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      • KCI등재

        일반아동과 철자부진아동의 철자전략 비교

        김보배(Bo bae Kim),양민화(Min wha Yang) 한국언어청각임상학회 2015 Communication Sciences and Disorders Vol.20 No.3

        배경 및 목적: 철자오류는 문자체계를 인식하는 언어학적인 논리를 보여주기 때문에 아동이 사용하는 철자전략을 확인할 수 있다. 본 연구에서는 일반아동과 철자부진아동의 자음 철자오류에 질적 차이가 자음의 조음방법과 조음위치에 따라 존재하는지, 철자오류의 논리에는 차이가 있는지 살펴봄으로써 두 그룹의 철자전략의 차이를 밝히고자 하였다. 방법: 초등학교 1, 2학년 일반아동과 철자부진아동 276명을 대상으로 철자검사를 실시하였다. 초성자음과 종성자음을 철자할 때 조음방법과 조음위치 측면에서 대체오류의 양상과 철자부진 간의 상관관계가 있는지 알아보기 위해 카이제곱검정을 실시하였다. 또한 만-휘트니 U 비모수 통계검증을 통해 집단 내에서 대체오류의 유형에 차이가 있는지 알아보았다. 결과: 첫째, 조음방법 측면의 철자오류양상과 철자부진과의 상관관계는 초성자음과 종성자음에서 모두 유의한 반면, 조음위치 측면의 철자오류양상과 철자부진과의 상관관계는 종성자음에만 있었다. 둘째, 조음방법에서 일반아동은 초성과 종성자음 모두 다른 조음방법보다는 동일한 조음방법으로 대체한 경우가 유의하게 많았으나, 철자부진아동은 차이가 없었다. 조음위치 에서는 일반아동과 철자부진아동 모두 종성자음 철자 시 동일한 조음위치보다는 다른 조음위치로 대체한 경우가 많았다. 논의 및 결론: 일반아동들은 목표자소의 조음방법에 대한 철자전략을 활발하게 활용하고 있는 데 비하여 철자부진아동들은 조음방법전략을 활용하지 않는 것으로 나타났다. 목표자소의 조음위치전략은 일반아동과 철자부진아동 모두 사용하지 않았다. 이러한 결과는 일반아동과 철자부진아동의 철자전략에 차이가 있으며, 철자교수 시 차별화된 접근법이 필요함을 시사한다. Objectives: This study aimed to find differences in spelling strategies between students with and without spelling difficulties by identifying differences in the orthographic logic of the two groups. Methods: Two hundred seventy-six elementary students in grade 1 and 2 were administered a spelling test. A series of chi-square tests were conducted to identify relationships between the spelling difficulties and the spelling error patterns in terms of the manner and the place of articulation of target features. The Mann-Whiteney U non-parametric test was applied to identify spelling error patterns within the groups. Results: First, there was a significant correlation between group membership and spelling error pat-terns in terms of the manner of articulation. Students without spelling difficulties made more substitution errors to letters sharing the same manner of articulation than letters not sharing the manner of articulation. There was no such substitutional pattern found among students with spelling difficulties in terms of the manner of articulation. Second, a correla-tion was found between group membership and the spelling error patterns in terms of the place of articulation when spelling final consonants. Both groups made more substitution errors with different places of articulation. Conclusion: Students without spelling difficul-ties applied spelling strategies related to the manner of articulation of target features. Spell-ing strategies regarding the place of articulation of phonemes were found in neither of the groups. These results display that there is a difference in the orthographic logic behind the spelling strategies between students with and without spelling difficulties.

      • KCI등재

        모음 스펙트럼에 기반한 전후 비자음 조음위치 판별

        윤지현,성철재 한국음성학회 2023 말소리와 음성과학 Vol.15 No.1

        This study examined the utility of the acoustic features of vowels as cues for the place of articulation of Korean nasal consonants. In the acoustic analysis, spectral and temporal parameters were measured at the 25%, 50%, and 75% time points in the vowels neighboring nasal consonants in samples extracted from a spontaneous Korean speech corpus. Using these measurements, linear discriminant analyses were performed and classification accuracies for the nasal place of articulation were estimated. The analyses were applied separately for vowels following and preceding a nasal consonant to compare the effects of progressive and regressive coarticulation in terms of place of articulation. The classification accuracies ranged between approximately 50% and 60%, implying that acoustic measurements of vowel intervals alone are not sufficient to predict or classify the place of articulation of adjacent nasal consonants. However, given that these results were obtained for measurements at the temporal midpoint of vowels, where they are expected to be the least influenced by coarticulation, the present results also suggest the potential of utilizing acoustic measurements of vowels to improve the recognition accuracy of nasal place. Moreover, the classification accuracy for nasal place was higher for vowels preceding the nasal sounds, suggesting the possibility of higher anticipatory coarticulation reflecting the nasal place.

      • KCI등재

        한국어 조음위치의 유표성에 대한 검토

        박선우(Sun Woo Park) 한국어학회 2011 한국어학 Vol.53 No.-

        In this paper I draw on evidence from various criteria for diagnosing the markedness of Korean consonant place of articulation. Language universal markedness was determined on place assimilation, The velarization of labial in Korean place assimilation is a crucial evidence for language universal markedness ranking, ``dorsal > labial > coronal`` (Prince and Smolensky 1993). However there are two flaws in this crosslinguistic ranking. Firstly Korean place assimilation is not obligatory but optional. Actually the velar frequently fails to assimilate a following labial coronal in Korean. Secondly we did not examine other considerable criteria except place assimilation. I examined markedness of Korean consonant place of articulation by the order of children`s sound acquisition, token frequency, distribution and place assimilation in Korean. Based various examinations, I conclude that the coronal consonant is most unmarked, however the dorsal consonant is not considered more marked than the labial in Korean.

      • KCI등재

        한국어 비음화의 오류 유형과 원인 분석 - 중국인 학습자와 일본인 학습자를 중심으로 -

        이화진 ( Lee Hwajin ) 연세대학교 언어정보연구원(구 연세대학교 언어정보개발원) 2018 언어사실과 관점 Vol.45 No.-

        This study aims to propose and analyze the patterns of error from the process of Korean nasalization produced by the Chinese and Japanese learner. In this study, we focus on the learner’s errors related to the linguistic background as well as examine the practical pronunciation that the learners represent in the environment where the nasal element involved. The Chinese learner tends to produce more diverse types of error than the Japanese learner. Chinese learners apply the deletion of syllable-final consonants as known as the coda deletion, also pronounce the gemination linked through a syllable boundary while applying the nasalization should be required. In this case, the coda deletion is a representative type of error as a solution of avoiding the reversal of sonority sequence. This type of error is based on the coda deleting convention of Chinese applies to the first member of syllable sequence which has a preceding syllable-final consonant. The Japanese learner, basically cannot pronounce the syllable-final nasal corresponding syllable-initial nasal properly. Therefore, they copy the place of articulation given by the following consonant when they should pronounce the nasalized syllable-final consonants. This type of convention blocks an adequate application of Korean nasalization in terms of manner of articulation. In the situation requires the application of nasalization, the Japanese learner tends to apply the redundant place assimilation.

      • KCI등재

        국어의 변(邊)자음

        김진우 국제언어인문학회 2022 인문언어 Vol.24 No.1

        Traditionally, consonants are classified in terms of place and manner of articulation. In this article, it is claimed that a third parameter called mode of articulation is needed in some languages. In Korean the two modes are the mode of occlusive articulation and the mode of centrifugality. The two modes are in a tangential relationship, the latter mode deriving from the former mode. Thus, as the central region in the oral tract is clogged, articulation is pushed toward the peripheral regions, that is, labial and velar areas. In places of articulation then, Korean consonants are divided into two classes: central and peripheral. In this paper, several phonological phenomena showing the preference of the peripheral articulation are presented. (1) In progressive assimilation, central consonants assimilate to peripheral consonants, but not vice versa (e.g., 준비-줌비, 삼도-*산도). (2) In umlaut, the intervening consonant must be a peripheral 어미 에미, but 언니-*엔니). (3) epenthetic consonants in hiatus and but one (e.g., additive consonants in texting are usually peripheral consonants (e.g., 소아지-송아지, 하네요-하네욤, 아닌데-아닌뎁. (4) In consonant cluster simplification, of two coda consonants, it is usually the peripheral consonant that survives and the central consonant that deletes (e.g., 없다-업다, *엇다, but 젊다-점다, *절다). (5) In Chinese characters whose coda is ㄹ, the following central consonant is tensified, but not if it is a peripheral consonant (e.g.,일도-[일또] [ilt'o]; 일장-[일짱] [ilʧ‘aŋ ], *[ilʤaŋ], but 일과[ilgwa], *[ilk'wa]; 일분[ilbun], *[ilp'un]. Why this is the case is not yet known.

      • KCI등재

        Closure durations of Korean stops at three positions

        윤영도 한국음성학회 2022 말소리와 음성과학 Vol.14 No.4

        This study investigates closure durations of Korean stops in terms of laryngeal contrasts, places of articulation, and three positions within words. Twenty-two Korean speakers produced the nonsense words containing Korean stops found in word-initial and word-final positions and between vowels. The statistical results showed that the closure durations differed significantly by laryngeal contrast and place of articulation. In addition, the differences by position within words were marginally significant. The closure durations were in the order of lenis < aspirated < fortis stops by laryngeal contrast, velar < alveolar < bilabial stops by place of articulation, and word-final < word-initial < between vowels by positions within words. The laryngeal contrasts were neutralized in word-final position as per coda neutralization in Korean phonology. This study shows that closure durations should be considered a valuable phonetic cue to identify stops on par with voice onset time and f0.

      • Comparative Analysis of Signals Acquired Before and After the Place of Articulation

        보안공학연구지원센터(IJBSBT) 보안공학연구지원센터 2015 International Journal of Bio-Science and Bio-Techn Vol.7 No.5

        Communication is a key factor in a developing society. It is usually carried out by using signals that come from the brain, and then produced as sounds in the Place of Articulation. An alternative to this type of communication is subvocal speech or “subvocalization”, which consists in the acquisition of the signals produced in the cerebral cortex and their analysis before the voice production process in the Place of Articulation is made. This paper proposes a prototype system for acquisition of the signals produced in the Place of Articulation; by using a Data Acquisition System (DAS) and MATLAB® as a tool for comparing the obtained results.

      • KCI등재

        한국어 파열음 조음자리와 발성유형 구분을 위한 음향변수 분석 및 선정

        박선영,성철재 한글학회 2022 한글 Vol.- No.337

        The 13 acoustic parameters analyzed in this study were voice onset time (VOT); four kinds of moment parameters, namely center of gravity, standard deviation, skewness, and kurtosis, related to the spectral energy distribution of initial 5ms release bursts; the total amount of spectral energy; the 4 moment parameters of the 5ms following vowels of CV contexts; and the fundamental frequency, H1-H2 (first harmonic energy subtracted from second one), and H1-A2 (first harmonic energy subtracted from second formant energy) measured in the 50ms following vowels. These parameters were examined to determine whether they are related to the phonation types and places of articulation of Korean plosive sounds. The parameters’ values were evaluated by linear discriminant analysis, a machine learning method used to classify groups. VOT and H1-H2 contributed the most to phonation type while skewness and center of gravity contributed the most to places of articulation. The classification accuracy using significant acoustic parameters was 91.5% for phonation types and 76.7% for the places of articulation. 유성 개시 시간(VOT), 개방 파열 부분(5ms)의 스펙트럼 에너지 분포와 관련된 적률변수(moment parameters) 네 가지(무게중심, 표준편차, 왜도, 첨도) 스펙트럼 에너지 총량, 파열음 후행 모음 5ms 구간의 적률변수 네 가지와 파열음 후행 모음 50ms 구간에서 측정한 기본 주파수, H1-H2, 그리고 H1-A2를 주요 음향변수로 설정하여 이들이 한국어 파열음의 발성유형 및 조음자리와 관련하여 유의한 변수인지 살펴보았다. 유의한 음향변수로 확인된 경우 집단 분류에 활용하는 기계학습 방법인 선형 판별 분석을 이용하여 변수의 가치, 기여도까지 평가해보았다. 발성유형과 관련해서는 유성 개시 시간과 H1-H2가 가장 주요하게 기여하였으며 조음자리 구분과 관련해서는 개방 파열 구간의 적률변수 중 왜도와 무게중심의 기여도가 가장 컸다. 유의 음향변수들을 이용한 분류 정확도(classification accuracy)는 발성유형의 경우 91.5%, 조음자리의 경우는 76.7%로 나타났다.

      • KCI등재

        폐쇄음 앞 동일 조음 위치의 비음 첨가 현상에 대하여

        김소영 한국방언학회 2013 방언학 Vol.0 No.17

        This paper investigates insertion of nasal-consonants before stops in same place of articulation. /n/-insertion such as '까치>깐치' is well known as a historical consonants insertion. But there are other insertions : /ŋ/-insertion before velar stops, /n/-insertion before alveolar stops and /m/-insertion before bilabial stops. These phenomenons are minor changes and can be found in dialect forms. In this paper, I consider all of these are insertion of nasal-consonants before stops in same place of articulation. Motivations of these changes cannot be explained clearly, but are thought to be involved in strengthening of closing and blocking of weakening of stops. 이 논문에서는 폐쇄음 앞에서 동일 조음 위치의 비음이 첨가되는 현상에 대하여 살펴보았다. ‘까치>깐치’와 같이 /ㅈ, ㅊ/ 앞에서의 /ㄴ/ 첨가는 역사적으로 일어난 자음 첨가 현상으로서 일반적으로 알려져 있다. 그러나 이 외에 연구개 폐쇄음 앞에서 연구개 비음 /ㅇ/의 첨가, 치조․경구개 폐쇄음 앞에서 치조 비음 /ㄴ/의 첨가, 양순 폐쇄음 앞에서 /ㅁ/의 첨가 역시 방언에서 소수이지만 발견된다. 이 글에서는 이들을 모두 아울러 이들이 폐쇄음 앞에서 동일 조음 위치의 비음이 첨가된 현상으로 보았다. 이러한 변화가 일어나게 된 동기에 대하여는 분명하게 밝히기 어려우나, 그 동기가 후행하는 폐쇄음의 약화를 방지하고, 폐쇄 과정을 강화하는 과정과 관련될 수 있다고 추정하였다.

      • KCI등재

        영어의 연속 파열음들의 길이에 대한 연구 : 단어경계를 중심으로

        윤영도 한국중앙영어영문학회 2020 영어영문학연구 Vol.62 No.3

        This study discusses the duration of English consecutive stops across word boundaries. When two stops are adjacent across a word boundary, one is a word-final stop and the other is a word-initial stop. They share the stop closure. It is known that closure durations of voiceless word-final stops are longer than those of voiced stops in English and the places of articulation of both word-final and word-initial stops do not affect their closure durations. But the VOTs of the word-initial stops are known to be affected by the voicing and their places of articulation. In this study, the shared closure duration of the consecutive stops followed by the VOT of the word-initial stop was measured as the duration of the two consecutive stops. Both English and Korean speakers produced English nonsense word pairs that contain the consecutive stops. The results showed that English speakers’ production was affected by both stops; however, they relied more on the voicing and the places of the word-initial stops than on those of word-final stops. But the Korean speakers did not rely on the voicing and the places of articulation of the word-final stops at all due to the influence of the well-known coda neutralization in Korean phonology. They relied only on those of the word-initial stops. The average durations of the consecutive stops produced by the Koreans were longer than those by the English speakers.

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