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      • 한국 현대시를 활용한 상호문화 지식 교육에 대한 고찰 - 중국인 학습자의 문화 지식 구성 양상을 중심으로 -

        김유리 ( Kim¸ Yu-ri ) 서울대학교 국어교육과 2021 先淸語文 Vol.48 No.-

        This study aims to project Korean culture education, focused on learner, where learner becomes the active principal and forms the Korean culture knowledge. Currently the culture education in Korean language education is usually made in a way to present fragmentary knowledge. However, as culture is a learning object to recognize, feel and experience, it is better for the teacher not to make the culture education via one-way provision of cultural knowledge. In this context, this study used the concept of ‘inter-culture’ and projected a intercultural knowledge education where the learner interacts with the target culture, based on his/her cultural identity, to understand, interpret, and personalize the cultural knowledge. In addition, considering the possibility that the cultural knowledge construction may differ by language level, this study tried to find out the difference in the cultural knowledge construction by intermediate and advanced level learners and design different teaching and learning method based on the difference. In this study, ‘knowledge’ is assumed not just as the knowledge as a target but as the more expanded concept to comprise the process of knowledge construction and affective aspects. Also, in this study, Korean modern poems are used as education materials to have affective approaches to Korean culture. As the principles of intercultural knowledge construction using Korean modern poems, ‘formation of Kommunikat via understanding of the text’, ‘construction of the meaning of culturalknowledge via interactions’, and ‘reconstruction of cultural knowledge as personal knowledge’ are proposed. And, this study found that the intercultural knowledge education using Korean modern poetry has educational implication as it provides personal experience of poetic emotion via which the learner can have affective approaches to Korean culture, personalize via active meaning construction of the poem’s text, and foster intercultural competence via inter-culture communication. The experiment of this study was administered for Chinese intermediate and advanced level learners and designed to achieve both personal knowledge construction and inter-personal knowledge construction based on the viewpoint of constructivism. In addition, to compare the aspects of knowledge construction that differ by the level of language of each learner, the experiment was administered by two different groups of intermediate and advanced level learners. The study observed following categories in the cultural knowledge construction aspects using the Korean modern poems. Firstly, in the aspect of ‘forming Kommunikat via understanding of the text’, learners used either the internal information of the text or external factors of the text. Secondly, in the aspect of ‘construction of cultural knowledge meaning via interactions’, learners either understood the factual meaning of the text or shared the awareness on self-culture and personal cultural awareness. Thirdly, in the aspect of ‘reconstruction of cultural knowledge as personal knowledge’, learners stated cultural knowledge based on the understanding of the text and interpreted the cultural knowledge via making relations between cultures and personalized the cultural knowledge via personal reactions. The difference in the aspect of intercultural knowledge construction by intermediate and advanced level learners was as follows: Most advanced level learners understood the cultural knowledge via the poem’s text to proceed to interpretation and personalization. Compared to this, intermediate level learners failed to make active interpretation of the cultural knowledge and personalization as they stayedin the stage of understanding the text. That is, in many cases, intermediate level learners aroused the knowledge of self-culture in the stage of interpretation, however, due to the lack of understanding on the text, they failed to make active comparison between the cultures and kept the awareness of self-culture in the stage of personalization, which made them keep the awareness of the self-culture to keep the affective distance with other culture and failed to make reflective recognition on the self-culture. The study is meaningful as it found the processes and various aspects of cultural knowledge construction by using Korean modern poems based on actual data of learners’ noticing the importance of the processes of cultural knowledge construction, and, it projected differences in the aspects of cultural knowledge construction between intermediate and advanced level Chinese learners.

      • KCI등재

        폴라니의 자득지 인식론의 재조명: 메타프락시스적 관점

        정은영(Eun-Yeong Jeong) 한국도덕교육학회 2020 道德敎育硏究 Vol.32 No.4

        폴라니는 철학적 인식론의 난점을 극복하기 위한 대안으로 자득지 인식론을 제시한다. 폴라니가 보기에 철학적 인식론은 지식의 성격을 지식의 획득 과정을 고려하지 않은 채 철학적 논증에 의하여 밝힌다는 것에 그 난점이 있다. 폴라니는 이 난점을 지식의 정역학에 대비되는 지식의 동역학에 비추어 설명하고 있다. 폴라니가 묵식에 비추어 지식의 성격을 밝힌 후, 그것을 다시 자득지로 규명하는 것은 그러한 지식의 동역학의 문제의식을 살리기 위해서이다. 자득지는 묵식과 상이한 대상을 지칭하는 것은 아니지만, 지식에 들어 있는 묵식적 성격을 지식 획득의 맥락에서 더 완전한 형태로 규명한 것이라고 볼 수 있다. 자득지는 내주와 헌신을 그 의미요소로 하여 성립한다. 현대적 용어로 말하여, 내주와 헌신은 교과의 내면화와 정당화에 해당한다. 헌신은 내주의 한 가지 의미요소를 이루고 있는 것이라는 폴라니의 설명에 의하면, 교과의 정당화는 교과의 내면화와 별도로 설명될 수 없는 것이다. 교과의 가치는 교과를 배워 자신의 마음 안의 한 부분으로 삼으려는 학습자의 실천적 노력에 의하여 확인되고 확립되는 것이라고 할 수 있다. 교과의 내면화가 정당화와 맺는 그 긴밀한 관련이 자득지 인식론에서 확인된다는 것은 곧 자득지 인식론이 메타프락시스적 성격을 띤다는 것을 뜻한다. Polanyi proposes epistemology of personal knowledge as an alternative to philosophical epistemology. In Polanyi s view, philosophical epistemology has difficulty in revealing the nature of knowledge by philosophical argument without considering the process of acquiring knowledge. Polanyi explains this difficulty in the light of the dynamics of knowledge as opposed to the statics of knowledge. Polanyi reveals the nature of knowledge in the light of tacit knowledge, and then identifies it as the personal knowledge. It is the result of reflecting the problems raised by the dynamics of knowledge. The personal knowledge is not different from tacit knowledge, but personal knowledge can be seen as a more complete form of clarification in the context of acquiring. The personal knowledge is based on semantic elements of indwelling and commitment. The indwelling and commitment respectively refers to the internalization of subject matter and the justification of the studying subjects in educational terms. According to Polanyi s explanation, commitment constitutes a semantic element of indwelling. Thus, the justification of studying subjects cannot be explained separately from the internalization of subject matter. The value of the studying subjects is gradually established by one’s practical effort to try to learn it and take it as the part of the mind. As long as the close relationship between the internalization of subject matter and the justification of studying subjects is confirmed in the epistemology of personal knowledge, it may well claim its nature as metapraxis.

      • KCI등재

        개인 창의성이 지식공유와 혁신행동에 미치는 영향: 유통업 종사자를 중심으로

        Joon-Pyo LEE,박계홍 한국유통과학회 2019 유통과학연구 Vol.17 No.10

        Purpose - First, empirical research will reveal how personal creativity affects the knowledge sharing and innovation behaviors of organizational members. Second, self-management competency will be verified to explain the causal relationship between independent and dependent variables as a mediating variable and to reduce the time interval. Research design, data, and methodology – There are two major research models. First, personal creativity (professionalism, emotional intelligence, internal motivation) has a positive impact on knowledge sharing (creation of knowledge, organization of knowledge, use of knowledge) and innovation behavior (deriving ideas, implementing ideas, promoting ideas). Second, self-management competency (intellectual capacity, emotional capacity, personality capacity) plays a mediating role. In addition to descriptive statistics and correlation analysis, Cronbach's ⍺ was calculated for 259 workers in the retail industry. In addition, confirmatory factor analysis was performed using the AMOS 24.0 program, and the influence on the measurement model was analyzed to verify the structural equation model. Results – First, personal creativity had a positive effect on knowledge sharing and innovation behavior. In other words, it was confirmed that the decision-making process accompanied by individual creativity can create an atmosphere of knowledge sharing and continue to innovate. Second, personal creativity had a positive effect on self-management competency, and self-management competency had a positive effect on knowledge sharing and innovation behavior. Third, self-management competency was found to partially mediate the influence of personal creativity on knowledge sharing and innovation behavior. Conclusions – First, it is important for managers to recognize the value of creative talents who can be a fundamental source of organizational success and competitive advantage, and to attract talented people. Second, managers should be able to develop decision-making processes to develop potential creativity and encourage creative ideas, opinions, or solutions when organizing the work environment of their members. Third, managers should promote the sharing and integration of new knowledge that underlies the creative views and attitudes of teams and organizational members. Unlike previous studies, which emphasize the role of the work environment in which creative behaviors are promoted, this study shows that creativity of individual members, itself, is an important determinant of knowledge sharing and innovation behavior.

      • KCI등재

        교육과정 운영 지원을 위한 기초로서의 교사의 개인적 관심과 개인적 지식 탐구

        조덕주 ( Jo Deog Ju ) 한국교육과정학회 2003 교육과정연구 Vol.21 No.4

        The premise of study is that the support for the curriculum implementation should be based on the individual teacher. But if we do not identify the term `the individual teacher`, it is difficult to support teachers as individuals. Two approaches to the individual teacher are considered. One is the teacher`s personal concern, the other is the teacher`s personal knowledge. Teacher`s personal concern which is derived from the CBAM Model(the Concern-Based Adaption Model) has it`s basis on the technical model. In the process of research, curriculum development and diffusion(RD&D) in the technical model, teacher`s personal concern can be regarded as an important element to implement the developed curriculum successfully. In this case, the curriculum usually is developed by specialists out of schools, and the status of teachers is looked upon as a fundamentally passive one. After the stage of teacher`s concern evaluated, the appropriate approaches is given by outsiders for successful implementing the developed curriculum. Valued the identification the teacher`s concern in the diffusion procedure of the curriculum, teachers is alienated from the process of curriculum development and implementation In contrast to the teacher`s personal concern which based on the technical model, the teacher`s personal knowledge based on the hemeneutic approach. Taking into account the active construction of meaning, the extension of teacher`s autonomy and professional development, teacher`s personal knowledge should be considered as the focus of curriculum implementation. But the difficulty of understanding and interpretation of one`s experience, the long time required for understanding and the decision of meaningful experience, these are the limits of teacher`s personal knowledge for using the base of the support of curriculum implementation. Nevertheless, the understanding of teacher`s needs, the mutual understanding, the improvement of self-understanding and the structure of self-reflection can be accomplished by emphasizing the teacher`s personal knowledge. In order to better support teachers for understanding their own personal knowledge, the special program focusing on the self reflection should developed.


        Kanyanee Ingsa,Li-Wei Mai 글로벌지식마케팅경영학회 2017 Global Fashion Management Conference Vol.2017 No.07

        This conceptual paper discusses the influence of brand knowledge through various components of personal luxury products’ towards the purchase intention. Rapid shifts in luxury consumers’ behaviours is one of the predominant drivers contributing to the growth of the modern luxury market. In response to this, luxury consumers’ characteristics and profiles need to be reexamined. In recent years, there has been a rapid increase in global luxury consumption with the rise in number of luxury consumers from 140 million to 350 million globally (Bain & Company, 2015). Such a phenomenal growth in the luxury market leads to a widely increased interests among researchers across all disciplines (Truong et al., 2008; 2009, Tynan et al., 2010; Kapferer & Valette-Florence, 2016). In particular, personal luxury goods market is forecast to continue to grow between 2-3 percent through 2020 (Bain & Company, 2016). Despite the fact that personal luxury goods is a major driver of the entire market, there is a limited research in this product category. Two factors of this fast-growing trend stimulate the need for additional research into consumers’ behaviours. First, there has been a shift in luxury consumers’ profile (Hanna, 2004; Fionda & Moore, 2009) and purchasing patterns (Bain & Company, 2015; 2016) where social influences (Dubois et al., 2001; Berthon et al., 2009; Cheah et al., 2015; Yang and Mattila, 2014; Kapferer & Valette-Florence, 2016) and people’s needs for materialism, appearances to enhance their ego and self-concept (Phau & Prendergast, 2000; Kapferer, 2006) are having greater impact on how consumers make their luxury purchase decisions. Second, it appears that the characteristics of the traditional luxury consumers as well as old marketing models from many decades ago need to be redefined (Bain & Company, 2015). Danziger (2005) indicates that the changes in luxury consumers’ purchase decision has created a dramatic shift in the purchase behaviour as a whole, making it difficult for luxury marketers to recognise the trend. To date, existing literature on luxury purchase intention focuses mainly from the cultural, economic, psychological perspectives (Leibenstein, 1950; Veblen, 1899; Bian & Forsythe, 2012; Liu et al., 2012; Wong & Ahuvia, 1998; Vigneron & Johnson, 2004; Shukla, 2012; Cheah et al., 2015) but remains limited on investigating luxury consumers’ behaviours through the integration of brand knowledge domain. Major works from marketing scholars on luxury value perceptions (Wiedmann et al., 2007 and 2009; Vigneron & Johnson, 2004; Shukla, 2012; Shukla & Purani, 2013; De Barnier et al., 2006; Hennigs et al., 2012 and 2013) suggest that they are important in explaining the whole picture of luxury consumption but insufficient in explaining purchase intentions (Shukla, 2012). Kapferer (2006) discusses that it is typical for consumers to identify which brand belongs to the luxury category, however, it could be more complex for the precise definition of luxury to be identified and understood. Therefore, this study seeks to incorporate the branding aspects into the investigation on the significance of brand knowledge towards the intention to purchase personal luxury products. Literature Review The concept of luxury is first explained by Veblen (1899) that the consumption of luxury goods is primarily considered by the affluent consumers with the desire to display their wealth to the relevant significant others. Even though the concept of luxury remains obscure, the clearer definition of luxury is given by Nueno & Quelch (1998) as the “ratio of functional utility to price is low while the ratio of intangible and situational utility to price is high” and that luxury products are beyond an ordinary expensive goods but “an ephemeral status symbol”. Shukla (2010) also defines luxury as the consumption that is not for just oneself but a socially-oriented type of consumption that fulfils the consumers’ own indulgence as well as to serve the “socially directed motives”. The aforementioned definitions of luxury show it is an “elusive concept” (Kapferer, 1998) with “fuzzy frontiers” (Kapferer, 2006). The luxury concept is describes as “incredibly fluid, and changes dramatically” over time and varied among different cultures (Yeoman and McMahon-Beattie 2006). As consumers become richer (Fionda & Moore, 2009) and are able to afford more luxury brands (Nueno & Quelch, 1998), luxury is no longer reserved for the rich but also includes the rising number of aspiring middle-class consumers (Shukla, 2012) who enjoy material comfort (Yeoman & McMahon-Beattie, 2006; Yeoman, 2011: Granot et al., 2013). This change makes the term luxury even more difficult to define (Shukla, 2010) and will continue as an ongoing debate among research scholars (Kapferer & Valette-Florence, 2016). Dubois & Paternault (1995) mention that “luxury items are bought for what they mean, beyond what they are”, this statement defines the nature of luxury brands where consumers often purchase luxury products not merely because of their outstanding quality but because of the name and the symbolic identity the brand provides. Kapferer (1998) recognises the importance in exploring the perception of luxury brands from the end-users themselves because they know best. This also adds to the ongoing complexity and difficulties in giving luxury a discreet definition (Kapferer, 1997 and 1998). The work of Grotts & Johnson (2013) investigates the status consumption of millennial consumers and indicates that it is highly possible that the consumers may not express any interest on the quality of the products but are placing greater emphasis on the ability of the handbags to be recognised and generate attention from their reference groups. With regard to marketing strategy, luxury marketers react to the rapid increase in demand to maintain their position of exclusivity by increasing the price every year in order to secure their clientele (Kapferer, 2015b). Louis Vuitton, Rolex, and Christian Dior increase the price of their products every year to sustain the dream value of the consumers (Kapferer, 2015a; 2015b). It is apparent that most luxury companies are managing the dilemma of maintaining the exclusivity of its products while increasing brand awareness as well as focusing on securing more market share and revenue (Kastanakis & Balabanis, 2012; Berthon et al., 2009). Despite the recognisable shifts in luxury consumption pattern, the sector will continue to grow with the majority of affluent consumers as discussed by Steve Kraus of Ipsos (King, 2015). The most recognisable shift in luxury marketing strategy is on the increasing number of luxury companies offering lower-price products in response to the rising level of demand for luxury consumption by the enthusiastic middle class consumers (Truong et al., 2008; Kastanakis & Balabanis, 2012). Luxury was once reserved for the “happy few” (Veblen, 1899) but this notion is no longer practical for today’s luxury environment where luxury products are “consumed by a larger aspirational segment” (Granot et al., 2013). Democratisation of luxury refers to when luxury brands create a lower-priced accessory items in order to appeal to the broader market, making luxury accessible to those “who could never afford to purchase the principal items in the line” (Nueno & Quelch, 1998) or the new luxury consumers who seeks recognition from luxury purchase. Han et al. (2010) discusses that different classes of consumers can now be distinguished by the brands of purses, watches, or shoes that they own. They let the brands speak for them, whether they prefer the loud Gucci logo or displaying the consumption of a “‘no logo’ strategy” by carrying a Bottega Veneta bag (Han et al., 2010). As Husic & Cicic (2009) state, an important question on today’s luxury consumption that if it is possible for everyone to obtain luxury items, are the brands still considered luxury? This is one of the important agendas concerning luxury consumption that prompts researchers to investigate this changing behaviours and perceptions of luxury consumers. It is also significance to note that the increase in global demand in luxury market is not necessarily positive but could be negative if the demand is not being managed efficiently (Hennigs et al., 2015). Despite frequent changes in luxury consumption patterns, Kapferer & Valette-Florence (2016) argues that it is vital to understand how consumers behave in order for the brands to create and maintain trust and reputation among its consumers. Danziger (2005) argues that the notion of “past behaviour predicts future behavior” may not be applicable to the luxury market. However, the foundation remains where the marketers need to understand the basics about the past and present behaviours in order to offer the products and services at the price that luxury consumers are willing to pay. It is partly due to the minimisation of the possible risks that might occur in purchasing luxury products as stated by Kapferer & Valette-Florence (2016) that “in luxury, no one wants to buy the wrong brand”. In light of these changes in the demand and strategies, a new framework of luxury purchase intention will be presented. This framework integrates brand knowledge in order to accommodate the traditional consumer, who appreciates the brand and its exclusivity, as well as the new buyer who wants recognition. This attempt in merging the two groups of luxury consumers together will highlights how traditional and new luxury consumers make their purchase decisions based on different components of luxury product characteristics as well as different value perception, or that is to say, based on a different levels of brand knowledge. Conceptual Framework Over several decades scholars attempted to agree on a single comprehensive definition for the term ‘luxury’ but have not yet reached that goal because the concept of luxury is highly individual and the market itself is heterogeneous (Hennigs et al., 2013). The definition of luxury, therefore, is very complex to define (Vigneron & Johnson, 1999; Dubois & Duquesne, 1993) due to its “subjective character” (De Barnier et al., 2012) with many diverse facets (Phau & Prendergast, 2000). This study provides a new perspective by looking at the factors that influence luxury purchase intention. Based on the original work of Keller (1993), it is important to understand the structure and content of brand knowledge because these dictate what comes into the consumer’s mind when they think about a brand and what they know about the brand (Keller, 2003). Consumer brand knowledge is defined as the “personal meaning about a brand stored in consumer memory, that is, all descriptive and evaluative brand-related information” (Keller, 2003). Strong, unique, and favorable brand associations must be created with consumers (Kotler & Keller, 2012 and 2016). In luxury consumption, different consumers seek different emotional and functional benefits from luxury brands (Kapferer, 1998), which makes it relevant and significant to investigate the level of influences of brand knowledge and value perceptions on the intention to purchase luxury products. The proposed conceptual framework for this study is presented in Figure 1 in the Appendix section. Managerial Implications This study provides both theoretical and managerial implications. On theoretical grounds, this study provides an enhanced model in investigating the influence of luxury brand knowledge towards luxury purchase intention considering luxury brand characteristics and luxury value perceptions. On managerial perspective, this study provides an update in the modern luxury consumers consumption pattern in terms of what specific characteristics of luxury products they would consider when they intend to purchase. At the same time, this study analyses the types of luxury value perceptions acknowledge by modern luxury consumers towards their purchase decision. In addition, the proposed conceptual framework will take into account the behaviours of traditional luxury consumers, who seems to have been lost due to the increased demand among the new luxury consumers. According to Keller et al. (2012), the marketers of the brand needs to acknowledge the insights to how brand knowledge exists in consumer memory. From the model, marketers can plan and execute efficient marketing and communication strategies for modern luxury consumers given their fast-changing preference in luxury consumption. Following the suggestion from Kapferer & Valette-Florence (2016) which indicates that “luxury is made by brands” and apart from selling luxurious products, the dream is what is attached to the brand logo and name. Therefore, by investigating the relationship between luxury products characteristics along with luxury value perceptions, this study aims to provide a refreshing analysis of today’s luxury consumers and what stimulates them to buy personal luxury products. Further Research A questionnaire will be developed by the integration of the established measurements and scales from the existing luxury consumption and branding literature. A draft of the questionnaire will be reviewed against the literature and the practical insights obtained from the sales associates and experts in the luxury industry for the suitability and clarity of the questions. The final draft of the questionnaire will be pre-test on a small number of respondents from the target audience. The target population for the study is among general luxury consumers. The data collected from the survey will be analysed using Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) approach to model decision process and validate the proposed conceptual framework. Cluster analysis will be used to identify segments of consumers as recommended by Aaker et al. (2013). The anticipated research findings will expand on the degree of influences of the brand knowledge towards the willingness to purchase of personal luxury goods. It is also expected that the research findings will be useful in redefining the existing types of luxury consumers to represent today’s luxury consumers.

      • M. Polanyi의 인식론에 함의된 ‘당사자적 지식’의 성격

        이진희(Lee Jin Hee) 공주대학교 교육연구소 2009 교육연구 Vol.23 No.-

        본 연구의 목적은 폴라니의 인식론(認識論)에 나타난‘당사자적 지식’(Personal Knowledge)의 성격을 규명해 보고자 하는데 있다. 전통적ㆍ분석적 인식론 측면에서의 지식이 명시적이고 객관적이며 주지주의적인 측면을 강조하였다면, 폴라니는 이에 대한 대안으로 ‘당사자적 지식’이라는 새로운 개념을 통해 지식을 설명하고 있다. 그에 따르면 지식은 인식의 주체가 되는 당사자와 분리될 수 없는 ‘암묵적 차원’(tacit dimension)을 지니며 인식주체와 분리된 지식은 지식이 될 수 없다. 폴라니는 당사자적 지식을 주체와 분리되지 않는 암묵적 차원(tacit dimension)인 ‘초점식’(焦點識: focal awareness)과 ‘보조식’(補助識: subsidiary awareness)이라는 두가지 개념을 사용하여 지식획득과정을 설명하는 데 초점식과 보조식은 상호기능을 통해 지식의 획득과정이 이루어지며, 보조식과 초점식은 분리된 것이 아니라, 보조식은 새로운 초점식의 암묵적 뿌리가 된다고 보았다. 폴라니에게 있어서 ‘당사자적 지식’이라는 말은 지식의 발견이나 학습과정에 인식 주체인 당사자의 열정과 헌신을 가지고 참여한다는 말이다. 폴라니는 절대적이며 객관적인 지식을 강조하는 전통적인 인식론에 반대하면서 발견(發見)과 설득(說得)이라는 개선된 인식을 향해 나아갈 수 있는 방법을 제시하고 있다. 발견과 설득은 가르침과 배움이라는 교육활동의 두 축으로 나타낼 수 있으며 교육은 자아(自我) 당사자의 성장을 도모하는 배움과 타아(他我)의 성장을 조력하는 가르침으로 구성된다. 배움은 자신의 것과는 논리적 간극이 있는 인식을 대상으로 좀더 개선된 인식의 진리성을 ‘자증’(自證)하는 과정이며, 가르침은 자신의 인식보다 수준이 낮은 상대를 향상시켜 자신의 인식이 진리롭다는 점을 ‘타증’(他證)하는 활동으로 가르침과 배움은 상호 공조적인 교육적 관계속에서 이루어져야 한다. The purpose of this study is to explicate the nature of knowledge in the view of Polanyi’s theory of knowledge. For this purpose, the traditional and analytical epistemology were examined and Polanyi’s concept of “Personal Knowledge” was interpreted as the essential meaning of knowledge. In the tradional epistemology, which is represented as rationalism and empiricism, “innate ideas” and “sensational data” were considered as the basis of certainty. In the perspecitive of analytical epistemology, certainty and objectivity of knowledge depend on whether it suffice the three conditions such as belief condion, proof condition, and truth condition as the certain one, which clarified the objectivity of knowledge further. However it cannot provide us an adequate explanation of knowledge acquisition in the context of teaching and learning school subjects. On the other hand, Polanyi explains the knowledge through the new concept of “Personal Knowledge”. It is composed of two aspects of subsidiary awareness as a tacit aspect and focal awareness as a formulated aspect. The focal indicates the new knowledge acquired, which can be manifested, however the subsidiary contributes the acquisition of new knowledge as tacit dimension, which cannot be manifested. Tacit dimension can hardly be transferred to the other persons through linquistic interactions. It can be taught and learned by persuasion and discovery. The acquiring process of the personal knowledge with the nature and the relation like this is composed of the process of persuasion and heuristics. Persuasion of teaching is teacher’s activity and heuristics of learning is studen’s activity. Heuristics is to be possibility through persuasion, persuasion was to be itself by heuristics. Therefore, when it is accord with persuasion of teachers and heuristics of student, acquirement of knowledge can completed.

      • KCI등재

        `PBL-체험`을 활용한 시 창작교육 방안

        이승이 ( Lee Seung-yi ) 현대문학이론학회 2017 現代文學理論硏究 Vol.0 No.70

        본고는 학습자가 시 창작교육의 중심에 서지 못함으로써 개인적 지식을 습득하는데 실패하고, 그로 인해 시 교육과 시 생활이 분리되어 평생 독자로 성장할 수 없게 된 문제로부터 출발하였다. 그리고 평생 독자로서 문학을 생활화하기 위해 학습자 체험중심의 실제 활동을 토대로 `述로서의 창작`을 넓혀 `作으로서의 창작`을 위해 어떻게 하면 지식을 잘 가르칠 수 있을지를 고민해 보았다. 이를 위해 본고는 PBL과 체험의 중층구조에 대한 아이디어를 꾀하여 이를 토대로 `PBL-체험` 교수·학습 모형을 시 창작교육에 적용할 수 있을지 검토한 결과, 학습자의 체험이 암묵적 지식의 내면화를 돕고 개인적 지식을 강화, 다시 암묵적 지식으로 차연되도록 하는 데서 그 가능성을 찾을 수 있었다. 시 창작교육에서 `PBL-체험`의 특성은 `활동의 활동`으로 요약된다. 전자의 활동은 지식의 발견으로 인한 암묵적 지식을, 후자의 활동은 암묵적 지식을 방법적 지식으로 적용하여 개인적 지식을 습득하도록 만든다. 학습자의 내면화를 통해서만 습득되는 이들 지식은 지식과 인식 주체의 통합을 통해 모든 지식이 개인의 인격적 측면에 의존 할 수밖에 없음을 보여줌으로써 인식 주체로서 학습자의 참여에 주목하도록 만든다. 또 `~으로부터 ~으로` 전이되는 이들 지식은 외부 세계의 지식과 인식 주체의 암묵적 지식의 결합을 보여줌으로써 학습자에게 내면화된 암묵적 지식이 새로운 상황 속에서 어떻게 재구성되어 확장되는지에 관심 갖도록 만든다. 즉 학습자는 PBL 활동을 통해 얻은 암묵적 지식을 시 창작 체험 활동에 적용함으로써 개인적 지식으로 강화하거나 재구성하여 확장하게 된다. 미래 사회는 다양한 지식을 단지 기억만하고 있는 것이 아니라 그것을 융·복합하여 새로운 문제적 상황에 능동적이고 창의적으로 대처할 수 있는 능력을 요구한다. 시 창작교육 또한 지식의 습득을 넘어 현상을 이해하고 설명하거나 구체적인 문제해결 과정에서 자신이 갖고 있는 자원을 동원하고 사용할 수 있는 능력을 습득하는데 그 목표를 두어야 한다. 본고의 `PBL-체험`을 활용한 시 창작교육 방안은 학습과정이 창작과정이고 창작과정이 학습과정으로, 창작과정 자체가 지식을 구성하는 학습과정의 의미를 지님으로써 미래 사회가 요구하는 창의융합형 인재 양성 기획으로 충분히 의의가 있을 것으로 기대된다 This paper is rooted from a problem of which learners fail to acquire personal knowledge because the creation of poetry education does not focus on them. As a result it separates the education of writing poems and learners` actual living and even prevents them from growing into lifetime readers. In order to make literature a way of life, as a lifetime reader, a consideration was made to deliver knowledge by `starting from writing poetry so as to creation of poetry` based on the learners` experience of actual activity. For such an objective, this paper took the idea of dual structure of PBL and experience as a basis for model of `PBL-experience` teaching·learning, and reviewed how it can be applied to creation of poetry education. After reviewing the model, the result indicated a possibility that leaners` experience could facilitate internalization of tacit knowledge, strengthening of personal knowledge and differentiation of tacit knowledge. In creation of poetry education, the characteristic of `PBL-experience` can be summarized as `activity of activity.` The former activity refers to the tacit knowledge formed through discovery of knowledge and the latter activity involves using the tacit knowledge as knowledge of means to make it into personal knowledge. Such knowledge which only can be obtained through learners` internalization focuses on learners` participation as a cognitive subject by showing that all knowledge relies on one`s personal sides through integration of knowledge and cognitive subject. Also, such knowledge which are transferred from one type of knowledge to another brings learners` attention towards how the internalized tacit knowledge can be expanded through reorganization in a new situation by showing integration of knowledge of external world and cognitive subject`s tacit knowledge. Therefore, by applying the tacit knowledge obtained through PBL activity to creation of poetry activity, learners strengthen or reorganize such knowledge into their personal knowledge. Future society does not demand only ability to memorize various knowledge but also ability to fuse such knowledge to actively and creatively handle new problematic situation. Creation of poetry education should also make objective to understand and explain phenomenon, and to obtain ability to use and employ one`s resource in the process of specific problem solving beyond acquiring knowledge. The plan for creation of poetry education utilizing `PBL-experience` in this paper implies that learning process itself is a creating process and creating process itself is a learning process as well. Therefore, this paper is expected to have significance as a fostering plan for creative talented individuals in the future by including process of creating poems has a meaning of the learning process that composes knowledge.

      • KCI등재

        토마스 아퀴나스에게서 자기인식과 개별성

        이상섭 ( Sang Sup Lee ) 한국중세철학회 2013 중세철학 Vol.0 No.19

        Individuality and self-knowledge are generally considered two important elements constitutive of the modern concept of subjectivity. Many recent researches, however, indicate that the origin of both can be traced back to medieval philosophy. It is true that the modern concept of individuality as well as self-knowledge can be found in the works of some scholastics. There were, however, few philosophers who put them together except Thomas Aquinas, who combine them together connecting two following sentences as ‘this individual man knows’ and ‘each one experiences that she herself is the one who knows’. The objective of this article is to examine the validity of their connection, and therewith to consider how the concept of individuality could be integrated in the theory of self-knowledge in the philosophy of Aquinas. According to Aquinas, individuum is defined as ‘indivisible in itself and divided from other thing’. My argument is that Aquinas theory of self-knowledge and his principles of epistemology would fail to justify the knowledge of Self as individuum in epistemological viewpoint. That`s because Thomas develops his theory of self-knowledge in the form of self knowledge of intellect, while he explains the individuality of the intellect with the help of materiality and the knowledge of individuum through the conversion toward phantasma. In this context, It is hard to ward off the conclusion that the intellect cannot discern itself as individuum, although it is aware of its own being. Accordingly it should be suggested that Thomas theory of knowledge of self as individuum have to be understood as an ontological argument. Human person as intellectual being perceives, through her individual act of self-knowledge, that she ‘is’. Since, however, ‘to know’ is being of intellectual being, just as ‘to live’ is being of living being, for intellectual being to know that it ‘is’ is nothing other than to know that it knows, that is, self-knowledge. Although human person cannot discern the individuality of its being by her difference from other person, it cannot be denied that her self-knowledge ist nothing other than her own reflexive relation to herself as individual person. Consequently Aquinas`s connection of individuality and self knowledge is not a problem of epistemological justification, but shows that knowledge of self as individual is nothing other than the fundamental mode of being of person as intellectual being.

      • 지리교육과정에서 '내용'으로서 '지식'에 대한 논의

        서태열 한국지리환경교육학회 2002 한국지리환경교육학회지 Vol.10 No.1

        최근 교육환경의 변화로 인하여 지리교육과정을 여러 가지 구성요소들에 의해 유기적으로 작동하는 하나의 체계로 보는 관점이 요구되고 있고, 개별 구성요소의 변화양상과 그 본질적 성격에 대한 고찰이 필요하다. 또한 지리교육 및 지리교육과정의‘내용’에 대한 비판적 검토와 내용의 핵심적 요소인 ‘지식’의 본질과 성격에 대한 보다 깊이있는 성찰이 필요하다. 지리교육에서 가르치고자 하는 지식은 명제적 지리지식과, 지리적 실행 및 절차와 관련되는 수행적지식이라고 볼 수 있는 방법적 지리지식으로 나누어 볼 수 있으며, 학문적 지혜와 사고방식을 실생활에 활용하기 위해서는 방법적 지식에 주목해야 한다. 또한 개인적 지식의 확장성과 구체성에 초점을 두는 개인적 지식 내지 암묵적 지식도 중요한 관심사가 되고 있다. 지리교육내용으로서 방법적 지식과 암묵적 지식에 주목함으로써 지식기반사회에서 새롭게 재정립되고 있는 교육 내용으로서 연계망적 지식, 문제해결능력과 같은 지식과 능력을 획득할 가능성은 높아질 것이다. 이와 같은 지식의 본질, 성격, 형태에 대해 성찰을 통하여 지리적 사고와 탐구가 의미있게 지리교육에 반영될 수 있고, 지리교육은 교육적 의미를 더하게 된다. Recent changes in educational environments demands systematic perspectives on geography curriculum as a operative system with several interacting components. And more deep speculation into the nature and forms of knowledge as key content in geography education and geography curriculum is needed. Geographical knowledge in education can be divided into declarative geographical knowledge and procedural geographical knowledge which includes practice, procedure and performance in geography. As attentions must be paid to procedural knowledge to utilize academic wisdom and thinking ways in geography, as to personal and tacit knowledge to expand knowledge and to gain concrete knowledge. Considering the procedural knowledge and personal knowledge as important components in contents in geographical education, the possibility to achieve networking knowledge and problem solving ability will be getting high. Through this recognition, geographical education will be more educational, and geographical thinking and geographical inquiry will be interwoven meaningfully together.

      • KCI등재

        국문장편소설과 여성지식, 여성지식인

        탁원정 한국고전여성문학회 2017 한국고전여성문학연구 Vol.0 No.35

        The purpose of the current study is to discuss women knowledge and women intellectual of Korean Full-Length Novels. The study examines women intellectual appearance of Korean Full-Length Novels. There are a literary person be versed in poetry and calligraphy, a foreknowable person, a spokesperson of one's family, an educator of one's family , a tactician be versed in literary and martial arts. The study examines women knowledge character of Korean Full-Length Novels. There are weaving of knowledge and wisdom, otherized knowledge, knowledge of sympathy and communication. The first is that personality and experience have confrontation with individual and independent women knowledge. The second is that women knowledge is an altruistic means for one's family. The third is that women knowledge works get out the magnetic field of power. Women intellectual appearance of Korean Full-Length Novels is reconstructed women knowledge of preexistence man knowledge system. And formation of discourse the of women knowledge of Korean long piece novels that she is outstanding intellectual more than male intellectual and women knowledge is territory expansion. But It just goes to show the limitations of the knowledge systemthat of A woman's thing in parallel. 본고는 상층 여성 중심으로 창작, 향유되었던 국문장편소설을 대상으로 여성 지식인의 존재 양상을 살펴보고, 이를 바탕으로 여성 지식의 성격과 특징을 진단한 후, 그 의의와 한계를 통해 국문장편소설이 고전 여성 지식 체계에 편입될 가능성을 타진해 보고자 한 것이다. 본고에서 살펴본 국문장편소설 속 여성 지식인은 시서(詩書)에 능한 문인(文人), 천문지리(天文地理)와 상수학(象數學)에 밝은 예지가(豫知家), 불의에 항거한 가문의 대변인(代辯人), 가문 내의 스승이자 교육자(敎育者), 문무에 능통한 병술가(兵術家) 등으로 분류될 수 있다. 이들 여성 지식인이 보여주는 지식의 성격은 먼저, 지식과 지혜의 교직(交織)이다. 이때 지혜는 개인의 덕성이나 개성과 같은 성향의 측면과 실생활에서 얻은 고유의 경험이라는 체험적 측면으로 나뉠 수 있으며, 이들이 지식 축에 교직되면서 개별적이고 독자적인 여성 지식을 형성하고 있다. 다음은 타자화된 지식으로, 여성 지식인들의 지식이 가문을 위한 이타적 수단 한 편에 그 자신의 억압을 승화하고 치유하는 수단으로 작동하고 있다는 것이다. 마지막은 공감과 소통의 지식으로, 이는 여성 지식이 권력과 결부되지 않고 혹은 권력의 자장을 벗어나 작동하고 있음을 드러낸다. 국문장편소설 속 여성 지식과 여성 지식인의 양상은 기존의 남성 지식을 여성의 것으로 재구축했다는 점과 남성보다 뛰어난 여성지식인과 여성 지식의 영역 확대에 대한 담론 형성이라는 의의를 지닌다. 다만, 당대 현실에서 나타나는 것과 같은 여성 경험의 지식화는 거의 드러나지 않는다.

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