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      • KCI등재

        탈북여성 및 결혼이주여성 건강 실태 조사

        문가을,박보라,이은실,최규연,이정재,이임순,이준환 한국모자보건학회 2015 한국모자보건학회지 Vol.19 No.1

        Purpose: This study attempts to understand the current health conditions of the North Koreanwomen defectors and the marriage immigrant women by conducting medical examinations to themin order to prepare better healthcare programs for the women. Methods: From July 2011 to February 2013, complimentary medical examinations were conductedfor eight times to the North Korean women defectors and the marriage immigrant women underthe support of International Aid Korea (IAK) and seven obstetrics and gynecology hospitals andclinics. The number of total examinee was 219 composed of 138 North Korean women defectorsand 81 marriage immigrant women. The study items included routine gynecological examinations,BMD (bone mineral density), test of hemoglobin level, hepatitis B antigen/antibody, Pap. smear,and sexually transmitted infections (syphilis, HIV, gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomonas, HPV). Results: Anemia was diagnosed for 32.8% of the North Korean women defectors and 67% of themarriage immigrant women. The hepatitis B antigen positive rate was 11.8% for the North Koreanwomen defectors and 6.7% for the marriage immigrant women while the hepatitis B antibody positiverate was 80.3% for the North Korean women defectors and 67% for the marriage immigrantwomen. In the result of BMD, 48.6% of the North Korean women defectors and 46.9% of the marriageimmigrant women had osteopenia or osteoporosis. The result of Pap smear revealed abnormalfindings of 4.1% for the North Korean women defectors and 4.3% for the marriage immigrantwomen. HPV positive rate was 29.1% for the North Korean women defectors and 22.4% for themarriage immigrant women. In the tests for sexually transmitted infection, 4.5% of the NorthKorean women and 8.2% of the marriage immigrant women were positive to chlamydia and 4.5%of the North Korean women defectors and 2% of the marriage immigrant women were positive totrichomonas. Conclusion: There are 18,776 North Korean women defectors and 206,369 marriage immigrantwomen who are living in South Korea. Most of them are socially and economically disadvantagedand belong to vulnerable class who are in a lack of access to appropriate medical care. This was a fundamental study to understand the current health conditions of the North Korean women defectorsand the marriage immigrant women. Further studies with larger population and more developedresearch frameworks will provide not only meaningful health statistics of the North Koreanwomen defectors and the marriage immigrant women, but also give better direction for effectivehealth support programs for the underprivileged women.

      • KCI등재

        베트남결혼이주여성의 혼인의 특징과 국제결혼의 제도적 개선 방안

        문흥안 한국법제연구원 2013 법제연구 Vol.- No.44

        Ever since Korea and Vietnam reestablished diplomatic relations, the two countries’bond has become stronger than ever, augmenting the range of exchange between them in almost every possible field including politics, economy, society, and culture at such a high speed. Among many, an increase in number of Vietnamese immigrant women in international marriage is worthy of close attention. Since 2010, Vietnamese has topped the proportion of total foreign women married to Korean men, having surpassed Chinese. Nonetheless, the quick international marriage between Korean men and Vietnamese women, which usually happens without sufficient time to get to know about different cultures and languages, has not only raised problems for people concerned, but numerous social issues as well. Recognizing these problems, a number of government departments have provided various support on policies and legal issues toprotect multicultural families as a means of social integration and settlement support. Nevertheless, the support policies until now have been generalizing all of the immigrant women in international marriage as people subject to protection. Thus, considering every immigrant women as people in need, and trying to help them with various social issues have caused the government a high cost and low efficiency. This thesis emphasizes the point that through the cases of Vietnamese immigrant women in international marriage, there should be a specific support plan for specific people in need, reflecting various traits of different cultures and societies, in order to ease their settlement in Korea. Moreover, it suggests detailed plans for improvements on legal and institutional problems. Although the Vietnamese government forbids commercial agents for international marriage, many of agencies are still active and to help the immigrant women, who desire to return and resettle in Vietnam in case of divorce, this thesis suggests legal and institutional remedies for Korean and Vietnamese government. The composition of the thesis follows below: Part II on social and cultural traits of international marriage between Korean men and Vietnamese women. Part III on institutional problems and plans for improvements regarding settlement of immigrant women in international marriage. Part IV on legal and institutional problems and plans for improvements regarding divorced immigrant women and their return to Vietnam. Part V on conclusion. Divorce is not a flaw anymore nowadays, but in case of Vietnamese immigrant women ininternational marriage, an inadequate legal system hampers their resettlement process. Cases of not being ableto remove their own names from the family register due to poor financial and legal abilities are often identified and it is both the Vietnamese and Korean governments’duty to acquit their ethical responsibilities by seeking ways to institutionally and financially support them. 이 논문에서는 한국과 베트남의 사회・문화적인 이해와 상호 의사의 소통이 전제되지 않는 결혼의 위험성을 줄일 수 있는 방안을 제시하였다. 또 이혼한 후, 한국국적을 취득하지 못하여 베트남으로 귀환하는 이주여성이, 법적 조치를 완전하게 마무리 할 수 있는 방안을 제시하여 이들의 베트남에서의 재정착에 도움을 주고자 하였다. 전통적으로 자녀양육에 대한 집착이 강한 베트남여성이 모성본능을 뒤로 한 채 어쩔 수 없이 베트남으로 귀환하는, 한국에 남겨둔 한국인 자녀의 어머니에 대한 최소한의 윤리적 책임이 있기 때문이다. 구체적 방안으로 첫째, 혼인성립 절차를 강화한다. 베트남은 결혼・가족법 제14조에 의한 법집행을 엄격히 하고, 우리나라는 결혼사증 발급절차를 통하여 혼인의 진정성과 지속성을 담보하도록 하는 것이 바람직하다. 둘째, 국제결혼 당사자의 소양교육을 강화한다. 결혼이주를 희망하는 결혼당사자들이 각각 상대방 언어로 소통할 수 있는 능력을 함양하고 서로 상대국의 사회와 문화를 이해하도록 교육프로그램을 강화한다. 국제결혼중개가 베트남에서 불법적임을 감안하여, 한국과 베트남의 비영리단체를 중심으로 베트남에서 결혼이주희망 여성에 대한 한국어교육과 한국의 문화를 교육시킨 후 한국남성들과 교제를 할 수 있는 기회를 적극적으로 제공하는 방안을 강구할 필요가 있다. 향후 베트남결혼이주여성의 행복한 결혼생활을 담보할 수 있을 뿐만 아니라, 이들이 한국내에 정착하는 과정에서 지불하게 될 사회적・경제적 비용을 절감할 수 있으며, 베트남결혼이주여성의 인권보호에 크게 기여할 수 있을 것이다. 셋째, 베트남결혼이주여성에게 책임없는 사유로 혼인이 단절되는 경우 간이귀화 요건을 완화하여야 한다. 남편의 사망이나 폭행을 피하기 위한 가출 등 이주여성에게 책임없는 사유로 이혼하는 경우, 이주여성에게 간이귀화의 요건을 완화하는 것이 합리적이다. 넷째, 이혼 후 베트남으로 귀환하는 여성들의 재정착에 장애가 되는 호적문제를 해결하기 위한 입법적 지원이 필요하다. 이혼한 베트남결혼이주여성의 귀환에 따르는 법률적 미비는 이들의 베트남 재정착에 큰 방해가 된다. 경제력・법률적 능력의 부족으로 이혼에 따르는 호적정리 하지 못한 경우, 베트남 정부뿐만 아니라 한국정부도 적극적으로 이의 정리를 위해 제도적・재정적 지원을 할 수 있는 방안을 모색하여 최소한의 윤리적 책임을 다 해야 할 것이다. 우선 우리나라는 대법원 등록예규 제361호에 준한 ‘한국남성과 베트남여성의 이혼에 관한 절차’를 제정해 이혼에주제어:베트남결혼이주여성, 국제이혼, 국제결혼, 결혼중개업법, 이혼, 국적법, 결혼이주여성필요한 서류의 상호교부를 제도화함으로서 스스로 호적정리를 할 수 있도록 한다.

      • KCI등재

        여성결혼이민자의 네트워크가 다문화시민권리에 미치는 영향: 광주・전남지역을 중심으로

        이소영 한국다문화교육학회 2014 다문화교육연구 Vol.7 No.1

        The objectives of this study are that marriage immigrant women do not receive discrimination and not excluded from enjoyment in any sense and rights as multicultural citizen. In addition, this study analyzes the factors of the multicultural citizenship and network of marriage immigrant women that affects on the relation to multicultural citizenship. Thus, marriage immigrant women have left their home country for social and economic reasons to find new settlements while their family members live in their country and they live as citizen in a multicultural society through their ethnic cultural identity. The role of their ethnic and cultural identity is also examined in this study. This study was to determine the network and multicultural citizenship of marriage immigrant women and their relationship based on the multicultural citizenship of Kymlicka's viewpoint of ‘liberal multiculturalism.’ In order to achieve the research objectives, marriage immigrant women's network and multicultural citizenship theories and previous studies was reviewed. A number of personal and institutions were conducted for survey to acquire data at Multicultural Family Support Center in the Gwangju metropolitan city and Jeollanam-do province from September 19, 2012 to November 28, 2012. Available samples of 268 were investigated affect on relationship. Research results are as follows. Analysis the affect on the relationship of the marriage immigrant women's networks and the multicultural citizenship shows that the marriage process, home country, current residence of marriage immigrant women also affects multicultural citizenship and social network and the national cultural network significantly. However, marriage immigrant women's age, education, marital age, marital education, duration of marriage, family networks do not affect the multicultural citizenship. The results of this study indicate that the network of marriage immigrant women have positive influence on multicultural citizenship and need a suggestion to establish practical strategies for enabling the network of marriage immigrant women. 이 연구는 여성결혼이민자가 한국사회에서 차별받고 배제되는 타자의 존재가 아닌 다문화시민으로서 어떠한 의식과 권리를 향유하고 있는지를 살펴보는 것이 목적이다. 이를 통해 초국가시대에 사회적・경제적 동기로 모국을 떠나 새로운 정착지를 찾아 이주한 여성결혼이민자들이 거주국에 가정을 꾸리며 생활하면서도 그들의 민족적・문화적 정체성을 통해 다문화사회의 시민으로서 살아가고 있음을 확인하고자 한다. 이 연구는 자유주의적 다문화주의 관점에서 Kymlicka가 주장한 다문화주의 시민권을 토대로 한국에서 다문화시민으로 살아가는 여성결혼이민자들의 네트워크(가족네트워크, 사회네트워크, 민족문화네트워크)와 그들의 다문화시민권리(정치적 공간 필요성, 문화적 권리, 특별대표권리)의 관계를 파악하고자 하였다. 이를 위해 광주광역시・전라남도지역의 다수의 다문화가족지원센터에서 2012년 9월 19일부터 2012년 11월 28일까지 설문조사를 실시하였으며, 총 268부의 표본을 활용하여 여성결혼이민자의 네트워크와 다문화시민권리에 대한 영향관계를 분석하였다. 연구 분석 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 여성결혼이민자의 사회네트워크와 민족문화네트워크가 다문화시민권리에 영향을 주었다. 둘째, 여성결혼이민자의 결혼과정, 출신국, 현재거주지도 다문화시민권리에 영향을 주었다. 셋째, 여성결혼이민자의 연령, 학력, 배우자 연령, 배우자 학력, 결혼기간은 다문화시민권리에 영향을 미치지 않았으며, 사회네트워크, 민족문화네트워크와 관계가 없음을 확인하였다. 이 연구의 결과는 여성결혼이민자의 네트워크가 다문화시민권리에 긍정적인 영향을 끼치는 것으로 나타나 여성결혼이민자들의 네트워크 활성화를 위한 실천적 전략이 수립되어야 할 필요성이 있음을 시사한다.

      • KCI등재

        결혼이주여성의 주변성과 목회 돌봄과 상담 주변성의 신학을 중심으로

        김인숙 한국실천신학회 2021 신학과 실천 Vol.- No.76

        한국사회는 외국인 노동자와 결혼이주여성의 유입으로 급속도로 변한 다문화시대 를 살고 있다. 하지만, 여전히 다른 인종과 문화를 이해하고 수용하는 능력이 발달하 지 못한 한국 사회는 결혼이주여성들의 삶을 제한하며 한국인으로 수용하지 않는 배 타적인 모습을 보이고 있다. 이러한 상황에서, 결혼이주여성들은 여러 겹으로 만들어 진 어려움과 고통을 경험하며 주변인으로써 삶을 살아간다. 한국 사회에서 주변성의 삶을 살고 있는 결혼이주여성들은 지역 교회와 목회상담 현장에서도 주변성을 경험하 고 있다. 교인들이 누릴 수 있는 지역 교회와 목회상담의 돌봄은 결혼이주여성들에게 는 제한되거나 배제되어왔다. 그 이유는, 교회와 목회상담의 돌봄은 인종적 구분에 따 라 한국인을 중심으로 구성되어졌기 때문이다. 한국 사회를 비롯한, 지역 교회와 목회 상담 현장에서 주변성을 겪고 있는 결혼이주여성들의 현상을 보며, 저자는 지역 교회 와 목회상담이 주변부의 삶을 살고 있는 결혼이주여성들을 포용하며 돌봄 영역을 확 장해야 할 필요성이 있음을 인식한다. 이러한 인식에 기반 하여, 이 논문은 결혼이주 여성들의 주변성의 삶을 알리며, 그녀들을 위한 지역 교회와 목회상담의 돌봄을 위한 방향성을 제언하는데 목적이 있다. 이러한 연구의 목적을 위해, 이 논문은 결혼이주여성들의 이야기로부터 출발하며 결혼이주여성들의 삶의 문제와 어려움의 원인을 사회문화적 관점(sociocultural perspective) 을 통해 알아보려 한다. 더불어, 이정용의 주변성 신학을 통하여, 결혼이주여성들의 주변성을 in-between의 개념으로 정의하며, 주변성을 극복할 수 있는 신학적 통찰을 in-both와 in-beyond의 개념으로 알아 볼 것이다. In-both는 주변성에 머물고 있는 결혼이주여성들이 자신들의 관점으로부터 다양한 주변의 세계를 바라보며 상호성의 발전을 의미한다. 주변성으로부터 출발한 관점은 더 이상 중심과 주변을 구변하지 않 으며, 모든 주변의 세계들을 연결하는 공동체성을 가지게 된다. 상호성에 의한 서로의 연결과 공동체 안에서 다수의 세계는 자신들의 다양한 삶의 이야기와 방법들을 나누 며, 서로를 아우를 수 있는 in-beyond의 창조적인 세계를 만드는 가능성을 지니게 된 다. 다시 말해, 주변성으로부터 시작된 상호성은 결국 결혼이주여성들이 자신들의 삶 에 대한 주권을 회복하고 더 이상 주변인이 아닌, 주변인으로써 주변인의 경계를 허 물어 버리는 창조적인 관점을 제공할 것이다. Korean society has faced a multicultural era that has rapidly changed due to the influx of foreign workers and marriage immigrant women. However, Koreans as a society, lacking the ability to understand and accept different races and cultures, exclude and limit the lives of marriage immigrant women and do not accept them as a part of Korean society. In this situation, marriage immigrant women face multi-layered sufferings and experience marginality. Moreover, marriage immigrant women in Korea also experience peripherality in local churches and pastoral care, because these women are excluded from the care and support which local churches and pastoral care provide. The reason for this is that the care of churches and pastoral counseling is intensively given to Koreans according to ethnic classification. Recognizing the situation of marriage immigrant women being marginalized from discrimination and oppression of Korean society, I consider that local churches and pastoral counseling need to expand the domain of care for marriage immigrant women living the edge of society. Based on this perception, this paper aims to reveal the lives of marriage immigrating women and to suggest directions for the care of local churches and pastoral care and counseling. For this purpose, the study begins with the stories of marriage immigrant women and tries to understand the problems and difficulties of marriage immigrant women through a socio-cultural perspective. Moreover, through the theology of marginality by Jung-yong Lee, the study exams that the peripherality of marriage immigrant women will be defined by the concept of in-between, and theological insights that can overcome peripherality will be examined through the notion of in-both and in-beyond. In-both refers to the development of reciprocity in which marriage immigrant women who are marginalized in Korean society can look at the various surrounding worlds from their peripheral perspective. The perspective starting from peripherality no longer distinguishes the center and surroundings, and has a community that connects all the surrounding worlds. Within mutual connections and communities, many worlds have the potential to develop the creative world of in-beyond where they can share various stories and methods of their lives and encompass each other. In other words, reciprocity, which originated from peripherality, will eventually provide a creative perspective for marriage immigrant women to restore sovereignty over their lives and break down the boundaries between many world.

      • KCI등재후보

        결혼이주여성의 사회적 참여, 사회적지지, 문화적응 및 삶의 질의 구조적 관계 연구

        임명희,서재복 교육종합연구원 2019 교육종합연구 Vol.17 No.1

        This study is to analyse the structural relationship of social participation, social support, cultural adaptation and quality of life among marriage immigrant women in Jeonbuk province. The research aims to find the structural relationship of social participation, social support, cultural adaptation and quality of life among marriage immigrant women. The results are as following: In the structural relationship of social participation, social support, cultural adaptation and quality of life among marriage immigrant women in Jeonbuk province, Social support has a significant impact on the quality of life(β=.511 p=.007). Social support is also significant with cultural adaptation(β=.600 p=.010), which is significant with quality of life(β=.258 p=.014). In the relation of social support and quality of life, direct effect and indirect effect were found to have significance on the path of cultural adaptation to quality of life(direct effect size: .511, p=.000, indirect effect size: .155, p=.015, total effect size: .666, p=.000). However, social participation had effects on quality of life by intervention of cultural adaptation is no significant difference in quality of life. Based on the study, program has to be provided for marriage immigrant women participating in social integration and diverse social participation to receive social support. Marriage immigrant women have to form the identity and reinforce the capability by participating various cultural programs. Through this process, the local community can be transformed into a multicultural community through human interaction with local social members. In addition, providing an environment for marriage immigrant women such as continuous independent meeting, the quality of life for Vietnamese marriage immigrant women could be improved by activating social participation. The subjects of this study are organization users among marriage immigrant women living in Jeonbuk. Therefore future research requires research by country of origin.

      • KCI등재

        국제결혼 이주여성의 삶의 만족에 대한 문화적응 매개 효과 연구

        서재복,권인탁,임명희 교육종합연구원 2016 교육종합연구 Vol.14 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to conduct correlation analysis of social support, cultural adaptation, and life satisfaction of international marriage women immigrants living in Korea by examination their level of recognition of those factors, as well as to verify the mediating effects of sub-factors of cultural adaptation in the relationship between social support factor and life satisfaction. To achieve the research objective, a survey was carried out on 207 international marriage women immigrants living in Yeosu region. The results of the research are as follows: First, the average score of the variables of social support, cultural adaptation, and life satisfaction of international marriage women immigrants is M=3.09 for social support, M=2.80 for cultural adaptation, and M=3.40 for life satisfaction respectively, which indicates cultural adaptation of international marriage women immigrants is at a normal level. Compared to cultural adaptation, they showed a higher level of recognition of life satisfaction. Second, social support factor and cultural adaptation factor of international marriage women immigrants had a significant correlation with life satisfaction. Third, the result of putting in emotional support, appraisal support, and material support—sub-factors of social support recognized by international marriage women immigrants—shows emotional support, appraisal support, and informational support had effects on life satisfaction mediated by integration; integration had partially mediating effects in emotional support, appraisal support, and informational support; and assimilation too had partially mediating effects in informational support. The conclusion of this study is as follows; First, the international marriage women immigrants in Yeosu region who participated in the survey showed a high level of recognition of social support, cultural adaptation, and life satisfaction, and there was a high complementary correlation between the factors. Second, the relationship between life satisfaction on the one hand and emotional support, appraisal support, and informational support on the other as perceived by the international marriage women immigrants in Yeosu region who participated in the survey was partially mediated by integration, which indicates the correlation between integration and life satisfaction. Third, in the relationship with life satisfaction, informational support proved to be partially mediated by assimilation, which indicates a high level of correlation with life satisfaction. As for suggestions to make following the results of this study, first, for social adaptation of international marriage women immigrants, various efforts are needed including respect, love, trust, and attention as well as recognition of international marriage women immigrants and job placement; second, international marriage women immigrants need to adapt themselves to Korean society by accepting the new culture while keeping the culture of their native country; third, for enhancing life satisfaction of international marriage women immigrants, they need to find ways to improve satisfaction with themselves and live an independent life.

      • KCI등재

        결혼이주여성의 사회적 자본이 문화적응스트레스에 미치는 영향 : 자아탄력성 및 결혼만족도의 매개효과

        임양미(Lim, Yangmi),서재복(Seo, Jaebok),심준영(Shim, Joonyoung) 한국국제이해교육학회 2021 국제이해교육연구 Vol.16 No.2

        한국사회는 국제결혼의 증가와 더불어 본격적으로 다문화 사회로 진입하였다. 본 연구는 결혼이주여성의 사회적 자본이 문화적응스트레스에 영향을 미치는 직접적 경로와 자아탄력성 및 결혼만족도의 개별적·순차적 매개과정을 통해 문화적응스트레스에 영향을 미치는 간접적 경로를 규명하고자 수행되었다. 이를 위해 본 연구는 결혼이주여성 228명을 대상으로 측정한 자료에 대해 구조방정식모델 분석을 실시하였다. 주요 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 결혼이주여성의 사회적 자본은 문화적응스트레스에 직접적으로 영향을 미치지 못하였다. 둘째, 결혼이주여성의 사회적 자본은 자아탄력성 또는 결혼만족도의 개별적 매개과정을 통해 문화적응스트레스에 간접적으로 부적 영향을 미쳤다. 셋째, 결혼이주여성의 사회적 자본은 자아탄력성과 결혼만족도의 순차적 매개과정을 통해 문화적응스트레스에 간접적으로 부적 영향을 미쳤다. 따라서 결혼이주여성의 자아탄력성과 결혼만족도는 사회적 자본과 문화적응스트레스 간의 관계를 완전 매개하였다. 본 연구는 이러한 결과를 토대로 결혼이주여성의 문화적응스트레스를 줄이기 위해, 지역사회기관에서 자아탄력성과 결혼만족도 수준을 높이기 위한 프로그램 운영을 활성화하며, 한국인 배우자와 부모를 대상으로 결혼이주여성의 문화적응 지원 프로그램 운영의 필요성을 제안하였다. The present study identified the relationships between marriage immigrant women’s social capital and acculturative stress, as well as the dual mediating roles of ego-resiliency and marital satisfaction. The data of this study was taken from 228 marriage immigrant women. A structural equation modeling analysis using phantom variables revealed that the direct effect of marriage immigrant women’s social capital on acculturative stress was not significant. Second, marriage immigrant women’s ego-resiliency individually mediated the negative association between their social capital and acculturative stress. Third, marriage immigrant women’s marital satisfaction individually mediated the negative association between their social capital and acculturative stress. Furthermore, marriage immigrant women’s ego-resiliency and marital satisfaction played a sequential mediating role in linking process between social capital and acculturative stress. Therefore, marriage immigrant women’s ego-resiliency and marital satisfaction completely mediated the relationship between social capital and acculturative stress. Finally, based on the findings, the present study suggested the necessities of programs to increase immigrant women’s ego-resiliency and marital satisfaction and of educational programs for spouses and parents in-law that emphasize the importance of social capital and family support, which ultimately leads to facilitating immigrant women’s cultural adaption.

      • KCI등재후보

        결혼이주여성의 디지털 정보화 역량이 일상생활 만족도에 미치는 영향

        김준수(Jun-su Kim),조우홍(Woo-Hong Cho) K교육연구학회 2023 사회과학리뷰 Vol.8 No.4

        본 연구의 목적은 결혼이주여성의 디지털 정보화 역량이 일상생활 만족도에 영향을 미치는 관계에서 디지털 정보화 자기효능감의 매개효과를 검증하는 데 있다. ‘2022 디지털정보격차 실태조사’ 자료의 결혼이민자 데이터에서 결혼이주여성 563명의 응답을 분석에 활용하였다. 결혼이주여성의 일상생활 만족도를 종속변수, 디지털 정보화 역량을 독립변수, 디지털 정보화 자기효능감을 매개변수로 하여 SPSS 25.0, AMOS 24.0을 활용한 구조방정식 모델을 분석하였다. 분석 결과, 첫째, 결혼이주여성의 디지털 정보화 역량은 일상생활 만족도에 정(+)적 영향을 미쳤다. 둘째, 결혼이주여성의 디지털 정보화 역량은 디지털 정보화 자기효능감에 정(+)적 영향을 미쳤다. 셋째, 결혼이주여성의 디지털 정보화 자기효능감은 일상생활에 정(+)적 영향을 미쳤다. 넷째, 결혼이주여성의 디지털 정보화 역량이 일상생활 만족도에 미치는 영향을 디지털 정보화 자기효능감이 부분 매개하는 것으로 나타났다. 연구 결과를 근거로 디지털 정보화 역량 향상과 디지털 정보화 자기효능감 향상을 통한 결혼이주여성의 일상생활 만족도 증가를 위한 실천적, 정책적 함의를 제언하였다. The purpose of this study is to verify the mediating effect of digital information self-efficacy in the relationship between marriage immigrant women's digital information capabilities and their daily life satisfaction. The responses of 563 marriage immigrant women from the marriage immigrant data from the ‘2022 Digital Information Gap Survey’ were used for analysis. A structural equation model was analyzed using SPSS 25.0 and AMOS 24.0, with marital immigrant women's daily life satisfaction as the dependent variable, digital information competency as the independent variable, and digital information self-efficacy as the parameter. As a result of the analysis, first, marriage immigrant women's digital information capabilities had a positive (+) effect on their daily life satisfaction. Second, marriage immigrant women's digital information capabilities had a positive effect on their digital information self-efficacy. Third, marriage immigrant women's self-efficacy in digital information technology had a positive impact on their daily lives. Fourth, it was found that digital information self-efficacy partially mediated the effect of marriage immigrant women's digital information capabilities on their daily life satisfaction. Based on the research results, practical and policy implications were suggested for increasing satisfaction with married immigrant women's daily lives through improving digital information capabilities and digital information self-efficacy.

      • KCI등재

        부산・경남지역 이주민 현황과 이주민 선교의 과제 ―결혼이주여성/다문화가족을 중심으로

        황홍렬 한국선교신학회 2012 선교신학 Vol.29 No.-

        Over 1.4 million foreigners live in South Korea now. The number of marriage-related immigrants is 125,673 and that of children of multicultural family is 107,689. These facts are brand new ones during the last five thousand year history of Korea. Such a change challenges Korean people and Christians to rethink respectively about their identity. This article aims at describing the current situation of immigrants, especially marriage-related immigrant women and multicultural family, identifying tasks for immigrant mission in Busan, Ulsan and Kyungsangnam-do and searching for the immigrant theology. Methodologies used in the article are: literature study, interview with specialists in immigrant mission, social biography of marriage-related immigrant women, missiology of encounter with other and Post-colonial Feminism. In Busan, the researcher chose four church/mission center/Christian NGOs participating in the immigrant mission in 2009. And he chose five mission centers/Christian NGOs participating in the immigrant mission in 2010. He interviewed with 31 members of multicultural families and with 9 specialists in the immigrant mission. Ninety-nine marriage-related immigrant women responded to the survey prepared by the researcher. The results of the social biography of multicultural family and the surveys of marriage-related immigrant women are: first of all, recovery of ‘normality’ of the multicultural family, for the family has been represented by the mass media as ‘abnormal’ one with family violence: secondly, Christian faith contributes for them to accommodate to Korean culture and to overcome conflicts between husband and wife of multicultural family: thirdly, the international marriage initiated by commercial agencies is blamed as money- exchange-marriage but the reality of such a family life is similar to that of a marriage arranged by a go-between: lastly, marriage-related immigrant women are faster learners of Korean language and culture than migrant workers. Tasks for immigrant mission are: to strengthen the multicultural family by overcoming cultural conflicts, to support for their children education, to establish multicultural faith community, to encourage marriage-related immigrant women to get a job, to suggest education programs for Korean Christians and Korean citizens, and to prevent from religious conflicts through peace education among religious groups.

      • KCI등재

        여성결혼이민자의 출신 국적별 결혼안정성 요인 연구

        박능후 ( Neung Hoo Park ),임금빈 ( Geum Bin Im ) 한국사회복지정책학회 2013 사회복지정책 Vol.40 No.4

        본 연구는 여성결혼이민자의 출신 국적별 결혼안정성을 위협하는 요인을 분석하는데 목적을 두고 있다. 결혼안정성의 주요 측면인 배우자와의 관계 만족도를 종속변수로 설정하였으며, 독립변수로서 인구사회학적 변인 및 경제적 변인과 배우자에 대한 사전 정보 등이 선정되었다. 실증분석을 위해 「2012년 전국 다문화가족 실태조사」에서 생산된 자료를 사용하였다. 분석은 먼저 여성결혼이민자 전체 집단에 대하여 그 다음에는 출신 국적별로 구분하여 회귀분석방법을 사용하여 시행되었다. 여성결혼이민자 전체를 대상으로 한 분석에서는 여성결혼이민자와 배우자의 인구사회학적 특성, 경제적 요인, 배우자 만남 경로 등 다수의 요인이 결혼안정성을 위협하는 변인으로 나타났다. 이에 반해 출신 국적별로 구분하여 분석한 경우에는 건강상태만이 국적에 관계 없이 공통요인으로 작용하였고, 나머지 변인들은 국적에 따라 뚜렷한 차이를 보였다. 이러한 분석 결과는 복지기관에서 제공하고 있는 다문화가족 지원서비스를 여성결혼이민자의 출신 국적별로 특화하여 제공할 필요성을 제시해 준다. While the international marriage is rapidly increasing since the 1990s in Korea, the divorce case is also rising proportionally. This paper aims to find the factors of marital instability of marriage immigrant woman according to the original nationality. The survey data, ‘2012 a nation-wide survey of multi-cultural families’, was analysed according to original nationality of marriage immigrant woman using a multinominal regression model. Several aspects including socio-demographic features of marriage immigrant woman and her husband, economic features, and the way of meeting husband are taken as independent variable. The results of analysis are as follows:First, the factors affecting the marital stability are different according to the original nationality of marriage immigrant woman. For example, Korean fluency is important for marital stability of marriage immigrant Chinese woman. However, it is not important for marriage immigrant Vietnamese woman. Instead, the tolerance of husband for the multi- cultural gap is more important for marital stability of marriage immigrant Vietnamese woman. Second, health condition is common factor affecting the marital stability regardless of the original nationality of marriage immigrant woman. These findings suggest that the public supportive service for marriage immigrant woman should be specialized according to the original nationality of marriage immigrant woman. In addition, health promotion service should be vitalized for marriage immigrant woman.

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