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      • 원자력발전소 해체 폐기물의 안전·안심관리 정책 방안

        이희선 ( Hi Sun Lee ),조공장,신경희,이소라,조지혜,이정민,주문솔 한국환경정책평가연구원 2017 기본연구보고서 Vol.2017 No.-

        본 연구는 원자력발전소 해체 폐기물의 안전·안심관리 방안 마련을 목적으로 국내외 원자력발전소 해체 현황 및 관련 제도, 해체 폐기물 발생량 전망 및 처분 방법, 해체 폐기물의 관리 방법 및 해체 폐기물의 재활용에 대한 주민수용성을 조사·분석하였다. 이를 통해 국내 자체처분폐기물의 관리체계의 현황 및 문제점을 파악하고 시사점을 도출하여 안전은 물론 국민이 안심할 수 있는 원자력발전소 해체 폐기물의 안전·안심관리 방안을 제안하였다. 원자력발전소 해체 폐기물의 안전·안심관리 방안은 총 5가지로 원자력안전법령 및 폐기물관리법령 개선, 자체처분계획서 내 작성 내용 및 위해성 평가 강화, 최종처분 시 방사능 농도 측정 과정 추가, 자체처분폐기물 재활용품 인증제도 도입 및 활용처 제한, 자체처분폐기물의 트레이서빌리티(추적성) 및 정보공개 강화이며, 주요 제언은 다음과 같다. ○ 원자력안전법령 및 폐기물관리법령 개선 원자력안전법령과 폐기물관리법령 개선을 통해 방사선관리구역 내에서 발생하는 자체처분폐기물과 방사선관리구역 외에서 발생하는 일반폐기물(비방사성폐기물)의 관리 주체를 분명하게 설정하기 위한 세 가지 방안을 제안하였다. (1) 「원자력안전법·시행령·시행규칙」 내에 방사성폐기물 분류체계를 추가하여 방사성폐기물 분류의 법적 지위를 강화하고, (2) 자체처분폐기물이 방사성폐기물인지 방사성폐기물이 아닌 폐기물인지 명확하게 정리해야 하며, (3) 자체처분폐기물을 「폐기물관리법」상 일반폐기물에 별도 항목(예, “방사성관리구역 내 일반폐기물” 신설)으로 관리 또는 「원자력안전법」(예, “방사성관리구역 외 일반폐기물” 신설) 및 「폐기물관리법」상 폐기물로 모두 관리하여 현행 수준보다 관리체계를 강화해야 할 것을 제안하였다. ○ 자체처분폐기물의 위해성 평가 및 자체처분계획서 내용 강화 일본 사례 및 국내 환경부 타 제도를 토대로 기존의 자체처분 허용농도 기준치의 준수여부를 평가하는 것이 아닌 자체처분 허용농도 기준치 범위에서 사회적 갈등 소지가 가장 적은 안을 찾는 다양한 대안 검토를 위해 위해성 평가 도입을 제안하였다. 이와 연계하여 현행 자체처분계획서에는 자체처분폐기물이 최종처분 과정에서 방사선관리구역 외로 반출되었을 때 인체 또는 환경의 위해 정도를 평가하는 개념은 포함되어 있지 않으므로 자체처분계획서 내용 강화가 필요하다. 기존의 자체처분계획서 내용에 추가적으로 최종처분 경로, 최종처분지, 재활용 방법 등을 구체적으로 명기하여 자체처분 과정의 투명성이 강화되어야 하며, 최종처분 경로의 위해성 평가 결과 등을 추가하여 일반 시민들이 우려하는 위해도에 대한 정보를 공개하여 자체처분계획서의 안심관리가 이루어져야 한다. ○ 최종처분 시 방사능 농도 측정 과정 의무화 현재 우리나라의 자체처분폐기물의 방사능 농도 측정은 자체처분계획서 작성 시 1회만 이루어지므로 최종처분 시 방사능 농도 측정 과정을 추가하여 자체처분폐기물이 최종처분장에 반입될 때도 자체처분 허용농도 기준 이하임을 입증하는 단계가 필요하다. ○ 자체처분폐기물 재활용품 인증제도 도입 및 활용처 제한 이해관계자 워크숍 개최 결과 국민들은 자체처분폐기물이 일상생활에 반입되는 것을 가장 우려하므로, 자체처분폐기물 재활용품의 활용처 제한을 법적으로 명시하고, 건설폐기물 수준의 관리 체계 도입을 제안하였다. ① 건설폐기물의 경우 순환골재 재활용 품질기준을 만족한 경우 순환골재로 사용되고 있으므로 이를 참고하여 자체처분 재활용품 품질기준을 설정하고 품질인증제도 도입을 검토해야 하며, ② 자체처분폐기물 재활용품이 품질기준을 만족하는 경우 ‘자체처분폐기물 품질인증 제품’ 마크를 부착하고, ③ 자체처분폐기물 재활용품의 안정성이 확보되기 이전에는 재활용품 활용처 제한을 법에 제시할 것을 제안하였다. ○ 자체처분폐기물의 트레이서빌리티(추적성) 및 정보공개 강화 원자력발전소 해체 폐기물의 안전·안심관리의 핵심은 투명한 정보공개로 자체처분폐기물의 트레이서빌리티(추적성) 및 정보공개 강화 방안을 제안하였다. ① 자체처분폐기물 관련 별도 시스템 또는 환경부 올바로시스템과 연계를 통해 자체처분계획서 온라인 제출을 의무화하여 보존기간을 현행 5년에서 원자력발전소 해체 완료 시점까지로 연장하고, ② 미국과 일본 사례를 토대로 고리 1호기 해체 과정을 별도 홈페이지를 개설하여 모든 정보를 공개하는 방안을 제안하였다. 이를 통해 자체처분폐기물의 발생량, 처분경로 등의 파악이 가능하고 원자력발전소 해체 전 과정을 공개한다면 국민을 안심시키는 효과가 극대화 될 것이다. 본 연구의 결과는 원자력발전소 해체 폐기물 관리 체계 마련 시 원자력안전위원회와 환경부의 융복합 정책을 마련하는데 기초자료로 활용될 것으로 기대된다. This study inspects and analyzes the domestic and overseas status of decommissioned and dismantled nuclear power plants, and related policies and regulations, the projections and methods for treating waste generated from dismantling decommissioned nuclear power plants (NPP D&D waste), as well as the residents’ attitudes concerning the recycle and reuse of NPP D&D waste. Based on this review, the study identifies the problems in the present domestic system to suggest strategies for the safety and safety management of NPP D&D waste that can guarantee the safety. This study proposes the following five ways to improve the safety and safety management of NPP D&D waste: ① adding amendments to the Nuclear Safety Act and Wastes Control Act, ② strengthening the contents and the risk assessment of the plans submitted for the independent clearance of NPP D&D waste, ③ adding a mandatory procedure for measuring the radioactivity concentration in the final disposal process, ④ introducing a certification system for products made from recycled independently-cleared NPP D&D waste and restrictions on their usage and ⑤ enhancing the traceability and information disclosure of independently-cleared NPP D&D waste. ○ Amendments to the Nuclear Safety Act and Waste Control Act The study propose three amendments to the Nuclear Safety Act and Wastes Control Act to clarify the roles and responsibilities of the agents that manage NPP D&D waste generated from the radiation control zones which are independently cleared and general NPP D&D waste (non-radioactive waste): ① adding a radioactive waste classification system to the Nuclear Safety Act, enforcement decrees and regulations to strengthen the legal status of radioactive waste categories, ② clarifying whether the independentlycleared NPP D&D waste is radioactive or non-radioactive waste and ③ clarifying whether independently-cleared NPP D&D wastes should be treated as a separate item of general wastes under the Wastes Control Act (e.g., by creating a “general waste from radiation control zone” category) or as wastes that falls under both the Nuclear Safety Act (e.g., by creating a “general waste generated outside the radiation control zone” category) and the Wastes Control Act, thereby strengthening the NPP D&D waste management system. ○ Strengthening the contents and the risk assessment of the plans submitted for the independent clearance of NPP D&D waste Based on the cases of Japan and other domestic regulations of the Ministry of the Environment, the study proposes the introduction of a risk assessment system that does not evaluate solely whether the NPP D&D waste meets the radioactivity concentration standards for independent clearance but rather which examines various alternatives within the acceptable radioactivity concentration standards to find the solution that brings the least possible social conflict. In connection, as the current contents of the independent clearance plan do not include an assessment of the potential bodily or environmental hazards that can be caused by removing NPP D&D waste outside of the radiation control zone during the final disposal process for independent clearance, a review and revision of the contents is necessary. Also, for greater transparency in the independent clearance of NPP D&D waste, the final disposal route, final disposal site, and recycling method of the waste should be specified in detail, including the results of the risk assessment performed on the final disposal route and disclosing all necessary information concerning the potential risks to the public. ○ Adding a mandatory procedure for measuring the radioactivity concentration in the final disposal process In Korea at present, the radioactivity concentration of independently cleared NPP D&D waste is measured only once at the time the independent clearance plan is prepared. Thus, the study suggests a mandatory procedure for measuring radioactivity concentration be added in the final disposal process to ensure that the independently cleared NPP D&D waste meets the radioactivity concentration standards. ○ Introducing a certification system for products made from recycled independently-cleared NPP D&D waste and restrictions on their usage The recent stakeholder workshop showed that Korean citizens are most concerned about the potential exposure to radiation in their daily lives from independently cleared NPP D&D waste. Therefore, the study proposes the legal stipulation of the restrictions on using recycled independently-cleared NPP D&D waste and the introduction of a management system which is comparable to that for construction waste. ① In the case of construction waste, only the waste that meets the quality standards for recycled aggregates can be reused. Using this as a reference, a quality standard and a quality certification system for recycled independently-cleared waste should be reviewed for implementation, ② if the quality standards are met, the certification mark is given to those recycled products and ③ until the safety of recycled products from independently-cleared waste is guaranteed, such recycled products be legally restricted in their use. ○ Enhancing the traceability and information disclosure of independently cleared NPP D&D waste Transparency in information disclosure lies at the core of the safety and safety management of NPP D&D waste. Therefore, it is vital to strengthen the traceability and information disclosure of independently-cleared NPP D&D waste. This can be achieved in the following ways: ① by establishing a separate system for independently-cleared waste or through the Allbaro System of the Ministry of Environment, mandating the online submission of independent clearance plans and extending the retention period from the current five years to the completion of the NPP D&D and ② based on the cases of the U.S. and Japan, creating a website that discloses all information on the Kori 1 Nuclear Power Plant’s D&D process. Through these measures, it will become possible to track the amount of independently-cleared waste that is generated and how they are disposed of, as well as reassure the public on their safe management. We expect this study to provide helpful reference for the Nuclear Safety Commission and the Ministry of Environment in establishing a convergence·complex policy for managing the waste from decommissioned nuclear power plants.

      • KCI등재

        고준위 핵폐기물 관리를 위한 사회적 의사결정과 전문성의 정치 한국과 스웨덴의 비교

        이영희 한국사회과학연구회 2013 동향과 전망 Vol.- No.88

        Many countries that have operated nuclear power plants are painstakingly making strenuous efforts to find the safe management way of high-level nuclear waste mainly from spent nuclear fuel because it is very toxic and long lasting. This paper aims to compare South Korea and Sweden in terms of social decision making processes and politics of expertise regarding management of high-level nuclear waste. This paper argues that Swedish model, often called “Oskarsham model” famous for its democratic participation of general public into nuclear waste management process is limited because it has allowed public participation only within the nuclear waste disposal site selection processes, which is based on the rigid division of nuclear waste management into technical and social dimensions. However Korea is, even though to be seen, starting public deliberation process of high-level nuclear waste management issues without dividing the cycle into technical and social dimensions. This paper points out two factors that have made that difference between two countries: “British effect” and “social movement effect”. 핵발전소에서 발생하는 핵폐기물 중 고준위 핵폐기물(주로 사용 후 핵연료)은 독성이 매우 강하고 오래 지속되므로 최소한 10만 년 이상 인간생활권으로부터 완벽하게 격리 처분되어야 한다. 핵발전소를 운영하고 있는 나라들은 지난 수십 년 동안 바로 이 고준위 핵폐기물의 안전한 관리문제 때문에 골머리를 앓아 왔다. 과연 인류가 지금까지 감당해 본 적이 없는 10만 년이라는 장구한 시간 스케일을 염두에 두면서 치명적 독성을 가진 고준위 핵폐기물을 안전하게 관리하기 위한 의사결정은 어떻게 이루어져야 하는가? 그러한 의사결정에는 누가 참여해야 하고, 의제는 얼마나 확장될 수 있는가? 이 논문은 현재 핵발전소를 운영하고 있는 한국과 스웨덴에서의 고준위 핵폐기물 관리를 위한 사회적 의사결정 과정을 전문성의 정치 관점에서 비교분석하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 논문에서는 먼저 한국과 스웨덴에서 각각 사용 후 핵연료 관리문제가 어떻게 등장하고 그에 대한 논의가 어떤 방식으로 진행되(었)는가를 살펴본 다음, 전문성의 정치 관점에서 두 나라의 경험을 분석한다. 가장 선진적인 핵폐기물의 민주적 관리 모델로 흔히 알려진 바와는 달리 스웨덴은 사용 후 핵연료 관리를 기술적인 부분과 사회적(정치적)인 부분으로 엄격히 나누고 오로지 부지 선정과 관련된 사회적(정치적)인 부분에 대해서만 의사결정의 민주화를 추진했다는 점에서 전문성의 정치가 그다지 활성화되지 못한 한계를 보인 것으로 드러났다. 반면에 한국은, 정권의 변화에 따라 상당한 부침을 겪고 있기는 하지만, 기본적으로 사용 후 핵연료 관리의 전주기(폐기물량 현황, 중간저장 방식, 최종 처분장 방식, 부지 선정 방식 등을 모두 포함)를 대상으로 한 사회적 공론화 여부가 사회적 의제로 되어 있다는 점에서 기술적인 것과 사회적(정치적)인 것의 엄격한 분리를 뛰어넘는 전문성의 정치가 현재 벌어지고 있다고 볼 수 있다. 한국과 스웨덴 사이의 이러한 차이는, 영국에서 2003년부터 2006년에 걸쳐 진행된 핵폐기물 관리에 대한 광범위한 사회적 공론화의 경험을 두 나라가 얼마나 활용할 수 있었느냐의 여부와 사회운동이 전문성의 정치에 얼마나 적극적으로 개입했느냐의 여부, 한 마디로 영국 효과와 사회운동 효과로 설명할 수 있다고 이 논문은 주장한다.

      • KCI등재

        중저준위 방사성폐기물 전주기 이력관리체계 구축 및 개선

        이진우,이준,은희철,정지영,Jin-Woo Lee,Jun Lee,Hee-Chul Eun,Ji-Young Jeong 한국방사선산업학회 2024 방사선산업학회지 Vol.18 No.1

        To establish a radioactive waste life cycle history management system, a series of processes including waste generation, classification, packaging, storage, transportation, and disposal were reflected in the information management system. A preliminary review process was introduced to reduce the amount of radioactive waste generated and manage it efficiently. Through this, the amount of radioactive waste generated must be checked from the beginning of the research, and the generated radioactive waste must be thoroughly managed from the stage of generation to final disposal. In particular, in the case of radioactive waste data generated during nuclear facility operation and each experiment, a radioactive waste information management system must be operated to receive information from the waste generator and integrate it with processing information at the management stage. The application process for small-package containers was reflected so that information such as the generation facility of radioactive waste, generation facility, project information, types of radioactive waste, major radionuclides, etc. In the radioactive waste management process, the preceding steps are to receive waste history from the waste generators. This includes an application for a specified container with a QR label, pre-inspection, and management request. Next, the succeeding steps consist of repackaging, treatment, characterization, and evaluating the suitability of disposal, for a process to transparently manage radioactive wastes.

      • KCI등재

        Korean Status and Prospects for Radioactive Waste Management

        송명재 한국방사성폐기물학회 2013 방사성폐기물학회지 Vol.1 No.1

        The safe management of radioactive waste is a national task required for sustainable generation of nuclear power and for energy self-reliance in Korea. Since the initial introduction of nuclear power to Korea in 1978,rapid growth in nuclear power has been achieved. This large nuclear power generation program has produced a significant amount of radioactive waste, both low- and intermediate-level waste (LILW) and spent nuclear fuel (SNF); and the amount of waste is steadily growing. For the management of LILW, the Wolsong LILW Disposal Center, which has a final waste disposal capacity of 800,000 drums, is under construction, and is expected to be completed by June 2014. Korean policy about how to manage the SNF has not yet been decided. In 2004, the Atomic Energy Commission decided that a national policy for SNF management should be established considering both technological development and public consensus. Currently, SNF is being stored at reactor sites under the responsibility of plant operator. The at-reactor SNF storage capacity will run out starting in 2024. In this paper, the fundamental principles and steps for implementation of a Korean policy for national radioactive waste management are introduced. Korean practices and prospects regarding radioactive waste management are also summarized, with a focus on strategy for policy-making on SNF management.

      • KCI등재

        Korean Status and Prospects for Radioactive Waste Management

        Song, M.J. Korean Radioactive Waste Society 2013 방사성폐기물학회지 Vol.1 No.1

        The safe management of radioactive waste is a national task required for sustainable generation of nuclear power and for energy self-reliance in Korea. Since the initial introduction of nuclear power to Korea in 1978, rapid growth in nuclear power has been achieved. This large nuclear power generation program has produced a significant amount of radioactive waste, both low- and intermediate-level waste (LILW) and spent nuclear fuel (SNF); and the amount of waste is steadily growing. For the management of LILW, the Wolsong LILW Disposal Center, which has a final waste disposal capacity of 800,000 drums, is under construction, and is expected to be completed by June 2014. Korean policy about how to manage the SNF has not yet been decided. In 2004, the Atomic Energy Commission decided that a national policy for SNF management should be established considering both technological development and public consensus. Currently, SNF is being stored at reactor sites under the responsibility of plant operator. The at-reactor SNF storage capacity will run out starting in 2024. In this paper, the fundamental principles and steps for implementation of a Korean policy for national radioactive waste management are introduced. Korean practices and prospects regarding radioactive waste management are also summarized, with a focus on strategy for policy-making on SNF management.

      • KCI등재

        한국과 미국의 사용후핵연료 처리에 관한 비교법제 연구

        배효성 ( Bae Hyo-sung ) 한남대학교 과학기술법연구원 2023 과학기술법연구 Vol.29 No.2

        우리나라는 지리적으로 지하자원이 부족하고, 국토의 대부분이 산지로 구성되어 있다. 이러한 지리적 상황으로 에너지 안보를 위해 원자력 에너지를 선택하였으며, 1987년 고리1호기 원자력발전소를 시작으로 약 35년이 지난 현재까지도 원자력 에너지를 지속적으로 이용하고 있다. 원자력 발전소의 지속적인 가동으로 발생되는 사용후핵연료는 고준위방사성폐기물로 구분하고 있으며, 우리나라는 한미협정에 의하여 사용후핵연료의 재처리를 할 수 없는 이유로 원자력발전소 부근 임시저장 시설에 사용후핵연료를 보관하고 있다. 그러나 우리나라는 원자력발전소 부지에 임시로 저장되어 있는 사용후핵연료의 보관 양은 머지않아 포화상태에 도래하게 될 것이며, 이로 인하여 현재 운영 중인 원자력발전소 가동을 불가피하게 중단해야 되는 상황이 발생할 수 있다. 또한 우리나라는 고준위방사성폐기물에 관한 영구 관리처분 등에 관한 법률이 존재하고 있지 않고 있어, 하루빨리 사용후핵연료 처리를 위한 고준위방사성폐기물 영구처분에 관한 법률 제정이 시급하다. 미국은 1960년대 상업용 원자력발전소를 가동후 1982년에 제정한 방사성폐기물정책법(Nuclear Waste Policy Act)은 고준위방사성폐기물에 관한 영구처분계획을 발전시킨 최초의 법이라는 측면에서 주요내용을 살펴볼 필요가 있다. 우리나라의 원전정책과 유사한 미국의 사용후핵연료 관리 정책과 법제를 검토하는 것은 우리나라가 갖는 사용후핵연료 처리에 대한 문제점 해결을 위한 개선방안을 도출하기 위해 필요하다. 또한 사용후핵연료 처분장 건설을 위한 부지선정 절차에 있어서 정부는 사용후핵연료 처분장 건설을 위하여 부지선정 절차에 따른 해당 지역주민들에 대한 투명한 정보의 제공과 양방향 의사소통 방식을 통한 수평적인 구조 속에서 해당 지역주민의 참여가 활성화 될 수 있도록 노력하여야 할 것이다. 따라서 본 논문에서는 사용후핵연료 처리에 관하여 크게 절차적·보상적·안전관리 측면에서 법적인 검토를 통하여 이와 관련한 사용후핵연료 처분장 관련 입법적 논의와 법제를 갖춘 미국의 사용후핵연료 처분장과 문제를 둘러싼 입법적 상황을 비교법적으로 분석함으로써 향후 우리나라의 사용후핵연료 처분장 부지선정과 주변지역 보상 및 지원, 나아가 사회갈등 해결을 위한 사용후핵연료 처리시설의 안전관리 문화 확립을 위한 안전관리 거버넌스 구축을 위한 해결 방안을 모색하였다. Korea is geographically lacking in underground resources, and most of the country is composed of mountainous areas. Due to this geographical situation, nuclear energy was selected for energy security, and nuclear energy is continuously used until about 35 years later, starting with the Gori Unit 1 nuclear power plant in 1987. Spent nuclear fuel generated by continuous operation of nuclear power plants is classified as high-level radioactive waste, and Korea is stored in temporary storage facilities near nuclear power plants for reprocessing spent nuclear fuel under the Korea-U.S. agreement. However, in Korea, the amount of spent nuclear fuel stored temporarily on the nuclear power plant site will soon reach saturation, which may inevitably lead to the inevitable suspension of the operation of the currently in operation. In addition, there is no law on permanent management and disposal of high-level radioactive waste in Korea, so it is urgent to enact a law for permanent disposal of high-level radioactive waste for disposal of spent nuclear fuel as soon as possible. The Nuclear Waste Policy Act, enacted in 1982 after operating commercial nuclear power plants in the 1960s, is the first law to develop a permanent disposal plan for high-level radioactive waste. Reviewing the US spent nuclear fuel management policy and legislation similar to Korea's nuclear power plant policy is necessary to derive improvement measures to solve the problem of Korea's disposal of spent nuclear fuel. Therefore, through a legal review in terms of procedural, compensatory, and safety management of spent nuclear fuel, this paper comparedly analyzed the legislative situation surrounding the US spent fuel disposal site and the issue.

      • KCI등재

        Development of integrated waste management options for irradiated graphite

        Alan Wareing,Liam Abrahamsen-Mills,Linda Fowler,Michael Grave,Richard Jarvis,Martin Metcalfe,Simon Norris,Anthony William Banford 한국원자력학회 2017 Nuclear Engineering and Technology Vol.49 No.5

        The European Treatment and Disposal of Irradiated Graphite and other Carbonaceous Waste projectsought to develop best practices in the retrieval, treatment, and disposal of irradiated graphite includingother irradiated carbonaceous waste such as structural material made of graphite, nongraphitized carbonbricks, and fuel coatings. Emphasis was given on legacy irradiated graphite, as this represents a significantinventory in respective national waste management programs. This paper provides an overview ofthe characteristics of graphite irradiated during its use, primarily as a moderator material, within nuclearreactors. It describes the potential techniques applicable to the retrieval, treatment, recycling/reuse, anddisposal of these graphite wastes. Considering the lifecycle of nuclear graphite, from manufacture to finaldisposal, a number of waste management options have been developed. These options consider thetechniques and technologies required to address each stage of the lifecycle, such as segregation, treatment,recycle, and ultimate disposal in a radioactive waste repository, providing a toolbox to aid operatorsand regulators to determine the most appropriate management strategy. It is noted that nationalwaste management programs currently have, or are in the process of developing, respective approachesto irradiated graphite management. The output of the Treatment and Disposal of Irradiated Graphite andother Carbonaceous Waste project is intended to aid these considerations, rather than dictate them.

      • KCI등재

        Preparation of the Applicable Regulatory Guideline on Mixed Waste in Korea Based on the Analysis of US Laws and Regulations

        Sim, Eun-Jin,Lee, Sun-Kee,Kim, Chang-Lak,Kim, Tae-Man Korean Radioactive Waste Society 2021 방사성폐기물학회지 Vol.19 No.1

        Unit 1 of the Kori Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) and Unit 1 of the Wolsong NPP are being prepared for decommissioning; their decommissioning is expected to generate large amounts of intermediate-level, low-level, and very low level Waste. Mixed waste containing both radioactive and hazardous substances is expected to be produced. Nevertheless, laws and regulations, such as the Korean Nuclear Safety Act and Waste Management Act, do not define clear regulatory guidelines for mixed waste. However, the United States has strictly enforced regulations on mixed waste, focusing on the human health and environmental effects of its hazardous components. The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the U.S. Department of Energy regulate the radioactive components of mixed waste under the Atomic Energy Act. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency regulates the hazardous waste component of mixed waste under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act. In this study, the laws, regulations, and authorities pertaining to mixed waste in the United States are reviewed. Through comparison and analysis with waste management laws and regulations in Korea, a treatment direction for mixed waste is suggested. Such a treatment for mixed waste will increase the efficiency of managing mixed waste when decommissioning NPPs in the near future.

      • KCI등재

        Newspaper Editorials on Nuclear Issues: Korea and the United States

        최연홍 한국학술연구원 2004 Korea Observer Vol.35 No.1

        This paper is a comparative content analysis of South Korean daily newspapers with the U.S. daily newspapers from 1990 to 2002. Chosun Ilbo, Joong-Ang Ilbo, Hankyoreh Shinmun, and Maekyung from Korea and the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times and the Wall Street Journal from the United States. Newspaper editorials in Korea and the U.S. are concentrated on nuclear arms and arms reduction talks. However, the Korean newspaper editorials are much more concentrated on North Korean nuclear weapons program. That means the Korean daily newspaper editorials are discussing much less on nuclear science and technology, nuclear energy, nuclear medicine and nuclear waste management. All nuclear issues should be presented evenly and fairly in the editorials. However, the newspapers role is skewed to nuclear arms. The publics perception of nuclear issues is therefore uneven and skewed. Nuclear often means fear and war. Bias and prejudice toward nuclear issues are significant or problematic under the circumstances.


        Development of a multi criteria decision analysis framework for the assessment of integrated waste management options for irradiated graphite

        Abrahamsen-Mills, Liam,Wareing, Alan,Fowler, Linda,Jarvis, Richard,Norris, Simon,Banford, Anthony Korean Nuclear Society 2021 Nuclear Engineering and Technology Vol.53 No.4

        An integrated waste management approach for irradiated graphite was developed during the European Commission project 'Treatment and Disposal of Irradiated Graphite and other Carbonaceous Waste'. This included the identification of potential options for the management of irradiated graphite, taking account of storage, retrieval, treatment and disposal methods. This paper describes how these options can be assessed using multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) for a case study relating to a generic power reactor. Criteria have been defined to account for safety, environmental, economic and socio-political factors, including radiological impact, resource usage, economic costs and risks. The impact of each option against each criterion has been assessed using data from the project and the wider literature. A linear additive approach has been used to convert the calculated impacts to scores. To account for the relative importance of the criteria, example weightings were allocated. This application has shown that MCDA approaches can be used to support complex decisions regarding irradiated graphite management, accounting for a wide range of criteria. Use of this approach by individual countries or organisations will need to account for the specific options, scores, weightings and constraints that apply, based on their national strategies, regulatory requirements and public acceptability.

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