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      • KCI등재

        Development of plasma sources and diagnostics for the simulation of fusion edge plasmas

        Woo Hyun-Jong,박인선,Kang In Je,Cho Soon-Gook,Choi Yong-Sup,Ahn Jeong-Sun,Bae Min-Keun,Chang Doo-Hee,Choi Geun-Sik,Choi Heung-Gyun,Chung Bo-Hyun,Chung Tae Hoon,Do Jeong-Joon,Goo Bon-Cheol,Hong Sunghoon,H 한국물리학회 2022 THE JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY Vol.80 No.8

        Although the research on divertors and scrape-off layers (SOLs) has been not as focused on as the recent success of the Korean fusion program, a few linear plasma devices have been developed for simulating divertor and SOL plasmas: (1) diversified plasma simulator (DiPS), a versatile linear machine, has been developed for simulations of divertor and space plasmas with various electric probes, such as single, triple, and Mach Probes and gridded energy analyzer. DiPS consists of two major parts: a divertor plasma simulator with a LaB 6 DC plasma source and a space plasma simulator with a helicon RF plasma source, (2) divertor plasma simulator-1 (DiPS-1) is a part of DiPS with only a LaB 6 cathode, where a low-power laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) is added and more electric probe diagnostics are augmented; it is dedicated only for fusion edge and divertor plasmas, (3) Divertor Plasma Simulator-2 (DiPS-2) has been modified from the DiPS-1 by adding a magnetic nozzle with a limiter structure and by removing the helicon source and space chamber. DiPS-2 is a linear plasma device with a 4-inch LaB 6 cathode, the same as DiPS-1, and it is focused on the development of various diagnostics, such as those used for LIF and laser Thomson scattering (LTS) along with various electric probes, on the divertor and scrape-off plasmas and on the plasma-material interaction (PMI) research, such as that of tungsten and graphite as plasma-facing components (PFCs), (4) A Multi-Purpose Plasma ( MP2 ) device is a renovation of the Hanbit mirror device [Kwon et al., Nucl. Fusion 43, 686 (2003)] with the installation of two plasma sources: LaB 6 (DC) and helicon (RF) plasma sources. A honeycomb-like large-area LaB 6 (HLA-LaB 6 ) cathode has been developed for the divertor plasma simulation to improve the resistance against the thermal shock fragility for large (8-inch) and high density plasma generation, (5) DiPS-2 has been augmented by adding another cylindrical device, called the Dust interaction with Surfaces Chamber (DiSC) for the generation and diagnostics of dusts. This combined system (DiPS-2+DiSC) has added two more diagnostics: Laser Photo-Detachment (LPD) for dust density and laser Mie Scattering (LMS) for dust size. Moreover, dusts or negative ions have been analyzed by using electric probes and capacitive diagram gauges in Transport and Removal of Dusts (TReD) device.

      • KCI등재

        Analysis of Langmuir Probe Data in High Density Plasmas

        김창구 한국화학공학회 2004 Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering Vol.21 No.3

        Analysis of Langmuir probe data by using the parametrization of Laframboises numerical results wasperformed to characterize high density plasmas (argon or deuterium discharges) in terms of plasma parameters suchas plasma density and electron temperature. The use of parameterizing Laframboises results was found to readilyextract the plasma parameters for arbitrary ratios of probe radius to Debye length in high density plasmas. It wasobserved that the electron temperature increased with decreasing gas pressure, and was nearly constant with powerin both argon and deuterium plasmas. The plasma density increased with both power and pressure in both argon anddeuterium plasmas. Over the power and pressure ranges used in this work, the plasma density in deuterium plasmaswas found to be an order of magnitude lower than that in argon plasmas. A simulation study showed good agreementof predicted electron temperature and plasma density with experimental results for argon plasmas.

      • KCI등재

        질소 플라즈마의 화장품 가능성 평가

        이소민,정소영,소피아브리토,허효진,차병선,Lei Lei,이상훈,이미기,빈범호,곽병문 사단법인 대한화장품학회 2022 대한화장품학회지 Vol.48 No.3

        Plasma refers to an ionized gas that is often referred to as “the fourth phase of matter”, following solid, liquid, and gas. Plasma has traditionally been utilized for industrial applications such as welding and neon signs, but its promise in biomedical fields such as cancer treatment and dermatology has lately been recognized. Indeed, due to its beneficial effects in promoting collagen production, improving skin tone, and eliminating harmful bacteria in the skin, plasma treatment constitutes an important target for dermatological research. In this study, a plasma device for cosmetic manufacturing based on nitrogen, the main component of the atmosphere, was designed and assembled. Moreover, nitric oxide (NO) was selected since is easier to follow and evaluate than other nitrogen plasma active species, and its contents were measured to perform a quantitative and qualitative evaluation of plasma. First, an injection method, using different proximities labeled “sinking” and “non sinking” treatments, was performed to test the most efficient plasma treatment method. As a result, it was observed that the formulation obtained by a non sinking treatment was more effective. Furthermore, toner and ampoule were selected as cosmetics formulations, and the characteristics of the formulation and changes in the injected plasma state were observed. In both formulations, the successful injection of NO plasma was 2 times higher in toner formulation than ampoule formulation, and it gradually decreased with time, having dissipated after a week. It was confirmed that the nitrogen plasma used did not affect the stability of the toner and ampoule formulations at low temperature (4 °C), room temperature (25 °C), and high temperature (37 °C and 50 °C) conditions. The results of this study demonstrate the potential of plasma cosmetics and highlight the importance of securing the stability of the injected plasma. 플라즈마란 고체, 액체, 기체에 이은 “4번째 상”으로서 이온화된 기체를 의미한다. 주로 용접과 네온사인에 응용 및 사용되어 왔으나, 최근 암 치료 등 의료 분야에도 적용되고 있으며, 피부에서는 콜라겐 생성촉진, 피부 톤 개선, 피부 유해균 사멸 등 다양한 효과가 보고되고 있다. 본 연구는 대기의 주성분인 질소를활용한 화장품 제조용 플라즈마 기기를 통해 질소 플라즈마 활성종 중, 추적 평가가 용이한 nitric oxide (NO)의양을 측정하여 플라즈마의 양적/질적 평가를 진행하였다. 효율적인 플라즈마 처리를 위해 sinking과 non sinking 법을 활용한 주입 방법을 시도한 결과, non sinking 법을 활용한 제형의 근접 처리가 효과적임을 확인할수 있었다. 나아가 토너와 앰플을 화장품 제형으로 선택하여 NO 플라즈마 주입 후 제형의 성상 및 주입한 플라즈마의 상태 변화를 관찰하였다. 두 제형에서 NO 플라즈마의 주입 성공량은 토너가 앰플보다 약 2 배 가량 높았으며, 시간에 따라 점진적으로 감소하여 일주일 후, 소실되는 것이 확인되었다. 사용된 질소 플라즈마는 저온(4 ℃), 실온(25 ℃), 고온(37 ℃, 50 ℃) 조건에서 토너와 앰플 제형의 안정도에 영향을 미치지 않는 것을 확인하였다. 종합적으로, 본 연구는 질소 플라즈마의 화장품 가능성을 제시하고 있으며 주입된 플라즈마의 안정성 확보의중요성을 시사하고 있다.

      • KCI등재

        Influence of metal powder shape on drag coefficient in a spray jet

        S. Kumar,Hyuntaek Na,이창희,V. Selvarajan 한국물리학회 2009 Current Applied Physics Vol.9 No.3

        In plasma spraying, particle shape, size, distribution and density are the important factors to be considered in order to ensure high spray efficiency and better coating properties. In the present work, nickel, iron and aluminium irregular powders in the size range from 50 to 63 lm were spheroidized using thermal plasma processing. The spheroidization experiments have been carried out at different gas flow rates and plasma torch power levels. The sphericity was analyzed using shape factor. Drag coefficients of the powders were estimated using Reynolds number and sphericity of the powders in plasma. For irregular particles, the drag coefficient is higher than that of the spherical because of its large area of contact with plasma. The temperature dependent on drag coefficient is also discussed. Increasing temperature increases the drag coefficient of the powder particles injected in to the plasma jet. Increasing plasma jet temperature changes the density and viscosity of the plasma which affects the particle’s drag coefficient in the plasma. The results are reported and discussed. In plasma spraying, particle shape, size, distribution and density are the important factors to be considered in order to ensure high spray efficiency and better coating properties. In the present work, nickel, iron and aluminium irregular powders in the size range from 50 to 63 lm were spheroidized using thermal plasma processing. The spheroidization experiments have been carried out at different gas flow rates and plasma torch power levels. The sphericity was analyzed using shape factor. Drag coefficients of the powders were estimated using Reynolds number and sphericity of the powders in plasma. For irregular particles, the drag coefficient is higher than that of the spherical because of its large area of contact with plasma. The temperature dependent on drag coefficient is also discussed. Increasing temperature increases the drag coefficient of the powder particles injected in to the plasma jet. Increasing plasma jet temperature changes the density and viscosity of the plasma which affects the particle’s drag coefficient in the plasma. The results are reported and discussed.

      • KCI등재

        Plasma bioscience for medicine, agriculture and hygiene applications

        최은하,Kaushik NAgendra Kumar,Hong Young June,임준섭,최진성,한인 한국물리학회 2022 THE JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY Vol.80 No.8

        Nonthermal biocompatible plasma (NBP) sources operating in atmospheric pressure environments and their characteristics can be used for plasma bioscience, medicine, and hygiene applications, especially for COVID-19 and citizen. This review surveyed the various NBP sources, including a plasma jet, micro-DBD (dielectric barrier discharge) and nanosecond discharged plasma. The electron temperatures and the plasma densities, which are produced using dielectric barrier discharged electrode systems, can be characterized as 0.7 ~ 1.8 eV and (3–5) × 1014– 15 cm− 3, respectively. Herein, we introduce a general schematic view of the plasma ultraviolet photolysis of water molecules for reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (RONS) generation inside biological cells or living tissues, which would be synergistically important with RONS diffusive propagation into cells or tissues. Of the RONS, the hydroxyl radical [OH] and hydrogen peroxide H2O2 species would mainly result in apoptotic cell death with other RONS in plasma bioscience and medicines. The diseased biological protein, cancer, and mutated cells could be treated by using a NBP or plasma activated water (PAW) resulting in their apoptosis for a new paradigm of plasma medicine.

      • KCI등재

        플라즈마 화장품 용기 적합성

        조하현,천유연,허효진,이상훈,Lei Lei,김예지,곽병문,이미기,빈범호 사단법인 대한화장품학회 2024 대한화장품학회지 Vol.50 No.1

        플라즈마 화장품은, 플라즈마의 제형 내 장기 안정성을 확보하는 것이 중요하다. 이번 연구는 효율적인플라즈마 화장품 개발을 위하여 용기 적합성을 검토하였다. 플라즈마가 닿는 표면적을 달리하여, 4 cm2, 25 cm2, 75 cm2, 175 cm2 용기 별로 화장품 제조용 플라즈마를 주입 후, 질소 플라즈마 주요 활성 종인 nitric oxide (NO)의 양을 추적 분석 하였다. 그 결과, 플라즈마에 노출된 표면적과 안정도는 반비례 경향을 나타내었고, 4 cm2 용기에서 가장 효과적이었다. 추가적으로, 25 mm, 40 mm, 50 mm 바이알 병에 플라즈마를 처리하였고, 그 결과 공기에 노출된 용기의 표면 면적이 작은 25 mm에서 NO의 상대적 장기 안정성이 확보되었다. 화장품제형으로 수상 미스트(water mist)와 층 분리 미스트(stratified mist)를 선택하여 수상층 부분에 NO 플라즈마를주입 후 제형의 성상 및 주입한 NO 플라즈마의 상태 변화를 관찰하였다. 두 제형에서 NO 플라즈마의 주입량은수상 미스트가 층 분리 미스트보다 약 1.5 배 가량 높았으며, 층 분리 미스트는 시간에 따라 점차 감소하여3 주 후, 소실되는 것이 확인되었다. 저온(4 ℃), 실온(25 ℃), 고온(37 ℃, 50 ℃)에서 질소 플라즈마의 안정도를진행하였다. 그 결과 수상 미스트는 안정도에 영향을 미치지 않는 것을 확인하였지만, 층 분리 미스트는 유상층에서 색 변화를 관찰하였다. 종합적으로, 본 연구는 질소 플라즈마의 용기 적합성을 제시하고 있으며 화장품 제형내 주입된 질소 플라즈마의 안정성 확보의 중요성을 시사하고 있다. For plasma cosmetics, it is important to ensure the long-term stability of plasma in the formulation. This study examined the suitability of containers for efficient plasma cosmetics development. By varying the surface area covered by the plasma, 4 cm2 , 25 cm2 , 75 cm2 , and 175 cm2 containers were injected with cosmetic plasma, and the amount of nitric oxide (NO), the main active species of nitrogen plasma, was analyzed. As a result, the surface area and stability exposed to plasma tended to be inversely proportional, and it was most effective in a 4 cm2 container. Furthermore, 25 mm, 40 mm, and 50 mm vials were treated with plasma, which resulted in relative long-term stability of NO at 25 mm, a smaller surface area of the container exposed to air. Water mist and stratified mist were selected as cosmetic formulations, and NO plasma was injected into the water layer to observe the changes in formulation properties and the state of the injected NO plasma. In both formulations, the amount of NO plasma injected was about 1.5 times higher in the water phase mist than in the stratified mist, and the stratified mist gradually decreased with time and was found to disappear after 3 weeks. The stability of the nitrogen plasma was studied at low temperature (4 ℃), room temperature (25 ℃), and high temperature (37 ℃, 50 ℃). As a result, it was found that the water mist did not affect the stability, but the stratified mist observed a color change in the oil phase layer. Overall, this study demonstrates the container suitability of nitrogen plasma and suggests the importance of ensuring the stability of injected nitrogen plasma in cosmetic formulations.


        Plasma Apparatuses for Biomedical Applications

        Yun-Jung Kim,Sewhan Jin,Gook-Hee Han,Gi Chung Kwon,Jin Joo Choi,Eun Ha Choi,Uhm, Han S.,Guangsup Cho Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 2015 IEEE transactions on plasma science Vol. No.

        <P>Plasma-jet systems and plasma devices of dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) are introduced for biomedical applications. To achieve the purpose of being safe and user friendly, these devices have been developed to avoid electric shock and thermal damage. These types of plasma equipment operate with a sinusoidal voltage of kilovolts at a low frequency of several tens of kilohertz. The plasma jets have been developed with the specific ground-electrode structures according to the various gases in use, such as inert gases, molecular gases, or mixture gases, and air. The Ar-plasma jet with the external ground electrode is operated in a low current of 1-2 mA with the voltage of 1-2 kV. The stable air-jet plasma/plume exiting from a small hole at the cold metal-cap nozzle of the ground electrode can be obtained in a low current of 0.5-1 mA for safety with the voltage of 5-10 kV. Both types of ground electrode, the external electrode and the metal-cap electrode, are applicable to the plasma jets of molecular or mixture gases. The devices for DBD plasmas are shown to be the new advents of plasma stamp, plasma stick, plasma comb, and plasma roller, which operate with the voltage of 2-3 kV.</P>

      • KCI등재후보

        Review of the Current State of Medical Plasma Technology and its Potential Applications

        문익준,Chong Hyun Won 대한의학레이저학회 2018 MEDICAL LASERS Vol.7 No.1

        Plasma technology is entering a new chapter through medical use. Medical devices based on plasma technology have recently been tested for the biochemical effects of plasma on cells and tissues. The implementation of plasma technology in medicine was made possible by the introduction of non-thermal, cold plasma emitted at atmospheric pressure. To date, the putative biological effects of plasma include decontamination, disinfection, tooth bleaching and accelerated wound healing. In addition, cold plasma treatment has some potential as a novel cancer therapeutic. Plasma is currently believed to exert its diverse effects mainly by regulating both intra-and extracellular oxidationreduction reactions as a result of the generation of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species. Interestingly, the biological effects of plasma exhibited hormesis, which is a biphasic response depending on the degree or amount of exposure. Ongoing investigations focus largely on elucidating how the modulation of oxidation-reduction by plasma affects the behavior of cells and helps determine the optimal treatment parameters maximizing the favorable effects of cold plasma. Although accumulating evidence indicates the role of cold plasma as the next-generation therapeutic in various medical fields, more detailed characterization of the biomolecular effects of plasma appears to be the next critical step, along with clinical studies designed to validate its clinical efficacy and safety.

      • KCI등재

        Fibroblasts 세포주의 HSP70에 대한 DBD-bio-plasma의 effects: Cell에 서 Heat Shock에 의한 Molecular Level 변화로의 새로운 접근법

        김경연(Kyoung-Yeon Kim),이준영(Junyeong Yi),남민경(Min-Kyung Nam),최은하(Eun Ha Choi),임향숙(Hyangshuk Rhim) 한국생물공학회 2015 KSBB Journal Vol.30 No.1

        Plasma is an ionized gas mixture, consisting of neutral particles, positive ions, negative electrons, electronically excited atoms and molecules, radicals, UV photons, and various reactive species. Also, plasma has unique physical properties distinct from gases, liquids, and solids. Until now, non-thermal plasmas have been widely utilized in bio-medical applications (called bio-plasma) and have been developed for the plasma-related devices that are used in the medical field. Although numerous bio-plasma studies have been performed in biomedicine, there is no confirmation of the nonthermal effect induced by bio-plasma. Standardization of the biological application of plasma has not been evaluated at the molecular level in living cells. In this context, we investigated the biological effect of bio-plasma on living cells. Hence, we treated the fibroblasts with Dielectric Bauvier Discharge bio-plasma (DBD), and assessed the characteristic change at the molecular level, one of the typical cellular responses. Heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) regulates its own protein level in response to stimuli. HSP70 responds to heat shock by increasing its own expression at the molecular level in cells. Hence, we confirmed the level of HSP70 after treatment of mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) with DBD. Interestingly, DBD-plasma induced cell death, but there was no difference in the level of HSP70, which is induced by heat shock stimuli, in DBD-treated MEFs. Our data provide the basic information on the interaction between MEFs and DBD, and can help to design a molecular approach in this field.

      • KCI등재

        Microstructural Changes of the Al2O3 Ceramics during the Exposure to Fluorine Plasma

        김대민,이성민,김성원,김형태,오윤석 한국세라믹학회 2008 한국세라믹학회지 Vol.45 No.7

        Ceramics are widely used as plasma resistant materials in semiconductor industries. However, the plasma erosion resistance has not been properly evaluated in terms of microstructural changes during the exposure to plasma. In this study, microstructure developments of Al2O3 were investigated under the fluorine plasma conditions. In polycrystalline alumina, uniform erosion throughout the specimen as well as spatially distributed local erosion were observed. Local erosion was much more severe in lower purity alumina. In contrast to the polycrystalline alumina, only uniform erosion was observed in single crystalline sapphire. These specimens, however, had practically the same erosion depth, which results in the incorrectly similar plasma resistance. This implies that the plasma erosion resistance of ceramics should be evaluated in terms of the microstructural changes, as well as the conventionally accepted erosion depth. Ceramics are widely used as plasma resistant materials in semiconductor industries. However, the plasma erosion resistance has not been properly evaluated in terms of microstructural changes during the exposure to plasma. In this study, microstructure developments of Al2O3 were investigated under the fluorine plasma conditions. In polycrystalline alumina, uniform erosion throughout the specimen as well as spatially distributed local erosion were observed. Local erosion was much more severe in lower purity alumina. In contrast to the polycrystalline alumina, only uniform erosion was observed in single crystalline sapphire. These specimens, however, had practically the same erosion depth, which results in the incorrectly similar plasma resistance. This implies that the plasma erosion resistance of ceramics should be evaluated in terms of the microstructural changes, as well as the conventionally accepted erosion depth.

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