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      • KCI등재

        일본어 타격동사 「うつ」의 의미 확장에 관한 일고찰

        이우제 ( Lee Woo-je ) 한국일어일문학회 2017 日語日文學硏究 Vol.102 No.1

        今回の硏究は意味間の關係を考慮しない從來の辭書の意味記述が及ぼす外國語意味學習への非效率性と、このような意味記述をもたらした從來の硏究のアプロ一チの限界を克服するため、「うつ」を對象に認知意味論的觀点から分析を行った。 從來の辭書の意味記述の限界を克服するため、本稿では「行爲槪念」と「行爲構成要素」を想定し、≪主體が對象になにかで衝擊を與える≫という<基本意味>からどのような原理で意味が擴張するのかを觀察した。また、從來の硏究のアプロ一チの限界を克服するため、[名詞レベル]と[動詞句レベル]にわけ、意味擴張の類型について綿密な檢討を行った。さらに、意味擴張において意味間の關係はどうなっているのか、また、それぞれの意味における「行爲構成要素」の動きの共通性と變用を觀察した。 その結果、從來の辭書の意味記述の限界を克服でき、また<基本意味>から意味擴張が起きた場合、意味擴張に動く原理と意味擴張の背景について十分な說明ができ、效果的な意味記述が可能となった。 This study analyzed the Japanese word `うつ(UTSU)` meaning `to hit` from the cognitive semantic viewpoint, in order to overcome the existing problems in describing and listing the lexical meanings of the words in order of their importance and frequency of use; and the problems of the analyzing methods in the previous studies. In order to overcome the limits of the existing analyzing methods, this study posited `action concepts` and `action components` and then examined under what principle its meaning is expanded from its basic meaning that `the subject gives a jolt to the object with something.` In addition, to determine what happened to the inter-meaning expansion relation, it looked at the commonness and transformation of the action components in each of the meanings. As a result of this, the existing limitations of lexically listing the meanings of one word were overcome, and sufficient explanation of the working principle and background behind its meaning expansion was made if the meaning expansion was ever made from its basic meaning. In particular, the significance of this study can be found in the fact that this analysis was substantiated to be very useful in identifying the commonness and difference in the meaning expansion of the word which shares a similar concept in Korean and Japanese languages. In the future, this study will compare and review not only the aspects of the meaning expansion of the Korean word `치다(Chi-da)` and the Japanese word 「うつ(UTSU), but also the aspects in the cases of other languages as in `打` Chinese and `hit` in English, in order to prove the validity of this method of meaning analysis in identifying the commonness and difference in the meaning expansion of the words which share similar concepts in Korean and Japanese languages

      • KCI등재

        한중 신체어 ‘귀’의 의미 확장 대조 연구

        이선희 대한중국학회 2018 중국학 Vol.64 No.-

        In our everyday language, words describing body parts are often used not only to indicate physical parts but also refer to non-physical concepts when used with expanded meanings into various areas. Focusing on this phenomenon, this research investigated the pattern and principle of the meaning expansion of a body-part term, ear, with its Chinese and Korean equivalents of ‘耳’ and ‘귀’ from the viewpoint of cognitive linguistics as follows: First, conceptual metaphor and conceptual metonymy play the role of typical mechanism in the process of meaning expansion of body-part terms; this is based on our physical experience and is calculated in the relationship of similarity and adjacency. Second, the difference of recognition in the two peoples is meaning expansion into different concept areas; as narrators using different languages observe the subject from different angles and emphasize different aspects, each Chinese and Korean shows unique meaning expansion. For instance, even the same subjects originate from different body-part terms and have different names; even meaning expansion into the same area can specifically indicate different subjects. Third, the meaning of the Chinese body-part term ‘耳’ was expanded in the order of human > animal > plant > object > action > space > abstraction areas, while the Korean term ‘귀’ was expanded in the order of human > animal > plant > object > action > space > quantity > abstraction areas. Although both languages - Chinese and Korean - did not have a meaning item originated from ‘functional characteristics’ in the dictionary, the characteristics played the biggest role in meaning expansion in actual linguistic life. For example, our conceptual system is essentially figurative, and rich experience, cultural difference, and cognitive difference of narratives using each of the languages is that they recognize different concepts and express them in language, showing different meaning expansion patterns. 우리의 일상 언어 중 신체어는 단순히 신체 부위를 가리키는 개념이 아니라, 여러 가지 영역으로 의미가 확장되어 비(非)신체영역을 지칭하는 개념으로 쓰이기도 한다. 본고는 이러한 현상에 주목하여 중국어와 한국어의 신체어 ‘耳’과 ‘귀’를 대상으로 인지언어학적 관점에서 그 의미 확장 양상과 원리를 살펴본 것으로, 주요 내용은 아래와 같다. 첫째, 신체어의 의미 확장 과정은 개념적 은유와 개념적 환유가 대표적인 기제로 작용하는데 이것은 우리의 신체적 경험과 깊은 관련이 있으며, 대상과 유사성이나 인접성의 관계를 맺으며 산출된다. 둘째, 양국민의 인지 차이는 서로 다른 개념 영역으로 의미 확장이 이루어지며, 또한 같은 대상이더라도 서로 다른 언어권 화자에 따라 관찰 각도가 다르고 다른 측면을 부각시킴으로써 중국어와 한국어 각각 고유의 의미 확장이 이루어지기도 한다. 요컨대, 우리의 개념 체계는 본질적으로 비유적이며, 중국어와 한국어 각 언어권 화자의 풍부한 경험과 문화적 차이, 인지의 차이는 서로 다른 개념을 인지하고 언어화하며, 또한 서로 다른 의미 확장 양상이 나타나고 있다.

      • KCI등재

        공간말 ‘위’, ‘아래’의 의미

        손평효 한국어의미학회 2012 한국어 의미학 Vol.39 No.-

        This article aims to look for space word 'wi' and 'arae'. What is the meaning of 'wi' and 'arae' means let's look at how the expansion is going. Changing in various directions through space only to represent the meaning of space as well as to expand the meaning of freezing goes. In modern languages ​​with the meaning 'wi' and 'arae' over all ten. Analysis of the meaning of these can be divided into three. First, it is the case with the spatial meaning. Second, it is time meaning it may have. Third, you may have abstract meaning. Look at the meaning of the general process of change, and time semantics and abstract meaning can be thought of as derived in the sense of space. In that sense, there are aspects similar to the process of grammaticalization. Similar space word 'ap' and 'dwi' the grammatical elements to change, and you can see that. However, 'wi', 'arae' the meaning of grammatical elements to not go forward until the extended stay in step. In conclusion, from the perspective of grammaticalization, 'wi' and 'arae' are thought to be in the process of grammaticalization.

      • KCI등재

        개념적 혼성 이론을 통한 ‘开’ 의미 확장 연구

        신근영 ( Shin Geunyoung ) 경희대학교 글로벌인문학술원 2021 비교문화연구 Vol.64 No.-

        중국어 동사 ‘开’는 사람들이 일상생활 가운데 자주 사용하는 어휘이다. 따라서 중국 관용어에서도 ‘开’와 관련된 용어를 어렵지 않게 접할 수 있다. 중국어 동사 ‘开'는 문장에서 원형 의미와 전혀 다른 의미로 많이 해석되는데, 이렇게 본의에서 의미가 다양하게 확장되는 현상을 다의어(polysemy)라고 한다. 다의성은 어느 언어에나 나타나는 보편적인 현상이다. 사용 빈도가 높은 단어일수록 나타내는 의미도 더 많고 다양해진다. 이러한 의미 확장 양상 가운데, 중국과 한국의 의미 확장 양상에 차이가 존재하며 이러한 차이는 언어 학습자로 하여금 어휘 활용 시 혼란을 야기한다. 본고는 코퍼스를 통해 중국어 동사 ‘开’를 대상으로 원형 의미에서 전이되는 개념적 은유 현상을 분석했다. 또한 개념적 은유가 진행되는 과정을 개념적 혼성 이론을 통해서 살펴보았다. 마지막으로 원형 의미에서 확장된 의미들의 양상에 대해 분석하였으며, 이러한 의미 확장의 기제인 개념적 은유의 기능에 대해서도 살펴보았다. 분석 결과 중국어 동사 ‘开’의 의미 확장 양상은 처음에는 구체적이고 경험적인 의미에서 점차 추상적이고 화용적인 의미로 변화하는 양상으로 나타났다. 이러한 의미 확장 과정은 사회ㆍ문화적 변화의 문맥에 따라 특정 환경에서 반복적으로 사용되면서 생성되기 때문에 인지적 범주들 사이의 상호작용에 대한 인지적 표상이라고 할 수 있겠다. The Chinese verb ‘开’ is a word that people often use in their daily life. Therefore, it is not difficult to come across terms related to ‘开’ in Chinese idioms. The Chinese verb '开' is often interpreted in sentences with meanings completely different from the original meaning. Pluralism is a universal phenomenon that appears in any language. The more frequently the words are used, the more diverse the meanings they represent. Among these meaning expansion patterns, there is a difference in the meaning expansion patterns between China and Korea, and this difference confuses language learners using the vocabulary. This paper analyzed the conceptual metaphor phenomenon that is transferred from the original meaning to the Chinese verb ‘开’ through the corpus. The process of conceptual metaphor was also examined through conceptual hybrid theory. Finally, the aspects of extended meanings from the original meanings were analyzed, and the function of conceptual metaphors, which is the mechanism for such expansion of meanings, was also examined. The analysis of the results showed that the meaning expansion of the Chinese verb ‘开’ appeared to change from a concrete and empirical meaning to an abstract and pragmatic meaning. Since this meaning expansion process is generated by repeated use in a specific environment according to the context of social and cultural change, it can be said to be a cognitive representation of the interaction between cognitive categories.

      • KCI등재후보

        정현종의 『무지개나라의 물방울』에 대한 인지시학적 분석 : 공간은유의 의미확장을 중심으로

        소필균(So Pilgyun) 국어문학회 2012 국어문학 Vol.52 No.-

        이 글의 목적은 정현종의 『무지개나라의 물방울』을 인지시학의 방법을 통해 분석하여 그의 문학성의 한 면모를 밝히는데 있다. 구체적인 분석방법은 인지시학의 개념은유, 이미지 도식 등을 적용하여 인지 의미를 파악하고 나아가 공간은유의 의미확장 양상을 살펴보는 것이다. 논의 과정에서 언어적 인지기호와 인지구조 그리고 인지지향이 독특하게 드러난다. 언어적 인지기호는 이원적 양상을 보인다. 텍스트 구성 요소인 중심어는 다양한 카테고리로 이원화된다. 통사적 면에서는 의미 구조를 이끄는 이원적 양상을 보인다. 어휘 분포도는 이원화된 언어기호를 나타낸다. 이원화된 언어기호는 역동적인 상상력으로 의미화된다. 텍스트는 순간미학의 정태적 인지구조이다. 인지구조는 의미 단락별로 나누어서 분석한다. 의미 단락은 기본 개념은유와 이미지 도식을 사용해서 인지구조를 살펴본다. 도식의 양상은 의미 단락 ⑴에서는 그릇 도식으로, ⑵에서는 수직적 척도 도식으로 그려진다. ⑶은 의미연쇄 모형으로 나타낼 수 있으며, ⑷는 수평적 척도 도식과 그릇 도식으로 그려진다. 중심 내용은 물방울이 이상적 혹은 현실적 요소에 취해 무지개나라에 걸려 있는 형상이다. 우주화되는 순환적 인지지향은 인지구조의 양상에서 나아가 공간은 유적투사에 의해 의미확장이 된다. 인지지향의 이미지 도식은 인지구조에서 도출된 도식들이 합해진 종합화된 원형의 길 도식으로 확대된다. 길 도식은 언어적 인지기호와 인지구조의 역동성에 의해 동태적 특성을 부여받는다. 공간은유의 의미확장은 물방울의 하강과 상승의 논리를 확대 투사해 우주화되는 순환의 논리를 이끌어낸다. This article aims to analyze Jeong Hyun Jong's 'Waterdrop of Rainbow World' by cognitive poetic method. In this study, poetic conceptual metaphor and image schema are adopted as analytical methods to figure out cognitive meanings and space metaphorical meaning expansion. While analyzed, linguistic cognitive sign and cognitive structure and cognitive aim are focused. Linguistic cognitive sign has binary aspects. Main words are varied into diverse catagories. In terms of syntax, meaning structures are developed by binary aspects. Vocabulary distribution map shows binary language signs as well, which has meanings with dynamic imaginations. The text has static cognitive structure of momentary aesthetics. Meaning parts are divided into four meaning parts to analyze this cognitive structure. Basic conceptual metaphor and image schema are used for this purpose. Schema aspects are as following: meaning part ⑴ is described as a container schema; part ⑵ as a vertical scale schema; part ⑶ as meaning chain model and part ⑷ as a horizontal container schema and container schema. The focal image is that waterdrop hangs on the rainbow country intoxicated with ideal or real factor. Cosmic circulatory cognitive orientation has meaning expansion through cognitive aspects and space metaphorical projection. Cognitive oriented image schema is expanded into comprehensive circular road schema, which is added up by varied schemas derived from cognitive schema. Road schema is featured as dynamic by linguistic cognitive sign and cognitive structure dynamic. The meaning expansion of space metaphor induces circulatory logic by expanding and projecting the logic of ascending and descending of waterdrop.

      • KCI등재

        한중 신체어 ‘귀’의 의미 확장 대조 연구

        이선희 대한중국학회 2018 중국학 Vol.65 No.-

        우리의 일상 언어 중 신체어는 단순히 신체 부위를 가리키는 개념이 아니라, 여러 가지 영역으로 의미가 확장되어 비(非)신체영역을 지칭하는 개념으로 쓰이기도 한다. 본고는 이러한 현상에 주목하여 중국어와 한국어의 신체어 ‘耳’과 ‘귀’를 대상으로 인지언어학적 관점에서 그 의미 확장 양상과 원리를 살펴본 것으로, 주요 내용은 아래와 같다. 첫째, 신체어의 의미 확장 과정은 개념적 은유와 개념적 환유가 대표적인 기제로 작용하는 데 이것은 우리의 신체적 경험과 깊은 관련이 있으며, 대상과 유사성이나 인접성의 관계를 맺으며 산출된다. 둘째, 양국민의 인지 차이는 서로 다른 개념 영역으로 의미 확장이 이루어 지며, 또한 같은 대상이더라도 서로 다른 언어권 화자에 따라 관찰 각도가 다르고 다른 측면을 부각시킴으로써 중국어와 한국어 각각 고유의 의미 확장이 이루어지기도 한다. 요컨대, 우리의 개념 체계는 본질적으로 비유적이며, 중국어와 한국어 각 언어권 화자의 풍부한 경험과 문화적 차이, 인지의 차이는 서로 다른 개념을 인지하고 언어화하며, 또한 서로 다른 의미 확장 양상이 나타나고 있다. In our everyday language, words describing body parts are often used not only to indicate physical parts but also refer to non-physical concepts when used with expanded meanings into various areas. Focusing on this phenomenon, this research investigated the pattern and principle of the meaning expansion of a body-part term, ear, with its Chinese and Korean equivalents of ‘耳’ and ‘귀’ from the viewpoint of cognitive linguistics as follows: First, conceptual metaphor and conceptual metonymy play the role of typical mechanism in the process of meaning expansion of body-part terms; this is based on our physical experience and is calculated in the relationship of similarity and adjacency. Second, the difference of recognition in the two peoples is meaning expansion into different concept areas; as narrators using different languages observe the subject from different angles and emphasize different aspects, each Chinese and Korean shows unique meaning expansion. For instance, even the same subjects originate from different body-part terms and have different names; even meaning expansion into the same area can specifically indicate different subjects. Third, the meaning of the Chinese body-part term ‘耳’ was expanded in the order of human > animal > plant > object > action > space > abstraction areas, while the Korean term ‘귀’ was expanded in the order of human > animal > plant > object > action > space > quantity > abstraction areas. Although both languages - Chinese and Korean - did not have a meaning item originated from ‘functional characteristics’ in the dictionary, the characteristics played the biggest role in meaning expansion in actual linguistic life. For example, our conceptual system is essentially figurative, and rich experience, cultural difference, and cognitive difference of narratives using each of the languages is that they recognize different concepts and express them in language, showing different meaning expansion patterns.

      • KCI등재

        한국어 ‘-아/어 보다’ 구문 연구 -의미 확장에 따른 통사적 변화를 중심으로-

        송대헌 ( Daeheon Song ) 사단법인 아시아문화학술원 2021 인문사회 21 Vol.12 No.3

        이 연구의 목적은 본동사 ‘보다’를 바탕으로 형성된 ‘-아/어 보다’ 구문의 의미와 문법적 특징을 분석하는 것이다. 어휘적 기능에서 문법적 기능을 하는 형태로의 변화 양상을 밝히기 위해 문법화의 관점에서 분석하였다. ‘보다’는 현대국어에서 사용 빈도가 높은 동사로서 ‘시각’의 의미가 약화되는 과정에서 행위동사와 인지동사로 의미가 확대되는 양상을 나타낸다. ‘보다’ 동사를 통해 형성된 보조용언 구성의 ‘-아/어 보다’ 구문은 본래 ‘시도’의 의미를 바탕으로 과거형이나 과거를 나타내는 특정 부사어의 사용으로 ‘경험’의 의미로 확대된다. 또한 ‘시도’나 ‘경험’의 의미를 갖는 구문은 ‘가정’의 의미로도 확장된다. 의미가 확장됨에 따라 보조동사 ‘보다’에 목적어를 선행하지 않은 자동사가 쓰여도 통사적 구성이 가능해지며, ‘가정’의 의미를 갖는 구문은 동사뿐만 아니라 형용사나 계사 및 과거형까지 결합이 가능하다. 2인칭 주어로 표현해야 하는 명령형 구문이 ‘가정’의 의미로 사용될 때는 행동을 직접 명령할 수 없는 1인칭과 3인칭도 주어로 사용 가능하도록 통사적 변화가 이루어진다. This study analyzed the meaning and grammatical features of the verb construction ‘-a/eo boda’ in terms of grammaticalization. ‘boda(보다)’ is a verb that is frequently used in modern Korean and leading to expand to action and cognitive verbs through the process of weakening its ‘visual’ meaning. The construction ‘-a/eo boda’ has the meaning of ‘experience’ when used with certain adverbs indicating the past tense or the past, based on the meaning of ‘attempt’ originally. In addition, construction that mean ‘attempt’ or ‘experience’ expand to mean ‘assumption’ when the explanation of the result. As the meaning expands, it allows syntactic composition even as an automatic verb that does not have objects preceding the auxiliary verb ‘boda’, and construction with the meaning of ‘assumption’ can be combined not only with verbs but also with adjectives, copula and past tense. When imperative construction that should be expressed in second-person subjects are used in the meaning of ‘assumption’, syntactic changes are made so that they can be used in first-person and third-person subjects that cannot directly be commanded actions.

      • KCI등재

        구문다의성 및 구문확장에 관한 소고

        남양우 ( Nam Ryangwoo ) 한국중국언어학회 2020 중국언어연구 Vol.0 No.89

        This paper discussed the construction polysemy and the construction expansion based on previous study about individual constructions. The construction has its construction meaning, which can be extended from central sense to expanded sense. We can explain polysemy of the construction through core meaning and meaning chains, like vocabularies. The construction can also be expanded under the influence of other constructions. The construction expansion can be divided into four types. First type is that two constructions have same form but their arguments are different. Second type is that two constructions have different form but their arguments are same. Third type is that two constructions have different argument but one construction is subpart of the other construction. Forth type is that two constructions have different form and argument, but they are metaphorically involved. Polysemy of some constructions can not be explained by core meaning and meaning chains, these constructions are influenced by expansion of the construction itself and external forces. The construction may be expanded with a complex influence from multiple constructions in the process of expansion. And some constructions have polysemy and construction expansion together. In conclusion, the construction polysemy and the construction expansion show complex aspects in which the constructions continue to develop as they interact with each other.

      • KCI등재

        한국어 단어 단위와 의미

        최경봉(Choi, Kyeong-Bong) 한국어학회 2017 한국어학 Vol.77 No.-

        In this paper, we analyze the characteristics of word combining constructions and specify the formation condition of semantic unit. And based on these explorations we discussed the cognitive function in the generation and interpretation of word meaning and memory process. In Section 2, we assume the figurative conceptualization as the cognitive function when the word combining constructions constitutes the semantic unit, and propose it as the basic principle of semantic unit formation and meaning expansion. In addition to this, we examined the ‘extended unit of meaning’ formed according to the customary dependence of words and explained its formation principle with relation to conventionalization of word meaning. In Chapter 3, we explained the cognitive function in the generation and interpretation of word meaning and memory process based on the proposals in Chapter 2. In this process, we examined the cognitive reality of ‘semantic item’ and the relationship between ‘expansion of word meaning’ and ‘semantic unitization of word combining constructions’.

      • KCI등재

        합성명사 형성 및 개념 확장 방식에 대한 논의 -N사냥 류를 중심으로-

        조민정 ( Min Jeong Jo ),손혜옥 ( Son Hye Ok ) 한말연구학회 2011 한말연구 Vol.- No.28

        This study intends to investigate the way of formation of ``N-sanyang`` compound words, and expansion of ``sanyang``s meaning, focusing on ``N-sanyang`` construction. If N1 is an instrumental argument, a ``N-sanyang`` construction can be analyzed as a compound word. However if N1 is a thematic argument, it can be analyzed as a syntactic construction based on three criteria. Three criteria are a possibility of corresponding with a syntactic construction, a degree of productivity, and expansion of ``sanyang``s meaning. If N1 is a thematic argument in a ``N-sanyang`` construction, ``N-sanyang`` construction is basically analysed as a syntactic construction. However, that ``N(theme)+sanyang`` which have a third meaning can be considered as a compound word. It can be listed on the lexicon by the expansion of meaning. What is more ``N-sanyang`` words which N is a thematic argument are widely used than before. That phenomenon are based on the expansion of meaning of sanyang as time goes by.

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