is to examine the standards that classify homonym (words with the same sound) and polysemy (word with the multiple meanings) in various dictionaries and to claim that the standards may differ depending on the dictionary. We examined the Korean Unabridged Dictionary, the dictionary for learners of Korean, the bilingual dictionary. Through this we found out the key factors that influence the standards that classify homonym and polysemy was not only the origin of the words, standards based on semantic and grammatical characteristics of the word, but also the related and translated words. The criteria based on the meaning of the word was relatively subjective while the criteria based on the grammar of the word was objective. Furthermore, the standards that classify homonym and polysemy may also differ depending on the user of the dictionary and the purpose of its publication. In this study, I would like to suggest that the standards should be different depending on the type of dictionary. First of all, the Korean Unabridged Dictionary should have the characteristic of a historical dictionary. For this, the origin of the word must be the top priority when sorting homonym and polysemy. When its origin is not clear the standard based on the meaning of the word would be the second priority. Once a entry with the same origin is used in different parts of speech, we can show its origin by dividing and partitioning the word in one entry as shown in the < Standard Korean Language Dictionary >. Secondly, in the case of the dictionary for learners of Korean, the standard based on the grammar of the word should be used. By doing so, it would be easier for the foreigners to learn Korean words that can be used in different parts of speech. The classification of words based on grammar must remain objective and consistent. Finally, since the publisher of the bilingual dictionary is a foreigner, his/her intuition of the target language affects the standard. The characteristics of contrastive linguistics and the translation words seems to be constantly involved in classifying the homonym and polysemy. Considering that foreigners who are engaged in Korean are the users of the dictionary, the accuracy of the meaning and grammatical terms must be the most important criteria when classifying homonym and polysemy. To wrap up, through this study we once again emphasize the importance of the origin of the word when sorting the homonym and polysemy. We would also like to assert that the main objective of the publication of the Korean unabridged dictionary is to strengthen its character as a historical dictionary. We were able to compare the publishers intuition on classifying the homonym and polysemy and found their pattern and standards. Yet, the fact that we were not able to have a closer examination remains lacking.

      • KCI등재

        체계적 다의 명사의 문맥 의미 추출

        차준경 ( Cha Joon-kyung ) 우리어문학회 2023 우리어문연구 Vol.76 No.-

        이 논문은 한국어의 명사를 대상으로 하여 체계적 다의성을 문맥에서 추출하는 방안을 연구한 것이다. 이 논문에서는 코퍼스를 활용하여 한국어 명사의 체계적 다의를 추출하는 방안을 모색하고자 한다. 이를 위하여 체계적 다의는 공동 서술 구조에서 동시에 실현될 수 있는 의미로 간주한다. 먼저, 실체 명사를 중점적으로 다루어 ‘책, 편지’ 등 텍스트 담지물, 장소 기관명인 ‘학교’, 사건과 대상의 복합 유형인 ‘점심’ 등을 대상으로 한다. 첫째, 기존에 여러 문헌에서 연구되고 있는 체계적 다의와 내재적 다의, 다면어 등의 의미를 고찰하고 체계적 다의의 하위에 내재적 다의, 다면어 등이 있음을 밝혔다. 둘째, 체계적 다의가 실현되는 공동 서술 구조가 유의미한 기제인가에 대해 논의하였다. 셋째, 형태 의미 분석 말뭉치를 이용하여 다의어의 문맥 의미를 추출하고 제시하였다. 이론적으로 유의미한 기제인 공동 서술 구조에 대해서 실제로 코퍼스에서의 출현 빈도가 낮았다. 이러한 문제를 해결하기 위하여, 코퍼스에서 특정 명사와 결합하는 동사의 목록을 추출하고 이를 통해서 명사의 의미를 구분하였다. 연어 관계를 이용하여 체계적 다의의 의미를 추출하는 방안을 모색할 수 있을 것이다. This study deals with extracting the meaning of systematic polysemy in Korean nouns. In this study, we figure out the distribution of Korean systematic polysemous nouns using a morpho semantic annotated corpus. We consider the meaning of systematic polysemy; especially inherent polysemy will be related to co-predication structure. We focus on the entity type nouns, especially, text nouns such as book(책), letter(편지), place and institution nouns such as school(학교), and event and object complex types such as lunch(점심), and will find these meanings occurred in co-predication context. And theoretically we discuss the relation of the systematic polysemy, inherent polysemy and multi-faceted words. Second, we consider the copredication structure which has the contextual meaning of systematic polysemy is meaningful or not. Third, we try to find the method to extract the contextual meaning of polysemous words using a corpus. As a result, co-predication context such as coordinate structure was not frequently occurred in our corpus. Frequency of appearance was low. Theoretically, co-predication structure will be a method to distinguish a systematic polysemy but practically is sparse. To solve this problem, we extracted the lists of verbs to combine the specific nouns and decided the meaning of systematic polysemous nouns. Using Collocation lists, we can find the methods to extract the systematic polysemy.

      • KCI등재

        의미망 분석과 다의성 판정의 원리

        임지룡(Lim Jiryong),정병철(Jeong Byongcheol) 담화·인지언어학회 2009 담화와 인지 Vol.16 No.3

        In this study we examine previous studies of semantic networks and polysemy, and suggest an alternative method of analyzing semantic networks and identifying polysemy. Langacker's(2002) innovative network model is useful in that it explains the structure of polysemy in terms of psychological reality. However, two problems arise when it is applied to the analysis of polysemous words: (ⅰ) the meaning of categorization in his work is not identical to Rosch's(1975) original definition; (ⅱ) Langacker's model does not deal with the categorical difference of meaning extension. For instance, the schema of a verb is more abstract than that of a noun, because a verb profiles a process, characterized schematically as a relationship. The problem of polysemy fallacy can be resolved by considering the level of the schema, a conclusion supported by simulation semantics. The mirror activity of neurons in the brain reflects this simulation phenomenon and provides some principles by which we can analyze polysemy more consistently in terms of psychological reality. The semantic network of a noun is developed through similarity identification, since the language user's attention is focused on static properties. The semantic network of a verb, on the other hand, is developed by simulating related experiences, since the language user's attention in this case is focused on a relationship as it evolves through time.

      • KCI등재

        관용표현 구성요소의 다의성

        백석원(Baek, Seok-Won) 한국사전학회 2012 한국사전학 Vol.- No.19

        It is a general opinion that the meanings of the idioms cannot be inferred by the composition of the literal meanings of the constituent elements. Noncompositionality or opacity of the meaning is considered as the important characteristic of the idioms. Nonetheless, quite a few cases are found in which the meanings are formed by composition of the literal meaning of the constituent elements. In order to illuminate these, careful consideration was given to the ‘eye’ idioms. In the first place, the polysemy of the ‘eye’ were analyzed and organized again on the basis of the established dictionary. Then ‘eye’ idioms, which are the combined constructions of precedent and following elements, forming the construction of ‘눈{에/을/이} + V’ were assorted according to the transferred aspect of the meaning used for the constituent elements. The type combining basic meaning with basic meaning is called [X + Y], transferred meaning with basic meaning, [X + Y’], and transferred meaning with transferred meaning, [X’ + Y’]. It is called [Z] type if the meaning can not be inferred by the combination of primary and transferred meaning. The result of the analysis showed that the formation of the ‘eye’ idioms were greatly influenced by the function of the three meanings, ‘gaze’ ‘attention’ ‘judgement’ among the polysemy of ‘eye’. It was also revealed that [X + Y]type accounted for 6.2%, [X + Y’] 4.9%, [X’ + Y] 11.1%, and [X’ + Y’] about 11.1% respectively. About 33% of the whole ‘eye’ idioms are composed of the combination of polysemy of the constituent elements. These show that there exists a close relationship between the idiomatic expressions and the constituent elements. Further studies are required on the semantic relationship between idiom and polysemy.

      • KCI등재

        어휘 의미의 특성을 반영한 의미 기술―사건 명사의 다의를 중심으로―

        차준경 한글학회 2010 한글 Vol.- No.288

        In this paper, we present a method to describe dictionary definitions using regular polysemy. General language users and researchers often criticize that dictionary descriptions are inconsi- stent and non-systematic descriptions. This results from discon- nection between lexical meaning and dictionary senses. Almost every word has multiple readings and used to figurative meanings in context. These characteristics of meanings make it difficult to describe the meaning of words in dictionary. Even corpus based dictionary cannot solve this problem. To describe dictionary definitions consistently, we suggest an alternative using regular meaning transfer, especially in the polysemy of event type nouns. Using regular polysemy in dictionary definition description, it will help to consistent and systematic word meaning descriptions. 국어사전이 여러 분야에 응용되기 위해서는 일관적이고 체계적인 의미 기술이 필요하다. 그러나 어휘 의미는 문맥에 따라 유동적이며 비유적인 의미까지 포함하기 때문에 일관적이고 체계적인 기술이 어려운 대상이다. 이것은 사전의 뜻풀이 기술과 어휘 의미의 차이에 기인한 것으로, 사전에 풀이된 내용이 해당 표제어의 모든 의미는 아니며 대표적인 의미만을 기술하기 때문이다. 그러므로 동일한 어휘 항목에 대해서도 사전마다 다른 뜻풀이를 제시하고 의미 분할도 일정하지 않다. 이러한 사전의 특성에도 불구하고 국어사전이 언어 자원으로 여러 분야에 활용되려면 일관적이고 체계적인 뜻풀이가 필요하다. 본고에서는 어휘 의미 중 일관적이고 체계적인 유형을 포착하여 이를 사전의 뜻풀이 기술에 활용하는 방안을 제안하고자 한다. 사건 명사가 실체 명사로 의미 전이 되는 현상을 사건 명사의 다의 현상으로 제시하고, 이를 통해 사전의 뜻풀이 기술이 체계적으로 기술될 수 있음을 밝히고자 한다. 구체적으로, 의미 구별이 가능한 부분은 의미를 분할하여 기술하는 것이 국어사전의 활용도를 높이는 데 기여할 것이다. 의미 기술에 있어서 품사나 개별 단어 단위의 기술이 아닌 어휘 의미의 특성을 반영한 의미 부류별 기술이 필요하며 이는 국어사전의 체계적인 의미 기술에 기여할 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        한국어 문장이해에서 다의어와 동음이의어의 표상과 처리: ERP 연구

        정혜인 ( Hyein Jeong ),윤홍옥 ( Hongoak Yun ),홍우평 ( Upyong Hong ) 한국외국어대학교 언어연구소 2015 언어와 언어학 Vol.0 No.68

        This study iNvestigated the differeNces of polysemy aNd homoNym duriNg oNliNe seNteNce compreheNsioN iN KoreaN. UsiNg the ERP paradigm, we maNipulated the coNteNt of coNtext to be biased iN a way that the seNses of polysemy aNd homoNym were to be domiNaNt, subdomiNaNt or Neutral. IN each coNtext coNditioN, we also maNipulated the meaNiNg of the seNteNce-fiNal verb was to be coNgrueNt or iNcoNgrueNt to the coNtext. At the verb regioN, we observed the coNgrueNcy effect emerged as the N400 aNd the P600 iN the processiNg of homoNym but appeared as the P600 iN that of polysemy. These results supported the claim of the core meaNiNg approach such that the multiple seNses of polysemy share their core meaNiNgs iN their siNgle represeNtatioN, uNlike the wide agreemeNt that the multiple seNses of homoNym are separately represeNted.

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