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      • KCI등재

        아이마라어 화자들의 한국어 발성유형 인지 연구

        박한상(Park, Hansang) 한국음성학회 2016 말소리와 음성과학 Vol.8 No.4

        The present study investigates the perception of Korean phonation types by native speakers of Aymara. Perception tests were conducted on two sets of Korean speech materials to determine correspondence between Korean and Aymara 3-way contrasts and to find out which of the consonantal and vocalic part of the syllable is more influential in the perception of Korean phonation types. A set of manipulated stimuli, as well as a set of 12 spontaneous words, were prepared for the tests. The first syllable of the 12 Korean bisyllabic words of 3 series of phonation types(Lenis, Aspirated, and Fortis) in 4 places of articulation were split into consonantal and vocalic parts. And then the two parts were combined to form 9 tokens of CV sequences respectively for each place of articulation. Native speakers of Aymara were forced to match Korean stimuli with one of the 15 Aymara words which represent 3 series of consonant types(plain, aspirated, and ejective) in 5 places of articulation(bilabial, alveolar, palatal, velar, and uvular). Results showed that the consonantal part is more influential than the vocalic part to the Aymara subjects’ perception of Korean phonation types when the consonantal part is Aspirated in its phonation type, but the vocalic part is more influential than the consonantal part when the consonantal part is Lenis or Fortis in its phonation type. Response analysis showed that Aymara subjects tend to match Korean stops to Aymara ones in such a way that Lenis corresponds to aspirated, Aspirated to aspirated, and Fortis to plain.

      • KCI등재

        어두 폐쇄음의 발성 유형 지각에서 나타나는 방언 간 차이

        장혜진(Hye Jin Jang),신지영(JI Young Shin) 한국어학회 2010 한국어학 Vol.49 No.-

        The aim of this study is to investigate some dialectual differences in the perception of the phonation types in the word-initial stops through Seoul and Daegu dialect. A perception test was designed to manipulate the VOT and F0 of the following vowel, noted for the acoustic cues to discriminate among the phonation types. The results of this study show that there are different interactions between VOT and F0 in the two dialects. In Seoul dialect, F0 is the acoustic cue to distinguish lenis and other two kinds of phonation types, and VOT is to distinguish fortis and aspirated, belonging the same class through VOT. On the other hand, VOT is to distinguish fortis and other two kinds of phonation types, and VOT is to distinguish lenis and aspirated, belonging the same class through F0 in Daegu dialect. It seems that these differences come from the tones in Daegu dialect. Because the F0 functions as the cue of tone distinction unlike Seoul dialect, VOT functions as the important cue to distinguish the phonation types in Daegu dialect.

      • KCI등재

        Phonation types of Korean fricatives and affricates

        Goun Lee 한국음성학회 2017 말소리와 음성과학 Vol.9 No.4

        The current study compared the acoustic features of the two phonation types for Korean fricatives (plain: /s/, fortis : /s’/) and the three types for affricates (aspirated : /tsʰ/, lenis : /ts/, and fortis : /ts’/) in order to determine the phonetic status of the plain fricative /s/. Considering the different manners of articulation between fricatives and affricates, we examined four acoustic parameters (rise time, intensity, fundamental frequency, and Cepstral Peak Prominence (CPP) values) of the 20 Korean native speakers’ productions. The results showed that unlike Korean affricates, F0 cannot distinguish two fricatives, and voice quality (CPP values) only distinguishes phonation types of Korean fricatives and affricates by grouping non-fortis sibilants together. Therefore, based on the similarity found in /tsʰ/ and /ts/ and the idiosyncratic pattern found in /s/, this research concludes that non-fortis fricative /s/ cannot be categorized as belonging to either phonation type.

      • KCI등재

        한국인의 발화에서 나타나는 파열음의 발성유형별 음향 단서의 발음 교육적 역할 재고

        심현주,김선정 한국언어문화교육학회 2018 언어와 문화 Vol.14 No.1

        This study aimed to examine whether Korean natives make use of VOT and F0 cues differently between the perception and the production of phonation types of Korean stops. It has an significant meaning in pronunciation education to know on which acoustic cues Korean natives placed greater weight when distinguishing among Korean /ㄱ, ㄲ, ㅋ/. In this study, the experiment on production of /ㄱ, ㄲ, ㅋ/ by Korean and Chinese natives were conducted to analyze the patterns of VOT and F0 realization. In addition, the experiment on perception was also conducted to identify whether Korean natives use the same acoustic cues as that of the production when judging foreign learners pronunciation. The results from the production analysis of Korean and Chinese indicated that all groups of subjects placed greater weight on VOT when distinguishing /ㄲ/ from the others. while F0 had statistically significant differences in /ㄱ, ㄲ, ㅋ/ only by the group of text-reading. In case of the perception, acoustic cues of Korean natives took on a different features from that of the production on distinguishing phonation types. These results imply that the way to judge appropriateness of a learner's pronunciation by VOT and F0 features on production should be reconsiderd.

      • KCI등재

        한국어 자음군의 후행모음에 나타난 발성유형의 음향음성학적 연구

        박한상,Park, Han-Sang 대한음성학회 2007 말소리 Vol.64 No.-

        This study investigates phonation types of Korean obstruents associated with the vowels immediately following singletons or geminates in intervocalic positions. F0, H1-H2, and spectral tilt were measured from the 20 ms segment at the onset of the vowels for the tokens of /paCa/ and /paCCa/, where Cs are of the same manner and place of articulation. The results showed a remarkable change in the values of F0, H1-H2, and spectral tilt as the preceding obstruents shifts from the lenis singletons to the lenis geminates, which suggests that the spectral characteristics of the vowels following the lenis geminates are not different from those of the vowels following fortis singletons or geminates. Significantly enough, this study adds data about the spectral characteristics of Korean phonation types.

      • KCI등재후보


        박한상 사단법인 한국언어학회 2002 언어학 Vol.0 No.33

        This paper investigates the time courses of the frequencies of the first two formants to observe how phonetic characteristics of phonation types are reflected in the filter parameters. We expect that the time courses of F1 and F2 possibly play the role of a descriptor of phonation types. In this paper, attempts are made to construct possible characteristic formant trajectories of different phonation types by extending observed trends. This paper shows that F1 or F2 at the onset is a function of duration of aspiration.

      • 인도네시아어의 파열음의 발성유형 연구

        전태현,박한상,Chun Taihyun,Park Hansang 대한음성학회 2004 말소리 Vol.52 No.-

        The present study investigates phonation types of the plosives in Bahasa Indonesia in terms of VOT, F0, durations of intervocalic closure, the preceding vowel, and the following vowel. The results showed that two speaker groups have distinct phonation types. Speaker Group I was characterized by a short voice lag for voiceless plosives and a considerable amount of voice lead for voiced ones. Speaker Group II was characterized by a short lag for both voiceless and voiced plosives. Although both groups showed a significant difference in F0 and the durations of individual segments between voiceless and voiced plosives, they had a remarkable difference in the temporal structure of the segments. Speaker Group I had temporal compensation between the intervocalic closure and the surrounding vowels across voice, such that the shorter the intervocalic closure the longer the surrounding vowels, while Speaker Group 2 didn't. This means that there are two different phonation type systems within a language.

      • Spectral Characteristics of Frication Noise in Korean Sibilants

        황현경,Hwang Hyun Kyung The Korean Society Of Phonetic Sciences And Speech 2004 말소리 Vol.49 No.-

        This study investigates spectral characteristics of frication noise in Korean sibilants in terms of center of gravity and skewness. Specifically, the present study seeks to observe the two parameters with emphasis on place of articulation in different vowel environments. This study also examines whether these parameters can discriminate phonation types. The results showed that the fricatives are palatalized in front of the front vowel /i/ and the affricates are articulated at the same place of articulation regardless of the following vowels. This study also suggests that the place of articulation of the fricatives followed by /i/ is the same as those of the Korean affricates. With regard to the phonation type, there was a significant difference in the center of gravity between lax and tense series for both fricatives and affricates.

      • KCI등재

        중국 조선족 화자가 발음한 한국어 어두 파열음의 음향적 특성 연구

        JIN AI HUA,JIN YANG 학습자중심교과교육학회 2021 학습자중심교과교육연구 Vol.21 No.2

        본 연구는 중국 조선족 화자가 발음하는 어두 파열음의 VOT와 음의 높낮이로 나타내는 후행모음의 F0의 값을 분석하여 음향학적 특성을 밝히고, 한국인의 어두 파열음과의 차이를 살펴보는데 목적을 둔다. 본 연구에서는 10명의 조선족 화자가 발음한 어두 파열음의 VOT와 후행모음의 F0을 분석하였다. 그 결과 경음은 VOT에 의해 나머지 발성 유형과 변별할 수 있다. 격음의 VOT는 조선족 화자가 더 길고, 평음은 한국인의 VOT가 더 길게 나왔다. 한국인과 조선족 화자가 발음한 VOT는 성별에 대해 모두 차이를 보이지 않는다. 다음 전반적으로 평음의 후행모음의 F0으 나머지 두 발성 유형보다 낮은 수치를 보인다. 조선족 화자의 F0은 한국인보다 더 높다. 한국인과 조선족 화자는 성별에 관계없이 모두 평음의 F0이 가장 낮지만, 조선족 여성의 경우는 경음이 평음보다 조금 낮았다. This study aims to reveal the acoustic characteristics by analyzing the VOT of the pronouncing rupture sound pronounced by Chinese Korean speakers and the F0 value of the trailing vowel expressed by the pitch of the sound, and to examine the difference between the plosives of Koreans. In this study, the VOT and F0 of the trailing vowels were analyzed by 10 Korean-Chinese speakers. As a result, the hard sound can be distinguished from the rest of the vocal types by VOT. The Korean-Chinese speaker was longer in the abbreviated VOT, and the Korean VOT for the plain-eum was longer. VOT, pronounced by Korean and Korean-Chinese speakers, shows no difference in gender. Next, overall, the F0 of the trailing vowel of the plain tone is lower than the other two vocal types. The F0 of Korean-Chinese speakers is higher than that of Koreans. Both Korean and Korean-Chinese speakers had the lowest F0 of plain tone regardless of gender, but Korean-Chinese women had a slightly lower hard note than plain tone.

      • KCI등재

        부산 방언의 어휘고저액센트 약화와 파열음의 발성 유형 변화의 상관성 연구

        권성미 ( Kwon¸ Sung-mi ) 경희대학교 인문학연구원 2021 인문학연구 Vol.- No.46

        본 연구는 부산 방언 화자의 연령별 어휘고저액센트 실현 양상과 평음의 VOT 변화 양상을 관찰하고, 둘 간의 상관관계를 분석하는 것을 연구의 목적으로 삼았다. 이를 위해, 부산 방언 화자가 발음한 단어 내 음조 최고점과 최저점 간 차이와 평음과 격음 간 VOT 차이의 상관성을 조사했다. 연구를 위해, 21~65세의 총 66명의 부산 방언 여성 화자가 실험에 참여했다. 파열음의 VOT 분석을 위해서 594개 음(9개 파열음×66명)이 수집되었으며, 어휘고저액센트 실현 양상 분석을 위해서는 HH, HL, LH, LH(H)로 실현되는 2음절 단어 2,376개(36개 단어×66명)가 활용되었다. 조사 결과, 단어 내 고점과 저점의 F0 차이와 평격음 간 VOT 차이 간에는 정적인 상관성이 있는 것으로 나타났다. 즉, 액센트가 약하게 발음하는 사람일수록 평음과 격음 간 VOT 차이가 작게 발음하는 것으로 나타났다. 부산 방언의 구세대의 경우, F0가 고저액센트 실현을 통한 어의 변별에 주로 활용되던 것에 반해, 신세대는 고저액센트가 약화되어, F0가 파열음의 발성 유형을 구분하는 데 활용될 수 있는 여지가 커진 것으로 보인다. 그리고, 그 결과, 평음과 격음 간 변별에 VOT 의존도가 낮아져, 평음과 격음의 VOT 차이가 좁혀진 것으로 보인다. The purpose of this study was to observe the age-related lexical pitch accent realization and the VOT change of lenis of Busan dialect, and to analyze the correlation between the two aspects. For the study, a total of 66 female speakers of Busan dialect, aged 21-65, participated in the experiment. A total of 594 phones (9 plosives×66 participants) were collected for VOT analysis, and a total of 2,376 words (36 words×66 participants) in 4 pitch accent types--HH, HL, LH, and LH(H)--were utilized for analysis of the lexical pitch accent realization. The result showed the correlation between the difference of the pitch(F0) maximum and minimum and the VOT difference between lenis and aspirated. That is, the smaller the F0 difference, the smaller the VOT difference. The speakers who possessed weaker accents were found to have lower dependency on VOT but higher dependency on F0 in discriminating lenis and aspirated. It seemed in the case of the old generation of the Busan dialect, F0 was mainly used for semantic discrimination through the realization of pitch accent but the pitch accent of the new generation was weakened and the room for F0 to function to distinguish the phonation types of lenis and aspirated could be grown. And, as a result, the VOT dependency of the new generation of Busan dialect on the discrimination between lenis and aspirated decreased, and the difference of lenis and aspirated in VOT seemed to be getting smaller.

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