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      • KCI등재후보

        국방 성능형 규격 작성 및 전환 방안에 관한 연구

        최석철,송유하,Choi, Seok-Cheol,Song, Yu-Ha 한국국방경영분석학회 2007 한국국방경영분석학회지 Vol.33 No.1

        성능형 규격이란 재료, 공정 등의 구체적인 사양에 대한 명시가 없이 최종적인 요구성능, 환경 및 연동되는 부분의 호환성 확보에 대한 규제만을 함으로써 우수한 민수기술의 도입을 통하여 경제적이고 높은 신뢰성을 달성하고자 활용되는 규격으로 이미 선진국에서는 많이 작성되어지고 기존의 상세형 규격의 성능형 규격 전환도 활성화되고 있는 실정이다. 그러나 우리나라의 경우 규격 작성시 성능형으로 작성토록 규정화하고 성능형 규격 작성지침을 마련하는 등 성능형 규격 작성의 활성화에 많은 노력을 기울이고 있으나 현재까지의 작성 및 활용 실적을 보면 매우 미흡한 실정이다. 따라서 성능형 규격의 효과적인 작성/전환을 위하여 시장조사 방안, 무기체계개발 또는 부품국산화에 따른 성능형 규격 작성 방안, 성능형 규격 전환 방안, 성능형 규격 전환을 위한 절차와 방법, 성능형 규격과 상세형 규격의 혼합형태 활용을 제시하였다. A performance specification states requirements in terms of the required results, such as performance, environment and interchangeability, but without stating the methods for achieving the required results, such as material and process. therefore the performance specification is applied to attain economic efficiency and high reliability by using the advanced commercial Technology for the weapon systems and The development of performance specification and conversion into performance specification have been activated in the advanced nations. The Ministry of National Defence of Korea has regulated the specification to make performance type in developing specification and prepared performance specification guide. but the result of the development of and conversion into performance specification is very unsatisfactory, To efficiently develop and convert into performance specification, this study gives the way of market research, the creation of the performance specification from development of weapon system and part localization, the process and method for conversion of detail specification into performance specification, the use of hybrid type of performance and detail specification.

      • 성능형 국방규격의 활성화 방안 연구

        김철수 ( Choul Su Kim ),이용문 ( Yong Moon Lee ),이승현 ( Seung Hyun Lee ),서동수 ( Dong Soo Seo ) 한국군사학회 2014 군사논단 Vol.79 No.-

        Many advanced countries including the U.S. consider defense standardization as a critical task for the efficient acquisition and effective operation of weapon systems and have implemented the appropriate standardization policy by synchronizing the defense acquisition strategies and nation standardization policy with defense standardization. Therefor, it is an inevitable task to investigate the standardization trends and strategy in the domestic and international trends and strategy in the domestic and international perspectives, and it is required to develop a concrete defense standardization plan applicable to domestic detense environment. Military specification system is composed of a detail specification and performance specification. However, the military specification system is mostly used by detail specification. Detail specification does not reflect the advanced technology, and is required labor-intensive works in order to reduce costs and improve performance. “Performance specification” is a prevalent approach among defense standardization polices of developed countries, for the cost reduction and spin-on(of the advanced commercial technology). However, few cases of performance specifications are reported domestically. For the reason, military specification system needs a better solution. In this study, we propose that both performance specification and hybrid specification are the best solution.

      • KCI등재

        국제물품매매시 매수인의 특정이행청구에 관한 연구

        민주희 한국무역상무학회 2024 貿易商務硏究 Vol.101 No.-

        This study examines specific performance under English law and CISG. Under English law, specific performance is available in equity and discretionary remedy which lies in the discretion of the court. Specific performance has been granted as a secondary remedy available where damage are not adequate. This is because it has been considered that damages are a satisfactory and effective way of protecting performance interest. Thus the buyer seeking specific performance is required to get substitutes in order to mitigate loss. Where substitute goods are available in the market, then damages are adequate, and specific performance is refused. Under CISG, the buyer has the right to require performance or to claim damages. While specific performance is not a right but a discretionary remedy in English law, requiring specific performance under CISG is the buyer’s right and the buyer does not have to take into account damages before seeking specific performance. But Art. 28 permits the deciding court to reject the order for specific performance on the basis of its own law in respect of similar contracts of sale. Although English courts of equity are not obliged to order specific performance according to Art. 28, the court should consider unification of laws in international sale of goods. As to mitigation of loss, CISG Art.77 may not oblige the buyer seeking specific performance to enter into a substitute transaction because it mentioned only reduction of damages. As damage is ordered as the primary remedy based on the adequacy of damages under English law, whether the substitute is obtainable is the determining factor thereby the buyer being forced to make a substitute purchase.

      • KCI등재

        매수인의 구제수단으로서 특정이행에 관한 비교법적 연구- 미국에서의 논의와 사례를 중심으로 -

        신창섭,남기윤 고려대학교 법학연구원 2022 고려법학 Vol.- No.106

        국제계약에서는 각 국가의 문화, 관습, 언어의 차이가 존재하기 때문에 더욱 복잡한 법률관계가 수반되고, 우리는 이런 법률관계의 해석에 신중한 접근을 해야 할 것이다. 이 중 특히나 법체계 간 다른 접근방법을 보이는 구제수단의 문제에 대해서는 더욱 그러할 것이다. 대륙법 체계 국가에서는 채무불이행이 있을 시, 피해당사자가 상대방에게 계약상 채무의 이행을 강제할 것을 법원에 청구할 수 있는 권리가 인정되는 반면, 영미법 국가들은 우선적으로 손해배상을 주된 구제수단으로 하고, 특정이행은 예외적인 사유에만 인정되는 차이를 보인다. 이러한 차이 속에서 대륙법 체계 국가인 우리나라의 당사자가 영미법 체계 국가의 당사자와의 국제계약상 분쟁이 발생했을 시, 특정이행을 인정받을 수 있는지 여부를 사전에 예견하기 어려운 상황에 놓이게 될 것이다. 이런 불명확성에 대비해, 우리나라의 주요 교역국이자 영미법 체계 국가인 미국에서의 구제수단으로서 특정이행에 관해 연구했다. 이를 위해 첫째, 영국의 형평법원에서부터 오늘날 미국통일상법전에 이르기까지 특정이행의 역사와 변화를 살펴보았다. 둘째, 특정이행에 관한 학설의 전개를 살펴보았다. 예외적인 구제수단인 특정이행을 더욱 폭넓게 인정하자는 주장을 중심으로 전개되는 서로 다른 학설들을 살펴보는 것을 통해, 특정이행을 바라보는 미국의 학술적인 시야와 논리를 들여다보았다. 셋째, 미국 상사계약에서 특정이행의 요건 및 사례들을 연구했다. 상사계약을 규율하는 가장 공고한 위치에 있는 미국통일상법전, 특히 특정이행을 규정하고 있는 제2-716조의 문언과 그 문언에 속에 있는 입안자의 의도 등을 살펴보고, 해당 규정이 적용된 결과 법원에 의해 특정이행 청구가 인정된 사례들을 소개한다. 마지막으로, 특정이행을 규정하고 있는 주요 국제규범들의 비교법적인 연구를 진행했다. 주요 국제규범들은 공통적으로 피해당사자에게 특정이행에 대한 권리를 인정하고, 일정한 제한 사유를 열거하고 있는 타협적인 접근방법을 취하고 있다. 이를 토대로 앞서 연구한 미국과 우리나라와의 공통점과 차이점을 같이 살펴보았다. 결과적으로 본고는 우리 법체계와는 다른 접근방법과 입법례를 가진 미국에서의 특정이행에 관한 학설과 사례를 살펴보며, 차츰 미국에서 특정이행을 더 넓게 인정하려는 입법론적, 해석론적 접근법과 법원의 판단이 발견되었다. 앞으로 일어날 우리나라와 미국의 국적을 가진 당사자간 국제상사 계약관계에 있어 발생할, 불명확한 국제 계약당사자의 법적 지위를 해소하고, 국제거래의 원활성을 증진시키는 것에 본 연구가 작은 도움이 되길 바란다. International contracts are accompanied by complex legal relationships due to differences in culture, customs and language and therefore we should be prudent when we are to interpret such relationships. This is particularly true for the problem of different law systems showing different approaches to relief. In the case of a breach of contract in a continental law country, the aggrieved party’s right to require the court to force performance is recognized while common law countries use damages as a main relief as specific performance are recognized only in exceptional cases. If an international contract dispute arises between a party from South Korea, a continental law country and a party from a common law country under these differences, it would be difficult to predict whether specific performance would be recognized. In preparation for such uncertainties, this research was conducted on the use of specific performance in the United States, a common law country and major trading partner of South Korea. First, this paper examines the history and changes of specific performance starting from the British Court of Equity to the United States Uniform Commercial Code. Second, it examines the development of theories on specific performance. The logic and academic perspective of the United States is looked into by examining different theories that unfold around arguing for wider recognition of specific performance, an exceptional relief. Third, this paper examines the requirements and cases of specific performance in commercial contracts. It looks into the United States Uniform Commercial Code. More specifically the language in Section 2-716 and the intention behind it, and introduces cases where specific performance was recognized by the court as a result of said policy. Lastly, comparative research on major international norms that stipulate specific performance was conducted. Major international norms commonly recognize the aggrieved party’s right on specific performance and are taking a compromising approach that lists certain reasons for restrictions. Based on this, this paper looks into the similarities and differences between the United States and South Korea. As a result, this paper looked into the theories and cases on specific performances of the United States, which has a different approach and Legislative Cases to South Korea and found legislative, interpretative approaches and court decisions trying to more widely recognize specific performance. This paper hopes to help resolve the uncertainty that will occur on the legal status of international contract between parties of South Korean and United States nationalities and increase the facilitation of international trade.

      • KCI등재

        계약관계에 있어서 이행청구권의 실현 불능 사유

        김영두 한국민사법학회 2010 民事法學 Vol.50 No.-

        In civil law countries, the general remedy for breach of contract is specific performance, while in anglo-american countries, contractual obligations are not enforced except those to pay and specific performance is available only in equity when damages are not adequate remedy. However the differences between civil law countries and anglo-american countries are not of practical importance. In civil law countries, damages is preferred to claims for specific performance, because specific performance takes a lot of time and sometimes substitute performance and damages that can pay for substitute performance is more efficient rather than specific performance. In contractual relation, the creditor is entitled to claim performance from the debtor. The most importance exception to this rule is impossibility. When the performance is impossible, a claim for specific performance is excluded. In case of economic impossibility or change of circumstances, a claim for performance could be excluded when the debtor could not reasonably have been taken into account of change of circumstances at the time of conclusion of contract and the risk of change of circumstances are not required to bear by the debtor. Although impossibility and change of circumstances are important reasons of exclusion of the right to specific performance, Korean Civil Code(KCC) has no rules related with impossibility and change of circumstances, which KCC should accept. In common law, damages are an adequate remedy when the creditor can get a satisfactory equivalent of what he contracted for through substitute transactions. In other words, availability of substitute transaction is the main reason of exclusion of a claim for specific performance. KCC,however, need not accept this rules, because it is hard to see what legitimate interest of the debtor was protected by the exclusion of a specific performance, and in most cases, the creditor would prefer damages to specific performance. The contract involving personal service could not be enforced, and that was the long settled principle of equity. In civil law, the obligation of personal character could not enforced either, so it is unnecessary to make it another rules of exclusion of a claim for specific performance.

      • KCI등재후보

        장소 특정적 연극(site-specific performance)으로서 니콜라이 예브레이노프의 <겨울궁전으로의 진격> 연구

        전정옥 한국드라마학회 2015 드라마연구 Vol.0 No.47

        The site-specific performance originated in Europe have been introduced quickly to our theatrical world for the last 10 years. Field artists, as well as foreign works shown in domestic festivals of international dimensions, are often introducing the performance that make it possible to estimate the form of the model of 'the site-specific performance.' In criticism, it is combined with writing to find out its theoretical basis. Joanna Ostrowska points out Nikolai Evreinov's <Storming of the winter palace> as its beginning in his study on the site-specific performance. This great performance was made in 1920 by the Russian director to celebrate the third anniversary for the October Revolution. The present study gives attention to getting an opportunity to experiment earnestly with "dramatization of life" as Evreinov's theatrical declaration through reconstruction of Storming of the winter palace. In addition I have explored the meaning context of the winter palace as a site and the new values created in the process of performance, considering 'Storming of the winter palace' in the context of the site-specific performance. The purpose of the study is to examine the traces of the site-specific performance in <Storming of the winter palace>. The value of 'the winter palace' and 'the palace square' as a theatrical 'site' unprecedented in the theatrical history should be examined through various theoretical and philosophical discussions of 'the site' to understand <Storming of the winter palace>. ‘삶의 연극화’를 주창했던 러시아 연출가 예브레이노프가 1920년 10월 혁명3주년을 기념해서 만든 거대한 퍼포먼스 <겨울궁전으로의 진격>을 조안나 오스트로우스카는 장소 특정적 연극(site-specific performance)의 효시로 본다. <겨울궁전으로의 진격>이 그것이 가진 정치적인 의도로 인해 예브레이노프의 창작행보에서 별개처럼 여겨지는 상황에서 오스트로우스카의 의견은 흥미롭다. 본고는 장소 특정적 연극의 주요한 특징의 하나인 관객의 ‘참여’를 예브레이노프 연극론의 핵심이라고 할 수 있는 ‘삶의 연극화’의 관점에서 바라보며, <겨울궁전으로의 진격>을 장소 특정적 연극의 선상에서 살펴보았다. 장소로서의‘겨울궁전’과 ‘광장’에서 예브레이노프가 오히려 ‘삶의 연극화’를 실험할 수 있는 최적의 기회를 얻었다는 데 주목하며, <겨울궁전으로의 진격>을 연극에 대한 예브레이노프의 철학적이고 미학적인 생각 안에 어떻게 위치 지을 수 있는가에 주목하고자 했다. ‘장소’에 대한 다양한 이론적이고 철학적인 담론을 통한 연극사에서 전무후무했던 연극의 ‘장소’인 ‘겨울궁전’과 ‘궁전광장’의 가치평가는 <겨울궁전으로의 진격>에 대한 이해를 위해서 반드시 필요한 작업이라할 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        장소 특정적 연극(site-specific performance)으로서 니콜라이 예브레이노프의 < 겨울궁전으로의 진격 > 연구

        전정옥 ( Jung Ok Jun ) 한국드라마학회 2015 드라마연구 Vol.0 No.47

        The site-specific performance originated in Europe have been introduced quickly to our theatrical world for the last 10 years. Field artists, as well as foreign works shown in domestic festivals of international dimensions, are often introducing the performance that make it possible to estimate the form of the model of ``the site-specific performance.`` In criticism, it is combined with writing to find out its theoretical basis. Joanna Ostrowska points out Nikolai Evreinov``s < Storming of the winter palace > as its beginning in his study on the site-specific performance. This great performance was made in 1920 by the Russian director to celebrate the third anniversary for the October Revolution. The present study gives attention to getting an opportunity to experiment earnestly with "dramatization of life" as Evreinov``s theatrical declaration through reconstruction of Storming of the winter palace. In addition I have explored the meaning context of the winter palace as a site and the new values created in the process of performance, considering ``Storming of the winter palace`` in the context of the site-specific performance. The purpose of the study is to examine the traces of the site-specific performance in < Storming of the winter palace >. The value of ``the winter palace`` and ``the palace square`` as a theatrical ``site`` unprecedented in the theatrical history should be examined through various theoretical and philosophical discussions of ``the site`` to understand < Storming of the winter palace >. ‘삶의 연극화’를 주창했던 러시아 연출가 예브레이노프가 1920년 10월 혁명3주년을 기념해서 만든 거대한 퍼포먼스 < 겨울궁전으로의 진격 >을 조안나 오스트로우스카는 장소 특정적 연극(site-specific performance)의 효시로 본다. < 겨울궁전으로의 진격 >이 그것이 가진 정치적인 의도로 인해 예브레이노프의 창작행보에서 별개처럼 여겨지는 상황에서 오스트로우스카의 의견은 흥미롭다. 본고는 장소 특정적 연극의 주요한 특징의 하나인 관객의 ‘참여’를 예브레이노프 연극론의 핵심이라고 할 수 있는 ‘삶의 연극화’의 관점에서 바라보며, < 겨울궁전으로의 진격 >을 장소 특정적 연극의 선상에서 살펴보았다. 장소로서의 ‘겨울궁전’과 ‘광장’에서 예브레이노프가 오히려 ‘삶의 연극화’를 실험할 수 있는 최적의 기회를 얻었다는 데 주목하며, < 겨울궁전으로의 진격 >을 연극에 대한 예브레이노프의 철학적이고 미학적인 생각 안에 어떻게 위치 지을 수 있는가에 주목하고자 했다. ‘장소’에 대한 다양한 이론적이고 철학적인 담론을 통한 연극사에서 전무후무했던 연극의 ‘장소’인 ‘겨울궁전’과 ‘궁전광장’의 가치평가는 < 겨울궁전으로의 진격 >에 대한 이해를 위해서 반드시 필요한 작업이라 할 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        장소 특정적 퍼포먼스(Site-specific Performance)의 공간 구성과 관객 체험

        백로라 국제언어인문학회 2013 인문언어 Vol.15 No.2

        Spatial Composition and Audience Experience of the Site-specific Performance Rora Paek (Soongsil University) This research has two-fold aims: to investigate critical discourses in site-specific arts and to analyze the production and reception aspects of contemporary site-specific performances. These aims are motivated by the problematic issues brought up by the nature of site-specific performance in the areas of performance studies and staging. One reason is that more and more diverse styles of site-specific performances have recently been emerging in Korea. Another reason is that, even though scholars have given site-specific performance a lot of attention over the years, its conceptual definition still remains unclear. To clarify the concept of site-specific performance, this research undertakes the following three tasks. First, it examines the established critical theories of site-specific arts that have been proposed so far both in Korea and abroad. Second, it identifies tendencies that distinguish the site-specific performances of the 21st century. Third, for specific investigation, it analyzes the directing methods that organize the found site and audiences’ reception and experiences of specific sites through analyzing two site-specific performances—Heterotopia (2010) and en route (2012)—which have been highly acclaimed for their experimental and aesthetic qualities. This research will hopefully encourage a more comprehensive critical discourse on site-specific performance of our century -- a discourse which will also show how the directors who experiment with site-specific performances provide access to the sites, compose the site-specific performance space, and guide the audiences who not only watch but also participate in the performance.

      • KCI등재

        성능보증 시방서 개발을 위한 아스팔트 포장 성능기준 연구

        여현동(Yeo Hyun Dong),남정희(Nam Jeong Hee),서영찬(Suh Young Chan),정진훈(Jeong Jin Hoon) 대한토목학회 2011 대한토목학회논문집 D Vol.31 No.6D

        기존 도로포장 시방서는 계약자에게 포장 수명에 상관없이 재료 및 시공 상의 주어진 조건만을 만족하면 되도록 요구하고 있다. 이와 같은 시방 기준으로는 도로포장 기술 개발에 한계가 있으며 포장파손 발생 시 발주자와 계약자 간에 분쟁이 발생할 소지가 있다. 이러한 문제점을 개선하기 위하여 성능보증 계약제도를 도입하려는 연구가 도로포장 분야에서 진행되고 있다. 성능보증 계약제도는 계약자에게 재료와 공법을 마음대로 선정할 수 있는 기회를 부여하고 주어진 기간 동안 일정 수준 이상의 성능을 유지하도록 하는 제도이다. 성능보증 계약제도의 성공적인 도입을 위해서는 성능보증 시방서의 주요 요소인 포장의 성능인자와 임계한도가 먼저 정의되어야 한다. 본 연구에서는 미국 몇 개 주에서 사용되는 성능보증 계약제도에 관한 문헌을 검토하여 아스팔트 포장의 성능인자 임계한도 그리고 성능보증 기간에 관한 조사를 실시하였다. 또한 국내 고속국도 중 24개 노선과 16개 지역의 일반국도 노선에서 아스팔트 포장의 성능에 영향을 미치는 주요 파손을 조사하고 분석하여 미국의 사례와 비교하였다. 본 연구결과를 근거로 국내 아스팔트 포장에 대한 합리적인 성능보증 시방이 개발될 것으로 예상된다. Existing specifications of road pavement require contractors to meet only materials and construction conditions regardless of pavement life. There are limitation of developing road pavement technology and possibility causing dispute between ordering organization and contractor with this type of specification. Research efforts to introduce performance warranty contracting are in progress in the field of road pavement to improve the problems. The performance warranty contracting gives the contractors opportunity to select materials and construction methods as they like. But they should satisfy a certain level of performance during a given period. The performance indicator and threshold value of pavement which are main elements of the warranty specification should be defined first to introduce the performance warranty contracting successfully. In this study the performance indicator threshold value and warranty duration of asphalt pavement were investigated by reviewing literatures on performance warranty contracting of some states of the US. Major distresses influencing the performance of the asphalt pavement were investigated at 24 national expressway lines and national highway lines in 16 regions and the data were analyzed to be compared to the cases of the US. Development of rational performance warranty specification for domestic asphalt pavement is expected based on the research results.

      • KCI등재

        커튼월 공사의 성능·사양 연계 시방서 프로토타입

        이준호,조동현,구교진 한국건축시공학회 2014 한국건축시공학회지 Vol.14 No.5

        건축공사 시 적정 품질 확보를 위해 활용되고 있는 대부분의 국내 설계기준 및 시방서는 절차를 중요시 하며 재료·치수 등을 규정하는 사양 기반이다. 공사업체의 창의성저해 및 이로 인한 경쟁력 약화 등 사양시방서의 다양한 문제점에 기인하여 최근 최종 결과물을 중요시 하는 성능 기반의 시방서가 제시되고 있지만 건축 분야 적용에 한계가있다. 본 연구에서는 국내외 시방서 사례의 성능 및 사양항목 기반의 커튼월 공사 성능·사양 연계 시방서 프로토타입을 제시하였다. 설문조사를 통해 중요 성능점검 시점을도출하였으며, 각 시점별 관련 참여주체 역할을 반영한 성능점검 프로세스와 샘플시방서를 제시하였다. 전문가면담기반 검증 결과 현장적용성이 높고 공사 진행단계에서의 성능 확보를 적극적으로 지원할 수 있는 효과적인 도구로 평가되었다. The most design criteria and specifications in Korea utilized to ensure appropriate quality are based on process andprescriptive criteria determining materials, measure and methods. It has many problems including a loss ofcompetitiveness resulting from inhibited creativity of the contractors. The performance-based specifications focused onfinal product are being proposed, but have difficulty in adapting to the architectural field. In this study the hybridspecification prototype for curtain wall construction was suggested. The specification framework was presentedthrough analysis of linkage between the performance and prescriptive specification cases. Based on the survey withpractitioners, the performance inspection process and the sample specification were developed by identifying theessential performance test timings. The applicability of the specification prototype was evaluated by interviews withexperts. It was found that the prototype was active and a progressive supporting tool which could support to securephased performance during construction as well as final performance.

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