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        동북아 해양안보와 한국안보에의 함의

        박성용 한국동북아학회 2010 한국동북아논총 Vol.15 No.4

        The geo-political characteristic and historical reason of Northeast Asia make regional countries confront a diversity of security threats and challenges in the maritime dimension. The major maritime security agenda of the region are maritime territorial and boundary disputes, piracy, maritime terrorism, SLOCs and proliferation of the WMD through the maritime dimension. These agenda and expanding strategic uncertainty since the demise of the Cold War have fostered the trend of regional countries's developing naval forces. Confronting such the maritime security environment, the ROK, despite of being highly maritime-dependent, has not established the security paradigms reflecting, which has been mainly influenced by the lack of concerns on the maritime dimension and security distinction of South-North separation. For the sake of the ROK's future security, first, the ROK has to properly recognise its severe maritime-dependence and cultivate national grand strategy centered on the maritime dimension. Second, it is required to develop its navy as a means to protect and realise national interest in the sea, which should consider the naval development trend of the DPRK and other neighbouring countries. For this, the priority should be given to balancing the disordered defence budget. Lastly, the ROK has to consider its active attitude and role in establishing the maritime security cooperation system in order to accomplish the fundamental security stability of Northeast Asia. 동북아의 지정학적 특성과 역사적 연유로 인해 지역 국가들은 다양한 해양안보위협과 도전에 직면해 있다. 주요 해양안보 의제들은 해상영토분쟁, 해적행위와 해상테러리즘, 해상교통로, 해상을 통한 대량살상무기 확산 등이다. 냉전 이후 증폭되고 있는 동북아의 전략적 불확실성과 위에 열거된 안보위협 및 도전에 대응해 동북아 국가들은 해군력을 증강시키고 있는 추세이다. 이러한 동북아 해양안보환경에 직면하고 있는 한국은 해양의존도가 높은 국가임에도 불구하고 해양에 대한 관심 부족과 분단이라는 특수성으로 인해 해양의 중요성을 반영한 안보 패러다임을 구축하지 못해왔던 것이 사실이다. 한국의 미래 안보를 담보하기 위해서는 우선 한국의 높은 해양의존성을 인식하고 해양에 중점을 둔 국가대전략을 구상해야만 할 것이다. 다음으로 해양에서 국익 보호와 실현의 수단인 해군력을 적정 수준으로 끌어올려야 하며 이는 북한과 주변 국가의 해군력 강화 추세를 고려해야만 한다. 이를 위해서는 우선 기존의 왜곡된 국방자원 배분이 균형 잡힌 형태로 전환되어야 한다. 마지막으로 한국은 동북아 해양안보 협력체제 구축을 통해 근본적인 안보 안정을 이루는데 적극적인 자세와 역할을 견지해야만 할 것이다.

      • The Comparative Study of Three NORTHEAST ASIAN Nations’ POLICIES and Countermeasures against Maritime Security Threats

        Soon Gil-tae J-INSTITUTE 2016 Regulations Vol.1 No.1

        The three northeast Asian nations, South Korea, China and Japan which are depending on the seaborne trade which is the majority of the trade, need active measures to respond to the international marine environ-mental changes and implement it. This thesis is to look into the maritime security plans which is made by the United States and adopted by each nation and the three nations’ policy of new maritime security threats causes like cyber terrorism and to assess the appropriateness. This is also in order to suggest some assignments for the successful adaptation of the maritime security plans. Maritime security has been a national agenda by terrorist attacks of pirates, maritime terrorism and ship-ping ports’ threats since the Cold War. South Korea, China and Japan, the three nations in northeast Asia, are paying closer attention to maritime traffic security because of a high level of dependence on maritime trade as most exportations and importations are being made through marine transportation. Especially nowadays there are new security threat factors using cyber terrorism and drones, so costal states need changes in security policy besides traditional maritime security. The purpose of this thesis is to criticize the three northeast nations’ policy about new threats and the mari-time security plan which is initiative to be drawn up and applied by the United States and also to present coun-termeasure. Safety secure of sea lanes has become a national assignment which is directly connected to global survival to the three northeast Asian nations, South Korea, China and Japan which are dependent on trade through the sea. This thesis shows that each nation has put in a great deal of effort in order to keep the maritime order from the threats like pirates interfering ships’ free passages and disconcerting marine trade orders and there have been considerable achievements. However, there are limits of united countermeasures because three northeast Asian nations have different stances in cultural, social and political situations. It will be an important matter how to deal with security issues and unite continuous efforts against new threats liked cyber terrorism and drones with typical maritime security threats. I hope that stable environments of maritime security in eastern Asia come true through careful consideration about a few countermeasures shown on this thesis and reflection of the policy.

      • KCI등재

        우수 해기인력을 통한 국가안보 강화방안

        장유락(You-Rak Jang),유용철(Yong-Chul Yoo),이윤철(Yun-Cheol Lee) 한국해사법학회 2018 해사법연구 Vol.30 No.1

        Perceptions about national security have been changed from definition of narrow to wide and extended to maintain and secure various social functions that affect the people’s live. Therefore it can be said national mobilization system is the most efficient and essential system in modern society. Unlike mass mobilization in the past era, the modern concept of mobilization for the future should be systematically controlled and identified the types and sizes of mobilization resource in the multi-dimensionally expanded fields. Accordingly, It is required that human resources and material resources which has a deep dependancy should be guaranteed in a law and system. Maritime mobilization resources can be classified into a ship, maritime workforce and harbour. Therefore, Korea is implementing a National Essential Fleet System(NEFS) and Merchant Marine Reserve(MMR) and has a plan to implement National Essential Shipping System which is including NEFS and harbours to maintain national security in maritime sector. However, those system are in danger of reduction or cease according to the plan of Ministry of National Defense which are restructure of military and command system. In case of cease of Merchant Marine Reserve System, first fairness issue with other national defense system and MMR, second no navy reduction plan but cease of MMR issue, third relationship between NEFS and MMR which has a deep dependency issue and forth no back up plan after cease of this system can be arose. Reviewing marine security legislation in major countries abroad National Security Act, Merchant marine Act National Port Readiness Network in the U.S.A, emergency related Acts in Japan, National Mobilization Act and National Transportation Act in China, It is concluded that Japan and China has been suffering from securing maritime workforce except the U.S.A which charge national defense duty to them because of sorting maritime workforce assurance as national defense assurance. In other words, formation of national fleet bring a result as planned in a short time but formation of maritime workforce are unpredictable and takes long time. Therefore, the discussion of the cease of MMR come from the absence of consolidated security system and the undervaluation of the importance and role of them due to the perception that only military security, part of national security, is recognized as national security. Korea maritime workforce delivers not only military security but logistic·economic security which are taking in charge of national import and export and encouraging related industry, resource security which are requiring professional manage skills in highly dependent on resource import condition in Korea, and passage security which are world economic’s. Based on reaffirmation of role of maritime workforce in national security, it is required that firstly, reestablishment of legal status of maritime reserve and establishment of mobilization process, secondly, pursuit harmonization with National Defense Reform 2.0 and National Essential Shipping system, Thirdly, reinforcement of cooperation with Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries and Navy force. It is very regrettable that to consider maritime workforce as simple labor force, although they called themselves the “Fourth Army” and silently have served their role as a member of nation and for national security. The issue of training and assuring maritime workforce should be approached with the concept of assurance of ocean power cooperating with navy power and maritime power. Also it is required to enhance the cooperation among maritime education institution, the Department of Defense and Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries for improvement of awareness that working in the ship is in the same line of working for national security. 현대사회의 국가안보에 관한 인식은 협의에서 광의로 변화하여 국민생활에 영향을 미치는 다양한 사회기능 유지와 확보로 확장되었다. 이에 따라 민간자원을 활용하는 동원제도는 현대사회에서 안보확보를 위한 가장 효율적이고 필수적인 제도라 할 수 있다. 미래전을 대비하는 현대의 국가 동원개념은 과거의 특정분야의 대량동원과는 달리 다차원의 분야에서 동원자원 종류와 규모를 정확히 식별하고 체계적으로 통제·운영하여야 한다. 따라서 상호 깊은 의존성을 가지고 있는 인적자원과 물적자원은 통합적·체계적으로 관리되어야 하며 이를 제도적으로 보장되어야 한다. 해사 분야의 대표적인 동원자원은 선박, 해기인력 그리고 항만시설이라 할 수 있으며 우리나라는 국가필수국제선박제도와 승선근무예비역제도를 시행 중이고 항만시설의 정상적인 기능유지를 위하여 국가필수해운제도를 시행할 계획이다. 하지만 최근 국방부의 군 구조 개편계획에 따라 승선근무예비역제도가 축소·폐지 위기에 놓여있다. 승선근무예비역제도를 폐지할 경우 다음과 같은 문제가 발생하게 된다. 첫째, 타 제도와 승선근무예비역제도와의 형평성 문제이다. 둘째, 해군의 병력감축 계획은 없으나 승선근무예비역제도의 감축·폐지 논란의 문제이다. 셋째, 상호의존성이 높은 국가필수국제선박제도와 승선근무 예비역제도와의 관계 문제이다. 넷째, 승선근무예비역제도 부존시 대비책 문제이다. 국외 주요 국가의 해사안보법제를 검토해 보면 미국은 해운보안법과 상선법, 일본은 무력공격사태법(안), 자위대법, 안전보장회의 설치법, 중국은 국가동원 법과 국방교통법으로 규정하고 있다. 미국은 해기인력 확보를 국방력 확보로 간주하여 병역의무를 부과하고 선박·해기인력·항만을 포괄하여 제도적으로 보장하고 확보하고 있는 반면, 일본과 중국은 해기인력 확보에 어려움을 겪고 있는 상황이다. 선박확보는 자본을 투입하여 단기간에 성과를 볼 수 있으나, 인력 확보는 장기간 소요되며 그 결과를 보장할 수 없다. 따라서 현대사회에서 해사 안보를 확보하기 위해서는 인력확보가 가장 중요하다고 할 수 있지만, 우리나라 승선근무예비역제도의 감축 · 폐지 논의는 관계부처의 통합된 안보정책의 부재와 군사적 관점에서의 안보만이 국가안보로 인식되어 해기인력이 담당하고 있는 국가안보를 위한 역할의 중요성과 가치가 저평가되었기 때문이라고 평가 할 수 있다. 우리나라 해기인력은 군사적 관점에서의 국가안보뿐만 아니라 우리나라의 수·출입을 담당하고 관련 산업을 촉진하는 물류·경제적 관점에서의 국가안보, 수입 의존도가 높고 전문 수송능력을 필요로 하는 자원운송 관점에서의 안보, 세계 경제통로인 해상교통로보호 관점에서의 국가안보를 담당하고 있다. 따라서 해기인력의 국가안보를 위한 기능과 역할강화를 위하여 다음과 같이 제안한다 . 첫째, 승선근무예비역의 법적 지위를 확립하고 동원계획을 구체화해야 한다. 둘째, 국방개혁 2.0(안) 과 국가필수해운제도 (안) 간의 조화를 추구해야 한다. 셋째, 해기교육기관과 국방부 · 해양수산부의 협력을 강화하여야 한다. 우리나라 해기인력은 스스로 제 4군이라 칭하며 국가의 사람으로 국가안보를 위해 역할을 다하였음에도 불구하고 해기인력을 단순 노동력만으로 치부하는 현실과 국방 인력정책에 따라 존폐 논의가 반복되고 있어 매우 안타깝다. 해기사 양성문제는 국가방위 차원에서 ‘해군과 해기인력이 협력하여 해양력을 강화한다.’ 라는 개념으로 접근해야 하며, 해기인력의 선상 근무가 국가방위의 연장선으로 인식될 수 있도록 해기교육기관·국방부·해양수산부의 협력을 강화해야 한다.

      • KCI등재

        A Study on the Enhancement of Maritime Security in Korea Maritime Jurisdiction

        Eun-Bang Lee,Jong-Hwui Yun 한국항해항만학회 2005 한국항해항만학회지 Vol.29 No.7

        The security vulnerabilities in Korea maritime domain were mentioned and analysed with the static data of crimes relating to maritime security. The counterterrorism and initiatives to reduce the security risk and to minimize the damage are introduced and evaluated. The maritime security strategy and the near term initiatives to enhance the non-military security at Korean sea and ports are proposed in order to response maritime security threats economically, efficiently and safely.

      • Maritime Terrorisms and Navigational Security in Sulu Sea

        Nur Hidayati Abdul KARIM,Nurul Haqimin Mohd SALLEH,Madzli HARUN 국제이네비해양경제학회 2019 International Journal of e-Navigation and Maritime Vol.12 No.1

        Piracy and maritime terrorisms are the eldest form of maritime criminal activities occurred across the globe and becoming enormous threats to navigational security. Since the past decades, major actors in maritime policy such as ocean governance and international security have discussed to include countermeasures in combating maritime terrorisms. However, maritime security remained as a critical agenda that have no definite solution. Recently, these ongoing terrorisms have threatened the sovereignty of many countries including Malaysia. Concerning about the issue, this paper aims to analyses the piracy and maritime terrorisms in Sulu Sea by identifying and assessing the effects of piracy and maritime terrorisms on the Malaysian navigational security in Sulu Sea. Therefore, an Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Evidential Reasoning (ER) approaches are used in this analysis. An AHP is use for prioritizing the effects of maritime terrorisms. Then, the ER approach was proposed to assess each maritime terrorism effect in a fuzzy context. In this paper, Sulu Sea has been highlights as the case study. This article presents an exhaustive review on the piracy and maritime terrorisms in Sulu Sea. The results of the numerical assessment have indicated that the crew casualty and injury are the most alarming risks in that area due to the piracy and maritime terrorisms, followed by the vessel security, port security, navigational delay, vessel route diversion, financial loss and cargo loss and damages. It is suggested that the involvement of government and maritime stakeholders in Malaysia are necessary for ensuring safe and secure navigation. This paper is expected to assist and guide enforcement agencies and other related entities to enhance the navigational security by conducting the proactive assessment in combating and reducing maritime terrorisms especially in Malaysian waters.

      • KCI등재

        동북아시아 해양안보환경과 해양신뢰구축에서 한국의 역할

        박성용,김창희 한국동북아학회 2015 한국동북아논총 Vol.20 No.3

        Northeast Asia is one of the most dynamic regions in the world. After the demise of the Cold War, the regional order rooted the bipolar confrontation was sustained by the American unipolarity. With the political, diplomatic and military rise of China, however, the Northeast Asian security environment has become intricate. In the region where the maritime dimension is strongly influential, the sea takes a vital role to the economy and security of each state but then is a factor to expand strategic uncertainty. The significance of the maritime dimension in Northeast Asia underpins the need of maritime security cooperation among regional states for the ultimate improvement of the regional security environment and the influence of the cooperation can be exerted by enhancing trust among the states. Trust building is likely to provide the chance to adjust feuds and to raise the reciprocal comprehension. In this context, South Korea has to take a proactive posture to plan and carry out the maritime confidence building measures applicable to the region. For South Korea as a middle and maritime power, maritime confidence building measures implies the practical means that it can make a contribution to regional security and realize its national interests. Accordingly, this study is to explore the maritime confidence building measures South Korea has to pursue in the perspective of establishing research foundation for South Korea’s role of enhancing trust in Northeast Asian security. To this end, the theoretic discourse on confidence building measures and its incarnation in the maritime dimension will be scrutinized. Then, the study will illustrate the antagonistic aspect of Northeast Asian maritime security as well as the following active maritime strategy of each major regional participant. Based on these explorations, the requirement of maritime confidence building measures in the region, the necessity of Korean intervention and role, and the details of the maritime confidence building measures South Korea has to give priority to will be argued. 동북아는 세계에서 가장 역동적인 지역 중 하나이다. 냉전종식 후 대립구도가 무너지면서 미국 중심의 단극체제가 유지되기도 하였으나, 중국의 정치‧군사‧외교력의 확대로 동북아의 안보환경이 더욱 복잡해지고 있다. 동북아 지역은 해양적 특성이 강한 곳으로, 해양은 각 국가의 경제와 안보의 중요한 요소로 전략적 불확실성을 증가시키는 요인이 되고 있다. 동북아에서 근본적 안보환경 개선을 위해서는 역내 국가들 간 해양안보협력이 필요하며, 이를 위해서는 우선 역내 국가 상호간 신뢰를 증진시킬 필요가 있다. 신뢰구축은 갈등을 조정하고 상호 이해할 수 있는 가능성을 높여 결국 동북아 해양안보 및 더 나아가 동북아 전반적 질서 안정을 위한 토대로서 역할을 행할 수 있을 것이다. 이를 위해 한국은 적극적이며 주도적으로 해양신뢰구축조치를 계획하고 실행할 필요가 있다. 중견국이자 해양의존도가 높은 한국에 있어 해양신뢰구축조치는 지역안보에 기여함과 동시에 국익을 실현하는 수단인 것이다. 본 연구는 동북아시아 안보체제에서 신뢰증진을 위한 한국의 역할을 연구하기 위한 기초를 정립하는 차원에서 한국이 추진해야할 해양신뢰구축조치를 논의하고자 한다. 우선 연구의 기본적 토대를 위해 신뢰구축조치와 해양신뢰구축조치에 대한 이론적 논의를 살피고 현 동북아 해양안보의 대립적 양상과 각국의 적극적 해양전략을 알아볼 것이다. 이를 바탕으로 동북아에서 해양신뢰구축조치의 필요성과 한국의 역할 당위성 및 가능성을 논의하고, 마지막으로 한국이 추진해야할 주요 해양신뢰구축조치를 살펴보고자 한다.

      • KCI등재

        한-EU 해상운송보안 제도 대응전략 비교연구

        김시현(Si Hyun KIM),신건훈(Gun Hoon SHIN) 한국무역상무학회 2015 貿易商務硏究 Vol.68 No.-

        According to the increasing attention to safety and security in maritime shipping, there are diverse security systems in international logistics activities. Although prior studies on maritime transport and port security reviewed security policy and practices in order to provide useful insights for strategic agenda, a few focused on attitude to respond it. Moreover, there are no prior study on a comparative study between continents. To tackle this, this paper compared confrontation attitude to maritime transport and port security between South Korea and European Union. Results identified that maritime shipping security incorporates container cargo security management, logistics security management, logistics security certificate system, and environmental impacts management caused by maritime shipping. Further, the comparison between two countries suggests that South Korea need to take more positive attitude to respond, such as investment in equipment and technologies for maritime shipping security, construction of comprehensive management system, political supports for logistics security, and training and education for safety and security. The results provide useful insights for strategic review of security systems in South Korea, and to help strategic agenda for future improvement.

      • 연안국 해양안보관할권에 관한 고찰

        임채현(Chae-hyun Lim) 한국마린엔지니어링학회 2008 한국마린엔지니어링학회 학술대회 논문집 Vol.2008 No.-

        Security concerns of the ocean and sea are very important on the ground of the importance of the ocean, thus international community has been trying to combat a maritime security threat. While the securing of maritime security has great relevance to the international peace and security, it is most important for coastal states to secure the security. Coastal states need to have proper state's jurisdiction and exercise its jurisdiction to response effectively to a maritime security threat. The exercising of jurisdiction in the ocean is mostly based on the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, 1982(UNCLOS). Thus, this paper examines the security jurisdiction of coastal states conferred by UNCLOS as a charter of the sea on the each maritime threats, and verifies whether is there any problems when exercising jurisdiction. For this, this paper observes the concept of 'maritime security', and studies any other treaties including other systems which can be applied in relation to securing the security threats.

      • KCI등재

        Maritime Security Training: Evaluation of the Impact on Seafarers’ Security Awareness and Security Performance

        Enrico D’agostini,조소현 해양환경안전학회 2019 海洋環境安全學會誌 Vol.25 No.2

        Safety and security measures in the shipping industry play a pivotal role in ensuring efficient and reliable cargo and passengers operations at each stage of the supply chain. The ISPS Code was adopted into SOLAS convention to protect seafarers and vessels from security threats. Furthermore, according to the Manila amendments to STCW Convention in 2010, personnel employed on board are required to participate in security training. Effective seafarers’ education and training programs are of major importance to guarantee satisfactory performance levels onboard to minimize security-related risks. The study’s contribution focuses on empirically evaluating the relationship between personal level of awareness and security performance when seafarers undertake security training courses. Findings of this study suggest that (1) seafarers who undertake maritime security training have a higher awareness of ship security, (2) security training and security awareness have a positive influence on security performance, and (3) security awareness mediates the impact of security training and security performance. In conclusion, education and training programs are key tools in enhancing seafarers’ security awareness and security performance which, from an industry viewpoint, can translate into major economic, operational and reputational benefits.

      • 연안국 해양안보관할권에 관한 고찰

        임채현(Chae-hyun Lim) 한국항해항만학회 2008 한국항해항만학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2008 No.공동학술

        Security concerns of the ocean and sea are very important on the ground of the importance of the ocean, thus international community has been trying to combat a maritime security threat. While the securing of maritime security has great relevance to the international peace and security, it is most important for coastal states to secure the security. Coastal states need to have proper state's jurisdiction and exercise its jurisdiction to response effectively to a maritime security threat. The exercising of jurisdiction in the ocean is mostly based on the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, 1982(UNCLOS). Thus, this paper examines the security jurisdiction of coastal states conferred by UNCLOS as a charter of the sea on the each maritime threats, and verifies whether is there any problems when exercising jurisdiction. For this, this paper observes the concept of 'maritime security', and studies any other treaties including other systems which can be applied in relation to securing the security threats.

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