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        'Korean Police' Selection Without Gender Distinction: A Review of the Physical Fitness Test: Focusing on the United States, France, and Japan

        Hoyeun Youn J-INSTITUTE 2023 International Journal of Terrorism & National Secu Vol.8 No.-

        Purpose: The purpose of eliminating gender segregation in physical fitness testing for police recruitment can be understood as twofold. In the case of a gender-neutral selection process, a police organization can eliminate gender segregation in the selection process, including the physical fitness test, in order to pro-vide an equal opportunity for all applicants. The idea is to ensure that both men and women can take the test under the same conditions and that the best candidates are selected for police positions based on their abilities and skills. Gender-neutral job requirements. As with any industry, police work can be physi-cally demanding. As such, it may include a gender-neutral physical fitness test to verify the ability to per-form the duties of a police officer regardless of gender. This approach focuses on the abilities and skills required to do the job, and emphasizes a fair selection process that does not discriminate based on gender. Method: In order to study the physical fitness test for police recruitment without distinguishing between men and women, the following research methods were utilized. The current police physical fitness test con-sists of five events. The physical abilities of quickness, cardiopulmonary endurance, muscular endurance, and strength are measured through the physical fitness test, but the physical fitness test items related to the ability to respond quickly and accurately to constantly changing exercise tasks(coordination) are not included. Therefore, in order to meet various motor functions, it is necessary to refer to the Job Standards Test(JST) of the NYPD in the United States, which is composed of sports closely related to the job of a police officer, the physical fitness test of the MET Police in the United Kingdom, which is an event-type measure-ment method, and the Èpreuve d'exercices physiques of the French National Police. The Japanese National Police has a separate physical fitness test for new constables and a separate physical fitness test for police officers. In addition, there have been many legal cases in the West, such as the United States, regarding the advantages and disadvantages of the male and female fitness tests. This is especially true in the United Kingdom and the United States. Therefore, we conducted a comparative analysis to scientifically and ra-tionally improve the physical fitness test standards that disadvantage female applicants. Results: The results of a gender-neutral physical fitness test for “Korean police” recruitment can be un-derstood as follows. First, a unisex physical fitness test ensures that all applicants have an equal oppor-tunity to participate. It evaluates the abilities and skills required to perform police work regardless of gen-der, and provides a fair opportunity for all applicants without discrimination. Second, as an assessment of ability and vision, physical fitness tests help to assess the physical abilities and skills required to perform police work. These tests measure a candidate's physical strength, stamina, and power to help identify the right person for the job. Third, by enhancing diversity, gender-neutral physical fitness tests contribute to greater diversity and inclusion. Police organizations can recruit people from different backgrounds and genders to reflect more diverse perspectives and experiences. Fourth, it emphasizes fairness. A unisex phys-ical fitness test eliminates gender-based discrimination and focuses on applicants' skills and competencies. This ensures that all applicants are selected based on their abilities and helps prevent unfair treatment based on gender. These findings suggest that gender-neutral physical fitness tests for police recruitment contribute to fair and reliable talent selection and help strengthen the diversity and performance of police organizations. Conclusion: A gender-neutral fitness test for “Korean police” recruitment is an important approach to emphasize fairnes

      • KCI등재

        신임 경찰 남녀 통합 선발을 위한 체력검사 제도의 개선 방안

        김필승(Kim, Pil-Seung) 한국체육과학회 2019 한국체육과학회지 Vol.28 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to provide a basis for improving the physical fitness test standards for the selection of the new male and female police officers. Therefore, we reviewed literature data such as the new police officer selection physical fitness test statute, and presented the problems of the current physical fitness test system. In addition, we analyzed the physical fitness test system of foreign police who are performing the male and female integration selection, and proposed the improvement plan for us. The problems with the new police officer’s physical fitness test are as follows. First, it is necessary to readjust the standard value of female police officers’ physical fitness test. Second, it is necessary to establish a physical fitness test system suitable for the work. Police officers overpower and arrest the offenders, and additional implementation of physical fitness test events including coordination to prepare for unexpected situations such as the use of weapons on the work is necessary. Third, it is necessary to raise the standard value of police officer’s physical fitness test. Fourth, it is necessary to develop a fair physical fitness test system regardless of gender. In order to eliminate concerns about the recruitment of police officers regardless of gender, for gender equality recruitment in order to develop a reasonable physical fitness test system that is sympathetic to both internally and externally, the physical fitness test system should be established so that it does not have an advantage or disadvantage depending on gender by referring to the foreign police fitness test system of recruitment, which integrates gender.

      • KCI등재

        체력검정 기준의 성별 차이에 대한 문제 : 공정성과 적합성 논의

        이승훈,석창혁 한국스포츠학회 2019 한국스포츠학회지 Vol.17 No.1

        체력검정이라 함은 각종 직업을 선발하는 과정에서 필요한 조건을 충족하고 있는지를 평가하거나 직업 수행 중 지속적인 관리가 이루어지고 있는지 등을 평가하는 시험이다. 우리나라에는 여러 종류의 체력검정이 존재하지만 크게 두 가지 형태로 분류할 수 있다. 첫째, 체육학과 입시를 위한 체력검정과 체육교사 선발을 위한 중등교원임용경쟁시험에 서의 체력검정이다. 이는 필요조건으로서의 체력검정이라 할 수 있다. 둘째, 군인, 경찰, 소방관 등을 선발하고 직업 수 행의 효율성을 평가하기 위해 실시되는 체력검정도 있다. 이는 충분조건으로서의 체력검정으로 분류할 수 있을 것이다. 두 가지 목적의 체력검정은 모두 일정 기준이 있는데, 그러한 기준에서 남녀 성별에 따른 차이 또한 존재한다. 이 연구에 서는 두 가지 목적의 체력검정에서 성별에 의해 차별화된 기준이 공정한 것인지, 그리고 적합한 것인지에 대해 논의하였다. 그러한 결과 필요조건으로서의 체력검정은 남녀 성별 기준의 근거를 보다 객관화시킬 필요가 있다는 결과가 나왔으며, 충분조건으로서의 체력검정은 이익동등고려의 원칙에 의해 적용될 필요가 있다는 결과가 도출되었다. The physical fitness test evaluates whether the necessary conditions are met in the process of selecting various occupations, and evaluates whether continuous management is carried out during the performance of the work. There are various types of physical fitness tests in Korea, and there are two types of physical fitness tests. First one is physical fitness test for admission to department related with sports, fitness and physical education in university. This is a test of physical fitness as a necessary condition. Secondly, there is a physical fitness test to select soldiers, police, fire fighters, etc. and to evaluate the level of physical fitness required to perform the work. This is a test of physical fitness as a necessary condition. This could be classified as a test of physical fitness as a sufficient condition. There is a certain criterion in all of the physical fitness tests, and there are differences in sex between those standards. In this study, we discussed whether gender - specific criteria are fair and appropriate on the physical fitness tests. As a result, the physical fitness test as a necessary condition needs to be more objectified on the basis of the difference according to the sex, and the physical fitness test as the sufficient condition needs to be applied by the principle of equal consideration of interests. Therefore, in order to increase the validity and reliability of the fitness test, it should be supplemented so that each fitness test can be made in accordance with the purpose.

      • KCI등재

        자연과학편 : 국민체력평가 사업의 국가별 현황

        박재현(JaeHyeonPark),김혜진(HyeoiJinKim),신범철(BumChulShin),김대연(DaeYoenKim),KuklinskiRheeT.,강민수 한국체육학회 2007 한국체육학회지 Vol.46 No.5

        이 연구는 우리나라를 포함하여 미국, 일본, 중국 그리고 호주 등에서 시행되고 있는 국민체력평가사업에 대한 현황을 조사하고 각 국가별 국민체력평가사업의 내용을 비교하는 것이 목적이다. 이 목적을 위하여 한국, 미국, 일본, 중국 그리고 호주에서 체육학분야에서 10년 이상 연구 및 교육활동에 종사하는 전문가 집단으로 구성하여 국가별 체력평가사업에 대한 비교지표를 설정하고 설정된 비교항목에 대한 자료수집이 이루어졌다. 국민체력평가사업의 주체 및 검사시행목적, 체력평가사업의 측정설계, 체력평가사업의 역사, 체력평가기준 및 결과활용 등의 비교지표에 대한 분석결과 한국과 일본, 중국의 아시아 국가에서는 정부주도의 국민체력평가사업이 매년 혹은 3년 주기로 정기적으로 시행되어 왔다. 미국과 호주에서는 체력평가기준을 개발하려는 목적으로 비 주기적으로 이루어져왔으며 FITNESSGRAM 및 Physical Best 등의 체력검사를 통하여 체력의 측정 및 평가가 요구되는 현장에 보급하고 있다는 측면에서 차이가 있었다. 앞으로의 체력검사는 내용면에서 근력, 근지구력 등의 운동기능을 측정하는 전통적 체력보다 일상생활 중 신체활동을 반영할 수 있는 체력검사로의 개선과 고령화라는 사회적 특성을 반영하여 측정대상 연령범위를 현재보다 늘려야 할 필요성이 제기되었다. The purpose of this project was to examine the national physical fitness testing and to compare the contents of the physical fitness testing among different countries, including US, Japan, China, Australia, and Korea. We organized the group of experts who were actively engaged in the field over 10 years. The experts then set the blueprint for comparing the national physical fitness testing and collected relevant data based on the following categories: Testing center and its project goal, administration, history, evaluation standard, and application and generalization of the physical fitness testing. The physical fitness testing in East Asia countries was administered by government at set time periods (e.g., one or three year cycles), while in US and Australia, the testing is administered occasionally in several different ways, for instance, public and private school testing, personal tracking, military service. The future focus of physical fitness testing will be on the measurement and evaluation of physical activity in which one engages, not be concerned with their physical fitness level that one has achieved. With so much to gain from the participation in physical activity and fitness testing, efforts to be made to test other populations at all ages, including senior adults.

      • KCI등재

        특정직 여성 공무원 채용 체력시험의 개선 방향에 관한 연구

        김필승 한국체육과학회 2022 한국체육과학회지 Vol.31 No.2

        Among the public officials in the public official in special servic selection test, the physical fitness test was found to have the greatest influence on women's recruitment acceptance rate and job placement. The study was conducted with the aim of producing basic data to improve physical fitness tests so that physical fitness tests do not interfere with the recruitment and placement of police, firefighters, and correctional officials. The results of this study are as follows. It is necessary to raise the standards for female police's physical fitness tests, and if men and women conduct the same physical fitness tests, it is necessary to refer to the New York Police Agency's Circular Fitness Test (JST) and the French National Police Agency's Circular Fitness Test. In the case of selecting firefighters, it is judged that integrated male and female selection is necessary in the evaluation criteria for physical fitness tests. However, since the existing fitness test standards are set without scientific evidence for the necessity of work, it is necessary to develop alternative standards that can measure job performance without discriminating against women. The current corrective fitness test may raise the issue of equity with police and fire fitness tests. Therefore, it will be necessary to present scientific and reasonable guidelines for women's physical fitness test standards.

      • KCI등재

        종합형 체력검사의 개발과 기능적 타당도 및 재현성 검증

        김형돈(Kim Hyung-Don),이재석(Lee Jae-Suk) 한국체육과학회 2010 한국체육과학회지 Vol.19 No.3

        The purpose of this study was to develop the comprehensive type physical fitness test and determine the validity and reliability of newly designed test battery. Separated type physical fitness tests for each fitness factor were time consuming and required to take every measures to maintain the resonable validity and reliability. Therefore previous researches and variety of fitness tests were investigated to establish and develop an integrated type measuring tool and measurement criteria. Existing comprehensive type fitness test was also investigated and reviewed by expert panels. Based on critics and suggestions from expert panels comprehensive type fitness test consisting of running, jumping, and endurance exercises was newly developed to determine the physical fitness of every ages for multiple purposes. For investigating the validity and reliability of newly designed fitness test battery 165 college students were tested for their physical fitness with comprehensive type fitness test and separate fitness tests, and the results were analyzed for relationships between comprehensive type fitness test, Japanese physical fitness test and standard score of the results of traditional physical fitness test using Pearson's product moment correlation coefficient. The comparative analysis reports the comprehensive type fitness test was highly related to the Japanese physical fitness test and standard score of traditional physical fitness test. which means that comprehensive type fitness test maintains high validity as a new test tool. In addition the results of test-retest showed that there was very high correlation coefficient and reproducibility between the two tests and was proved that comprehensive type fitness test was very reliable and dependable means to determine physical fitness for every people.

      • KCI우수등재

        경찰 체력검정의 역사적 변화: 남녀 차이의 사회적 논란과 과학적 합리성

        진현주 ( Jin Hyunju ),김효민 ( Hyomin Kim ) 한국체육학회 2020 한국체육학회지 Vol.59 No.2

        체력은 체육학에서 명실공히 주요한 연구 주제이다. 체력에 관한 다양한 연구 중에서도 체력검정, 즉 신체를 측정하고 신체가 가진 역량을 평가하는 작업에 대한 연구는 체육학 내에서 가장 오래된 역사를 지니고 있다. 그러나 최근 한국 사회에서 경찰, 군대 등에 지원하는 남녀의 체력검정 기준의 차이를 둘러싼 논란은, 기존의 연구 성과에 따라 ‘검정’될 수 있는 체력이 있다는 인식을 대중이 널리 공유하는 것과는 별개로, 체력검정 기준에 대한 보편적 합의가 아직 사회적으로 형성되지 않았음을 시사하고 있다. 이에 본 논문에서는 체력을 측정하는 방법의 학술적, 사회적 변화 양상을 추적하여 체력검정 기준의 합리성에 대한 역사적 고찰을 시도하였다. 먼저 기존에 형성되어온 체력의 학술적 개념의 변화에 대한 조사를 통해 체력 개념의 다양한 정의와 의미를 탐색한 후, 경찰공무원의 체력검정을 중심으로 신체 검정의 기준과 관점의 변화를 살펴, 기존 체력검정의 합리성을 평가해온 기준을 분석하고 그 합리성이 의미하는 바를 문제화(problematization)하고자 하였다. 이 연구는 특정 직군의 체력검정 기준으로 인해 제기된 사회적 논란을 통해 그동안 당연하게 합리적 근거를 가진 것으로 받아들여져 왔던 ‘체력’, 그리고 그것이 객관적으로 ‘검정’될 수 있다는 관념이 실상은 고정된 진리가 아니라 다양한 네트워크를 통해 형성되고 도전받아 변화하는 유동적 열린 체계임을 지적할 것이다. Physical fitness is a major research topic in sport studies. Among diverse sub-topics of physical fitness, the physical fitness test, that is the measurement and evaluation of physical fitness, has the longest history as a research area. However, the recent controversy in Korea over gender-normed physical fitness requirements in army or police recruitment indicates that despite widely shared common understanding of physical fitness that can be “tested” in accordance with research outcomes of sport studies, there is still no general agreement on the legitimate standards for physical fitness test. By tracking the relevant academic and social discussions, this paper presented a historical review of the logical rationale provided for physical fitness tests. This paper first explored definitions and meanings of physical fitness established in sport studies; then it examined the historical changes in standards for and perspectives upon occupational physical fitness tests for Korean police officers. By so doing, this paper analyzed and problematized how certain physical fitness tests have so far been (un)-successfully justified as rational methods of measurement. Through the investigation of social debates over what count as legitimate standards for occupational physical fitness tests, we demonstrated that the concept of “physical fitness” and the notion that it can be “tested” with an objective measure is not a fixed reality based upon well-founded rationales but a porous and flexible system that is continuously constructed by heterogeneous networks while facing challenges.

      • KCI등재

        기초군사훈련에 따른 사관생도의 체력향상과 체력검정제도 개선방안

        신승환 ( Seung Hwan Shin ),우재홍 ( Jae Hong Woo ),박익렬 ( Ik Ryeul Park ),박재영 ( Jae Young Park ),전태원 ( Tae Won Jun ) 한국운동생리학회(구-한국운동과학회) 2010 운동과학 Vol.19 No.1

        본 연구의 목적은 해군사관학교의 기초군사훈련에 따른 사관생도의 체력향상효과를 규명하고, 체력검정제도의 개선방안을 제시하는 것이다. 훈련 효과 규명을 위해 기존의 고강도 위주 군사훈련방식에서 탈피하여 신체적성 함양 중심의 프로그램을 점진적 강도 증가방식으로 시행, 그 결과를 분석하였고, 체력검정제도 개선방안도출을 위해 분류체계분석법과 구성원간 토의방법을 적용하였다. 남생도 129명, 여생도 13명을 대상으로 4주간의 훈련전후 측정한 2회의 체력검정 결과, 1,500미터 달리기(p<.001), 윗몸일으키기(남자 : p<.001, 여자 : p<.05), 팔굽혀펴기(p<.001) 전 종목에서 유의한 향상효과를 나타내었고, 체력검정제도 개선방안으로 첫째, 사관학교는 먼저 건강관련체력의 중요성을 인식하고 이를 바탕으로 적합한 종목을 선정해야 하며, 둘째, 준거지향기준방법을 적용하여 기준을 선택해야 하고, 셋째, 탈락자나 환자를 포함하여 전 생도의 체력증진에 기여할 수 있는 수준별, 체력요소별 체력관리프로그램을 개발, 적용할 필요성이 있다는 결과를 얻었다. 결론적으로 신체적성 함양에 중점을 두고 점진적 강도증가방법을 적용한 본 기초군사훈련이 사관생도의 체력향상에 있어 매우 효과적이었으며, 이를 지속적으로 발전시키기 위해서는 체력검정제도를 일회성 행사로 생각하는 기존의 인식에서 탈피하여, 체계적 훈련 프로그램 구성과 시행, 효과를 검증하는 체력검정의 적절한 종목과 기준선정, 그리고 지속적 관리프로그램 까지를 포함하는 개념으로 인식하고 개선해나가는 노력이 필요하다고 사료된다. The purpose of this study was to investigate the physical effects of the basic military training and present the improvement plan of the physical fitness test of the Korean Naval Academy. To investigate the effects of the basic military training, we carried out physical aptitude nurturing program by gradual intensity, instead of an existing high intensity training program. For deriving improvement plan of the physical fitness test, we carried out taxonomic analysis and member check. The results are as follows: During 4 weeks training in 129 male and 13 female midshipmen, 1.5km Run time was decreased significantly(p<.001) in all midshipmen. Sit-up Repetition was increased significantly(male: p<.001, female: p<.05) in all midshipmen. Push-up Repetition was increased significantly(p<.001) in all midshipmen. The improvement plan of physical fitness test is as follows: First, Naval academy must recognize health related fitness`s importance and select appropriate test event. Second, Criterion-referenced standard must be selected. Third. Physical fitness management program must be developed and carried out, it could be applicable for all midshipmen including dropouts and patient in every standard and requirements. In conclusion, this basic military training program, nurturing physical aptitude gradually, was very effective in physical fitness improvement. For developing this effect continuously, we need to have the overall recognition in importance of the physical fitness test, including arranging systematic training program, selecting optimal physical fitness test, and maintaining fitness management program.

      • KCI등재후보

        체력장제도를 통해 본 1970년대 체육교육정책 양상

        김미정 동국대학교 역사교과서연구소 2017 역사와 교육 Vol.25 No.-

        이 연구는 1970년대 체력장제도의 내용과 변화과정을 통해 박정희 정부의 체육교육정책이 지향한 목적과 의미를 재평가하기 위함이다. 1960년대초 정부조직개편을 하면서 체육행정의 개편 및 강화방안을 마련하였다. 제도와 행정기구의 변화를 통해 학교체육을 관리하고자 하였다. 1962년 9월 17일 국민체육진흥법이 공포되고, 국민체육진흥을 위한 여러 시책 등이 모색되었다. 학교체육강화는 국민체육진흥의 한 부분이었다. 체력장제도의 실시는 학교체육강화를 위해 시도된 정책 중 하나였고 이 제도를 통해 박정희 정부의 체육교육정책의 양상을 확인할 수 있다. 체력장의 검사종목을 규정한 학교신체검사규정은 1951년 제정된 이래 1979년까지 7번 개정되었다. 1962년 12월 1일 검사대상을 ‘학생’에서 ‘학생 및 교원’으로 확대한 이후, 1971년 5월 7일 ‘체능검사’를 ‘체력검사’로 변경하였다. 1971년부터 체력장제도가 실시되면서 검사항목과 평가방법 등이 구체화 되었다. 1972년 5월 25일 문교부는 기존의 체력장제 8개 종목 중 3개 종목을 바꾸었다. 1972년 국민은 “국력배양”과 “국력증강”을 위한 국가의 신체가 되도록 요구받았다. 체력장을 통해 학생들의 체력을 향상시키는 목적도 결국 같은 맥락에서 진행되었던 것이다. 1970년대 체력장제도의 특징은 학생들의 체력수준을 등급화하고 입시에 반영하였다는 점이다. 입시에 반영함으로써 단기간에 체력을 향상시키고자 하는 목적이었겠지만, 결국 그로인해 체력증진이라는 당초의 취지는 오히려 잊혀졌다. 1970년대 남북한 이데올로기대립, 국민총화단결 및 국력배양을 강조하는 정치적 배경 속에서 효율적인 통치방식으로 체육을 이용했고, 특히 학교체육강화라는 명분 속에서 추진된 체력장제도는 개인의 신체조건, 영양 및 발육상태 등이 고려되지 않은 정책이었다. 체력장은 박정희 정부 체육정책의 틀에서 북한을 의식한 안보역량강화 그리고 국가 생산력 강화라는 목적 하에 국민 특히 학생 개개인들에게 희생을 강요한 국가동원의 일면이었다. This study is to reevaluate the purpose and meaning of Park Jung-hee government physical education policy through reviewing the content and change process of the 1970s physical fitness test Enhancement of school physical education was a part of national sports promotion. The implementation of the physical fitness test is one of the policies attempted to strengthen school physical education and through this we can figure out Park Jung-hee government physical education policy. The provisions of the school physical examination that prescribed the test items of he physical fitness test have been amended seven times by 1979, since it was enacted in 1951. After expanding targets on December 1, 1962 from "students" to "students and faculty members", May 7, 1971 changed "physical ability test" to "physical fitness test". Since 1971, the physical fitness test has been implemented, test items and evaluation methods were decided. May 25, 1972 ministry of education changed three out of eight existing fitness test items. 1972 people were requested to become the body of the state for building up and enhancing national power. In the 1970s, the characteristic of the test was that the students' level of physical fitness was evaluated and reflected in the entrance examination. For this, the physical fitness test is to fail of its own purpose to improve people’s health and physical strength. In the physical fitness test promoted for the enhancement of school physical education, it was not to consider individual condition, nutrition and growth status etc. The physical fitness test is a part of the national mobilization that government forced people including students to sacrifice for strengthening national security and productive capacity.

      • KCI등재

        전투체력단련과 관련된 체력요인 도출

        조원제,김재우,최영환 한국웰니스학회 2023 한국웰니스학회지 Vol.18 No.4

        이 연구는 우리나라 육군에서 시행하고 있는 전투체력단련의 체력요인을 추출하여 전투임무 수행을 위한 신체적 준비능력을 배양하는데 기초자료를 제공하기 위해 실시하였다. 이 연구의 대상자는 서울시 소재 K사관학교에 재학중인 생도 304명(남:268명, 여:36명)을 대상으로 신체측정, 군체력검정(윗몸일으키기, 팔굽혀펴기,3km달리기), 전투체력단련(전장순환운동, 240m왕복달리기, 레그턱)을 측정하였다. 측정한 결과를 SPSS Ver.22.0을 사용하여 전투체력단련과 체력요인간의 상관관계분석과 다중회귀분석을 실시하였다. 그 결과 전장순환운동은 심폐지구력(3km달리기, 20m셔틀런), 민첩성(10m왕복달리기), 순발력(제자리멀리뛰기)이 관련이 있고, 240m왕복달리기는 심폐지구력(3km달리기, 20m셔틀런), 근지구력(팔굽혀펴기), 민첩성(10m왕복달리기), 순발력(제자리멀리뛰기)과 관련이 있으며 레그턱은 근력(상대악력), 근지구력(팔굽혀펴기), 민첩성(10m왕복달리기), 순발력(제자리멀리뛰기), 심폐지구력(20m셔틀런)과 관련이 있는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 전장순환운동에서 근력과 민첩성, 240m왕복달리기는 순발력, 레그턱은 근지구력이 전투체력단련에 직접적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 복합체력을 요구하는 전투임무를 위해서는 다양한 체력요인으로 구성된 전투체력단련이 훈련방법으로 효과가 있을 것이다. This study was conducted to gather fundamental data for enhancing the physical military readiness essential for effective combat mission performance by identifying key physical fitness factors through the assessment of the combat physical fitness test utilized by the Korean Army. The study involved 304 cadets (male: 268, female: 36) from the K Military Academy in Seoul. Comprehensive assessments included body measurements, the Army physical fitness tests(sit-up, push-up, 3km run), and the Korea combat fitness test(comprising combat circuit training, 240m shuttle run, and leg tuck). Using SPSS Ver. 22.0, we conducted correlation and multiple regression analyses to explore the relationships between the Korea combat fitness test and various physical fitness components.The findings revealed that combat circuit training correlated with cardiorespiratory endurance (3km run, 20m shuttle run), agility (10m shuttle run), and power (standing long jump). The 240m shuttle run was associated with cardiorespiratory endurance (3km run, 20m shuttle run), muscle endurance (push-ups), agility (10m shuttle run), and power (standing long jump). The leg tuck demonstrated links with muscle strength (hand grip strength), muscular endurance (push-ups), agility (10m shuttle run), power (standing long jump), and cardiorespiratory endurance (20m shuttle run). Additionally, strength and agility in combat circuit training, power in the 240m shuttle run, and muscular endurance in the leg tuck were identified as direct influencers on performance in the Korea combat fitness test. As a result, for combat missions demanding multifaceted physical fitness, the Korea combat fitness test, encompassing diverse physical strength components, can serve as an effective training regimen.

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