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      • KCI등재

        사기 취약성에 대한 연구: 연령, 성격특성 및 마음읽기 능력을 중심으로

        심예은,최은실 한국심리학회 산하 한국발달심리학회 2023 한국심리학회지 발달 Vol.36 No.1

        This study aimed to analyze the psychosocial variables related to fraud, which is rapidly increasing in recent years, by examining the differences in fraud vulnerability by age group, and investigating the relationship between psychosocial variables such as personality traits, fraud vulnerability, and mind reading ability. The difference between major variables of fraud vulnerability were verified according to age group. Early adulthood showed significantly higher compliance than old age; early adulthood and middle age showed significantly higher vigilance and impulsivity than old age; and belief in justice showed a significantly higher score in old age than in early adulthood. Correlations among most major variables were significant, particularly, compliance, vigilance, impulsivity, and decision time of fraud vulnerability were significantly correlated with personality neurosis. In addition, the personality latent profile was classified into five latent classes: “active-stable”, “introvert-unstable”, “normal”, “active-unstable”, and “passion-cold”. These results indicate that there is a difference in fraud vulnerability according to the personality latent class, and the foundation of the basic research for the preventive intervention to discern fraud or social deception can be established by confirming the relationship with psychosocial variables.

      • KCI등재

        재난안전취약계층의 재난취약성과 재난복원력 연구: 재난안전취약계층의 복원력 지원체계 비교분석

        양기근,서민경 한국융합과학회 2019 한국융합과학회지 Vol.8 No.2

        Pupose : Out of the nation’s total population of 50 million (children, the elderly, the disabled, women, etc.) is about 36 percent, with 1 in 3 people surveyed as the disaster vulnerable people, and the trend has been steadily increasing. However, the organization in charge, budget, and legal system related to this matter are still insufficient. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to improve the disaster resilience of the disaster vulnerable people, which are more vulnerable to disasters, so thar disaster damage from them can be minimized. Methods : In this study, we analyzed the disaster vulnerable people laws and support system, of the U.S., Japan, and Korea for comparative analysis of the disaster resilience support system, along with case study of the disaster vulnerable people to achieve the research objective based on the study on disaster vulnerability and disaster resilience of the disaster vulnerable people. Conclusion : Currently, Korea is centered on overcoming physical, institutional, and information barrier in the field of fire fighting, construction and administrative against the “support system of disaster vulnerable people in case of disaster” and in disaster management manuals, but as with Japan, enhancing community response capabilities should be emphasized and sufficient on-site surveys should be conducted on disaster safety and the disaster vulnerable people. In addition, the manual should be shared with individuals as well as various entities in the community (hospital, business, welfare facilities, schools, organizations, etc.) and should be designed to be easily understood by anyone. 연구목적 : 우리나라 총 인구 5천만 명 중 재난안전취약계층(아동, 노인, 장애인 여성 등)은 약 36%로 인구 3명 중 1명이 재난안전취약계층으로 조사되고 있으며, 꾸준히 증가하고 있는 추세이다. 하지만 이와 관련된 담당조직, 예산, 법제도 등은 여전히 미흡한 실정이다. 이에 본 연구에서는 재난으로부터 더 취약성을 보이는 재난안전취약계층의 재난복원력을 향상시켜 재난의 취약성에 의한 재난피해가 최소화 될 수 있도록 만드는 것을 목적으로 한다. 연구방법 : 본 연구에서는 재난안전취약계층이 재난취약성과 복원력에 대한 연구를 바탕으로 연구목적을 달성하기 위하여 재난안전취약계층의 재난취약성 사례연구와 함께 복원력 지원체계 비교분석을 위한 미국·일본·한국의 재난안전취약계층 관련 법률과 지원제도를 중심으로 분석하였다. 결론 : 현재 한국은 “재난 시 재난안전취약계층의 지원체계”에 대하여 소방·건축·행정 분야에서의 물리적·제도적 정보의 장애물 극복 중심으로 진행되며, 재난 관리 매뉴얼에 있어서도, 기본적으로 매뉴얼을 소지하고 있는 개인이 위주가 되지만, 일본과 마찬가지로 지역사회 대응력 제고가 강조되어야 하며, 재난안전취약계층에 대한 충분한 현장조사가 이루어져야 한다. 또한 매뉴얼의 공유대상에 있어서도 개인 외에 지역사회의 다양한 주체(병원·기업·복지시설·학교·단체 등)로 이루어져야 하며 누구나 쉽게 이해할 수 있는 내용으로 설계되어야 한다.

      • KCI등재

        고령 노인의 인간 존엄성 존중 - 자율성 정체성 취약성의 측면에서 -

        김도균 ( Kim Dokyun ) 서울대학교 법학연구소 2020 서울대학교 法學 Vol.61 No.4

        Why does human dignity matter and what is human dignity? The concept of human dignity as an essentially contested concept has a complex structure, and therefore is difficult to define. Although the lack of a common definition led the different legal systems to give different and conflicting meanings to the concept, courts and citizens have invoked the notion of human dignity in many cases regarding the same-sex couples, patients, prisoners, detainee, asylum seekers, and people wishing to end their lives. Human dignity has a core meaning, which pertains to all human beings to the same extent. That is, human dignity refers to a kind of dignity that we all have just because we are all human beings. The question which this article deals with is: is there a dignity particularly to older people, which requires that special attention be paid to them? To approach and answer the question, i.e. a specific dignity that pertains to older people, we should take the trajectory of human life into account and incorporate this fact into the dignity of older people. Then, an account of the specific dignity of older people should be constructed on the basis of three aspects that human dignity has: personal autonomy and self-determination, mutual relationship and dependence, and vulnerability. Especially, the aspects of dependence and vulnerability have a special significance to the dignity of older people in modern societies that place the highest value on features as independence, competence and productivity. For the protection and promotion of the dignity of older people our legal system should take the dependence and situational vulnerability of older people seriously.

      • KCI등재

        커뮤니티웰빙이 재난 취약성에 미치는 영향: 장애인의 인식을 중심으로

        최병윤 한국공공관리학회 2022 한국공공관리학보 Vol.36 No.1

        This study is an empirical analysis of how the evaluation of community well-being provided in the region affects the disaster vulnerability of the disabled among the disaster-vulnerable class. The survey was conducted with a questionnaire that combined the questions of community well-being created based on 'Kee's six-capital model' along with the vulnerability scale developed using the vulnerability concept framework of 'exposure-sensitivity-adaptability' and analyzed disaster vulnerability of 404 disabled people. As a result of the analysis of the impact relationship between community well-being and disaster vulnerability, it was found that economic capital, natural capital, cultural capital, and social capital had a negative (-) impact relationship with vulnerability, but human capital and infrastructure capital had a positive (+) impact relationship. This is different from results of the hypotheses initially established. Since the existing community well-being was designed to assume the general public, there was negligence in improving the vulnerability of the vulnerable, including the disabled. Therefore, it is actively required to reorganize community well-being factors considering vulnerable groups such as the disabled, and policy prescriptions are needed to drastically improve the level of community well-being. And in order to fill this gap in perception, it is necessary to raise the trust that can make people aware that there is a community that can protect lives and properties. 본 연구는 지역에서 제공되는 커뮤니티웰빙에 대한 평가가 재난취약계층 중 장애인의 인식 차원에서의 재난 취약성에 어떤 영향을 미치는가에 대하여 실증분석을 시도한 연구이다. ‘노출도-민감도-적응능력’의 취약성 개념틀을 사용하여 개발한 재난에 대한 취약성 척도와 함께 ‘Kee의 6자본 모형’에 입각하여 만들어진 커뮤니티웰빙 문항들을 조합한 설문지로 조사를 진행하여 404명의 장애인의 재난취약성 분석을 수행하였다. 커뮤니티웰빙과 재난 취약성의 영향관계 분석 결과 경제자본, 자연자본, 문화자본, 사회자본은 취약성과 부(-)의 영향관계가 있다고 나왔지만, 인적자본과 인프라자본은 취약성과 정(+)의 영향관계를 나타냈다. 이는 당초 설정했던 가설과 다른 결과가 나타난 것이다. 기존의 커뮤니티웰빙은 일반인을 상정하고 설계되어 있다 보니 장애인을 비롯한 취약계층의 취약성을 개선하는 데에는 소홀함이 존재하고 있었다. 그렇기 때문에 장애인 등 취약계층을 고려한 커뮤니티웰빙 요소의 재구성이 적극적으로 요구되며 커뮤니티웰빙 수준을 획기적으로 향상시킬 수 있는 정책적인 처방이 필요하다. 그리고 이러한 인식의 간극을 메우기 위해서는 생명과 재산을 보호해 줄 수 있는 커뮤니티가 존재하고 있다는 사실을 인지하게끔 해 줄 수 있는 신뢰를 제고시켜야 한다는 것이다.

      • KCI우수등재

        취약한 계약당사자 보호를 위한 민법상 과제 - 능력 제한으로부터 불공정한 법률행위로의 전환을 통한 해결을 모색하며

        윤태영,김민주 한국민사법학회 2022 民事法學 Vol.100 No.-

        Civil law is a general private law that is generally applied to all members of society without any special restrictions on people or places. Therefore, ‘person’ in the Civil Code is merely an abstract subject of rights and obligations. Of course, the civil law does not mean that there is no consideration for specific human beings in consideration of the characteristics of the person concerned, but there is a strong aspect that restricts the person's participation in the transaction, such as the ability to make or act. However, there is a problem that resolution through this capability inevitably brings ‘exclusion’ of the qualification to participate in the contract. Therefore, it is pointed out that the adult guardianship system based on this also has many problems from the point of view of human rights protection, no matter how much it has the purpose of protecting the economic interests of those with insufficient judgment. Then, for example, how to consider specific human beings such as the elderly or the disabled, which are traditionally discussed as vulnerable groups, is a problem. However, the big difficulty is that even in one group composed of the vulnerable class with the same attributes, the degree of vulnerability appears differently depending on the circumstances in which individual subjects are placed. This study empirically showed that there are significant differences in vulnerability to damage by transaction type according to gender, age, education, and average monthly income for the elderly. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the situational vulnerability that occurs in the interaction with the counterparty, not the party concerned. In other words, rather than accepting all of the group as ‘vulnerable counterparties’ and categorizing them to achieve a special solution, we pursue a ‘general solution’ focusing on the ‘situational vulnerability’ applicable to everyone, although to a different extent. will have to In the UK, this problem has already been solved through unfair legal practices that take into account situational vulnerabilities without a system for persons with limited capacity. Furthermore, the 2005 EU Unfair Commercial Practice Directive also suggests the point of view that unfair legal acts should be judged in interaction in consideration of consumer vulnerability. According to the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Monitoring Committee's pointed out, our civil law also needs to improve the adult guardianship system. At this opportunity, it is necessary to shift the idea to ‘situational vulnerability’ that is common to all people, not the system of ability to act, and seek solutions through improvement of unfair legal practices. 민법은 사회 구성원 모두에게 사람․장소 등에 특별한 제한 없이 일반적으로 적용되는 일반사법이다. 따라서 민법에서 말하는 ‘인(人)’은 어디까지나 추상적인 권리․의무의 주체에 불과하다. 물론 민법에서 당사자의 특성을 고려한 구체적 인간에 대한 배려가 전혀 없는 것은 아니지만, 의사능력이나 행위능력과 같이 그 사람이 거래에 참여하는 것을 제한하는 측면이 강하다. 그러나 이렇게 능력을 제한하는 것을 통한 해결은 계약에의 참가 자격의 ‘배제’를 필연적으로 가져온다는 문제점이 있다. 따라서 이에 근거한 성년후견제도에 대해서는, 아무리 판단능력이 불충분한 사람들의 경제적 이익을 보호한다는 취지를 가지고 있다 하더라도, 인권보장의 관점에서 문제가 많다고 지적되고 있는 것이다. 그렇다면 이렇게 능력을 제한하지 않고 구체적 인간에 대한 배려를 어떻게 해야 할 것인가? 여기서 중요한 점은 예를 들어 전통적으로 취약계층으로 논의되는 고령자나 장애인 등 동일 속성의 취약계층으로 구성된 하나의 집단이라도 개별 주체들이 처한 상황마다 취약성의 정도도 다르게 나타난다는 점이다. 이 연구에서는 고령자를 대상으로 하여 성별, 연령, 교육, 월평균소득에 따라 거래유형별로 피해를 입을 취약성에 상당한 차이가 있음을 실증적으로 보여주었다. 따라서 구체적 인간에 대한 배려는 그 당사자의 개별적 속성 보다도 거래 상대방과의 상호작용 속에서 발생하는 상황적 취약성에 착안할 필요가 있다. 즉 그 집단 모두를 ‘취약한 거래상대방’으로 받아들여 그 유형화를 통한 특별한 해결을 도모하는 것이 아니라, 정도에 차이는 있지만 모든 사람에게 해당하는 ‘상황적 취약성’에 착안한 ‘일반적인 해결방법’을 도모해야 할 것이다. 이미 영국에서는 제한능력자제도를 두지 않고 상황적 취약성을 고려한 불공정한 법률행위를 통하여 이 문제를 해결해 왔다. 나아가 ‘2005년 불공정한 거래방법에 관한 EU지침(2005 EU Unfair Commercial Practice Directive)’에서도 소비자의 취약성을 고려하여 상호작용 속에서 불공정한 법률행위를 판단해야 한다는 관점을 제시하고 있다. 우리 민법도 UN장애인권리협약 모니터링 위원회의 지적에 따라 현재 성년후견제도를 개선해야 하는 상황이다. 이 기회에 제한능력자 제도가 아니라 모든 사람에게 공통되게 적용되는 ‘상황적 취약성’으로 발상을 전환하여 불공정한 법률행위의 개선을 통한 해결을 도모할 필요가 있다.

      • KCI등재

        노인의 범죄두려움 영향요인에 대한 연구: 취약성 가설을 중심으로

        송일호 ( Shong Il Ho ),곽대경 ( Kwack Dae Gyung ) 한국경찰학회 2018 한국경찰학회보 Vol.20 No.5

        This study is primarily aimed at examining elderly crime fears through vulnerability hypotheses. Previous studies of crime fears have focused on the vulnerability of individuals and not on the recognition of their actual vulnerability. In response, the study tested whether metrics that measure physical and social vulnerabilities claimed in the existing vulnerability hypothesis affected crime fear through vulnerability awareness or directly affected crime fear. To achieve this goal, the study was analyzed using data from the Korean Crime Victim Survey(KCVS)2014, collected by the KOREAN INSTITUTE OF CRIMINOLOGY. The analysis shows that gender supports the existing vulnerability hypothesis and affects crime fear through vulnerability awareness. Age and education levels have a contrary effect to the vulnerability hypothesis. Income has been shown to influence crime fears through vulnerability recognition, which in the case of senior citizens, is considered to be difficult to create property in the future and concerns about economic expenditures due to increased life expectancy as a result of countering the existing vulnerability hypothesis.

      • KCI등재

        Vulnerability Assessment of a Potential COVID-19 Outbreak in the DPRK: The Transnational Advocacy Networks and Their Roles

        최지나(Jina Choi) 한국문화융합학회 2020 문화와 융합 Vol.42 No.5

        2019년 Global Health Security (GHS) 지수는 북한을 전반적인 건강 관련 안보 대비 수준에서 ‘최소 준비된’ 국가로 식별하고 있다 (GHS 2019). 북한은 다른 국가들에 비해 상대적으로 건강문제에 대한 안보에 있어서 훨씬 더 높은 수준의 취약성과 최소한의 준비 수준을 보유하고 있다. 북한의 건강 보장 조건이나 수준은 오랜 기간 변하지 않았다. 2019년 말 이후, 209개 국가들 전역에서 전례 없는 COVID-19가 발생 하면서, 북한의 경우는 매우 심각하게 우려스러운 상황이다. 한편, 전 세계 거의 모든 국가들은 현재 COVID-19 위협에 처해있다. 따라서, 본 논문은 전염병 취약성 지수; Infectious Disease Vulnerability Index (IDVI) 프레임워크를 사용하여 북한의 건강안보에 대한 준비수준 (만약 있다면)과 취약성 수준을 분석하려고 한다. 이러한 취약성 분석을 바탕으로 본 논문은 국제기구 (IOs)와 국제 비정부기구 (INGOs)의 인도주의적 지원 활동을 통해 형성된 초국적 후원네트워크; Transnational Advocacy Networks (TAN)가 잠재적 COVID-19 발생 상황 시, 시민들을 돕고 그들의 건강관리 보호에 기여할 뿐만 아니라, 북한의 전반적 보건 분야 인권증진 향상에 긍정적 변화를 유도할 것이라고 사료된다. The 2019’s Global Health Security (GHS) Index has identified the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) as the ‘least prepared’ nation in terms of its overall level of health related security preparedness (GHS 2019). The country had much greater level of vulnerability to health problems and a minimum level of preparedness. In the wake of the year 2020, the overall health security conditions of the DPRK seem to remain unchanged. With the unprecedented COVID-19 outbreak across 209 nations since the late 2019, the case of the DPRK has been extremely worrisome. Meantime, virtually every nation in the world is currently suffering from the COVID-19 threats. This paper therefore attempts to analyze degree of preparedness (if any) and vulnerability to health security conditions using the Infectious Disease Vulnerability Index (IDVI) Framework. Based on the vulnerability assessments, this paper contends that transnational advocacy networks (TAN) formed humanitarian aid operations by International Organizations (IOs) and International Non-Governmental Organizations (INGOs) will not only make contributions in helping the citizens manage potential COVID-19 outbreaks but induce positive change to the application of human rights to the health sector in the DPRK.

      • Evacuation and Sheltering Assistance for Persons with Special Needs at Times of Disaster: Lessons Learned from Typhoon 23, Heavy Rainfall and Earthquake Disasters in the Year 2004

        Tatsuki. Sshigeo 한국방재학회 2009 한국방재학회 학술발표대회논문집 Vol.2009 No.1

        A series of heavy rainfall, typhoon and earthquake disasters caused a proportionately large number of deaths among the elderly in the year 2004 in Japan. In response to these tragedies, the national government set up committees to reduce damage within the disaster vulnerable population for the next three years. The discussions in the committee led to a new conceptualization that disaster vulnerability was caused by a lack of interaction between a person`s special needs and the environment`s capacity and resources to meet them. This person-in-environment model of hazard vulnerability was applied to those who resided in the Nankai-Tonankai tsunami hazard-prone area. 123 home care service users were interviewed in terms of their self-evacuation ability, degree of social isolation, and building weakness as well as tsunami exposure risks. Results were quantified and scores of person-in-environmentmodel hazard vulnerability were obtained. These scores were then used to visualize socially created vulnerability by means of weighted kernel density mapping of both persons with special needs (PSN`s) and persons with special needs at times of disaster (PSND`s).

      • KCI등재

        Alleviating Disaster Vulnerability and Improving Resilience of the Elderly

        Won Hee Chung,양기근 (사)위기관리이론과실천 2022 Journal of Safety and Crisis Management Vol.12 No.1

        When disasters occur, older people are more at risk than other age groups. This is because physical fitness, hearing, and vision deteriorate due to aging, and physical movement is not easy. Nevertheless, there are insufficient studies on accurate identification of the elderly who have disaster-safety vulnerabilities, and the recognition and behavior of the disaster risks of the elderly. In the age of aging, it is necessary to prepare systematic measures against disaster vulnerability and to promote resilience for the elderly. And it is urgent to implement practical disaster safety policies for the elderly as disaster-vulnerable people. The purpose of this study is to analyze the disaster vulnerability of elderly people and to improve their resilience in the age of aging. In order to achieve the purpose of the study, we examine the current status of the elderly people's disaster vulnerability, including the current status of the elderly and their recognition of disaster safety. This paper suggests: disaster vulnerability management that reflects the disaster vulnerability and desire of the elderly, legal and institutional support for enhancing the resilience of disaster recovery of the elderly, the development, education, and training with disaster-response manuals for the elderly.

      • KCI등재

        서민취약계층복지 관련 법제의 발전방향

        윤석진 한국법제연구원 2011 법제연구 Vol.- No.41

        Protection of vulnerable people in our country today, “the National Basic Livelihood Security Act,” is primarily responsible. But current law income and wealth, and by a person responsible for supporting consider only the absolute protection of the poor, and because it is insufficient for the protection of vulnerable people. Specifically, current law does not mean the relative poverty of vulnerable people is limited to the protection of economic demand. It also incorporates the payment of salaries paid individual because the people most vulnerable to social protection is insufficient demand. Dependent regulation is too strict and a person responsible for supporting do not receive legal protection by forming a dead zone is a major cause. In this study, the development direction for the protection of vulnerable people suggests. The first, “National Basic Livelihood Security Act” award in determining the minimum cost of living is relatively proposed to introduce the concept of poverty. Second, payment of the consolidation benefit and the individual benefit to adopt a intermix approach, the social needs of vulnerable people to adapt to that proposed. Third, a person responsible for supporting dependent criteria and whether according to the actual supporting to be judged. 우리나라에서 서민취약계층의 보호는 현재 「국민기초생활보장법」이 주로 담당한다. 하지만 현행법은 소득과 재산, 부양의무자 등을 기준으로 절대적 빈곤층의 보호만을 고려하고 있기 때문에 서민취약계층의 보호에 미흡하다. 구체적으로 현행법은 상대적 빈곤선을 예정하고 있지 않아 서민취약계층의 경제적 수요를 보호하는데 한계가 있다. 또한 급여의 지급이 통합되어 지급되기 때문에 서민취약계층의 개별적인 사회적 수요를 보호하는 데 미흡하다. 그리고 부양의무자 기준이 너무 엄격하여 법적 보호를 받지 못하는 사각지대를 형성하는 주요원인이 되고 있다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 서민취약계층의 보호를 위한 발전방안으로 첫째, 「국민기초생활보장법」상 최저생계비를 결정함에 있어 상대적 빈곤선의 개념을 도입할 것을 제안하였다. 둘째, 통합급여와 개별급여의 혼합방식을 채택하여, 서민취약계층의 사회적 수요에 유연하게 대처할 것을 제안하였다. 셋째, 부양의무자 기준이 실제 부양하고 있는지의 여부에 따라 판단되어야 할 것을 제안하였다.

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