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      • KCI등재

        해외 실외 놀이터 놀이기구 제품 현황 및 디자인 유형에 관한 연구

        김자경 한국가구학회 2023 한국가구학회지 Vol.34 No.1

        The most important thing to help children develop is to let them play well. Therefore, it is very important and absolutely necessary to create an outdoor playground that children like and can enjoy various games and activities. In particular, it is necessary to provide a space where children can play happily by securing diversity of play equipment according to age group and playground location. Therefore, in this study, we tried to obtain the diversity of amusement equipment and design ideas by examining the current status of overseas play equipment. To this end, various design types of play equipment were analyzed by investigating the development status and products of famous overseas play equipment brands and companies. Accordingly, 20 overseas companies that produce and sell outdoor play equipment were selected, and all products introduced on the currently operated homepage and catalog were investigated in 13 types. As a result of the survey, 34.2% of all rides were combined, other rides 12.28%, climbing 11.69%, crossing 8.12%, rocking rides 6.88%, swing 6.02%, slide 5.13%, eco-friendly rides 4.95%, space net 4.36 %, spinning rides 4.08%, water rides 1.01%, aerial rides 0.8%, jungle gym 0.22%. As a result, a lot of combined playgrounds are being produced, but various other rides are being developed, and it can be seen that various types of climbing rides, crossing rides, rocking rides, swings, and slides are also being developed. In the detailed design type, playground equipment for school age and infants and young children were investigated in various ways. In particular, playground equipment for the disabled considering all generations was investigated in swings, slides, aerial rides, rocking rides, and spinning rides. Accordingly, it can be seen that various types of play equipment considering various generations are being developed rather than being developed in a concentrated manner on one play equipment. By systematizing the detailed types of the representative basic 8 types of play equipment, the currently produced product types were derived and the types that had not yet been developed were checked at the same time. Therefore, it was possible to identify product types that were not designed for each detailed type and at the same time to provide design ideas when developing play equipment in the future. Therefore, this study will be the main basic data when developing designs to secure diversity in domestic outdoor playgrounds, children's playgrounds, and play equipment in the future. .

      • KCI등재

        미래형 놀이터 개발을 위한 인터랙티브 실외 놀이기구 유형 분석

        김자경 한국가구학회 2022 한국가구학회지 Vol.33 No.1

        More and more children are spending all day with a variety of electronic devices such as TVs, smartphones, computer games, and digital learning in a changing social environment. Due to these changes in the play environment and culture, most of them are spent indoors rather than outdoors, and outdoor playgrounds are being neglected. However, physical activity in childhood is very important, and active play in various external environments is an essential activity for healthy growth. Therefore, in order to induce these children to the outdoor space, an interactive playground or smart playground that maximizes interaction by grafting digital technologies such as IT and IoT to the outdoor playground can be an alternative. Therefore, this study looked for interactive technology types and interactive technologies that help children's development in order to establish basic data for the development of new future interactive playgrounds and play equipment. Furthermore, considerations for the development of interactive playgrounds and rides and the types of interactive rides currently developed were investigated. As a result of the survey, interactive technology can be actively used for child development, and the types investigated as domestic outdoor playgrounds and playground equipment are rock climbing or exercise equipment linked with apps, coding learning rides linked with button-type apps, sports video projection, digital slides, and screen game-type exercise equipment were investigated. In total, 4 classifications, 6 basic types, and 7 detailed types were investigated. On the other hand, 15 types of foreign interactive rides, 40 basic types, and 56 detailed types were investigated. Therefore, it can be seen that the introduction and development of various types of interactive rides in Korea are necessary to suit the domestic reality. Based on this study, it was provided as basic data for design when introducing and developing domestic outdoor interactive playgrounds and play equipment in the future.

      • KCI등재

        국내 실외 놀이터 다양성 확보를 위한 놀이기구 유형 및 현황 분석

        김자경 한국가구학회 2021 한국가구학회지 Vol.32 No.4

        Safe outdoor play should be expanded to ensure children's developmental rights, and for this purpose, various outdoor play spaces should be created. Although there has been a recent change in playgrounds, playgrounds in kindergartens or elementary schools with a capacity of 50 or more, which are obligatory to install children's play facilities, are still simple, and most of them consist of play equipment that is not interesting or attracting children's attention. Therefore, in order to quickly improve the diversity of these play spaces, it is necessary to secure the diversity of play equipment essential for the construction of the playground. Therefore, in this study, the current state of domestic amusement rides is considered and the variety of amusement rides is sought. To this end, the trends of rides mainly applied in Korea were identified by examining the types of rides and product characteristics of domestic amusement ride companies. In addition, we checked the types of rides that were not found in domestic playground equipment and derived the types of rides that needed improvement or development to secure diversity. Accordingly, 31 companies that produce and sell domestic outdoor play equipment were selected and all products introduced in the currently operated website and catalog were investigated in 13 types. These 13 types include the types of rides classified by the Ministry of Public Administration and Security, as well as water playground equipment and eco-friendly rides. As a result of the survey, combination rides 73%, rocking rides 6.9%, water rides 5.9%, space nets 4.7%, climbing devices 2.1%, swings 2.0%, other 1.3%, eco-friendly rides 0.7%, aerial rides 0.6%, Slide 0.5%, rotating rides and jungle gym 0.2% were investigated. Therefore, it can be seen that domestic play equipment is mainly produced by combination rides, and playgrounds are also created centering on combination rides. And by analyzing the detailed types of each play equipment, the shape and function of each play equipment were analyzed to derive the types that were not applied to domestic play equipment. Therefore, it can be seen that it is necessary to secure diversity for each detailed type. Based on this, it was intended to provide the main basic data for securing diversity and design development in the future improvement and development of domestic outdoor playgrounds and children's play facilities

      • KCI등재

        유아 바깥놀이 경험에 대한 질적 연구 : 복합놀이기구를 중심으로

        한진주,윤재희 한국유아교육학회 2011 유아교육연구 Vol.31 No.5

        본 연구의 목적은 바깥놀이터의 복합놀이기구를 중심으로 일어나는 놀이를 이해하는 것이다. 이를 위해 연구자는 A어린이집과 B유치원의 바깥놀이를 두 달 간 참여관찰했다. 참여관찰, 면담, 문서자료와 연구자일지 등으로 수집된 자료는 연구목적에 따라 의미론적 관계에 근거하여 주제별로 코드화되는 과정을 거쳤다. 최종적인 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 복합놀이기구는 유아들이 즉각적이고 감각적인 즐거움을 추구하는 공간이다. 둘째, 복합놀이기구는 유아들이 성인의 권위를 넘어서는 공간이다. 셋째, 복합놀이기구는 유아들에 의해서 다양한 상상놀이에 유용하게 활용된다. 마지막으로, 복합놀이기구는 유아 간, 유아와 성인 간의 관계가 소통되는 공간이다. 본 연구는 복합놀이기구에 한정된 바깥놀이를 다루고 있으며 단기간의 관찰과 면담으로 인해 상대적으로 유아들의 목소리를 충분히 담지 못했다는 제한점을 갖는다. 그럼에도 불구하고 이상의 결과는 유아들의 바깥놀이 경험에 대해 다음과 같은 함의를 준다. 첫째, 바깥놀이터의 복합놀이기구에서 일어나는 유아들의 경험은 융통성 있는 상상력을 통해 그들의 유능함을 드러낸다. 둘째, 복합놀이기구에서 유아들의 안전 규칙에 대한 경험은 성인과는 다른 독립적인 의미로 구성된다. 셋째, 복합놀이기구에서 유아들의 경험은 다른 관계에 대한 소통을 주도적으로 시도하는 경험이다. This study aims to understand how young children play with outdoor playground equipment. Data were collected from participant observations, interviews, documents and research journals. The findings are summarized as follows. First, the playground equipment provided immediate sensory pleasure for the young children. Second, the children slipped away from the adults' authority while playing with the playground equipment. Third, the children organized imaginative situations through substituting elements of the playground equipment for another. Last, the children attempted to have mutual communication with peers and adults while they were engaging with the playground equipment. The results of this study have the following implications with regard to young children's use of outdoor playground equipment. First, the children's use of the playground equipment demonstrates their physical and imaginative competency. Second, children consistently redefine, reevaluate, and resist the safety regulations of playground equipment imposed by adults. Last, young children actively search for new relations with various people when using outdoor playground equipment.

      • KCI등재

        대규모 공동주거단지 내 어린이 놀이시설물의 변천 및 선진사례 비교 고찰 1970년 ~ 2010년, 서울 및 수도권 신도시를 중심으로

        박세연 ( Park Se Yeon ) 한국디자인트렌드학회 2011 한국디자인포럼 Vol.30 No.-

        국내에 공동주거 형태가 도입된 1970년대 이후 30여 년 간, 양적 팽창에 비해 질적으로 방치되어 있던 공동주거단지 내 어린이 놀이시설에 대한 관심이 증가하고 있어 정서와 신체의 성장 발달을 고려한 놀이시설의 질적, 기능적 검증이 요구되는 시점이다. 본 연구는 도심과 도시근교의 대규모 공동주거단지 내 놀이터의 시설물에 대한 종류, 형태, 구조, 재료의 현황 자료를 조사, 어린이의 사회적, 인지적, 정서적 발달에 도움이 되는 놀이시설 및 놀이환경 조성을 위한 기초 데이터의 마련에 그 목적이 있다. 연구 방법은 첫째, 연령, 신체, 정서의 발달에 따른 어린이의 놀이행태와 시설물의 상관관계를 이론적으로 고찰하였다. 둘째, 1970년대에서 2000년대까지 2000세대 이상의 국내 공동주거단지의 놀이터 시설물의 변천에 대해 연구하였다. 셋째, 해외 선진 사례 대비, 국내 사례의 미비점을 파악하였다. 연구 결과, 선진 사례의 경우, 종전의 보편적, 단편적 놀이시설에서 탈피, 조합놀이 형태로 변화하고 숲, 물, 골짜기 등 자연의 지형, 지물을 이용하거나 폐기물을 재활용한 역사와 교육의 공간으로 자연과 인간이 상호교류 하는 형식으로 회귀하고 있다. 국내의 경우, 대형 건설사에 의해 종전 2000세대 규모에서 4, 5000세대 규모로 재개발을 진행하는 주거 단지가 증가하고 있어 기부체납에 의한 어린이공원 규모의 대형 부지를 확보, 선진 놀이 환경의 구현이 실현되고 있다. 본 논문은 놀이와 놀이시설, 놀이환경 구조의 변천에 대한 개략적 자료연구로 선진 시설의 세세한 명세와 국내에 적용 가능한 면적, 조합 형태, 재료, 설치 사례에 대한 구체적인 후속 연구가 요구된다. The apartment complex type was first introduced in Korea in the 1970s. These apartment complexes initially lacked quality playground space for children. Recently, however, there has been a growing concern for providing proper space and environment in which children can play and function. It is important that this space meet children`s emotional and physical needs as they grow. This study aims to present basic data for creating the appropriate playground equipment and environment that will enhance children`s social, cognitive, and emotional development outside school. Research has been done - taking into consideration type, structure, and material for playground equipment- in order to offer suggestions for the future improvement of playgrounds within apartment complexes, in both urban and suburban areas. For this research, first, a theoretical study was conducted to determine the correlation between playground equipment and play habits and preferences of children within their specific age groups. Further research explored the improvements that had been made to the equipment and playground area from the 1970s until today. Apartment complexes where over 1,500 households resided were targeted for this research. A comparative study was also conducted to examine the differences between playground equipment and area nationally and internationally. The results showed that was innovative and stimulated children`s imaginations. At times, the topographical features of play areas, for example near by woods, water, rocks, were exploited to provide a more natural environment in which children could play. Furthermore, recycled material was used for the construction of the play equipment and area. In korea, as apartment complexes grow in size, more space is allocated for recreational activities. Therefore, plans to enlarge children`s playground areas have become feasible. This paper offers an insight into the changes that equipment and the play environments underwent within a given period of time. It is, therefore, necessary to persue detailed follow-up research into the particulars of more innovative types of equipment and materials, suited to the landscape in Korea.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        대구시내(大邱市內) 국민학교(國民學校) 놀이터의 안전성(安全性) 조사(調査)

        박정한,윤순길,Park, Jung-Han,Yun, Soon-Gil 대한예방의학회 1991 예방의학회지 Vol.24 No.3

        국민학교 놀이터 시설의 설치현황과 안전성을 조사하여 문제점을 파악하기 위하여 1991년 4윌 1일부터 4월 30일까지 대구시내 국민학교 총 119개교 중 117개교를 현장 조사하였다. 각 놀이시설의 안전성 판정기준은 Massachusetts 주의 Playground Safety Check List와 우리 나라 $6{\sim}12$세 아동의 발육표준치와 놀이기구 건축설계 자료집을 참고하여 만들었다. 설치된 놀이시설의 종류는 그네를 비롯해 11종이었으나 그 수는 철봉을 제외한 모든 시설이 국민학교 체육장 설비기준의 $50{\sim}60%$ 정도만 설치되어 있었다. 기존의 시설 가운데 그네는 47.3%, 평행봉은 16.6%, 지구공은 20.0%, 미끄럼틀은 16.0%가 사용불가능한 상태였다. 그네, 미끄럼틀, 시이소, 지구공, 씨름장은 안전성이 양호한 상태가 하나도 없고, 철봉은 59.0%, 평행봉은 31.4%, 그리고 그루터기는 13.5%가 양호한 상태였다. 미끄럼틀 26.4%, 지구공 20.0%, 시이소 11.6%, 평행봉 10.4%, 씨름장 9.8%, 그네와 그루터기는 각각 7.4%, 철봉은 3.9%가 위험한 상태로 안전성에 문제가 있었다. 나머지는 사용불가 또는 보완을 요하는 상태였다. 이처럼 대구시내 국민학교에서는 놀이시설이 많이 부족하고, 기존의 시설도 안전성 기준이 없어 규격이 일정치 않으며, 사용 불가능한 것과 위험한 것도 많아 어린이 사고의 위험이 있었다. 따라서 놀이시설의 확충과 안전성 기준의 설정이 요망되며 기존시설의 보완작업이 시급한 일이다. To assess the safety of playground equipments in the elementary schools of Taegu, a site visit was made to 117 elementary schools out of 119 schools between 1st and 30th of April 1991. Safety criteria were developed on the bases of Massachusetts' Playground Safety Check List, standard height of Korean children of 6-12 years old, and source book for designing playground equipments. There were eleven different kinds of playground equipments installed in 117 schools but the number of equipments was about 50-60% of the minimum requirement set by the Ministry of Education except chin-up bar. Among the installed equipments, 47.3% of swings, 16.6% of parallel bars, 20.0% of monkey bars, and 16.0% of slides were broken down. None of the swings, slides, seesaws, monkey bars, and sandboxes met the safety criteria to the full but 59.0 of chin-up bars, 31.4% of Parallel bars, and 13,5% of stumps met the criteria fully. The proportions of equipments that were dangerous for children to play on were 26.4% for slides, 20.0% for monkey bars, 11.6% for seesaws, 10.4% for parallel bars, 9.8% for sandboxes, 7.4% for swings and stumps, and 3.9% for chin-up bars. The rests were either in need of repair or broken down. It was revealed by this survey that the playground equipments were too short in number to meet the minimum requirement, designs and size were not standardized, and many of the equipments were involved with the risk of child accidents. Therefore, a safety standard for the playground equipments should be developed and the existing equipments should be repaired immediately.

      • KCI등재후보

        서울시에 위치한 아파트 단지 내 실외 어린이 놀이터 현황 및 실태분석

        이기숙,신동주,엄정애 이화여자대학교 교육과학연구소 2006 교육과학연구 Vol.37 No.2

        본 연구는 아파트 단지 내 어린이 놀이터의 현황 및 실태를 분석하여 어린이 실외 놀이 환경의 질적 향상을 위한 자료를 제공하는 것을 목적으로 하였다. 이를 위해 서울 시내 아파트 단지 내 어린이 놀이터 90곳을 무작위로 선정한 후 관찰 및 면담을 통하여 놀이터의 위치와 면적, 지면과 공간조직, 놀이터의 구성시설, 놀이터의 관리에 대하여 분석하였다. 특히 1995년 이전과 1995년 이후의 놀이터 시설에 대하여 비교해봄으로써 놀이터 시설의 변화를 살펴보았다. 연구를 통한 결과로 1995년 이후 놀이터의 지면이 다양해지며, 공간구성의 균형성이 점차 높아지고, 복합 놀이시설이 증가되고 있음을 볼 수 있었다. 이전의 단편적인 놀이시설에 비하여 어린이의 활동과 놀이를 고려한 놀이시설이 증가하고 있었으나, 관리적인 면에서는 한계점을 살펴 볼 수 있었다. Seeking to provide a basis for developing sound outdoor playing environments, this study explored the current conditions and contents of children's playgrounds located in apartment complexes. Data was collected through observations and interviews regarding the location and space arrangement of the playgrounds, equipment provided on the playgrounds, as well as the maintenance inspection system for playground equipment. Ninety playgrounds were randomly selected from different geographic areas in Seoul. In this study, it was found that there was a big improvement on the variety of the playground surface and the space arrangement since 1995. Also, the number of superstructure provided on the playgrounds has increased. However, the maintenance inspection for playgrounds was hardly operated.

      • KCI등재

        광주지역 어린이놀이터 내 놀이시설과 환경요인이 모래바닥재 중금속 농도에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

        장정원,김연희,이윤국,조민철,정희윤,조영관,김은선,김동수 한국폐기물자원순환학회 2017 한국폐기물자원순환학회지 Vol.34 No.4

        The concerns about potential risks and hazards in children’s playgrounds are increasing and the restrictions for environmental harmful substances in playgrounds have been reinforced in many countries. In this study, the concentrations of heavy metals were analyzed in 142 samples including 105 of sand flooring and 37 playing equipment such as swing, slide, sporting equipment, bench and fence in 18 children’s playgrounds. Heavy metals in sand flooring were investigated and categorized by natural environmental factors such as season, rainfall, post-rainy day, and artificial factors as road, type, and material of nearby play equipment. The concentration of heavy metals such as Pb, Hg, Cu, and Zn were significantly higher in sand flooring near the play equipment than at places away from the playing equipment (p < 0.05). Spearman’s rank correlation analysis showed that play equipment had a positive correlation with the sand flooring with regard to the concentration of Pb (r = 0.42, p < 0.01) and Cu (r = 0.39, p < 0.01). The concentration of heavy metals in the sand flooring showed a statistically significant difference depending on the season, post-rainy day, the distance from a roadway, type of equipment, and the material. The play equipment’s heavy metal concentration and other environmental factors contributed to the heavy metal concentration in the sand flooring’s surface in playgrounds.

      • KCI등재후보

        상상놀이터 그리기를 통해 나타난 유아의 실외놀이터와 놀이시설에 대한 이미지

        김정원(Kim, Jung-Won),최은영(Choi, Eun-Young),김경본(Kim, Kyung-Bon) 한국유아교육·보육복지학회 2010 유아교육·보육복지연구 Vol.14 No.1

        본 연구에서는 실외놀이의 주된 참여자인 유아가 상상하는 놀이터 그리기를 통해 나타난 실외놀이터와 실외놀이시설에 대한 유아의 이미지를 조사함으로써 놀이터 및 실외놀이에 대한 유아의 바람을 이해하고 파악하고자 하였다. 본 연구의 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 유아가 상상하는 놀이터는 자연과 함께하는 놀이터, 도전하고 싶은 놀이터, 쉼과 여유가 있는 놀이터, 접근 가능성이 높은 놀이터, 놀이시설물들이 조화롭게 어우러진 놀이터로 나타났다. 둘째, 유아가 선호하는 놀이시설물은 미끄럼틀, 그네, 시소 등이었고 유아는 이러한 놀이시설물을 활용하여 다양한 유형의 놀이를 하는 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구의 이러한 결과는 유아의 관점을 고려한 놀이터를 설계하고 놀이시설물을 구성하는 데 유용하게 활용할 수 있는 자료가 될 것이다. This study tried to understand about young children’s wishes about the outdoor playgrounds and the play equipments. For this, children’s images about outdoor playgrounds and play equipments were analyzed through their drawings about imaginative playground and interviews about their drawings. The results are as follows: First, it is represented that young children want to have playgrounds with the nature, one to challenge, one with the rest and the leisure, one with high accessibility, and one balancing with various outdoor play equipments. Second, children’s favorite play equipments are slides, swings, and seesaws in order, and it was appeared that they played various types of games in utilizing such play equipments. These results will be useful to design outdoor playgrounds for young children.

      • KCI등재

        학습 공간 디자이너로서의 학습자: 건축가와 함께하는 놀이터 디자인

        정혜연 한국국제미술교육학회 2019 미술과 교육 Vol.20 No.3

        This research is a case study of “‘Making My School with Play” project, which was planned together by the D elementary school in Seoul and a non-profit organization named ‘Save the Children’. The project aims to let children to have a right to play and to design their own playground. During the 4 workshops, two architects and the 30 students of the D elementary school cooperatively developed the ideas to build the unique playground. The researcher of this study observed the entire four workshops in order to understand the co-design process and how the initial ideas had developed into the final playground. The study is a non-participatory action research since the researcher was not involved in the workshops and interviewed the two architects after the workshops. The main finding of this study was that the architects tried to change the students’ thoughts about playground as a gatherings of toy equipment into the design of playing space. During the four workshops, the architects encouraged the students to find their own needs regarding the ways of playing and converted them into space design. In order to develop the students’ ideas, the architects provided many different art materials which resembled architectural materials and introduced ‘pattern’ as a way of creating 3 D spaces. The entire workshops were based on cooperative learning process and the final design was characterized as a site-specific art, which reflected the contexts of the D elementary school community. 본 연구는 세이브더칠드런(Save the Children)이라는 구호기관과 서울 D초등학교가 협력한 “잘 노는 우리학교 만들기”의 일환으로 학습자와 건축가의 놀이터 디자인 워크숍을 대상으로 한다. 학습자가 자신의 학습 영역인 놀이터를 건축 설계자와 함께 디자인하는 과정에서 학습자와 건축 설계자가 어떠한 상호작용을 하며 그 상호작용이 조형 디자인으로 완성되어 가는 과정을 살펴보았다. 본 연구는 비참여형 실행연구로서 수업과 워크숍에 교사와 학생들 간의 상호작용을 관찰하고 추후 교수자인 건축가들과의 인터뷰를 진행하였다. 4차의 워크숍의 내용은 학습자로 하여금 놀이터가 놀이시설물의 집합체라는 인식변화 과정이 공간디자인의 개념으로 변화하는 과정에서 학습자가 자신들의 놀이 공간과 놀이의 방식을 스스로 알아가도록 하는 것이었다. 학습자의 평면디자인의 반응을 통해 학습자의 요구를 읽어낸 건축가들은 3차원의 모형과 패턴이 될 수 있는 재료들을 제시하여 아동들이 자신의 요구를 3차원의 시각 형태로 표현할 수 있도록 하였다. 협력 학습의 방식으로 발전된 아이디어는 전문가의 해석과 분석을 통해 놀이터 디자인이 된 것이다. 이 워크숍을 통해 디자인 된 놀이터는 지역사회의 요구를 담아내는 환경미술의 성격을 띠게 되었다.

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