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        특집 2 : 민법의 최근 쟁점 ; 채권적 전세의 법적 규율

        이홍민 ( Hong Min Lee ) 고려대학교 법학연구원 2012 고려법학 Vol.0 No.66

        전세는 조선말기부터 시행되었던 우리나라에 특유한 제도로서, 비록최근 들어 점차 줄어드는 추세이기는 해도, 여전히 타인의 주택에 거주하는 방법으로 가장 많이 사용되는 제도이다. 그런데 그 동안 채권계약으로서의 전세에 관한 논의는 주로 그 대항력을 확보하고 전세금을 무사히 반환 받는 것에 치우쳐 있었음을 알 수 있다. 그러나 채권계약으로서의 전세의 세입자에게는 대항력을 확보하고 고액의 전세금을 무사히 반환 받을 수 있도록 하는 것이 가장 중요한 것은 사실이지만, 실생활에서 채권적 전세가 활용되는 양을 고려해 본다면 그 세부적인 법률관계가 어떻게 규율 되는지에 대해서도 주목할 필요가 있다고 생각한다. 그런데 현행법상 전세와 관련해서는 민법 제2편 제6장에서 물권으로서의 전세권에 대해 규정하고 있고, 주택임대차보호법 제12조 및 상가임 대차보호법 제17조가 각각 당해 법률을 채권계약으로서의 전세에 준용하는 규정을 두고 있을 뿐이다. 따라서 이 글에서는 우선 관습상 전세 제도가 어떠한 법률관계로 이루어졌었는지 살펴보고, 전세에 관한 현행법이 어떠한 의도로 입법되었는지 검토함으로써, 채권계약으로서의 전세에 관한 어떠한 규율이 부족한지 살펴보았다. 이러한 채권적 전세에 대한 부족한 규율을 어떻게 채울 것인지에 대해 생각해 보면, 크게 두 가지 방법이 주장된다. 하나는 물권으로서의 전세권에 관한 규정을 가능한 한 유추해서 적용하는 것이고, 다른 하나는 채권계약으로서의 임대차에 관한 규정을 적용하는 것이다. 전자의 견해는 입법과정을 검토해 볼 때 물권으로서의 전세권과 채권적 전세가 그 뿌리에 있어 동일한 제도이므로 채권적 전세도 전세권과 동일한 실체관계를 갖는다는 점에 근거한다. 그러나 물권으로서의 전세권에 관한 규정이 입법 당시의 전세에 관한 관습을 바탕으로 입법한 것은 분명하다고 해도, 관습은 시대에 따라 변할 수 있다는 점에서 종래의 전세에 관한 관습이 현재의 채권적 전세에 의한 법률관계와 동일한 내용이라고 단정하기는 힘들다. 오히려 현재의 거래실태를 보면 종래의 전세관행과 다른 부분이 종종 보인다. 또 최근 전세금이 급등하면서 채권적 전세를 보증부 월세, 이른바 반전세로 바꾸는 경우가 많이 발생하는데 이러한 경우에 그 대금지급방법 외에 실질적인 법률관계가 변한다고 하기는 곤란할 것이다. 따라서 채권적 전세의 목적물이용관계와 관련해서는 그 대금을 지급하는 방법에 차이가 있을 뿐 기본적으로 민법상 임대차에 관한 규정이 적용되어야 한다고 생각한다. 이렇게 볼 때에 채권적 전세에서 수선의무를 부담하는 자는 민법 제623조에 의해 임대인 내지 소유자라고 할 수 있다. 다만 채권적 전세에 관한 계약을 체결하면서 그 전세금 반환을 확보하기 위해 물권으로서의 전세권을 설정하는 경우가 있는데, 이러한 경우에 임대차에 관한 규정인 민법 제623조가 적용되는지, 아니면 전세권설정계약에 근거하여 민법 제309조가 적용되는지 문제가 된다. 이 경우 당사자의 목적이나 전세금 반환을 확보하기 위해 저당권을 설정한 경우와 비교할 때, 민법 제309조가 적용되어 세입자가 수선의무를 부담한다고 하기는 힘들다. 그러나 그렇다고 해도 물권으로서의 전세권을 설정한 이상 민법 제309조의 적용을 배제하는 것도 곤란할 것이다. 민법 제309조는 실제 적용되는 예도 찾기 힘들고, 학설상으로도 특약에 의해 배제할 수 있는 임의규정이라고 평가 받고 있는데, 차라리 이러한 문제가 발생하지 않도록 이 규정을 민법 개정에 의하여 삭제하는 것이 타당하지 않을까 생각한다. The lease on a deposit basis is a system which is unique to our country and still is the most widely used system as a method of residing at another person`s house although it is recently at a trend of gradual decrease. But it can be seen that the argument on the lease on a deposit basis as an obligatory right contract so far had been leaning toward the return of deposit for the most part. However, while the most important thing naturally is to safely get the deposit of large amount returned for the lessee of lease on a deposit basis as an obligatory right contract, it seems how its detailed legal relationship is regulated also needs to be focused on considering the used amount of lease on a deposit basis as an obligatory right contract in real life. But in relation to the lease on a deposit basis according to the existing law, the Civil Act Section 2 Chapter 6 is regulating on the lease on a deposit basis as a real right while the Housing Lease Protection Act Article 12 and the Business Building Lease Protection Act Article 17 are merely setting the regulations applying the concerned laws on the lease on a deposit basis as an obligatory right. Therefore, this paper has first examined what legal relationship the lease on a deposit basis system according to the customs has been formed and examined which regulations related to the lease on a deposit basis as an obligatory right contract are lacking by investigation under what intentions the existing laws related to the lease on a deposit basis have been legislated. And considering how the lacking regulations on the lease on a deposit basis as an obligatory right contract will be satisfied, there can be two types of methods to begin with. One is to apply the regulations related to the right to lease on a deposit basis as a real right by analogizing as much as possible and another is to apply the regulations related to the lease as an obligatory right contract If the legislation process of civil acts is investigated, the intention of legislators could be said as being close to the attitude of the former method. But looking at the legal relationship of the lease on a deposit basis as an obligatory right contract, there are many improper aspects in analogically applying the regulations related to the right to lease on a deposit basis as a real right. Also, while there are many cases of changing the lease on a deposit basis as an obligatory right contract as the monthly rent paying the deposit separately, it would be difficult to say that the actual legal relationship changes other than the method of paying such cost being changed. Therefore, the lease as an obligatory right contract merely has difference in the method of paying its cost and it seems reasonable to consider as basically falling under the lease agreement according to the Civil Act. Thus, it could be said that the person liable for the repair obligations in the lease as an obligatory right contract is the lessor (owner) in accordance with the Article 623 of Civil Act. However, while there are cases of establishing the lease as a real right contract, whether the Article 623 of Civil Act is applied as it is or whether the Article 309 of Civil Act is applied so that the lessee gets to be liable for the repair obligations becomes the issue in this case. In this case, compared with the case of establishing mortgage for the purpose of concerned party or the return of lease deposit, it would be difficult to say that the lessee is liable for the repair obligations as the Article 309 of Civil Act is applied. But even so, excluding the application of the Article 309 of Civil Act would also be difficult as long as the right to lease on a deposit basis as a real right has been established. While the Article 309 of Civil Act is difficult to find the actually applied examples and also evaluated as an optional regulation that can be excluded by the contract even according to the theory, it seems rather reasonable to remove this regulation by the amendment of Civil Act to prevent this problem from occurring.

      • KCI등재

        국민기초생활 보장법상 수급요건으로서 부양의무자기준에 대한 고찰

        홍석한(Hong Seok Han) 충북대학교 법학연구소 2018 法學硏究 Vol.29 No.1

        This paper examines the problems of the eligibility requirements of the current National Basic Living Security Act and looks for desirable improvement measures, focusing on the Obligatory Provider Criteria which refers to the family member s obligation of support before the payment of benefits. the National Basic Living Security Act aims to ensure the minimum level of living for the deprived and help them support themselves by furnishing them with the required benefits. Whereas, according to the Principles for Benefits, the benefits under the Act shall be provided on the premise that the recipients of benefits exert their upmost efforts to maintain and improve their life by making the most of their income, property and their ability to work, etc., and that the benefits serve only as a supplement to such efforts. Moreover, the support by obligatory providers shall prevail over the benefits provided under the Act. However, current Obligatory Provider Criteria easily recognizes the ability of support of the support obligator. Also, The Criteria not only determines whether a person can be a qualified recipient based on the possibility of dependency, rather than an evaluation of whether the person is actually receiving support, but also make it difficult to be acknowledged that the support obligator is either avoiding or refusing support. As a result, the Obligatory Provider Criteria is becoming a major factor preventing many people from being protected by the Act. In other words, due to the Obligatory Provider Criteria, the basic principles of the public assistance has not been realized. Citizens are not guaranteed the minimum level of living in accordance with their specific situations so that the National Basic Living Security Act does not fulfill the principle of universality and individuality. Furthermore, it is difficult to evaluate positively from the point of view of subsidiarity principle, since the Obligatory Provider Criteria does not make reference to whether person in charge of support is indeed supporting. In order to solve the problems, it is necessary to abolish the Obligatory Provider Criteria. However, in view of the financial issues caused by the sudden abolition, gradual easing and exclusion of the Criteria should be preceded. In addition, the efforts should be made to provide an environment in which individuals can take responsibility for their own lives and to prevent the escape of property or early donations or inheritance for fraud.

      • KCI등재

        Status niekonotowanych fraz celownikowychwe współczesnej polszczyźnie a delimitacja jednostek języka

        Dorota Kruk 한국슬라브어학회 2023 슬라브어연구 Vol.28 No.1

        The author describes a certain type of non-obligatory dative phrases, interpreted as dativus ethicus, dativus possesivus, dativus commodi and dativus incommodi, cf. Ładny mi przyjaciel., Syn nam się rozchorował., Ugotowałam ojcu obiad. The analysis of dative phrases does not include the multifunctional Polish expression sobie. Most common usage of dative in the Polish language (as an obligatory valency slot ) is to refer to the real recipient or beneficiary of an action. It is also used as some sort of commentary, when one wants to show their commitment to the action and when one feels like a quasi-recipient of this action (as an non-obligatory valency slot). The author provides her own interpretation of the function of non-obligatory dative phrases in Contemporary Polish Language. The author also considers a number of problems with interpreting dative forms in sentences as non-obligatory phrases or as required arguments (immanent parts of language units). In the article, units of language are understood as separate entities (continuous or discontinuous) to which (in most cases) a single meaning is assigned. As regards valency slots, they are treated as immanent parts of expressions, unlike lexemes filling these slots in an utterance. The procedure of language-unit delimitation aims at identifying exactly those elements, the detachment of which would result in the unit losing its semantic properties.

      • KCI등재

        Syntax-pragmatics Interface in L2 Learning: The Case of Obligatory Adjuncts in English

        박혜선 한국영미어문학회 2008 영미어문학 Vol.- No.87

        This paper examines non-native speakers’knowledge of syntax-pragmatics interface rules, focusing on the obligatory adjunct rule developed by Goldberg and Ackerman (2001). The main argument of their analysis is that the short passive, middle, and cognate object constructions need obligatory adjuncts to satisfy the requirement that each utterance should include information focus to be licit. In order to investigate whether learners of L2 English exhibit the knowledge of information focus in identifying obligatory adjuncts, an acceptability judgment questionnaire consisting of 27 pairs of sentences was constructed based on Goldberg and Ackerman. Forty-eight non-native speakers and 12 native speakers were asked to provide their judgments on the acceptability of these sentences on the Likert scale of 1 (very unnatural) to 4 (very natural). The results are the following: 1) overall the native speakers preferred sentences with an adjunct over those without, with some minor variations depending on the verbs and adjuncts involved. 2) among the non-native speakers, the high level group's judgments were more or less consistent with what Goldberg and Ackerman predicted, which is attributed to the influence of formal instruction. 3) both the native and non-native speakers exhibited more categorical judgments on the sentences involving the subcategorization restriction than on those involving the obligatory adjunct rule, a result consistent with the findings of previous research in that native speakers' pragmatic knowledge is more variable than their syntactic knowledge, which may lead to a slower development of pragmatic knowledge in L2 learning.

      • KCI등재

        On the Ambiguity of Obligatory Control with the Tolok-clause in Korean

        박종언 서강대학교 언어정보연구소 2020 언어와 정보 사회 Vol.41 No.-

        This paper accounts for why diverse interpretive patterns appear to be available from obligatory object control constructions subordinating the tolok-clause in Korean. As observed by a few studies in the literature, the range of readings that arises in the constructions includes not only obligatory control (OC) interpretations but also non-obligatory control (NOC) interpretations (Polinsky et al. 2007 among others), but other types of referential dependency between a controller and a controllee than mandatory coreference should not be allowed under the PRO Theory of Control (Chomsky 1981 among others). To capture those interpretive patterns, this paper claims, under the Movement Theory of Control, that not all tolok-clauses are born equal, proposing to distinguish tolok-clauses as a complement from those as an adjunct. Building on Hornstein’s (2001) insight into the interpretation of anaphors and pronouns, I further suggest that in the former context, where A-movement is allowed, referentially dependent DPs are interpreted as anaphors like reflexives or A-traces, while in the latter, where A-movement is prohibited, they are interpreted as pronouns.

      • KCI등재

        Syntax-pragmatics Interface in L2 Learning - The Case of Obligatory Adjuncts in English

        Hyeson Park 한국영미어문학회 2008 영미어문학 Vol.- No.87

          This paper examines non-native speakers"knowledge of syntax-pragmatics interface rules, focusing on the obligatory adjunct rule developed by Goldberg and Ackerman (2001). The main argument of their analysis is that the short passive, middle, and cognate object constructions need obligatory adjuncts to satisfy the requirement that each utterance should include information focus to be licit. In order to investigate whether learners of L2 English exhibit the knowledge of information focus in identifying obligatory adjuncts, an acceptability judgment questionnaire consisting of 27 pairs of sentences was constructed based on Goldberg and Ackerman. Forty-eight non-native speakers and 12 native speakers were asked to provide their judgments on the acceptability of these sentences on the Likert scale of 1 (very unnatural) to 4 (very natural). The results are the following: 1) overall the native speakers preferred sentences with an adjunct over those without, with some minor variations depending on the verbs and adjuncts involved. 2) among the non-native speakers, the high level group"s judgments were more or less consistent with what Goldberg and Ackerman predicted, which is attributed to the influence of formal instruction. 3) both the native and non-native speakers exhibited more categorical judgments on the sentences involving the subcategorization restriction than on those involving the obligatory adjunct rule, a result consistent with the findings of previous research in that native speakers" pragmatic knowledge is more variable than their syntactic knowledge, which may lead to a slower development of pragmatic knowledge in L2 learning.

      • KCI등재

        Communication Verbs and Control

        Namkil Kang 한국언어과학회 2020 언어과학 Vol.27 No.3

        The ultimate goal of this article is to show that the Korean communication verb malhata ‘say’ allows obligatory control (OC) and nonobligatory control (NOC). This article supports the OC hypothesis that communication verbs permit obligatory control (Manzini, 1983; Koster, 1984; Vanden Wyngaerd, 1994; Jakendoff and Culicover, 2003; Landau, 2000, 2013, 2020) and the NOC hypothesis that they induce nonobligatory control (Bresnan, 1982; Bouchard, 1984; Huang, 1989; Sag and Pollard, 1991; Dalrymple, 2001; Landau, 2020). A major point to note is that the communication verb malhata ‘say’ along with predicates in the untensed clause permits speech act control. That is, PRO in Korean can be controlled by the speaker or listener. A further point to note is that obligatory control, nonobligatory control, and speech act control are captured by the recovery system of PRO (Kang, 2018). This article demonstrates that the semantics of the relevant predicates recovers PRO.

      • KCI등재

        간호 전문직의 의무적 선행의 범위 규정에 관한 연구

        황혜영(Hyeyoung Hwang) 이화여자대학교 생명의료법연구소 2021 Asia Pacific Journal of Health Law & Ethics Vol.14 No.2

        의료인과 환자 사이의 갈등은 의료인의 선행에 대한 견해 차이에 의해 발생 및 심화된다. 동일한 선행을 의료인은 권장의 영역으로 해석할 수 있지만, 환자는 의료인이 반드시 따라야 하는의무로 여길 수 있다. 이 경우 의료인은 의무가 아니기에 해당 행위를 하지 않을 수 있고, 환자는의무로서의 선행을 베풀지 않는 의료인을 오해하고 불신할 수 있다. 따라서 의료 전문직의 선행에 대한 올바른 개념 정립이 필요하며, 이를 위해서는 의무적 선행과 이상적 선행의 구분이 우선되어야 한다. 필자는 본 논문을 통해 의료인 중에서도 간호사의 의무적 선행에 대한 논의가 더욱 요구됨을주장하였다. 간호가 “모든 개인, 가정, 지역사회를 직접 도와주는 활동”으로 정의됨에 따라, 간호사는 직무 범위를 벗어나는 매우 이상적인 형태의 선행까지도 의무적으로 수행할 것을 요구받게된다. 도덕적 이상으로서의 선행과 의무로서의 선행을 구분하지 못하고 간호사에게 무한정의 희생과 헌신을 강조하는 것은 결국 간호사의 처우를 열악하게 만들고 열정을 가진 간호사들을 소진시킬 것이다. 이에 본 논문에서는 탐 비첨(Tom L. Beauchamp)과 제임스 췰드리스(James F. Childress)가 제시한 “구조의 의무(duty of rescue)”를 간호사-환자 관계에서 비판적으로 검토하였고, 간호사의 의무적 선행의 범위를 규정하기 위해 구조의 의무를 그대로 적용하는 것이 가능함을 확인하였다. 구조의 의무를 활용하여 간호사가 직면할 수 있는 선행의 속성을 규명하는것은 실현 및 지속 가능한 간호사 상을 제시하고, 간호사-환자 간의 치료적 관계를 증진시킬 수있는 기회를 제공할 수 있을 것이라 기대한다. Conflicts between healthcare professionals and patients are caused and aggravated by differences in views on healthcare professionals’ beneficence. Healthcare professionals may consider a certain beneficent act to be a recommendation, whereas the patient may consider the act to be an obligation that the healthcare professionals must follow. Healthcare professionals do not regard such acts to be an obligation; thus, healthcare professionals may not perform the act of beneficence. Patients who believe that the act is the healthcare professionals’ obligation may misunderstand and distrust their healthcare professional. It is necessary to establish the right concept for healthcare professionals’ beneficence; therefore, the distinction between obligatory beneficence and ideal beneficence must take precedence. In this paper, I argue that discussion on the obligatory beneficence of nurses should be required among healthcare professionals. Nursing is a profession that involves directly helping all individuals, homes, and communities; thus, nurses are forced to perform forms of beneficence outside the scope of their duties, including moral ideal forms. Failing to divide beneficence into moral ideals and obligations and emphasizing unlimited sacrifice and devotion to nurses can deteriorate the treatment of nurses and exhaust nurses with enthusiasm. In this paper, I critically reviewed the duty of rescue proposed by Tom L. Beauchamp and James F. Childress within the nurse-patient relationship. I hypothesized that the duty of rescue can be used to define the scope of nurses’ obligatory beneficence. The duty of rescue consists of five individual conditions, which I examined in relation to the special nature of nurse-patient relationship. I applied the duty of rescue to the four hypothetical and practicable cases to confirm that it is possible to apply the duty of rescue to define obligatory beneficence among nursing professionals. I expect that identifying the nature of beneficence using the duty of rescue will present a feasible and sustainable nurse image and provide an opportunity to improve the therapeutic relationship between nurses and patients.

      • KCI등재

        기업체의 장애인 채용계획에 영향을 미치는 요인에 관한 연구: 장애인 의무고용 달성여부를 중심으로

        정준수 충남대학교 사회과학연구소 2019 사회과학연구 Vol.30 No.4

        This study set out to analyze factors that influence additional employment according to whether or not the quota of employment for the disabled is met in corporations in order to provide the disabled with employment opportunities and help them to be independent. For this purpose, the investigator conducted logistic regression analysis with data from the 2016 survey on the employment of the disabled in corporations. The analysis results show that the possibilities of corporations hiring additional individuals with disabilities increased when the number of employees was 1,000 or higher than 50~299 as well as when the service to support employment was used regardless of the obligatory employment goal being fulfilled or not. There were differences in additional employment according to the obligatory employment goal being fulfilled or not in the type of business, region, the number of employees, level of awareness for obligatory employment, support to maintain their employment, financial support, work performance, and employment responses. In corporations that did not meet the quota of employment for the disabled, the possibilities of additional employment increased when they were made more aware of the obligatory employment system, had experiences with using the service to support maintenance of their employment, and had positive opinions about the work performance abilities of the disabled. In corporations that met the quota of employment for the disabled, the possibilities of hiring additional individuals with disabilities increased more in the service business Type 2 (excluding social welfare service) than manufacturing, with headquarters in the Seoul metropolitan region than in other regions, with an employee number of 300~999 compared to 50~299, with experiences with financial support service, and with more positive perceptions of employing the disabled among others. Based on these findings, the study proposes recruitment strategies (policies) by taking into consideration whether or not obligatory employment goals are fulfilled for the disabled and makes administrative and financial support plans in order to expand employment among the disabled.

      • KCI등재

        정규직과 비정규직 노동자의 기업복지 차이 연구 : 한국노동패널(KLIPS) 6차 자료를 중심으로

        배화숙 한국사회복지정책학회 2005 사회복지정책 Vol.21 No.-

        본 연구는 급증하고 있는 비정규직 노동자에 대안 기업복지 제공 현황을 정규직노동자와 비교함으로써 비정규직의 상대적 취약성을 검토하고, 분석결과를 통해 기업복지에서 비정규직 노동자의 소외와 차별을 완화시키기 위안 대안을 제시하였다. 이를 위해 2003년 한국노동패널 6차 자료에서 임금 근로자 4053명을 대상으로 분석하였다 분석결과 비정규직 노동자는 정규직 노동자에 비해 소규모 기업에 더 많이 고용되어 있으며, 여성 노동자의 비율이 높고, 연령층도 높은 편이었다. 기업복지 급여 제공의 대부분 항목에서 정규직과 비정규직 노동자 간에는 유의미한 차이를 보이고 있었다. 급여를 실제로 받을 수 있는가에 대해서도 식사비 보조와 같은 가장 기본적 급여를 제외한 나머지 문항에서는 정규직 노동자와 비정규직 노동자간 유의미한 차이를 보여주었다. 그리고 비정규직 노동자 내에서 집단을 구분하여 차이를 비교한 결과 남성 비정규직 노동자와 여성 비정규직 노동자간에는 식사비용 보조항목 외에는 유의미안 차이가 나타나지 않았다. 시간제 비정규 노동자와 그렇지 않은 비정규 노동자간에는 식사비용 보조, 학비보조, 경조사 지원 등에서 유의미안 차이가 나타났다. 반면, 직접 고용과 간접 고용 간에는 전체 항목에서 유의미안 차이가 나타나지 않았다. 이상의 분석결과를 바탕으로 비정규직 노동자의 기업복지와 관련한 문제해결을 위해서는 정규직 노동자와 비교하여 불평등한 급여를 최소좌하여 복지의 차이를 줄여가는 정책들이 제시되어야 하고, 다양한 기업복지 프로그램 개발 및 사내근로 복지 기금과 같은 자원이 형평성 있게 분배될 수 있도록 해야 하며, 아울러 공공 산업복지의 확대를 통해 근로기간 동안의 복지에 대안 소외가 퇴직 후 혹은 노후에 연결되지 않도록 정책적 노력이 필요하다. Non-standard workers have sharply increased because of Structural change of Labor market. However, the existing non-obligatory welfare services have limited to protect contingent workers. The purpose of this paper are to examine the distinction of non-obligatory welfare services between standard and non-standard workers. This study used the individual data of KLIPS(6th) collected in 2003. From data analysis, this study found the non-standard workers' employment conditions have serious problems and were discriminated against the standard workers in being supported not only the public welfare program but also the non-obligatory welfare service. Therefore, this study emphasizes to develop the various non-obligatory welfare programs and to compel the redistribution program for prevention of welfare discrimination and including the contingent workers in society.

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