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        A Study on the Activation of Figure Skating for People with Disabilities

        Sunghee Koh(Sunghee Koh) J-INSTITUTE 2022 Kinesiology Vol.7 No.2

        Purpose: This study aims to examine and suggest development directions to revitalize the process of figure skating with disability in Korea. Method: In this study, literature analysis was conducted by investigating research data on figure skating for the people with disability in order to examine the process in Korea and suggest ways to revitalize it. In addition, data of sports organizations such as the Korea Paralympic committee and Special Olympics Korea were collected to find out the need for sports for the people with disability, the characteristics and value of skating, and to find ways to revitalize figure skating. Results: This study grasped the current status and collected and analyzed data to cope with the changing environment of sports for the people with disability and the changes occurring in the field of figure skating for the people with disability. The conclusions and suggestions are as follows. First, as a representative organization of winter sports for people with disability, figure skating can be included in the national winter competition for people with disability, which can play a role in the increase of the ice skating population with the Special Olympic Korea Committee. Second, various positive effects can be physically and mentally through the continuous participation of disa-bled people in figure skating, and balanced development should be established by establishing a linkage system from sports people with disability to professional sports for the purpose of improving and developing perfor-mance. When planning projects related to professional sports, sports for all, and school sports for people with disabilities, the purpose of establishing pleasant experiences, social skills, and health improvement through phys-ical activities, and fostering professional athletes and developing performance. Third, there should be many sta-diums where athletes can officially practice. Dongcheon Ice Rink was established for the first time for the people with disability, but it is regrettable that there are other cases where training for the people with disability on the ice rink is restricted for safety reasons. Conclusion: Based on the results of the study, Skating events for the people with disability are divided into short track and figure skating, and are held annually at the National Winter Games for the people with disability and the Special Olympics Winter Games. As a result, it is considered meaningful to find various ways to revitalize figure skating for the people with disability so that they can induce more participation than before COVID-19. In the future, if we create an environment where people with disability can train freely, more figure skaters will be created. Finally, in the follow-up study, it is considered that there is a need for expanded research targeting ex-perts in the special sports field, leaders by event, and participants.

      • KCI등재

        장애인 신체상에 대한 탐색

        김유환,추근도 한국체육철학회 2008 움직임의철학 : 한국체육철학회지 Vol.16 No.2

        Body Image is a blueprint of a person's physique which was formated in one's mind. It is a multi-dimensional concept which can express personal feelings and attitudes of his or her appearance and physical ability. The significance of body image for persons with disability from the sport field as follows. First, the inquiry of variables related to body image for persons with disability need to get out of fragmentary suggestions and need to consider as a simultaneous, coexistent, development intentional, and whole status. The characteristics of persons with disability has been expressed in various ways depend on the social cultural contexts within their own special quality. Second, a sport has contributed to establish the foundation of developing valuable theory through participating sport activities and helping to understand persons with disability better via explanation and description of meanings and subjective structures of disability awareness which was grasped with one's subjectivity. A sport also has served as a base of public concept without flection of body image to construct the overall social environment rather than the concept of specially planed education program. Third, in sport phenomenon, body image has been expressed on the base of cognition structure of persons without disability rather than the position of persons with disability. Reconsideration of body value of persons with disability is necessary to embody proper body image. Findings from this investigation is suggested that the trend of body image for persons with disability is helping persons with disability have righteous body understanding and obtain values of their own body. At the same time, disability sports play important role to expand social service project in our society. In addition, the trend will become a theoretical foundation to build programs for activation of disability sports. 신체상은 마음에서 형성된 자신의 신체에 대한 청사진으로 자신의 외모와 신체기능에 대해 주관적인 느낌이나 태도를 표현하는 다차원적 개념이다. 스포츠가 장애인의 신체상에 주는 의의는 다음과 같이 제시할 수 있다. 첫째, 장애인의 신체관과 관련된 변수규명을 단편적으로 제시하는 것에서 벗어나 스포츠를 통한 동시적, 공존적, 총체적, 발달 지향적 현상으로 보며 장애인 나름대로 장애 인식의 독특한 특성을 지니고 있으며 사회문화적 맥락에 따라 다양하게 나타나고 있다는 것이다. 둘째, 스포츠는 우리사회에서 장애인식을 개개인의 주관성에 따라 파악하여 그 구조와 의미를 기술, 설명하여 준다. 그리고 스포츠는 장애인 신체상에 대한 이해를 돕고 장애인의 스포츠 활동을 통하여 가치 있는 이론개발을 할 수 있는 바탕이 되는데 기여하며, 또한 스포츠는 장애인을 위한 특별한 교육으로서의 중요성보다는 누구나 공감하고 현실적으로 장애인에 대한 신체상에 굴곡이 없는 환경을 조성하는데 있다. 셋째, 스포츠현상에서 신체상은 장애인 입장보다는 비장애인의 인식구조를 기초로 하여 신체상을 표현하고 있다. 그러나 올바른 장애인 신체상을 구현하기 위해 장애인의 신체에 대한 가치와 이해가 필요하다는 것이다. 본 연구의 결과에서 발견된 장애인 신체인식의 나아갈 바는 ‘장애인’에 대한 신체상을 스포츠와 관련된 몸에 대한 이해와 가치를 가질 수 있도록 함과 동시에 우리사회에서 장애인스포츠가 복지사업 분야에서 중추적인 역할을 할 수 있도록 장애인스포츠 활성화를 위한 방안 마련에 이론적 기초가 되었으면 한다.

      • KCI등재

        장애의 개념에 대한 헌법적 고찰 - 「장애인차별금지 및 권리구제 등에 관한 법률」의 장애의 개념에 대한 논의를 중심으로 -

        윤수정(Yun, Soo-Jeong) 한국비교공법학회 2020 공법학연구 Vol.21 No.3

        장애인정책에 있어서 선결적으로 검토되어야 하는 중요한 문제는 바로 장애 ‘개념’에 대한 이해이다. 국가가 법률을 통해 장애를 정의하려는 시도는 그 사회에서 어느 범위의 사람들에게, 어떤 내용의 서비스를 제공할 것인가에 대한 사회적 합의에 기반을 둘 수밖에 없다. 다시 말해, 누가 주체가 되어 어떻게 정의하느냐에 따라 장애 개념을 둘러싼 장애 모델 및 장애인정책과 그 실현방안이 정해진다. 이는 정책의 대상이 되는 장애인의 삶의 방식을 결정하는 요인이 될 수 있으며, 그에 따라 장애인의 삶은 크게 달라진다. 그러나 ‘장애란 무엇인가’ 하는 문제에 대한 입법적 해결이 그리 간단한 것은 아니다. 장애는 1차적으로 자연적인 현상이지만, 다른 한편 인위적인 결정의 대상이기도 하다. 장애에 대한 정책적 보호를 위해서는 유사한 다른 현상과 구별하여 보호할 기준이 필요하기 때문이다. 바꾸어 말하면, 대부분 ‘법률’을 통해 구체화되는 장애인정책의 특성상 그 개념을 법적으로 설정하는 것은 규율대상, 보호의 인적 범위 등과 같은 정책의 결정 및 집행을 위해서 필요한 작업이다. 이는 장애인차별금지법에서도 마찬가지이다. 장애인차별금지법은 장애를 “신체적․정신적 손상 또는 기능상실이 장기간에 걸쳐 개인의 일상 또는 사회생활에 상당한 제약을 초래하는 상태”라 정의하고, 장애인은 “이러한 장애가 있는 사람을 의미한다”고 규정하고 있다. 장애인차별금지법의 제정은 우리나라 장애인정책의 패러다임의 변화를 가져왔지만, 과연 장애인차별금지법에서의 장애의 개념이 이에 부합한지에 대해서는 의문이다. 좀 더 자세히 말하자면, 장애인차별금지법상 차별행위로부터 보호를 받기 위해서는 가장 먼저 법률에서 규정하고 있는 장애 정의의 요건을 충족하여야 하는데, 현재 장애인차별금지법에서는 적용대상의 획정에 있어 가장 핵심적인 개념이라고 할 수 있는 장애에 대해 매우 추상적으로 모호하게 규정하고 있어, 누가 차별로부터 보호받을 수 있는지, 그리고 이와 연계되어 어떤 경우에 누구에게 차별금지의무가 부과되는지 매우 불명확하다. 장애는 복잡하고 동적이며 다차원적이고 논쟁이 많은 개념이며, 특히 장애인정책에서는 장애의 본질에 기초한 판단이라기보다는 법적, 그리고 정책적 보호의 대상이자 그 결과로서의 측면을 모두 가지고 있다. 그러므로 현행 장애인차별금지법에서 사용되고 있는 장애의 개념은 장애인차별금지법 정책의 이념이 반영되고, 제정목적에 부합하는 방향으로 수정되어야 한다. An important issue that should be considered in the policy of the disabled is understanding the ‘concept’ of the disability. The states attempt to define disability through legislation is bound to be based on social consensus on what extent of the service it will provide to the people in that society. In other words, depending on who becomes the subject and how they define it, disability models and disability policies surrounding the concept of disability are determined and how they are realized. This can be a factor in determining the way people with disabilities live, which is subject to policy, and accordingly the lives of people with disabilities vary greatly. However, legislative solutions to the question of ‘what is disability’ are not that simple. Disability is primarily a natural phenomenon, but on the other hand it is also subject to artificial decision. This is because policy protection against disability requires criteria to be protected separately from other similar phenomena. In other words, due to the nature of policies for the disabled, which are mostly embodied through ‘Act’, legalizing the concept is a necessary task for determining and implementing policies, such as subject to discipline and the human scope of protection. The same is true of the 「Act on the Prohibition of Discrimination Against Disabled Persons, Remedy Against Infringement of their Rights, etc.」 Act on the Prohibition of Discrimination Against Disabled Persons defines disability as “a condition in which physical or mental damage or loss of function results in considerable restrictions on an individuals daily or social life over a long period of time,” and stipulates that the disabled “means a person with such a disability.” The enactment of the Act on the Prohibition of Discrimination Against Disabled Persons has brought about a paradigm shift in the nations policy for the disabled, but it is questionable whether the concept of disability in the Act on the Prohibition of Discrimination Against Disabled Persons is in line with it. More specifically, in order to be protected from discrimination under the Act on the Prohibition of Discrimination Against Disabled Persons, the first thing to do is to meet the requirements of the definition of disability defined by act, which is currently very abstractly vague about the disability, which is the most essential concept in the definition of the subject, so it is very unclear who can be protected from discrimination and who, in conjunction with it, is the obligation to prohibit discrimination. Disability is a complex, dynamic, multidimensional, and controversial concept, especially in disability policies, it has both legal and policy-protected aspects rather than judgments based on the nature of disability. Therefore, the concept of disability used in the current Act on the Prohibition of Discrimination Against Disabled Persons should be reflected in the ideology of the anti-discrimination law against persons with disabilities and modified in a way that conforms to the purpose of its enactment.

      • KCI등재

        장애 패러다임 변화에 따른 한국교회의 장애인 선교 실천방안 연구

        이은미(Lee, Eun-mi) 한국선교신학회 2010 선교신학 Vol.25 No.-

        This study aims ar exploring the perception and attitude of Korean churches toward people with disability in terms of missionary work. There were widespread prejudice and discrimination against people with disability in both Korean society and Korean churches. However disability paradigm is on the shift from rehabilitative model to independence model which emphasizes the anti-discrimination and human rights of people with disability. The mission for people with disability started from the dedicated missionaries ar the end of 1800s. The work was restarted in 1970s by a number of individuals who committed for the people with disability However most of the Korean churches were ignorant and indifferent about people with disability so the gospel was nor reached to them up to recently, not to mention the welfare for them . Since 1990s the churches starred to involve in the welfare service for people with disability and made efforts for the integration of christian disabled people into the church. According to denomination, the types and the amount of fìnancial input to the mission for people with disability appeared to be different. Bur the effectiveness and influence of the churches work are not signifìcant yet. lt is mainly because of the perception that disability is the result of sin and it is a God’'s punishment. Korean churches are obliged to change their perception and anitudes about disability so that the genuine incegration and mission for disabled people would be achieved. In order to do this, four practical strategies could be drawn as follows. First of all, the churches should create integrative environments which are free from discrimination that derives from the physical or mental difference of people with disability. Also the difference and genuineness should be fully appreciated as it is Secondly, cross-churches and denomination network and consortium must be established on the purpose of more effective mission for people with disability. Thirdly, disability specialist group need to be organized necessarily consisted of people with disability. Lastly, rheology of mission for people with disability should be reviewed and practical manual for the mission must be developed.

      • KCI등재

        장애인 자립 및 사회참여를 위한 법적 프레임워크로서 호주 국가장애보험법의 국내적 함의

        장선미 사회복지법제학회 2022 사회복지법제연구 Vol.13 No.1

        The National Disability Insurance Scheme(NDIS) of Australia is a system in which people with disability can directly purchase ‘reasonable and necessary’ support services with funding to ‘individualized’ plans. The NDIS is based on the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013. The Act is the legal framework for promoting human rights for people with disability, for supporting the independence and social and economic participation of people with disability and fulfilling the obligations of the party state, Australia under the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities(CRPD). While the act imagines an ideal scenario for disabled individuals, the act itself lacks sufficient provisions to realize this vision. This suggests the following to us. First, the legal framework of the individual budget system that guarantees human rights for the disabled should contain the core value of human rights not only in objects or principles, but also in the content of the entire law. Second, the access of the disabled to the personal budget system should be guaranteed as much as possible, and in particular, access should not be controlled through medical criteria. Third, ‘personalizaion’ should be realized in determining the content and level of support for the independence and social and economic participation. It should be a budget that can meet the needs of individuals with disabilities for independence and social participation, not general data on the type or degree of disability, age, and gender. To this end, the person in charge of the work of the institution in charge of the personal budget system must have professional knowledge and competency for this. In addition, with regard to accessibility and individualization, appropriate objection procedures and rights relief measures should be secured for the disabled. Finally, since the choice and control of people with disability can be realized through their own decision-making, and the legal framework of the personal budget system that guarantees the choice and control of the disabled should also ensure the will of the disabled as much as possible. To this end, the legal framework should include supported decision-making arrangements to support the decision-making of the disabled. The choice and control, independence and social participation of people with disability that the individual budget system seeks cannot be realized based on an objective best interests assessment, but can be realized by decision-making on equal legal capacity of people with disability. 호주의 국가장애보험제도(NDIS)는 장애인이 개인별 맞춤 계획에 따른 자금지원 및 기타 지원으로 합리적이고 필요한 장애 지원 서비스를 직접 구매할 수 있는 제도로서, 장애인의 선택과 통제를 최대한 존중하고 사회참여를 증진하기 위한 개인예산제도이다. 또한 NDIS는 보험기반 접근 방식에 따른 보험계리적 분석을 통하여 재정적 지속가능성을 유지하면서 장애 지원 서비스를 제공한다. 이러한 NDIS의 법적 프레임워크로서 「2013년 국가장애보험제도법」은 입법목적과 원칙에 있어 장애인의 자립과 지역사회에 대한 사회·경제적 참여를 추구하고, 유엔 장애인권리협약상 장애인 인권을 증진하기 위한 법적 프레임워크이다. 그러나 실제 이 법은 불충분한 규정과 일부 배치되는 규정으로 이러한 목적을 달성하기에 한계가 있으며, 이러한 한계는 우리에게 다음과 같은 점을 시사한다. 첫째, 장애인 인권을 보장하는 개인예산제의 법적 프레임워크는 입법목적이나 원칙에서 인권 보장에 관한 추상적 원칙을 규정하는 것만으로는 부족하며, 법 전체 규정이 인권에 핵심가치를 내용으로 담아야 하고 이를 실현하기 위하여 체계적으로 규정되어야 한다. 둘째, 개인예산제에 대한 장애인의 접근을 최대한 보장하여야 하며, 특히 의료적 기준을 통해서 접근을 통제해서는 안 된다. 셋째, 장애인의 자립과 사회참여를 위한 지원의 내용과 수준 결정에 있어서 ‘개인맞춤화’가 실현되어야 한다. 장애의 유형이나 정도, 연령, 성별에 대한 일반적 데이터가 아닌 장애인 개인의 자립과 사회참여를 위한 필요를 충족할 수 있는 예산이어야 한다. 이를 위해서는 개인예산제를 담당하는 기관의 업무 담당자에게 이를 위한 전문적 지식과 역량이 있어야 한다. 또한 접근성과 개인맞춤화와 관련해서는 장애인에게 적절한 이의제기절차와 권리구제수단이 확보되어야 한다. 넷째, 장애인의 선택과 통제는 장애인의 본인의 의사결정을 통해 실현될 수 있기 때문에, 장애인의 선택과 통제를 보장하는 개인예산제의 법적 프레임워크 또한 장애인의 의사를 최대한 보장하여야 한다. 또한 이를 위하여 장애인의 의사결정을 지원하는 지원의사결정제도를 마련하여야 한다. 개인예산제도가 추구하는 목적인 장애인 당사자의 선택과 통제의 실현, 자립과 사회 참여는 장애인 당사자의 의사와 유리된 장애인을 위한 객관적 최선의 이익의 추정에 기초하여 실현될 수 없으며, 장애인 당사자의 동등한 능력과 권리를 전제로 하는 의사 결정에 의하여 실현될 수 있다.

      • KCI등재

        Nutrition education programs necessary for social welfare facilities for persons with disabilities: a cross-sectional study

        김진경,전민선 대한지역사회영양학회 2024 대한지역사회영양학회지 Vol.29 No.1

        'Objectives This study investigated the need for nutrition education aimed at improving the health of residents and users of social welfare facilities for persons with disability and aimed to provide basic information for developing a nutrition education program that meets the needs of the field. Methods Altogether, 249 employees working in social welfare facilities for people with disabilities were included in the study. Data on the health status of residents/users, meal management, nutritional education, nutritional education needs, and awareness of nutritional education were obtained through online surveys. A descriptive analysis was conducted to analyze the demographic characteristics, needs, and perceptions of the respondents, and independent t-tests and χ2 tests were performed to analyze and compare the differences between residential and daycare facilities. Results The majority of residents/users of social welfare facilities for persons with disabilities have developmental disabilities. When educating residents with residents/users of social welfare facilities, ‘personal hygiene’ was the most necessary topic, followed by ‘obesity management’ education. Regarding the methods of providing education, face-to-face lectures demonstrated a high demand. They responded that when nutrition education experts provide nutrition education to people with disabilities, they must understand ‘the physical characteristics of persons with disabilities’ and have the ability to determine appropriate nutrition for such people. The most appropriate nutrition program training would be twice a year, lasting 30 min to 1 h per training session. Conclusions It will present a direction for operating a nutrition education program for persons with disabilities that meets their needs of social welfare facilities and ultimately contribute to the establishment and activation of nutrition education tailored to welfare facilities for such individuals in Korea. 'Objectives This study investigated the need for nutrition education aimed at improving the health of residents and users of social welfare facilities for persons with disability and aimed to provide basic information for developing a nutrition education program that meets the needs of the field. Methods Altogether, 249 employees working in social welfare facilities for people with disabilities were included in the study. Data on the health status of residents/users, meal management, nutritional education, nutritional education needs, and awareness of nutritional education were obtained through online surveys. A descriptive analysis was conducted to analyze the demographic characteristics, needs, and perceptions of the respondents, and independent t-tests and χ2 tests were performed to analyze and compare the differences between residential and daycare facilities. Results The majority of residents/users of social welfare facilities for persons with disabilities have developmental disabilities. When educating residents with residents/users of social welfare facilities, ‘personal hygiene’ was the most necessary topic, followed by ‘obesity management’ education. Regarding the methods of providing education, face-to-face lectures demonstrated a high demand. They responded that when nutrition education experts provide nutrition education to people with disabilities, they must understand ‘the physical characteristics of persons with disabilities’ and have the ability to determine appropriate nutrition for such people. The most appropriate nutrition program training would be twice a year, lasting 30 min to 1 h per training session. Conclusions It will present a direction for operating a nutrition education program for persons with disabilities that meets their needs of social welfare facilities and ultimately contribute to the establishment and activation of nutrition education tailored to welfare facilities for such individuals in Korea.

      • KCI등재

        시혜에서 권리로, 보호에서 자립으로

        박경석(Park Kyong Seok) 서강대학교 법학연구소 2012 서강법률논총 Vol.1 No.2

        The movement of people with disabilities and disabled welfare in Korea is growing at a rapid pace. People with disabilities, however, are being denied the rights to independent living due to evil laws like disability grading system, and family support obligating system. The disability grading system has concealed the social relations of disability and social rights of people with disabilities. This system does not care about the service which people need in everyday life. National Basic Living Security System should guarantee the poorest people’s living, but is actually creating millions of poorest people because of family support obligating system. Millions of people cannot get pension only because they have lineal blood relatives produce an income. The family support obligating system is a sort of implicative system that dumps poverty onto family. With this evil system, people with disability can not live as the subject of their own life but have to live as the object of their family members. Almost all disabled welfare system are based on disability grading system and family support obligating system. We have to change many disability welfare laws including disability benefit law and personal assistance service law. And we should create a system that is capable of supporting the independent living of people with disabilities, regardless of the degree of disability or family members income.

      • KCI등재

        장애등급제 폐지와 장애인 권리구제를 위한 법원의 역할

        차성안 ( Sung-an Cha ) 이화여자대학교 법학연구소 2018 法學論集 Vol.23 No.1

        과거 장애등급제를 획일적으로 활용해 장애인 권리를 박탈, 제한하던 행정입법이나 지침, 실무관행에 대하여 법원을 통한 구제절차는 제대로 작동하지 못하였다. 장애등급제 폐지로 이런 문제점이 개선될지 문제된다. 장애등급제가 획일적으로 활용되어 문제를 일으킨 가장 대표적인 영역이 장애인활동지원법에 따른 활동보조제도이다. 장애인활동지원법은 수급권자, 급여내용의 구체적 내용을 시행령에 위임하고, 다시 시행규칙이나 고시, 지침에 위임하는 다단계 위임구조를 통해, 수급권자, 급여내용에 관하여 개별 사안의 실질에 부합하는 구체적 타당성 있는 법해석의 가능성을 봉쇄해왔다. 활동지원 업무 관련 수급요건이나 급여내용에 관한 판단을 담당하는 행정공무원이나 급여전달 담당자가 개별 장애인의 구체적 장애유형과 그 정도에 따라 구체적으로 법해석을 통해 법의 적용범위를 고민할 여지를 없앴다. 지나치게 획일적이고 세부적이면서 구체적 사안의 특수성을 고려한 예외조차 인정하는 않는 이런 다단계 위임입법구조는 최종적 법해석 권한을 행사하는 법원 또한 구체적 사안에 따른 법해석 및 적용 권한을 행사하지 못하게 한다. 행정부 담당공무원, 급여전달자, 법원 그 누구도 개별 장애인의 실제 장애유형, 정도, 생활의 실질 등을 고려한 구체적 타당성 있는 법해석 권한을 행사하지 못하도록 하고 이를 행정입법권을 행사하는 행정관료가 사전적, 획일적으로 행사하도록 하고 있다. 이런 다단계 위임구조는, 행정부가 입법부는 물론 사법부로부터도 통제·견제받지 않으면서 장애인활동지원 예산을 최소한의 수준으로 통제하는 도구로 충실히 기능한다. 장애등급제는 그런 다단계 위임구조에서, 획일적 눈금자들을 통해 예산을 통제하기 위한 개념 조작적 도구로 활용되었다. 법원은 이러한 다단계 위임구조 중 대통령령 이하의 행정입법과 지침 등에 대해서는 명령, 규칙심사권을 근거로 전부 또는 일부 무효를 선언해 그 구속력에서 벗어나 직접 법률상 장애관련 급여의 수급권자와 급여내용을 해석해 낼 수 있는 권한을 가지고 있었다. 그러나 법원은 이를 거의 활용하지 않았다. 장애등급제가 폐지되어 개인욕구를 종합적으로 측정하는 도구가 도입되든, 직접지불제와 개인예산제가 도입되든 현실의 장애유형, 정도, 생활영역에서의 지원에 대한 장애인의 욕구를, 규범화된 수급요건을 이루는 구체적 금액과 시간으로 환산해 내는 작업은 피할 수 없다. 그 환산을 위한 일정한 기준의 마련도 불가피하다. 법원의 권리구제 활성화가 필요하다는 명제에 동의할 수 있다면, 장애등급제 폐지를 위한 입법시에는 다단계 위임입법 구조를 개선해 장애인활동지원급여의 지급여부 및 수준이 다퉈지는 경우, 장애인활동지원법이라는 법률을 직접 해석해 분쟁을 해결하고 적극적인 구제수단을 제시할 권한을 판사에게 부여해야 한다. 동시에, 권리구제 수단으로서의 장애인 법원 접근성을 높이기 위한 전제가 되는, 정보제공, 상담을 장애인 활동지원 영역에서 확대해야 하고, 특히 이의신청 등 행정적 구제절차의 활성화를 위한 노력을 통해 소송적 구제수단을 활용할 수 있는 분쟁사례 풀(pool)을 늘려야 한다. 소송대리문제, 소송비용 문제, 소장의 형식성 문제 등도 개선노력이 병행될 필요가 있다. 특히 가구제 수단 인정, 의무이행소송이나 일반이행소송 등의 인정이나 장애인차별금지법상 법원을 통한 적극적 구제조치를 장애인 활동지원 영역 관련 분쟁에 확장해 인정하는 등의 개선도 필요하다. 가장 중요하게는 지나치게 획일적인 장애인 활동지원 관련 행정입법에 관하여 법원이 적극적으로 명령, 규칙 심사권을 활용해 그 위헌성, 위법성에 관하여 고민하여 판단을 내놓을 필요가 있다. 이런 제도적 개선 노력과 함께 사법부 자체의 장애인권 감수성 등의 문제를 동시에 풀어나가는 노력이, 법원내외에서 이뤄질 필요가 있다. In the past the administrative legislations, guidelines, and practices deprived and restricted the rights of persons with disabilities through the uniform abuse of disability rating systems. However the court remedy system didn’t functioned well against this abuse. It is problematic whether this problem in court remedy will be solved by abolishing the disability rating system. The most representative area in which the disability rating system is abused uniformly is the personal assistance service system in accordance with the Personal Assistance Service for the Persons with Disabilities Act(PASPDA). The PASPDA delegates specific details of the beneficiary and the benefits to the regulations and guidelines. By this multi-level delegation structure, the court was deprived of the authority to interpret the law on the beneficiary and benefits. Instead the executive department had the substantial authority to interpret the law on the beneficiary and benefits. This multi-level delegation structure functioned as a tool to control the budget for the personal assistance service of persons with disabilities at a minimum level, without the administration being controlled by the legislature as well as the judiciary. The disability rating system was used as a conceptual manipulation tool to control the budget through uniform rulers in such a multi-level delegation structure. If necessary the court could nullify all or part of this multi-level delegation structure exercising its authority to judge on the lawfulness and effectiveness of regulations and as a result could interpret the beneficiaries of the disability-related benefits. However, the court rarely exercised such authority. After the abolition of the disability rating system, whether a system to measure the needs of the individual is introduced, or whether the direct payment system and the individual budget system are introduced, the individual needs of a person with disabilities should be converted into specific amount of money or time of certain benefits, considering the type and degree of his/her disabilities. It is also inevitable to set certain standards for the conversion. In the case of legislation for the abolition of the disability rating system, it is necessary to correct the multi-level delegated legislative structure so that the judge should be given the authority to interpret the law directly and resolve disputes and propose active remedies, when disputes on the benefits for the persons with disabilities occurs. In order to increase the access to court, information, counseling, use of representative, litigation expenses, and susceptibility of human rights issues must be addressed together, both inside and outside the court.

      • KCI등재

        고령장애인의 고용유지에 영향을 미치는 요인에 관한 연구

        서지혜 ( Seo Ji-hye ),나운환 ( Na Woon-hwan ),오소윤 ( Oh So-yun ) 대구대학교 특수교육재활과학연구소 2016 특수교육재활과학연구 Vol.55 No.4

        본 연구는 고령장애인의 고용유지 영향요인을 규명하여 고령장애인의 특성에 맞는 고용 대안을 제시하는데 목적이 있다. 연구목적을 달성하기 위하여 한국장애인고용공단에서 실시한 2014년 제7차 장애인고용패널조사 원자료(raw data)를 활용하여 분석을 실시하였으며, 연구의 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 고령장애인 취업자 대부분은 남성이고, 고용서비스와 직업훈련을 받은 경험이 없으며, 근로자수가 50명 미만이며 노조가 없는 소규모 사업체에서 종사중인 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 고령장애인은 평균임금이 높을수록, 신체외부장애를 가진 경우, 고용서비스 이용 경험이 없는 경우에 고용유지기간이 긴 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 고령장애인의 고용유지에 영향을 미치는 변수는 경제적 요인의 평균임금, 장애 및 건강 요인의 장애유형, 인적자본요인의 고용서비스 경험이다. 넷째, 고령장애인과 비고령장애인 두 집단 모두 고용서비스를 받은 경험이 없는 경우, 좋은 일자리에 종사하는 경우에 고용유지기간이 길었으며, 고령장애인은 인구학적 요인과 거주형태가 자가인 경우, 장애유형이 신체외부장애인 경우에 고용유지기간이 길게 나타났지만, 비고령장애인은 정규근로시간에 가까울수록 고용유지기간이 길게 나타나는 차이가 있다. 이러한 연구결과를 바탕으로 고령장애인의 고용유지를 위한 제언을 제시하였다. The purpose of this study is to suggest the policy alternatives for the characteristics of elderly people with disabilities by investigating analysis the factors that influence the employment maintenance for elderly people with disabilities. To achieve this study purpose, using the data set of seventh-year Panel Survey of Employment for the Disabled. The targets of analysis are wage earners who are over 50 years of age and the others, and followings are the result; First, most elderly people with disabilities are employed male, haven`t experience in vocational training and employment services. They work in small companies less then 50 workers and without a trade union. Second, elderly people with disabilities has a longer period of time maintaining employment when they have higher average wages, have a physical disability and haven`t employment service experience. Third, variables affecting job maintaining for elderly people with disabilities is the average wage of the economic factors, the type of disability of disability and health factors, the experienced employment services of human factors. Fourth, elderly people with disabilities and people with disabilities has a longer period of time maintaining employment when they didn`t experience employment services, working in good jobs(higher wages, full-time, presence of unions). Elderly people with disabilities has a longer period of time maintaining employment when they are male, have a spouse, large number of families, home ownership, the physical disabilities. But non-elderly people with disabilities has a larger period of time maintaining employment when they work 40 hours per week. Thus, based on the analysis results, to present some suggestions and limitations for maintaining employment of the elderly people with disabilities, is as follows: First, the development of a variety of employment services for the elderly people with disabilities, in this process, there is a need for the development of services and policies for women elderly people with disabilities. Second, there is need for the development of a variety of support services and policies for improvement of the qualitative level of employ services and the people with internal disabilities`s job maintaining. Third, people with disabilities won a good job, so that it can be maintained, it is necessary to provide appropriate policies and life-long service. Fourth, This study have a limit to the display in consideration of the employment status of the entire country, because it compared the population of elderly people with disabilities only in the population of the non-elderly persons with disabilities. Therefore, in the subsequent study, there is a need for comparative analysis study of the employment status of the entire country.

      • KCI등재

        그림검사를 활용한 초등학생의 장애인식 특징 분석

        김수연 ( Soo Young Kim ),이대식 ( Dae Sik Lee ) 한국특수아동학회 2011 특수아동교육연구 Vol.13 No.2

        In this study, we explored the utility of elementary school students` drawings of people with disabilities for measuring any change in disability awareness as a result of a disability-awareness program. For this purpose, we developed a picture test format and a manual, and administrated the tool to 202 elementary school students whose grades ranged 1 to 4. Students were asked to draw any person with disabilities came across their mind, with a brief description of the person. Students` drawings were categorized as the following 10 categories: 1) a patient with diseases, 2) a beneficiary who needs caring or help, 3) a target for jeering at, 4) a monster, 5) an image distorted or complicated negatively 6) objective descriptions of disability or impairment, 7) a self-independent image, 8) an ordinary person, 9) a person interacting with others, 10) a person with disabilities whom a student knows personally. Categories 1 through 6 can be labeled as a medical model driven view on people with disabilities. More than half of students` drawings were belonged to this view. The most frequent images drawn by elementary school students were people, hospitalized being put intravenous tubes or wearing plaster cast, or disabled people standing with healthy people helping them by carrying bags or pushing a wheelchair. However, although the number was small, some drawings showed that people with disabilities independently live or interact with their neighbors. The effective ways to change students` disability awareness were also discussed.

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