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      • KCI등재

        「한국안내(韓國案內)」를 통해서 본 개항기 도시계획과 생활상: 1902년 군산을 중심으로

        박성신 ( Sungsine Pak ) 한국지리학회 2018 한국지리학회지 Vol.7 No.2

        Guide to Korea published in 1902, which was written by the correspondent of Gwanmun Newspaper, Katsuki Kentaro, was to aid the Japanese visiting, immigrating and carrying out economic activities. Obseving through maps and explanations of each opening port in Korea, the characteristics of forming modern cities during the period of opening ports are as follows : Firstly, the opening port was a new city that has the urban grid pattern composed of streets and blocks around the port. On the other hand, the opening city maintained the existing urban tissue. Secondly, the degree of urbanization and modernization is in proportion to the period from opening ports. Thirdly, the low level sites around the port were preferred in order to form the modern city, so that the urban area continues to expand through civil works. Finally, the construction of the urban infrastructure should be added as a result of the introduction of modern transportation, thus opening ports set up the basic spatial system of modern city. Gunsan was opened in 1899 as a common settlement-type port, but Japan played a leading role in the modernization and urbanization of Gunsan. Guide to Korea mentioned the first settlement formation period from 1899 to 1903, from the opening ports to the Russo-Japanese War. Japan built a residential area in a settlement with the distinguished grid pattern spread on the flat level. The Japanese settlement and the Korean dwelling area were separated. In terms of demographics, the number of Japanese in Gunsan increased dramatically to 482 at the beginning of opening ports, and the number of households reached 136.

      • KCI등재후보


        박우,孙嘉莲 중한연구학회 2024 중한연구학간 Vol.0 No.33

        随着海南自由贸易港(简称海南自贸港)建设政策的深入实施,海南自贸港迎来了 发展现代物流业的历史机遇。在中国政府建设自贸港政策和海南地方鼓励政策的支持 下,近些年来海南自贸港现代物流业建设蓬勃开展,行业也取得了显著的发展成果。 而通过自贸港发展政策的逐步实施,今后将有效地提升海南自贸港现代物流业的整体 竞争力,促进海南自贸港经济的全面发展。 本文通过对海南自贸港现代物流业的发展现状及其促进政策的考察,分析了海南 自贸港物流业的发展现状与特征,并从基础设施建设、国家和地方政策等方面进行了 全面的考察。在此基础上,本文从韩国政府及物流业界的角度,提出了对于韩国发展 本国现代物流业,以及进入海南自贸港开拓新业务等方面的启示与建议。以期通过对 海南自贸港现代物流业的发展现状与政策的考察,对韩国政府及物流业界提供借鉴和 参考。 With the in-depth implementation of the Hainan Free Trade Port construction policy, Hainan Free Trade Port has ushered in a historical opportunity to develop the modern logistics industry. With the support of the Chinese government's policy on building a free trade port and Hainan's local encouragement policies, the construction of the modern logistics industry in the Hainan Free Trade Port has been booming in recent years, and the industry has also achieved significant development results. Through the gradual implementation of the free trade port development policy, the overall competitiveness of the modern logistics industry of Hainan Free Trade Port will be effectively enhanced in the future and the overall development of the Hainan Free Trade Port economy will be promoted. This paper analyzes the development status and characteristics of the Hainan Free Trade Port's logistics industry through an investigation of the development status and promotion policies of the modern logistics industry in Hainan Free Trade Port, then conducts a comprehensive investigation from the aspects of infrastructure construction, national and local policies. On this basis, from the perspective of the Korean government and the logistics industry, this paper puts forward inspirations and suggestions for Korea to develop its own modern logistics industry and enter the Hainan Free Trade Port to develop new businesses. It is hoped that through the investigation of the development status and policies of the modern logistics industry in Hainan Free Trade Port, it can provide reference for the Korean government and the logistics industry.

      • KCI우수등재

        근대이행기 조강 연안의 포구 성쇠와 포구 네트워크

        전종한(Jong-Han Jeon) 대한지리학회 2017 대한지리학회지 Vol.52 No.2

        본 연구는 한강 하류권의 조강 연안에 발달했던 포구들을 대상으로 전근대시기 포구 분포와 입지 특성을 고찰한 후 근대이행기의 포구 성쇠 및 포구 네트워크의 여러 양상을 탐구한 것이다. 한강과 임진강의 합류 지점으로부터 황해로 유입하기 직전까지의 구간을 일컫는 조강 연안은 전근대시기 전국 각지에서 출항한 선박들이 한반도 유통망의 최고 결절이었던 고려의 개경 및 조선의 한성으로 진입하기 위한 필수 기항지였던 지역이다. 경기만 연안의 세계적 조차와 불규칙한 연안류, 조강 및 염하의 거센 물흐름 등으로 인해 이 구간을 통과하는 선박들은 곳곳에 기항지를 필요로 했기 때문이다. 그 결과 조강 및 염하 연안의 적지적소에는 많은 포구들이 발생하고 성쇠를 거듭하였다. 근대이행기를 지나면서 일부 포구들은 기항지 기능뿐 아니라 수운과 육운의 적환지, 교통과 유통의 지역적 결절로 기능하면서 다른 포구들을 제치고 거점 포구로 부상하였다. 이들 거점 포구들은 수운망과 육운망으로 상호 연결되어 거대한 포구 네트워크를 형성하였을 뿐만 아니라, 포구의 실질적 토지소유 관계 측면에서 개경이나 한성 등 국가 수준의 중심지들과도 모종의 네트워크를 형성하고 있었다. The purpose of this study is to investigate the distribution and locational characteristics of ports on the shore of Jogang(River) and Kimpo peninsular in premodern Korea, and then to explore the rise and fall of those ports and port-networks during the early modern period of Korea. Jogang(River) Basin, the section from the confluence point of Hangang(River) and Imjingang(River) to the entering point into Yellow Sea, was an area where many ships from all over the country during the pre-modern era had called at many ports on their route for Gegyong, the capital of Koryo dynasty and Hanseong, that of Joseon dynasty. This is mainly because ships through this area required ports of call everywhere, due to the exorbitant tide of Gyeonggi bay, the irregular coastal currents, and the rapid river flows of Jogang and Yeomha around Kimpo Penisular. As a result, a number of port had risen and fallen repeatedly in the right place of the shore of Jogang and Kimpo Peninsular. Through the early modern period, some of those ports had emerged as a bigger port of call, i.e.a base port, by functioning not only as a port of call but also as a regional transportational node of logistics and passengers over the other ports of call. In addition to forming a huge port-network with each other, these base ports were forming another laden network with national level centers such as Gegyong and Hanseong through actual land ownership of those ports.

      • KCI등재

        개항장 경찰의 근대성에 관한 연구

        최선우(Choi Sun Woo) 한국공안행정학회 2014 한국공안행정학회보 Vol.23 No.4

        근대'라는 관념은 서구 유럽사의 경험이 전 세계에 일반화되는 과정에서 등장하였다고 볼 수 있다. 이러한 관점에서 볼 때, '개항장'(開港場)은 전근대적인 조선과 근대적인 서구열강과의 통상(通商)의 중심지였으며, 특히 새로운 근대사상과 문물, 그리고 제도가 가장 먼저 유입되는 곳이라 할 수 있다. 따라서 한국 근대경찰의 출발점은 1876년 문호개방 이후 조계조약(租界條約)에 의해 부산 등에 설치된 개항장 경찰이라 할 수 있다. 일본 역시 최초의 근대경찰은 1868년 메이지유신(明治維新)을 전후하여 요코하마(橫浜) 개항장에 설치되었음은 주지의 사실이다. 그러나 이러한 개항장 경찰이 온전한 형태의 '근대경찰상'(近代警察像)을 갖추었다고 보기에는 몇 가지 한계가 있다. 개항장 경찰은 '근대경찰'이 시작된 첫 단계라는 점이기 때문에 이러한 문제는 당연한 것이지만 경찰근대성을 인식하고, 이를 체계적으로 접근하기 위해서는 이러한 한계점을 명확하게 인식하는 것은 의미가 있다고 본다. 이 글에서는 개항장 경찰의 근대성을 인식하기 위하여 먼저, '경찰'이라는 관념 자체에 내재하는 근대성을 서구의 근대경찰과 일본의 근대 경찰을 중심으로 살펴보았다. 그리고 '경찰근대성'의 구체적인 표상인 제도적 근대성과 이념적 근대성을 살펴보았다. 다음으로 개항장 감리서(監理署)에 이러한 근대적인 '경찰관'의 배치 및 '경찰관서'의 설치배경과 이들 개항장 경찰의 주요업무에 대해서 살펴보았다. 끝으로 이러한 개항장 경찰근대성에 내재하는 이의 한계점을 규명하고자 하였다. 이를 위해 먼저, 개항장 경찰의 정체성이 이른바 '형식적 의미'의 경찰관념에 어느 정도 부합되는지를 살펴보았다. 다음으로 보다 구체적인 내용으로 개항장 경찰의 제도적 전문화ㆍ독립화의 문제를 경찰관제 및 재정상태 등의 관점에서 살펴보았다. 끝으로 치외법권(治外法權)이 광범위하게 허용되었던 당시 개항장 상황에서 개항장 경찰이 안고 있는 역할한계 등을 살펴보았다. As everyone knows, the idea or term of 'modern' has been appeared in the process that the experience of the history of Europe has been generalized into the other countries. From the perspective of this points, 'the Open Port' was the center of the trades between the premodern Joseon Dynasty and the modern great powers of Europe, and especially the first places that it had been incoming the new modern thoughts, cultures, and institutions. Therefore the starting points of Korean modern police are the Open Port Police that was established in Busan(et al.) after the Open-Door in 1876 and by the Settlement Treaties. The first modern police in Japan was instituted in the Open Port city of Yokohama around the Meiji Restoration in 1868 also. But the Open Port Police have some limits when we consider the features of it needed to be the modern police. Because the Open Port Police was the first stages in the development of the modern police, so the problems are reasonable, of course. Nothing but, to recognize the modernity of modern police, and to approach systematically of it, it is important to know clearly the limits or circumscriptions. To recognize the police modernity first, I discussed the modernity inherent in the idea of police in itself from the points of the Europe modern police and Japan modern police. And examined the definite symbol of police modernity, that is, institutional modernity and ideological modernity. Next, looked into the backgrounds of the arrangement of modern police officers and establishment of modern police offices, and the main roles of the modern police in the Open Port Gamriseo(Superintendent Office). In addition to, I tried to examine closely the limits inherent to the police modernity of the Open Port. For this, first, examined the identities of the Open Port Police how coincide with so called 'the concept of the formal police'. And as the more specific contents, examined the problems of specializations and independences from the official regulations and the finances. Finally, examined the role limits in the situations that extraterritoriality are permitted largely in the Open Port at that time.

      • 한국 근대도자의 개항단계 기점 시론

        엄승희 미술사문화비평학회 2014 미술사문화비평 Vol.5 No.-

        In the domain of Korean arts history, the studies on the beginning of the Korean modern arts have been insufficient so far. But there have been attempted to deal with this issue in the various fields of Korean arts. But the field of crafts, compared to the fields of painting or architecture hasn't given us good results about this. This study aims at analyzing the beginning of modernization and the modernity of the ceramic crafts that appeared since the period of transition into modern era. In the late period of the Chosun dynasty, various ceramics used by royal class were intensively produced especially in Bunwon(分院) that was operated by government and the ceramics for the general public's daily life were produced actively in local kilns. But various foreign ceramics that were imported due to the opening of ports after the Treaty of Ganghwa-Island(江華島) in 1876 and the privatization of Bunwon in 1884 caused the traditional way of making ceramics to change a lot. And modern techniques of producing ceramics were imported from the West and experts from various countries were invited. Especially, in the period of Japanese colonial morden system of ceramic production was imported from Japan. From the end of 19th century to the early 20th century, the ceramic process and the distribution changed much, these aspects indicate the modernity of the Korean ceramics. This paper examined the progression of the aspects of the Korean ceramics that had undergone change since the late period of the Chosun in order to determine the period, the modernity of Korean ceramics began and established. The period of emerging modern ceramics were divided into two periods on the basis of the analysis of the system of manufacturing ceramics and the government policy in the late 19th century. The first period began when the Chosun opened her ports to foreign powers. After the reformation of systemin the late period of the Chosun, the opening of ports conclusively led to the different framework of the manufacture system that was new to the Chosun. And, in the period of the Great Korean Empire that succeeded the Chosun dynasty around the time of the privatization of Bunwon, modern factories research and education institute for ceramics were established foreign experts with technical skills came into Korea. However, Japan occupied Korea forcedly 5 years after they set up resident-general office in Korea, this caused the modernization. Japan adopted various policies in favor of them and made the manufacturing of the Chosun white porcelain declined fast. Partially the modern technique was adopted making vessels which changed the supply and demand of ceramics. Therefore, the period of Japanese occupation, of Korea when Korea faced the new modernization without voluntary agreement, can be classified as the second period of modernization. Especially in the period of about 40 years since 1910, the year when Japan began to occupy Korea, there were a lot of changes in the ceramic industry. So this period can be considered as a very important period of modernization. In the period of the opening of ports, the aspects of manufacture and the supply and demand of Korean modern ceramics began to change and the privatization of Bunwon caused the manufacture system to change rapidly. And through the period of Japanese occupation of Korea after the period of the Great Korean Empire, the modernization was pushed ahead forcedly without voluntary agreement. Therefore, it is required that the characteristics of the modernity of this period be analyzed by paying attention to the change of situation and system of Korea.

      • KCI등재

        신소설과 근대소설을 통해 본 도시 형성기 부산의 근대성과 공간성

        박은태 이상문학회 2023 이상리뷰 Vol.- No.20

        부산은 개항과 함께 만들어진 도시다. 부산의 초기 도시 형성에 큰 영향을 미친 사건은 개항, 경부철도 개통과 관부연락선 취항, 일본의 식민지 병탄이다. 이 세 사건은 부산의 근대성과 공간성 형성에 큰 영향을 주었다. 본 논문은 이 시기에 만들어진 부산의 근대성과 공간성을 신소설과 근대소설을 통해 살펴보았다. 신소설은 이인직의 혈의 누 와 귀의 성 , 최찬식의 추월색 이 대상 작품이고, 근대소설은 염상섭의 만세전 이 대상 작품이다. 혈의 누 에서는 개항장 부산을 중세적 질서가 해체되고 근대적 의미의 영토가 형성되는 장소로, 귀의 성 과 추월색 에서는 경부철도의 시발역과 종착역으로서의 부산을 한반도에 근대적 시공간을 형성하는 중심축으로, 만세전 에서는 일제 강점이 시작된 이후의 부산을 식민 수탈과 침탈의 거점으로 그리고 있다. 대상 소설에는 각 시기마다 변화하는 부산의 근대성과 공간성이 잘 드러나고 있다. 본 연구에서는 근대도시 부산의 초기 근대성과 공간성의 윤곽과 함께 이것이 근대소설과 신소설에 남긴 서사적 영향을 함께 살펴보았다. Busan is a city created with the opening of a port. The events that had a great influence on the formation of the city in the early days of Busan were the opening of a port, the opening of the Gyeongbu Railway and the opening of the Gwanbu Liaison Line, and the annexation of Japanese colonies. These three events had a great influence on the modernity and spatial formation of Busan. This thesis examined the modernity and spatiality of Busan created during this period through new novels and modern novels. The new novels include "Hyeorui Nu" by Lee In-jik, "Gwiui Seong" and "Chuwolchaek" by Choi Chan-sik, while the modern novels "Mansaejeon" by Yeom Sang-seop are the target works. In "Hyeorui Nu", Busan, the port of opening, is a place where the medieval order is dismantled and the territory in the modern sense is formed, and in "Gwiui Seong" and "Chuwolchaek", Busan, as the starting and ending stations of the Gyeongbu Railway, is the central axis for forming a modern time and space on the Korean Peninsula, and in "Mansaejeon", Busan, after the start of Japanese occupation, is depicted as the base for colonial exploitation and exploitation. In the target novel, the modernity and spatiality of Busan, which change at each period, are well revealed. This study aims to clarify the outline of the early modernity and spatiality of the modern city of Busan, as well as the narrative impact that it left on modern novels and new novels.

      • KCI등재

        목포 개항장 상인층의 존재양태와 그 성격

        박이준(Bark Lee-joon) 역사문화학회 2006 지방사와 지방문화 Vol.9 No.1

        Mokpo Port opened on October 1, 1897 and many merchants, who worked at the open ports in Busan and Incheon, etc, moved into Mokpo Port. We divided these merchants as Korean merchants and foreign merchants who put down roots in Mokpo. As Korean merchants, the commission agency had the initiative at the early of opening ports. They formed the ‘commission agency association’ for the first time and Muan Sasang Company. Through these organizations, they expanded their commercial power in opening port. But Japan pushed their colonial policies more than more, Korean commercial power contracted. Some Korean wealthy merchants pursued their profits through cooperation with Japanese colonial organization. The other side, Japanese merchants, Incheon Gaerim Jangupdan, formed their places as the Mokpo merchants. But the inland commerce right was not recognized in the early of opening port and they could not succeed because of their poor communication. But they expanded their commercial power because many Japanese moved into Mokpo and social infra was expanded through Japan pushed their colonial policies. As the result, Japanese merchants became wealthy merchants in Mokpo. The number of Chinese merchants was less than Korean and Japanese merchants. Thought they bought the land near opening port and ran the store, they did not influence to the commerce. According to the above facts. Mokpo merchants of opening port competed and developed between Korean merchants and Japanese merchants in the early of opening port. Their characteristics showed modernity and colonialness at the same time through under the rule of Japanese imperialism. Through this study, we found out the outline of existence aspects and characteristics of Mokpo opening port merchants. However, we could not investigate the detailed aspects because of the lack of personal data and study for them. This is the limit of this study. In future, it will study in detail if we find the more data to make clear.

      • KCI등재

        개항장 공간의 조직과 근대성의 표상

        김주관(Kim Joo-kwan) 역사문화학회 2006 지방사와 지방문화 Vol.9 No.1

        The open ports and the concession system were the historical products of the imperialistic aggressions in East Asian countries. In the Korean peninsular, ten ports had been opened, and four concessions exclusive to the Japanese jurisdiction, three to the Chinese, and six for the joint control among several countries had been established between 1877 and 1908. They were very important in several aspects during the Korean modern period, though they did not reflect the internal dynamics of Korean modernization. They were the paths where the new civilization was introduced, and they had directly experienced the emergence of modern cities in their Western sense. The open ports and the concessions took the characteristics of modern cities not only in their economic roles, but also in their spatial organizations. For instance, they had the routes with the modern system and the architectures with the modern styles. In most of geographical and architectural studies, those modern characteristics in the spatial organization of the open ports seem to be regarded as the given. Though those works are important in understanding the modern features of the open ports, they are not enough to explain why the spatial organization becomes to represent the modernity. In order to explore the question, we need to distinguish the space into two different, but closely related categories: physical and cognitive. The physical space means the space which exists as a natural and geographical reality, and the cognitive means one that represents what the residents think and feel about the place where they live. Therefore, it is necessary to take those categories into account when we explain a space and/or a spatial organization in its comprehensive manner. This paper aims to describe the processes in which a part of an open port got to represent the modernity and the other to do the traditionality on the basis of data gathered in one of the Korean open ports, Mokpo. Mokpo was opened in October the Ist, 1897. In the traditional period. Mokpo was not so important geo-politically. But, after it was opened, it became the center of economic and political activities in the southwest area. It did not have spaces enough for the new settlements. and expanded its territory by reclaiming land from the sea. While Koreans inhabited in the old district in the city, the concessions were located on the reclaimed land, where well-designed routes and exotic buildings were built. The process of urbanization in Mokpo made two different districts, one of which was occupied by Koreans and the other by Japanese. And these two districts represented two different worlds: the former the traditionality and the latter the modernity. The different meaning of each settlement, however, had been constructed by several means in addition to the structure of routes. First of all, the buildings with such new styles as the Neo-Baroque, the Renaissance, or the Eclectic were built in the Japanese settlement. To Koreans, most of whom lived in traditional houses, the buildings were exotic and were thought as something modern. Secondly, the functions of two districts were totally different. The Korean district was like a bed town, but the Japanese district was the center of various activities like administration, commerce, entertainment, etc. In other words, the Japanese district was the center where all kinds of modern activities were carried out. Therefore, most Koreans could experienced those activities that were though as modern. The last means was the place names. The Japanese district had Japanese place names, but the Korean district still had the Korean place names. The place names differentiate the two settlements symbolically. The representation of modernity in Mokpo was made by several means in addition to the well-planned routes, which were the new styles of architectures, the functions of the Japanese district, and the place names. These means made the resid

      • KCI등재

        일본 개항 전후의 시마즈 가문과 슈세이칸 사업

        김석희 ( Seokhee Kim ) 사단법인 아시아문화학술원 2021 인문사회 21 Vol.12 No.2

        본고의 목적은 슈세이칸 사업의 역사를 통해 일본의 개항이 변방에서 시작되었다는 점, 완전한 단절상태에서 전면적인 개항으로 전환된 것이 아니라 부분적 개항 상태에서 전면적인 개항으로 전환된 것임을 밝히는 데 있다. 본 연구는 현재의 가고시마(鹿児島) 지역, 사쓰마번(薩摩蕃)의 시마즈가(島津家)와 슈세이칸(集成舘) 사업을 중심으로, 일본의 개항이 국가-지역-개인이라는 중층성과 상호관계성을 토대로 준비되었다는 점, 그리고 과거와의 연결성 안에서 이루어졌다는 점을 고찰하는 방법으로 전개한다. 막부가 쇄국정책을 강화하고 있던 시기에도 변방 사쓰마번에서는 대대로 서구와의 교역에 눈을 돌렸다. ‘개항’ 이전부터 사쓰마번은 슈세이칸 사업(集成舘事業)을 시작하였다. 슈세이칸 사업은 제철, 조선업을 중심으로 하는 일본 최초의 근대적 산업단지였다. 사쓰마 번주 시마즈 나리아키라(島津成彬)는 난학자들과 기술자들을 등용하였다. 사쓰에이 전쟁으로 초토화된 후에 재건된 슈세이칸은 현대 일본 산업의 기틀이 되었다. 결과적으로, 개항은 실질적으로 변방에서 시작되었을 뿐 아니라, 부분적 개항 상태에서 전면적인 개항으로 전환된 것이었다. 개항을 전면적인 쇄국에서 전면적인 개항으로 인식하는 것은 서구 중심적 인식론이다. This study aims to reveal through the history of the Shuseikan Project that the opening of Japanese ports to foreign trade started with a peripheral area and that the partial opening led to the overall opening, not that the overall opening of all ports was conducted at once in a country attempting to stay isolated. This paper considers that the opening of Japanese ports had been prepared based on a multi-layered approach of nation-region-individuals and their inter-relationships, centering around the Shimazu Family and the Shuseikan Project in Satsuma-han (part of modern-day Kagoshima prefecture); and that it was conducted in connection of the area’s past history. Even during the period when the shogunate government was reinforcing its national isolation policy, in Satsuma-han, which was a peripheral area, people had already been turning to trade with the West for generations. Before the opening of their ports, Satsuma-han started the Shuseikan Project, which was Japan’s first modern industrial complex focusing on the ironmaking and shipbuilding industries. Shimazu Nariakira, the lord of Satsuma-han, employed scholars in Dutch studies and engineers. After being devastated by the Bombardment of Kagoshima, Shuseikan was rebuilt to become the foundation of modern Japanese industry. As a result, the opening of Japanese ports basically started with a peripheral area. In addition, there was transition from a partial opening to an overall opening. It is Western-centered epistemology to recognize the opening of these ports as a change from total isolation of the country to its full-scale opening.

      • KCI등재

        개항기 근대여관의 형성과 확산

        조성운(Cho, Seong-Woon) 부산경남사학회 2014 역사와 경계 Vol.92 No.-

        대한제국기 근대여관은 개항장을 중심으로 설립되었던 일본인 여관에서 비롯된 것으로 보인다. 그리고 이러한 일본인 여관에 자극을 받은 조선인들 사이에서 1896년 역원제의 폐지를 전후한 시기부터 숙박업을 전문으로 하는 여관업이 발생하였다. 이후 자본주의적 경제관계가 확대되고 일제를 비롯한 외세의 침략이 확산되면서 근대여관업은 전국적으로 확산되었다. 근대여관은 개항 이후 개항장을 중심으로 거주하던 일본인에 의해 최초로 등장한 것으로 보인다. 그것은 개항장을 출입하는 일본인들에게 숙소를 제공할 필요가 있었기 때문이다. 근대여관은 사무실 임대업, 요리점, 객주업 등 다양한 분야의 사업도 함께 경영하였다. 이는 여관업만으로는 경영이 제대로 이루어지지 않은 초기의 모습이었을 것이라 생각된다. 그리고 근대여관은 주로 정거장 주변과 경성의 도심부등 교통과 통신이 편리하였던 곳에 위치하였다. 조선인여관은 조선인 거주 지역에, 일본인여관은 일본인 거주 지역에 집중적으로 위치하였다. 대한제국기에는 금강산 관광개발을 주장하는 과정에서 마거가 다닐 수 있는 도로와 근대여관업을 발전시킬 것을 주장하였다. 이는 근대산업으로서의 관광업의 진흥을 주장한 것이었으나 조선정부와 조선 주재 일본영사관, 그리고 통감부는 법령을 제정하여 여관에 대한 통제와 단속을 강화하였다. 이와 같은 통제와 단속은 여관에 대한 풍기와 위생문제에 국한된 것이 아니라 동학농민군과 의병을 단속하기 위한 ‘치안유지’를 위한 목적이 강하였음을 알 수 있었다. 따라서 근대여관업은 경제적인 측면에서만 바라볼 것이 아니라 민족운동이라는 측면에서도 바라볼 필요가 있다고 생각된다. 경성지역의 일본인여관에서는 친목회, 만찬회, 위로회, 송년회 등 다양한 형태의 모임이 개최되었다. 이는 여관이 단순한 숙박업소가 아니라 사교의 장으로 이용되었다는 것을 의미한다. 이는 곧 경성지역의 일본인여관은 경성에 거주하는 일본인들의 의사소통의 장으로 활용되었다는 것을 의미한다고 생각된다. 이는 서양식 호텔의 경우도 마찬가지다. 서양식 호텔에서는 서양식 연회나 음악회 등이 개최되었던 것이다. 이로 보아 근대여관은 다양한 관점에서 파악해야 할 필요가 있다고 본다. Modern style inn during Great han Empire period seems to be originated from Japanese inn constructed around open port. And after the abolition of station employee law of 1896, Koreans who got ideas from Japanese started inn business specialized in lodging. Modern style inn was started by Japanese resided around open port because they need to provide accommodation for Japanese entering open port. Modern style inn also ran various business including leasing service, restaurant and bar. This was the early stage of inn business and modern style inn was located in the hub of transportation and communication as near stations or center of Seoul. Korean inn was in Korean residence and Japanese inn was located in Japanese residence respectively. In the period of opening of the port, people asserted to develop modern style inn business and road for carriage as part of Geumgangsan mountain tourism development plan. This was the idea to proliferate tourism as modern business however, Joseon government and Japanese embassy resided in Joseon and Residency General reinforced regulation on inn business. This kind of regulation and control were aimed to maintain public order and prevent raise of civil army as Donghak peasantry movement not just limited to moral and hygienic issues. Therefore, modern inn business shouldn’t be studied as economic matter and need to be extended to the matter of national movement. In Japanese inn near seoul area, various types of gathering including friendly meeting, dinner, consolation meeting and year-end party. This means that inn was used as venue for socializing venue not just for accommodation. This also mens Japanese inn was used as place for communication among Japanese residing in Seoul and also western style hotel served the same purpose. Western style party or music concert was held in hotel. As a result, modern style need to be analyzed in various perspectives.

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