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      • KCI등재

        복합서술어 구문과 피동

        김경열 ( Kim Gyeong-yeol ) 서강대학교 언어정보연구소 2016 언어와 정보 사회 Vol.29 No.-

        Passiveness can be divided into two types: passive sentence which has passive rule in terms of Korean grammar and passive expression which has passive character semantically even if it doesn`t have any passive rule. However there are constructions for the character of passive sentence to be realized similarly among complex predicate constructions which have passive meanings. Thus I classified complex predicate constructions which have passive meanings into passive expression and pseudo passiveness. The complex predicate constructions, `되다, 받다, 당하다`, which have passive meanings are represented as pseudo passiveness in case their preceding constituents have negative meanings regarding subjects. The complex predicate constructions, `맞다, 입다, 나 다`, are represented as pseudo passiveness in case their preceding constituents have negative meanings regarding subjects. In contrast, The complex predicate construc-tion, `어지다`, which has passive meaning must not have passive verb correspond-ing to the preceding predicate and have a concrete noun or an abstract noun as the argument. Also it is valid when it has a concrete noun as the argument in case the preceding predicate has passive verb corresponding to itself.

      • KCI등재

        아랍어의 수동태 -유형론적 고찰

        정규영 ( Kyu Young Jung ) 한국아랍어·아랍문학회 2009 아랍어와 아랍문학 Vol.13 No.2

        All the verbs of Arabic can be divided into 2 categories namely, primitive and derivative and the active and the passive. This study aims to discuss the passive of Arabic with an emphasis on the Typological approach. The passive in Arabic is especially used in the following 4 cases; When God is an actor, when the actor is unknown, when the author or speaker does not want to name the actor, and when mentioning the actor is not so important as mentioning the patient. Generally speaking, Arabic passive is characterized by the change of word order, the change of case marking, and the change of the verbal forms compared to the active voice. It can be safely said that Arabic passive is mostly a personal passive which uses a personal subject. But in the recent studies an impersonal passive which does not use the personal subject were also found especially in Classical Arabic and Lebanese Arabic. Arabic passive is not an analytic passive but a synthetic passive because Arabic passives are generally made by using prefix, suffix and vowel changes. And Arabic actors are not shown in the passive differently from the most European languages.

      • KCI등재

        화용 전략에 따른 태국인 한국어 학습자의 한국어 피동 표현 이해 연구

        김성은,사마와디 강해 이중언어학회 2016 이중언어학 Vol.63 No.-

        Korean passive has more pragmatic strategies than that of the Thai language. function of passive expressions, thus, have the effect of politeness since the speaker delivers his/her opinion indirectly. In this paper, I introduce how differently Thai-speaking Korean learners and native Korean speakers perceive pragmatic strategies in Korean passive. In order to do so, I compare the shares of passive and non-passive expressions in the language use of the two groups and analyze the difference in each pragmatic strategy. According to the study, Thai-speaking Korean learners used much fewer passive expressions, which means they are not aware of politeness that Korean passive carries. Also, among Thai-speaking Korean learners, even those who used passive expressions as well did not fully understand pragmatic strategies. In other words, most Thai-speaking Korean learners recognized passive expressions merely as situational description, not as a politeness mark, and attempted to replace passive expressions with other grammatical devices or to translate them into their first language. In many occasions, Thai-speaking Korean learners show the tendency of heavily depending on specific sentence patterns or merely choosing the honorific pre-final ending, ‘-si-.’ This tendency is highly likely to be influenced by their first language of the learners, which does not have pragmatic strategies in its passive expressions and conveys formality by adjusting tones or attitude, and by many Korean language textbooks which do not fully explain the pragmatic strategies of passive expressions.

      • KCI등재

        남북한 언어의 사 · 피동사 비교 연구

        강명순(Myoung-sun Kang) 어문연구학회 2006 어문연구 Vol.51 No.-

        In preparation for reunification age, various studies in the area of Korean linguistics are recently being conducted by many Korean scholars, ranging from the introduction of North Korean, Munhwa-o, and its grammatical rules, differences in pronunciation of South and North Korean, differences in orthography, and comparative analysis on South and North Korean grammatic description further to linguistic theory and philosophy of North Korean and its language policy. All these are the efforts to minimize differentiation occurring between South and North Korean in order to prepare for the reunification age. This study, part of this efforts, examined on the homogeneity and the degree of heterogeneity of South and North Korean words within the category of the "voice". For this examination, the researcher extracted the list of causatives and passives from the North Korean, Munhwa-o, and Standard South Korean , and then analyzed the patterns that causatives and passives are derived from the basic verbs and the affix forms comparatively. As a result, Standard South Korean and North Korean, Munhwa-o are homogeneous in that they change argument by attaching the derivational affixes to verbs or adjectives, which involves the replacement of the subject and rearrangement of the nouns in the process of the realization of causative and passive voice. The result shows, however, that while the affix -우- is used only for causatives in the case of Standard South Korean voice affixes of the list, it appears even in passives in the case of North Korean. It seems that whereas there remains a difference in the lists of causative and passive affixes for South Korean, the difference for North Korean has disappeared. The patterns that causatives and passives of South and North Korean are derived are as follows: ⑴ South Korean : transitive→ passive (287) > intransitive → causative (152) > transitive → the same form of causative and passive (67) > transitive → causative (57) > adjective → causative (44) > transitive → different form of causative and passive (4) ⑵ North Korean : transitive → passive (423) >intransitive → causative (143) > transitive → the same form of causative and passive (71) > transitive → causative (62) > adjective → causative (46) > transitive → different form of causative and passive (15) These patterns show that both South and North Korean prefer deriving passive from transitive and deriving causative from intransitive when deriving causative and passive. On the other hand, both Koreans are turned out to avoid deriving the same form of causative and passive from transitive. While the causative and passive of two Koreans show homogeneity in their avoiding as well as preferring derivational types, they show considerable difference in detailed derivational patterns. There are 322 verbs that show the same causative and passive derivational patterns among South and North Korean verbs, but there are as many as 78 verbs that derive causative and passive and have different derivational affixes at the same time. In addition, there are 47 verbs that undergo different voice transfer. And there are quite a few verbs that undergo voice transfer in either South or North Korean. The result of the survey shows that there are 171 verbs that undergo voice transfer only in South Korean, and 305 verbs only in North Korean.

      • KCI등재

        한⋅일 방송콘텐츠에 나타난 피동표현 연구: 비피동표현을 중심으로

        박현경 학습자중심교과교육학회 2024 학습자중심교과교육연구 Vol.24 No.11

        목적 본 연구는 한⋅일 병렬말뭉치 중에서 방송콘텐츠를 활용한 한⋅일 피동표현의 사용 실태를 비교하는 데에 목적이 있다. 한국과 일본에서 피동표현을 자주 사용하고 있지만 병렬말뭉치로 피동표현을 비교⋅분석한 자료는 많지 않고 비피동표현에 관한 연구가드물기 때문에 연구할 필요가 있다. 방법 첫째, 한⋅일 병렬말뭉치 중 방송콘텐츠를 기반으로 약 60만 어절의 한국어와 일본어에서 피동표현을 각각 수집⋅분석하였다. 둘째, 한국어 비피동표현과 일본어 비피동표현을 추출하여 비교⋅분석하였다. 셋째, 한⋅일 피동표현 및 비피동표현의 사용양상과 사례를 통해 차이점과 공통점을 밝혔다. 결과 한국어에서만 나타나는 피동표현은 총 424개로, 접미사피동이 254개로 60%, 어휘적 피동이 131개로 31%, 통사적 피동이39개로 9% 추출되었다.. 다음으로 일본어에서만 나타나는 피동표현은 -れる가 219개로 89%, -られる가 26개로 11% 추출되었다. 마지막으로 한일 상호피동표현은 총 101개로, 접미사피동이 29개로 29%, 어휘적 피동이 68개로 67%, 통사적 피동이 4개로4% 추출되었다. 결론 본 연구는 한⋅일 병렬말뭉치 중 방송콘텐츠를 활용하여 한⋅일 피동표현의 사용 실태를 살펴보았다. 한국어가 피동표현일때일본어에서 비피동표현이 자주 사용된 이유는 자동사로 피동표현을 대체했기 때문이며 접미사 피동과 통사적 피동에서 주로 나타났다. 그러나 상호 피동표현에서 2음절의 한자어가 어휘적 피동표현에서 많이 나타났는데 이는 한자어권의 특징으로 피동교육 시 효과적으로 활용할 수 있다. 이 연구는 일본인 한국어 학습자뿐만 아니라 한국인 일본어 학습자를 위한 기초자료로써 의의가 있다. Objectives The purpose of this study is to compare the usage patterns of passive expressions in Korean and Japanese, Although passive expressions are frequently used in both Korea and Japan, there is limited data comparing and analyzing passive expressions through corpora, and research on non-passive expressions is rare, hence the need for further investigation. Methods First, we collected and analyzed passive expressions from approximately 600,000 words of Korean and Japanese broadcast content. Second, we extracted and compared non-passive expressions in Korean and Japanese. Third, we elucidated differences and commonalities through the usage patterns and examples of passive and non-passive expressions in Korean and Japanese. Results Passive expressions found only in Korean total 424, with suffix passives being 254 or 60%, lexical passives 131 or 31%, and syntactic passives 39 or 9%. Next, passive expressions found only in Japanese consist of -れる form with 219 or 89%, and -られる form with 26 or 11%. Finally, passive expressions in both Korean and Japanese total 101, with suffix passives being 29 or 29%, lexical passives 68 or 67%, and syntactic passives 4 or 4%. Conclusions This study examined the usage patterns of passive expressions in Korean and Japanese using broadcast content from a Korean-Japanese parallel corpus. The reason why non-passive expressions in Japanese were frequently used when Korean was in passive form was because they were often substituted with intransitive verbs, particularly in suffix and syntactic passives. However, in mutual passive expressions, two-syllable Chinese characters were frequently observed in lexical passive expressions, which can be effectively utilized in passive education due to the characteristics of Chinese character usage. This study holds significance not only as foundational material for Japanese learners of Korean but also for Korean learners of Japanese

      • KCI등재

        한국어 피동 표지의 다의성과 습득 양상 - 피동과 가능 기능의 구별 -

        정해권 이중언어학회 2016 이중언어학 Vol.63 No.-

        The prototypical characteristics of the passive construction are following; i) the subject is a direct object in the corresponding active, ii) the subject of the active is indicated by an agentive adjunct or is deleted, and iii) the verb is marked passive (Siewierska 1984). Korean passive markers have not only passive function but also other functions such as potential, spontaneous, and causative. However, in many Korean textbooks, these polysemous functions are presented in mixed types making second language learners confused. To find effective teaching method alternatives to these matters, this study investigated acquisition of the polysemous functions of Korean passive markers. As a result of experimental tasks, second language learners of Korean acquired the passive and the spontaneous in similar patterns. However accuracies of the potential and the causative were significantly different from those of the passive. These result can be interpreted that learners recognized the difference of the passive and the potential and they acquired the potential more slowly than the passive. So teachers must recognize the polysemous characteristics of Korean passive markers. And it is suggested that learners distinguish the passive and the potential using the syntactic structures and contexts rather than the morphological specificities. (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies)

      • KCI등재

        중세한국어 피동 표지의 다의성과 그 변화

        백채원 ( Baek Chae-won ) 국어학회 2016 국어학 Vol.78 No.-

        이 논문은 피동문의 여러 유형 중 양용동사로부터 파생된 피동문을 중심으로 하여 피동 표지의 여러 기능을 제시하고 그 기능 간의 관계를 고찰하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 중세한국어 시기의 양용동사는 그 자체로 반사동과 피동의 의미를 나타낼 수 있었는데, 이에 접미사 ‘-이-’가 결합하여 생성된 파생어 역시 어기와 동일한 의미를 가질 수 있었다. 특히 반사동의 의미 기능은 양용동사로, 또는 양용동사에 접미사 ‘-이-’가 결합한 형태로 표현되었는데 점점 외현적 표지를 통해 표시하는 쪽으로 경향성의 변화가 일어났다. 이는 위계 역전을 언어적으로 표현하는 여러 수단 중 가장 적절한 방식을 한국어가 택하여 가는 과정을 반영한 것이라 할 수 있겠다. 그리고 중세한국어의 피동 표지는 피동과 반사동의 의미를 나타낼 수 있었으며 17세기 이후에는 가능의 의미를 나타내는 예도 확인된다. 또 피동은 반사동을 포괄할 수 있다는 점, 가능의 의미가 피동과 반사동의 의미보다 국어사 자료에서 비교적 후대에 확인된다는 점을 근거로 하여 ‘피동-반사동-가능 피동’의 순서로 개념이 확장되었음을 추정하였다. 이 연구는 유형론의 연구 성과를 적극 활용하여 한국어 피동 표지의 다의성을 제안하고, 피동과 관련된 여러 범주들의 역사적 발달 과정을 제시하였다는 점에서 의의를 찾을 수 있다. The purpose of this paper is to present functions of the passive marker based on passive sentence derived from the labile verb among various types of passive sentences and investigate the relationship between the function. In the Middle Korean period, the labile verb itself could convey anticausative and passive meaning. Accordingly, the derived word which is formed by combining a suffix, ‘-i-’ could also carry the same meaning as a base. In particular, the semantic function of anticausative is expressed the labile verb or in the form of the combining suffix ‘-i-’ into the labile verb. It gradually influenced the change in the tendency by expressing itself through an overt maker. It could be reflect the process of Korean that selects the most proper way from various different means of linguistic expression in reversal of a hierarchy. Futhermore, the passive marker could express the meaning of passive and anticausative in Middle Korean. After the 17th century, it is confirmed to have shown an example of expressing the meaning of potential. Additionally, it is assumed that the concept has expanded in order of ‘passive-anticausative-potential passive’ which is based on the fact that passive can include anticausative, and the fact that the meaning of passive was comparatively confirmed in the future generation than the meaning of passive and anticausative in the history of Korean language data. This study has significance in proposing the polysemy of the Korean passive maker by actively utilizing the research achievement of typology, and suggesting the historical development in several categories connected to the passive.

      • 러시아어 수동태에 대한 유형론적 고찰

        허성태(Heo, Seong-Tae) 아시아·중동부유럽학회 2011 동유럽발칸학 Vol.13 No.2

        이 논문은 개별언어인 러시아어의 수동태를 언어유형론의 입장에서 다룬 것이다. 보통 행위자가 주어로 오는 능동태에 대해 수동태란 행위의 대상이 주어가 되는 태(voice)를 말한다. 즉 행위의 영향을 받는(affected) 대상이 주어가 되는 경우이다. 인도-유럽어의 경우 역사적으로 보면 능동태/중간태(active/middle)가 기본태(basic voice)이며 수동태는 파생태(derived voice)이다. 러시아어도 영어처럼 타동사(transitive verb)가 술어의 기능을 하는 능동문(Active)에서 타동사의 주어는 ‘행위주’로서 주격(nom.)을 취하고, 타동사의 보어는 ‘행위주의 행위가 미치는 대상’으로서 대격(acc.)을 취한다. 러시아어 수동문 또한 형태ㆍ통사적인 측면에서 능동문과 구분된다: 첫째, 어순이 다르다. 능동문의 어순은 “행위주+동사+행위의 대상”이고, 대응하는 수동문의 어순은 “행위의 대상+동사+행위주”이다. 둘째, 격표지가 다르다. 능동문의 경우 주어는 술어에 의해 표현되는 행위를 유발하는 ‘행위주’로서 주격(nom.)을, 술어의 보어는 ‘행위주의 행위가 미치는 대상’으로서 대격(acc.)을 취한다. 그러나 대응하는 수동문의 주어는 ‘행위의 영향을 받는 대상’으로서 주격(nom.)으로, 보어는 ‘행위주’로서 (전치사 없이) 조격(instr.)으로 나타난다. 술사의 형태가 다르다. 능동문(Active)의 술어는 타동사(transitive verb)이고, 수동문(Passive)의 술어는 대응하는 긍정문의 술어가; imperfective verb이면 “imperfective verb+СЯ(particle)”로 표현되고, perfective verb이면 이 동사에서 파생한 “피동 형동사 단형(수동 분사 단형 short-form participle passive)”으로 표현된다. 상술한 수동태의 정의와 특징은 일반적인 인칭수동태(personal passive)에 관한 것이다. 그러나 인칭수동태(personal passive)외에도 수동태와 관련해서 비인칭수동태(impersonal passive), 중간태(middle voice), 반수동태(antipassive), 수동태의 기원 등과 같은 하위 문법범주들이 관찰된다. 수동의 표현 형식과 관련하여 합성적(비우언적) 수동형이 동사 안에서 문법형태소의 합성 및 결합으로 나타나는 경우를 말한다면, 우언적(periphrastic) 수동형이란 두 개이상의 단어의 결합으로 형성되는 수동형을 말한다. 이를 합성적(synthetic)이라는 용어에 대응해서 분석적(analytic) 수동태라고 부르기도 한다. 우언적 수동형은 보조동사에 본동사를 결합한 것이 기본구조이다. This study deals with the passive voice of Russian language as individual language from the viewpoint of linguistic typology. Contrary to active voice where an actor is the subject of a sentence, passive voice refers to a voice where a patient is the subject of a sentence. In other words, it refers to a voice where a patient affected by an action becomes the subject of a sentence. In the whole history of Indo-European Languages, active voice/middle voice has been traditionally used as basic voice, while passive voice has been used as derived voice. Like English, Russian is also characterized by a grammatical rule under which the subject of transitive verb takes nominative case as ‘actor’ in an active sentence where a transitive verb works as predicate, but a complement of transitive verb takes accusative case as ‘the patient affected by any action of an actor.’ In Russian, passive sentence is also distinguished from active one in the aspect of morphology and syntax: First, the word order of active sentence is different from that of passive one. The word order of active sentence is arranged like “actor + verb + patient”, while the word order of passive sentence is arranged like “patient + verb + actor.” Secondly, the case marker of active sentence is different from that of passive one. In case of Russian active sentence, the subject takes nominative case as ‘actor’ who induces any action expressed by predicate, while the complement of predicate takes accusative case as ‘patient affected by any action of actor.’ However, the subject of corresponding passive sentence appears in nominative case as ‘a patient affected by any action’ and the complement of corresponding passive sentence appears in instrumental case (without any preposition) as ‘actor.’ Thirdly, predicate of active sentence is different from that of passive one. The predicate of active sentence takes a form of transitive verb, whereas that of passive sentence is expressed in form of “imperfective verb + СЯ(particle)” when the predicate of corresponding positive sentence is imperfective verb, and it is expressed in form of “short-form participle passive” derived from a perfective verb when the predicate of corresponding positive sentence is the perfective verb. The above definitions and characteristics of passive voice refer to general personal passive voice. However, there are also subordinate grammatical categories (e.g. origin of impersonal passive voice, middle voice, anti-passive voice and passive voice) observed in terms of passive voice, apart from personal passive voice. In terms of passive expression forms, synthetic (non-periphrastic) passive form means a combination and mixture of grammatical morphemes within a verb, while periphrastic passive form refers to a passive form generated by a combination of 2 or more words. In comparison with a term ‘synthetic’, this is called ‘analytic passive voice.’ Basically, periphrastic passive form is structurally made of an auxiliary verb combined with a main verb.

      • KCI등재

        한국어 피동표현의 기능과 사용 양상 변화

        서민정(Seo, Min-Jeong) 부산대학교 한국민족문화연구소 2018 한국민족문화 Vol.69 No.-

        한국어 피동(표현)에 대해서는 19세기 말부터 지금까지 다양한 논의들이 이루어져 왔다. 그러한 논의들 속에는 한국어 피동표현이 한국어의 문법범주가 맞는가에 대한 근본적인 질문에서부터 구조주의 및 기술언어학, 변형생성문법, HPSG 등 다양한 이론에 바탕을 둔 논의들까지 한국어의 다른 어떤 문법 현상보다 많은 논의가 있었다. 최근에는 기존에 한국어학적 관점의 피동 연구를 바탕으로 외국인을 위한 한국어 교육에서 활용하기 위한 논의들이 많아졌고, 한국어 화자들의 언어 표현에서 피동표현의 증가에 대한 여러 관점의 입장들이 피력되기도 했다. 그러나 이러한 많은 연구가 있었음에도 피동표현 특히 피동문의 정의와 범위와 같은 가장 기본적인 문제에 대해서도 아직 의견의 일치를 보지 못했다는 점에서, 한국어 피동표현 고찰에서 접근 방식의 변화가 필요하다. 그래서 이 연구에서는 특정한 유형의 피동표현의 옳고 그름에 대해 당위적 판단을 하려고 하는 것이 아니라, ‘말할이’의 관점에서 피동표현을 왜 사용하는가에 주목하여 피동표현의 기능을 고찰하고자 한다. 그리고 이러한 고찰을 바탕으로 ‘되다, 받다, 당하다’ 등과의 합성을 통한 피동표현이 많아지는 것 등 최근 피동표현 사용 양상이 변화하는 현상에 대해서 설명하고자 한다. 또한 이 연구는 ‘피동주’가 주어가 된다는 점에 주목하여 피동표현은 행동주를 모르거나 혹은 행동주를 드러낼 필요가 없거나, 드러내지 않으려는 의도가 있을 때 사용한다는 점 등 피동표현을 선택하는 말할이의 입장에 대해 고찰하고 이 현상을 현대사회의 변화와 관련하여 설명하고자 하였다. 이러한 고찰은 한국어 피동표현에 대한 정의와 범위 규정에 새로운 기준을 찾을 수 있을 것이라 기대한다. This article focuses on the fact that the use of Korean passive has been increasing recently, and I would like to consider the characteristics of passive from the point of view of using this passive. From the end of the 19th century on Korean passive, various discussions have been made from the morphological, syntactic, semantic and pragmatic viewpoints. There were more discussions in the discussion than any other grammatical phenomenon in Korean, from fundamental questions about whether Korean grammatical categories are correct to Korean grammatical categories to discussions based on various theories such as structuralism and technical linguistics, transformational grammar, and HPSG. In recent years, there have been many discussions to be used in Korean language education for foreigners based on the passive research of Korean language perspective, and various viewpoints about the increase of passive expression in the language expression of Korean speakers have been expressed. Even though there have been many studies, there are still many opinions on matters such as the definition and scope of the passive, which may be a characteristic of the Korean passive itself, but I think it is necessary to change the approach. So, in this study. ‘passive’, which is confirmed in the 15th century literature, may be changed in recent years, but it is used more and more, so we basically discussed it in terms of meaningful expression to Korean language. Therefore, although the definition and scope of the passive is the beginning of the discussion, we will postpone this part to the next study and first examine why the passive is used from the point of view of the speaker and examine it in Korean. I hope that the review of the use of this passive will be the basis for identifying the grammatical character of the passive.

      • KCI등재

        日·韓 受動形自動詞의 用法 對照硏究

        유장옥(Jang Ok Yoo)(兪長玉) 일본어문학회 2017 일본어문학 Vol.79 No.-

        この研究は、日韓辞書と韓國語辞書で自他動詞の受動形自動詞としての特殊な意味について照査して分析した結果、日本語では次のような動詞が特殊な意味を持っていて辞書に記述されていることが分かる。日本語の自動詞の受動形自動詞としては3個あって、相對自動詞の受動形自動詞としては2個、絶對自動詞の受動形自動詞としては1個、日本語の他動詞の受動形自動詞としては14個あって、相對他動詞の受動形自動詞としては3個、絶對他動詞の受動形自動詞としては10個、2重他動詞の受動形自動詞としては1個の動詞があることが分かる。 日本語では動詞の自他を問わず、ある程度の動作性さえ持っていれば受動形の成立が可能であるから、特殊な意味を持っている受動形自動詞だけを辭典に載せていることが分かる。 韓國語では他動詞に限定して音韻的な條件を持っている動詞だけに受動接尾辭「i·hi·ri·gi」が接續して受動形自動詞が成立できることが分かる。 In this study, the special meaning was analyzed as a passive-intransitive verb of and intransitive(a transitive) verb in the Korean-Japanese dictionary and Korean dictionary, and it is found that the following verbs have a special meaning in Japanese. In Japanese intransitive verbs, there are 3 passive intransitive verbs, 2 of them are relative passive intransitive verbs, 1 of them is an absolute passive intransitive verb. Also there are 14 passive intransitive verbs in Japanese transitive verbs, 3 of them are relative passive intransitive verbs, 10 of them are absolute passive intransitive verbs, and there are one double passive transitive verb. In Japanese, if the verb has only a certain degree of passive meaning, regardless of whether it is an intransitive or a transitive verb, it can be established as a passive type, so that only the passive intransitive verb which has special meaning is listed. In Korean, it is found that only passive suffixes “i, hi, ri, gi” are connected to passive intransitive verbs which are restricted to transitive verbs and have phonetic conditions.

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