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      • The discriminant analysis for the four aphids of genus Aphis captured in trap of potato field

        Hyeban Namgung,Sohee Kim,Yeonghyeok Yu,Seunghwan Lee,Min Kwo,Hyojoong Kim 한국응용곤충학회 2019 한국응용곤충학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2019 No.04

        The morphological identification of alate aphids needs reliable and appropriate methods such as morphometrics. In previous studies, the seven species which aphids have been known as migrating to potato had been separated into genus levels using specific points of forewing vein (Landmarks). Adding the number of secondary sensillum of antennae, setae of abdomen, etc., we experimented to separate four species of genus Aphis (Aphis craccivora, Aphis fabae, Aphis gossypii, Aphis spiraecola). After taking each of 25X twenty photographies of four species, we calculated and measured coordinates of landmarks, the number of secondary sensillum of antennae, dorsal setae of 8th abdominal segment, anterior/posterior genital plate setae and cauda, and then performed the principal component analysis using PAST3 and the canonical variate analysis using MORPHO J, only with a landmarks. As results, in PCA, Aphis gossypii has been separated, but the others are overlapping. In CVA, all species of aphis has been separated.

      • KCI등재

        기하학적 형태계측학을 이용한 조선시대 사람뼈 집단의 눈확과 코의 좌우 비대칭 양상 연구

        정현우(Hyunwoo Jung),우은진(Eun Jin Woo),박순영(Sunyoung Pak) 대한체질인류학회 2016 대한체질인류학회지 Vol.29 No.4

        이 연구에서는 기하학적 형태계측학을 이용하여 조선시대 사람뼈 집단의 눈확과 코의 좌우 비대칭 양상을 분석하고자 하였다. 이를 위해 15세기에서 20세기 초반의 조선시대 고고학 유적에서 출토된 사람뼈 집단 (성인 남성 38, 여성 38개체)이 이용되었다. 기하학적 형태계측학을 분석에 적용하기 위해 좌우 눈확에서 10개, 코에서 7개의 삼차원 좌표를 추출하였고 그 좌표들에서 형태 변이를 분석하였다. 통계적으로, 부분 최소 제곱 점수를 이용하여 다변량분산분석 (MANOVA)을 실시하였다. 연구 결과, 눈확과 코의 좌우 비대칭은 정중면이 아니라 가쪽의 계측점들에 의해 발생하였다는 점을 확인할 수 있었다. 또한 눈확과 코 모두 오른쪽이 왼쪽보다 더 큰 비대칭의 형태를 띄었다. 하지만 눈확과 코의 좌우 비대칭 방향은 서로 다르게 나타났는데 눈확의 계측점들은 주로 오른쪽, 코의 계측점들은 주로 왼쪽으로 치우쳐 있었다. 이러한 눈확과 코의 좌우 비대칭의 양상과 정도는 서로 통계적으로 유의한 상관 관계를 보여 주었다 (p<0.01). 기하학적 형태계측학을 이용한 이 연구의 결과는 눈확과 코의 좌우 비대칭 양상을 분석함으로써 눈확과 코를 이용한 한국인 머리뼈 좌우 비대칭의 대한 연구를 보충하고 좌우 비대칭이 발생하는 원인을 파악하는 데 기여할 수 있을 것으로 기대된다. In this study, the pattern of bilateral asymmetry in the eye orbit and nose of the Joseon Dynasty skeletal group was analyzed using geometric morphometrics. For this, 38 adult males and 38 adult females from the Joseon Dynasty skeletal group belonging to the 15th to early 20th centuries were examined. For geometric morphometric analysis, Procrustes superimposition was performed on 10 landmarks in both eye orbits and 7 nasal landmarks. The data were analyzed by multivariate analysis of variance with partial least square scores. In results, the lateral landmarks had more impact on the bilateral asymmetry in the eye orbit and nose than the center landmarks. The eye orbit and nose on the right side of the face seemed bigger than those of the left side, while the direction of asymmetry in the eye orbit and nose was different. The correlation between asymmetry patterns in the eye orbit and nose were statistically significant (p<0.01). The results of this study will be useful for examining causes of bilateral asymmetry in the eye orbits and noses of the Korean population.

      • KCI등재

        기하학적 형태계측학을 이용한 조선시대 머리뼈 형태의 변이 양상 연구

        정현우(Hyunwoo Jung),우은진(EunJin Woo),박순영(Sunyoung Pak) 대한체질인류학회 2015 해부·생물인류학 (Anat Biol Anthropol) Vol.28 No.1

        전통적인 형태계측학에서는 머리뼈지수, 위얼굴지수와 같은 측정치들의 비율을 이용하여 머리뼈의 형태를 분석한다. 그런데 이러한 비율들은 좌표 정보가 아니기 때문에 이 정보들만으로는 3차원 공간에서 전체의 형태를 구현할 수 없다. 이러한 맥락에서 전통적인 형태계측학으로는 머리뼈를 구성하는 각 부위의 형태들이 갖는 유기적인 관계들을 종합적으로 파악하는 데 한계가 있다. 따라서 이 연구에서는 전통적인 형태계측학의 한계를 극복하기 위해 기하학적 형태계측학을 이용하여, 조선시대 집단의 머리뼈 형태에서 나타나는 변이의 양상들을 분석하고 그 특징을 검토하고자 하였다. 이 연구는 15세기에서 20세기 초반에 해당하는 서울·경기 지역의 고고학 유적들에서 출토된 조선시대 사람뼈 57개체를 대상으로 하였다. 머리뼈 형태에 대한 좌표는 MicroScribe G2X (Immersion Corporation, USA)를 이용하여 수집하였으며 주성분 분석을 실시하여 머리뼈 부위의 형태 변화를 분석하였다. 연구 결과, 여성은 머리뼈 너비 및 길이, 정수리점 위치, 머리뼈뒤면 형태, 얼굴뼈 길이에서, 남성은 머리뼈 길이, 너비, 높이, 꼭지돌기 크기, 얼굴뼈 길이에서 집단 내 변이가 가장 크게 나타났다. 그리고 집단 전체의 머리뼈 길이가 짧아지는 동시에 너비는 넓어졌다. 하지만 이러한 변화와 함께 발생하는 머리뼈 높이와 얼굴뼈 길이의 변화 양상 및 상대성장과의 유사성은 성별에 따라 다르게 나타났다. 이 연구에서 제시된 조선시대 머리뼈 형태에 변이를 일으키는 주요 부위들과 그에 따른 변이 패턴은 향후 한국인의 머리뼈 형태 연구를 위한 기초 자료로 활용될 수 있을 것이다. Traditional morphometrics uses ratios between measured values such as the cranial index and the upper facial index. However, with these ratios alone, it is impossible to represent the shape of the entire cranium in a three-dimensional space because ratio does not express coordinate data. This methodological limitation of traditional morphometrics makes it difficult to evaluate relations between cranial parts. However, it is important to assess relations between cranial parts because cranial parts change their shapes in an integrated way. Therefore, this study adopted geometric morphometrics to overcome the limitations of traditional morphometrics and provide a more enhanced visual analysis of the cranial shape. Using geometric morphometrics, this study focused on variations of cranial shapes in a population from Joseon Dynasty to obtain their specific characteristics. This study investigated variations of cranial shapes in 57 individuals from Seoul·Gyeonggi province who lived in the 15th to the early 20<SUP>th</SUP> centuries. The coordinates of the crania were collected by MicroScribe G2X (Immersion Corporation, USA) and statistically analyzed using principal component analysis. The results showed that the variations in cranial shapes of females were reflected mostly in width, length of cranium, position of bregma, shape of posterior part of cranium, and length of facial bone. The cranial shapes of the males varied mostly in length, width, height of cranium, size of mastoid process, and length of facial bones. The cranial length became shorter when the cranial width became broader in both sexes. However, cranial height and facial length showed different variations between the two sexes. In addition, the variation in females only showed evidence of static allometry. The results of this research provide basic information about cranial shapes in a population from Joseon Dynasty and will be useful in future studies such as analysis on between-group differences. By identifying within-group variations first, researchers focusing on between-group differences will likely avoid erroneous conclusions.

      • KCI등재

        국내 토종벌(Apis cerana koreana) 아종의 형태적 특성 분석

        올가프런제,김정은,김동원,강은진,김경문,박보선,최용수 한국응용곤충학회 2022 한국응용곤충학회지 Vol.61 No.3

        : There has been much debate on the morphometric divergence between the recently identified Apis cerana koreana and Apis cerana honey bees. The aim of this study was to obtain phenotypic information that can be used to compare A. c. koreana data with other A. cerana subspecies data from open resources and determine breeding results on the basis of morphometric traits. To differentiate A. c. koreana, we investigated 22 classic morphological characteristics; royal jelly secretion; and the weight of workers, queens, and drones of A. c. koreana bred in Korea. To define the selection results, we used the geometric morphometric method. The artificially selected A. c. koreana secreted significantly more royal jelly (1.18 times) than the naturally selected A. c. koreana, which positively influenced the health of the colonies. These honey bees were identified more clearly with the geometric morphometric method than with the classic morphometric method, which is traditionally used to determine the subspecies. Large trends were noted for A. c. koreana on the basis of our results and literature from the 1980s regarding A. cerana sizes in Korea (tarsal index, length of forewing, and cubital index were measured). The cluster analysis revealed the proximity of A. c. koreana, A. cerana in China, and A. c. indica on the basis of eight classic characters, which, perhaps, relay the origin of the honey bees. The results of this study defined the morphometric responses of A. с. koreana honey bees to geographic isolation, climate change, and selection, which are important to identify, protect, and preserve honey bee stock in Korea : 새롭게 육성된 낭충봉아부패병 저항성 신품종 토종벌(Apis cerana koreana) 과 기존 농가에서 관행적으로 사육되는 토종벌 사이의 형태학적 차이를 육안으로 확연하게 구분하는 것은 어렵지만 본 연구에서는 신품종 토종벌(A. c. koreana) 을 기존 토종벌(A. c. koreana) 품종 및 계통 간 형태학적 비교를 통해 신품종 만의 특성을 결정할 수 있는 표현형 정보를 제공하였다. 신품종 토종벌(A. c. koreana)의 외부형질을 이용한 품종 특성은 22가지의 형태학적 특성을 기하학적, 형태학적 분석 방법을 적용하고 토종벌(A. c. koreana)의 로얄젤리 생산량, 일벌, 여왕벌, 수벌의 특성을 비교 분석하였다. 본 연구 결과, 신품종 토종벌(A. c. koreana)은 기존 토종벌과 앞날개의 길이에 차이를 보였으며, 중국의 동양종꿀벌(A. cerana)과 비교한 결과, 일벌은 몸무게, 혀의 길이, 앞날개의 길이 등의 값이 높았다. 또한, 신품종 토종벌(A. c. koreana)은 A. cerana indica 보다 두 가지 부위에서 형태학적인 차이를 보였다. 그리고 신품종 토종벌(A. c. koreana)은 로얄젤리를 다른 품종과 비교하여 많이 분비하여 봉군의 발육에 긍정적인 영향을 끼쳤다. 따라서 본연구결과는 신규 육성 토종벌(A. cerana)에 대한 형태학적 분석 방법을 이용하여 품종을 분류하는데 도움이 될 것으로 기대한다.

      • Morphometrics for Shape Analysis in Kansei Engineering

        Shigekazu Ishihara,Keiko Ishihara 대한전자공학회 2008 ITC-CSCC :International Technical Conference on Ci Vol.2008 No.7

        In Kansei engineering, we have been treated sample shapes as categorical variable (nominal scale). For example, categories like wide / tall. These categories were assigned as x variables and evaluation values on a Kansei word was assigned as a y variable of linear equation. This equation has been computationally solved by Quantification theory type 1 or similar regression methods. Although qualitative analysis of shapes is relatively robust and commonly used, but shapes are not directly treated. In this study, we attempted to treat shapes as statistical values with the various methods of Morphometrics those have been developed between paleontology, biology and statistics. By treating shapes as statistical values, we can apply various statistical methods from basic statistics such as testing distribution to multivariate analysis techniques (i.e., classification, projection onto lower numbers of dimension).

      • KCI등재후보

        Geometric morphometric analysis of malocclusion on lateral cephalograms in Malaysian population

        Choy Ker Woon,Nurul Aiman Abu Jamal,Muhamad Nasim Ilmi Mohd Noor,Syiral Mastura Abdullah,Nurjehan Mohamed Ibrahim,Noraina Hafizan Norman,Aspalilah Alias 대한해부학회 2019 Anatomy & Cell Biology Vol.52 No.4

        Geometric morphometrics is a new approach for shape identification in diagnosis of malocclusion. Lateral cephalogram is an X-ray that taken for diagnosing malocclusion in dental setting. The aim of this study was to determine the differences of craniofacial shape in malocclusion by application of two-dimensional geometric morphometrics and to compile the database of malocclusion in adult Malaysian population. Lateral cephalogram radiographs of 381 adults Malaysia (age 18–45) were retrieved retrospectively and assigned to three groups according to their occlusion: class I, class II, and class III. The geometric morphometric shape study incorporated nine landmarks and was analyzed in details using tpsUtil p software. Geometric morphometric analysis such was done using MorphoJ software. The results of the principal component’s analysis (PCA) yielded 14 main components responsible for 100% of the variation exhibited by the malocclusion with three highly significant PCA. The highest Mahalanobis distances were exhibited by the malocclusion class II and III population. The Procrustes ANOVA showed that the shape effect was highly significant (P<0.01). The discriminant function analysis showed the high percentage of 80% discriminate among the malocclusions after cross-validation. There are significant differences for ANB angle (A point-Nasion-B point) in all malocclusion groups. Class II has the widest ANB angle while class III has the most acute ANB angle. Skeletal shape was clearly associated with dental malocclusion and showed considerable variation. Geometric morphometrics is an alternative research tool and can be used for diagnosing individual classification of malocclusion.

      • KCI등재

        Sex determination in pre-fledgling chicks of the Black-faced Spoonbill (Platalea minor) based on morphometric measurements

        In-Ki Kwon(권인기),Ji-Yeon Lee(이지연),Jong-Hyun Park(박종현),Eun-Joo Choi(최은주),Ki-Sup Lee(이기섭),Jeong-Chil Yoo(유정칠) 한국조류학회 2021 한국조류학회지 Vol.28 No.2

        국제적인 멸종위기종인 저어새 (Platalea minor)는 깃털색은 암수 동형이나 몸크기는 수컷이 암컷보다 다소 큰 이형을 보이는 종이다. 본 연구에서는 이소 전 저어새 유조의 체중, 부척 길이, 부리 길이, 날개 길이 4가지 외부 형태 측정을 통해 성적 크기 이형을 연구하였다. 유전적 성구별 기법을 기반으로 외부측정치 자료를 이용하여 각 변수별 유의성을 고려한 단계적 판별분석과 잭나이프 검증을 실시하였다. 2011년부터 2015년까지 포획한 143개체 대상의 분석결과 성적 크기 이형이 가장 큰 측정치는 체중(15.8%)이었으며, 그 다음으로 부척 길이(10.9%), 부리 길이(5.1%), 날개 길이(3.3%) 순으로 나타났다. 부척 길이와 체중이 포함된 판별 함수가 가장 판별력이 높았으며 암수간 성별을 90.9% 정확도로 분류해내었다. Black-faced spoonbills (Platalea minor) are monomorphic in plumage; however, they present sexual dimorphism in terms of size, with males being slightly larger than females. Here, we examined sexual size dimorphism in the pre-fledgling chicks of Black-faced spoonbills to develop a useful sexing technique based on morphometric measurements. Forward stepwise discriminant function analysis of sex determination using a molecular technique was performed and tested through jackknife validation. Body mass culmen, wing, and tarsus length of 143 fledglings were measured between 2011 and 2015. Body mass (15.8%) was the most dimorphic variable, followed by tarsus (10.9%), culmen (5.1%), and wing (3.3%) length. The best discriminant function included tarsus length and body mass, which correctly classified 90.9% fledglings of this endangered species.

      • KCI등재

        Morphometric Characterisation of Root-Knot Nematode Populations from Three Regions in Ghana

        Seloame Tatu Nyaku,Hanif Lutuf,Eric Cornelius 한국식물병리학회 2018 Plant Pathology Journal Vol.34 No.6

        Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) production in Ghana is limited by the root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne incognita, and yield losses over 70% have been experienced in farmer fields. Major management strategies of the root-knot nematode (RKN), such as rotation and nematicide application, and crop rotation are either little efficient and harmful to environments, with high control cost, respectively. Therefore, this study aims to examine morphometric variations of RKN populations in Ghana, using principal component analysis (PCA), of which the information can be utilized for the development of tomato cultivars resistant to RKN. Ninety (90) second-stage juveniles (J2) and 16 adult males of M. incognita were morphometrically characterized. Six and five morphometric variables were measured for adult males and second-stage juveniles (J2) respectively. Morphological measurements showed differences among the adult males and second-stage juveniles (J2). A plot of PC1 and PC2 for M. incognita male populations showed clustering into three main groups. Populations from Asuosu and Afrancho (Group I) were more closely related compared to populations from Tuobodom and Vea (Group II). There was however a single nematode from Afrancho (AF4) that fell into Group III. Biplots for male populations indicate, body length, DEGO, greatest body width, and gubernaculum length serving as variables distinguishing Group 1 and Group 2 populations. These same groupings from the PCA were reflected in the dendogram generated using Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering (AHC). This study provides the first report on morphometric characterisation of M. incognita male and juvenile populations in Ghana showing significant morphological variation.

      • KCI등재

        Morphometrics of Scinaia latifrons(Nemaliales, Rhodophyta) in the southwestern Gulf of California, Mexico.

        Karla Leon-Cismeros,Rafael Riosmena-Rodriguez 한국조류학회I 2005 ALGAE Vol.20 No.1

        Scinaia latifrons Howe occurs in rhodolith beds between 9 to 27 m depths at San Lorenzo channel, Gulf of California, Mexico. As very little was known about the morphometrics of this normally temperate species in a subtropical area, we investigated the phenological changes from December 1998 to December 1999. The gametophytic phase of the species was present from late February to late May, which represented a shorter time period to other known species in the genus. Our results suggested that two gametophytic cohorts develop over winter and early spring based on the size class structure of the frond height. Thalli became reproductively mature at a small size (1-2 cm in height) and all the plants were monoecious. Scinaia latifrons at the study location underwent allometric growth, indicated by the lack of correlation between size, width of the plants, or branching patterns.

      • KCI등재

        Morphometric and Genetic Variability Among Tylenchulus semipenetrans Populations from Citrus Growing Area in Korea

        박병용,박선남,이재국,배창환 한국식물병리학회 2009 Plant Pathology Journal Vol.25 No.3

        Tylenchulus semipenetrans, citrus nematode is an important phytopathogenic nematode and responsible for serious damage on citrus. However, little information is available about genetic variability of T. semipenetrans among different populations with variation of conventional diagnostic characteristics. In this study, we compared the morphometric and genetic characteristics among different populations. The mature female of T. semipenetrans collected in this study had thicker cuticle than those in the previous studies. In comparative sequence analysis of T. semipenetrans populations obtained from Jeju in Korea, we observed genetic variations within clones generated from single individuals. To determine whether variability among copies of nuclear ribosomal DNA sequences exists in the genome of T. semipenetrans, PCR-RFLP technique from individuals of Korean isolates with MseI and MspI restriction enzymes was used to prove experimentally that all populations have intraspecific variations. Restriction enzyme digestion created several fragments on 3.0% agarose gel corresponding to several haplotypes in all populations, though some populations displayed fragment deletion. The total length of fragments was larger than before digestion, indicating sequence heterogeneity within the genome of T. semipenetrans.

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