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      • KCI등재

        마크 오제의 비장소에 관한 현대적 공간 특성 연구

        박정아 ( Junga Park ),이재규 ( Jaekyu Lee ) 한국공간디자인학회 2018 한국공간디자인학회논문집 Vol.13 No.6

        (Background and Purpose) Contemporary people spend more and more time in places such as roads, subways, airports, hotels, shopping malls, and big stores. These places, which are the means of transportation, consumption, and communication, occupy more and more space, both physically and conceptually. This research attempts to explain the trend of changing forms of places by using the concept of non-place that was introduced by the French anthropologist Marc Auge. The objective of this research is to study Auge’s non-place, which was inexplicable by the previously known concept, and to emphasize the importance and the necessity of non-places. (Method) By focusing on the characteristics of expressions, this research attempts to review the cultural phenomenon that was created by non-places of modern societies. First, we will understand the concept of non-place as well as compare and contrast non-places with conventional places to explicate the characteristics of Auge’s non-places. Second, we clearly define non-place spaces by listing the three prominent features of non-places. Third, it supports the characteristics of non-place through case analysis in modern space. Finally, we want to summarize the conclusions and demonstrate the expanding trend of non-places, as well as the need for a theory of non-places. (Results) As a result of this research, we reviewed the spatial mobility, expansionary spatial temporality, and symbolicity of Sign Image and Text. Moreover, non-places are characterized by solitary individuality, disposability, impermanency, and temporality. These non-places are contrasted by conventional anthropological places. Non-places are the byproducts of solitary contracts that can be exemplified by public transportation and transit. (Conclusions) We contrasted the concept of “non-place” in modern society against the traditional concept of “place,” and described the rapid transition to non-places. In modern cities, spatial expansion by technological development, transcendental spatial temporality, and abundance of images and texts presented by the media transform our experiences of places. As the experience of non-places becomes commonplace, we need to define, articulate, standardize, and develop the concept of non-places.

      • KCI등재

        공항공간의 현대적 장소성 고찰- 공항 유휴부지 활용전략을 중심으로 -

        정혜진,박소람 한국문화공간건축학회 2020 한국문화공간건축학회논문집 Vol.- No.71

        This study explores the planning and utilization of idle sites of an airport and to examine the possibility of conceptualexpansion of placeness. The existing theory of placeness pertains to modern spaces, which covers the concept of fixed placesand migratory non-places. Based on the idea of “rootedness” placeness is inseparable from territorialized lands and monumentsover a period of time. On the other hand, ‘non-place’ has the temporal characteristics of immediacy and ‘actuality’, such ascontinuous events of temporary occupation akin to constant migration. As such, an airport space would be a typical space of‘non-place’. However, this study focuses on the fact that the idle site of the airport can be rediscovered as the ground forcontemporary placeness as they emerge as urban areas with an unprecedented scale of possibility. Currently, the airport idlesite is being discussed as a social project that considers placeness, rather than merely discussing the possibility of capitalistdevelopment. As a non-place, the idle site of the airport reveals a new placeness based on the romance of emptiness. Toshow a new placeness that appears on the strata that used to be a non-place, this study discloses the interpretation ofplaceness latent in premeditated agenda by analyzing the issues of repurposing land use and utilizing existing infrastructure inthe idle site of the airport. Therefore, a planning strategy for developing a typical space of 'non-place' into a new urban placeis interpreted as an attempt to add a bricolage of new place on top of a space stratum (current idle site of the airport) of'non-place'. Thus, the modern placeness can be considered not only as a bricolage of place and 'non-place' as fragments butalso as accumulated strata.

      • KCI등재

        초근대성의 비장소 춤 공간 확장의 의미

        고현정 한국무용교육학회 2022 韓國舞踊敎育學會誌 Vol.33 No.4

        Place is one of the most important concepts of modern culture, philosophy, and anthropology. The governance structure by the expansion of contemporary space raises the question of cultural theorists to reconstruct the meaning of place's existential and cultural identity, emphasising the importance of place. The contemporaries have been organised in a number of and diversely separate places that meet different purposes and interests and require an organisation of passage and transportation connecting them. An anthropologist Agué, M. (2017) calls 'nonplace' that has no movement and permanence, and is defined by their connectivity to other places. In this study, the implications of place and space of dance are considered in non-place, a place with a paradoxical sense of ‘somewhere’ and ‘anywhere’ at the same time, where there are no clear features, and few reflect the environment of their unique area. Therefore, based on the concept of Augé, M.(2017), the purpose of this study is to expand the academic area of dance study based on the analysis of the functions and spaces of dance in non-places expanding in modern society by considering the relationship between the material characteristics and inner experience of dance. First, the concept of space and place is considered, and the relationship between space and place of arts is discussed to provide the validity of the research. Second, to examine the change of place in dance, the relationship between material dance and place is discussed in a shared place. Third, based on the concept of a place of supermodernity, for the discourse of dance space in non-place, the boundaries between non-place and place are analysed, and the implications of space in non-place are considered.

      • KCI등재

        21세기 재난소설의 ‘비장소(Non-Place)’와 경계 사유 - 편혜영의 재난소설 3부작을 중심으로 -

        김미현 이화어문학회 2019 이화어문논집 Vol.49 No.-

        Since the early 21st century, there have been a lot of Korean novels criticising the dehumanization of capitalism through catastrophe, disaster and apocalyptic worldviews. In novels by Pyun Hye-Young in particular, narratives are developed based on such ‘super modernity’. Focusing on Pyun’s trilogy of disaster, City of Ash and Red, Went to the West Forest, and The Hole, it is possible to see the works questioning the disorder of 21st century disasters. The novels do this by showing ‘non-place’ spaces, differing either from an overly optimistic or pessimistic view. ‘Non-place’ is neither utopia nor dystopia. Rather, it is characteristic of in-between disorder, indeterminacy and flexibility. Hence the existing arguments that regard these works as a variety of ‘dystopia’ are limited. The ‘non-places’ in Pyun Hye-Young’s disaster trilogy each have a particular character: mobility City of Ash and Red, perviousness Went to the West Forest, and the void The Hole. In the novels, the symbols of ‘non-place’ are ship, forest and hole. Pyun Hye-Young’s novels have significance in that they criticise modern civilization not as status but as situation, and also not as result but as process, through such aspects of ‘non-place’. Above all, the aspects of ‘non-place’ in Pyun Hye-Young’s novels show ‘border thinking’, not in ‘post-border’ but in ‘trans-border’. Finally ‘non-place’ is not ‘place’ and ‘space’, even though it may be considered ‘anthropological space’, because ‘border thinking’ is based on the denial of rule and fixability, instead pursuing irregulation, temporality and disorder. 편혜영의 재난소설 3부작인 재와 빨강 , 서쪽 숲에 갔다 , 홀 은 관계성·역사성·정체성 중심의 전통적인 인류학적 공간과는 ‘다른 공간’으로서의 기능에 충실하고 있다. 표류 중심의 이동성( 재와 빨강 ), 환승 중심의 일시성( 서쪽 숲에 갔다 ), 공백 중심의 개방성( 홀 )은 ‘비장소’의 무규정성과 혼란을 각각 대변하고 있기 때문이다. 즉 이 소설들은 자본으로 인한 타락이나 인간성의 소멸을 비장소를 중심으로 새롭게 구성함으로써 더욱 공고해진 21세기적 재난에 대한 자동화된 저항이나 낙관적 전망을 동시에 비판한다. 이처럼 편혜영의 재난소설 3부작을 비장소 중심으로 접근해 봄으로써 묵시록적 재난을 초래한 인간의 유죄성에 주목할 수 있다. 또한 비장소를 통해 전통적인 인류학적 공간조차도 해결하지 못했던 모순 자체를 새롭게 부각시킬 수도 있다. 무엇보다도 비장소만의 특수성과 의의는 ‘경계 사유’를 가능하게 해준다는 데에 있다. 이런 이점들을 통해 편혜영의 재난소설 3부작 속 비장소는 장소/장소 상실, 저항 공간/대안 공간, 유토피아/디스토피아 등으로 대변되는 이분법적 대립의 손쉬운 결합이나 확실한 반전을 모두 거부하는 ‘다른 공간’으로 기능한다.

      • KCI등재

        비장소를 통한 초등미술교육의 확장 - <가자! 세계 속으로> 프로그램을 중심으로 -

        강주현 한국문화융합학회 2023 문화와 융합 Vol.45 No.8

        The purpose of this study is to examine the expansion of the concept of place in contemporary art education by using the concept of “Non-Places” and to study the possibility of expanding elementary art education. The concept of “place” in contemporary art education expands from the concept of place in place-based art education and in online learning spaces and becomes a way of creating a new space and acting as an element of space. The concept of “Non-Places”, which acts as a place without a place, expands the concept of place based on the identity of space, relational structure and a lack of historicity centered on impermanence and the ephemeral. The <Let’s go! Into the world> educational program, using cases of “Non-Places”, expands the “place” of education into a moveable and flexible place, and thus appears as an educational use of “Non-Places” in terms of form. In addition, the extraction and reconstruction of objects both in online space and in real space appear as a content aspect of “Non-Places” used in the process of developing the program and, as an educational meaning, tries to enhance cognitive flexibility and creativity.

      • KCI등재

        전통적인 장소의 변화와 “비장소(non-place)”의 등장

        정헌목(Heon Mok Jung) 서울대학교 비교문화연구소 2013 비교문화연구 Vol.19 No.1

        The interest on ``place`` and ``space`` in recent social theories is connected with rapid socio-cultural changes after the mid-20th century: such as urbanization, the spread of global capitalism, and the prevalence of electronic media. Especially, these changes brought about the dissolution of village communities, the privatazation of public space, the change of life style according to electronic media, and at last it was regarded that they caused ``the loss of meaningful places``. Many scholars who gave attention to these changes put forward new theories that emphasized the change or loss of ``the traditional places``. In this paper, I review the theory on spots which are not regarded as the ``traditional`` places. For this purpose, I focus on an anthropologist Marc Auge``s discussion about ``non-place``, and explore its meaning and preceding researches that apply his theory. According to Auge, a non-place is a space which cannot be defined as relational or historical or concerned with identity, and interactions in non-places are mediated by texts or images in contrast with ``anthropological place.`` Through examination about this discussions, I propose that the appearance of non-places cause qualitatively different, new spatial logics, and plural spatial logics compete in these places. In particular, I pay attention to the relativity of non-places and explore its applicability in the contemporary Korean society.

      • KCI등재

        공간의 관점에서 본 온라인 교실 공간의 비장소적 의미에 대한 연구

        전성은,변순용 한국윤리학회 2023 倫理硏究 Vol.140 No.1

        This study attempted to review the online classroom space from the perspective of Marc Auge's ‘non-place’, and suggested that the current online classroom space has the characteristics of Marc Auge's ‘non-place.’ Auge's non-place is a place that is not related to identity, relationship, and history unlike the anthropological place we traditionally thought of. In these non-place, users gain a temporary and lonely contractual identity. When reviewing online classes from characteristics of Marc Auge's ‘non-place, online classroom is a typical non-place, and the negative emotions that students feel in online classes can also be attributed to the characteristics of online space as a non-place. In order to solve this problem, it is necessary to make efforts to resolve the non-placeability of online classroom along with the use of traditional places such as traditional classrooms. 본 연구에서는 온라인 교실 공간을 공간의 관점에서 검토하고자 하였으며, 현재의 온라인 교실 공간이 마르크 오제의 비장소적 특징을 지니고 있음을 밝혔다. 오제의 비장소는 우리가 전통적으로 생각했던 인류학적 장소와는 다르게 정체성, 관계성, 역사성과 관련 없는 장소이다. 이러한 비장소에서 인간은 일시적이고 고독한 계약적 정체성을 얻게 된다. 정체성, 관계성, 역사성의 관점에서 온라인 교실을 검토하였을 때, 온라인 공간은 전형적인 비장소적 공간에 해당하며, 온라인 수업에서 학생들이 느끼는 부정적인 정서는 온라인 공간의 비장소적인 특성에서도 기인한다고 볼 수 있다. 이러한 문제 해결을 위해서, 대면수업과 같은 전통적인 장소의 활용과 더불어, 온라인 공간의 비장소적 특성 해소를 위한 노력이 필요함을 이 연구를 통해 밝히고자 한다.

      • KCI등재

        ‘비-장소’기반의 미디어침투 공간 중요성에 관한 연구

        류경원 ( Kyungwon Lyu ),이재규 ( Jaekyu Lee ) 한국공간디자인학회 2018 한국공간디자인학회논문집 Vol.13 No.4

        (Background and Purpose) As globalization and urbanization develop, people are living lives that are constantly moving faster and faster. As transportation develops, departures and arrivals are not the only thing that matters. In other words, during trips, people experience many areas without recognizing them as they pass by. These temporary places build up in numerous ways while modern society changes in various other ways. Therefore, this study focuses on temporary places, “non-places,” that we do not recognize, and how media, which is the center of the space for text, images, sound, and so on, somehow penetrated our everyday lives in various ways, by aiming to see if modern society has changed from a media space to a media penetration space. (Method) On the preferential basis, the traditional concept of location, particularly by Yi-Fu Tuan and Edward Relph is that after considering the limitations of explaining modern society in the 21st century, I will argue a new conceptual shift called non-places. Next, I will define the media space and the media penetration space by considering the concept of media penetration space by Bolter & Grusind, and also, I will define the 21st century as a space for media penetration. Further, I will analyze that non-places are also the media penetration space as well. Finally, I will describe non-places as the media penetration space that are divided into moving and transit spaces, consumption spaces, temporary residence spaces, and rest spaces, with reference to Marc Auge in 1992, and based on the fact that Bolter & Grusind started to referring to the term “media penetration space” in 1999, though I will select the 2000s for domestic and foreign case study and analysis. (Results) The research recognizes how much media penetrates into spaces and plays important roles without limiting its scope to non-places and specific areas, while not recognized in close daily life. (Conclusions) In this study, through non-places, suggested by Marc Auge, and the concept of media penetration space from Bolter & Grusind, focuses on non-places as media penetration spaces new to modern society. In those spaces, I recognize its importance and value by how various media has impact on many areas of our lives today. It proves that it is no longer possible to describe life in modern society that excludes technology and media. Through this, the study shows that non-places as daily life spaces for penetration of media within the media has implications as new fluid locations.

      • KCI등재

        사유할 수 없는 미래/도시를 그리는 방법 - 박민규의 『핑퐁』을 중심으로

        이양숙 ( Lee Yang-sook ) 서울시립대학교 도시인문학연구소 2017 도시인문학연구 Vol.9 No.1

        이 글에서는 2000년대의 대표작가인 박민규의 『핑퐁』(2006, 창비)을 도시적 장소/공간의 관점에서 바라보고자 한다. 장소과 공간의 이론화를 시도한 많은 연구자들 중 이 글에서 주목하는 것은 미셀 드 세르토와 마르크 오제이다. 세르토의 공간이론에 기초하고 있는 마르크 오제는 세르토가 `공간`으로 규정한 지점을 다시 `인간적 장소`와 `비-장소`로 구분하였다. 비-장소는 관계의 부재, 역사성의 부재, 고유한 정체성의 부재를 특징으로 하는 것으로 `인간적인 장소`가 될 수 없는 현대 도시의 특정영역을 지칭한다. `비-장소`는 과거와 분리되어 항상 현재만이 존재하는 곳으로, 오제의 `비-장소`는 현대인이 `항구적 현재`에 매몰될 수밖에 없는 원인을 장소/공간적 고찰을 통해 수행하고 있다. 비-장소와 함께 이 글에서 현대도시의 공적 공간으로 주목한 것은 빈 공간이다. 빈 공간은 기능적 합리성의 원리에서 벗어나 있는 잔여의 공간, 무의미의 공간이다. 이 글에서는 『핑퐁』에 나타난 현대도시의 `장소/공간`이 미래에 대한 상상력과 연계되어 있다는 점에 주목하였다. 『핑퐁』의 주요 무대인 학교와 벌판은 각각 비-장소와 빈 공간의 특징을 보여준다. 비-장소로서의 학교가 의미하는 바는 현대도시에서 벌어지는 공적공간의 병리현상이 이제 모든 세대의 영역으로까지 확장되었음을 말해준다. 도시의 모든 영역에서 이루어지는 기능적 합리성의 산물인 빈 공간은 무용하고 무의미한 공간이다. 빈 공간으로서의 벌판은 소외의 장소에서 점차 판타지의 공간으로 변모한다. 이는 빈 공간의 전복적 가능성을 보여주는 것이지만 그 가능성은 극대화되지 않는다. 『핑퐁』에 나타난 현대도시의 공적 공간 즉 비-장소와 빈 공간은 `인식의 지도`가 불가능한 현대도시에서의 삶을 압축적으로 보여주고 있다. This paper aims to analyze Minkyu Park`s Ping Pong (2006, Changbi) from the view of urban place and space. Among the many scholars who attempted to theorize place and space, the theories of Michel de Certeau and Marc Auge have been used in this paper. Marc Auge, who is based on Certeau`s space theory, distinguished the `space` of Certeau as `anthropological places` and `non-places`. Non-places refers to specific areas of a modern city that can not be `anthropological places`, characterized by the absence of a relationship, the absence of history, and the absence of a unique identity. Using the concept of non-places Auge reflected the condition in which modern people have to stay in `permanent present`. With non-place, it is the empty space that has paid attention to the public space of the modern city in this paper. The empty space is a space of residual, meaninglessness that deviates from the principle of functional rationality. The `place/space` of the modern city in this novel is linked to the imagination for the future. School and fields as the main stage in Ping Pong, shows respectively the characteristics of non-places and the empty spaces. The school as a non-places means that the pathology of public spaces in contemporary cities has now extended to all generations. Empty spaces, a product of functional rationality in all areas of the city, are a useless and meaningless spaces. The field as an empty spaces gradually transformed from a place of alienation to a space of fantasy. This shows the subversive possibilities of empty spaces, but the possibilities are not maximized. The public spaces in this novel, the non - places and the empty spaces, shows a summary of life in the modern city where `the cognitive mapping` is impossible.

      • KCI등재

        장소의 개념 변화에 따른 장소정체성에 관한 연구

        서동진 한국공간디자인학회 2024 한국공간디자인학회논문집 Vol.19 No.1

        (Background and Purpose) In general, it is perceived that the definition of place has been well established as the perception that place is where people reside. In the context of the Corona era and entered the Post-Corona era in particular, the concept of space and place is expanding, and the conceptual scope of place identity relation to space is also changing in a variety of way. Digital transformation and the development of AI further are accelerating this phenomenon. The concepts of space and place have expanded in meaning. The purpose of this study is to examine the expansion of place identity in conceptual terms as new spaces and places emerge and change time. (Method) Firstly, a review and conceptual extension changes in the concepts of space and place. Secondly, new research was conducted on the concepts of space and place, including traditional definitions and the importance of human-centered experience. The research also explored changes in the subject, loss of place, and non-place. Thirdly, a study of the loss, restoration and expansion of place identity in new communities through digital transformation, which compares and reinterprets the concept of place in light of technological change. (Results) As the focus of a location shifts towards humans, it becomes apparent that it consists of two components: the place itself, which defines the location's identity, and the sense of place, which represents the human's identity in relation to the location. The concept of practical space theory has evolved due to scientific and social developments. As a result of technological and social changes, the concepts of place loss and non-place emerged. Loss of place and its characteristics were derived through examples of digital content and space. The case of the metaverse represents a selective and fluid identity through the concept of non-place, and identity recovery is achieved. A representative example of the anthropological concept of place, focused on human experience, is the digital twin. This concept recovers and expands identity through ripple effects that are reflected in a realistic virtual environment throughout the life cycle. (Conclusions) The concept of place has undergone significant changes, from the traditional notion of space to the anthropological construct of non-place. Examining the changes in the traditional concept of place, the loss of place, and the concept of non-place, and compare the characteristics of each place. This analysis reveals that there has been the loss, recovery, and expansion of place identity. It is expected that empathy and interaction at a cognitive level due to the acceleration of technology due to digital transformation and changes in human-centered subjects will continue to maintain and evolve the recovery and expansion of place identity in new spaces and places.

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